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![]() By: Kyara Caledonii
![]() ![]() ***All Rights Reserved. Story cannot be reprinted/reproduced without Kyara's permission.***
![]() "I Don't Love You Anymore."
![]() Those words filled his mind constantly, it had been already 3 months since that fateful night when Nikita had spoken those words to him, and he still could not reconciliate the feelings they caused.
Michael had spent every waking moment trying to figure out what had been done to HIS Nikita, he spent countless hours reading all about the reprogramming methods, and he had almost lost his entire team one week ago while he was too worried about Nikita to think about the team. Operations had made sure he remembered his duties by showing him the newest images from Elena's home.
He sat in his darkened office and tried to deal with the pain and confusion Nikita's rebuff had caused in him. He had walked out of her apartment. Not thinking about anything else, he walked for hours through the city streets, his mind gone, his body had returned to his usual reaction, but this time it had almost gone too far, he had awakened in his loft, 6 days later, not knowing what had happened during those 6 days.
He still had a difficult time remembering what he had done during those six lost days.
He looked out of the window and saw Nikita walking past his office, she had avoided him like the plague since that night at the apartment. She had been literally taken from his team, working inside section for the last 3 months had become extremely difficult for a man like Michael.
He needed to have activity and section had been uniquely quiet the last 3 months, going only on 4 missions since the Genefex mission was driving him insane.
Several days later Michael had found the way to return Nikita to her former self, but as he watched Nikita walk out of the room where the programming had taken place he saw a curious flash of pain in her eyes, he walked toward her and lifted his hand to touch her cheek, but she flinched away from him. He had turned and walked away swiftly, leaving a very confused Nikita behind.
Why does he think that returning what was taken will give me the love I lost? Nikita stood watching Michael walk away and her heart broke, she had again rebuffed him and that had hurt him deeply, he did not show the pain but she saw it in the sadness of his eyes and the dejected set of his shoulders.
2 weeks later
Michael and Nikita had been sent on a mission, the mission had gone terribly wrong. Nikita had been running up the stairs to backup Michael who was trying to keep their prisoner from taking a plunge off a 4 story bldg.
Nikita kicked open the door to watch the man called Austero Gomez move to the edge and push Michael, Nikita screamed as she saw Michael lose his balance and fall, they had locked their gazes a split second before he fell off the roof, she saw Gomez trying to escape and she shot Gomez on the leg, making sure he would not go anywhere, she ran to the edge of the building and watched as Michael landed heavily on his back. She saw the tell tale sign of a broken skull as his head hit the pavement and blood oozed around his head, she watched as a thin line of blood escaped his nose and mouth also, she turned frantic and ran back down the stairs, calling through her Comm unit she made sure Gomez would be picked up by team 2 as she rushed down the stairs to Michael's side.
Making sense of the darkness edging his vision, crawling back into consciousness, Michael could understand only one thing: He hurt. There was not a place on his body that failed to pulse with pain, and he automatically retreated back into his mind. His eyes fluttered closed and his ragged breathing evened. Michael wrapped himself in the confines of his soul and willed himself to remember.
Images pummeled his inner eyes: Nikita, smiling; Nikita again, her face a rictus of fear; a building, rushing away; finally Adam, the last moment he had seen his son.
He had fallen. Fallen far. No one had been able to do anything, and no one had done anything to stop his fall. Not even Nikita.
Michael grimaced inwardly. He had not expected her to forgive him this time, but he had hoped. Nikita had taught him that, how to hope again. He hoped that she would understand that he had no choice in the matter, hoped that she would realize what losing Adam had done to him. But while Michael had regained the capacity to hope, Nikita had lost her capacity to forgive him.
Pain invaded Michael's haven and he gasped, brought fully awake. White, jagged pain lanced behind his eyes. He was lying in something warm and sticky. Michael vaguely registered that it was his own blood. A smile ghosted his face for a brief second. He was dying.
Funny, Michael thought. I'm falling from hell into heaven.
Michael's muscles relaxed at the thought of finally going home. Home. The word and thought lilted in his weary brain, comforting in its warmth.
He had been near death so many times, and all he had ever felt was emptiness and a hollow satisfaction. This was new, odd... this introspection... And he had nothing else to do but wait to die, pinned to the ground, in pain... listening to the erratic pounding of his heart. Michael's life began to flash before his eyes. His lips quirked involuntarily at how amusing he was finding the death process, how trite... how strangely used to it he had become.
Emptiness. His parents, sister, and Simone flashed by in rapid succession. Those demons he had finally dealt with, after years of struggle. The newer faces, Nikita, Elena, Adam... they tore at his soul, shredding the already ragged garment with which he had to clothe himself. He could feel Nikita's fingers covering his through the wiring of the cages, while they awaited more torture. Michael flayed himself with the memory of Section's war with Red Cell, and his subsequent manipulations of Nikita. Her hate-filled eyes glaring from her mauled face, glaring at him.
Ah, Nikita. She was the "deadliest trap ever laid" by Madeleine, by Section's mistress of cages and heavily-borne crosses. She had taken him down in the first moment, burrowing expertly under his defenses. In all her innocence, she barely knew what she had accomplished. She never knew that beneath his blank stare, he was raging inside with need. The need to touch, feel, taste. The need to tell her anything she desired to hear. But more overpowering than all of these was the need to protect Nikita from Section. From himself.
Michael knew he was a dangerous man to know; it was dangerous to be his beloved. Simone had been lost that way, when Operations made the unilateral decision that Michael would be better off without her. Two wives gone, Michael recalled, and a son who would grow up fatherless.
Nikita's pain didn't need to be remembered. Everything he did to her lived fresh within him, a scab on his psyche that he wouldn't let heal.
He felt a sigh escape his cold lips.
If I asked Nikita, Michael thought, She would tell me that I didn't deserve to heal.
His conscience hissed a response. She would have been right.
Michael could tell he was being moved, but his almost frightening ability to detach himself from his own body had kicked in with a vengeance. Michael assumed he was being taken to Medlab. It was doubtful that Section would allow anyone else to take his body. Really, it made no difference. He knew the distance he must have fallen. A faint chance at best that he would live; if he did survive the initial fall, he would be an invalid. Or catatonic.
I wonder if Operations will cancel me himself, if that scenario unfolds, Michael thought. Perhaps Operations would make Nikita do the deed. Michael no longer knew Nikita, not like he had. Maybe she would quiet her demons by ending his life. Maybe not.
Let it be not, Michael's mind urged.
Nikita had brought him here, fading from the land of the living, his consciousness slowly fraying into darkness. Michael had learned hope from her; what Nikita had gleaned from Michael only consisted of betrayal, secretiveness, and hatred. He had saved her life time and again by ruthlessly manipulating her emotions. Nikita had made a point, once; she had never asked for his protection. Michael didn't tell her... he couldn't not protect her. Operations had told him, "If she fails, you fail." At that time, Michael had repeated another phrase in his mind: "If she dies, I die." The phrase had almost become a mantra for him. It was simple to behold, but too difficult for Michael to explain. Not when she didn't reciprocate. Not when Nikita jumped on his every word. She acted like a verbal barracuda when he spoke. Again, his fault. He gave her so little...
Nikita's loathing for him had metastasized. Before, she hadn't wanted anything to do with him, but she had cared. She was just avoiding being hurt. Her hatred had burrowed, like a malignant tumor, into her heart.
Michael was thankful to whatever god or gods there were that Nikita had refused to extend her disgust to Adam.
If that had happened, Michael thought, She would have just as well put a gun to my head and squeezed the trigger.
His betrayal of Elena and subsequent assassination-No, Michael told himself. Not assassination. Not cancellation. Murder. He had murdered her father. Yes, her father had been a militant terrorist. Michael knew that was not a valid excuse; it hadn't been for a long time, not since that fateful day nearly fifteen years ago.
You're the same, his conscience whispered. Just the same.
Michael wondered idly how it had felt for him, to have his daughter Elena taken away forever. That would be the dividing line. If he had felt the same as Michael when Nikita carried Adam away in her arms, Michael knew he could never forgive himself. And he knew that he was fervently glad he would never be able to discover what Elena's father had experienced. Mentally and literally. His son would survive him, and that was as it should be.
No, he had done enough. His son remained safe, away from him.
Nikita was strong, stronger than he. Michael knew he wasn't essential to her survival. If he had been, she would not have stared at him calmly, as he had flown backwards over the edge of the building. If she had just reached out her arm...
Michael wished his lips could smile. Even now, he would not -- could not -- blame Nikita. She had shown him the way home.
Losing her, having her, and slowly killing her had brought Michael to this place: the place where he had no will to live. He had passively tried to kill himself three times in recent memory. The first had been when Nikita had chosen Jurgen over him, and Michael had used that choice to take away the hold Jurgen had over Section One. The way she looked at him after that had shattered his bones, and so he thought it best to end it in the flames. He would reset the detonator and die, mission complete.
Jurgen had wrested that decision from him, choosing to die in his place. Michael still nursed a small spark of resentment from that. If Jurgen had not been so selfish, Michael could have caused so much less pain to others. Jurgen had denied him the cleansing inferno of hell.
Rene. Oh, God. Rene.
Causing Rene's death had fractured something within him. Michael had been unable to draw a weapon against the man who had raised his little sister in his stead. He had been unable to defend himself at all; defending himself would have been an unconscionable act. Strange that Nikita had done it for him.
The words he had spoken in the past had been flung back at him, by Rene and Nikita both. Michael had almost taken a vow of silence when Nikita advised him to "disengage."
He hadn't been able to look at her face as he hovered over Rene's body, didn't want to see whatever emotion she displayed for him. He hadn't wanted to know, hadn't wanted her to know the power she held over him. Michael never regretted telling her then that she, "should have let him do it." It remained a sparkling gem of truth in the quagmire of lies from which she couldn't free herself.
The third time had been after the Vacek mission was over and he became suicidal, Nikita stood by him, watching over him while he played the cello to the image of his son.
But Nikita had stopped him.
Michael's soul moaned. How could I have forgotten Simone's suicide?
They arrived at the airport and they transfered Michael onto the gurney and proceeded to stem the flow of blood from his wounds.
She remained at his side as the medic that Section had somehow provided began his assessment of the situation. "Michael please, please hear me?" she whispered, her lips steadily pressing against he ear.
She caressed his hair between her bloodstained fingers.
"Come back to me Michael, you have to hang on." she commanded not sure if he could hear her or not. She only knew she had to try. "Please Michael, Section is not important anymore." And with that the heart monitor screamed an eerie noise as Nikita looked up and saw the thin flat line coursing over the monitor. "Michael!" she screamed.
The steady drone of the monitor as it screamed out the lack of life drove Nikita to the depths of despair.
"Do something!" she screamed at the two technicians as they worked frantically over the still form of Michael now fully stretched on the gurney.
One ripped his shirt open and proceeded to cut through his pants as the other prepared the defibrillator slathering the paddles with gel and waiting for the charge to approach the desired setting.
"Stand back!" he ordered and Nikita was forced to release his hand as the paddles were brought down against Michael's naked chest. "Clear" he shouted at the same time he pressed the buttons on each paddle releasing the electrical charge into his chest. "300 jewls" he gave the instruction after watching a slight blip then nothing on the monitor. "Clear" was shouted as he shocked Michael once again. Still nothing. "Bring it to 400 jewls" he waited again then rubbing the paddles again to coat the gel evenly shocked him once again. Still nothing. Nikita was beside herself, she wanted to touch him yet knew she couldn't. She wanted him to know that she loved him and always had, yet she didn't know if he would even hear her. "500 jewls" he attempted once more and this time was rewarded by a heartbeat.
"His blood pressure is coming back." the second technician finished with the cuff wrapped securely around his left arm. "Tell the pilot he has to hurry, we aren't going to get as lucky if he crashes again." he looked at Nikita and knew instantly that she was literally dying inside. "You can talk to him, he might hear you." he continued working on the wound, trying valiantly to stem the flow of blood that had once again started as Michael's pressure rose. "Tell him what you need him to know now, you might not get the chance later." he smiled trying to reassure her but knowing that the operative on the gurney might be too far gone by the time they landed.
Nikita sat down near the gurney and brought her mouth against Michael's ear. "I love you do you know that?" she watched his face to see if there was any response but continued even when there wasn't a sign he had heard "You can't leave me here alone." she felt the tears that had been welling up in her eyes cascade down her cheeks and fall into the wave of hair bunched around Michael's head like a halo. "I can't make it without you Michael, I know that it has been you that has kept me alive." she kissed his ear "You are the only thing that keeps a spark of life in me." she continued caressing his face as she nuzzled in closer. "I can't live without you, please don't make me." she pleaded and thought she felt some response. Backing her head away, she saw his eyes flicker for the briefest of moments then turning his head ever so slightly, she heard him mouth the words that made her heart break.
"You have to live for both of us." and with that the monitor returned to a flat line as Nikita heard herself screaming once again.
The two technicians started working to revive him once more. Shocking his heart, filling a syringe with Epinephrine to stimulate the heart then plunging the huge needle into its mark, each effort was followed by the three of them holding their breath and silently praying. Nothing seemed to be working and the two men knew that the likelihood of bringing him back grew slimmer as each second ticked off the clock.
"You can't give up!" she screamed at them. "You have to save him don't you understand?" she continued, holding his hand with one of her own, she brought her fist down full force into his chest all the while screaming "Dam you Michael, you brought me here, don't leave me." blow after blow met their mark as she alternately pummeled his chest and checked the monitor. But still nothing seemed to be working.
Michael felt free. He could have sworn he was flying, yet when he looked down, he was clearly walking but he hadn't a clue where. All about him things looked familiar but then they didn't. He heard birds chirping from the tops of blossoming trees that lined a street he was sure he knew but then again he wasn't. The confusion that filled his head grew as he made his way around and suddenly realized that this looked exactly like the neighborhood that he had grown up in. The house at the end of the block looked like his boyhood home and he wondered why after all this time he might be thinking about it. In front of the simple clapboard home, he saw a bike balance precariously against the red and white wrought iron bannister and toys scattered in the yard.
Looking up he heard the slam of a screen door just as a little curly red headed boy came bounding down the front steps to jump on his bike and ride away. As he positioned himself on the peddles, he looked up for the briefest of moments and their eyes locked. The little boy smiled and waved before turning the handlebars and peddling away. Michael realized that the boy was himself. As he continued down the street, the scenes changed and he saw things that he remembered from his teens. He couldn't understand what was happening, only that he felt like a patron watching a movie of his life unrolling before his very eyes. He saw the neighborhood poolhall that he hung out in with a band of his highschool buddies. He walked inside and saw them, all young again playing pool and drinking beers like they were going out of style. He saw the prom queen sitting on her hip against the bar, lazily waiting for her boyfriend to take notice of her.
Michael walked up to her to say hello but she didn't seem to hear him. His attention turned to the boy leaning over the table racking up the balls for the next game. Suddenly the young man looked up, their eyes locked and again Michael recognized him as himself. Further down the street he saw the home he had lived in before fighting with his Mom and Dad and stalking out as he vowed to never return. He never had, shortly afterwards his parents had died and he took Mariane to paris with him.
He felt a great sadness as he moved from street to street. Next he saw a dark haired woman, sitting alone in a park under the shade of a beautiful weeping willow tree. Something about her looked vaguely familiar and as he moved closer, he stopped in sudden shock. As the woman looked up, he felt the tightening in his chest that he had hoped to never again feel for before him stood his beautiful Simone. He moved in closer, sure that she would not seem him just like the prom queen, but as he drew up in front of her, the smile of recognition was unmistakable.
"Michael?" she smiled as she leapt from the bench and wrapped her arms around him "I've waited so long, I thought you would never come" she kissed his face over and over.
Michael drew away from her "Simone? How? How is this possible? I saw you die." he grew frightened but glued to the spot.
"It's possible Michael, here anything is possible." she smiled as she tried to embrace him once again.
"No, you died I saw you...I grieved for you." he backed away shaking his head. "This is not real. You are dead how can this be?" he still didn't understand.
"It's possible Michael because you are dead too." she smiled her biggest toothiest grin "Now we can be together for all eternity." she hugged him close.
Michael pulled back from Simone shaking his head. "I don't want to be here." he said sadly, realizing that he could easily give in and remain with Simone but he knew now that this was not where he wanted to be.
"But Michael, I have waited so long, we belong together. Don't you love me anymore?" the sadness emanating from her being gave Michael an overwhelming feeling of despair.
"I loved you Simone, believe me I did but now only in my memories." they started walking down the street together.
"Is there someone else?" she reached out and took his hand. Her skin was soft but cold not at all warm like he would have suspected.
"There have been others." He answered her not knowing why he was willing to be so honest when it would obviously be painful for her.
"There is someone you love now?" she continued, gently tugging on his hand as if it would hurry the answer along.
Michael took a deep breath, smiled slightly and nodded. "There is another woman." He looked deep into the liquid brown pools before him. "Someone I love very much." He tried to release his hand from hers but she wasn't ready to let him go.
As they continued down the street, the houses changed once again and farther down the road he saw a house that looked amazingly like the one he had shared with Elena. "How? She is not dead nor is my son." he looked at her again.
"No, but she might as well be. After your 'death' she found it very difficult to go on. She is not the lively girl you were once married to." she gave a slight chuckle as if amused by the pain this was causing him.
"I had no choice." he stopped directly in front of the house and waited but for what he didn't know. Elena appeared at the front door and slowly opened the screen peering out as if afraid of her own shadow.
"Adam, Adam where are you?" she called refusing to step foot out the door. "Adam come in right now." she called again.
The dark haired child rounded the corner of the house apparently coming from the backyard. "Coming Momma." he called as he wiped his small hands against the legs of his jeans trying to remove as much of the dirt as possible.
"Adam come in now, it is getting dark." she opened the door only enough to allow him access. Once he was inside, Michael heard her slam the door and slide bolts and chains into place. This was totally unlike Elena, she had always wanted doors and windows opened to the fresh summer breezes. It was then that Michael noticed that it was not winter here.
"Tell me Simone, is it always like this?" he grabbed her upper arm and spun her around so she would be facing him.
"Always like what Michael?" she smiled noticing how uncomfortable he was. "Like standing and watching a movie of your life not really being a part of it but watching things happen and not being able to change them?"
She started laughing. "You can be a part of them well, you can be a part of the lives of the ones who have gone on like me but you have to embrace death and willing give up life." she waited for some reaction.
"I don't want to be here. My life is not done yet." he frowned. She hated when he frowned.
She was much happier when his emerald green eyes danced with excitement. "Then you have to want to live. You must find the one thing that will give you back the life you want, reach for it Michael. Call for it. Believe." and with that she began to fade away.
Nikita continued to pound on his chest unaware of the bruises she was causing over the already irritated burns from the defibrillator paddles. "Michael please?" she cried, feeling more and more angry that she might actually be losing this battle. "Michael I love you." She hollered inches from his face.
"Ni-ki-ta." she heard a breath expelled from his lungs. The technicians who had already given up at this point turned in amazement as the monitor showed an increasingly steady beating heart.
How this was possible they didn't know and couldn't possibly explain. The only thing they were sure of was that somehow or another, this woman now straddling his chest had single-handedly brought him back from the brink of death and they were not about to lose him again.
"Nikita, we'll take over from here." one reached to help her off the gurney. Surprisingly she allowed his strong hands to lift her as if she were no more than a child and deposit her along side the gurney. She was grateful he hadn't tried to remove her from Beside Michael.
"Let's get some fluids and another unit of blood going." he instructed the second tech who was already hanging the soft plastic units from the IV pole. "His blood pressure is rising." He removed the cuff once more. Each action was done with a deliberate slow and carefulness as they stabilized him while exchanging glances of amazement at what could only be deemed a miracle.
They arrived at Section and the med lab team took Michael from her, she ran after them and grabbed the gurney just outside van access.
"Remember Michael Samuelle, I love you more than anything in the world and always have." With that the gurney began it's journey to the surgical ward. Just outside the door, the gurney stopped while allowing Nikita a moment to say to him whatever she wanted in case this was the last time she saw him alive.
Everyone in the room knew that the surgery while being his only hope could very well kill him if the slightest thing went wrong. Operations had followed the surgical procession at a distance never taking his eyes of the two operatives joined at the hands. "I will be waiting right here for you when you are finished." She started to cry and then noticed her teardrops on his lips.
Gently she wiped them away and continued. "You can't leave me Michael, I love you and if you love me you will fight to live, if you don't than I don't want to live without you and I won't is that clear?" she didn't really expect an answer and was surprised to see his lips trying to form a word. "Believe" was the only thing that came out before the head Doctor nodded for the team to wheel him inside.
"Doctor." she grabbed at his sleeve as he passed her. He quickly turned, noticed Operations standing alone off to one side
"What is it Nikita?" his voice was low and soothing.
"Please, you have to do whatever you can to save him, he's my life do you understand?" she cried openly. "Believe" was his one word answer before the metal doors swished closed behind him and she was left standing outside staring through the small portal windows.
She wiped the tears away drying her hands on the legs of her pants before looking up at Operations. The anguish of her features struck a cord in his heart that he believed to have long ago died and it took great reserve not to wrap his arms around her. Biting his lip, he silently cursed this momentary slip in his persona and after a brief cough to clear his throat he turned to her.
"My office five minutes is that clear Nikita?" stunned all she could do was nod and with that he turned and walked away.
As she made her way across the communications area, Birkoff and Walter exchanged glances. "She's not going to make it if Michael dies." Birkoff shook his head. Deep down he really cared for Nikita and although it irked him at times the way that Michael treated her, he also understood that between them there had been a love so deep and true that they willingly defied Section, Operations and Madeline just to be together. "She's heading to the observation deck" Walter rubbed his hands together and then tucked them both into his back pockets. "She's inches from losing the only man she really loves and he's debriefing?" his voice raised slightly causing Birkoff to lift a surprised eyebrow.
"This is Birkoff can anyone hear me?" he tested the line.
"Yes, Birkoff what is it?" he heard a pleasant female voice return his inquiry. "I need updates on Michael's condition is that clear?" he tried to sound official.
If Operations knew that he was doing this, he would be brought before him to explain but due to the circumstances, he didn't want Nikita to have to wait through channels before she was given any information.
