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By: Kyara Caledonii
![]() ![]() ![]() Michael groans as the bullet hits his shoulder and sends him sprawling to the hard, cold floor. He closes his eyes for a minute, trying to control the searing pain that now courses down his body. Slowly, he opens his eyes and looks around.
The firefight is getting worse. He has already lost four members of his team and Nikita has lost two. They are trapped inside the warehouse where **Green Sanctuary** has set up camp for the summer. He slowly moves, shivering as the blood flows down his chest and back, making him dizzy and weak. He crawls down the dark, shadowy hallway and hides inside the office at the end, hoping for Nikita to leave as soon as Davenport arrives with Team Three.
Nikita hears Michael moan and stiffens. Her heart pounds hard against her chest as she strains to listen to Michael, trying to locate his position. Trying to get to him. She looks up and sees Greene and Nadi, sprawled out and contorted on the floor. Dead. She groans and curses at Michael for not listening to her intuition that this was a trap.
"Michael, can you hear me? Give me your position!" Nikita keeps firing against the last remaining members of Green Sanctuary.
Michael slowly lowers himself back down to the floor, feeling the imminent signs of loss of consciousness. "Ni-kita! Get to point Alpha! Egress in 5 minutes." he softly whispers as he tries hard to stay awake.
Michael's eyes flutter wildly as his mind runs over the mission. "Hillinger had done this. It was Hillinger's information that gave them the location of Green Sanctuary. But why? Why would he want us dead?" Michael moans as the darkness begins to slowly approach him. He forces his mind to stay alert and to work harder before the darkness takes over his soul once again...perhaps this time for good.
Nikita knows that Michael is in trouble. She can hear it in his softly spoken words. They are too tight and soft for him. She looks around the corner as she hears Team Three finally arrive.
Davenport bursts out of the van like a bat out of hell. His team, fresh and well rested, follows his lead. Their guns blaze as they take control of the almost hopeless situation. But the extra team turns the tables. Section One is no longer cornered...Green Sanctuary is. Nikita smiles as Davenport dispatches the remaining Green Sanctuary members. She sprints for the last coordinate Michael was known to be at. Her heart is pounding with worry for her beloved.
"Hillinger is oversight." Michael reviews in his mind. He had known that for a long time now, but it really hadn't concerned him until now. "Hillinger is too cocky and full of himself. The kid has tried to kill Birkoff repeatedly in his short stay at Section One. But why us and why now? What is he trying to do? What is he trying to prove? Hillinger is dead." Michael swears and shakes his head, trying to remain alert. Suddenly, he feels the world caving in on him as the darkness envelopes him in it's calmness. The silence is deafening. He can hear nothing except the erratic beating of his own heart as he slowly drifts into unconsciousness.
Nikita searches the pitch dark hallways and offices for any sign of Michael. Suddenly, her flashlight reflects off of a patch of blood. She shivers as she remembers the one thing that she dreads most. "This was the location where Michael was." She slowly follows it, being careful to keep her gun aimed ahead. She finally finds the trail of blood ends at the office door at the end.
"Michael?" she softly whispers as she opens the door. It creaks loudly, sounding like something out of an old scary movie. She moves the flash light around, illuminating the dark office until its light falls upon the desk. She slowly follows the trail of blood behind the desk and gasps. Tears rush to her eyes at the sight before her. There is too much blood. A pool of it. And there is Michael, unconscious and lying in the middle of it.
Nikita kneels before Michael's inanimate form and gently places her shaking fingers on his neck. She feels a shallow pulse. It is too soft, but it is still a pulse. "Good! Still alive." she sighs.
There is a loud thud. The door to the office has been kicked open. Nikita peers up, watching as the door collides with the wall. She jumps, preparing her gun...just in case. Slowly, she rises from her knees, gun aimed and ready.
She sighs in relief as Davenport enters, followed by Granger and Ramirez.
Nikita turns back to Michael and searches his body for the wounds he has received in the long and merciless gunfight. She finds the shoulder wound still bleeding freely. She takes the bandage out of her medkit and presses it against his wound. "I'm here, mon amour. You'll be fine." she softly whispers as Davenport and his team searches the office.
Davenport finally turns to them. "Nikita, we need to leave now. Is he mobile?"
Nikita shakes her head and sighs. "He's completely out, Dav, and he's bleeding profusely." She looks down at the pale face of her beloved and reaches her hand out toward Davenport. "Ramirez, give me your pressure bandage and belt. If we're moving Michael I need to immobilize his arm and shoulder."
Ramirez looks at Davenport. Davenport nods, giving him more of an order than an okay. He takes his medkit out and hands Nikita the pressure bandage from inside. Then, slowly, he removes his belt.
"Davenport, you will carry Michael. Ramirez, you take point. Granger, you're on security. Make sure our path is clear." She looks up to see Davenport kneeling beside her. Between them, they roll Michael onto his side and she slowly applies the bandage. Then Nikita wraps the belt over the wound and tightens it as much as possible.
"Davenport, he's bleeding to death. His breathing is difficult and..." She lets out an exasperated sigh. "Just make sure you don't jostle him around too much, okay?"
Davenport looks at Michael's pale form and nods. "Nikita, he'll be fine. We need to go now. Is he ready?"
Nikita nods and Davenport pulls Michael into a sitting position. Gently, he lifts him onto his shoulders and begins to stumble toward the door. Ramirez takes the front while Nikita walks behind Davenport and Granger, making sure their exit is clear.
They rush to the van and enter. Davenport slowly lowers Michael's limp body into Nikita's waiting arms. He gives the order to go and they all feel somber as they watch Michael's life slowly bleed out.
Greg sits at his computer, his smile growing as he hears the death of Section One over the comm unit. Their top operatives are going down just as he had predicted. Stephen Wolfe will be very proud to know that his pet project has done well.
"Greg, my boy, you are now the only one who can beat Paul and his bitch Madeline. They will soon come crawling to George since Birkoff will not be able to find out why the mission went wrong. " He smiles smugly at the image of Birkoff, flustered and confused at what happened. He slowly rises from his station and walks out of oversight toward his meeting with Stephen Wolfe.
Nikita holds Michael tightly against her, trying to keep him alive until they reach Section One. "God, Michael. Why didn't you listen to me? Please don't leave me." She gently pulls Michael higher against her. His head lolls to the side as he stops breathing.
Davenport looks at Michael and kneels beside them. He presses his fingers to Michael's neck and shudders, realizing that there is no heartbeat. He lifts his worried and bereaved eyes to Nikita's and slowly shakes his head.
Nikita tightens her hold on Michael and screams. She lifts his face and begins to breath for him. Davenport looks up and his eyes meet Granger's. They slowly try to take Michael's body away from Nikita but she pushes them away. She gently lays Michael on the seat and begins to administer CPR.
Davenport tries to pull her away once again. He stops as Michael suddenly gasps for air as Nikita's fist falls upon his chest once again. Davenport looks up at Granger who smiles, obviously delighted that Michael has decided to return. Nikita wraps her arms around Michael and gently rocks him until they arrive at Section.
The Med Lab team meets them in Egress. They throw open the doors and carefully remove Michael from the van. They hurriedly wheel him toward the O.R. Operations stands at the entrance to Egress and waits for the remaining teams to enter.
Davenport and Nikita walk in quickly. Nikita follows Michael's path until the gurney turns the corner. She raises her eyes toward Madeline who stands beside Operations.
"Davenport, my office. Nikita, go with Madeline." Operations orders. He turns and walks away with Davenport close behind. Nikita turns to look at Madeline and shudders at the look full of hate that Madeline gives her.
"You have ten minutes to clean yourself." Madeline states as she turns and leaves the hallway.
Nikita stands there, frozen, looking down at the pool of blood that makes a trail where Michael has been taken. She sighs and walks toward her standby quarters to shower and change.
Nikita wraps a towel around her soaking wet hair as she picks up her cell phone. She quickly dials Walter's number. It rings three times before she hears his soothing voice.
