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A Dying Soul
![]() By: Kyara Caledonii
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Michael felt all eyes upon him as he returned to Section after a successful mission to stop a terrorist group from infiltrating a German embassy. To his surprise, Walter was waiting to greet him.
"What's going on?" Michael queried.
Walter grimaced. "Operations and Madeline want to see you in her office, Michael. Now," the older man replied. Then he sighed and patted Michael's shoulder, before turning away. Instinct, not intuition, told Michael that it had to do with Nikita. So he quickened his pace and didn't even bother to remove his field gear as he moved down the corridor. A moment later he entered Madeline's domain to find her and Operations, facing him. "What's going on?" Michael asked, his eyes going to Madeline. Her face gave nothing away.
"Nikita is dead," Madeline said bluntly. Her eyes locked on Michael's face, watching for his reaction. It was very subtle. His face grew pale and his eyes flickered, but that was all. Michael would not reveal anything else, Madeline knew. Not in front of them. He had revealed too much already.
"The mission?" Michael asked, knowing that where she had been sent had been dangerous. To stop an assasination attempt on a government official in Turkey.
Madeline shook her head. "No. She returned from the mission yesterday. With closure." Moving forward, so that she was eye to eye with Michael, Madeline said, "Nikita committed suicide. We found her dead in her apartment, six hours ago."
Operations found the need to interject at this point. He moved to stand before Michael and blue eyes glared into green. "Nikita killed herself. Deal with it. You have six hours to clean up and get some sleep. Close quarter standby. I need you on the next mission, Michael. Do you hear me?" The question was issued as a challenge.
"I hear you," Michael replied, his eyes unblinking as they stared back at Ops. He didn't react as the other man stepped back then left the room. Once alone with Madeline, Michael let his eyes shutter for a moment, then he asked, "Can I see her?"
"Why?" Madeline countered, curiously.
Michael swallowed hard, debating on what to tell her. Then he settled on the truth. "Because I don't believe you," he whispered. After Simone, he would never believe them again.
Madeline knew what Michael was thinking and she nodded. Then she reached for his hand. "Come...I'll take you."
Michael felt nothing as he stared down at Nikita's beautiful face. He smoothed back a lock of her pale hair and didn't notice that it was matted with blood. He saw only perfection and innocence. And he couldn't even mourn for it's loss. Not now. Not here. Maybe....not ever. Uncaring of Madeline's watchful gaze, Michael bent to brush a kiss across Nikita's cold lips, then he whispered, "Forgive me."
Operations was watching Michael as he briefed the room full of operatives on the mission at hand. He knew that Michael wasn't listening, and the thought infuriated him. So he moved to the young man's side, grabbed the back of the chair and shouted down at him, "Am I boring you?"
Michael flinched, then forced himself to focus on what was being said to him. The words seem to be coming from a long ways off. He was aware only of the pain that seemed to stab in his head, like a white-hot blade. He shook his head as the words penetrated the fog that seemed to surround him. "I'm...sorry," he whispered.
"This is very important!" Operations hissed. He would have said more but Madeline had come over and she cut him off.
She knelt before Michael and stared into his eyes. They were unfocused, the pupils dilated. "Call Medlab," she instructed, for Madeline realized what was happening. It wasn't the first episode that Michael had suffered since being tortured by Red cell. But as she watched blood suddenly drip from his nose, she knew that it was going to be one of the worst. And she could guess that it had been brought on by the shock of Nikita's suicide.
![]() Everything had suddenly taken upon an eerie crimson glow. It was if he were seeing things through the eyes of a man who was swimming in a sea of blood...the movements slow and blurry and people all becoming a blur through his heavy lidded eyes. The pounding of his heart rushed through his ears until it deafened out all other noises...the blood rushing through his veins being the only sensation of which he was aware. He couldn't feel as his laden limbs were lifted upon the gurny..and wheeled down the trobbing hallways towards a bright light. Then he saw a face...and her pale hair shined above him...only it's brilliant beauty dimmed as it was stained with the color of her death. Blue crystalline eyes pleaded with him to come to her...not to leave her. And in that moment..he knew he was going to die...he reached for the scarlet gloom and whispered that he was coming..to be with her..he knew he would go to her...his saving grace, his ethereal angel.
Nikita watched as the heart monitor kept a slow, steady beat. His healthy pallor was gone...his translucent skin of his face was in sharp comparison to the white of the medlab sheets. She glanced at the white bandage which wrapped around his head and she was glad the doctors had only had to shave the bottom of his head..since that was where they had to make the incision. Had it been any worse, they would have had to shave his whole head...but despite herself, his hair was one of the things she loved most about him. Labeled plastic bags and glass bottles hung from a metal rack behind his bed. Her eyes scaled over the liquid which slowly dripped through the IV tubes into his right arm and she felt a tight squeeze at her heart. Two months had passed since his operation...and nothing.
No sign that he was coming back to her or ever would come back to her. Her mind raced with voices which could not be quieted, voices which cried out a million questions...many of which she had not been able to ask herself. Would Michael be lost to her forever? Now that they had come so far? Would later never come? Have all their chances been lost? It was only after the first month of torture..that she realized the voice had been her own.
She thought as she sat on his bed peering down at that lifeless form that had once been her hearts most fondest desire and greatest fear, she sighed. The world was a cruel place, for everyone.
