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The Valkyrie
![]() By: Kyara Caledonii
![]() ![]() ![]() **All Rights Reserved. Story cannot be reprinted/reproduced without Kyara's permission.**
*** This Story is in the process of being published in a great romance magazine.
![]() Visit the Book Release Info. Page for the exact name of the magazine and date of publishing. ***
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() The stench of death is thick around her filling the cool morning air. Unable to escape the smell, the Valkyrie gently strokes her steed, trying to ease his distress. Though they've both seen death and destruction far too many times before, it remains unsettling.
Each battle brings forth more idealistic young men dressed in their pageantry ready to serve their monarch. Some are not more than boys who have followed in the footsteps of their fathers and brothers who came before them. And this, their debutant, gruesomely welcoming them into the world of fear, and death. When the fighting moves on to another venue, all that is left behind is the battle-scarred earth littered with piles of wounded and dead bodies.
A strand of her coppery hair whips across her face as she turns toward the south. Weaving in and out of the rows of bloodied bodies. Many still clutch their swords, while others, their limbs severed from their bodies. A grisly sight she has grown accustomed to; one she cannot run from.
Amidst the death, she sees movement. Then, a muffled groan is heard. Looking around the devastation she sees him, his helmet has been torn from his head, leaving the mass of riotous cinnamon brown curls spread across the blood covered grass. Her heart flutters as she hears his pain filled moan once again. His eyelids flutter briefly, as she dismounts. When she reaches his side, she knows she has found one still clinging to life with every breath. His eyelashes flutter again, opening slightly, she finds his eyes are rich Jade green in their hue. His cinnamon brown hair curls around his face, dampened by his own blood. Or perhaps by that of another. kneeling beside him, her fingers tingling as she brushes a curl off his cool brow. “do not fear,” she whispers as his lids flutter closed.
She closes her eyes as a pain flutters inside her chest, not knowing why she feels such sadness as she gazes at the broken body of this handsome warrior. Inhaling softly her lids flutter open in time to watch her chosen warrior's breast shudder with each breath he takes. she finds herself staring at his perfectly formed face, unable to look away.
When his eyes open again, Kya sees recognition in them. Her heart quivers with longing. His bloodstained hand reaches to touch her cheek. His skin, coated in the morning's dew, feels cool and wet against hers.
“Sweet Valkyrie, you've come for me,” he breathes as his knuckles faintly brush against her coppery hair. she releases a tear as she nods in answer.
Kya can see it so clearly. He led the charge, shouting to his men to keep advancing forward. And when the lines broke down and the melee had begun, he fought alongside them, plunging his sword into each enemy soldier that crossed his path. Even into the soldier who struck him from behind. With reflex action, he jabbed its sharp edge behind him, finding his attacker, killing him. Wounded, he struggled to remain in control, to stay upright and moving. Despite the blurring of his vision caused by blood loss, he saw a flash of black as a raven flew overhead. A few steps later, his body crashed to the ground bearing the weight of another man thrust against his chest in the chaos of the battle.
Holding his head in her lap, Kya knows he is the one she sought. Brave. Valiant in his efforts, and beautiful, his face sculpted with great care. A favored son. The one that will return with her.
Scooping her arm beneath him, she elevates his upper body. He grimaces, his breath coming rougher and his skin looking more pallid.
“My mother….” He asks breathlessly, his head cradled against her breast.
looking into his pale Jade eyes she nods faintly as her fingers gently brush the wet curls off his pale brow. “she knows my brave soul,” the Valkyrie answers, “she is proud of having such a courageous son.”
Kya smiles as a smile softly cursl his pale lips and her heart breaks as he feel the life ebbing quickly out of him. Gently stroking his cheek with her free hand, she whispers against his temple, “You don't need to fight it anymore. It's okay. The battle is over.”
At hearing those words, there is a greater ease in his Jade green eyes that normally would hold such intensity. Wrapping the silver cloak around him, Kya prepares to lift him. While cradling him against her, she feels an ache inside, a sadness she normally would not feel. How many eternities has this been, and how many more will there be?
The wind, sensing the moment of their departure, uplifts the white feathers of the cloak, fluttering them. Yes, it is time. Time to bring her chosen one from the battlefield to the other side. Standing carefully, she lifts him gently, she can feel him struggling to stay alive, to see a last sunset as they ride away into eternity. Quickly her steed, who knowing the ritual reaches her side and stands as still as marble as she gently lifts her chosen warrior into the saddle. Bending forward she tenderly places a kiss upon his pallid lips, inhaling the scent of him. “look your last upon this earth my love,” she murmurs, gently lifting him, his head again cradled against her shoulder.
Opening his eyes, the pale orbs slowly roam the battlefield, shedding the last tears he will ever shed as a human for as soon as they cross the bridge into Valhalla he will be an eternal warrior, forever enjoying the blessings that his bravery has won him.