"Hello?" he asks.
"Walter, it's Nikita." she states.
"Oh, hey Sugar." he replies. "I'm glad you're back from the mission. We were all so worried about you guys."
Nikita sighs, her breath shaky as she remembers Michael. "Yeah." she states, her voice quivering. "Listen, Walter. I have a favor to ask of you."
"Sure. Anything for my Sugar." Walter replies.
"Please, Walter. I have to debrief with Madeline now and I don't know anything about Michael's condition. Would you mind checking on him for me?" she asks.
Walter remains silent for a long moment. He sighs. "Of course, Sugar. I'll do that for you ASAP!"
"If anything happens to him while I'm debriefing...call and tell me." Nikita orders him. "Michael is more important to me than whatever Madeline wants to berate me for."
"Will do." Walter replies. "Bye, Sugar."
Nikita hangs up and quickly towel dries her hair. She allows it to fall upon her back and shoulders as she gathers her things and leaves the room, anxious to get to Madeline's office and then to Michael.
Walter closes his phone and looks up at the big, brown eyes gazing back upon him. He sighs. "Sorry, kid. Nikita needs me to check on Michael."
"Can't it wait?" Birkoff asks. "Operations needs answers for what occurred on this mission and I don't have any."
Walter shakes his head. "Then that's what you tell him, amigo."
"Tell him that I have no clue as to what went down on that mission?" Birkoff asks, his voice raising an octave. "That's like saying ‘I'm a fuck-up...cancel me now!'"
Walter rubs Birkoff's short hair as he steps past him. "I don't have all the answers, kid. I just pretend to."
Birkoff leans against the wall and sighs. "I'm going to the White Room for this. I can sense it."
Walter shakes his head. "Your system failed. It happens."
"Not when I'm in charge." Birkoff replies.
"Your computer failed, Birkoff." Walter states. "You tried everything you could to get back online...but in the end, you just didn't have enough time."
"And now I don't have any time at all." Birkoff says, leaning his head back upon the wall. "I need some advice, Walter."
Walter stares into his deep brown eyes. "Just don't die." he states as he turns to check on Michael in Med Lab.
Stephen Wolfe smiles as Greg enters into his office. "You've done well, Greg."
Greg smiles smugly. "I know. Section never knew what hit them."
"I'll be sure that George commends your for your actions." He stops, thinking for a moment. "A promotion, perhaps?"
Greg shakes his head. "Think bigger. If I get promoted again, I'll be in George's position."
"Well, we can't have that." Stephen states. "Not yet, anyway." He looks the young man up and down. "I'm in charge of everything here. I'm the big boss. I'm the man over George. Whatever you desire you will receive."
"Complete immunity." Greg states.
"I'm not following, Hillinger." Stephen replies.
"I want to be able to do as I please...whenever I please." Greg explains. "I want to be able to do this without any repercussions. No threat of cancellation. No resistance."
"That's impossible." Stephen replies. "Not even I have that privilege."
"Touche. I helped you out...now it's your turn to help me." Greg replies. "I don't think that George will be to thrilled with the idea that you wanted to destroy your father and his dynasty in Section One. Of course, you being in charge of him and all...the blame will fall onto me."
"What's your point?" Stephen inquires.
"My point is, Mister Wolfe, that you do have that privilege." Greg states. "You just won't acknowledge that fact. You are the one person that cannot be canceled. You run everything. You can make the entire system as clean or as corrupt as you want it and you can always find someone else to pawn the blame off on."
"Point taken." Stephen replies, smiling at the young boy.
"My question is, now that I've sold out and basically betrayed George, Oversight, and Section...will you give me what I asked for?" Greg inquires.
"I can protect you as long as you remain loyal to me." Stephen tells him. "If I find out that you aren't what you seem...I will find you and kill you myself."
Greg swallows hard. "Thank you, sir." He turns and begins to leave the office.
"One more thing, Hillinger." Stephen stated.
"Yes?" Greg asked, not turning around.
"I didn't corrupt the system." he said. "I corrupted you. You did the rest."
Greg stops dead in his tracks. He has never thought of that. But is it true? Greg shakes his head and exits the office.
Michael's eyes flutter open, the light carefully filtering through, practically blinding him. A soft hand gently caresses his cheek. He turns toward the soft fingers as they play upon his skin.
"Slowly, Michael." Nikita instructs him. "Don't rush."
Michael opens his mouth to speak as his eyes fight to remain open. "Nikita?" he whispers.
Nikita nods. "Do you know where you are?"
Michael slowly nods his head, grimacing in pain. "Med Lab." he states.
"Good." Nikita says. "Do you remember why?"
"Hillinger." Michael whispers.
Nikita shakes her head. "No. There was a mission."
"Green Sanctuary." Michael whispers. "I know."
"You said Hillinger." Nikita says, her fingers playing with his hair.
Michael swallows. He lifts his eyes to meet hers. "Hillinger was behind it."
Nikita's look softens. "Oh, Michael. You're delirious. You're not thinking straight."
Michael shakes his head. He braces himself and slowly eases himself up into a sitting position. He grimaces again as pain radiates through his body. "Have Birkoff run a check through systems."
"Michael, I-"
"Have him backtrack every operation that leads to Oversight." Michael orders.
"Do it!" Michael states.
"Birkoff is recovering." Nikita tells him. "Operations had him beaten up pretty badly yesterday in the White Room when he didn't have any answers as to what went down on the mission."
"Get him." Michael says. "And have him run the tracking."
Nikita runs her fingers through her long, blonde hair. She sighs. "Alright. But you just lay back and relax. You need to rest."
"Just do it." Michael orders.
Nikita nods. She rises from the bed and gently kisses his forehead. "I'm going." She kisses his nose. "But you rest." Her lips press softly against his. She savors the taste of his mouth for an instant before she pulls away. "I'll return when I have information." She smiles as she steps away from the bed and exits the room.
Nikita rushes down the hallway, not wanting to be away from Michael for too long. She climbs into the elevator and rides it down to the floor with Birkoff's quarters. She steps out of the elevator and rushes toward his door. Nikita knocks ferociously, waiting for a response.
"Who is it?" Birkoff asks.
"Nikita." Nikita calls inside.
Birkoff allows his door to open and Nikita steps inside. She strolls over to the bed and gasps at his bruised face.
"Oh, Birkoff." she states. She lowers her hand to his face. He winces, pulling away.
"What do you want?" he asks.
"Birkoff, I need a favor." she whispers.
"No." Birkoff replies. "No more favors."
Nikita sighs. "This one could lead back to Greg."
"Hillinger?" Birkoff asks.
Nikita nods. "Michael thinks that Greg has something to do with what happened on the Green Sanctuary mission. He needs you to backtrack any piggybacking operations that were going on during that mission."
"Greg would have thought of that." Birkoff states, slowly sitting up and putting on his amber lens glasses.
Nikita looks at him with such sorrow in her eyes. She hasn't seen him wear those glasses in two years, but she knows that they are the only ones that will even come close to concealing his bruises.
Birkoff stands up and walks over to his computer in his room. "But, you can't avoid the system log. Let me tap into the network mainframe." He boots up his computer and starts scanning the system. He punches in a few keys and squints at the screen through swollen eyes.
Nikita looks at the screen as it flashes foreign codes at her. She shakes her head, admiring Birkoff's ability to read and comprehend this stuff. "Anything?"
"No." Birkoff solemnly states. "Wait!"
"What?" Nikita asked, leaning in closer.
Birkoff punches a few more keys and brings up a log from the Oversight offices on the date of the mission. He smiles. "There."
"What?" Nikita asks, looking at the log.
"That's Hillinger." Birkoff replies. He taps a few more keys. "And...what's this?"
Nikita shakes her head. "Birkoff, what did you find?"
"He was transmitting it to a higher office." Birkoff replies.
"George?" Nikita questions.