She held his hand in hers for a long while. Like had been for weeks, always beside his bed..watching over him. Willing him to wake up, almost daring him. Operations had wanted to send her on another assignment, but Madeline had refused. Madeline was angry at Ops for his use of Nikita..and was even angrier that he refused to tell Nikita why she had been used. Why she had been forced to fake her suicide.
And Madline blamed Ops for Michael's lapse...and she also blamed herself. Before, she had been too involved after the war had ended that she had not paid enough attention to his signs...and only after the shock of knowing Nikita had died had settled in, had he given into the pain and agony he had been in. The doctors had reported that had the surgery been postponed any longer...he would have died within a week of hemmoraging. So she allowed Nikita to spend every waking moment with him...giving him the will to live. For without Nikita, Madeline knew Michael would not want to go on living.
Still holding his hand, she allowed her other hand to reach forward and trace his lips. She wanted him to know she was there...and the gesture was also one which was so intimate that she would not be able to do it when he was awake. She was too scared..of him, and of herself. But she had nearly lost him, and she wanted to know he was still breathing..to feel his warm touch. As the tears blurred her eyes, her emotions got the best of her and she leaned forward...gently touching his lips with her own. That's when she heard him moan softly.
Nikita nearly jumped up and down with joy but instead leaped off the bed and ran and called in the doctor. As they stood around the young man and began to make vital checks..she smiled. Especially when she saw that hs eyes were open and he was staring at her...and a smile lit up his pale face as well.
She was alive. His mind, though still pumped full of pain- numbing drugs, saw very clearly the young lady who Madeline smiled at and gave a small motherly hug too. His head hurt like hell, but he didn't care. His only thought was that Nikita was here..not dead. And it hadn't all been a dream these past couple of months. She had been beside his bed..touching him, yelling at him..begging him to live. He had even heard her small apology...yet he had been too weak to open his eyes and tell her there was nothing to forgive. Especialy when he learned that Nikita didn't know why Operations had forced her to fake her own death...only that somehow it was supposed o test Michael. And that Nikita had hated every minute of it.
And the knowledge that Nikita blamed herself for his illness...made anger run throug his veins..and he thirsted for blood like never before. Operations blood. But it would not be easy. He would have to fool all of them..even Nikita for a while. But he would let her in on his plan..later. But in order for Section..and hat dirty bastard to belive it...Nikita too would have to belive that e had no memory of anything...except Nikita. He knew the standard drill for agents with amnesia..to try and retrain them..and he knew Operations would be the one to do so. And in that time..he could learn..search...figure out exactly what was running through his mind. No-one would ever suspect a man...who couldn't remember his past. A man who only recalled what would be his future...his light.
"Nikita?" Each syllable of her name rolled off his tongue, and Nikita began walking back towards him. Michael smiled even more brightly...silently noting the confused look upon her face...he had never allowed anybody to see this smile. Yet his throat was very parched from the fluids which were continually being pumped into him, and he gently asked her to get him a glass of water.
"Drink slowly," she warned him as she gently lifted the glass to his mouth. The cooling liquid soothed his body and he smiled again in contentment. Nikita just watched him...he had smiled twice in the course of five minutes. "How do you feel Michael?"
"I feel great...especially with you here beside me. I would have died without you Nikita. But one question...who's Michael?"
Nikita dropped the plastic cup to the ground and nearly choked upon his admission. "Very funny, Michael. And just who do you think you are?" He had to be playing another mind game.
Michael sagged into the bed and his face dropped...Nikita's heart nearly feel along with the sheets as she noticed the look upon his face. He lookd like a frightened little boy. "I guess my name is Michael. All I remember is you...those blue eyes urging me to pull through, not to die...that hair the color of a luminiscent sun brushing my cheek every morning..the way you felt in my arms as we danced...the feel of your lips upon mine."
She trembled as he grabbed her wrist and pulled her to him, his eyes pleading with hers.
"Please tell me that I'm not crazy. All I have right now are memories of you...and it seems to be all I have in the world is you by my side. The only part of me which isn't a hollow shell...is you. Please...don't leave me."
Nikita was stunned..to say the least. Michael had to have amnesia..and Madline's earlier words rang in her ear. "The Michael he may be when he wakes up may not be the same one we remember...there is a very strong chance of amnesia..especially with the area of the brain that was affected. He may remember everything..only certain things, or nothing at all." It was true...Michael had amnesia..and the only part he remembered was her. That had to be it..this Michael was friendly, he smiled, he admitted his emotions..and yet. His words..."The only part of me which isn't a hollow shell..is you." were oddly reminicent of the same words he said in the cage just two and a half months before..."the only part of me which isn't dead...is you."
But as she looked into his brillaint green eyes, her emotions clouded all rational thought. She leaned into him and looked deep into his eyes. "I will never leave you Michael...you too are the only thing I have left in this world. I....don't have anyting else..nor anyone. Only you." And as a gleaming smile crossed his face, she leaned forward and kissed him gently. The only thing which confused her as she pulled back to stare into his face were the tears which glimmered in his eyes...yet they were not tears of sadness. They looked more like tears of joy, of relief...but she pushed such thoughts aside, not knowing that those tears were indeed...Michael's own feelings shining right on the surface. Hope..something he had not felt in years filled him as she leaned forward to plant another kiss...perhaps he had not lost her compltely after all. He would not only spend the next few months discovering Operations plan...but proving to Nikita how he really felt..and showing her the light which did shine from him whenever she was nearby.