"By whose orders?" the same female voice seemed to be feeling out the situation.
"By mine and Operations, is there a problem?" he knew he was taking a calculated risk.
"Will do." she replied before cutting the link. Birkoff looked up at Walter but quickly knew an explanation wasn't in order. Bother men knew that Nikita would go to any length for Michael and they both knew that they would willingly help her.
Overhead, they could see her leaning against a com unit, head bowed and from the looks of it, either in tears or very near breaking point. Operations was pacing madly although from the looks of things he seemed to be less demanding of responses from her as during previous meetings. "Can you tell me how it is that you and Michael happened to be on that roof without backup?"
"Michael followed Gomez there, the roof access door was jammed and I had to kick it in to get to Michael, when I saw Gomez push Michael off the roof i shot him and ran to try and stop Michael's fall, but it was too late." she sniffled and wiped at her nose with the back of her hand. She didn't even look up as Operations handed her the linen handkerchief that was usually implemented in his suit pocket.
"Thanks." she blew her nose gently and returned the handkerchief to him.
Operations saw the devastation and gult in Nikita's demeanor and h decided to cut this debrief short "We'll talk more later." Nikita lifted her shimmering blue eyes toward Operations and she saw a glimmer of sadness in his eyes, she nodded and left the aerie toward medlab.
14 hours later
"We've more or less stabilized him," the young doctor ran his fingers through his hair.
Madeline stood next to him only paces away from the observation window of Michael's room.
"What's the prognosis?"
The doctor slapped his hand against his thigh and sighed gustily. "Shit. I'm still trying to figure out why he's even alive. That fall..."
Madeline simply stared at him with a benign half-smile. She didn't radiate an iota of concern, and it was obviously pissing the young man off.
"Look. He's got a broken leg, cracked ribs, a Subdural Hematoma, a severe concussion, a broken skull. The skull seems to be intact, no fragments of bone have penetrated the brain, however, the bone has been refracted inwards, compacting the tissue of the frontal lobe of the left cerebrum. We managed to tease the section of bone away releasing the pressure on the underlying area, but damage has been done. and he's gonna be more bruised than a rotten banana... that's if his internal injuries don't kill him first. Anybody but Michael would have been a pancake. He must have nine lives."
"What about spinal injuries?"
The doctor's lips twisted. "Why don't we wait and see if he wakes up before we worry about that?"
"Keep me posted," she dismissed him and turned her gaze back to the observation window. The dark-haired doctor glared at her a moment, but walked away holding his silence. He gave Nikita a reassuring squeeze on the arm as he walked back into Michael's room.
Nikita didn't even register him. She was huddled into herself with her forehead pressed against the glass. She hadn't changed from her mission leathers. Hadn't eaten or showered, much to Walter's dismay. He and Birkoff had teamed up to distract her, but nothing could wipe the stricken expression from her face. Shock had driven her mute and deaf.
The scene kept playing out in her head, an instant replay that Nikita couldn't turn off, even had she wanted to do so. She was trying to remember the emotion that had brought her and Michael to this place. The emotion couldn't be recalled; Michael had sliced it out of her with one searing connection of their eyes as he fell.
"You can go in now. The doctor says that it's alright."
Nikita started at the soft touch of a hand on her shoulder. Her eyes darted at the speaker's face. It was one of the medical technicians. Normal people would probably call them nurses, Nikita thought.
"You want me to go with you, sugar?" Walter asked, his fingers at her elbow. Nikita wouldn't look at him; she shook her head no.
Nikita held her breath as she punched in her code at the door. She found that she still couldn't breathe as her feet carried her to Michael's prone, pale form.
Her scent pulled his mind into fuzzy awareness; her presence brought him seeking out of his darkness, instinctively questing for her light and warmth.
Michael took a shallow breath.
She smells like home, he though muzzily, and cracked his eyelids.
There, her face. Beautiful.
He didn't see the strain, the blood. Didn't know that it was his blood on her, that they had forcefully wrenched her from his body, gasping from her sprint down from the roof.
He felt a fevered breath escape him, parting his lips so that he could tell her. A speck of heat splashed onto his face, and he knew then that Nikita was crying.
"Don't even think about apologizing, Michael," she said, voice thick. Angry. She had mistaken what was in his eyes. "It's my turn."
Her lips and eyes were forming an apology and Michael couldn't bear it.
"Thank you," he whispered. Michael forced his throat to open, vocal cords to vibrate. But the words were so soft, and he needed her to hear.
Her face froze into a perfect mask and she leaned closer. The soft fall of her hair caressed his cheek and Michael reveled in the touch.
"Thank you."
Her hair slid away from his cheek as she tilted her head. Michael willed her to look at him, into his eyes, as her head slowly turned. Nikita's eyes finally found their way to his, locking on and following him back inside his mind.
Nikita felt her life skitter sideways as she locked eyes with Michael; the universe shifted out of harmony as his opaque ambiguity crystallized for a few precious seconds.
She knew.
Nikita knew what he was thanking her for; knew, more certainly than she knew her own name, he was thanking her for letting him die. For killing him. For refusing to protect him like he protected her.
Nikita couldn't get enough air. Her knees had locked, sparing her from an ungainly crash to the floor. The edges of her vision frayed with the awfulness of her realization. What she had done to Michael slapped her in the face as his eyelids fluttered shut.
Michael had been standing near the edge, and Gomez was trying to jump, Nikita had been trying to open the door but it was secured from the outside, She had finally gotten the door to open and that is when She had seen Michael lose his balance, noticed that he hadn't raised his gun. All the while falling backwards. Nikita knew she hadn't changed her cold expression by the look in Michael's eyes.
Nikita knew that was the reason Michael had never even attempted to regain his balance.
Her breath rushed out of her in one sharp exhale. "What have I done?" she asked, voice pitted and craggy. Nikita found that she was clutching Michael's uninjured hand. "Why, Michael? Why'd you let me do this to you?" she whispered. Her fury at her own hideous behavior and Michael's -- well, Michael being Michael -- imploded behind her eyes. She wanted to pound her fists against his chest, to make him wake and say he'd be fine.
Nikita's hot eyes leaked tears again. She took her hand away from Michael's to wipe at her blurred vision; the other hand was helping to keep her upright.
The moment her hand left Michael's, all the monitors in the starkly white room erupted with anxious beeps and flashing red lights. Within minutes, Nikita was shoved by running doctors into the hall, where Birkoff and Madeline each clamped a hand on her upper arms.
"Internal bleeding," Madeleine told her calmly. "They've been expecting it."
"They'll be taking him to surgery," Madeleine continued a breath later. "Why don't you try to rest, Nikita?"
There was no rebellion in the statement, no childish tantrum in the lines of her body. Nikita was beyond that. There was nowhere for that immature girl to lurk; Michael had blasted every bit of her open. There was only Nikita standing there, head down and shoulders hunched.
"I won't authorize you to receive updates on his condition, if you refuse to rest," Madeleine countered, her brown eyes fixed on Nikita's face. "He'll be in surgery for a while."
Nikita raised her head to gauge Madeleine. Nikita dug through layers of masks and makeup to see a flinty spark of concern, barely there. It was enough for Nikita. Madeleine could have her way. Nikita spared a small look for Birkoff, who stood dejectedly to one side.
"Nikita," Madeleine called as she reached the end of the hallway. Nikita craned her neck around to see Madeleine with her hands clasped lightly in front of her. She waited patiently until Nikita turned to face her.
"I'll let you know when he comes out of surgery. Perhaps your presence will increase the odds, give him the will to live."
Nikita nodded sharply and left without contemplating what game Madeleine was playing. It didn't matter.
"I've gotta go," Birkoff said in his soft tenor. A moment later, Operations joined Madeleine at the observation window.
"Where's Michael?" he asked. From his tone, it seemed like he was accusing Madeleine of misplacing his favorite toy.
Madeleine sniffed and met Operations' eyes. "He's not doing well." Her voice carried an accusation also, dissimilar in intent.
"George is breathing down my neck," he snapped. Madeleine smiled faintly. George had always been fond of Michael, if only for the possibility that he could some day use the young man to wrest Section One from its current leader.
"He is?" Madeleine inquired politely.
"I don't think you understand, Madeleine. Losing Michael could be the last straw." Operations pulled his hands from his pockets and straightened his shoulders reflexively.
"I don't care what you have to do. I want him alive."
Michael took note of the faint disturbance in the air as someone entered his room. He took note of the subtle scent and the cadence of step.
Madeleine. The only person Michael could recognize more readily was Nikita.
He felt her approach the bed, mentally saw her clasping her hands and tilting her head. Always observant, ever evaluating.
"I can tell by your respiratory patterns that you're conscious, Michael," she informed him dryly.
Michael allowed his lips to twitch and decided to enjoy himself. This could be his last battle of wits with Madeleine. Neither would admit just how much they savored those tests of will. He opened his eyes.
Her dense brown eyes stared into liquid ice. Madeleine blinked at him, a tactic she resorted to when he did something to disturb her.
"She can't handle it, Michael. If you don't survive, it will break her."
Speaking was painful and he pitched his voice low; Michael's answer nevertheless filled the room with his presence. "No."
Madeleine immediately switched tactics. "You're willing to die for her, Michael. That's a very noble notion. But are you willing to live for her?"
Fifteen years of paranoia, brutality, and emotional devastation kept Michael's features rigid and held the flicker of surprise from his ice-green eyes. Michael lay dying, and thanked his body for not betraying him one last time. Finally, Michael's exterior armor was impervious. God, how he wanted to win...
"Thank you, Mad'line," he whispered.
Madeleine's lips parted in shock and confusion. She blinked at him. The connection was not there as with Nikita, and Madeleine was only partially aware of what he meant. Even a partial awareness had rendered her mute.
For the first time in his life, Michael had succeeded in breaking Madeleine's composure. He tried to enjoy it, but he was rapidly tiring. The darkness beckoned, and he had only to close his eyes.
Michael sensed it the moment Madeleine's presence exchanged with Nikita's. He toyed briefly with the idea of staying conscious for her, but Michael knew that his store of energy was nearly tapped out.
Would he live for her?
He needed to confront that burning question first. Madeline had ignited the words, which flickered through him. The words pumped with his blood, whispered in his ears, dripped from his fingers...
The words consumed him; Michael was held in thrall with Madeleine's last, best cage.
Unwilling, Michael slid into darkness, to decide.
Not warm. Not cold. Rather, an absence of sensation. The darkness muted his eyes.
That is, if I have eyes, Michael pondered.
He walked blindly forward. There was no movement, no source of light. Only Michael.
They lied, he thought. There is no light, no tunnel. No one holding out a hand... But who would hold out a hand for Michael? Nikita hadn't. Simone had refused his hand so many years before. His parents, then?
No, I don't want them here. I don't want them to know what I've become, Michael thought. If there is a heaven, that's where they will be. Far away from me.
Michael wandered aimlessly through the non-corporeal, gray-tinged landscape. Nothing beckoned him. No one urged him. Even the haunting song had abandoned him, leaving Michael alone. Completely, stiflingly alone.
The question flashed out of the darkness. Would he live for her?
Michael halted his attempts to move as Angie's voice came to him, unbidden. Her sad face, thin-lipped, saying, "When you go, life will go with you." Her ghost resurrected for a blistering instant.
And Michael had taken life with him, her life. Angie hadn't meant it that way; Michael was warping her words.
I'll have to remember to apologize, Michael thought.
But it was true. Wherever he went, life went with him. Death traveled in his wake, preceded him, surrounded him. Michael lived within a killing cyclone, forever apologizing in the eye. If he were gone, what would happen? Who would take his place? Would he be worse than Michael?
A dry laugh echoed through the black expanse. Who could be worse? Life might flourish in the absence of his shadows. What would happen if he stayed? Only more of the same.
Would he live for her?
Would he live for her?
The darkness faded, replaced with the sterile light of Medlab. Madeleine's hold melted away. Michael had decided the question long ago, had been deciding since the moment he first saw Nikita's face.
He found he was gasping for breath. Found Nikita's hand stroking through his hair. Found everything too bright, too cold, too alive...Michael wanted to go home.
For once, Michael was going to get what he wanted. Operations could not stop him. Madeline had been thwarted...but where was home?
Nikita, please...
He hadn't known he had spoken the plea.
"Stay with me, Michael."
Would he live for her?
He saw her, hovering over him. Her eyes red-rimmed, mouth twisted in an attempt to hold in a sob. She still knew, their connection had not faded. Nikita knew he was deciding.
She was desperate, guilty, torn. Blame distorted her features. Her eyes told him that she wished him peace, but if he took it, he would be taking it from her. Nikita would never know peace again. She would become him.
Her lower lip trembled and she indelicately cleared her throat of phlegm.
Ah, my Nikita...
"I need to know, Michael. Do you love me?"
The silence in the room was deafening, crescendoing until his painful gasp split the air.
Would he live for her?
God, yes. His eyes drifted closed and he fell back into the abyss of darkness.
Several weeks later
Nikita sat beside Michael's still form, he had gone through 5 more surgeries in the 3 weeks since the Gomez Mission, and she had barely left his side.
She gently caressed his cheek and spoke to him, she would not let him leave her, she would fight God for his soul if necessary.
Nikita fell asleep beside him, her hand softly caressing his bearded cheek.
This must be a black hole. The thought floated into his mind, and he grabbed hold of it with all of his might. He desperately needed something to cling to in the weightless, pitch-black void that surrounded him. He could find no purchase for his hands and feet. He had no idea which way was up and which was down. No matter how much he strained his eyes, he couldn't see anything. The silence around him was absolute. He couldn't even hear the sound of his own breathing.
He realized he wasn't breathing. Why is that? He felt panic rising. There's no oxygen in a black hole. For a moment he was relieved to have found a logical answer. At least something still made sense.
Then there were lights exploding in front of his eyes. He felt light-headed. He couldn't remember the important words anymore. It was as if they had somehow shaken his hold on them and were now floating away from him. He struggled to turn around and chase after them, when a faint voice speaking somewhere far away distracted him. It was a female voice, repeating the same words over and over.
What language is that? He strained to make sense of the words, but excruciating pain piercing his body shattered his concentration. The pain was everywhere, and in a hundred different, distinct places at the same time. He wanted to scream, but his mouth refused to co-operate.
Nikita woke suddenly, she did not know what had awakened her, she looked at Michael and saw his eyes closed, but this was not the unanimated sleep of weeks gone by. His hands and feet, jerked lightly, causing the sheet that covered him to rustle. Michael's face was no longer a blank mask, it was creased into a frown, and a low moan periodically escaped from between his lips. His breathing seemed heavier. She stood and softly let her fingers caress his brow, slowly his movements calmed and stopped.
Nikita had been combing his hair after a sponge bath, she leaned down and kissed his lips, as she opened her eyes she was greeted by Michael's eyes fluttering open they were unfocused and hazy; but for a brief moment he looked directly at Nikita. It was as if her Kiss had called him back from the abyss. Then his eyes closed again and he sank back into merciful, painless darkness.
Nikita smiled and kissed him again " sleep my love, rest and recover, soon we'll be together."
But Nikita would get a big surprise the next time he wakes.
Nikita had been sent on a short mission, she had been told Michael had awakened 12 hours earlier, she walked back to medlab from her shower, Gathering her still damp hair in a ponytail, she almost walked out of her quarters before turning back to check her appearance in the mirror. She didn't want Michael to worry about her when he needed to concentrate on his own recovery. Satisfied that the strains of the latest mission didn't show on her face, she then hurried towards med lab.
Walking into the private room where Michael had been placed she was delighted to see that his eyes were open. On the way there she had debated with herself whether or not to wake him up if he was sleeping. The fact that he didn't acknowledge her approach in any way made her feel uneasy, but when she came next to his bed she smiled tenderly down at him and said, "Hi, Michael."
There was no response. Nothing to indicate that he had heard her. Nothing to indicate he was aware of her presence. Nikita could feel the cold hand griping at her heart again. She leaned down to look him in the eye and gasped. There was no expression in Michael's green-grey eyes. They were not blank like so often before, but totally vacant. It was as if there was nothing but void behind his beautiful eyes.
She raised her head; frantically searching for something to save her from the abyss she felt before her. She looked at the indicators in the monitors around Michael's bed. She listened to the hum of the machines. She tried desperately to fight the fear that threatened to engulf her. She knew enough about medical matters to understand that according to the monitors he was not only alive, but was in fact much better off than 2 days ago. It didn't help.
She bent down again. His eyes were still the same. She put her hand against his cheek, caressing it and said: "Michael, it's me, Nikita. Michael. MICHAEL!" No response. She pinched his cheek sharply with her fingernails. Still no response. She could feel her desperation begin to turn into rage. She lowered her head to his, and kissed him gently but firmly on the lips. There was absolutely no response. It was like she was kissing a corpse that hadn't cooled yet. She turned and almost ran out of the room.
Nikita watched as the doctor walked in.
"Hello Nikita, good to see you back in one piece."
Nikita grabbed the doctor by the collar and slammed him against the wall.
"What did you do to him?"
The doctor's eyes bulged as he realized that Nikita had not yet been told, he cleared his throat and started to speak. "Nikita he woke a few hours ago he has been like this ever since."
Nikita listened to the man and slowly let him down, he stood and fixed his clothes before glancing up at her.
"Explain what that means please."
"Nikita it means he is Catatonic, the blow to his head caused a severe concussion, he is not responding to anything, maybe you can get him to respond."
Nikita turned on her heels and ran toward Madeleine's office, she entered Michael's private code and walked into the office, she stopped as her eyes fell on Madeleine sitting behind her desk reading her screen.
Madeleine looked up at the sound of the door opening, she imagined it was Operations but as she saw the pale blonde hair she turned her screen off and watched Nikita pacing the length of the office.
"Nikita how may i help you?"
"You can start by telling me what you did to Michael, he is sitting in medlab Catatonic."
Madeleine sighed heavily and stood, she walked toward Nikita and bid her to sit, they took a seat on the couch and Madeleine proceeded to explain to Nikita what had happened.
"Nikita what do you know about Catatonia?"
Nikita looked at Madeleine and sighed. nothing much, a blow or serious trauma can make the brain seek refuge inside itself, it causes the patient to be zombie like and not respond to outside stimuli, depending on the seriousness of the injury or trauma the Catatonic state can be mild or severe."
Madeleine was proud of her, she had learned to study her facts before barging in and attacking.
"Yes Nikita the blow to his head caused a severe concussion, and a Subdural Hematoma, that combined by the drugs we used to keep him sedated while he healed caused the Catatonic state he is now in, we have tried everything to bring him out but so far nothing works, we hope you can work a miracle."
Nikita wanted to laugh at the mention of a miracle, this woman had tried to fry her brains and had tortured both of them tremendoulsy and now she was encouraging her to be with Michael? to work a miracle as she called it.
Nikita stood and started to pace again, she was startled by the door opening and a very worried Operations walked through the door.
"Well did she accept? "
Madeleine stood and returned to her desk. "Nikita, we need to know if you are willing to work with Michael, try and stimulate him so he will return to us, you will have **Carte Blanche** on this if you accept."
Nikita watched Operations and Madeleine and she knew they were up to something, but this was a great oportunity to help Michael and she would not pass it by. " Anything I choose to do will be accepted? Any way i choose to bring him back?"
Madeleine looked at operations and he nodded his acceptance, Madeleine smiled at Nikita and nodded her head slightly, Nikita smiled and turned to leave.
"Nikita how long do you think it will take?"Operations was urged to get Michael back, they had a special mission and they needed him urgently.
"I don't know, but it will not be soon, I need to have peace and quiet, a place to be alone with him and complete freedom to do anything I wish to stimulate him."
Operations froze, he was about to scream at Nikita when Madeleine spoke.
"You have all the time you need, 2 weeks or 6 Months, as long as he comes back fully we can't afford a damaged Michael." the threat was well taken by Nikita who smiled and left the office.
Nikita walked back to medlab and entered quietly, she had been given complete freedom to do anything she desired to bring Michael back, she sat beside her love and started to caress his face and hair, there was no response at all.
Nikita had a CD player installed in Michael's room, and played music she knew he liked or thought that he might like. On the third day she brought in the CD they had danced to when Michael had manipulated her to give up on Eric and his escape plan. Perhaps playing the CD was giving Madeline, who was sure to monitor the room, another weapon against her in the future, but Nikita didn't care. She knew that whatever Madeline could come up with could not be worse than the current situation.
Nikita talked to Michael as if he could hear her. She greeted him on arrival and said bye before leaving. She held long monologues against soft background music. Nikita couldn't bring herself to talk about anything too personal, so she opted to tell him about the weather, the news or Section gossip instead. She didn't tell him about wars or terrorist attacks or natural disasters - surely that kind of news would not entice him to come back to the world. The news she talked about was of state visits or baby panda bears or art exhibitions.
She also made sure to touch him regularly. She caressed his bearded face with the back of her hand on arrival and kissed him goodbye on his cool, dry lips.
Sometimes she held his hand in hers when talking to him or sat by the bed and let her fingers brush up and down his arm. Nikita ached to lie on the bed and snuggle up to Michael just to feel his body against hers, but it wasn't possible because of the IV lines and monitor wires attached to his arms and upper body. Her main reason for not yielding to her longing, though, was that she wasn't sure Madeleine would approve.
Michael's battered body showed signs of slowly healing, but there was no change in his mental state. Awake or in slumber, he didn't react to anything. Sometimes his face would twitch slightly but the doctors told Nikita it was just involuntary movement. The tests performed on Michael came up empty one after another. There was no trace of further injury to be found in the brain or spinal cord.
Nikita couldn't help wondering how long it would take before Operations would order Michael cancelled. She wasn't sure if being dead was much different from what he was now, but she wasn't ready to give Michael up yet. She had nightmares about walking into his room to find him forever gone. In the more grueling version Operations ordered her to cancel Michael and Madeline handed her the pillow... She woke up several times every night trembling and gasping for air, her sheets a bundle around her.
It had been several days before she was allowed to move Michael out of medlab and into a set of suites deep inside section, there were 3 bedrooms, a big living/dinning room and a country kitchen, beside the kitchen there was a room made out to look like a roof garden, on all four walls there was a view of Paris, changing all the time, there were plants and trees, and even a light breeze.