Kya fights the desire to weep as she feels his body struggling for one last breath. Wrapping her arm around him she gently press a tender kiss upon his temple. “do not struggle my gallant warrior, come with me into eternity and live forever in Valhalla.”
“will….we be…..together…..forever?” he asks, his breathing shallow and rapid.
Frowning, she inhales softly, knowing she will never be allowed to keep him as her mate. Being Odin's youngest daughter, Kya will never be allowed to love any man. Hiding the sadness from her voice, she caress eshis cheek lovingly. “yes,” she answers him in a bare whisper, her heart is breaking into tiny pieces. “forever and a day.” Pressing her golden heels to the steed's sides Kya urges him into a soft gallop. “stay with me.” she begs him as the stallion gallops through the woods, their journey into Valhalla starting. She shakes her head in denial of her emotions, it is love, an eternal, human love that she had always heard of, but never felt. Biting her lip she closes my eyes, knowing this man will change her forever, for it is known that once a Valkyrie falls in love, she must fight Odin himself to prove her beloved's worthiness, if she succeeds, the Valkyrie is gifted with her beloved and allowed to retire to that special place that only lovers can go. Feeling his fingers clasp Kya's weakly, she smiles and gently tightens her hold upon his weakening frame.
“Together….forever.” he whispers softly and she nods, a smile slowly brightening her face. Kya must fight her father, but love gives her the knowledge that she will prove her warrior's worth to him.
Just as they cross the bridge that leads into eternal life, Kya feels him shudder and his head falls limply to the side. “My love.” she murmurs, tightening her grip upon him. Suddenly, his body arches into a bow before he inhales and his body shakes softly, life once again returning to his cold limbs. “yes my love, fight, stay with me forever.” she begs, urging the steed to gallop faster.
“yes.” He utters as he buries his nose against Kya's throat. “forever……”
As they reached the gates of Asgard and they open into the realm of Valhalla she feels him tremble in her embrace. Looking down Kya brushed a stray lock of my coppery hair and smiled as their eyes met.
“is this Valhalla?” he asks in a breathless whisper.
Nodding she gathers him more tightly against her as the gates open and her sisters ride toward them. Lifting her chin, she straightens in the saddle and smiles.
“didn't take you long to find this one Kya.” Mist, the oldest of the sisters stated in a proud tone of voice.
“but can never beat your record.” She responded, forcing the stallion to stop before them. “what is it again? Five minutes?”
They all laughed as they slowly dismounted. “Mist will never allow us to forget, she found him just outside the gates and dragged Olrik inside by his hair!” Skeggjiold stated as she tossed her mass of bright red curls over her shoulder.
Chuckling with her sisters Kya slowly dismounted, allowing her beloved to lay over the stallion's neck. Meeting his gaze she gently brushed his cinnamon curls off his face and smiled. “don't worry,” she murmured as he grabbed her hand. “all will be alright,” turning she looked at each of her sisters, their eyes shone with pride. She watched them all drift closer and admire her warrior.
Lifting his head, Skegi sighed at seeing the beauty of this warrior. “you chose well dearest, baby sister, he is a magnificent specimen for our hall.”
Hild and Thrud also gently brushed their hands down his back and hissed in admiration. “not since Erik the bloody has there been such a perfect warrior born.” Thrud stated in awe.
Stepping between her sisters and the warrior, Kya gently held his hand as she stared angrily at Skegi. “leave him be,” she stated. Her voice claiming he belonged to her.
Mist stepped forward, her tongue clucking as she shook her head. “you know that's impossible Kya, he is worthy of Valhalla but no man will ever be worthy of you.”
“how do you know?” Kya demanded, her dark eyes flashing.
Hild sighed heavily and looked at Skegi and Thrud. “we all understand dearest,”
“aye, we do for he is magnificent.” agreed Thrud who gently smiled at the warrior, trying her best to calm his fears. “but It is written in the law-“
“I don't care about the law, he's mine, claimed by my heart and soul and not even father will keep me from his side.” She stated as she pushed her sisters back, away from the warrior. Feeling his shaking hand grab her left arm she turned and gasped at seeing the fear reflected in his Jade green eyes.
“I….do not…..want to be……a Burde-” He mumbled before falling silent as their eyes met.
Shaking her head, Kya gently brushed the back of her fingers across his cheek. “you must not worry my brave love, they speak from rancor.”
“how would you know what love is Kya?”
Lifting her shaking chin, Kya stared into the eyes of each of her sisters and nodded. “it's true, until I laid eyes upon this warrior I had not felt that special emotion all humans seem to have but the law can change, if father only-“
“KYARA!” boomed the voice of Odin, king of all the Norse gods.
Bowing her head, Kya bit her lower lip but kept a gentle grasp of her warrior's hand in hers. “yes father?”