"No." Birkoff replies. "Someone higher."
"Who?" Nikita inquires.
Birkoff shakes his head. "I don't know. The important thing is, Michael was right. Hillinger did have something to do with what happened on the Green Sanctuary mission."
"How do you know?" Nikita asks.
Birkoff points at the screen. "See that?" Nikita nods. "That's Hillinger transferring the information to Green Sanctuary. They knew you guys were coming. They were ready for you."
"But why?" she asks.
Birkoff once again shakes his head. "I have no idea." He turns toward Nikita. "You gotta report this to Operations."
"You're coming with me." Nikita replies.
"Oh, no!" Birkoff states. "If he freaks out again, I refuse to be his own personal punching bag."
Nikita ruffles his hair. "You got Hillinger where you want him. And you've got information that could help take down the corrupt in Oversight."
Birkoff nods. "Let's get Michael...and let's go." He uploads the information to the panel and quickly leaves the room, following Nikita to Med Lab.
Entering Med Lab, Nikita veers toward Michael's room. Birkoff limps slowly behind her. As the door opens they see Michael asleep on the bed. Nikita strolls to his side and softly kisses his cheek. She feels the burning fever Michael is experiencing and frowns.
"He's unconscious again Birkoff. Plus he's running a fever. " She turns to see Birkoff standing at the door. Nikita presses the button and the nurse immediately walks in. "He's got a fever."
The nurse touches Michael's forehead and her eyes widen. He is on fire. She immediately calls the doctor. As the doctor enters, Nikita gently caresses Michael's cheek.
Dr. Gregor walks in and immediately recognizes Michael's symptoms. "Marie, give him thirty milligrams of penicillin." His phone rings. Gregor looks at Nikita and smiles reassuringly. "He has a level two infection. It's nothing to worry about." He leaves the room to take the call.
Nikita smiles at Birkoff. "We can do this. We'll just march up to Operations' office and tell him about this. Once he knows that Greg is involved, he will forgive you. Come on!" She takes Birkoff's hand and begins to drag him toward the aerie.
Nikita hauls a reluctant Birkoff up the stairs that lead to Operations' perch. She stands just beside the door waiting for Birkoff to take a deep breath. She reassures him with a smile. They enter the room as Operations paces around the area. Operations looks up and smirks.
"Want more, Birkoff?" His eyes stray to Nikita and his smile disappears. "Why are you two here?"
Nikita walks to the control panel and obscures the windows. "Sir, we have a situation that needs your undivided attention." she says as she gazes out of the windows. Looking across Comm she sighs. "Birkoff, show him the panel."
Birkoff's shaking hands give the PDA to Operations. He takes the panel and looks at it. He looks up after viewing the information on the panel, eyes wide and breathing accelerated. "Is this a joke?" He throws the PDA toward Birkoff who ducks just in time. The PDA hits the wall and breaks into pieces.
Nikita shakes her head. "No, Sir. That intel is correct. Michael gave it to us when he woke from the anesthesia. He ordered me to get Birkoff and find that intel."
Operations sighs exasperated. "That intel is incorrect. Greg Hillinger is dead and the person above George is impeccable. Why would the Oversight offices wish to destroy us?"
Nikita takes a step toward Operations. "I don't know, but if you pay close attention to that intel you would see the information is legitimate and corroborated by three sources. There is no mistake. Someone at Oversight is corrupted and if we don't protect ourselves we will be dead soon. There is no mistake"
The intercom beeps. "Sir?"
"Yes?" Operations looks at both Nikita and Birkoff.
"We have deep level contamination."
"Explain!" Operations orders as he watches Birkoff leave the room as fast as he can and rush to his station in Comm.
Birkoff works frantically on his laptop for a few minutes before looking up. "Sir, sub-levels twelve through twenty-six are contaminated and the contamination is spreading quickly."
Operations looks at Nikita who shakes her head. "Don't ask me. You're the one who didn't listen." She turns and exits the aerie, rushing back toward Med Lab.
Operations paces around for a few seconds before he grabs the microphone. "Birkoff, get everyone above sub-level twenty-six out of there and to safety. Close the doors and activate security level ten. No one leaves or enters the building until this is over. And Birkoff..."
Birkoff nods and looks up, his hands quickly typing. "Yes, sir?"
"Move Michael and Nikita to the tower. Have Madeline meet me there. I will also need Walter and yourself there. Five minutes." Operations turns the intercom on and coughs. "All operatives...stop what you are doing and proceed to decontamination level fourteen. All operatives on sub-levels twelve through twenty-six, please stay where you are a decontamination team will reach you shortly." The intercom is turned off and Operations walks toward the tower.
Nikita enters Med Lab and walks slowly toward Michael's bed. He is still out. His skin is drenched in sweat and he is tossing his head from side to side. She stiffens as Operations speaks to Section.
Nikita turns toward Michael and kisses his lips softly. "We'll be safe, my love. I promise." She kisses his lips once again.
The door to the Med Lab room opens and Dr. Gregor enters with Marie. Marie drags a cart full of medications and bandages behind her.
"Nikita, we need to get to the tower. Help me push Michael's bed out of here." Dr. Gregor orders as Marie takes the last few remaining items and drops them into the cart.
Nikita takes the I.V. bag and settles it on Michael's chest. She gently touches his feverish brow and nods as the doctor begins to pull on the bed. They soon arrive at the tower and Michael's bed is settled in one corner. Marie sits beside Michael while Walter and Birkoff rush inside the room just before the doors close and seal.
Nikita watches as Birkoff sets up his laptop on the table while Walter takes his special guns out of the crates he dragged behind him. Madeline and Operations stand in one corner speaking.
"Sir, we've just got confirmation that Greg has disappeared from Oversight. George is trying to control the flow of information but it seems that Greg has sold all Sections out to the highest bidder." Birkoff states. He sighs and runs his hands through his hair.
Nikita rushes to Michael's side as he begins to fight Marie. "Michael, shhhhh. It's okay. Calm down. It's me...Nikita." she whispers into Michael's ear, trying to calm his erratic movements. She looks up and sees Dr. Gregor rush toward Michael with a syringe in his hand. Nikita steps in front of the doctor, preventing him from injecting Michael.
Dr. Gregor looks at her in dismay. Shaking his head, he decides it would be best if he explains what is going to happen. "Michael is delusional. We need to bring his fever down before there is brain damage. Plus, I need to prevent the infection
from spreading."
Nikita looks at Gregor and Marie. She slowly turns to see Michael shaking violently and trying to fend off Marie. She nods and steps to the side. Taking Michael's hand, Nikita looks at Walter and Birkoff. Walter smiles and winks while Birkoff just closes his eyes and returns to his work.
Operations clears his throat and stands in the middle of the room. "Okay people, we are completely isolated in here. Nothing can reach us. Now Mr. Birkoff, I need any intel we got on the person in complete control over in Oversight. I want him taken out. Walter make sure that the weapons are ready. Madeline...you're with me. Nikita help Birkoff. Dr. Gregor, I need Michael conscious and coherent. When can we expect that?"
Nikita rushes to Birkoff's side, taking the second laptop and working as fast as she can on getting all the intel about the leader of Oversight. Once every few minutes her sight strays toward Michael's unmoving form on the bed.
Dr. Gregor steps toward Operations and Madeline and shakes his head. "Sir, Michael has a level two infection. He is delusional due to the high fever. There is nothing that I can do to get him conscious and coherent within the next hour." He looks back at Michael and shakes his head. "Sir, I had the lab analyze the bullet Michael was shot with and I was unable to obtain too much intel...but what I did get suggests that the bullet was infected. The lab is still working on the results. We need time to get Michael recovered."
Operations closes his eyes. Madeline sighs. "What kind of infection did it carry, doctor?" Madeline calmly asks.
Dr. Gregor shakes his head. "I can't be sure yet. His condition suggests some kind of nerve agent but without the proper lab tests we can't be sure of anything."