Yet his thoughts were interupted when Operations and Madeline ame walking into the room. And upon looking at the determination within Operations eyes...Michael's vision clouded over with blood once again...yet it was not blood from a psychical injury..but blood which streamed from a gaping wound inside his heart which Operations had punctured years ago.
![]() Two weeks had passed. As always, Michael's recuperative powers were astonishing. Physically, he was fully functional again and Operations was pleased. Michael had been released from Medlab after one week and sent home to rest. During that time, Nikita had barely left Michael's side. In fact, she had stayed at his apartment with him. But now Michael was back at Section, and it was time for he RE-training to begin. And Operations was going to see to it...personally. He wanted HIS Michael back, and he wanted him back with a vengeance. Ops believed that, in part, it would be to his...and Section's...advantage, to retrain Michael. To give him back only the memories that would make the young man sharper and edgier than ever.
To that end, Operations had sent Nikita on what he knew would be a four day mission. He needed some time, alone, with Michael, away from Nikita's influence. He had seen them together in Michael's apartment. Had listened to them talk and laugh together as Nikita had reminded Michael of only the fond memories that she had with him. Not that there were many *happy* moments. But that hadn't stopped Nikita from taking advantage of Michael's condition to make more. She was now seeing the *MIchael* he had been....a long time ago. Before Section One. Before Simone even. The Michael she had glimpsed when he had seduced Lisa. Laughing and full of life.
But that Michael would soon fade away. Operations would make certain of it. He needed the man whom Section had molded Michael into. The man that Ops intended to take his place, sometime in the future. A man who did not let his emotions interfere with the job. So when Michael entered the conference room, Operation's face was a stone-cold mask. He studied the young operative with ice-blue eyes then said, "Come with me, Michael. We're going to visit Walter."
"Of course," Michael replied as he turned to follow Operations out of the room. He knew what was coming. First thing Ops was going to do was test his shooting skills. To see how much he had retained.
Walter was waiting for them in the Firing range. He offered Michael a smile as he handed over a Baretta. Walter frowned a bit as he saw Michael accept it with his left hand. Michael was ambidextrous, but his lead hand was his right. "Your loaded and ready to go," Walter said as he handed both Michael and Ops a set of headphones. He then slipped on his own.
Operations smiled at Michael. "Let's see what you can do?" he invited.
Michael offered a, genuine, smile as he slid the headphones on then stood before the target. Using his left hand, Michael emptied the clip into the two *fatal* area of the target, heart and head. When Walter brought the target forward, it showed a perfect hit.
"You're as accurate as ever," Operations replied, and he was pleased. He was also curious as to the fact that Michael seemed to be favoring his left hand. He had noticed it while watching the video tapes of him and Nikita taken from his apartment, as well. Ops made a mental note to discuss this with Madeline later in the day. For now, it was time to move on.
"What's next?" Michael inquired, his lips curving into a smile and his eyes sparkling. He knew that his *happiness* would annoy Operations to no end, and that thought gave Michael no end of satisfaction. He knew about being *watched* while with Nikita as well, and had put on quite a show. He had let Nikita take him shopping, and was now wearing a pair of black jeans and a blood-red, body shirt. Michael knew his attire annoyed Operations as well, but the other man hadn't commented on it....yet.
The other things that Michael had indulged himself in was watching movies with Nikita, strolling through the park and playing frisbee, riding horseback, and going out for pizza and ice cream. And during those hours spent with her, Michael had allowed himself to remember what it was like to actually be *happy*. He was thankful that he still remembered....how.
Operations wanted to slap the smile off Michael's face. "Let's test your martial arts skills," he suggested, leading the way to the gym. He had their best trainer waiting there for them, with instructions not to show Michael any mercy.
An hour later, the trainer was the one begging for mercy, and Michael was hard put not to smirk. He knew that Operations had been hoping to teach him a lesson in humility by showing up his weakness. But Michael was not about to let that happen. He maintained control throughout the exercise, but he did feel it's toll. When Operations excused him to shower and change, Michael stood beneath the hot spray of water for a long time, letting it soak into his muscles to ease away the pain and stress. It took a bit of time for him to stop trembling, and to slow down his heartbeat. But when he rejoined Operations in Madeline's office, a smile was once again plastered on Michael's face.
Madeline noticed it at once, but she was also aware of the pallor of Michael's skin. "Are you feeling all right?" she questioned, even as she gestured for Michael to sit down across from her. Madeline was seated at her desk, with Operations standing behind her.
"I'm a little tired," Michael admitted, easily slipping into the role he had determined for himself. The *old* Michael would have brushed her off with a standard *I'm fine* regardless of his actual condition.
Operations frowned. He was determined to shake Michael up, to crack the facade of *happiness* that clung to the operative. To dissolve all facets of personalilty that he considered Nikita to have influenced within Michael. He picked up a folder off of Madeline's desk and held it out to Michael. "Recognize these people?" he asked.
Michael opened the folder and had to force himself not respond as he stared down a photograph of Simone, holding a baby. His son. No....Michael reminded himself...THEIR son. The child that Section had murdered. And Simone...Michael fought hard to retain control of his emotions. To not let anything show in his face or eyes, for he knew he was being watched. Michael had failed Simone...twice. And Operations had betrayed him both times. The desire for revenge against his mentor, burned deep within Michael. But he didn't let it show. Not yet. It wasn't time....yet.