Nikita had started to try and move Michael around, eating in the dinning room, sitting on the sofa with him lying on her lap while she watched T.V.
She would take him outside to the garden and sit there for hours, but nothing seemed to work.
Nikita had been advised of the complications in Michael's condition, he would not be able to move his legs or arms voluntarily for some time, she had to use a wheel chair to move him around the apt. And there was a nurse always with them in case he was needed.
Nikita walked out of the bedroom and sat down on the couch, Andrew the nurse assigned to them was in his room, watching through a surveillance feed Michael's room.
Nikita was exhausted, it had already been 5 weeks since Michael had opened his eyes and no change had come to pass, she had done everything in her power to make Michael recover, but still he was lost, Madeleine had visited them yesterday and had proposed to bring a specialist to see Michael, even Madeleine was frightened by Michael's condition.
Nikita laid down on the couch and let her eyes close, she fell asleep listening to the music that constantly played in the apt.
Nikita was awakened by the door to the apt. Swishing open and she stood to greet Madeleine.
"Nikita how is he doing?"
"The same Madeleine, no change." she watched as Madeleine looked behind her and Nikita saw a woman approaching slowly.
Nikita watched the woman walk through the door and stand still looking from Nikita to Madeleine. The woman was young maybe 21, she was small but slender, her hair was golden blonde and her eyes were hazel, she had an extremely pale skin.
" Who is this Madeleine?"
"This is doctor Kareny Macfergusson, she is the doctor I told you about, she will help us bring Michael back."
Nikita watched as the young woman fidgeted and she immediately knew she was not section.
Nikita took Madeleine's hand and whispered to her once they were in the kitchen.
" Is she really a doctor? She looks very young? Does she know where she is?"
Madeleine smiled her typical Mona Lisa smile and turned toward Kareny " Miss Macfergusson graduated early, she is like Seymour, she will work on finding ways to bring Michael back to us."
Nikita smiled and walked toward the woman " thank you miss Macfergusson your help is greatly appreciated."
Andrew walked out of the room and took Kareny's things and deposited them in the spare bedroom, Kareny watched as the big nurse walked out of the room and locked his eyes with her, he extended his hand " I'm Andrew their private nurse, me and another 2 colleages help out here, thank you for coming."
Kareny looked at the big hand extended to her and she put her tiny cold hand in his, she grimaced at the tight shake the man had but managed to smile at him.
" Thank you for the welcome, may I see the patient now?"
Madeleine smiled at her " kareny I must go, Nikita will help you settle in here and then she will explain what happened, after that you will be introduced to Michael." Madeleine turned and left the room.
Nikita sighed as she watched the door lock, Andrew smiled at her and walked into Michael's bedroom to check on him.
" well Miss Macfergusson...."
" Call me kareny please"
" very well Kareny, come sit down, this is long...... Michael had an accident, he fell off a 4 story bldg. Landing on his back, he cracked his skull, had a subdural hematoma and a severe concussion, many broken bones and internal injuries. He responded well a couple of days after surgery but due to his continuous desire to leave the medical area he was kept sedated, it seems that the sedatives mixed with the brain injuries caused the Catatonic state he is now in."
Nikita looked at kareny and saw tears in her eyes.
" has he responded to any stimuli at all?"
" No he is the same way he was when he was weaned from the sedatives 5 weeks ago."
Nikita proceeded to walk toward Michael's room, Kareny followed, Nikita knocked softly and Andrew walked out, nodding his head slightly Nikita smiled and walked inside, Kareny followed close by and gasped at seeing Michael.
** the man is georgeous.** Kareny could not stop the tears that came to her eyes as she watched the man on the bed, his skin was pale, his eyes rimmed with dark circles and his sight fixed on nothing, She walked toward him and asked many questions, Andrew responded to most of them, Kareny took Michael's hand in hers, it was warm and pale, she took his chin and turned it to gaze at his face, the beard had grown long and very soft, a golden color, his face had no expression, and she tried to bring one forth, she pinched, scratched and poked but he remained unresponsive, she brought a needle out of her purse and stuck it in his arm, no response.
Nikita saw the woman stick Michael with the needle and gasped, the drop of blood was wiped and Kareny sat heavily on the chair beside the bed.
" this will be a challenge, I have never seen anyone in such a deep catatonic state, but I am sure we can bring him back." Kareny stood and walked to her room,
"I need to think, I will be in my room if I'm needed."
Nikita watched the woman go into her room and lock the door, she walked toward Michael and sat beside him, she caressed the parts where he had been hurt and kissed his lips " I don't get it, she looks younger than Birkoff, what is Madeleine up to?" she looked at the expressionless face of her beloved and gently pulled Michael to lay his head on her chest and she proceeded to caress his hair until they both fell asleep.
Michael felt Nikita's touch, but he could not respond, he was trapped, no way out, he tried to move or speak but nothing worked, he felt the love Nikita gave to him but the pain of not being able to communicate with her was eating away at his aching brain, he was in tremendous pain and that was just his head, his body was unresponsive to any movement, he felt his arms and legs so heavy, he could not move anything, not even his eyes or face.
And then it began again he felt his body being inmersed in liquid and he closed his eyes.
Michael felt as if he was drowning in a pool of ink, the darkness engulfing him and holding him down, filling his eyes and his mind, darkness so dense and impenetrable that no light shone, there was no way of telling which way was up - he felt his body lurching as he tried to regain his sense of balance, the floor seeming to suddenly open up and swallow him, sucking him down with a sickening sense of acceleration.
Michael Felt his body slipping away like his mind had already done. Wondered if she could understand what was happening to him, and why. It was so easy to control his fate. Would be so easy to just fade away. Michael wanted that, wanted it desperately. Yet he clung to life. And knew why.
**Nikita, she is my Soleil, my light, I can't leave her**
The darkness was reluctant to release him, almost as reluctant as he was to go.
His head and body felt so heavy. Michael wished he could shrug them off somehow, he knew he had barely survived and this weakness was the last remnant of his rapidly healing injuries.
Kareny sat in her bedroom, her knees pulled up to her chest, her chin resting on her raised knees, she was worried that she could do nothing for this man, he was too far gone, too deep in this Catatonic state to safely bring him back, she had treated many patients but none had been so severely Catatonic as Michael.
She took out her palm top and started writing;
******Jan. 12, 2000
Subject appears to be in a severe Catatonic state, Level 6 or deeper, no response to any stimulation, did the pin test, no outward response, according to the file he sleeps and wakes but is not movile **a problem** and he seems to be dead to the world, the severity of his Catatonic state will be confirmed tomorrow as I do the necessary tests on him, but as far as I see he will be a big challenge. ********
Kareny put the palm top down and laid her head on the pillow, the soft music playing lulled her into a fitful sleep.
Nikita was awakened by Andrew who came to check on Michael, Nikita took Michael's head and laid it gently on the pillow, Andrew checked Michael and made sure that Nikita knew all that he was doing, he did not wish to have a repeat of her attack from the first day she saw him checking Michael, he had learned to explain each procedure to her as he did it, he did not want any more broken bones.
It was 9 am when Nikita woke to find Michael already awake and still lying in the same position as the prior night. He does not even make himself more comfortable. she mussed and sat up taking Michael's shoulder's and lifted him up to a sitting position, she called Andrew and they carried him to the bathroom to allow him to use the facilities, Nikita stood holding Michael's head against her stomach while Andrew prepared the anti psychotic meds Michael received each morning, Nikita felt a small twitch and looked down, Michael's eyes were open but there was a tear running down his cheek, Nikita gasped at the significance of this and called Andrew, he came running and saw the tear and walked to Miss Macfergusson's bedroom and knocked, a very sleepy Kareny walked out and after hearing this she ran to the Bathroom, she saw the track of the tear that had stained his cheek and smiled, ** maybe it will be easy to bring him back**
" is he finished with his ablutions? I need to do a test, clean him up and I'll return in 5 minutes."
Nikita cleaned Michael up and with Andrew's help they transported Michael back to the bed, they changed him and put him in the wheel chair, then Nikita changed and they wheeled Michael out to the livingroom.
Kareny sat in the kitchen a cup of coffee in her hands, she took a good look at Michael from all angles
" Nikita what this test does is try to bring out any reaction to pain, what i will do must be done to judge how deep the catatonic state is, you will be tempted to protect him but I need to do this tests, so please try not to interfere."
Nikita nodded and Kareny proceeded, she took Michael's hand and slowly caressed it, she touched her lips to it and made circles on his palm, then suddenly she hit him, his face turning with the blow he received,no reaction.
Nikita clamped down on the wish to kill this woman for hitting him.
Kareny slowly took his face and kissed the spot where she had striked him, she slowly stood and took the pin on her lapel and stuck it into his cheek, a drop of blood blossomed and she used her finger to clean it off, no reaction, she proceeded to use all tecniques of pain she knew of but nothing brought any reaction from him, not until the last blow, a sickening blow to his abdomen that left him gasping for breath.
Nikita had enough, she stood and was swiftly grabbed by Andrew and seated back on the chair, kareny had been watching Michael as Nikita tried to attack her and she saw the fisting of his hand as Andrew grabbed her and seated her non too gently, Kareny was amazed ** maybe inflicting pain to you does not bring you back but inflicting pain to her in front of you could do the trick**
Kareny smiled and walked to the phone, she dialed Madeleine's nbr. and Madeleine walked through the door 5 minutes later, she saw the damage done to Michael and was furious, but Operations had decided to use this child to force Michael to return sooner, Madeleine was sure that if Michael returned he might Not be the same man they all knew, he could very well be damaged beyond repair.
Kareny walked to Madeleine and after a couple of words they turned and walked outside, Nikita moved to Michael and caressed his face, she delicately kissed the spot where Kareny had stuck the needle, it was red and inflamed, Nikita checked every area where Michael was hit, his jaw was bruising already, his abdomen was bruised and Nikita imagined the girl might have broken a rib, there were quite a few Darkening bruises on his chest and abdomen, and he had a couple of cuts on his lower lip and brow.
Nikita looked daggers at Andrew who decided to return to his room, Nikita kissed Michael's lips and wheeled him to the garden, she stopped at the pantry to get the medbag and clean his cuts and put ointment on his bruises.
Meanwhile outside the apt. Madeleine and Kareny spoke.
" Why did you inflict such damage Miss Macfergusson?"
" Listen he is responding, not to his own pain, to Nikita's, are they involved?"
Madeleine cringed at the word, she took a deep breath and responded carefully.
" they were lover's not anymore, Michael has always responded well to Nikita so she was brought in to help us, why?"
" Madeleine he did not respond to any pain but when he saw Nikita being manhandled he fisted his hand, if we inflict pain on her while he is watching he could respond quicker but....."
" But?"
Kareny sighed heavily, she did not wish to do this, she had seen this type of treatment done a couple of times in her 4 years as a mental health worker, but the subjects were lost after they **awoke** the first commited suicide 2 hours after waking, the second killed his family, 4 nurses, 3 doctors and himself 3 days after coming around, the treatment was too risky, but it was up to the people in charge to decide. " the procedure has been done in a limited number of subjects, all terminated their lives less than 3 days after coming around, this treatment can be extremely dangerous to the patient and to us, he can go psychotic on us, or simply become worse than now."
Madeleine could not believe that hurting Nikita could bring Michael back, if she had known she would have done it the day they knew of his condition.
" Do anything that brings him back, if you must kill Nikita so be it, he is more important to us."
Madeleine turned and left the woman standing in the hallway while the door slowly opened and Andrew shrugged his shoulders " will we do it?"
" we have to try other methods first, no use in damaging him more if it can be avoided."
Kareny walked to her room and laid down, her head hurt and she felt weak, her condition would not allow much stress, she had to hide her pain and misery and help Michael before she died.
Nikita kneeled beside Michael, his breathing had returned to normal but she saw something in his changeable eyes that worried her, his eyes were no longer void of expression, a slight shimmer of pain was shown in them, that forced Nikita to not leave him alone as she had done before in case he showed signs of returning.
Michael was in pain, that was all he felt, an intense pain reverberating through his body, he could not move, he felt the touch of Nikita's fingers caresing his injured limbs, he loved her smell, soft and gentle **Jasmine and Vanilla** Alluring combination, suddenly his vision went black, he could not feel anything, his eyes concentrated on a light at the far end of what seemed a tunnel, he walked there, the pain increased with each step he took, he finally reached the light, a door, he opened it and looked inside; It was a small room, decorated completely in white. On the floor lay the body of a young woman. She had long blonde hair that covered her face and was dressed completely in black. Around her body lay a pool of blood.
In a chair next to the body sat a man not much different in age to the woman. He ached as he looked at the body and never once did he take his eyes away from her, slowly removing himself from the chair to be next to her. Not once did he reveal his face to the figure that stood in the corner and watched. A woman to their side lifted her arm to the man's head and after a deafening ring the man's body went limp as the life drained out of him. With a last effort he reached out to the woman and turned her body over to embrace him. Then the two lay still and lifeless next to each other. The people exited the room, he looked at the couple and screamed, it was them, his beloved and him were dead in a pool of blood, suddenly he was wrenched from the room, pain making him gag, he was returned to the garden once again, he took a deep gasping breath, and then his body went limp.
Nikita had been seating beside Michael bandaging his arm when she heard him gasp, she looked at him and saw his eyelashes fluttering, then suddenly he collapsed, she was barely able to catch his slack body before he fell out of the wheelchair, she screamed for Andrew and together they took Michael to the bedroom, Kareny was called and she arrived to check the inert form on the bed.
" what happened?" kareny examined Michael, his pupils were dialated, his breathing was labored, his heart was racing wildly.
" I was bandaging his arm when he gasped and collapsed, I called Andrew and we brought him here." Nikita was afraid that she had done something wrong, but Kareny assured her that this was not her doing.
Kareny had some blood drawn and then she made sure that Andrew or her would sit by Michael at all times.
Nikita and kareny took the first watch, Kareny sat in the comfortable chair Andrew had brought to her, while Nikita slept beside Michael, her hand covering his chest over his heart.
Kareny had loved once, Stephen had been her life for those 2 glorious years until one day she had walked into the apt. To find him dead on the floor, a bullet wound through his forehead, she found the note he had left her and she took the money he left for her and finished school, that had been 2 years ago and now here she sat beside a deeply catatonic man, trying to make sure he was alive in the same place that she knew Stephen's father lived, she knew very little about Stephen's dad except that the man was handsome and he was their leader here.
Kareny had suffered through so much, first at the hands of her abusive parents and then at the hands of the street junkies and pimps she lived with after escaping her home at 9, she had survived doing all she had to until Stephen found her, 4 years ago, he cleaned her up and sent her to school, she was almost finished when he had died, she had cried herself to sleep for months after his death, he had been the only man who had treated her right, like a lady, Kareny had fallen asleep during her introspection.
They used every treatment known to all and even some that were experimental, they used Electro convulsive therapy, deprivation chamber, affection, pain inflicted on him, pain inflicted on Nikita, nothing worked, every Day it broke Nikita's heart to watch Michael suffer through the worse torture imaginable to try and bring him back, Nikita had suffered through pain and emotional distress as she was used to try and bring him back, but as the weeks passed they all got discouraged, Kareny had finally given up on the treatments and had stayed to help them if and when Michael chose to return.
7 months after the accident.
Michael's first thought was ** where am i and why do i hurt so much?**
He felt pressure on his chest and opened his eyes to watch a halo of golden hair perched atop his aching chest, he gasped when he realized this was Nikita and he tried to lift his hand to touch her hair, but his hand did not obey him, it laid limp and unresponsive at his side, that's when he realized that he could not feel or move his legs, that worried him, he tried to move but he could not, he sighed and let his head drop back on the pillows and several Minutes later his eyelashes had fluttered closed again.
Nikita felt Michael move and lifted her head to gaze into his face, she felt a soft sigh escape his lips but no other sign that he was returning, she lifted her finger to trace his lower lip and gently she leaned forward and suckled on his lip until it was red and swollen, she smiled and whispered to him " come back to me Mon Amour, I Love You."
She kissed her way from his ear to his mouth and found herself gazing lovingly at his unique features, those dark brows and soft lashes hid the most precious jade in the world, his nose was straight and slightly tranished by a break on it's bridge, she again traced his lips with her finger and smiled at feeling the slight intake of breath. He will return, my soulmate will return to me, but will he be the man I love? Or some shell of the man he used to be when we met?
Nikita's eyes filled with tears, she closed her eyes and buried her face in his neck to control the pain her heart felt. What will happen if he is not the same? If he is damaged somehow? The doctor said he could be too damaged, end up being of no further use to section and then they would callously dispose of him.
Nikita did not see Kareny watching her intently as she cried her fears into Michael's inert form.
Kareny knew the diagnosis was not good, the man on the bed could return to full status or could never return to them, she wondered if he would be better off dying now, instead of the agony of the pain he would suffer as he slowly returned to life.
Nikita woke to find herself gazing into her lover's loving Emerald gaze, she gasped at the implications of his eyes having life in them, he slowly smiled at her and she felt the world spin out of control, that smile reminded her of the time perez had taken him, the sweet gentle Michael that had lived with her for 3 days had been too gentle and frightened to survive in section, she had bargained her love for his survival, and she had won.
Michael had been awake for some time, he had seen the woman seating on the chair leave and he had opened his eyes to gaze at the woman beside him, she was beautiful and she was his love, he had forgotten all the pain he had gone through after his fall, during those few minutes of introspection into his own soul, at that time he had found himself lacking in every department, from love to friendship.
He had now forgotten all that pain, the only thing that mattered was Nikita his love for her was inmense, his heart filled with joy every time her eyes gazed at him, he had tried to speak but he found he could not, he tried to move but he was completely paralyzed from the shoulders down, he could move his head some but it throbbed painfully as he moved it, he had been trying to remember but there was a void in his mind, no memory except of those blue eyes and that soft skin, he smiled once again as he saw her smile back at him, she was so beautiful his Nikita.
Nikita sat up quickly at seeing that smile, she touched his face and he turned to nuzzle her hand, a grimace of pain contorted his handsome face as he turned, she called out for Andrew and Kareny and they appeared a few minutes later.
Michael's eyes turned to wearily watch as the big nurse and the petite young girl ran in and stopped, the man's face was somewhat familiar but Michael could not place it, the woman he had never seen before, he turned his confused gaze to Nikita and tried to speak, his lips opened but no sound came out, he licked his lips and Nikita took the glass of water offered by kareny who sat on the other side of Michael.
Nikita brought the glass of water toward him and put the straw in, she lifted the glass for Michael to grasp the straw between his lips. " sip slowly Michael."
Michael glanced at the petite woman beside him, he tried to read her eyes but they were guarded, he turned frightened eyes toward Nikita and she smiled.
Michael finally took the straw between his lips and sipped slowly, the water soothed his dry throat, he smiled as Nikita took the glass away, he tried to speak again but no sound came out, he tried to ask for pen and paper but his arms did not respond, he was frustrated with his body, he did not know why he was like this, he slowly mouthed every word until they understood what he was saying.
Nikita was able to read his lips quickly and learned that his throat hurt, and his body felt numb, she also learned that he had no memory of anything, neither his life before section or after, she knew this would be a problem and asked Kareny who Nikita had learned to trust.
"Kareny we need to speak please come with me." she turned to Andrew and said.
" stay with him, let him drink small sips of water and don't move him."
She took Michael's hand and kissed it tenderly " I need to speak to kareny, I will return in a few minutes, be good, and drink as much water as you can alright?" She saw him nod softly and grimace again as the pain increased inside his head.
Nikita walked to the garden and waited for Kareny to step inside, she locked the door and took out the surveillance blocker Walter had given her some time ago.
"Kareny, Michael said he could not move, that he hurt when he breathed, he said that he does not remember anything, just remembers me."
Kareny sat heavily on one of the benches in the garden, she pulled her hand through her newly cut hair, she knew he would be cancelled if Madeleine knew.
Kareny looked at Nikita and chanced a question. " can we leave this place?"
Nikita smiled at the young girl, she had learned of ways to disappear easily but taking Michael with them was dangerous, they would look for a paralyzed man accompanied by 2 women and 1 man, easy to find, Nikita then thought that kareny could disappear with Andrew and then meet her and Michael somewhere safe.
Nikita knew how difficult life in section was, she had been given a respite due to Michael's unique need for her and Madeleine had become an ally against Operations, but Nikita did not kid herelf, she knew that if they escaped they would be found soon, so she shook her head and said.
" we can't escape Kareny, there is no where to go."
Kareny could not believe that, she shook her head and tried to speak but Nikita cut her off.
"Listen to me, we can't escape, but we can keep Michael's return a secret until he is able to function better, it might take months but we do have all the time needed."
Kareny would not let her dream of escape disappear, but she understood that in Michael's condition they would be too easily tracked, they had to help him return, Kareny stood and spoke softly.
"There is one treatment I have not used, it is a very new experimental treatment, it is revolutionary but also quite simple, we can use tiny electronic chips embeded in the brain to help the damaged areas recover, I will need to speak to Madeleine but I'm sure they will accept, now we must speak to Michael."
Nikita stood and followed Kareny to Michael's room.
Nikita entered the bedroom and watched Michael sitting on the bed, his eyes had strayed to the mirror beside the door and he was watching himself, she watched his eyes as they reflected his soul and she gasped at the images she saw reflected in his Jade green gaze.
She had hoped to see longing for her in his gray-green gaze but instead what she saw made her shiver.
He looked at himself strangely as if he was staring at a complete stranger. As if he was surprised to meet him there. He soon painfully closed his eyes as if he couldn't stand the sight. He had not realized Nikita was watching him or he would have been more careful.
The truth was Michael hated mirrors. Every time he caught his reflection in one he was reminded of the poet Jean Cocteau's sentence: "Les miroirs sont les portes par lesquelles la mort vient et va" ("Mirrors are the doors death uses to come and go"). And that was all that he saw when he looked at himself: Death.
Nikita, mouth opened, was trying to make sense of this. She suddenly wondered how he would look right now without the Medlab clothing and the bandages still covering his body? Was it the way he saw himself in his mind's eye: a cripple, hurt, tortured body instead of the stunning young man for everyone else to see? Could he still see himself with all the scars, all the wounds untreated, when he looked at his reflection?
