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BY: Kyara Caledonii
![]() **All Rights Reserved. Story cannot be reprinted/reproduced without Kyara's permission.**
![]() ![]() I had planned this vacation trip for well over seven months, and finally the time had come. After months of scrimping and saving, I had gotten enough money together to take my much dreamed of trip Canada. More specifically the area just outside Montreal.
I had tried to coincide my trip with the autumn season...so that I may partake of the beautiful change of the leaves on the trees. The changing of the leaves was something that I had always enjoyed at home in Texas, but I had always dreamed of witnessing the change in the Canadian wilderness.
Although I had had a devil of a time finding one, i had finally found the perfect nature tour. I had set it all up with my local vacation planner at home, and when i arrived at my hotel in Montreal, everything was scheduled and in order.
I'd be heading out the very next day on the first trip into the beautiful countryside, just a small distance outside Montreal. I was barely able to contain my excitement, and was unable to sleep the whole night before. I just knew that this would be a trip that would never be forgotten.
As our little group hiked over the hills and through the small valleys, I was able to view the change of the season in all its splendor. The colors of orange, yellow, and burgundy were breathtaking, and the scene embedded itself into our memories. The whole group was just breath- taken by the spectacle, being as how they were all new to the area.
As we continued to walk along the small narrow path, our guide would continually make sure to remind us to stay close, and not wander off. The area was very desolate of people and habitations, and if we were to get lost, the consequences could be hazardous. As she reminded us of this, we all talked amongst ourselves, not really paying her much heed. And, in the end that would be, in my case, my undoing.
Because, how was I to know that I would become separated from the group, late in the day, as night was falling.
I lagged behind the group, and fell further and further behind, not noticing. I had been so taken with the follage, that everything else had been tuned out. After a little while, I got a strange feeling. It was at that time that I looked around, and noticed that I was completely alone.
Looking up, through the forest, I noticed that the sun had dipped very low in the sky. I also noticed that the temperature had taken on a rather chilly feeling, and dusk was dangerously near.
I looked up and down the narrow trail, and strained my ears, trying to see and hear anything that may help me get my bearings. I listened, but all I heard were the forest sounds. I pulled my jacket closer around me, and pulled the collar up to keep my neck warm. I decided to continue in the direction in which I had originally headed.
After about an hour, I came to a fork in the path, and had to make a decision. Feeling that I might as well go for it, I decided to take the narrow path that headed off to the left. After about another hour, and as darkness fell, I realized I had made the wrong decision. By then, I was beginning to feel the effects of the cold, and was beginning to lose the feeling in my toes. After a few moments of berating myself mentally for not dressing warmer, and not listening to the tour guide, I decided to try to find a place to hunker down and wait out the night.
As I sat down by a log, under a tree, and pulled my coat tightly around me, I kept telling myself not to fall asleep. I had heard numerous stories of individuals dying from exposure because they fell asleep, and I didn't want to be another statistic. However, as hard as I tried, I was not able stay awake. The last thing I remembered before drifting off to sleep was how much I had wanted this vacation. And how it had turned out to be a disaster.
As I laid balled up on the floor of the forest, I heard a male voice, as if from a far off distance, and it sounded as if it were coming closer. I tried to will myself to move, but all I could do was shiver.
I had fallen asleep during the night, and could not move. In that next moment, I could feel something eagerly licking me on the face, and then I could hear a dog barking. As I opened my eyes, my vision was blurry, but I could barely make out the form of a dog. As the dog continued licking me enthusiastically, I heard the male voice call out to the dog.
"Hasard...what did you find there boy?"
I heard the footsteps coming closer. I looked up, and when a figure stepped up beside the dog, it blocked the sun from my eyes. Unable to adequately adjust my eyes, I only saw a dark form. As the figure bent over me, and touched my forehead, the stranger spoke.
"Mon DIEU...you are freezing!"
The figure leaned over, and I felt strong arms wrapped around me and they began to lift me, I did not protest. All I could do was lean into this person, and try to absorb some of their body heat.
"Come on Hasard...we need to get her back to the farmhouse."
As the stranger carried me, I drifted in and out of sleep. After we had travelled for what seemed like forever, we finally came upon a farm house. As I was carried up onto the porch, and through the door, I finally drifted off into a fitful sleep. I never did hear anything after that, nor did I feel myself be placed on the floor in front of the fireplace.
As I slowly opened my eyes, and started to stretch, I noticed that I was unable to move my arms and legs. I began to try and sit up, but I was unable to move whatsoever. Then, as my vision cleared, and I began to regain my senses, I turned my head and my eyes fell on the most angelic face I had ever seen in my life. After a few moments of shock and disorientation, I came to the realization that I was in a sleeping bag, with a strange man, in front of a roaring fireplace, in an old farmhouse.