Operations walks toward Michael and sighs. "What are you planning to do? If he was infected with some type of nerve agent we would be at risk, correct?"
Doctor Gregor shakes his head. "No. He is infected but the infection will not be passed to others. If I am correct, the infection will last a few days. But like I said, I can't diagnose him without the proper lab tests." Dr. Gregor returns to Michael's side and injects a large dose of antibiotics and anti-nerve agents into his blood stream, hoping to make him more comfortable and possibly save his life.
Operations walks toward Madeline. "Madeline, we need him conscious. You've studied the effects of nerve agents on the body. Can we stimulate him without causing his death?"
Madeline's eyes stray toward Nikita before they lock on Michael. "I can't be sure. We had one case last year. Fredricks, remember? The sole survivor of the Granyo Mission? He had been infected with a nerve agent and we stimulated his body to wake and debrief. He died twenty-four hours after the stimulant entered his system. I don't want to risk Michael's life but if you think we need his intel we can do it and hope this type of infection will not cause a severe reaction which will kill him."
Operations turns toward Michael's pale, unmoving body and shakes his head. "He's too important to the survival of Section to risk his life. Allow the doctor to make him comfortable and make sure everything is done to help him survive."
Madeline nods and smiles. Walking toward Dr. Gregor, she explains their decision. Gregor smiles and swiftly opens his phone calling the lab.
The phone is answered at the lab by Kindfrey. "Yes?"
"Kindfrey, this is Gregor. I need you to run a set of tests for Michael Samuelle."
Kindfrey sighs. "We got bad news on that case, Gregor. I've been trying to reach you for the past hour."
Gregor pales at the news. "Explain what bad news you have!" He looks at Michael and then his eyes stray toward Nikita who sits at the laptop trying hard to get the necessary intel for Birkoff.
"Ever hear of Habchua?" Kindfrey asks.
"Ancient Chinese poison." Gregor replies. "Extremely strong and deadly. Yeah, I've heard of it."
Walter looks up and grimaces hearing what Gregor said. "Habchua? God, poor Michael. I hope they can save him." he thinks to himself.
Kindfrey sighs. "Well, Gregor, we have no way to get the antidote. It doesn't exist anymore in the western world. It was banned back in 1991."
Gregor swears and takes a step toward Michael. Taking his wrist, he feels that his heartbeat is accelerated. His breathing is now being assisted by a oxygen mask. He sighs and looks at how pale the young man is. "Well, Kindfrey, you're the one with the Chinese connections that you're always speaking of. Get the antidote or at least the raw materials to make it." Gregor hangs up the phone and looks toward Operations and Madeline. They stand in a corner talking.
Kindfrey curses. "How am I going to get the materials? We are in quarantine." He sighs and closes his eyes, trying to remember what the materials are to create the antidote. "Spider eggs, frog saliva, rabbits ears, five African queen bees..." Kindfrey curses once again. "Why couldn't my parent's have lived in Latin America? God, how am I going to get the raw materials inside this place?" He sighs once again and rushes to the animal lab to see what he can find. "Maybe I'll take a small tour of Section's abandoned areas. I could find something." he thinks as he enters the animal lab.
Gregor sighs, closing his eyes and leaning heavily against the wall. "People, I need your attention please." He begins to walk toward the middle of the room, feeling their eyes penetrating him.
Operations and Madeline turn their cold gazes toward Gregor. Nikita stands and rushes to Michael's side as he begins to toss his head side to side. Walter and Birkoff stop what they are doing and look at Gregor.
"Looks like things just got worse." he states.
Everyone practically groans.
"Michael has been poisoned by something called Habchua." he announces.
"What?" Operations exclaims. "How?"
"What's Habchua?" Birkoff asks. All eyes look at him and he nervously glances down at the floor.
"I see you're familiar with the poison." Gregor states, looking at Operations. "For those of you who don't know," he turns to look at Birkoff, "Habchua is a severely dangerous and deadly poison."
Nikita looks up, tears filling her eyes. "Is he going to die?"
"Not on my watch." Gregor announces as he watches Michael's body tremble more. "I've got one of the best medical technicians working on the antidote."
"There isn't an antidote in circulation." Operations states. "That was the beauty of the poison."
"But it does exist." Gregor tells him.
Operations stiffens. "Explain yourself."
Gregor smiles. "Kindfrey, the technician I've got working on the antidote, is one of those really lucky people who grew up in China. He is well versed on all the medications and poisons created there. If there is anyone who can create the antidote...it will be him."
Madeline walks toward Operations. "And how will he obtain the materials needed to create this antidote?" she asks as she stands beside Operations, crossing her arms. "As far as I know, they are rare and not easily found. Let's not forget that we are in quarantine."
Gregor looks at Nikita as she tries hard to get Michael's body under control. "We have the animal lab. There are extremely rare species of animals there. I believe that we have everything we need to obtain the antidote." Gregor walks toward Michael and takes his shaking arm in his hand. He notices how pale he is becoming and how dark the circles under his eyes are getting. He sighs.
"We'll need to restrain him before this becomes worse. Marie bring me the restraints."
Nikita gasps. "Why? He's unconscious!" She takes Michael's hand and kisses it softly.
Gregor smiles softly at her as Marie gives him the restraints. "Nikita, he is beginning to convulse. Once the seizures start they become very dangerous and violent. If he is not restrained, he will fall off the gurney and do more damage to himself." He takes Michael's left wrist and straps it to the bed. Marie takes his legs and straps them tightly also. Nikita leans over and kisses his lips. Turning, she gives Gregor Michael's right arm and he straps it also.
Birkoff takes a seat behind his laptop and begins to trace the last coordenate Greg was known to be at. His fingers fly on the keyboard. Walter looks at him and smiles. Proud of the kid who had deceived all Section one making them think he would never survive.
"You proved them wrong, Seymour." he thinks to himself as he turns to clean his guns and remember the good old times of his youth.
Operations drags Madeline to the corner once again. Taking a seat on the bench they begin to talk about Michael and the future of Section.
Nikita sits beside Michael trying hard not to cry. His skin is getting paler by the minute and his body quakes so violently that she worries he will stop breathing or give himself a heart attack.
Gregor takes Marie to the side and explains to her what they will need to do once Michael's body begins to shut down. "Marie, you must stay beside Michael 24/7. This poison acts extremely quick. His body will begin to shut down without the antidote within twenty four hours. If we don't have an antidote by then, I will try and get Operations' permission to give Michael euthanasia."
Marie gasps. "Why cancel him? He could survive, Gregor."
Gregor shakes his head as he looks up, making sure no one is within hearing distance. "Marie, if the antidote is not administered before the next twenty-four hours, Michael's body will begin to shut down slowly and very painfully. I have seen this poison at work and believe me...there is nothing worse on this planet." Gregor's phone rings and everyone turns expectant eyes toward him. He nods to Marie who rushes to Michael's side. Gregor opens the phone and presses the talk key. "Yes?"
"Gregor? I think I found all I will need in the lab but...I will need one plant for the substitute to a material that is unavailable here."
Gregor looks at Madeline and sighs. "Are you sure you can't find it inside the Section walls? You know how much she loves those plants."
Kindfrey shakes his head. "Sorry, but I can't find the frog we need and I've noticed that Madeline has a eucalyptus plant in her office. That is the closest substitute I have for the saliva. I'm walking to her office now. Tell her to open it for me."
Gregor looks at Madeline and sighs. Raising his hand, he motions Madeline toward him. Everyone looks at them expectantly.
Madeline frowns but walks slowly toward Gregor. "Yes?"
Gregor takes a deep breath and explains. "Madeline, we're missing one ingredient in the antidote. There is no special frog that we need in the lab. Kindfrey says that he can use the eucalyptus plant in your office as a substitute. He needs the door opened and permission to take half of the tree to his lab."