She was reminded of the book "The Picture of Dorian Gray". In the story, a painter had captured the perfect beauty of a handsome young man. As the years passed, he stayed the same, unmarked by the passage of time and his unruly life. Only the painting showed his true image, the reflection of his physical and emotional decay. Was it what Michael had seen in the mirror, his true tortured soul?
She couldn't know for sure but couldn't leave him like this. Not when she had witnessed so much pain in his eyes. No one cared enough for him to try to understand him and acknowledge his need for comfort. But she did.
She silently walked to the bed and sat behind him. She saw his eyes open in the mirror. She saw a question in his gaze. He tried to move his head to face her but she placed her hands on his neck gently keeping him in place. She then lifted his head slightly until he was looking at their reflection in the mirror.
Her fingers tenderly caressed his hair while she admired his image. She was watching him watching them. Then, pressing herself closer to him she willed him to focus only on her eyes. She let her heart speak through her gaze as she lovingly took in his features.
He saw her caressing his brow with her eyes, then lower them heatedly on his lips. He followed their trail down his body, along the strong lines of his chest, to his hands and back to his eyes. He observed with wonder how she seemed to enjoy -No, love, want, worship- all she saw there.
"This is you, too," she breathed against his ear.
Michael desperately tried to control the urge to Cry when she bent her head to very slowly kiss his temple. She placed her hands on his shoulders. She made him look once again at the beautiful picture they made.
Michael's eyes closed for an instant, a tear escaping from under his dark lashes, as he opened his eyes again he looked at his reflection in the mirror, And this time all he could see was the man Nikita loved.
Kareny had watched fascinated the interaction between the two lover's, she smiled at something she had heard Madeleine say a while ago.
They were lover's, they're not anymore.
Kareny knew they had always been lover's, and they would always be, she realized that these two were more than lover's, this love she had seen between them was called Eternal, they were soulmates, forever destined to share their lives and love.
Kareny walked to Michael's side and asked him several questions, which Nikita translated for her.
"Michael we need to know what you remember? Anything that can help us return you to your former self."
Michael looked at kareny and softly smiled. Why do you all want me to remember? I can't!
" I remember kissing Nikita, us living together in a nice house, us dancing, loving each other on a boat, me waking up to see her beside me, cooking at a farm house." he mouthed trying to make himself understood.
Michael sighed and lowered his head to his chest. " what's wrong with me? Why can't I move? Why can't I speak? What happened Nikita?" he lifted his watery green gaze to lock his eyes on Nikita's shimmering blue ones.
Kareny understood that the accident had blocked all his memories except the ones that kept him alive, his love for Nikita had kept him from giving up during all those months of torture and pain, and his love for her had finally given him a way to escape his 7 months of Catatonia, Kareny smiled at him and decided that this enviroment would not help him recover properly, she stood and squeezed Nikita's shoulder and walked out. I must speak to Madeleine.
Nikita watched Kareny leave the apt. She turned to gaze at Michael and saw him Struggling to comprehend all this, she sighed and pulled the surveillance blocker and turned it on, then she proceeded to explain the last 16 years to Michael.
Kareny walked out of the apt. And followed the familiar path toward Madeleine's office, she knocked lightly and the door swished open, Kareny walked in and took a seat in front of the chestnut haired woman. " Madeleine I have worked with Michael for the last 6 Months and there has been no positive sign of recovery, I have been wondering if maybe a change of location would help."
Madeleine gracefully lifted her right brow contemplating the situation, Michael had been in a Deep Catatonic state for little over 7 months now, Nikita had been ordered to stay with him, he was not responding to any outside stimulation whatsoever and they needed Michael and Nikita back in the fold, she stood and viewed her plants. " a change of location Miss Macfergusson? Where do you suggest we take him?"
Kareny stood and followed the woman to her plants, Kareny observed the collection of plants and decided to speak plainly.
"Michael is Not responding to Section, he needs fresh air and real plants, real change of seasons and a life, there are insufficient incentives here to help him break out of his State of deep Catatonia, I suggest a farm or lake will help him break through the barriers of where he is locked in."
" And how long do you imagine it will take for him to respond to this new environment? And who will be going with him?"
" He should be able to respond to his new environmet within 6 to 8 months, and I suggest that Andrew, Me and Nikita stay with him, there will be enough changes for him to adapt to without forcing him to change caregivers."
" Very well I must speak to operations if he accepts when would you like to leave and where?"
Kareny thought this was too easy to obtain, something else is happening here, but she shrugged off that line of thought for now and decided that her family's cabin at Orwel PEI (Prince Edward Island) was ideal for his recovery, the farms and people were extremely nice and would welcome them easily, Michael would be able to recover very nicely at the island.
"My family owns a cabin in Prince Edward Island we can go there, it is quiet and secluded, few farms, it is the ideal place for Michael to recover, and we must leave this week if possible, the weather is perfect now and it would be the best time to move in due to the farmers all being at the fair all day."
Madeleine looked at kareny and wondered if this woman was not falling in love with the handsome but damaged level 5 op, she shrugged that line of thought to the side. " I will speak to Operations, if he allows it you may leave on Friday is that soon enough for you?"
Kareny smiled to herself and nodded, she knew Madeleine would find a way to Convince Operations to allow her to take Michael and Nikita away, she stood and thanked Madeleine and made her way back to the apt.
Nikita told Michael all she knew about him, how he joined section, who his trainer was, what he did and that he had a son, Michael had taken all the information and filed it into his mind carefully to review later, he had asked questions, Nikita answered them to the best of her ability and knowledge, she knew this was affecting Michael deeply, she watched as Michael tried to move away from her touch but was unsuccessful, she tried to gaze into his eyes but he had shuttered them.
Kareny walked into the room to see Michael pull his face away from Nikita's caress, she watched the expression on his face of self disgust and pain.
Kareny walked further into the room. " Nikita may I speak to you outside please."
Nikita looked at kareny and stood " I'll be right here Michael if you need me, just nod to Andrew and he will call for me alright." He never answered, his face lowered and his eyes tightly shut, Nikita turned and followed kareny into the garden and they sat down to speak.
In the Garden
Kareny took a seat on the bench farthest from the door, Nikita pulled the surveillance blocker and turned it on, they had 2 hours of uninterrupted time to speak, the only one who would be able to contact her was Andrew.
Nikita took a seat across from kareny and studied the girl. She seems frightened about something.
Kareny lifted her amber-green eyes toward Nikita and sighed. Better speak now, it will be too late later.
" Nikita what can you tell me about Michael, I need to know everything that you know."
Nikita looked at kareny wearily. I can't tell her everything, what can I tell her? his past, how he entered section, his work, nothing private.
" kareny why do you need to know?"
" Nikita if I am going to help him recover fully I need to know what are his demons, his past, his whole life, I know you know most of it, you two were lover's and i am sure you still are."
Nikita stood, her hands fisting at the comments Kareny said, most true, she turned and gazed out of the door at Michael's room, Michael was still in the same position as she had left him what? She looked at her watch, 20 minutes ago.
She took a deep cleansing breath and tried to make sense of his life so she could explain to kareny.
Kareny sat there watching Nikita debate whether to tell her everything or just some, Kareny had been given a small file with the most important intel about Michael but she needed emotional intel, Kareny stood and walked toward the rose bushes nestled in one corner of the room, she took a rose and inhaled it's alluring scent.
Suddenly kareny felt a sharp pain running through her chest, she was breathless and walked slowly to the bench, she took a seat and bent over trying to control the pain, Nikita did not notice Kareny's state as she started to speak softly about Michael.
" Michael entered Section after setting up a bomb in school, he was 19 and the bomb killed 39 people, including 8 children, he has always been extremely private and quiet, he has suffered so much since his parent's died when he was 15. he has made section his home, his life if you preffer to view it that way, he is exceptional in everything. he loved very deeply once, her name was Simone, she was an operative who died 4 years ago, he had been devastated when she died, but later we found out she had been taken hostage and 4 years ago commited suicide, he was hurt but was able to survive due to me. we have gone through so much to love each other, two years ago I found out he had been married to a innocent, it was a mission but it produced what section calls a ** blood cover ** he had a son with this woman, she believes he's dead. he was almost lost after loosing his son, I was able to bring him back but life has never been the same since then, we became extremely close a year ago, we finally were able to love each other as freely as possible inside this place, but Operations and Madeleine decided we could not have a relationship so Madeleine **adjusted** me, she took my love and emotions away, 8 months ago Michael found a way to reverse the process but it took me over 1 month to forgive him for allowing section to mess with my brain, 3 weeks later the accident happened and you know the rest." Nikita took a deep shaky breath and sat down on the floor, her shoulders shaking with the sobbs racking her body.
Kareny had stayed seated through Nikita's Painfilled soliloqui, she had learned alot from those comments, the simple fact that Michael had loved and lost so many times was too much for Kareny to understand, she was angry for Michael at section who gave him so much and then took it away callously.
Nikita turned around and saw pain shimmering in Kareny's amber green eyes, she walked toward the woman but Kareny lifted her hand to stop her.
" I'm alright, we need to devise a plan of action with Michael, we might get the chance to leave this place and then he will recover quicker and easier." Kareny stood and walked slowly to her room, she closed the door and laid down on the bed, she fell asleep a few moments later.
Nikita thought of the difficulty to get permission to leave, for Michael to recover fully he needed fresh air and freedom, and section would not give them the time for Michael to recover, they will see that he has recovered and check him out, he is paralyzed from the neck down and that is too much damage, if they find out he is awake and damaged he will be cancelled quickly.
Nikita would not accept Michael being hurt more than he already was, she vowed that she would protect him and if he was unable to recover they would escape, she can take care of a paralyzed Michael, she can find a way to hide and survive.
Nikita quickly walked to the bedroom and found that Michael had fallen asleep, his lashes softly touching his bearded cheeks and she smiled, she drew a finger down the bridge of his nose and he turned toward her caress, his face was so perfect, and she would make sure it remained that way.
Nikita took her clothes off and proceeded to join Michael in sleep, she curled herself around Michael's limp body and held him tightly as she weeped yet again for what she had caused.
2 days later Madeleine told Kareny that the move was granted, they would have 1 year to help Michael recover, if in that time he did not recover satisfactorily they would transfer him back to section and cancel him.
Kareny gave them all the news of the move keeping to herself that if within one year he did not recover to sections expectations they would cancel him.
Kareny explained to Michael and Nikita that she had made it look like he had not yet regained conscioussness, and that he had to act Catatonic, it was not very difficult for Michael to do and the next day they bundled Michael up and departed toward Prince Edward Island, Canada.
Twelve exhausting hours later they arrived at Kareny's cottage and they took all the bags out, putting them in their respective bedrooms.
Andrew and Nikita managed to get Michael out of the van and settled into the cottage before Andrew took off to buy groceries and other necessities.
Michael wasn't sure what he wanted to do next but his body was telling him that he needed some rest. He yawned.
Nikita saw this and immediately responded. "Tired?" She asked.
"A little." Michael responded.
Nikita moved behind Michael and fixed the pillows so he could lie down to sleep, she called Kareny and between them they settled Michael down on his back, Kareny left them alone while she started a fire and prepared some dinner.
Nikita sat beside Michael caressing his hair while she watched the evening sky darken, they listened to the night creatures start their music, Nikita looked down after some time and realized Michael had finally fallen asleep, she covered him and walked to the kitchen to speak to kareny.
The next day kareny and Andrew started Michael's physical therapy.
She put Michael through a series of physical therapy exercises.
Michael proved to be a good and yet stubborn patient. Nikita knew the exercises were painful, and yet Michael did not allow anyone to know what pain he was feeling. However, Nikita knew. She didn't know how. She simply "knew."
For the first time in his life, Michael actually admitted to his fatigue, and so he laid down to rest.
Kareny and Nikita sat outside on the porch of the cottage and talked.
"So, how are things between you and Michael?" She knew her approach was far from subtle, but it would have to suffice for the time being.
" everything is ok." Nikita bent her head trying to hide the pain that Michael's rebuff had caused in her, ever since the day Michael stared at himself in the mirror he had become somber and quiet, barely speaking, he had told Nikita to stay away and she had taken the rebuff hard.
Kareny was about to ask about their relationship when Nikita stood and returned to Michael's side.
Inside the room, she found Michael sound asleep. She watched as his chest rose and fell with each breath he took. Carefully, she crawled onto the bed and laid down next to Michael.
She gently placed one arm across his chest. It comforted her. For once, Nikita felt at peace, as she closed her eyes and gently drifted off to sleep.
About two hours later, Nikita awoke to Michael's thrashing about on the bed. It was apparent that he was having his own night terrors. Nikita shook him.
"Michael! Michael!" She cried out. Just then, Michael arched his neck in a silent scream of pure terror.
Nikita grabbed Michael by the shoulders and shook him awake, Michael finally jerked his head and his lashes fluttered open, he gazed at Nikita's frightened midnight blue eyes and saw the tears streaming down her face.
" what happened?" Michael was worried he had hurt Nikita during his night terror, he carefully watched Nikita's face and he realized that she was ok, no bruises appeared on her milky white skin.
Nikita gazed at Michael and finally closed her eyes to draw in her control around her. A few seconds later she opened her eyes and gazed intently into Michael's Jade green eyes.
" you had a night terror, you were trying to scream but no sound came out, you arched your neck too much i thought you would cut your air supply, you frightened me." Nikita moved off the bed and ran to the bathroom.
Michael was stunned at hearing her, he tried to move but he could not, he closed his eyes and tried to remember what he had been dreaming about, but nothing came to him, he finally heard the door creak and he opened his eyes to stare at Nikita's, Blue eyes locked with green and both shuddered as the love between them grew, Nikita smiled and returned to the bed, she lifted the covers and laid down beside Michael, he smiled at her and she lifted his body and settled him on her chest, her hand drawing circles on his shoulder and hair while he closed his eyes and fell asleep again.
The morning crept in like an unwanted guest. Nikita was the first to awaken. She found herself draped across Michael, one hand near his face and the other resting gently on his chest.
Nikita enjoyed watching the rise and fall of Michael's chest. She wished this feeling would never end.
At that moment, Michael opened his eyes. He looked to his right and saw Nikita staring back at him. He smiled.
"Good morning."
"Mornin'" Nikita mumbled back. She moved her hand and now it was lightly scratching back and forth across Michael's chest. Michael responded by raising an eyebrow.
"Yes? Something up?" His comment caused a nice shade of red to appear on Nikita's face.
5 weeks later
Michael continued to show slight improvements but had not yet regained the use of his arms or legs, he was frustrated and tired of all the threapy he had to do just to be able to move his neck without pain.
6 months later
Michael's recovery had been slow but progressive he had been able to recover almost all the strength in his arms, But his legs would not respond to any stimulation.
Michael had been in bed when he heard Nikita's scream, Without thinking, Michael got up from the bed, and ran toward the area where the scream came from, he stopped when he saw Nikita standing in the shallow water of the pond wet from head to toe, kareny sitting on the banks of the pond laughing at Nikita, suddenly kareny gasped and Nikita turned.
she was a bit stunned to say the least.
"Michael? You're walking?" Nikita couldn't believe her eyes.
"Yes. I . . . uh . . ." Michael stammered and then without warning he lost the use of his legs as quickly as his train of thought.
Nikita caught Michael before he hit the ground and lowered him to the grass, Kareny had seen Michael fall and she dived into the pond and arrived a few seconds later wet to the bone and gasping for breath.
"Michael! What happened?"
"I'm . . . not . . . sure. I heard Nikita scream and simply got up and ran."
" an intense emotion, how unique." Kareny had been watching Michael for months now and he had slowly been able to regain the use of his arms but his legs had still been limp and unresponsive until this morning.
Kareny now surmised that Michael could walk but that he needed to rebuild the strength in his legs. Some physical therapy was the order of the day.
Several days later
Kareny and Andrew had left for the town that morning.
Michael and Nikita spent most of their morning doing nothing.
He tried to walk a few more times. He'd take a few steps and then fall, Nikita catching him before he hit the floor. Finally in the late afternoon, after both had eaten lunch; they sat on the porch and held each other tightly.
Michael looked at Nikita, She looked back at him and he gently tugged her to sit on his lap in the wheelchair then both their lips met. Each one's brushed against the other's. Nikita knew where this *kiss* was going to take them.
Michael gently wheeled himself and Nikita into the bedroom and she managed to help him get in bed, Michael's legs had movement but no strength.
They were both extatic with the love flowing between them.
Michael wanted so badly to devour Nikita, so bad was his lust for her. He did not, however, want to scare her. He decided that if this relationship were to get back to normal, he would have to let her decide the pace. Thinking this way, Michael began to slacken the pressure on Nikita's lips. Nikita adjusted her body so that she could more fully kiss Michael. She deepened the kiss on her own accord.
Nikita began exploring Michael. To her it had been an eternity since they had made love, it had been over a year ago, She remembered the time that they had spent together . But tonight it was as if she were learning Michael all over again. She so desperately needed to explore him and her love for him again.
Nikita slowly began exploring Michael's jaw line with her lips. She loved the masculine flavor of him, a combination of spices and his own unique maleness. Her tongue snaked slowly out and ran a ridge on the underside of his kiss-swollen lower lip.
Nikita berated herself for ever thinking that she could give this up. Give him up. As Nikita's lips lingered along Michael's cheekbone on her way to his ear, she began unbuttoning the Shirt Michael had worn.
Michael caught his breath as he felt Nikita's hands unbuttoning him. He prayed to himself that she would not stop. That he would not frighten her away. He wanted this so badly, he wasn't sure if he could survive it. Michael needed his light to be whole again.
He felt as if he could not be whole again if he did not have her with him. He lost himself in the moments of her exploration.
Nikita swirled her tongue around the whorl of Michael's ear. She had never realized how small and perfectly shaped his ears were especially for a man.
Men usually had much bigger ears than women did. Michael's however, were perfect. Nikita nibbled on the lobe before trailing back to lick the sensitive area behind his ear.
Michael shivered at the sensations Nikita was causing to course through his body.
He had always loved the feel of Nikita's tongue moving across his skin. He wanted desperately to grab her, flip her over and ravage her with his mouth and his body. His mind however understood Nikita's need for exploration so he valiantly held his body in check.
Nikita succeeded in removing Michael's shirt. She laved her way down his neck, stopping momentarily to suckle at his Adam's apple. She looked up at him and smiled as she felt his pulse racing there. She continued down his chest and quickly fastened her lips around one of his small male nipples. It hardened instantly in her mouth. She remained there suckling him as he had often done to her, while her hand twirled around the other nipple.
Michael was enjoying himself immensely. And not just because of the physical stimulation he was receiving. He was truly enjoying watching Nikita enjoy herself. Michael moaned audibly as Nikita bit gently down on his nipple. He felt other parts of his body respond violently at the sensation.
Nikita smiled to herself as she felt Michael's maleness spring to life. She knew he was enjoying this greatly. She also sensed that he was holding back and she knew in her heart why he was doing so. She was so very thankful for the opportunity he was giving her, allowing her free rein over his body and not taking control himself. That was very much a role-reversal in their relationship.
Nikita kissed her way along Michael's abdomen, pausing to plunge her tongue into his navel. Michael arched up off the bed while she laved lower and lower. Nikita smiled up at him and was rewarded with that beatific smile of his that was so seldom seen. She hurriedly pulled down the sweat pants he had been wearing and smiled again as his swollen and upright member jutted up at her.
Nikita bent her head and slowly licked her way around the tip of his shaft. Michael shuddered as he felt the warmth. One hand wrapped itself around his shaft, feeling it pulsing against her palm. Her hand began to slowly stroke up and down his length reveling in the warmth. Her mouth slowly licked down the length of his turgid shaft.
Michael was writhing on the bed. The sheets were bunched in his fists. He could not help himself. He moaned in his delight. He could not remember anything so utterly fascinating. As Nikita took his sac into her mouth, laving it, Michael began thrusting his hips causing his shaft to move within her hand. His guttural moans began to get deeper and deeper. Totally out of control, Michael shot his load calling out to Nikita as he did so.
Nikita crawled her way back up the bed and kissed Michael gently. It took Michael several minutes to regain control over his shaking body. He began to kiss Nikita more fiercely and began to turn her over. Nikita stopped him by placing a hand on his chest.
"Michael, no. That was something that I needed to do. Something that felt right for me. You do not have to return the favor right now. There is plenty of time ahead of us. We are both exhausted. Let us sleep now. Tomorrow will be time enough for us to share our love. we will need all the rest we can get for the next few hours. Tomorrow my love!" Saying that, Nikita curled up in Michael's arms, laid her head on his chest and drifted off to sleep, feeling safe and secure in the arms of the man she loved.
Michael's demons attacked fiercely while Nikita slept.
He laid awake for several hours, his subconsciouss making him shudder with the atrocities he had commited.
Michael pinched the space above his nose, feeling a headache of almost crushing intensity start. His vision was starting to blur already from the migraine that was pounding through his skull.
He sighed as the memories flooded him and he cried out in anguish as more pressed up against the rest. All his defenses finally crumbled. The mask deteriorated and left only hollowness. He found himself wanting sympathy, wanting to find it in her arms. To be consumed again in reality like he had so often in his dreams.
Now, in the light of forbidden joy that comes with the acknowledgement of love, he realized that he would recover soon and then..... return to section, to the hell of pain and loneliness they had shared before.
Michael turned and rose off the bed, walked into the kitchen. Silently he reached into the cabinet where he knew the hunting knife was hidden, he took it and returned to the bedroom, he had to hide, Nikita would wake soon and she would find him before he finished destroying the one who had destroyed her.
He Looked at Nikita Peacefully sleeping on the bed, her hair in wild disarray, one arm curling under the pillow the other reaching gently toward where he used to lie.
It doesn't mean that I love you any less. He caressed the knife like the old friend it had become. It's just the state I'm in, I can't be good to anyone else like this.
He entered the walk-in closet and Sliding down the wall, all the emotions he'd kept hidden, love, fear, despair and anguish trailed down his face with a single tear, and he raised the knife, he drew in a deep breath and started to lower the Knife to his left wrist, already starting to steel himself against the pain. Just a small pain, it'd be like nothing compared to what he'd suffered in the past, and then he could rest...