“look at me child.” Odin asked as he dismounted his great, black stallion.
Lifting her head, Kya shivered as she met Brunhilde's pale eyes and bowing her head softly to the leader of the Valkyries her gaze shifted to stare deeply into her father's pale eyes. Eyes that could be as tender as a caress or as angry and fiery as his temper. `please father, let me keep him.' She begged silently as she stared into her father's eyes. `I love him and he loves me.'
Closing his eyes, Odin smiled sadly. “you wish to prove his worth?” was all he asked as he waved the rest of his daughters away.
“yes father, he is worthy I assure yo-“ she started to explain but stopped as Odin lifted his hand.
Stepping forward, Odin brushed his fingers down Kya's pale cheek. Shifting his gaze toward the shaking warrior he nodded slowly. “you have three days to regain your strength, on the fourth day Kya will prove to me if you are truly worthy of her, but know this; if you prove to be unworthy of my child, you will be sent to Hel for eternity.” Saying this, Odin mounted sleipnir and rode away.
Exhaling a breath she did not know she held, Kya gently led her stallion toward Freya's hall. Once there she gently helped him dismount and with great care dragged him into the great hall where several young girls approached them. “have a chamber prepared,” she ordered as she led him toward the hearth. Leaving him seating before the fire she rushed to bring him food and drink.
Freya smiled as she entered her great hall, she could feel the vibrant life of the man sitting before the fire, his pale skin shimmering with the fire's glow. “and who are you my brave warrior?” she asked as she took a seat on her throne.
Lifting his gaze, the warrior slowly met the pale eyed goddess. Falling to his knees he bowed his head. “I am Roi, son of Gandolf the pale.” He murmured.
Leaning forward, Freya smiled wider. “so you are, I had forgotten about the bravery of your father, he served me well.” She stated, reaching out and gently brushing her fingers through his hair.
Swallowing hard, Roi slowly lifted his head at the touch of her fingers. “I am glad my lady.” He responded in a shaky voice, unsure of why he had been brought to the goddess Freya.
“aunt Freya,” Kya whispered as she entered the hall, Setting the food she carried on the table she quickly approached the beautiful goddess. “I thought you were still searching the battlefield.”
Shaking her head, Freya winked at Kya and nodded toward the stairs. “I exhausted him as always.”
Kya blushed brightly, nodding softly knowing her aunt perfectly well. “aye, I am sure you have.”
Smiling brightly she hugged the young Valkyrie. “you have chosen well my dear.” The goddess murmured before kissing her niece's cheek before departing the hall.
Whirling, Kya fell to her knees beside the warrior. Helping him to take a seat at the huge table, she smiled softly. “eat and drink, once you are sated I will take you to your chamber where you may rest.”
Clasping her wrist in his bloodied fingers, Roi lifted his weary gaze to meet her dark one. “don't leave, please.” He begged as he gently dragged Kya into the chair beside him.
“I am at your service my lord-“ biting her lip she smiled tenderly at him, she had taken him from battle, chosen him as her love and she didn't even know his name.
“Roi, I am Roi Gandolfson.” He stated, kissing the alabaster skin of her hand.
Lowering her gaze, she nodded slowly. “enjoy the slight meal my lord Roi, once you are well rested we will join the others in Odin's great hall.”
Roi stared at the meal before him, unable to take a single bite he closed his eyes and considered what he had heard outside. The Valkyrie who had brought him home was the youngest of Odin's children, a favorite daughter and obviously extremely protected and she had chosen him as her mate? It was unbelievable. Shaking his head he suddenly felt the heaviness of the trial he had endured for the last few weeks, ever since leaving his home he had rarely rested as he and his men rode hell bent toward the battle at Brunanburh. “all was a waste of time and resources.” He mussed silently as he forced himself to remember the battle.
Watching him attentively, Kya noticed how his skin glowed with the light from the fire, how his hair became a riotous mass of dark curls and his eyelids drooped until there was barely a slit showing the bright green of his magnificent eyes. “you are so magnificent my beloved Roi, the epitome of a true warrior, handsome, brave and strong.” She mussed, her fingers tangling in her coppery hair as they twisted a strand around her index finger. She jumped startled as his head thumped on the table, reaching out she gently lifted his head and sighed as his lashes fluttered softly. “I see you are ready for bed,” she murmured as she helped him to his feet and gently guided him toward the stairs. Once inside his chamber she carefully laid him on the bed and taking his boots off she allowed herself the need to watch him as he slept. Taking the window seat she slowly braided her long hair, her gaze never leaving the sleeping warrior.
In his sleep, Roi relived the fateful battle. It had lasted three days and in those days, his entire batallion had been lost, all because their king could not keep his greedy hands from taking the entire Isle. Seeing the battle once again in his mind, he relived the entire scene up until he had been distracted by…..gasping for breath he now remembered he had seen Kya before he had been struck down.