Madeline looks at Michael. She watches as Nikita and Marie fight to keep him calm and on the gurney. She closes her eyes, remembering how difficult it had been to keep that tree alive outside of it's natural environment. Opening her eyes, she glares at Gregor. "There is no other way?"
Kindfrey snorts, standing outside Madeline's office. "Gregor, tell her to open the door or Michael will die."
Gregor looks at her and shakes his head. "Madeline, he wants the door open now. For Michael's sake...please agree."
Madeline sighs and nods. Taking her PDA out of her jacket, she presses a button and her door opens. Kindfrey smiles and sends his thanks. Closing the phone, he ambulates toward the defenseless eucalyptus tree. Taking a large saw, he begins to cut the branches and leaves.
Gregor watches as Madeline walks toward Michael's bed. She stands there, watching him twitch and shiver. She raises her eyes and they rest on Nikita's pale blonde hair. Nikita's hand grabs Michael's hand tightly. "Nikita, Michael, I'm sorry for everything. I never expected Paul to go as far as he has." She gently runs her fingers down Michael's cheek. Madeline closes her eyes and returns to Operations' side, her eyes accusing him of numerous deceits and cruelties. Operations smiles coldly at Madeline and then ignores her, taking stock of who is inside and who is outside. He takes his phone and dials Davenport's cellular.
Davenport sits inside his jeep, wondering how soon Operations will call him to take down whoever did this to them. Almost on cue, his cell phone rings. Davenport flips the face open and brings it to his ear. "Yes?"
"Davenport, assemble a team." Operations states. "I want you and a team prepared and ready when Birkoff locates Greg."
"Yes, sir." Davenport agrees. He closes the phone and takes a deep breath.
"What do you mean you can't get it to work like it should?" Kindfrey hollers at a young med tech. "What the hell do we keep you around for? You are all worthless!"
"Sir," a young, blonde woman states. "It is efficient enough to do the job."
"This is one of Section's best and most favored operatives." Kindfrey shouts. "Efficient enough isn't going to be good enough!"
"It's the best we can do with what you gave us to work with." she shouts back. The other med techs fall silent, watching the heated exchange between these two.
"His life is in my hands." Kindfrey states. "My life is in yours. All of yours." He looks around at each of the medical technicians.
"Give me a break!" she states, her voice still raised. "If this antidote is ineffective, it's all our asses...not just yours." She hands him a vial of blue liquid. "Now take the damn antidote and inject it into Section's precious Michael."
Kindfrey snatches the vial from her. "I'll deal with you later, Melinda!" He rushes out of the room and toward the tower. He reaches into his lab coat and retrieves his cell phone. He quickly dials Gregor's number.
"Yes?" Gregor replies as he picks up on the second ring.
"Gregor, we have a problem." Kindfrey blatantly states.
"Not the words I want to hear, Kindfrey." Gregor says. "What's wrong?"
"Our incompetent staff was unable to create an exact antidote. We're going to have to make due with what we have." Kindfrey tells him.
"What's the prognosis?" Gregor inquires.
"It won't work as fast now...but it will work." he tells Gregor. "But...there is a slight chance that he will suffer from some memory damage."
"How much of a chance?" Gregor asks.
"Five percent." Kindfrey advises him. "But it's a risk."
"I know." Gregor states.
"I'm on my way up to the tower now." Kindfrey states.
"I'll alert Operations and Madeline." He closes the phone and looks at the two leaders. He sighs and walks toward them. "Sir, ma'am...I have some news."
Operations glares at him. "What news?"
"It's about Michael's condition." Gregor states. "Kindfrey and his med techs weren't able to create an exact antidote." He takes a deep breath. "What we have is sufficient enough, but it does come with side effects."
"Like what?" Operations asks, crossing his arms.
"Five percent chance of memory loss." Gregor states. "It's the best we can do."
Birkoff walks up to them and stands off to the side, looking at the heated glares the three of them shoot at each other. He clears his throat.
"What is it Birkoff?" Operations shouts.
Birkoff jumps, slowly taking a step back. "Sir, I've completed the decontamination. The doors will be opening in a matter of moments."
Operations turns back toward Gregor. "This had better work. Or you and your entire staff will face my wrath."
There is a knock on the door. Birkoff looks at Walter and nods. Walter quickly punches in an override code and the doors slide open. Kindfrey steps inside and looks at Gregor. He holds up the vial of blue liquid. He catches his breath and holds it out to him.
Gregor steps toward the door and snatches the vial from Kindfrey. He looks at the tall, black man and sighs. "Let's go."
Kindfrey gasps for breath as he steps toward the gurney that holds Michael's pale and shivering body. Kindfrey readies a vein and watches as Gregor draws the antidote into a syringe. They both hold their breath as he injects the needle into Michael's arm and pushes the plunger.
"Doors are open." Birkoff declares, smiling.
Gregor nods at Kindfrey. "Let's get him to Med Lab." They both grab a hold of the gurney and begin to wheel it out of the room. Nikita gathers her things and quickly rushes after them.
Operations turns toward Walter. "I want you to find Davenport and join his team. Once Mr. Birkoff gets a location, I will join you all there."
Walter nods, helping Birkoff gather the last of the equipment. They quickly exit the tower, leaving Madeline and Operations alone.
"You're not going." Madeline states as the door closes behind them.
"This could be the end of George's regime." Operations smugly states. "I wouldn't miss that for the world."
"You have a responsibility to Section One." Madeline replies. "It is too risky. We can't afford to put your life on the line...especially with Michael in the condition that he is in right now."
"You worry too much, Madeline." Operations states as he gently strokes her cheek. "I'll be fine...but this is something I must handle myself."
"What do you mean Hillinger isn't there?" Stephen asks.
"He's not in Oversight, Mr. Wolfe." George states. "Strange. It's not like him to just disappear."
"Well...FIND HIM!" Stephen shouts, slamming the phone down. He looks around his office. "Where did you go, Hillinger?" he asks himself. "Where did you go?"
Gregor checks Michael's vitals once again. Nikita grips Michael's hand tighter.
"Will he be okay?" she asks.
Dr. Gregor looks up at her. "I don't know."
Nikita somberly shakes her head as she tightens her hold on Michael's hand. She leans down and kisses his pale, bloodless lips. Slowly kissing his cheek and nose and finally kissing his ear, she whispers to him softly. "Michael, my love, please come back. Please don't leave me here alone." She wipes a tear away and gently runs her fingers through his curls.
Suddenly Michael begins to toss his head from side to side, his lips silently mumbling something. Nikita leans in trying to hear what he is saying. Finally his voice emerges in a soft whisper.
"Adam. No, Adam, please. God, no Adam, please-" Michael's voice disappears. As his body arches violently, he begins to scream. " ADAM!" His eyes snap open.
Nikita steps back, frightened by those pale, light gray eyes. Their intensity is too much for her frayed nerves to handle. Michael arches his head back and begins to convulse violently. Nikita jumps on the gurney straddling Michael's chest as she screams for Gregor.
Gregor and Marie rush into the room. Marie grabs Michael's legs while Gregor snatches a syringe and a sedative vial.
Nikita watches as Michael's head snaps from side to side, finally arching back. His neck muscles strain so tight that they seem to fight to break free from the skin and bones they are attached to.
Suddenly, as Gregor approaches the bed, Michael arches up once again, throwing Nikita off his body. Nikita lands heavily on her back, hitting her head on the cold floor of Med Lab. Gregor watches as Michael's erratic movements slowly come to a stop. He injects Michael with the sedative as Marie rushes to Nikita's side.
Nikita sits up, watching as Michael's head lolls to the side. She slowly stands up and walks to his side. Leaning in, she kisses his pallid cheek and feels his soft breath against her lips. "Live Michael. Please. For me...live." She kisses his cheek once again before taking a seat beside him on the stool Gregor retrieves for her.