Later that morning Nikita woke and turned, she expected to Find Michael on the bed but she was alone, she sat up and looked around the room, he was not there, the wheelchair sat to the right of the bed, she got out of bed and looked around, she knew Andrew and Kareny had not yet rturned, they had gone to town to get food supplies and other goodies that section had sent.
Nikita looked everywhere but she could not find Michael, she returned to the bedroom and entered the walk in closet, turned on the light, the room was filled with a soft glow. It was then that Nikita noticed Michael. He was sitting on the floor, huddeled in the corner. His knees were drawn up to his chest, with his left arm crossed over his stomach as if he were in pain.
He was trembling and Nikita felt herself go pale as she ran to him and fell to her knees.
"Michael...what's wrong?" she asked, her hands cupping his cheeks. Nikita was stunned to discover that his face was damp with tears.
"I'm here," she whispered. "I'm here, Michael." Tears filled her own eyes at the pain she saw shimmering in his.
He tried to pull away from her touch, but she wouldn't let him go, so Michael lifted his eyes and absorbed the beauty that was Nikita. "I'm....sorry," he whispered, his voice almost too soft to hear. They were words that he had said to her often, and Michael wondered if they would mean anything to her any more.
"Sorry for what?" Nikita beseeched, as she brushed away his tears with her thumbs.
"I want you to know..." MIchael broke off and shook his head.
Nikita wouldn't let him stop. Not now. "To know what?" she prompted. "Michael...please...tell me."
He closed his eyes for a minute and was hit by flashes of memories. The image of Nikita in the cage, her face bitten to shreds by rats. He remembered what he had said to her. "I want you to know that it wasn't a lie. The things I said...have said. I tried never to lie to you. I know you don't believe that."
"I want to," Nikita allowed. She slid her fingers into Michael's hair in a soothing caress. The way he trembled frightened her. But she sensed that what he needed now was to talk.
"What I said to you when we were in the cages...it was true. All except the part about getting out alive." Michael locked eyes with Nikita. He was afraid of what he would see in her crystal-blue gaze, but the time had come to face it. "You are the only one of us who still has a soul. And what I said...about not knowing what love is anymore...I don't." It was a painful confession for Michael to make. But it was the truth.
Nikita shook her head. "You're wrong, Michael," she insisted. "You do know what love is. I saw the way you loved Simone..." It was hard to admit, but needed to be said.
Michael closed his eyes. "And she died...twice. Because I couldn't love her enough." Michael felt more tears slide down his face. "Nikita....all I wanted was to keep you alive. I did what I had to do. I'm sorry." He knew she wouldn't understand what he was apologizing for, and perhaps it was for the best.
"Michael..." Nikita brushed away her own tears. She didn't know what to say to him. She didn't understand where all this emotion was coming from. Why was the dam that Michael had built around his heart suddenly shattered? Even as she wondered " What about Adam?" she asked. "You loved him."
"I failed him," Michael whispered. He felt pain wash over him, yet he felt strangely detached. It hurt more to see the tears that shimmered in Nikita's eyes. To know that she wept for him when he was unworthy of her tears. Michael lifted his hands to cup Nikita's face, then he leaned forward to brush a kiss against her lips.
Nikita lifted her hands to grip Michael's wrists and she felt something warm and slick. Looking down she saw blood pouring from a gash on his left wrist, and his right hand was also covered in blood. Suddenly she understood, Michael had sliced open his wrist. "My god!" Nikita hissed.
Nikita stood to run and get the phone to call Kareny but Michael pulled her back
"No Nikita!" he beseeched her.
"I'm sorry, Michael," she whispered, pulling away. She took the cordless phone and dialed Kareny's number.
Returnning to Michael's side she pulled off the scarf she was wearing around her head and wrapped it around Michael's wrist.
He allowed it because he knew it was too late. He smiled at Nikita.
She glared at him. "You're not going to die, Michael!" Nikita yelled at him. "I won't let you."
"It's too late," Michael whispered. "I died a long time ago." He closed his eyes and let himself slide into sweet oblivion.
Nikita held him in her arms as the phone ringed, Kareny answered after a few seconds.
" kareny where are you, I need you, Michael tried to commit suicide!" Nikita was shaking as she held Michael Tighter and tried to check his pulse, it was barely discernible.
" Nikita what did he do?"
" he cut his wrist, he lost alot of blood, passed out, I can't feel his heart beat."
" Listen drag him to the bedroom, make sure he's breathing and then run to my room, grab the black bag and open it, there is gause and tape, try to close the wound, then grab the chloride tablet and break it under his nose, he will be combative but you must keep him awake, we'll be there in 30 minutes ok."
Nikita said yes and hung the phone up, she grabbed Michael under his arms and pulled him to the bed, she managed to get him into the bedroom, laid him by the bed and made sure he was breathing, she checked his pulse again, it was weak and thready, she turned and ran to get what kareny had ordered her, she took Michael's wrist and bandaged the wound as best as she could, she then rumagged in the bag until she found the chloride tablet and swiftly broke it under his nose, 5 seconds later Michael's arms flew up and batted at the offending smell, she grabbed his arms and pulled him into her embrace, she crooned to him until he calmed.
She gazed into Michael's face as she heard a muffled sound; He was pale as marble and his hair was soaked with sweat.
"....sorry.....sorry...sorry...." he whispered, over and over again. Like a mantra.
Nikita bit her lip He was trembling so severely that his teeth were chattering. Yet even through his shaking, Nikita could feel his body spasm with pain. "I'm here, Michael," she whispered, as she smoothed back his hair. "I'm right here."
Suddenly he jerked violently for several minutes and then lay still.
Nikita's hand instinctly lowered to his neck, holding a breath she pressed her fingers and found a pulse weak and thready, she sighed with relief and held him even tighter.
For Michael Everything had suddenly taken an eerie crimson glow. It was if he were seeing things through the eyes of a man who was swimming in a sea of blood...the movements slow and blurry, all becoming a blur through his heavy lidded eyes. The pounding of his heart rushed through his ears until it deafened out all other noises...the blood rushing through his veins being the only sensation of which he was aware.
Then he saw a face, Blue crystalline eyes pleaded with him to come to her...not to leave her. And in that moment..he knew he was going to die...he reached for the scarlet gloom and whispered that he was coming..to be with her..he knew he would go to her...his saving grace, his ethereal angel.
Nikita stared into his eyes. They were unfocused, the pupils dilated, then his eyelashes fluttered wildly but they did not close instead she heard him ask.
"Why do you care if I live or die?" His voice was soft and husky with emotion, and he didn't look away from Nikita's face. He wanted to see what she felt, as well as hear the words.
" Because I love you that's why" Nikita whispered, blinking back tears. "You're all I've got," she admitted, and it was her turn to press a kiss into Michael's forehead.
Tears filled his eyes and he let them fall. "I'm sorry, Nikita," he whispered.
She had become a part of him. She had touched his heart, and he was lost now. His great fear was that the blackness of his soul would tarnish the light of her being. But, for this moment in time, he would take what she was willing to give. Michael reached out to cup Nikita's face with his hand. he pulled her face down until their lips met. Then he kissed her with all the tenderness that he could remember.
Nikita felt Michael tremble beneath her, and she realized he was crying, he buried his face deep into her neck and sobbed for all that he had lost in his life.
She slowly threaded her fingers through his hair and held him tightly as they both wept. No matter what happened between them in the future, Nikita would treasure this moment in time. For no one, not even Section, could take it away from her. And it was more precious than freedom.
Suddenly his body arched upward, jerked violently and collapsed into her arms. Convulsive seizures racked his exhausted frame and fear coursed through to the depth of Nikita's soul.
Frightened, she forced him down on his back and straddled him in an attempt to keep his flailing arms pinned, both to insure his safety as her own.
All she could do was wait out the convulsions and try her best to keep him from harming himself or choking.
Nikita suddenly flashed on something from years ago; It had seemed so petty after the War to dig through the old Section files found with Red Cell to read up on Michael's past, but now the information of his tendency toward seizures as a child prepared her. She also knew from experience that when a person bought themselves as low as Michael appeared to have, then even the most latent enemy can rear it's ugly head and attack you in it's most vicious form. She just hoped he had the strengths left to fight the demons off.
"Please, Michael, don't leave me now."
Her fear was tangible, she wanted to scream at him but could barely whisper.
"Stay with me, Michael. Stay with me.... "
Finally, the violence subsided and he became quiet, every muscle limp with exhaustion. Mentally spent, herself and physically exhausted with the effort of holding him down, she pulled them both over to the wall and leaned against it, cradling Michael's head in her arms and waited.
Intense heat crashed down and flooded his lungs with piercing pain as the fumes from the fire filled every pore. The putrid fragrance of his scorched flesh permeated the air that floated in through his nostrils, but none of that mattered. Only saving her mattered.
Blindly he reached out through the licking flames and tried to grasp her frozen hand. The cold blue fingers eluding his grasp and falling a few more inches out of his reach. His minds eye registered the gray parlor of her skin, but he couldn't give up. Every breath hurt. To loose her, though, meant never being able to breath again. Reaching once more through the flames he finally caught hold of the balmy hand and pulled her though the heated wall and into the hallway. He gathered her lifeless body to his chest and examined her with barely concealed fear and trained scrutiny.
An anguished cry escaped his burnt lips.
Pain suffused his system.
Breath became pointless.
The nightmare retained its grasp on his mind as it slowly took him away.
Nikita heard him whimper and she looked down at him, his skin had taken on a singed parlor. It was clammy to the touch and the electric shock of fear, defeat and hopelessness transferred itself to her when she gently touched his face.
I'm so sorry, Nikita…
Nikita looked at him. He hadn't really spoken but the emotions troubling his deep sleep cascaded off him in waves. All her attempts, though, to awaken him failed. His breathing became thready and instinctively she knew something was very wrong.
Good-bye. Then all breathing ceased.
"Michael, NO! Please, Luv, you can't leave me like this. Michael !"
She slapped him. She shook him. She kissed him and breathed air back into his depleted lungs. He gasped for air suddenly, and woke from the terror with a start.
Wariness and distrust attempted to shade his eyes, but exhaustion won the battle and he simply looked at her. All his heart born for her crystal blue eyes to see.
Frightened, but certain after a quick and silent examination that he was all right, Nikita leaned down and placed a softer kiss on his lips. Desperation found him returning the kiss with hunger rarely realized and leaving them both struggling for air. Sweet oxygen powered with Nikita healed his broken psyche just enough for the remaining clouds of his mind to clear, clouds that had sat vigil for the past months.
Michael's eyelashes fluttered wildly, finally closing, he expelled a soft sigh as she held him tightly against her breast.
She gazed into his face, He was alarmingly paler than before, his face shiny with sweat, causing his auburn hair to curl about his cheeks. He was breathing heavily, almost short of breath. The rudimentary bandage Nikita had wrapped around his wrist was now saturated with blood.
Michael was always in such fit shape, that his shortness of breath worried her. He must be loosing a lot of blood, she thought to herself as she held him tighter in her arms.
Nikita sighed as she heard kareny and Andrew run into the bedroom, kareny stopped at the sight of Michael, she could see that his smooth skin was drenched in a cold, clammy sweat. Shock was setting in. She kneeled beside him and ripped his shirt off, His sculpted chest was mottled with purplish striations, like the marks seen on a fine piece of marble, Working quickly, she grabbed Michael's wrist and saw the damage done, she put her fingers to his neck and felt his heart beating at an alarmingly fast rate.
She looked into Nikita's eyes and saw the fear of loosing him clearly, she called Andrew and between Nikita and Andrew they lifted him, Michael was a total dead weight between them, his whole body limp and nonresistant. His head lolled back against Nikita's chest as she carried him, his neck so slack that Nikita feared the worst.
They placed him on the bed and Kareny ran to check him out.
![]() Kareny took the blood pressure cuff and proceeded to find out Michael's blood pressure.
Nikita watched as Kareny's eyes widened and she ripped the cuff of the blood pressure monitor off Michael's arm.
"what is it?" Nikita asked frantically.
"Seventy over forty," answered Kareny shakily.
Michael was in a critical situation. He was dying before her eyes. His blood pressure was dropping, his heart and breathing rate were elevated, and his wrist was still bleeding profusely.
Kareny told Andrew to get her surgical bag, they had to sutture Michael's wrist and give him a blood transfussion, she felt panic growing in her chest but she clamped down on it and took the Bag Andrew gave her.
" Andrew start an I.V. on his right arm, we need to get fluids into him, Nikita get the blood supply I've got in the fridge, warm it in the microwave, just 5 seconds! " She turned toward Michael's inert body and grabbed his left wrist and started to sutture.
Several hours later
"Mmm...," Michael began to moan, hearing his own voice as he struggled to rise through the depths of blackness which had enveloped him.
"Michael, Michael, it's OK," soothed Nikita, holding down his arms and trying to keep him from pulling out the IV as he tried to throw off the blanket she had tucked in around him. "It's me, Nikita."
He blinked a few times, disoriented with his surroundings and tried to remember what had happened. His eyes began to focus, he gazed into Nikita's fearful blue eyes and suddenly remembered all.
"why?" Michael barely whispered.
" why what Michael?"
" Why didn't you let me die?"
" Ohhhhh Michael, I won't let you kill yourself, I love you too much."
Michael sighed wearily and turned his tearful eyes away from Nikita.
A lonely tear escaping his closed eyes.
Suddenly his hearing became muffled and darkness crept into the peripheries of his vision slowly but efficiently blotting out the vision of Nikita running out the door. as unconsciousness claimed him yet again...............
Kareny had been watching from the door way, and she was sad to see Michael giving up the fight after all they had accomplished, she turned and walked to her room, she opened her laptop and connected to the net, she opened an email acct. And sent a message.
***** WE need to move faster, situation deteriorating, subject suicidal, need to move in days not weeks, reply promptly. *****
Kareny laid down feeling the pain of her heart accelerating at the knowledge that Michael and Nikita would be free soon, she would have destroyed Madeleine's and Operations plans.
She moved her hand to the dresser and took the pill bottle out of the drawer, she opened it and took two pills and placed them under her tongue.
**it's not time, please dearest heart don't give up on me yet, just a few more days, let me just see them safe and free** With those thoughts Kareny slipped into unconscioussness.
As he gradually regained consciousness the first thing Michael was aware of was a splitting headache. He slowly tried to get up but felt sick and dizzy, Looking around he noticed he was alone in the room, Carefully, he slid hands under him and pushed up, arms giving way beneath to send him sprawling back onto the bed, his rapid breath stirring hair that had fallen forward to cover his face. Setting his teeth and striving to set aside the dizziness, he tried again, the muscles in his arms trembling but not giving away.
Grasping the headboard he pulled himself up to a sitting position, fingers gripping the headboard till knuckles went white as he battled a fresh wave of dizziness. Shouldn't move, a practical part of his mind told him, he laid back down on the pillows and let his eyes drift closed.
He awoke with a jerk, his vision blurry and unfocused as he tried to gaze at the person seating beside him, finally his vision cleared enough for him to see it was Nikita, she smiled at him.
"Hi Michael, How are you feeling?"
"What happened?"
"you tried to kill yourself Michael, Almost succeeded too." those words to his ears sounded like a reprimand.
He took a shaky breath and painfully exhaled. "you should have to let me go, I am no good to you anymore."
"Michael your legs are ok, weak but you will recover fully."
Michael gazed into Nikita's eyes and saw the fear of loosing him and he sighed, ** I can't leave her, she needs me and I need her.**
"How long till i regain my strength?"
Kareny answered from the door. "You lost a large amount of blood Michael, you need time to recover, plus the loss of blood affected your legs also, the strength you had gained has been depleated for now."
Michael looked at kareny and shook his head " I need to be back to proficiency in less than 4 months."
Kareny walked toward Michael's bed and smiled brightly. "Michael it does not matter anymore, you will regain the use of your legs, but you'll never regain the stamina and strength you used to have."
Michael gazed at Kareny intently trying to gauge if she was speaking the truth, he decided she was and that made him even more depressed. "Than there's no reason for me to stay alive." he sighed wearily and turned sad eyes toward Nikita, he took her hand into his and caressed it softly, he then brought her hand to his cheek and nuzzled it before looking into her blue eyes and saying. "Will you finish it? Will you please take the life I gave you 6 years ago?" Nikita was shocked by his words, she shook her head and stood pulling her hand from Michael's grasp.
"Michael i can't, don't ask me to do that please."
Michael shifted on the bed, his legs felt numb and unresponsive, he tried to move them but they were heavy and leaden, he lifted his gaze to Nikita and tried to make her understand, but nothing worked, he finally shrugged in resignation that he would have to live until he could take his own life.
Several days later
Michael sat in bed, dejected and sullen, he had not eaten anything since he had regained conscioussness after his suicide attempt, Andrew had become a permanent fixture in the bedroom as he was ordered by Kareny to not leave Michael's sight.
There was always someone watching him intently, either asleep or awake, and he hated that, he disliked to be watched like an animal in the zoo.
Nikita was cursing Michael in every language that she knew while she was fixing her coffee, she was tired and sleepy, she had just walked out of a 10 hour shift that Kareny had started 4 days ago, she was mad at Michael for not eating or sleeping, his body was still healing from his suicide attempt, he had taken a seat on the bed 2 days ago and had not moved since, except to relieve himself.
Michael sat on the bed his mind attacking his fragile body with memories of what he had lost, the defeat in his demeanor was tangible as he sighed once again and blinked away the exhaustion of the last 4 days.
He was angry at himself. It was really all his fault and all his responsibility. He had again opened himself up to pain, manipulation and words designed to hurt when he had allowed himself to hope. That hope had bled slowly away like blood dripping from an open wound. He had told Nikita that sometimes all people have are their dreams. His dreams had all turned into nightmares. Once he had been impervious. Once it had been simple, focus on the job. He did not want or need or care. Then he had lost his way. He had tried to find brightness in hair the color of sunshine and light in eyes the color of the sky. He should have stayed in the gray of the shadows.
What right had he to be angry? Without Section, he would have no life. He would have no purpose that allowed atonement. He was what Section had made of him. He was a weapon. A weapon did not complain of what it was, it only existed to fulfill its purpose. His purpose was to seduce, betray, infiltrate, sabotage and kill. It was not to hope or to need. A weapon did not care how it achieved its goal. He could still be only a weapon if all he had were purpose. Once that had been enough.
If all he could have of life was purpose, no joy, no hope, no light, was life worth living? Was half a life better than none at all?
There was a will to survive. Half a life would be better than none. It would allow for continued atonement. He had chosen life but his eyes no longer had the glaze of anger. They had lost the light of hope. His eyes were dead.
Kareny walked into the room and saw Michael's eyes, she shivered at the dead look in those previously bright Jade green eyes, she sat by the bed and started to speak to Michael.
"Michael what's wrong? Why don't you want to live?
Michael lifted his face to gaze at Kareny, he had to explain to her that he did not deserve to die, he had to live, to atone for all the pain he had caused, but he could not let his body rule him, he had to suffer and return to section, he tried to move away from her all seeing gaze but he could not, the weakness in his body was growing, it was already difficult to stay awake but to move was even more difficult, he forced his body to obey and finally his legs moved, he slowly stood and swayed for a few seconds, his eyes fluttering closed as the dizziness and nausea assailed him, he felt his body collapsing and gave one last effort to stay standing, but his body disobeyed and he crumpled to the ground.
Nikita had entered the room to give him a drink of juice when she saw him collapse, she dropped the glass and ran to him, she watched as Kareny held his wrist in her hands and checked his pulse.
Nikita took his shoulders and lifted him into her arms, his lips were moving but no sound came out, he was listless and unresponsive as she tried to rouse him from his aparent catatonic state, suddenly he screamed, a soul wrenching scream that made Nikita cry, she held Michael tightly to her as Kareny called Andrew, the nurse appeared at the door a few seconds later and tried to take Michael from Nikita, but she did not let him, she held Michael tighter.
"No he needs me." Nikita whispered.
Kareny took the sedative out of her bag and proceeded to administer it when she heard Michael's voice.
"Please no." he barely whispered.
Michael looked up at her. For only the second time in her life, she saw utter vulnerability in his eyes. His eyes met hers. They carried a silent gratitude he wasn't sure he'd ever be able to express to her any other way. She smiled, innocent of the depth of his indebtedness to her.
His eyes closed, fighting tears. His features were frozen in grief, He was weak; she could manipulate him to her heart's content. An ethical war suddenly exploded in her mind. She looked down and saw him simply staring at her with all the pain in the world highlighted in those gorgeous green eyes, feeling dejected.
Nikita looked up and Kareny locked her eyes with Nikita, she nodded as she took his arm and administered the sedative into his system, she watched Michael's eyes fluttering wildly and then his body went limp, his head lolling to the side as Nikita whispered comforting words to him.
Andrew took Michael's legs and Nikita his shoulders, they placed him in bed and Kareny proceeded to put another I.V. line in, this one to keep him hydrated and nurished in the next few days, they had to keep him sedated so the nurishment could do it's job, Nikita could not believe that Michael had given up, she laid down beside him and tried to stay awake long enough to find a reason for his suicide attempt but exhaustion won and she drifted off to sleep.
Michael dreamed, but his dreams were not pleasant, his memories assailed his tired and damaged soul, he whimpered softly and tried to wake up but the drugs in his system were too strong, and he fell deeper as other memories began to surface. The thoughts of his beautiful wife Simone, never too far from his mind, dead. He killed her, maybe not directly, but it was his fault. His son, gone, probably terminated by Section. Who knows what happened. Betrayal, Betrayal. Oh God, I betrayed my friend, he thought. He did not want to live, he doesn't deserve to live. The pain of what he did rips through his heart like a sharp scalpel. He had tried to put an end to his life of manipulations, the killings, and being the minion of Section. But it did not work.
His sister will never learn what he has become and that he is the instrument of Death for Section. He had so many regrets. He wanted to be with his sister and be part of a normal family. He wanted to be loved without retribution and fear. Michael felt deep sorrow for not being there to help raise her into the fine woman she is today.