His own internal rage quelled, Michael lifted his head to look his former mentor in the eye. Operations was furious that he could read nothing within the young man's blank gray gaze as Michael responded. "No..should I?" Michael held the folder up in the air and glanced at both Madeline and Ops for some sign of acknowledgment or clue to whom these people were.
![]() "What do you feel when you look at those pictures?" Madeline propped, her own gaze sympathetic. She had seen something flicker in Michael's eyes as he had glanced upon the pictures, he was sure of it. But if she had, she was not making Operations aware of her knowledge.
Michael flashed her a considerate grin and put back down the folder upon her table. "Nothing...I wish I did, but who are these people? The woman..she seems familiar. Who are they?"
"That was your wife and that is your child.." Ops hissed, standing across the room. He lit another cigarette as he paced across the floor...his plan was not working. Michael should have remembered something...especially them upon looking at those pictures but the damage must have been worse than Madeline had thought. Ops didn't want to revert to his plan B...but he would stop at nothing to have Michael remember exactly Who and What he was as soon as possible.
The Michael standing before them seemed genuially shocked..and confused. "Was? Wait..I'm confused, what about Nikita?"
Madeline stood up and walked over to clasp Michael's arm and lead him over to the couch. Once again his face had visibly paled and she knew that it must be hard for him to hear about a wife and child he didn't even remember..and to know learn of their deaths. She began first with Simone...and explained how she had died...twice. She flinched upon retelling the stories and expected Michael to go over the edge upon hearing them...as he had before. But she had forgotten..this was a different Michael..and all he did was shake his head and allow tears to come to his eyes.
Michael knew what she was doing..and how she expected him to react. But it was too soon to break. And the old Michael...him..would never allow his emotions to show..to cry openly, as he had never done in the past. But now he allowed him to be held by her..and he cried the bitter tears which had welled up within his soul and soon it was not all an act. He cried for Simone..for himself..and for his son. His son...
"What about the child?" he mumbled from Madeline's arms. He straightened himself up and glanced over towards Operations to find the man fidget in his place. *Good, you cold-hearted bastard..fell guilty.* Michael silently basked in the knowledge that Operations was to be the one to explain exactly his opinion on how the child had died...and the fact that such knowledge made him nervous.
Operations on the other hand, had a different idea. He decided to tell the truth..maybe the shock of learning the truth would help job Michael's memories...or else implant new ones. The older man knew that the handsome young operative blamed him for the child's death and that soon, he would retaliate. And so Operations decided to save his own skin. A recent experience and 'reunion' with his own son had taught him how precious it all truly was..and he found himself sympathizing with Michael for once..so he would tell what really happened and then drop something in the young man's lap which was sure to help stimulate his memory.
"Michael..I'm going to tell you a story. Now I want you to promise not to get upset, as that will not do any of us any good. About six months before Simone's death, an...incident shall we say arose which endangered the life of not only you and Simone, who was one of our best operatives, but the child as well. The child was kidnapped by an IRA terrorist named McNaught who knew of your involvement within his operation as a double agent. Needless to say, he used the child...your son, to manipulate not only you..but the agency as well. Needless to say, both you and Simone were compromised and had it not been for your already high standing within section one and previous record, you would have been canceled." Operations stopped to put out the throw the half- smoked cigarette into the ashtray on Madeline's desk before contuining. So engrossed in his own memories was he that he missed the fire which shone from Michael's eyes..as Michael was remembering these memories too..and McNaught. And Michael remembered that after that mission..his son was dead but a few weeks afterwards...
"So anyway...we made a deal, with Simone. We knew you would never agree to it. To protect the life of the child..as well as ensure the productivity of both you and your wife, the child would be taken and given to a new family. We sent you on a mission in Bulgaria and during that time, Simone said good-bye to the child and we arranged the adoption. When you had returned, you were informed that your child had taken ill and died..and he was buried within days. All you saw was the grave marker..and it destroyed both you and your wife. But she knew it was the only way to protect all of you. But the child is still alive..and safe."
The room had suddenly become a maze of light and dark colors swirling about his head and Michael help on tighter to Madeline to keep his balance. It could not be true..he wouldn't believe it. Operations was lying to him again. And even if what he said was true..then it explained (but not excused) why Operations had allowed Simone to remain a prisoner for all those years. So that his prize operative would not learn about his son...that he was still alive..to kill all his emotions.
"Why should I believe you now? If you said that you killed him, why would I believe that he is still alive?" Michael asked, keeping his voice oddly curious. One could not detect anger...nor hatred...only pain and confusion. Michael was carefully controlling his emotions now..and he looked like a grief stricken father and husband..something which Madeline and Operations would find very perplexing..and allow them to believe that he had not truly remembered any of this.
"I'll show you. When you last saw Simon, he was three years old...he is six now. And he hasn't changed that much..just taller." Operations began, he pressed a button and informed for the child to be brought in. As a gray-haired woman walked in holding onto a tiny little hand, Madeline watched as tears formed in Michael's eyes. She knew that those tears were his tears..that although he might not have the memory of his wife and his child, that he still knew this was his son. Not only was the resemblance there..but the bond as well.