"Michael, remember the first time that we kissed? It was for the Bauer mission. When you slid that ring onto my finger...it felt so right. And when Perry ordered us to make love..." She sighs. "How you picked me up and licked my belly and then kissed me with such passion...I knew at that moment that we had something special." Nikita lays her head on his pillow. Kissing his hand she brings it to her breast above her heart. "I've loved you since the day I met you, Michael. There is nothing that is more important to me than you." Nikita leans in and softly kisses his lips. "Please, live for me. Just like I live for you." she whispers against his lips, feeling his soft breath mingling with her own.
Michael fights hard to open his eyes. "Nikita, I'm here. I'll live for you!" he whispers inside his mind as he tries bravely to wake up.
Birkoff runs the last few coordenates on his computer, trying to find Greg and his corruptor. Suddenly the last coordenate beeps and there is a fuzzy image of Greg entering a large mansion on the outskirts of Paris. Birkoff transfers the intel to his PDA and rushes toward Operations office.
"Sir." Birkoff whispers as he enters the aerie.
Operations looks up and sighs. "Anything?"
Birkoff steps closer to Operations and gives him the PDA. "I think I found Hillinger's hideout, sir."
Operations snatches the PDA from Birkoff's hands and smiles. Checking the intel, he looks up. "Good job, Birkoff. Advise Nikita and Davenport that we have a briefing in two hours. Get someone on Hillinger right now."
Birkoff rushes to his station and calls Davenport.
Davenport's head snaps up from his sleeping position and grabs the phone. "Yes?"
Birkoff smiles. "Davenport, Operations wants your team ready and on site in two hours. Send Lawrence to these coordinates. Recon only." Birkoff gives Davenport the specific coordenates and signs off.
Greg enters Stephen's house. The butler stops him at the door.
"Sir, Master Wolfe is not here. He asked me to give you this." The butler hands Greg an envelope.
Greg opens the envelope and pulls out a piece of paper. He unfolds it and reads the note. "Tomorrow night. Nine o'clock. Garrison's warehouse. Come alone or the deal is off and you won't be protected." Greg looks at the butler and shrugs. Scrunching the paper in his hand he turns and leaves the mansion. Greg climbs into his Jaguar and speeds away, his mind on what Stephen will do to him. He never notices the car following him.
Michael's eyes slowly drift open. The bright lights of Med Lab stab his sensitive eyes and he quickly snaps them closed once again. Moaning, he turns his head to the side, trying to see where he is.
Nikita hears him moan and her eyes slowly drift open. "Michael?" she questions groggily, her fingers interlacing with his. She feels the slight pressure coming from Michael's hand and smiles. "Michael, open your eyes, love. Please. Look at me." she whispers as she presses the button which calls Gregor into the room. Her other hand slowly caresses his cheek.
Michael slowly turns his face toward Nikita's caress and smiles. His eyes flutter open and he slowly blinks to clear his sight. "Nikita?" he barely whispers.
Gregor walks in and smiles as he listen's to Michael speak. He steps toward the bed and watches as Michael and Nikita interact.
"What happened?" Michael asks, confused about waking up in Med Lab.
Gregor begins to examine him. Taking his vital signs, checking his reflexes and at the same time trying to calm Nikita down.
Nikita's heart skips a beat as Michael asks her what happened to him. She gasps and closes her eyes, squeezing his hand tightly. "Michael, you were shot during a mission. The bullet that hit you was poisoned and I...we almost lost you." She raises his hand to her lips and kisses his roughened knuckles.
Michael closes his eyes and sighs at the sweetness of that gesture. "I was shot? I don't remember. All I remember is Hillinger sending the intel for the Green Sanctuary Mission." Nikita and Gregor look at each other and smile.
Gregor takes Michael's arm and draws a vial of blood to analyze it. "Michael, you were shot during the Green Sanctuary Mission. How are you feeling?"
Nikita steps away as her phone rings. "Yes?"
"Nikita, get to briefing room two. We have a briefing in ten minutes." Davenport says before cutting the line.
Nikita looks at Michael and sighs. "Michael, I have to leave. I've got a mission to prep for."
Michael nods his head and grabs her hand. "Be careful." he whispers before kissing her hand and letting her go. His eyes drift closed once again just as Nikita crosses the threshold of the door.
Gregor takes his vital signs again. He smiles, realizing the sedative is still weighing him own. "Sleep, Michael. Soon you'll be able to get back to killing the bad guys." Gregor leaves the room and does not notice that Michael's eyes snap open once again.
Michael takes a deep breath. "I must take care of Nikita. She can't be alone." He slowly sits up, grimacing at the pain awakened in his body. He slowly moves his legs to the side and allows them to dangle there for a few seconds while he fights the dizziness and nausea.
Michael closes his eyes and slowly slips off the bed. His legs tremble as he stands, holding onto the side of the bed for support. "You can do this Michael. Nikita needs you to cover her back." He looks up and smiles, noticing he is in one of the newer, smaller rooms. He takes a few shaky steps and practically collapses against the sink. He slowly opens the shower door and steps inside. Turning the water on, he disrobes and begins to wash his body. The blood slowly slides down the drain as Michael slowly attempts to wash himself and keep his balance. Once he rinses his hair, he grabs the towel, groaning as the movement stretches his stitches. He checks the wound and smiles, noticing it is healing. Taking a step outside, he walks slowly to the closet and takes his clothes out. Slowly, bringing the sweater over his head, he slips it on with effort. His pants follow and finally his socks and boots.
Michael leans back against the wall, closing his eyes and regaining his breath. He hears a soft voice whisper inside his mind. "Never give up. Your life and the lives of those you command depend on you." Michael shakes his head, thinking he's going mad...for that voice was Jürgen's.
Nikita and Walter turn as Davenport and his team arrive. Birkoff rushes in just as Operations, clothed in mission gear, and Madeline walk in. Madeline takes command of the briefing. Operations taking a seat in her usual spot. All eyes stare at Operations.
Madeline smiles knowing only a few of the operatives have actually seen Operations in mission gear and he never looked better. Clearing her throat she begins. "The destruction of two of our teams by Green Sanctuary was no accident. We have intel that points to oversight and specifically to Gregory Hillinger."
Birkoff clears his throat and takes a deep breath. "Greg was last seen leaving a mansion on the outskirts of Paris. A few minutes ago, I intercepted a message from Greg to the big man in charge."
"Did we get a name?" Operations asks.
"No." Birkoff replies. "But we have a rendezvous point."
Madeline looks at him, her eyes wild and alive with determination to bring this person down. "Where?"
"Garrison's warehouse." Birkoff states. "That's the only intel on the location."
"Where the hell is Garrison's warehouse?" Walter asks.
"And how do we know that this isn't just another trap?" Davenport chimes in.
"We don't." Michael steps out of the shadows.
Everyone turns. Nikita rushes out of her seat as she watches Michael stumble. He raises his hand and Nikita stops where she is. She watches him move slowly to the table. Davenport stands and moves to an empty seat, leaving Michael to take his usual seat. Nikita sits beside him, gently taking his hand under the table. He squeezes it softly.
Madeline and Operations look at each other as Michael settles in his seat. Madeline clears her throat. "Michael, what are you doing out of bed?"
"I came to help." Michael softly states.
"You should be resting." Nikita tells him.
"No." Michael states. "I want to be there when Hillinger is taken down."
"We don't know where he is." Walter explains. "Birkoff doesn't have adequate intel."
Birkoff glares at Walter through the amber lens glasses. "It's not like you know where Garrison's warehouse is."
"Well, mister smarty pants...you are the genius among us." Walter shoots back.
Birkoff opens his mouth to reply, but Madeline clears her throat. "That's enough, children." Madeline states. "We need to locate Garrison's warehouse if we are going to get anywhere with this mission."
Michael looks around. "Garrison's warehouse? That's just outside of the Paris city limits."
Madeline turns here dark eyes toward Michael. "Where did you say it is?" Nikita smiles as Walter, Davenport and Operations stare at Michael.