All of a sudden all the emotions, the dread, the regrets overwhelm him, tearing him apart, he turned and ran toward a light, but he crashed against something invisible, he clawed at it trying to break through, suddenly he heard chuckling and spun around, there was no one there, but he heard a voice scream at him.
"How can you live with yourself knowing what you are, a killing machine," a voice screamed at him.
Michael turned toward the sound and found himself gazing into the cold blue eyes of Jurgen, he shivered unconsicoussly at seeing his trainer alive.
"What are you doing here?" Michael watched as Jurgen paced around him, he felt the man's evil smile grazing his face.
"I'm where you put me Michael, you are responsible for my death just as you have killed all who cared about you, how soon will you kill Nikita?"
Michael spun around trying to grab Jurgen, he realized he was alone, he then heard Jurgen far above him.
"Ohh Michael, you will never learn will you?, she is not yours, you will kill her like all the rest."
"No she has survived, she is strong." Michael tried to find Jurgen but it was too dark.
Jurgen chuckled, you never did hear what she said to me, all her passion and pain mingled in those words.
Suddenly Michael heard Nikita's voice "Michael and I are through."
Michael closed his eyes as the pain of those words flooded his soul, he tried to remind himself that she was angry when she said those words, angry at him and at section.
Jurgen chuckled again. " she was never your's Michael, she always belonged to me." suddenly Nikita appeared in front of Michael.
Michael watched Nikita standing there, her eyes closed, he took one step toward her and she turned, he saw Jurgen take her hand and hug her to his body.
"She was never yours. " Michael took a step toward her and he saw the hate in her eyes, Jurgen offered her the gun and she took it, kissing his hand reverently.
"Kill him Nikita, he destroyed your life, kill him and you'll be free."
Nikita aimed the gun at Michael's chest and squeezed the trigger, but just as Michael expected the bullet to hit him he saw Jurgen grab her hand and turn the gun toward her, he shot Nikita in the chest, red blood spurted from her wound and she fell limp to the ground.
"NIKITA." Michael ran to her and gathered her in his arms, her silvery blonde hair stained with her blood, he looked at Jurgen as the man disappeared, Michael felt Nikita stir in his arms and looked at her.
Nikita's eyes were glazed over, her body shook trying to take one last breath, she barely whispered "You..... always.... Kill.... those.... who.... love.... you." her eyes closed and she went limp in his arms.
Michael gathered her close, tears running down his face mingling with her blood.
He grabbed the gun that lay beside her and aimed it at his head, he screamed one last time before pulling the trigger.
"NIKITA!" The cry shook Nikita out of a sound sleep and she was instantly awake, she sat up and watched Michael thrashing about. Nikita reached out to touch his face and heard him gasp. "It's all right, Michael," she whispered. "It's me...it's Nikita."
At the sound of her voice, Michael opened his eyes. Nikita was looking down upon him, her eyes glimmering with concern. It was then that he realized he had been caught up in a nightmare. Michael swallowed hard and his mouth felt dry. "Could I have some water?" he whispered.
Nikita nodded, then ran into the adjoining bathroom. She returned a moment later with a glass of cool water, which she held to Michael's lips. He lifted one hand to cover hers as he drank, and Nikita felt him tremble. When the glass was empty she put it on the nightstand and asked, "Do you want to talk about it?"
"I don't think so," Michael replied. In that moment he was uncertain as to what he wanted. He didn't realize how lost he looked, as his eyes lifted to Nikita's face.
"Feel up to listening to me talk?" Nikita asked, as she climbed onto the bed and moved to curl up beside Michael. She shifted a couple of pillows behind her so that she was half sitting, then she reached out and pulled Michael into her arms. She felt him resist for a moment, but then he sighed and wrapped his arms around her waist as he rested his head on the cushion of her breasts. Nikita let her chin rest on the top of his head as her fingers combed through Michael's soft curls. She loved his hair when it was wild and silky, as opposed to when he wore it smoothed out and tucked behind his ears. As if it symbolized the restraint he placed upon himself.
Michael closed his eyes and willed the shadows that had haunted his dreams to fade. Nikita's nearness, her warm embrace, helped...but he needed more of a distraction. "What do you want to talk about?" he asked.
Nikita decided to be honest. "About you. About what I think about you, Michael. I want it out in the open...between us."
"Go on," he invited. He was willing to listen.
"All right." Nikita took a deep breath, then plunged ahead. "First off, I want to say that I think of you as a chameleon. Always changing to blend in to your surroundings. You become whatever you need to be, so effortlessly. I admire that about you, even though it scares me."
Michael was surprised by her confession. "Why does it scare you?" he questioned.
Nikita was thoughtful for a moment, wanting to explain it clearly. "Sometimes I wonder if you remember who you really are anymore, Michael," she replied. And within her embrace, Nikita felt him tense up. She must have struck a nerve.
"Who I really am...." Michael repeated.
"That's right," Nikita confirmed. "Are you the man who betrayed me to keep me...alive...as you put it? Or are you the carefree lover who Lisa desired? Or the computer genius, second only to Birkoff? Or the man who seduced me in Lyon? Maybe you're the man who likes to listen to me talk about soap opera's over a cup of coffee. Or the man who wears black, and never lets his feelings show, or the man who played house with me. " This latter remark was said with gentle teasing. "Or are you the *friend* who rescues damsels in distress? Namely me...by taking the heat when I, willfully, break Section code?"
Nikita sighed. "Or are you the man who's heart I watched break when you had to leave Simone behind...again?" That remark made Michael tremble, but Nikita moved on. "Or are you the man who was jealous of Gray, yet did what you could to save his life, because you knew I cared about him?"
She sighed and tightened her hold on him, " or are you the father whose heart was broken when he lost his beloved son?"
There were so many other examples that Nikita could have given, but she wanted a response...some kind of answer, so she asked him, point blank, "Who are you, Michael?"
He didn't respond. Couldn't...not for a long moment. Michael's thoughts were chaos, for Nikita's words had stirred up feelings he tried so hard to keep buried. Emotions that he did his damndest to convince himself didn't exist. But they were there, hovering in the air between them. Michael didn't want to set them free. To do so would only cause Nikita more pain. So Michael shifted in her arms so that he could look upon Nikita's beautiful face. The face of innocence. "Who do you think I am?" he countered, his voice barely a whisper.
Tears filled Nikita's eyes. She heard pain coloring Michael's voice, for she knew that he didn't have the answer. Yet it was such a simple question. So she gave him a simple answer...the truth. "You're the man i fell in love with, Michael."
Michael buried his face in her breast and sobbed, he would never again see his son, or love Nikita, if kareny was right he would be canceled the moment he returned to section.
Nikita held him tightly as he sobbed, she caressed his hair softly until he quieted, she kept caressing his hair and shoulders for a long time, slowly she felt his body relax and his breathing change, he had fallen asleep in her arms.
Several days later
Michael had finally given in and decided to live, his recovery was slow, the pain in his body overwhelmed him but he fought the weakness and was able to conquer, he had been able to start walking again only 10 days after his suicide attempt.
Kareny had explained to Michael that the fall had hurt his spinal cord, he would be able to alk normally and do most things he was used to, but run and jump he would never do again, she explained to Michael what she was told, he would have to be back to proficiency before returning to section or he would be canceled, that caused many emotions to stir in Michael, he realized that he had two choices return and die at the hands of Madeleine or take his own life, he chose the latter until Kareny told him her plan.
"Michael you have to choose now, if you return to section you will die, and Nikita will die soon after, you know how much she loves you, she will not live long after you're gone." Kareny watched Michael's face but he had again brought his section mask back and he had no expression whatsoever.
Kareny sighed at seeing him block his emotions again.
Michael stood and walked to the window. "I can beat section, I will not return, but i must find a safe place for you and Nikita, she must live."
"Michael I know what you mean but."
Kareny had to make him understand that she had a plan, she started walking toward him but a sharp pain radiated through her chest and took her breath away, kareny collapsed with a soft whimper, Michael turned to see her fall, he ran to her and held her in his arms.
She was gasping for air as she tried to make him understand that she needed her pills, Andrew saw Kareny on the floor and ran to get the pills, he kneeled beside Kareny and gave her the pills, she Closed her eyes and fell into oblivion.
Michael let Andrew Take kareny from him and followed them to her room, Nikita watched as Kareny was settled in the bed and asked.
"What happned Michael?"
Michael took her hand and pulled to him. "We were speaking about my limitations and what I had to choose, I told her i had to keep you two safe before taking my own life, she was coming toward me trying to tell me something when she collapsed."
Andrew walked out and sat on the chair, his face worried for the woman he had unwillingly fallen in love with.
"What's wrong with her Andrew?" Nikita took a seat on the couch pulling Michael beside her.
"Kareny was in an accident 4 years ago, she lost a large amount of blood and her heart had been damaged, she has a rare blood disorder that kept her from getting a transplant, she is dying." he leaned forward and covered his face with his hands.
"What about section? Why don't they help her?" Michael knew that section had advanced techniques to keep Kareny alive.
Kareny answered from her door. "They will give me the transplant if I return you to them."
Michael stood and was about to go to her when Nikita took his hand and he saw Andrew was already by her side.
Kareny smiled at the gentle man and allowed him to help her to the chair, she took a seat and explained to them what her plans were.
"Michael you will not die, none of us will, but section will not know that, I have plans for us 4 to escape and we will never be found, but you must trust me Michael."
Michael stood and walked to her, he could not believe that this woman could find a way to escape section and he told her so. "Kareny we can't escape, they own us, we will never be able to be free."
Kareny smiled at Michael and pulled out her trump card, her energy was depleting fast and she had to tell them before she passed out again.
"Michael you can escape and you will be free, Adrian and George will help"
Michael had Kneeled before Kareny, he gasped at hearing Adrian's name, Nikita stood and walked to them, she took Michael's hand and squeezed tight.
"Adrian? Alive? Why would she help us to escape?" Nikita had started shaking as the knowledge of Adrian being alive penetrated her subconsicouss and her memories of what she had done surfaced.
Kareny smiled at Nikita and proceeded to explain, she could feel the darkness surrounding her as she spoke softly. "They will help you to escape because you Nikita tried to protect Adrian, I don't know how long I will live, but you must believe you will be free soon."
Kareny had started to pant as she finished and suddenly she grabbed Andrew's hand and stood, he had felt her energy draining and was ready when she passed out, he gathered her in his arms and returned her to her room.
Michael walked out of the cottage and Nikita watched him walk to the pond where he sat down and pondered all that had happened today.
It was too much! Section asks too much of me. It started a year and a half ago after Nikita Had been reprogrammed, she had become as cold as he used to be, and he had crumpled like the wounded animal some said he resembled.
His ability to contain his emotions deeply within his soul was quickly erupting like the lava from an explosive volcano. His father, mother, wife, son, his life before Section, all gone. Taken away through death either in actuality or symbolically, leaving a real life to live as a ghost for Section.
He stood trying to contain his emotions but he failed, he felt himself swaying but did not care he turned and encountered Nikita.
He had not noticed Nikita had approached him as he stood swaying.
Suddenly his body broke into an uncontrollable shake. He tried with all his power to control the emotions, to raise the shields to enshrine his body, his soul with the cold detached forces that had kept him alive in Section. He took a step backward heading toward the pond. He had to get away from her before he completely lost all perspective. Yet his body couldn't move fast enough.
Nikita swiftly grabbed Michael bringing him within the folds of her arms. One arm reached up to bring Michael's face to her shoulder while the other surrounded his body. On feeling the body he refused to admit he adored giving him comfort that he refused to acknowledge he needs, Michael broke down into tears. He embraced Nikita as if he could never let her go allowing himself, just this one time, a weakness. He buried his face into her neck and on her shoulders giving way to the purging of the pent-up stress, sorrow, and grief he has carried around for so long in his soul.
Nikita was astounded and so sad. She had never thought to see Michael in this condition, he was always so in control. Already exhausted both physically and emotionally, and with Michael in her arms, she pulled him into the house and to their bedroom she laid back on the bed and brought his body down on top of hers. She sent her hands through his hair gently massaging his scalp then moved downward to stroke his body in comfort.
He looked at her. Saw her beautiful face and that sensual mouth. In his vulnerable state, he brought his lips to hers seeking the warmth he had not normally allowed himself to feel. His tongue licked Nikita's lips gently tasting her. Nikita let out a sigh melting under the gentle touch of Michael's lips. The kiss was not sexual, it felt like love and a warm thank you for caring.
Michael then buried his face into Nikita's neck. He took her into his arms trying to position himself so he would not crush her too badly. Without a thought, he caved into the one weakness he had vowed never to do again. He began to talk.
As they are touching and comforting each other running their hands over the other's body, he hauntingly spoke about his life before coming into Section, about the loss of his parents, his life, and loneliness. He told her about the way he was trained and how Jurgen was a unforgiving trainer, how he had been selected from the start for valentine work and how Madeleine had trained him thoroughly, About how he met Simone and the feelings he bottled up after her supposed death, he finally spoke about the love he fostered for Nikita from the beginning.
The reasons why he at first wanted to die but the image of her face sprung up like an eternal flame of life. He told her how much he needed and wanted Nikita to be with him, that they must always be careful to stay one step ahead of Section.
Nikita was overjoyed listening to Michael. Michael was a man capable of deep feelings who had managed to maintain his true emotions by surrounding himself with a cold wall of ice. To protect and survive in a cold, emotionless, unnatural everyday environment. Tonight, however, he underwent a cleansing. She would do everything in her power to help make him feel safe, loved and protected in order to share their love without too many fears.
Michael woke up early the next morning, he felt free, the burden he had carried for years had lifted and he knew it was due to Nikita, he turned to look at the wonderful woman asleep beside him, her silverblonde hair in disarray upon the pillow, her hand softly clutching his chest, he moved and Nikita shifted in bed and her hand dropped from his chest, he moved out of bed and dressed in jeans and a T-shirt, he walked to the door and proceeded to make his way to the pond.
He sat down by the pond, the moonlight shone brightly and he smiled at watching some night creatures scurry away from the pond.
Michael closed his eyes letting the night air lull him into a feeling of peacefullness he had not felt in a very long time.
He laid down on the sweet smelling grass and started to relax, Gradually tense muscles began to loosen as breathing began its descent to a slow even pace. Eyelids became weighted as the beginnings of slumber made its entrance. Balancing precariously between the fine line of conscious and unconscious came the vague sensation of a sudden chill, he thought of returning inside but the heavy relaxed feeling in his limbs prevented any movement. He felt as if he were drifting......feeling strangely at ease with this unusual sensation. Peace.....He felt it envelope him almost to the point of euphoria. Balancing on the outskirts of his awareness was an odor, not unpleasant but indiscernible. A slightly electric feeling overcame him as the hairs on his body stood upright......skin rippling with bumps in reaction to the now freezing atmosphere. A sound permeated the air and suddenly he became uneasy....it was an ugly menacing sound......one that immediately dissolved the euphoric feeling. He struggled to awaken in response to an abrupt insight of foreboding. As if in answer to this struggle he felt a weight pushing down on his chest, forcefully holding him from his attempted ascent. His heart raced, forcing blood to his temples....a pounding echo reverberating to the tune of its beat. Now freezing temperatures caused rapid breaths intertwined with a forceful shudder. The weight became heavier......now holding limbs firmly to the mattress and the once somewhat pleasant odor took on an acrid pungent smell that burned his nasal passages. Forcing his eyes open only heightened the anxiety, as there was nothing there.......nothing concrete for his mind to grasp onto. His breaths escaped him in visible puffs of steam....warm air meeting cold. Glancing at his limbs he found them unrestrained.....Used all of his strength to move but one hand....seeing the muscles flex in his forearm, fingers curling into a fist.....yet unable to free them from the unseen grip. The smell became stronger causing a wave of nausea so strong he felt the bile rise up into his throat. The horrific sound groaned through his ears....a wail he was sure came from the depths of hell. Frozen in terror his heart nearly stopped, Immediately the pressure lifted from his limbs......the odor fading, leaving no remnants. The atmosphere returned to soothing warmth
He opened his eyes and looked around, nothing was wrong, there was no one there, he sighed and tried to stand, feeling suddenly dizzy A sudden wave of nausea overcame him and this time unable to push it down went to his knees, retching into the Pond, he laid back down on the grass and closed his eyes.
With a deep sigh relaxation settled in quickly and once again sleep claimed him.
With a start he awoke.....heart pounding in his chest....... breathing deep and rapid. Accustomed to waking this way on the heels of one of his nightmares, he lay still waiting for the symptoms of terror to fade away............they didn't.......... With sudden force he was slammed back down onto the grass; the shock of the physical assault causing a sharp intake of breath. Any attempt at movement was now futile; limbs pinned by unseen hands. His hands curled into the soil, fingers clenched into fists grabbing for some control. A feather light sensation made a trail around his neck......slowly becoming more pronounced........gripping now. Panting for breath as the hold around his neck closed ever tighter.....aware only of the pounding in his chest. His limbs jerked in violent spasms, lack of oxygen causing muscles to contract rigidly. He stared at the sky, the haze of blackness dancing before his eyes, a sudden sense of peace filtering in as the battle became lost. Fleeting thoughts entered his delirium....the last conscious one being *and so it ends*.
A cool breeze wafted through the pond bringing with it the early morning sounds of the various birds starting their day. Michael stirred in response, at first leisurely as the rise to consciousness was gentle. The fog of slumber lifted swiftly as memories of his night terror flooded him.....attempts to rationalize immediately winning out to label the experience a nightmare. Being a frequent visitor to the black depths of despair and horror accompanied with sleep, he shrugged off the uneasy feeling and headed back inside the house.
Nikita woke to the sound of the shower going, she stretched and stood, she touched Michael's side of the bed and felt it cold, she wondered if he had woken earlier and taken a walk she decided to join him in the shower and opened the door, she saw Michael holding on to the wall, posture hunched forward. Skin ashen in color. His breathing was audibly ragged, short gasps accompanied by a shudder that shook his entire frame. Glassy green eyes met briefly with hers. There within their depths she saw a mixture of pain and fear........
Nikita rushed to his side, grabbing his arm to lend support and was mildly surprised that he allowed it........leaned into it in fact...... and then in a jagged whisper he said the words that emanated sheer hopelessness..... "You can't help me this time Nikita."
Nikita called out for Kareny as she saw Michael's eyes flutter with impending unconsciousness. Kareny rushed in to help Nikita aid in his support, arriving just short of Michael's descent to the floor. Turning back toward the door she called for Andrew, she watched as Nikita cradled Michael's inanimate form.
They carried Michael to the bed and checked him out, his throat was scratched and tender, bruises showing black against his pale skin. Kareny checked his pulse it was racing and his breathing was ragged.
"Nikita what happened to him?" Kareny was worried he had been mugged during one of his walks.
"I don't know, I woke and heard him in the shower, I walked in to join him and found him hunched over, obviously in pain, then i called you."
Kareny watched as Michael started to toss his head side to side, he moaned and whispered something too softly to be heard, Nikita leaned in and listened, her eyes grew wide and she pushed away and stood.
Kareny amazed at her reaction asked her what was wrong, Nikita Looked at kareny and whispered "He said that a ghost tried to kill him."
Kareny stood watching as Michael's movements accelerated and suddenly he jerked awake, screaming to be left alone.
He snapped out of his nightmare shaking violently as he tried to pull the covers over his body, Nikita rushed to him and held him until the shaking subsided, then Kareny asked him what had happened to him and he shuddered at thinking what he had experienced.
Michael let himself relax in Nikita's arms as he explained to kareny what he had experienced, kareny took notes and nodded once in a while, then she looked at him with fear in her eyes.
"Michael have you ever heard of Poltergeist?"
Michael shook his head, holding onto Nikita for dear life.
Kareny explained to him about how sometimes if we are in a certain level of depression we attract the evil of the world and it manifests itself in many ways, like Poltergeist activity or ghosts.
Michael looked at kareny strangely and nodded his head slowly. "What can be done to stop this?"
Kareny watched him start shaking again at the mention of what had happend to him, it was an experience that he would never forget, he felt his eyes becoming heavy with sleep and he let sleep overtake him.
The next morning
Michael awoke to the strange smell inside the room, he looked around and found himself alone, he walked to the closet and took the gun out, he returned to the bed and He chambered it with a full clip and then let his arm fall back to the mattress.....weapon still in hand. He felt his strength wane......fought with everything he had the darkness which seduced him. He was a man with a mission. Whether or not the evil he carried with him like a deadly cloak was an outside entity or a part of himself didn't matter.......for truly they were one. He would send it back to hell where it belonged........where they belonged. He raised the gun, bringing it to his mouth......and just before letting his lips close around the barrel he whispered "Come and get me you bastard."
Nikita entered the room to watch Michael put the gun into his mouth and she reacted, she threw herself at him but he aimed the gun at her, she called Kareny and waited as Michael aimed the gun toward her.
He looked at kareny and Nikita standing side by side inside the bedroom.
"GET OUT".....he hissed.
"Michael........ put the gun down......we're not going to hurt you."
"I said get out.........NOW." His arm shook with the weight of the gun......already depleted strength fading further still. He knew there wasn't much time.....could feel that he would succumb to his injuries soon.
The women had split from each other.......Michael's gun swinging from one to the other.......hand noticeably trembling. He wouldn't shoot........couldn't......they knew it. Nikita lunged onto the bed, twisting the gun from his hand...... the force of her weight crushing into Michael's chest. Securing the gun she lifted off of him....stunned when Michael slumped sideways into the pillows. Both were breathing heavy.
Nikita handed the gun to Kareny and turned back to Michael....... she could see that he was in pain, but he also saw fear and resignation. Seeing these intense emotions in Michael's eyes touched her. "Don't worry Michael.....you're safe now."
Before sliding into oblivion he whispered back. "Now no one is safe."
![]() Kareny made sure Michael was sleeping comfortably before leaving Andrew to watch him, she walked to the pond and watched Nikita's shoulders shaking with the sobs racking her body.
"What's wrong with him Kareny?" Kareny stopped at hearing Nikita speak, she thought the woman had not heard her approaching but shrugged section trained their operatives too well.
"I'm not sure Nikita, he seems to be experiencing some hallucinations, but the bruises to his chest and neck seem to indicate attack, I'm not sure" kareny sat down heavily beside Nikita and both contemplated what was happening.