And Michael's tears were his own. Looking upon the child, he had to force himself not to rush over and examine every aspect of this little boy, who bore a stunning resemblance to Simone..except for the smile..and the eyes. His olive skin and dark hair were a brilliant contrast to the Green-gray of his eyes. And when the nurse tweaked his nose before she walked out, the child grinned the brightest smile which Michael recognized instantly...it was his own. He wanted to rush over and see if the birthmark was the same..but that would betray too much..too soon. He still had to maintain his facade...so he smiled just as brightly as the child and walked forward slowly.
Looking over at Operations, he let gratitude and astonishment shine from his eyes..instead of the raging inferno which was burning within. How dare he keep his son away from him all these years..but Operations would only know that Michael was pleased to learn he had a child..but still did not remember.
"He has my eyes," Michael stated, as if it were the first time he had ever recognized that. Yet those eyes were something which had haunted him for years...eyes which burnt into his soul.
"And your smile," Madeline pointed out, her voice breaking...allowing the tears which formed in her own eyes. She couldn't raise her head to even glance at Operations...for while, she had worked beside him all these years..she had not been informed of THIS. She had thought the child was dead..operations had told her so himself. She would have never kept this from Michael..but of course, that was what Operations had known all along..hence the reason why he had left her out of the loop.
"Yes." Operations said shortly. He finally moved back around and nearly pulled Michael up by the hair. He remained silent as the nurse brought back in a suitcase and placed it beside the boy and then left. "I have a new assignment for you, Michael. I will give you one week with your son, then he will be returned to his new family. I'm hoping this will jog your memory...this closeness with your son. I'm taking a big risk..do not fail me."
"But Why?" Michael began, truly confused. But Operations cut him short with a wave of the hand and stormed out. Michael looked at Madeline for a hint, a clue..was this another test? Why was Operations being so...human? But Madeline only smiled softly and followed the elder man out the door. As soon as they were alone, Michael drew in his son for a huge hug...still careful not to allow his emotions to show too much..as there were cameras always watching..everywhere.
Madeline followed Operations into his office, determined to find out some answers. She stormed in prepared to launch a million questions at him, when she found him sitting at his desk with a picture of Steven Wolfe, his own son, in his hands. She saw tears glimmering in his eyes as he looked up at her and smiled. "One week."
First thing Michael did after he had left the section with his son was go and buy some new clothes. He had been there way too long, and he didn't trust anyone. In fact, he did not put it past them to put wires or bugs into the small child's clothing. As he walked into the Gap for Kids, he couldn't but help smile. This child talked a mile a minute..and he was always smiling. He reminded Michael of how he *used* to be. And after an hour of trying on (in which he did discover the child had the same birthmarks as ever) of buying out all the articles of clothing in the store which would fit the handsome child, he walked out of the store as happy and excited as the small creature clinging to his hand. He felt freer than he had in long time..now all he wanted to do was introduce Nikita to his son And let go of all the lies which had spawned between them over te past couple of years..including his *amnesia* story.>
After slamming the boy's suitcase of clothing in the trunk, hence any bugs be hidden within, Michael walked the little boy and all the bags of clothing up the elevator to Nikita's apartment. He more than one reason for going there..and he knew that her apartment would be infinitely safer than his own...as he was always being watched. But he knew that Operations kept very little, if any, surveillance equipment within. And finding it would be no problem..especially with this inquisitive little man beside him.
"Where are we?" Simon asked, his fingers trailing over everything he could get his hands on. He raced around Nikita's apartment with lightening speed, when he accidentally knocked over a lamp which was on the table beside her phone. "I'm sorry.." he shouted, turning and looking at his father guiltily. But as Michael walked over and calmed him down, a smile creased his lips as he watched his father's own face break out into a full-out grin.
"We're at a friend's apartment. She's going to be home tonight and I figured we'd surprise her. Don't worry about the lamp, kiddo. We'll just surprise her even more to come home to all new furniture." Michael could not hold back the chuckle which came to his throat as he looked at the side of the lamp. He knew for his own sake that he had to maintain his happy-go-lucky facade (especially in leu of any hidden surveillance cameras) but he found himself actually enjoying this...his son...this whole absurd situation. ichael was worrying about armed men coming in and blowing the all away and Simon was worried about an ugly lamp. He noggied his son as he removed the tiny bug attached to it.
"Wanna play a game?" Michael asked, holding out the now crushed bug to his son. The surveillance equipment had been smashed beyond repair..but it was still noticeable enough to show Simon exactly what to look for.. As the child eagerly nodded, Michael explained the rules. Removing two baseballs from his bag, Michael told Simon the rules of the game. Should the little boy find anything which looked like this little square thing...or like a camera (which Michael gave him a peek of, since he had an old one hidden in his jacket), to smash it with the ball, but to be VERY careful not to destroy anything else. And it was also a weird version of hide and seek, should the other person see you, HIDE. Under the couch, beneath a bed, whever. Whoever found the most stuff..would win the game and get a cool prize. Smashing objects and getting a reward for it..Simon was ready to play in a heartbeat.
They spent the next hour running through every nook and cranny of Nikita's apartment searching for any type of surveillance equipment. And where Michael was quiet, efficient and neat, Simon was a terror. He even smashed one of Nikita's neon lights that she had hanging on one of the walls in the living room because he thought he had seen a bug..upon inspection, Michael had to admit, he did see a bug...a very dead large spider. He found himself laughing...he was so dead..Nikita was going to kill him when she got home.