Kya watched as his breathing became shallow and fast, knowing he must be reliving the battle she stood and gently brushed her fingers across his brow, taking the images away so he could rest. He needed to be well recovered when her father demanded the proof she had promised. Returning to her window seat she kept a vigil of her beloved's sleep.
Late the next morning, Kya awoke to the sound of clanging swords. Looking around she realized Roi was nowhere nearby and she quickly rushed toward the field, where she knew her father had already started the inquisition. Pushing all those before her aside she arrived at the field as her father slammed his great sword against Roi's. “you promised three days father.” She hissed softly. Fisting her hands she knew it was forbidden to interfere and with a soft curse she rushed toward her sister's who cheered their father on to massacre the warrior before him.
Skegi turned and smiled as Kya approached. “he's amazingly brave Kya.”
Nodding, Kya stared wide eyed at the battle before her. “he promised three days Skegi,” she murmured without taking her eyes from her warrior.
Laughing softly, Mist stepped forward. “it was your warrior who demanded this trial Kya,”
Her eyes widened even more at her oldest sister's comment. “I bet he did,” she murmured. They both were magnificent. Her father's armor shone in the bright sunlight while Roi's simple leather clothing showed every straining muscle as he forced his tired body to deflect each advance Odin made.
Kya watched in awe as her father kicked the sword from Roi's slack fingers and proceeded to pound some sense into the young warrior. She shuddered with every blow Roi received, not knowing how he stood the pain of her father's fisted blows. Closing her eyes she awaited the final result, the sickening sound of Roi's head splitting open as her father broke every bone in his body but frowned as a different sound reached her ears, gasps and cheers grew louder and she snapped her eyes open only to find her warrior had kicked her father away and had his sword back in his hands.
Suddenly Roi stumbled and fell, his sword skidding away from his hold. Kya watched horrified as the young warrior turned unto his back, and with a resigned stare he waited the death blow which would send him straight into the arms of Hel, mistress of the underworld. She watched as in slow motion, her father raised his sword and aimed it straight at Roi's heart.
“Noooo!” Kya screamed as she launched herself forward. Falling to her knees above the warrior she turned and met her father's dismayed pale gaze.
Lowering his weapon, Odin glared at his youngest daughter. “move aside,” he growled.
Shaking her head, Kya gently grabbed Roi's hand and stared angrily at her father. “he proved his worth father, with one night's rest he proved his worth.” She stated loudly for all to hear.
Gasps were heard from all around them as Odin stepped back. “he demanded it,” he stated. “you know I could never refuse.”
“aye father, he did.” Turning to her warrior she met his worried gaze. “he is as brave and proud as any Norse god and you know it.” Standing she smiled lovingly at Roi. Turning to her father she knew what she had to do but it broke her heart to do so. Taking a step away from the warrior she fought the tears that threatened to spill. Meeting her father's angry glare she straightened her back and nodded. “allow him entrance into Valhalla, he deserves to enjoy Asgard until Ragnarok.”
Turning away, Kya fisted her hands and slowly walked away, her head held high as she abandoned a chance at love so Roi could remain in Valhalla.
Frowning, Roi watched Kya walk away from him. Looking up he took Odin's proffered hand and stood slowly. “I don't understand.”
Smiling with pride, Odin pounded the young warrior on the back. “she has given you the gift of eternity in Valhalla while sacrificing her own heart.” Turning he met the warrior's pale Jade green eyes and shook his head. “I cannot allow her to do so.” He growled. With those words he shoved Roi toward Kya.
Stumbling slightly, Roi rushed toward his beloved Valkyrie and taking her hand he spun her around.
“what are you doing?” she demanded trying to get away from his hold.
“your father-“
“No Roi, go back to Valhalla before he changes his mind.” She begged pulling away from him.
“Kya,” she heard her father's voice echo close behind her and she stopped struggling and spun around to stare into his sad gaze. “take him, he's yours.”
Unsure of her father's words she stared at Roi for a long time before she understood. Spinning around she smiled happily at her father. “I may keep him?”
Nodding, Odin slowly smiled brightly. “aye child, he is yours forever.”
Vaulting into his arms, Kya wrapped herself around Roi's body, their lips meeting in tender union. The heated passion of his kiss stole her breath away. Everything faded away into vaporous clouds as he ravished her mouth with passionate abandon, his tongue sweeping against hers. Suddenly they felt a swift breeze and pulled apart to gaze around them, the scene had changed vastly as they now stood inside a bright chamber, a bright fire roared softly upon the fireplace and she smiled at seeing the feathery bed before them. “I guess my father kept his word.” She murmured as she dragged Roi toward the bed.
“always and forever?” he asked in awe as she undressed for him.
“forever and a day.” She whispered against his lips as she claimed her warrior as her mate.
The End.
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