"Kareny we have only 2 months left, he is not in shape to return to section, mentally or physically what are we going to do?"
"Nikita; Michael is experiencing some weird hallucinations, he needs help, more than i can give him" Kareny started to feel dizzy, and short of breath, she took the pills out of her jacket and took 2 , she laid back for a few minutes and relaxed, her heart stopped hurting and her breathing became easier.
"Kareny what is causing this? Could it be the knowledge that we are about to escape section? Is he that brainwashed?"
Kareny sat up and answered Nikita honestly. "Nikita what do you know of Michael's nightmares? Of his deep emotional issues, deeper than he has ever shown?"
Nikita looked at kareny, she knew Michael had some deep emotional issues he never had shared with her, she had not worried about it until now, she suddenly remembered something that had caused her fear of him at first, she had first recognized the feeling while dangling in the cage during the war with red cell, she had felt Michael's soul reaching out to her, to comfort her and make her feel at peace, she turned to watch Kareny study her.
"Kareny what do you think is wrong with Michael?"
Kareny looked at Nikita sadly. "I can't really say..... I have several theories but it would take extensive therapy for me to get to the heart of the problem. Michael appears to be displaying a psychotic depressive reaction. Frequently in severe cases this is accompanied by hallucinations, a state in which a person hears and/or sees things that do not exist in objective reality. In it's basic form the depressive reaction occurs as a reaction to a distressing circumstance.......in its psychotic stage it is more severe. Often an actual split from reality will occur and the patient will suffer delusions of guilt and sinfulness. The hallucinations take on the persona of the internal projections." She stopped here......taking time for Nikita to absorb the information, while at the same time trying to convince herself of the diagnosis.
Nikita choked back a sob.... "Can you help him?"
"There's no quick fix for something like this Nikita.......there's therapy, medication, and even quicker and somewhat more effective ECT."
"What's ECT?"
"Electroconvulsive therapy. The treatment consists of applying a rectified current to the temporal area of the brain until there is evidence of a grand mal seizure. After treatment there is a period of temporary confusion but most is recovered within 24 hours. If, however, additional treatments are required, the period of confusion increases. Usually this form of treatment is used in severe cases where medications and therapy would not be effective or in which the person's suicidal tendencies require immediate attention. It has also proven to be effective in breaking the pattern before delusions become firmly fixed." Again she paused. This time a lengthier silence ensued.
"Nikita......given the situation....there is no time for the conventional treatment....my recommendation would be ECT."
"Given the situation? You mean the short amount of time we have to escape section safely?"
Kareny nodded and tried to explain.
"Nikita I need your help, he will not subject himself willingly to this, you must convinze him."
"How can you ask me to do that? What he would face could destroy what is left of him. Hasn't he suffered enough already?" Nikita cried.
"What would you suggest as an alternative?......If Michael is found by Section he dies. At least I am offering him a chance......it may be slim....but it is still a chance."
Nikita nodded and stood slowly and helped Kareny return to the house, Nikita walked into the bedroom and laid down beside Michael, she sorrounded him with her arms and held him tightly, she slowly drifted into slumber.
He rose from the embrace of slumber. He didn't want to wake.....his sleep deeper than it had been in a very long time. He fought it.....his groggy mind resisting the persistent tug of wakefulness. Losing the battle his eyes fluttered open. His gaze wandered over the darkened surroundings trying desperately to acclimate himself. Shaking off the fog still clouding his mind the disorientation lifted. He remembered. He turned his head to take in the sleeping form lying on the opposite side of the bed....blonde hair fanning out over the pillow.....features even more angelic in sleep. He remembered how tightly she had held him.....remembered feeling secure in her arms. Her warmth.....not just of body but of soul....had wrapped around him. He struggled.....trying desperately for some of that warmth to flow past his barriers.....to find a home somewhere within himself. Whether he succeeded or not he didn't know. What he did know was that he had fallen asleep with a lightness of heart that he hadn't felt in a very long time.
Slowly, mindful not to wake the pain in his body, he inched himself closer to the sleeping Nikita. He needed to touch her.....wanted to wrap himself around her and feel again the salvation of her soul.
He brought himself closer to Nikita folding her into his arms. He knew now that there was really only one true way to rise above the darkness. This time Nikita had provided the essence of light.......but he would have to find it somewhere within himself. He sighed deeply wondering if it was too late.
Nikita stirred and he moved away, he tried to stand but his legs were too weak, he stayed seated watching her wake and look at him, she saw the fear and pain etched into his face and sat up quickly, she remembered what kareny aid, it was the only way, she had to convinze him to accept the treatment, she took his hand and said.
"Michael......I'm offering you my help." She paused here, grabbing hold of his hand..... "Do you want help Michael?"
"I've always fought for what I thought was right Nikita. In Section I have always believed that the means justified the end, that we fought for the greater good. I still adhere to this belief." A stray tear slipped from the corner of his eye..... "We extinguish the evil so that the good will survive.......we must do that again now."
Nikita wiped the tears from her face with the back of her hand..... "You're not evil Michael."
He reached out and cupped her face, gently rubbing his thumb over the dampness on her cheek...... "They will come for me......Please.....be with me....help me end it here and now...just us."
"Michael." She reached out to brush the wind blown hair from his face. "Is death the only thing that will set you free?"
He didn't answer right away, "I'll never be free Nikita."
He had given her the answer she had waited for.......had unknowingly helped her make the decision that she could not have made otherwise...... "I'll help you."
He reached into the drawer to withdraw his weapon. She gripped his arm...."No Michael....my way."
She reached to the table and took the syringe. He gave up his arm freely, green eyes pooled with tears never leaving hers. She administered the injection, watching as the serum took effect. His eyelidss grew heavy and then fluttered closed, his body slumping forward. She sat holding his limp form, rocking him slowly, sobs wracking her entire frame.
"I'm sorry Michael."
"You did the right thing Nikita."
"I hope so Kareny."
The women stood beside the bed, gazing down at the sleeping man the lights of the room illuminating the dark hollows beneath his eyes. Heavily sedated he lay perfectly still, deep slow breathing barely causing the rise and fall of his chest.
Nikita lifted his hand into hers.....the leather straps keeping his wrist secure to the mattress..... "I hardly think these are necessary right now."
Kareny gave no response to her statement...... " What convinzed him?"
"Death won't set him free." She whispered.
Kareny did not question her further......realizing she never would really know what went on between the two.
"We will begin treatment shortly. Before beginning the patient is given an I.V. muscle relaxant to spare them the contractions and the throat closure......seeing as he is currently sedated we will have to wait until he comes around.....using the remnants of the serum in place of the relaxants. When he is on the edge of consciousness is the best time to begin. "
As if on cue a soft moan was heard from the bed. They observed his slow rise to consciousness eyes struggling to open, succeeding for a moment and then closing again.
Nikita gently smoothed his cheek..... "Michael, can you hear me?"
She waited with trepidation for his eyes to open, worried that her betrayal would shine in their depths. She had come close.....very close...... Reliving Michael's words stabbed at her heart. Everything he said led her to believe that death would be his only release.....that was until he spoke those last words. Michael's revelation of self-hatred was profound.....enlightening her as to the impetus for his actions.
He believed that the only meaning to his life was as a harbinger of doom for the innocents who crossed his path. There were times she had actually thought that of him herself. She never realized that with every death......every demise labeled Acceptable Collateral......a piece of him went with them.
Still, knowing this, and for the first time really seeing that Michael was not an empty shell, she was ready to help him enter death's sweet release. His revelation that he would carry all the anguish into the afterlife was what stopped her from giving what he so desperately wanted. Since her arrival at Section she had seen brief glimpses of the good that was a part of him......a part he could not see himself. She would not let him go until she was sure he would take self-worth with him.
And so she waited for him to wake.....and if he saw in her betrayal, then so be it..... His eyes opened again, in response to her voice. She watched as he struggled for clarity. He met her gaze; eyes at first filled with confusion then clearing with awareness. She did not see accusation in his stare......
"Michael" Kareny's voice startled Nikita from her reverie "We're trying to help.....do you understand?"
Still groggy his reply came as a strained whisper.... "No".....he sighed in resignation and looked into her warm ambergreen eyes.... "but do what you must."
Kareny and Nikita both understood his reply. A simple *No* meaning so much. He couldn't understand their struggle to help him....didn't feel worthy of their efforts. He wasn't accepting their help....but rather resigned himself to the fact that it would be given.
Kareny signaled for Andrew who wheeled in a tray holding the various tools required for the ECT. The machine itself was wheeled beside the bed, perched ominously close to the unsuspecting patient. Kareny explained to Michael the procedure that was about to be performed. He listened quietly, the only response to Kareny's "shall we begin?" being a slight nod of his head.
Before beginning preparation Kareny glanced at Nikita..... "You don't have to stay....I'll call you when its done."
Nikita crossed her arms over her chest in defiance... "I'm not leaving."
Kareny smiled....she had expected as much.
Nikita watched with a mixture of curiosity and terror. Electrodes had been placed on Michael's temples, held with a Velcro strap across his forehead and around the back of his head.
Adjustments were made to the ECT machine and then turning back to Michael, Kareny pulled down on his jaw and inserted what looked like a tongue depressor covered with gauze cross wise and then closed his mouth upon it. Michael remained impassive, the edge of the sedative still weighing him down.
"What's that for." Nikita asked.
"It protects the teeth......the muscles contract with force."
Sorry I asked, Nikita briefly looked away.
"Ok...we're all set.....I just have to adjust the frequency." She turned toward Nikita..... "You sure?"
Nikita nodded her head.... "I'm staying." She hadn't realized she still held Michael's hand until Kareny reached down to separate them.
Kareny turned, made the final adjustment and then powered on the switch....... It was over quickly...... Michael's entire body tensed, arching up off the bed. His hands curled into fists, muscles rising in definition along his arms. His jaw clamped down on the makeshift bit, lifting toward the ceiling, revealing tightened cords in his neck. The green of his eyes traveled up and back, leaving visible only white. And in what felt like hours but was really only seconds Nikita watched as the completion brought about instant paralysis.....the once agitated muscles relaxing instantly.
Kareny gently removed the bit from his slackened jaw and then with obvious tenderness released the electrodes and its accompanying contraption. She traced her fingers along his forehead... unknowingly trying to smooth the furrows of pain that lingered beyond his slide to unconsciousness.
Nikita's voice trembled...... "What happens now?"
"He will sleep."
"And when he wakes?" Nikita urged.
Kareny's reply was of no comfort........ "I don't know."
Kareny entered the bedroom finding Nikita where she had left her 8 hours ago. She was propped in a chair beside Michael. Her head rested on the bed nestled in her arm and even in sleep she still held his hand. Kareny walked to the other side of the bed, not wanting to wake her.
She palpated the strong pulse in Michael's neck; the touch although slight brought him up from slumber. He opened his eyes..... Kareny quite pleased at the clarity in his gaze.
"How are you feeling?" She asked softly.
He thought about the answer to her question and realized he really couldn't say..... "Can I get some water?" His throat was parched and his voice croaked in hoarseness.
Nikita woke. She looked anxiously over at Michael, searching his face with purpose, looking for any sign that would tell her she had made the right choice. He turned his head slowly, meeting her gaze and Nikita's answer came in the form of something she hadn't seen from Michael in a very long time. He smiled. It was very small, a brief upward tug of the corner of his mouth....but a smile just the same. She could barely contain her elation.....but now was not the time to throw herself into his arms and kiss every part of that beautiful face......she hadn't done that before.....it would probably put him into shock if she tried it now. She noticed the bemused look on his face as he tried to decipher what she was thinking and couldn't hold down the slight blush that heated her cheeks.
Kareny returned with the water, holding it for him as he took several small sips.
Nikita began unfastening the restraint on his wrist. Kareny firmly grabbed her hand......"Not yet Nikita."
Kareny turned to Michael...... "We can't know the true success of the treatment until we have observed you for a few days. You will be released when it has been determined any additional treatments would be contraindicated."
Nikita gasped at the mere idea that he would be put through that again. She was about to state exactly what her thoughts were on the subject when she felt Michael's hand encompass hers as he answered Kareny.... "Of course."
It had been three days. During that time she had observed every action......every minor detail of Michael's behavior. He had essentially reverted back to his old self......once again answering her questions with a question.....quietly using one or two word phrases to express what he was thinking. He had patiently sat through her sessions......and she admired once again his stamina. She smiled at her thoughts.... *He's just as frustrating now as he ever was*
She was ready to release him from restraints, her uneasiness at his remarkable recovery remained. Nagging at her was the question of whether the ECT had helped or if Michael had handled this once again in the only way he knew how.....Repression. She decided she would watch him carefully.
Kareny glanced at Michael sitting up in the bed, taking note of the return of color to his complexion and the bright green of his eyes. She walked over, saying nothing, and systematically removed the restraints from his limbs.......Nikita walked in and smiled at seeing Michael standing and dressed, she stood waiting at the door until Kareny walked out, Michael looked at Nikita and smiled, he opened his arms and she rushed into his embrace.
Michael sat down and pulled her into his lap. "Nikita you know I'll never return to my usual proficiency, Kareny offered..." he was stopped by two fingers touching his lips.
"I know what she offered, she came to me long before we left section, we planned it so we could escape, but we never expected the turmoil that ensued lately, you want to go?"
Michael was amazed that Nikita had kept this hidden from him, the corners of his mouth lifted in a small smile at realizing just how good he had trained Nikita.
"Yes if you want to go, I'm not ready to die yet, and maybe we can stay together the four of us-" he was interrupted by kareny speaking.
"Michael we can't stay together, you and Nikita have to go, Andrew and me will soon follow, but we will not be able to meet for months after we run, this is a delicate thing we are doing, we will always have to be careful to not draw attention toward us, even if section thinks we are dead."
Michael nodded and asked. "When do we go, and how do we make them believe that we are dead?"
Kareny sat down and explained the plan to her two friends.
"You and Nikita will take a drive, there is a dangerous curve up the hill, the view is incredible but the danger is on the return many people have lost control of the vehicles and died trying to return home, you and Nikita will be part of those unfortunates who lost control of the car and died in a fiery accident"
Michael knew that there was much more to this but he would not ask, he was content to know they would escape and he would be able to be with Nikita.
6 Months later
Michael rushed out of bed as the fire exploded all around them, he grabbed the shirt and pants and pulled them on as he grabbed his boots, Nikita was already dressed and had the truck running as he jumped out the back window, suddenly his back exploded in pain, he stumbled and fell.
"Michael!" She cried out.
She jumped out of the truck, shot the man who had shot him and ran to Michael, Nikita dropped down to her knees and rolled Michael to his back. He was breathing heavily. Blood was all over him. He opened his eyes.
"I'm ok." he whispered.
"Don't lie to me." she said. He coughed and stood up, his body shivering.
"Can you walk?" she asked.
"He just shot me in the shoulder..." he murmured. He grabbed his gun.
Nikita was amazed by his ability to stay so clear, even though he was wounded.
"You need to stop the bleeding."
"We have to go." He grabbed her hand and pulled her to the truck. He tried to talk hard and stabled his voice. He kept shivering and fluctuating, and she was worried.
Suddenly there was another operative in front of them, Michael raised his gun, His hand wasn't stable and he tried to stop the shivering with his other hand.
" Who are you?" Michael stood, feet apart swaying a little, Nikita standing behind him, her gun ready to fire.
Michael smiled at the man. "We're not going back"
The man laughed. "No you're not, she is." the man laughed again and aimed at Michael's chest.
Nikita shifted her weight to try and shoot from under Michael's arm but she felt Michael shiver, the man laughed again at seeing Michael hurting and he lowered his gun some, Michael took advantage of the man's lack of knowledge and shot him straight through the heart.
Michael turned and grabbed her hand, he started to run again towards the truck.
"What is it Michael?" she asked.
"Keep running." He said and fell down to his knees.
He didn't answer.
She ran to him and saw him Using all the strength he had left, Michael crawled on the grass.
"I'm here." She said and helped him get up.
He looked at her. She thought she could see feelings in his eyes. Then they started to run as fast as they could to the truck. No questions were asked this time. They got to the truck and drove away.
Nikta knew he was badly hurt, she drove to Kareny's farm, Blasting the horn as she barreled up the drive, she saw Andrew and kareny run out and wait for her, she stopped the truck in front of them and jumped out.
"Michael's been shot, he's bleeding badly." Nikita opened the door and caught Michael as he fell out.
Andrew took hold of Michael's legs and helped Nikita carry him inside.
Kareny took the medical bag and tried to stench the flow of blood.
"Andrew get the monitors we're loosing him."
Michael drifted in and out of conscioussness for hours as Kareny and Andrew tried to stop the bleeding and keep him alive. Kareny had suttured Michael's wound but he had lost too much blood, she did not have any to replenish, she had put the heart monitor on him to make sure he would not die on her.
She heard Michael waking and called Nikita who had fallen asleep on the couch, Nikita ran to him and took his hand.
Michael's eyelashes fluttered rapidly, he tossed his head from side to side as he started to regain conscioussness.
Pain was the first thing Michael's mind registered as he opened his eyes, his vision was blurry but he could see his beloved's face beside him, he blinked rapidly trying to get his vision cleared.
He had to tell Nikita what he felt, he did not want to die without expressing his love for her, but as he started speaking his words came out in his native language unconscioussly as he tried to tell her.
"Tu tiens ma coeur, mon vie. Tu es mon lumiere. Desservete mes ombres, mes murs. Fidelement, tu es mon ame. Sans toi, je suis rien."
"Michael english." Kareny said to him.
He looked at Nikita and started to feel weightless, his soul was detaching itself and he tried to stay consciouss, his lashes fluttered wildly as he battled the darkness that finally won.
Nikita watched as Michael's face became paler and his body became completely limp, the shrill sound of the monitor penetrated her brain and she realized he had flatlined.
"Damn, he's flatlined." Kareny proclaimed much too loudly.
"NO!!!!! Michael, don't you die!! Don't you leave me alone." Nikita had to be grabbed by Andrew and sedated before he went to help kareny.
"Defibrillator charging, clear." the paddles were applied to Michael's bare chest and his body arched upward in response to the electrical current. Kareny looked at a monitor and turning yelled "Again."
A lone figure stood watching the chaos, unseen by anyone else in the room. He felt oddly detached from the events in spite of their importance to him. He watched the people working to save him for a few seconds, stayed long enough to watch himself flat-line; it even brought a small smile to his ethereal face. . . . He was finally going to be free.
He turned away from the scene to move on to . . . wherever he was headed. He had no real preconceptions of what his journey might bring, but he was hoping for oblivion--for a dissolution of consciousness, a simple end to being. . . . He had no idea of what was really to follow.
He began to walk away, though--began moving in the direction he felt he should--to the way he was drawn. And he was struck by the fact that the reports of bright lights didn't seem to be true. In fact, he now found himself walking down a long, completely darkened corridor; he wasn't even sure how he knew where he was going.
Somehow, though, he seemed to. Although the tunnel was created in total darkness--the kind which only exists on earth at the bottom of the sea or deep within caves, his feet were moving confidently; they knew the way, even if he didn't.
He walked for what felt like hours--maybe even days, . . . but he no longer had a way to judge such things. Finally, however, he saw something at the tunnel's end--a . . . light--something reddish-orange and flickering.
He didn't know what to make of it. At first, it was simply a vague point in the distance. As he approached, however, the light grew larger--beginning to take up the entire horizon. In fact, it was almost an endless landscape of fiery color.
Although the scene he was approaching provided some relief from the darkness he was in, this light gave him no sense of comfort. Instead, he was suddenly struck with desperate, terrified apprehension; he wanted to run--to take off in the direction he had come from at top speed, to flee--praying that he could escape.
His feet, though, weren't listening to his instincts; they were drawn inexorably toward the growing ocean of frightening light. And, once he was there--once he had reached the sea of fire he had been moving toward, he wished to God that he were alive once more. . . . Even Section was preferable to this.
The scene in front of him was more terrifying than anything he could have imagined--even after all his painful, violent years in Section. The occupants of this horrible underworld were each walking through an ocean of fire--a fire which burned without killing, a fire which seemed to replay in each of their minds all of the atrocities they had committed in life . . . from their victims' viewpoints. Every pair of eyes was focused on some inward terror--on some horror they had caused years before.
There was one other aspect of the soul-chilling scene in front of him, however, which somehow made it even more frightening: the silence. No one spoke. No one screamed. No one touched. Every person was terribly, hopelessly alone--damned to wander forever through the flames of the pain they had wrought, denied even the curious comfort of the cries of other sufferers.
Michael stood at the exit of the tunnel of darkness for some time, simply watching in horror--in soul-wrenching terror. He wanted to scream, to pray, to beg for forgiveness--anything to give him one more chance at life--one more chance to correct the terrible wrongs which had led him here.
He knew, however, that there was no chance of that. He had watched his own body die on the gurney in Section; he had willingly given up his last chance at life.
He knew, too, that he belonged here; he knew he had absolutely no basis on which to found a claim of innocence or beg for rehabilitation. He had murdered and seduced, had manipulated and destroyed hundreds--maybe thousands--of people, many of them innocents. He had always been ready with a rationalization--had always tried to agree with Section's "logic," even when he didn't understand it. . . . He had created his own hell, had set himself up for it for years; he knew there was no way back now.
He understood that he needed to join the numberless swarm in front of him, knew that he was one of them. He only had one last thought, before he did: he wished to God that he had had someone in his life to show him the truth, someone who had helped him to take a better path.
He was about to take his chosen place among these masses, when a . . . light appeared near his arm. He turned his head to look at it in surprise, knowing that this creature was not of this place--was not one of the many who lived among the fire.
The brightness slowly coalesced into a familiar figure.
"Mere?" he whispered half in fear and half in wonder.
"No" the figure replied gently. "I'm not your mother. I chose this form because I believed it would be familiar and a comfort to you."
Many of the miserable beings in the flames looked at it hopefully--desperately wanting it to have come for them, to finally allow them some salvation.
He knew he was looking at an angel, although this creature looked nothing like any representation he had ever seen on earth "You're here because I'm dying." This was said emotionlessly, as a statement of fact, yet still there was a hint of regret in his pale eyes as he stared at her.