By the time they were finished, Michael had found only 1 surveillance camera in the bedroom...whereas Simon had found 2 'bugs,' 2 hidden cameras (one in living room and one on back porch), 1 very scared tabby hidden beneath the couch, 3 half-eaten candy bars (which Michael had to forcibly remove from him), 4 pairs of sunglasses hidden in various parts of the house (which Michael simply put on the table..leave them for Nikita herself to see), and a scrapbook. It was mostly filled with nature shots but Michael noticed that in the back, it did contain quite a few of himself. He smiled as his son curled up on the couch beside him..he was quite the little sleuth.
As the night wore on, Michael learned other little tidbits from his son. About his life..about his new parents. Despite his deep anger, he had to admit the section had done well, Simon was happy. His new parents had done well..and Simon appeared to love them. There no scars or bruises and the kid seemed in pretty good mental shape. And he loved cats...because he had chased the cat around trying to force a pair of black sunglasses on the poor creature. But as his son curled in his lap and Michael rocked him to sleep, he glanced down upon the angelic face with the black sunglasses still plastered there and smiled. He felt like he was truly coming home.
He had just snuggled Simon into Nikita's warm blankets when he heard the door slowly begin to unlock. Surprising himself, he placed a gentle kiss upon the child's forehead as he walked down the stairs.
In the darkness, Nikita stumbled for the light switch. She was exhausted..four days of basically sitting around laying security guard. And then in the last day, she had been forced to nearly run five miles and all uphill no less. All she wanted to do was crash. But as soon as she flipped the switch, she nearly toppled over upon looking at her tumbled apartment. Had she been robbed?
"WHAT THE" she began, before she even realized that Michael was coming towards her. "Shh..." He said as he placed his fingers against her lips. "I'll explain all this tomorrow, don't orry, nothing bad happened. Just Simon."
"Simon?" she asked, before he silenced her with a kiss. Holding onto her hand, he led her upthe stairwell and into her bedroom. Shocked was hardly used to describe her feelings as she looked down upon the sleeping child wearing a pair off her favorite sunglasses sleeping in her bed. Realization dawned. "Is this Simon?" she smiled.
Michael smiled and crawled in on the far side of the bed beside his son. "Come here," he whispered and Nikita found herself crawling in on the other side of Simon..they were soon all scrunched up like a sandwich...with Simon in the center. Michael began whispering..careful not to wake the sleeping child. "Meet my son," he began, as he moved to smooth Simon's longish hair out of his face. Nikita could only look at him...even as she found her fingers reaching down to gently remove the sunglasses. "You're son.."
Michael made her promise not to get angry..to listen to all that he had to say before getting upset...for Simon's sake. He knew it was emotional blackmail at best, but it might work. He needed her to stay calm...he just needed her. Then he explained everything which happened in Madeline's office, how Operations had told about Simone...and brought out his son. How he knew it was his son..the birthmarks..the eyes...the smile. And how it all made sense..he had never seen a death certificate, or the autopsy report..he had just believed it. But it explained why Simone did not want to try for another child..and her calm demeanor..for she had loved the child very much..so much that she let him go to save his own life.
He then paused as he watched Simon open his eyes briefly and glance towards Nikita....and he smiled. Whereas before Nikita had never truly seen Michael's smile, in the past few weeks, it had become a permanent fixture in her heart. And the eyes...this was indeed Michael's child. Simon whiggled closer to Nikita while holding onto his father's arm and soon they were closer than ever. And the tear's fell from her eyes as she urged him to continue.
Her finger's twisted in the small child's hair as Michael confessed that the amnesia had all been a scam...but his actions had not. He had meant every word, every moment, every touch with Nikita during those weeks...but he lied when he was Operations and Madeline..because he had to find out the truth. Had to get revenge. And he would need her help now..because he would be more closely watched..he was sure of it. Operations had made it clear that this was basically a brief 'family' reunion, but Michael was not so trusting as to believe him. If she wanted to hate him..he would understand. But he wanted to her to truly think about everything he did..to weigh his behavior..and she found herself through her haze of betrayal and emotional fogginess believing him.
He expected her to reach out and slap him as her hand inched out of Simon's hair. But what she did surprised him more than anything...he was so used to hatred and anger..that her simple act of placing her palm gently upon his face and leaning forward to brush his lips brought tears to his eyes. She locked eyes with him and smiled. "So what do WE do?" He reached across and brushed her hair out of her eyes and allowed her to carry his hand down with her as she laid down on the pillow. Within minutes, she was asleep beside Simon..with Michael's hand draped across them both and resting on Nikita's hip. He sighed as he finally answered her, and he was sure she heard him even through her deep sleep..."I don't know."
![]() For the next three days, Michael, Nikita and Simon played family. They did everything together, and every minute was precious. But then Nikita was called in for an assignment, and Michael went back to continue his training with Operations. Simon had the run of Section One, with lots of people willing to watch over him for Michael.