Michael raises his pale green eyes toward Madeline. "Outside of the Paris City limits. It's an old fishing warehouse. It was closed a few years ago."
Operations stands and walks toward Michael. "Show Birkoff exactly where it is." He stands behind Michael while Birkoff brings a map of the city up on the video screen.
Nikita looks at Operations and sighs. "A bad mood again? How will I keep Michael safe from his wrath?" Nikita feels Michael's hand squeeze hers below the table and she smiles turning toward the video screen.
Michael points to one of the illuminated dots on the screen. "There." he states. "The warehouse is there."
"Are you sure?" Madeline asks.
Michael nods. "Yes."
"Garrison's warehouse?" Davenport double checks. "This is very important, Michael."
"Yes." Michael replies. "Garrison's warehouse. I've been there before."
"When?" Davenport inquires.
Nikita grips Michael's hand tighter, almost begging him not to reply. Madeline clears her throat.
"That's not important." Madeline states. "We've got the location. Let's put an end to this corrupt game that Oversight is playing."
"Do we have a meeting time?" Operations asks.
Birkoff nods. "Nine o'clock."
Operations checks his watch. "Upload the information to the panels and let's move out."
The team looks around. Madeline holds up a hand. "Davenport will lead Team One. Nikita...take Team Two." She turns and smiles at Operations. "Paul will be team leader."
"And me?" Michael asks.
"You're going to bed." Nikita tells him, caressing his thigh.
"Wrong." Michael replies.
"I must agree, Michael." Walter blurts out. "You are in no condition for a mission."
"I want to bring down the bastards who are trying to destroy us." Michael retaliates. "Besides...I'm young and heal quickly, old man."
"Old man?" Walter states. "My body may be wrinkled, but my libido is as strong as yours."
Everyone at the table groans at that mental picture. Madeline clears her throat once again. "That's enough." She glares at Michael and Walter. "Michael...you are staying."
"No." Michael tells her back.
Operations looks at Madeline. "Let him come. We may need him."
"He's in no condition, Paul." Madeline states, angry that Operations has gone against her authority on this one.
Operations stands glaring at Madeline. "He comes with us. He will stay in the van and help Birkoff."
Michael stands. "No, I will-" Michael closes his eyes as a strong wave of dizziness assails him. Nikita grabs his arm as he begins to sway.
"Michael you're in no condi-" Michael presses his fingers to her lips.
"I'll be fine." he states, looking at Madeline and Operations.
Nikita nods and Michael takes his seat again. Madeline glares at them. "Get ready. You leave in forty-five minutes." The video screen is turned off and Davenport, Operations, Walter and Birkoff stand and walk out. Madeline stands, watching Nikita discuss something with Michael. Then they both stand.
"Nikita?" Madeline calls out.
Nikita looks up at Madeline and shivers at the icy look in her eyes. "Yes, Madeline?"
Madeline walks around the table, locking her gaze with Michael's. "Help Michael get dressed." She turns and walks away before Michael can speak.
Nikita turns to help Michael stand. Michael looks at her and takes her hand. Pulling her toward him, he whispers, "Nikita, I can dress myself. Go and get the weapons."
Nikita shakes her head. "Michael, Madeline ordered me to dress you and I will not pass up this opportunity no matter what." She smiles and kisses his cheek, slowly helping him to stand.
Madeline steps up to Operations' side. She turns toward him. "I don't like this. He shouldn't be going."
"Calm down, Madeline." Operations says with a smile. "He'll be fine."
Madeline wraps her arms around Operations' waist. "And what about you? It's been so long since you've gone on a mission."
"I'll be fine too." Operations assures her.
Madeline looks away. "If something happens to you-"
Operations places a finger to her lips. "Nothing will."
"This is why Michael should stay." Madeline states. "Just in case..."
"He won't stay." Operations says, watching as Nikita drags Michael around the corner. "We both know that."
Nikita pulls Michael into his private quarters and settles him down on the bed. She rushes over to the closet and grabs his tightest pair of mission pants. Her personal favorite. She returns to his side and looks down at him.
"Are you sure you should go on this mission?" she asks, kneeling down to remove his boots.
Michael watches as she unlaces his boots and throws them onto the floor. "Yes." he states as she yanks his black socks off.
Nikita rises, her hands gathering the bottom of his sweater and pulling it up. She pulls it over his head and sighs at the sight of his magnificent bare chest. She runs her hands down the curves and sighs. "But you need to recover."
"I'll be fine." Michael tells her.
"You always say that, Michael." Nikita states. "But look at what happens to you." She leans in slowly and kisses his bandaged shoulder.
Michael closes his eyes, finding the gesture somewhat erotic. He takes a deep breath. "Ni-kita."
Nikita looks up into his passion filled eyes. She smiles as she moves up to kiss his expecting lips. Her hand gently cups his groin through the material that restrains it. "We have to leave in half an hour." she whispers as she licks his lips.
"That gives us time." Michael whispers. "Plenty of time."
Nikita smiles as her hand begins to unzip his pants. One thing that she loves about Michael is his aversion to underwear. She sighs as she slips her hand inside and lightly touches his semi-erect manhood.
Michael's eyes widen. He wraps his arms securely around Nikita. "It's been awhile."
Nikita smiles at him as she removes her hand from his pants. "Well, we don't have to wait any longer." Standing, She slowly pushes his pants away from his waist and down his legs. She yanks them off of his body and throws them nonchalantly onto the floor before sitting him back down, pushing him softly to lay down. Nikita gasps as she looks him up and down. She had almost forgotten how god-like he is.
Michael smiles and wraps his arms around Nikita once again. Nikita stands to disrobe. She pushes his hand away as she slowly takes off her clothing, standing before him clad in all her perfect glory. He slowly sits back up and pulls Nikita to sit astride him.
Nikita moans as her softness is gently rubbed by his hardened manhood. She squirms around some, finding a perfect position and sighs. Nuzzling his neck, she whispers to him. "Michael, I want you now." Her hand strays down to wrap around his shaft and Michael stiffens.
Michael grabs her straying hand and gently kisses it, knowing that her touch will drive him over the edge too soon and he wishes to make this a special moment for both of them. He gently pulls her hair aside and begins to kiss her neck softly. His lips and tongue make a blazing trail down her throat and toward her breasts, making Nikita shiver with delight.
Nikita lifts herself over Michael's shaft and slowly begins to impale herself upon it. Suddenly, the door bursts open and Birkoff enters. Nikita buries her face in Michael's chest while Michael throws the blanket over her shoulders.
"Michael, I found...Ohhhh my God. Sorry!" With wide eyes, Birkoff turns and rushes out of the room, leaving the PDA on the desk beside the door.
Nikita begins to laugh with mirth. Michael slowly pushes her face from his chest and smiles. "What?"
Nikita wipes the tears off her face and between giggles she responds. "Birkoff **giggle** always ** giggle** does this **giggle**."
Michael nods and smiles at her. "We'll deal with him soon." He kisses her lips. "Well, shall see what he found that was so important?"
Nikita nods and gets off of his lap, making them both moan with the pleasure the simple movement causes. Michael gently wraps his arms around her waist and pulls her flush against him. "We'll finish after the mission, okay?" he whispers while kissing her nose and lips.
Nikita gently kisses Michael one last time before grabbing her dress and slipping into it once again. She walks to the desk and gets the PDA, returning to Michael's side as he slowly pulls the mission pants on.
"Michael, it's from George. He sent a message to Operations telling him Greg has gone rogue. He's asking us to help him get Greg and his employers." She looks at Michael, noticing the pain etched in his face as he tries to pull the pants on.
Nikita gives him the PDA and smiles. "Here. Let me." She looks at him. "Stand up." Michael stands and sways some before Nikita stables him. "You're sure you can do this? "
Michael nods as he lifts his right arm to allow Nikita to put his sweater on. Then, with Michael grimacing and trying not to moan loudly, she manages to get the other arm inside the sweater. She gently leans over and kisses his shoulder once again. Then, she lifts her eyes toward Michael's and stands on her toes to kiss him fully on the lips.