After my initial shock had worn off, I began to become agitated and panicked. I tried to get out of the bag, and as far away from the stranger as I could. Then, to my sheer horror, I realized that I was completely naked. And if that hadn't bad enough, the stranger,in the sleeping bag with me was completely naked as well.
After a few moments of moving and trying to get out of the sleeping bag, the stranger began to stir and waken. That was when I realized that what had just a few moments ago had been just a slightly embarrassing situation, was most definitely about to develop into an extremely embarrassing situation.
Thinking that I would be better off to just remain still, and act like I was asleep, I stopped moving and laid back down. I laid on my side, facing away from the stranger, and closed my eyes. After a few seconds, I could feel the stranger start to shift around, and then I felt him reach over my shoulder, as he placed his hand on my forehead.
After making sure that I was not running a fever, he moved closer to me, and putting his arms around me, drew me back closer to him. A few moments passed, and I noticed that the strangers breathing had slowed and it became more rhythmic. Lying still, I waited another hour, just to make sure, then I acted.
I placed my hand under the sleeping bag edge, and taking as light a grip of the stranger's arm as I could, I tried to release the hold he had on me. As I slowly and diligently started to lift the stranger's arm, and started to move to get out of the sleeping bag, I felt a wisp of warm breath against my ear.
"That may not be the best move on your part."
I froze in mid movement, and just held my breath. I shut my eyes tightly, and muttered a curse under my breath. Then, after a few heartbeats, the stranger spoke again.
"Did you hear me? I said that may not be in your best interest." I opened my eyes, and let out my breath slowly.
"Um..well...I just...," I stammered, and then my reply just trailed off into nothingness. I felt the stranger place his arm around me once again, and I closed my eyes.
Then, I could sense him pulling the zipper down on the sleeping bag. After a few more seconds of fighting with the catch, the confining feeling that the bag had produced was gone, and I opened my eyes.
"There is a green robe on the hearth. I will avert my eyes, while you slip it on," he said in a low voice.
I turned slightly, and peered over my shoulder. The stranger had his eyes closed, and was waiting patiently for me to move. I then threw back the portion of the sleeping bag that had been covering me, and stood up. I walked over to the end of the hearth, and taking up the green robe, quietly and quickly slipped it on. Then, after making sure that the belt was secure, I cleared my throat.
"Uh...okay....you can....open your eyes now," I said meekly.
The stranger slowly opened his eyes, and peered at me. As he looked at me, I shifted my weight uncomfortably. Suddenly feeling defensive, I glared at him.
"What are you looking at?!," I questioned. He chuckled, and blinked his eyes several times.
"I was just noticing how the color of that robe brings out the green in your eyes."
I felt myself suddenly blush, and I had to look away from him. But, as I did, I couldn't help but smile. Then, when I heard him shifting around, I looked back to him. He was sitting up, with the top of the bag just barely covering him, running his fingers through his auburn hair, and yawning.
Then, as he took hold of the edge of the bag, and began to move it back, I inhaled suddenly. He must have heard me, because he suddenly stopped, and looked up at me.
"Oh...sorry. I am not used to having "company"...so I tend to..." He trailed off, as he suddenly became very uncomfortable. He then motioned for me to hand him the other green robe lying on the hearth. I walked over and picked it up, then walked towards him. As I got within a couple of feet of him, I stopped.
He looked at me and questioned. "What's wrong?"
I hesitated for a moment, then started stammering. "Nothing... well... its just that... well..."
He dropped his head, and nodding, he laughed softly. "I understand. Just toss me the robe."
I tossed him the robe as he requested, and he took it. As he started to pull the cover of the bag back from him, he looked back up at me. With a playful smile on his lips, he spoke.
"So...are you gonna watch or what?"
I smiled, and turned my back to him. I heard him moving and rustling behind me, as he struggled to get the robe on. After a few moments, he tapped me on the shoulder, making me jump.
"Sorry," he said. I just smiled and nodded.
"That's okay," I replied, "it must be nerves, from being in the cold all night." He smiled back.
"So, what were you doing out in that area of the forest to begin with?" he asked.
"I was part of a tour, out of Montreal. I guess I didn't pay well enough attention to my tour guide when she said to make sure I didn't get seperated from the group."
He looked over at me, then walked into the kitchen. He opened and closed the doors on the cabinet, and then I heard him running water.
"Would you care for a cup of coffee?" he asked.