Operations decided that it was time to put Michael through scenario training. Exercises where Madeline would create a situation, which was enacted by other Operatives, putting Michael in difficult situations for which he had to find ways to complete the mission successfully. After three such scenarios, Operations was furious. Not that Michael didn't complete them, for he did. But he often hesitated, and opted for a counter scenario, one that meant going out of his way to protect innocents. Something that wouldn't have happened in the past. Then Michael would have reacted quickly and efficently. He would have done the job and moved on. Now he was beginning to think like Nikita. Seeing the small, immediate, picture...instead of the large one.
Michael knew that Operations was unhappy with him, and it amused him to no end, although he didn't let it show. In his off time, he played video games with Simon and Birkhoff, until it was time to return home. Although, playing games wasn't all he and Birkhoff were doing.
When Nikita returned from her mission, that night she, Michael and Simon went for a walk in the park. Simon kicked a bright, red ball while Michael and Nikita talked. It was the only way they could be certain they wouldn't be overheard. Nikita was surprised by what Michael had to tell her. He had been very busy while she was gone.
"I found Simon's parents," Michael said.
Nikita looked at him. "His adoptive parents?" she countered, finding it neccessary to emphasize that point. For Michael was Simon's father and no one could take that away from him.
Michael nodded. "Yes. I've made arrangements for them to take Simon and disappear. Someplace where Operations, and Section one, will never find them." Michael stopped walking to lock eyes with Nikita. "I want you to go with them,' he said soflty.
"What?" Nikita didn't even make an attempt to hide her surprise. "Michael...what are you talking about? I can't leave Section. You know that." He had told her so often enough in the past.
"You can," he told her.
Nikita shook her head. "Operations won't let me go."
Michael smiled. "He will." Taking her hand they began walking again, watching Simon play as Michael explained. "You know that tape you made of Operations making a deal with you about Stephen?"
"The one you gave to him?" Nikita countered, but there was no anger in her tone. She was simply stating a fact.
"That's the one." Michael felt regret. "I want you to understand that I did what I had to do then, Nikita. The only way Operations would have let you leave Section was in a body bag. I wasn't going to let that happen. But, that's not what matters now."
Nikita was intrigued. "What does matter?"
Michael sighed. It wasn't easy to explain, nor did he want to give her all the details. The less Nikita knew, the better. "I made a copy of the tape. I also have other things....on tape and on hard copy. Things that will be useful in gaining Operation's cooperation. He will let you go, Nikita. I promise."
"But....what if I don't want to go?" she countered, and this time Nikita was the one who stopped walking so that she could look into Michael's green eyes.
"You've earned your freedom, NIkita," he told her, not fully understanding what she could mean.
Nikita smiled and reached out to tuck a stray lock of hair behind his ear. "I don't want to go without you, Michael," she told him. "If you have all this *blackmail* on Ops, use it to buy your freedom as well. Come with us," she beseeched.
Michael shook his head. "I can't," he told her, and regret shimmered in his eyes. "Part of what I'm going to bargain with is myself. I'll agree to stay with Section in exchange for your freedom." Michael pressed his fingertips to Nikita's lips when she would have protested. "It's better this way," he told her. "I'll be able to make certain that Operations keeps his word." Michael leaned forward and replaced his fingertips with his lips. It was a sweet and gentle kiss that brought tears to his eyes. "Please do this for me, Nikita," he entreatied. "Watch over my son for me. I need to know that the both of you are free...and happy. Please..."
"Michael.." as she whispered his name, Nikita pulled him into her embrace. She felt him tremble and she knew that he asked of her was important to him. That he needed her to be free. Pressing her lips to his ear she whispered, "I'll go. But only if you come with me."
Michael shook his head slowly. "i cannot, you know it's the only way to keep you both safe." he mumbled against her shoulder.
![]() "No Michael, it's not the only way." she stated, standing she walked to her balcony and taking a large flower pot she lifted it above her head and dropped it hard, the clay pot shattered in a hundred pieces but she did not seem to care. kneeling she shifted through the pieces until she found what she was looking for. looking up she stood and slowly walked toward him. once she closed the door she took his hand and gently guided him to the couch where she sat down, dragging him down beside her.
![]() "what is that?" he asked frowning.
![]() Smiling, Nikita lifted her fisted hand. "this?" she asked, her eyes twinkling like twin jewels.
![]() Nodding he lifted his right eyebrow.
![]() "this is why WE will leave section, together." she stated, unwrapping the plastic bag and slowly taking the small chip out. Michael recognized it immediately as section's directory, the one that had been lost.
![]() "how did you get the directory Nikita?" he asked suspiciously.
![]() "A little guardian angel gave it to me, i was told to keep it safe and that someday it would help me," smiling, she leaned forward and gently brushed her lips against his. "and now i know what he meant." standing she reached out and opening her hand offered the small chip to him.
![]() taking it gingerly between his thumb and forefinger, Michael stared at the small piece of hardware for several minutes before taking a deep breath, closing his eyes he slowly nodded. "alright, we will use this as leverage, if Madeline and Operations try to stop us section will be destroyed."
![]() Standing, her jaw slack as she listened to Michael's last words, she waited until he stood and carefully wrapped her arms around his waist. "thank you Michael, I know it will work." she whispered softly before kissing him once again.
![]() ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
![]() The next morning, Michael walked into section one, his stride slower than usual as he made his way toward the aerie.
![]() Operations smiled at him as he entered the room. "Time to give Simon back to us, Michael," he said coldly.
Michael shook his head. "No," he whispered, and was pleased to see the look on Operation's face. The other man was stunned by his refusal.