Michael grabs Nikita's hips and pulls her tighter against him, showing her the evidence of her games. Nikita looks at him innocently as she pushes him onto the bed and proceeds to get his socks and boots on. Then she puts his Kevlar vest on and gently runs her fingers through his hair.
"Michael, promise me you'll stay in the van. You were shot and almost bled to death a little more than twenty-four hours ago." She takes his hand and kisses it, looking up at him with her huge blue eyes. "Please promise you'll stay safe. "
Michael pulls her up into his lap, grimacing as a sharp pain courses through his shoulder. "I promise to always protect you...and yes, I promise that I'll be safe. But...you must promise me the same."
Nikita smiles and nods, kissing him thoroughly. She stands and extends her hand to him. "Time to go."
Michael takes her hand and stands slowly, trying hard to suppress the dizziness and instability in his body. Michael and Nikita slowly make their way toward van access. As they turn the corner to van access, they see Operations and Davenport standing at either side of the door, watching the teams enter the vans.
Michael holds Nikita's hand. Looking into Operations' cold, blue eyes, he crosses the threshold and steps into the van. Taking a seat side by side, Michael and Nikita settle in for the trip.
Operations and Davenport make sure that the last operative is on board before entering the vans. Davenport goes in van two while Operations joins Michael, Nikita and Birkoff in van one.
"Go!" he orders, taking a seat across from Michael and Nikita.
The van stops one block away from the warehouse. Davenport and his team exit the van and proceed to take their position. Operations stands and glares at Michael.
"Stay inside the van, Michael." Operations states.
Michael looks up and reluctantly nods.
Operations takes his team and exits the van. Nikita orders her team to spread out.
"Go Zarag! I'll join you in two minutes." she orders.
Zarag steps out shaking his head. He knows exactly what Nikita plans on doing. He takes the team and rushes toward their position.
Nikita looks at Michael and leans in. Kissing his lips, she softly whispers into his ear. "Michael, promise me you'll stay safe."
Michael smiles and pulls her astride his lap once again. "I promise if you promise to come back to me safely." Nikita nods and kisses his lips once again as Birkoff sighs.
"Nikita, Operations needs you now. " Birkoff says while examining a very interesting spot on the floor.
Nikita kisses Michael one last time before exiting the van and joining her team.
Operations begins to enter the warehouse, his team ready to attack. Davenport's team is on the roof, watching the entrance and exits to the warehouse. Nikita takes her team to the back where they will enter.
Suddenly, Davenport taps his comm unit twice. The signal that a car approaches. Operations takes aim at the door while Nikita slowly opens the door and crawls inside. Her team follows her slowly and carefully.
Davenport watches as the car door opens and Greg Hillinger steps out. Looking around and up, he smiles, knowing that Stephen will have a nice surprise. Slowly, he enters the warehouse. Walking to the larger room in the middle of the warehouse, he stops and takes his laptop out of the case. Setting it up on the illuminated table, he suddenly hears a voice.
"Hillinger, open the laptop and let me see what you got."
Operations searches the place but can't see anything. He had forgotten to order night vision goggles for the inside team. "Birkoff, we have a second individual already in the building. Seems like he was here when we arrived. Check the perimeter."
Birkoff and Michael both search the perimeter but find nothing. "Sir," Michael answers. "There is nothing. Only the teams and Hillinger."
Operations sighs exasperated. "I heard his voice. There is someone else in here. Find him now!"
Michael and Birkoff look at each other and sigh. Making another sweep of the perimeter, they find nothing. Birkoff nods and takes the comm unit. "Sir, swept the perimeter twice more. There is nothing showing on our scans. He must be wearing lead."
Operations sighs again. "Davenport, I need you to enter the warehouse and tell me where the second individual is. He's not showing up on the scanner."
Davenport stands and motions his team to take defensive positions on the roof while he prepares to slowly lower himself to the ground. Opening the roof hatch, Romart secures the line and Davenport slowly lowers himself inside. He turns around, finding nothing anywhere but the teams and Hillinger. He lands on the top of some stands and whispers to Operations.
"Nothing, sir. I can't find the leader." he softly states.
"Paul, it could be recorded. Don't risk it." Walter whispers as he begins to make his way toward Operations.
Operations orders the teams to take Hillinger. Standing, he calls out to him. "Gregory Hillinger!"
Greg spins around and his eyes widen at seeing Operations standing behind him. "How did you find me? I'm protected you can't do anything to me isn't that right Mr.-"
The voice answers. "Hillinger, your work is done. You may have him Section One."
Hillinger sprints away, trying to outrun the operative following him. Suddenly, a heavy object slams against him and throws him to the ground, taking his arms and handcuffing him.
Davenport stands and pulls Greg along. "You're dead now, kid. And Madeline will have the pleasure." He pushes Greg toward Zarag who takes the kid and returns to the van as the rest of the teams surround Operations.
Michael recognizes the voice and shakes his head. "No way. It can't be." he whispers. Birkoff looks at him.
"Michael, what's wrong?" Birkoff inquires.
Michael looks at him. Taking a gun and some extra clips, he opens the van door. "Tell Operations to not fire upon the leader. I can identify him."
Birkoff takes his comm unit, trying to communicate with Operations. What no one realizes is that Operations' comm unit fell off. "Sir? Operations, sir."
Operations slowly searches the shadows trying to find the leader.
Birkoff is unable to reach Operations so he changes channels and calls Nikita. "Nikita, tell Operations to not fire. Michael is on his way. "
Nikita spins around and watches Operations slowly walking toward her position. She knows that if she stands, Operations will shoot first and ask questions later. So, she remains on the ground, waiting until something happens.
Stephen stands, hidden in the shadows not ten feet away from Operations. He realizes that he has finally found his father. He takes the silver hair locket his mother gave him and steps out. "You're looking for me?"
Operations spins around. The dim light filters off of the silver locket and flashes momentarily. Seeing something flash, Operations aims and fires. Davenport and Nikita immediately flank him as they watch Stephen Wolfe fall limp to the ground, his hands clutching his chest.
Walter reaches Operations' side and stands before him, protecting his old army buddy and brother. Operations gasps as Stephen looks up at him.
Stephen raises his hand with the bloody locket in it and whispers. "Dad?" Then a series of coughs take a hold of him.
Operations gasps and whispers, "Stephen?" He drops his gun and rushes to his side just as Michael enters the door.
Nikita sees Michael grabbing his shoulder as he enters, stumbling and almost falling. She rushes to his side while Operations takes Stephen's body in his arms.
Davenport turns away sending the teams back to the vans. Nikita turns toward the door, protecting Michael's back.
"Stephen, why? Why are you here? I thought you were dead." He buries his face in Stephen's neck as Stephen wraps his arm around Operations shoulders.
Gasping for breath Stephen whispers one last time. "Dad, I love you." He begins to cough harder and suddenly, a horrible gurgling sound emanates from Stephen's throat. His head lolls to the side as he exhales one last time.
Birkoff rushes into the warehouse as soon as he hears that it is Operations' son who was the leader and corruptor of Hillinger.
Operations cradles Stephen's head in his arms as tears flow down his face. Davenport, Nikita, Walter and Birkoff turn away, trying to give him some time to just mourn.
Michael stands riveted by the scene, remembering the dream he had while in Med Lab. He saw himself kneeling just like this but, instead of Stephen dead in his arms...it was Adam. He shudders and feels Nikita's arms wrap around his waist. His right hand lifts and covers her hands, his thumb caressing her skin softly.
Operations whimpers as he kisses his son on the forehead. The blood pours out of Stephen's body and onto the cold floor. His tears fall faster as he cries for the son that he loved. The son that he raised. The son that he gave up. The son that he saved. And ultimately, the son who followed in his footsteps. The son that he corrupted.
The End!
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