"No, thank you." I replied, "But I would kill for a dew though." He came back into the living room, and looked at me.
"A dew?" he asked. "What is that? Some new American blend?"
I placed my hand over my mouth, in the attempt to stiffle a giggle. "No," I began, "a dew, like in Mountain Dew. You know, as in soda pop?"
He laughed out loud, as realization struck him. When he did, I noticed that his whole face lit up, and his eyes twinkled. "Of course," he laughed, "soda pop. That would explain it. I am not a big soda drinker, so I am not up on all the flavors."
He gestured for me to follow him, as he turned and walked back into the kitchen. Then, after taking a seat at the table, I turned to him.
"Do you think you could give me a ride back into town?"
He looked towards me, and as he started to answer, there was a faint scratching noise at the door. He walked over, and opened the door, and when he did, a large dog came meandering in. The dog walked right up to me, and proceeded to lick me on the hands. The stranger laughed, and walked up next to the dog. I began petting the dog, as the stranger looked down at me.
"You know, Hasard doesn't take to strangers too well, but he does seem to have taken a liking to you."
I smiled, and ruffled the dog's coat. "The feeling is mutual." I gripped the dog's head, and holding him still, looked him in the eyes. "I take it I have you to thank for saving me then?" I asked. The dog's reply was a quick lick across my chin. Then, as I released my hold on him, Hasard turned and headed into the livingroom.
Turning back to the stranger, I held out my hand. "My name is Ryanne. I am in your debt. Thank you." The stranger paused a moment, staring at me, then took hold of my hand, and slowly shook it.
"The pleasure was all mine, Ryanne. My name is Roy." He stopped shaking hands with me, but did not release his grip on my hand for a few moments. After we realized that we were still holding hands, we both smiled, and let go.
"So, we had better get you back to your tour group, huh?" he asked. I only nodded my head in agreement. After looking at me a few more moments, Roy turned towards the living room. "Your clothes should be dry by now. They are lying on the couch. You can change in here, and I will see about putting something on as well."
I only nodded in agreement, as he walked across the living room, and disappeared through a connecting hallway. After getting dressed, I sat on the couch, and waited. I heard his footsteps down the hallway, and raised my gaze in his direction. When he appeared, he was wearing a pair of jeans, and a white sweater. His hair was slightly tousled, and unruly looking. I thought to myself, he looked good that way, and that the unruly look suited him.
"Are you ready?" he asked, bringing me out of my reverie.
"Yes, I think so," I replied. He escorted me to his Jeep, and held the door open for me. As he opened his drivers side door, Hasard climbed in before him, then he slid in, and closed the door.
Starting the Jeep, and placing it in gear, he backed up and turned around. After traveling down a dirt road for a few miles, we finally turned onto the main highway, and started toward Montreal. Pulling up in front of my hotel, Roy turned off the engine, and turned to me.
"Well, here you are. All safe and sound." I looked towards the hotel entrance, and away from Roy, frowning.
"Yeah, here we are," I replied under my breath. I turned to look at Roy, as he opened his driver side door, and exited the Jeep. He then walked around the vehicle, and opened the door for me. As I slid out of the Jeep, I reached back, and rubbed Hasard once more. He yelped in reply. I smiled, and stood up.
"Well, thanks again," I said.
"You're welcome," he replied.
I then leaned in, and slightly brushed a kiss across his cheek. When I pulled back, I saw something play across his eyes. Then, leaning in closer, I started to kiss him. As our lips touched, I heard someone call out my name.
"Ryanne!" I pulled back from Roy, and looked in the direction of the yell. It was Patty my best friend.
"Hey!" I yelled, running towards her. "how did you get here so quick?"
"after i got that call i was so worried about you i took the first flight here. where have you been?" Patty spoke so fast, she lost her breath.
"I kinda got seperated from the group," I explained, "but then this man's dog found me and..."
Patty narrowed her eyes. "A man huh?" she inquired.
I looked at her, and giggled. "No, it wasn't that way. His dog found me on the trail, and they saved me."
"Well, where is this man?" she asked. As I started to turn, and introduce them, i heard the Jeep pull out and onto the street.
"Well, that is him leaving." I said. Patty gasped, grabbbing a hold of my arm to steady herself.
"What's wrong?" I asked, with a tone of worry.
"Do you know who that was?" Patty asked.
"No," I replied.
"That was Roy Dupuis." she practically shouted.
I looked at her, then back towards the disappearing Jeep. "You don't say?" I replied. then turned and headed into the hotel, a smile lighting up my face, and chuckling under my breath.
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