"NO?" Operations repeated, his eyes darting over to Madeline, who shrugged, then back to Michael. "I don't think you understand.."
"I understand," MIchael interjected. "And I will explain it to you." In that moment, Michael's posture changed. He stiffened and his face slipped into an expressionless mask. His green eyes became cold and emotionless. He was the *Michael* of old. "Simon is gone. With his parents...and Nikita. They're someplace where you will never find them." Michael glanced over at Madeline and saw that she didn't appear all that surprised by his actions, or words. Michael found that curious.
Operations, however, was furious. "I will find them!" he snarled, moving forward to get in Michael's face. He was surprised when the other man merely smiled. "You will be sorry, MIchael!" he threatened, his eyes flashing.
Michael blinked. "You won't look for them," he said, reaching into his jacket pocket and pulling out a CD.
"I won't?" Operations countered, his eyes narrowing, suspiciously.
"No, you won't," Michael confirmed. "Look at this disc, then we'll talk."
Operations snatched the CD out of Michael's hand, then gave it to Madeline. They both moved to stand behind her desk. After viewing the contents, Operations smiled. Then he returned to face Michael, a shimmer of admiration in his pale eyes. "Very clever," MIchael, he conceeded. "What do you want?"
Michael got straight to the point. "Simon and Nikita stay free and, I go with them."
"What about the directory?" Operations countered.
"You can have this one. It's just a copy." Michael smiled. "The original is in a safe place. Keep your end of the deal, and no one will ever see that tape."
Operations heaved a sigh. "You have a deal!" he snapped.
Michael was pleased, but he didn't let his relief show. "Thank you," he whispered, then he turned to go.
Madeline stopped him. "You never had amnesia, did you?" she asked.
"No," Michael admitted, then he left the room.
Operations picked up a crystal paper weight and hurled it across the room. "Damn him!" he hissed.
Madeline merely looked at him. After a moment of heavy silence she whispered, "Serves you right." Then she left him alone.
![]() ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
![]() Making the final adjustments to the profile, Michael stood and buttoned his jacket, getting ready to leave section one forever. Opening the door, he calmly walked toward egress.
![]() "Michael wait." Operations said.
![]() Turning, Michael met the older man's pale gaze. "yes?"
![]() "You need to see something before leaving." Operations stated, giving him a disk.
![]() "what is this?" Michael asked, his left hand fisted at his side as thousands of scenarios ran through his mind.
![]() Smiling evilly, Operations turned away. "something that will make you change your mind." he stated as he rounded the corner and slowly climbed the stairs to the aerie.
![]() Returning to his office, Michael closed the door and blinds of his window and taking a seat, he slipped the disk into his laptop. what he saw made his heart stop beating and his breath cease.
![]() Intense heat crashed down and flooded his lungs with piercing pain as the images appeared, His minds eye registered the gray parlor of her skin just as the screen was filled with the orange glow of the explosion. Every breath hurt. To loose her, though, meant never being able to breath again. An anguished cry escaped his lips. Pain suffused his system. Breath became pointless.
![]() ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
![]() Entering section one accompanied by two guards, Nikita heard the anguished cry and kicking her escort unconsciouss, she ran in a panic toward Michael's office.
![]() Nikita did not expect to find Michael passed out across his desk when she entered his darkened office. Nor did she expect to discover his skin had taken on a singed parlor. It was clammy to the touch and the electric shock of fear, defeat and hopelessness transferred itself to her when she gently touched his shoulder.
I'm so sorry, Nikita…
Nikita looked down at him. He hadn't really spoken but the emotions troubling his deep sleep cascaded off him in waves. All her attempts, though, to awaken him failed. His breathing became thready and instinctively she knew something was very wrong.
*Good-bye* Then all breathing ceased.
"Michael, NO!" Please, Luv, you can't leave me like this. damn it!"
She looked up as Madeline and Operations entered the office. "He's dying!" she shouted at them before turning her attention back to her beloved.
She slapped him. She shook him. She kissed him and breathed air back into his depleted lungs. He gasped for air suddenly, and woke from the terror with a start. Wariness and distrust attempted to shade his eyes, but exhaustion won the battle and he simply looked at her. All his heart born for her crystal eyes to see.
Frightened, but certain after a quick and silent examination that he was all right, Nikita leaned down and placed a softer kiss on his lips. Desperation found him returning the kiss with hunger rarely realized and leaving them both struggling for air. Sweet oxygen powered with Nikita healed his broken psyche just enough for the remaining clouds of his mind to clear-- clouds that had sat vigil for the past months.
Rising, Nikita held out her hand and beckoned to him.
Unconsciously he clasped it like a lifeline.
Turning, she glared at Operations and Madeline. "we're leaving now, if you try to stop us-" her voice trailed off as she silently lead him out of the office and down the hall to the elevators.
No one attempted to halt them.
A hushed camaraderie permeated the air.
Relief filled Nikita as she pushed passed Operations and Madeline and slowly pushed her code on the elevator panel. once the door opened, she pushed Michael inside and turned, her gaze freezing all those who stared stupefied at her as the doors closed. once in the parking lot, Nikita opened Michael's passenger car door and gently put him inside. closing the door she climbed into the driver's seat and with a gentle caress to his cheek, Nikita hit the accelerator and drove like a bat out of hell, away from section one.
![]() Finis
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