He turned his face toward the tunnel and saw the scene from where he came, Nikita lying on the bed unconsciouss, kareny and Andrew trying to save his life.
The figure followed his gaze to the woman. Almost sadly it confirmed "Yes, that is why I've come. You are dying." A hand was laid tentatively on Michael's shoulder. "Michael, look at me."
Michael slowly dragged his eyes away from the object of his gaze. They settled on the form beside him. There was a catch in his throat as he allowed himself to really see the figure. She was beautiful in his eyes, just as she always appeared in his memory. When he allowed himself to remember. Slight and petite, her cinnamon hair fell in waves below her shoulders. Her eyes were the eyes that he saw every time he looked in a mirror. It was with a start that he realized that she seemed only a few years older than he. She had died so young. Died.....dying.
As if reading his thoughts, the form continued. "Be at peace, I've not come to take you. I've been sent to offer you a rare gift. Tell me, do you ever wonder what your life would have been like if things had been different?"
Michael blinked and looked away from the form of his mother, irrationally ashamed of the life that he had lived, the things he had chosen to do to survive in Section. The things he had done to keep others alive. Still, shame was a potential weakness and he would not give in to it. Not even now.
"What would be the point. What is, is and I accept it." He looked back across the room again, and almost whispered "Still, it is not the life I would have chosen for myself."
"That's why I have been sent to you." She reached down and took his hand. "Come with me Michael." she murmured.
He looked back at her sharply "You said you weren't here to take me."
"I'm not. You'll have all the time that is needed to return here before.."
"Before I die?" he interrupted.
She smiled softly "Before what ever happens, happens. I don't have the power of foreknowledge. You will live or you will die, I don't know which but I know that there is time."
"How much time?"
"The time between one breath and the next. It is all the time that we will need. Come now, there is something that I want to show you." She tugged at his hand.
Taking one last look at Nikita, he reluctantly followed her into a tunnel of light.
Michael found himself sitting at an alfresco table at a small cafe. It was situated on a quiet side street within walking distance of the University that he had so briefly attended many years before.
Once it had been a favorite place to come with friends or alone. With his friends he would sit and talk for hours on matters both great and inconsequential. When alone he would sit in thought or quietly watch the other patrons while he sipped at dark, strong coffee. He had even brought his sister here twice. He remembered how she had smiled at him. It had made her feel so grown up and special. The memories were all pleasant and yet they brought him only sadness. How young he had been then.
It suddenly occurred to him that he might have actually died and this was the hell that had been prepared for him. An eternity of regrets. Of course, it was possible that it was all a drug induced hallucination. He didn't remember being captured but perhaps memory alteration was another affect of the drug. He discarded this theory almost as quickly as he thought it. No, this.. experience..was most likely a result of an oxygen deprived and dying brain.
"Just accept it for what it is Michael. Don't try to rationalize this, you won't be able to."
His mother, no, he corrected himself, the being in the form of his mother, had suddenly appeared seated across from him.
"And no, I'm not reading your mind. I'm just familiar with, oh how shall I say this, the parameters of the current situation."
A thousand questions crowded Michael's mind. He finally decided on the most important one. "Why?"
When the being smiled, it was his mother's smile. "In each person's life there are critical points, actions or inaction that set the course of one future or another.
Sometimes these are so small as to go unnoticed. Deciding to walk one direction rather than another for example. Other times the critical points are obvious, at least in hindsight. If one could go back and change a critical point in a life then the direction that life had taken would have been changed. One future eliminated in favor of another." She was no longer smiling now. Her visage was very grave. "Michael, you are being given the chance to change one, just one, critical point in your life. Think carefully on what you would change. Once the decision is made your life will be changed and once done it can not be undone."
Michael did not believe that what was happening was real. Still, it could do no harm to answer. He was surprised that he didn't even have to think of what he would change.
"I would change my parent's death. I do not want them to have died, to have left my sister and I alone."
The figure shook it's head slowly. "I'm so sorry but that can not be changed. No action or inaction of yours was responsible for their death. You can only change that over which you had a choice. Think carefully." She waited expectantly.
Several seconds seemed to pass while Michael considered. Finally he responded.
"Is there a way to determine the consequences of any decision that I might make before it is made."
The figure placed her hands on the table and steepled her fingers. "That is a very astute question." Suddenly smiling she added. "Your caution will serve you well. Yes, I can tell you generally how the future, your future, would be changed by your decision. Of course I can only hit the highlights." She winked at him conspiratorially. "The devil is in the details you know."
Michael was momentarily taken aback. Given the apparent situation, he wasn't certain if she were serious. Deciding it would probably be better not to know, he concentrated instead on what he would change. That he had been brought to this place strongly suggested an intent to influence his choice. Sometimes it was easiest to do what was expected. It set others at their ease. Could cause them to make mistakes.
"How would things have been different had I not joined Rene, not built the bomb?"
"Take my hand and we will go to the moment that can be changed."
Michael clasped the hand and without transition found himself standing in a small apartment. The scene reminded him of a silent movie. He could see but not hear what was occurring, would occur, had occurred. As in Medlab, he was unnoticed. There were half a dozen people crammed into the cramp quarters. Young people, in their late teens or early twenties, people whom he recognized. A much younger version of himself was bent over a table showing something to Rene. Next they appeared to be arguing. He watched as his younger self suddenly headed for the door and compared what he was seeing to his memory of the events. The scene froze.
"Is this what you would consider changing?" she asked gesturing in the direction of his younger self.
"Yes. I should have left. I was showing Rene how to make a bomb. He was impatient with how slowly the movement was progressing and convinced me that we needed to get their attention. He promised that no one would get hurt but he let something slip. He said that only blood would let them know that we were serious. We argued. I was leaving without finishing the connections. Rene stopped me, convinced me that he had only spoken in the heat of his passion for the cause and didn't really mean what he had said. Like a fool, I believed him."
"You believed the promise of your best friend." she countered gently.
"I was naive and too trusting." Michael retorted harshly.
"You were young and idealistic, passionate in your beliefs." she continued.
"I built a bomb and people died because of it." Michael responded, unwilling to in anyway deminish his responsibility in the tragedy.
"Yes" she agreed quietly. "You did. Is that what you would change?"
"Perhaps. How would things be different if I had continued out the door?"
"For you, everything changes but Rene still sets off the bomb and people still die."
"Could I stop him?"
"No, not without making him a martyr. He is, was a fanatic for his convictions."
"How would things be different for me?"
"To begin with you would not have gone to prison and been taken into Section. You would graduate, open your own gallery, work part-time teaching and part-time buying for major galleries and corporations. Isn't that ironic? In this possible reality you are an art buyer."
"That's all?"
"Of course not." she said, taking his hand.
Michael found himself standing on the corner of what appeared to be a fashionable, upper middle class neighborhood of a Parisian suburb. In the house across the street, a woman exited. She was tall and blonde, beautiful in a classical fashion. When Michael saw her, he felt as if he should know her even though he knew that they had never met before. A small boy, perhaps four or five, clutched at her hand. His blonde hair fell in waves. From the distance, Michael couldn't see the color of his eyes but knew that they would be blue. In her arms the woman carried a little girl, certainly no more than a year old. White lace peek from beneath the child's coat. She had a hand full of the woman's hair and was trying her best to bring the fist that held it to her mouth. The woman walked slowly down the street, laughing with her children. As Michael watched them go, he felt a pang of loss which he didn't understand.
"You wait several years before you marry, always feeling as if you're looking for someone special, someone whom you see only in your dreams, but one day the dreams just stop. You love your wife, but are not passionate for her. You have two children, a son and a daughter. You name your daughter after your mother. You remain close to your sister. She and her family are as important to you as your own. You live, you laugh, you work, you have friends, you are mostly happy and eventually you die."
"I harm no one."
"True, but neither do you accomplish any great good. No one's life is truly changed for better or worse. You live a life of relatively quiet obscurity." She studied the faintest hint of longing in Michael's eyes as he watched the woman and children retreating into the distance. "Take my hand again."
"My version of informed consent. Come with me. If you choose this path it won't be just your life that will be changed."
Michael found himself standing on a catwalk above the main floor of Section One. On first glance everything looked the same yet there were subtle differences.
"This is how Section would be this day if you were not recruited. You were one of the best. You made a difference here."
Michael scanned the faces below him looking for those familiar to him. He wanted to see Chuck, Simone or Nikita. He saw none of them but he did see a face that surprised him, Rene.
He turned to the being with his mother's face with a question in his eyes.
"Yes, Rene was caught and tried after the bomb. He was brought into Section after 'dying' in prison. Unfortunately, he was never more than a marginal operative. Usually just one step from abeyance. Yet even here he had a type of charisma that enabled him to influence the younger operatives. Several were canceled for acting on the sedition he whispered in their ears while his hands remained clean, at least in a manner of speaking."
Michael continued to search the faces below him.
"Are you looking for someone in particular?" Michael remained silent. Leery of revealing himself even now.
"If you are looking for Simone, you won't find her. She was killed during a mission several years ago."
Michael blinked rapidly but didn't reveal his disappointment. "What happened? Was it the mission against Glass Curtain?"
"No, she died eight years before that mission during the Peleggi incident. You remember that, I'm sure."
Michael nodded absently. That mission propelled him into an early promotion as team leader. The primary leader on the mission had been killed and the team one operatives pinned down during an ambush. He was on team two. He assumed command of the mission even though there were more senior operatives present. He was able to rally the operatives, engage the enemy so that team one could escape and fulfill the mission profile. Simone was one of the operatives on team one. It was the first time that they had worked together.
"When Dillon was killed in the ambush, none of the other operatives assumed command. The mission was aborted and the operatives on team one deemed an acceptable loss. They all died."
"What about Nikita?"
"Nikita's life was unchanged up until the point that you would have become her trainer. She was still convicted and inducted into Section One. Come with me again." She held out her hand for his.
Michael found himself and his host in the shadows of Madeline's old office. Michael stepped back even further, trying to hide himself, when he realized that Operations and Madeline were both present. He saw his mother's smile again and straightened himself, realizing how foolish he was being. Instead he concentrated on the scene before him.
Ops and Madeline both turned toward the door as it opened, their quiet conversation interrupted. Michael recognized the operative that entered. His name was Brian. Michael remembered that he had been killed by his material, a psychopath named Karen.
"You wanted to see me, Sir?" Brian asked.
Operations stood before addressing the trainer. "Yes, you have material that is coming to term soon. I want a progress report and recommendations."
Brian looked thoughtful for several seconds. "Well, sir, her technical skills in fire arms and hand to hand are very good. She seems able to grasp mission parameters quickly and has done well on her sims."
"But.." Operations prompted.
"I'm not sure. There's something missing. A certain ruthlessness perhaps? I find it hard to believe that she was actually a cold blooded cop killer."
"Are you recommending that the material be canceled?"
Brian didn't respond but Madeline did. "We already have two years invested in Nikita. With her looks and skill levels, she could be a valuable asset. I suggest that we give her a chance to prove herself. If she doesn't come up to our expectations, the situation can always be corrected."
Ops looked at his second. "Is that your official recommendation?"
Madeline gave a half smile "Yes."
Ops considered it a second. "OK. Brian, set her up for her final exam. If she survives we'll take it from there."
"I believe the restaurant scenario would be appropriate" Madeline instructed the trainer. "Make sure you get her flowers, red roses would be best." Brian nodded his agreement, turned and left.
"Nikita was Brian's material?" Michael stated. He already knew the answer.
"Yes" the being with his mother's face replied. "You know what happened next. Brian told Nikita she was finished with her training and to celebrate they were going out to dinner. I'm sure you remember the limo, the roses, the candle lit table, the gun given in lieu of a present with instructions to kill a certain patron, and the faulty intel on how she was to escape to determine if she was able to think on her feet."
Michael's face revealed nothing. He was well practiced at hiding his feelings.
"Here she also passed her final examination but she had difficulty from the beginning once she was put in the field. She was so concerned about how her and others' actions would affect innocents that she couldn't stay focused on the mission and Brian wasn't willing to place himself on the line for her mistakes. Operations was as tolerant as he felt he should be, which is to say not very. The final straw came during the Mijovich security mission."
Michael rubbed his index finger slowly across his lower lip. "An assassin had taken the place of a childhood friend of Nikita's. She thought she was protecting a friend from Section when in reality she was being used to find Mijovich's location so that the hit could be carried out. Nikita was captured, tortured. I found her and helped her cover her mistake."
"Here her mistake was discovered. Discovered hiding in Nikita's apartment in a crawl space. Nikita jeopardized the mission. She disobeyed. She wasn't forgiven. She was canceled before her six month evaluation. It was inevitable." She paused.
"Michael consider this before you make your decision. While you were in Section, to get the job done, innocent people were hurt or died. However, more innocents lived because of the terrorists you stopped.
"Michael, although it may appear so, I am not attempting to influence your decision. The final decision is yours and yours alone. I just believe that you should fully understand the consequences of any choice that you make."
A son, a daughter, a full life rather than the half life he found himself embracing. Nikita. "I've made my choice."
"There are other critical points that could be considered. You don't need to decide just yet."
"There is nothing else that I need to know."
"Clear." There was a pause. "All right, we have a normal sinus rhythm."
Nikita did not stay unconsciouss for long, she fought the effects of the drug and won, she opened her eyes as she heard Michael's heart beat.
Kareny saw Nikita sitting up and walked to her "He's still in serious condition but for now he's stable. Unless there's an unforeseen complication, I'm sure he'll make a full recovery."
Nikita exhaled a breath that she wasn't even aware she had been holding.
"Thank you." Nikita stood and walked to him, she took a seat beside him and held his hand.
Consciousness returned slowly and reluctantly. Awareness of physical sensation, the feel of the bed, the hum of the ventilation system, a vague diffuse pain. He opened his eyes but the light stabbed him so brightly that he immediately shut them again. Thought returned more slowly still. There was something important. Something that he needed to remember that was slipping away from him even as he struggled to bring it into focus. Something about his mother? No, that wasn't quite right. Something about Nikita?
"Michael?" Nikita said quietly, seeing him stir.
Michael opened his eyes again, this time more slowly. Nikita's blurred image slowly became sharper but did not immediately resolve. A blur of light surrounded her golden hair like a halo. Again, it seemed to remind him of something, an angel? The memory teased him, just out of reach. Then it was gone. He felt a sense of profound loss which also passed quickly to be replaced with the conviction that his life finally made sense. He was exactly where he was supposed to be, doing what he was meant to be doing.
He closed his eyes and succumbed to slumber once again.
He had been put on a respirator, and Nikita had stayed beside him, holding his hand for many hours before succumbing to exhaustion.
When Michael opened his eyes , he couldn't focus on anything. He could hear a heart monitor, but it seemed distant. He felt too tired to even think. He slowly closed his eyes, but not before squeezing the hand holding his gently.
Nikita lay sleeping next to Michael's bed. She hadn't left his side for fear that he might give up again.
Her head snapped up suddenly as she felt his hand tighten around hers. She stood up and looked at him. His eyes were still closed, but he was trying to breath on his own. She gently brushed a strand of hair out of his eyes. She kissed him gently on the lips before she ran to tell Kareny that he had come out of the self-created coma.
Nikita reached out and caressed his cheek softly. He turned his face toward her caress and sighed.
Michael's eyes fluttered open, blinking as he looked up at the ceiling and then slowly around the room, coming to rest on her. He frowned and closed his eyes briefly, opening them again to see her still sitting there, smiling down at him, wincing as he shifted on the bed and one hand going up to touch her, shaking a little. She took his hand and brought it up to her cheek, letting his hand press against her cheek to show him that she was really there.
"Nikita?" he whispered hoarsely.
"How do you feel?"
"Tired..." he muttered.
Nikita smiled and turned to look at kareny and Andrew.
She felt Michael's face nuzzling her hand and she turned, she saw his eyes closing and kept caressing his face.
"Rest Michael I'll be here when you wake up." she leaned down and kissed his lips tenderly, when she sat back she saw he had fallen asleep, a smile on his lips.
Michael slept the rest of the evening and on through the night, Nikita keeping a vigil on the chair and allowing herself only short brief naps.
His recovery was slow, 5 days after being shot Nikita and Kareny forced him to start walking, at first his legs refused to bear his weight and they barely managed to catch him before he fell, but he was stubborn, each day he gained more strength until he was able to walk unassisted.
It took 3 weeks to get his stamina back, he had almost died several times in his life, but he had returned, he had to protect Nikita.
10 months later
Michael and Nikita had finally settled down and bought a home, they had started to relax, Michael had taken a job as a security specialist and Nikita stayed at home, It was so domestic for him to walk into the townhouse and smell the food Nikita had spent all day cooking for him.
After dinner Michael pulled Nikita upstairs, once in their bedroom Michael started to disrobe, Nikita watched him as he slowly unbuttoned his shirt, pulling the material off his shoulders he let it float to the floor, he then took his boots and socks off, standing his hands shook as he watched Nikita watching him, he unbuttoned his jeans pushing them down his hips and finally they pooled at his feet, he stepped out of them, Nikita looked at Michael shyly, Slowly she extended her hand to reverantly brush her fingertips gently along his chest. She thought he must be the most beautiful creature she had ever seen, and then almost on a whim she said it outloud, "You are beautiful." She blushed but bravely looked into his eyes, finding awe and desire in those green/gray depths. Feeling more bold after that last outburst Nikita brought her hands up to his shoulders and gently pushed him down onto the soft floor. Straddling his hips she reached out and traced the outline of his lips with one finger lightly while the other felt the smooth silk/steel that was Michael's chest, stomach, arms, body.
Silently Michael watched Nikita pay homage to his body and he continued to be in awe of this remarkable woman. She made him feel more cherished than he had EVER felt before. He just hoped he would be able to make her feel those same things.
But she would have none of that this time. She wanted him to know her heart was with him, but she also wanted him to know he was hers no matter how much he wished to stop it from happening. So she leaned down and kissed him, softly at first, but slowly making him feel her demands, her desires. After what seemed like a lifetime Nikita pulled away and began to nip and kiss her way down his jawline. Licking a path down his neck, gently biting his collar-bone and along his shoulder before kissing every inch of his muscled chest.
Finding his left nipple she swirled her tongue around it, smiling a little as it tightened. Gently she nipped at it and then applied her tongue in a soothing gesture. Licking a path to the other nipple she pulled away for a moment to admire the glazed passionate look in Michaels eyes and then went to work on this other nerve center, giving it it's due.
Nikita took her time making her way down his rippled stomach, enjoying the effect her ministrations were having on Michael's still untouched manhood. By the time she found herself nestled between his legs, kissing his inner thighs it was obvious he was ready for her to finish him off. His obvious need pleased her more than any words he could say. He couldn't lie about this and Nikita knew that within her.
So slowly Michael thought she was purposely trying to torture him Nikita lowered her head and licked his throbbing shaft from base to tip, gently caressing his balls as she did so. Once she reached the top she swirled her tongue around his swollen head then pulled back and blew cool breath onto the wet path she had left.
Ammused at the way he jumped in reaction. Looking into his eyes and satisfied with what she saw there Nikita proceded to take him completely into her mouth.
Automatically Michael's hands went to her head, running his fingers through her hair as she licked and sucked him to new heights. His last contious thought was that they still had many miles to go before being safe. As he tensed and climaxed he knew he would enjoy this time to be with his love. And he didn't even think twice about calling her that.
After waiting for Michael to get over his release, Nikita proceded to kiss her way back to Michael's waiting lips, expecting to wait a bit in Michael's arms, But it was Michael's turn to please Nikita and he was just as stubborn as she.
Pushing her gently back Michael made sure pillows supported her head before he bent to accost her lips with his. The kiss was bruising in it's unconcious quest for acceptance which it readily found in Nikita. Once his lips received what it was looking for from her lips they continued on to explore the rest of her body like it was a child finding some delicious buried treasure. He started to nuzzle her neck, gently tugging at her earlobe before kissing the sensitive area just behind it. Her hair was like spun gold and her skin was like flawless ivory. Her eyes the bluest saphires ever discovered. She was his buried treasure and he wanted every prize he could find inside.
Slowly he made his way to the valley between her perfect round breasts. Fleetingly he thought of painting this perfection but quickly shook this thought from his mind as Nikita wound her fingers in his hair and guided him to one breast. While gently caressing the other with his hand Michael swirled his tongue around her already taunt nipple. At her urging he took it into his mouth and went on to carefully suck and lick it. Michael wanted her so much. Her fragrance and the scent of her arousal already becoming apparent mixed together to tease his nostrils and deepen his arousal, but he had other plans first.
After going from breast to breast several times he finally began to make his way down her abdomen, licking and nipping her skin as he went. Skipping her hot center Michael went down to the soft spot behind her knees. Kissing and tickling her as his hands caressed up and down her inner thighs coming so close but never close enough.
Nikita began to whimper, and when this was ignored by her sweet tormentor she proceded to plead, "Michael."
At the sound of his name Michael looked up to see her eyes beg him for release. Understanding her need he lowered his head between her parted legs taking in the distracting scent of her arousal as he blew warm air on her already hot and wet area. As unable to wait as she was, Michael lowered his face to her and flicked his tongue over her clit.
Nikita gasped as he began to use his tongue on the center of all her nerves at that moment. Moments later he began kissing and sucking while still playing with his tongue. When Nikita thought she could take no more Michael suddenly inserted one of his big fingers inside her causing a glorious friction that made her cry out with pleasure. Slowly but with mounting speed Michael inserted and withdrew his finger while licking and sucking her now swollen clit. When he felt her begin to tense he added a second finger adding to her inner pressure and driving her over the edge.
Nikita cried out his name as she began to cum, Michael removing his fingers to lower his mouth and taste all she had to offer. When she finally came down from that magical place he had sent her she tightened her grip on his head and pulled him up to her face, kissing him. Their tongues met caressing each other, giving Nikita a heady taste of herself.
Michael saw her tears and he decided to confess his love for her right then and there, he hoped they had time to make this confesion last for years, but just in case tomorrow never came he had to confess to her.
"I was always yours, just because I tried to pretend otherwise doesn't make it untrue." His words even more than his actions drove Nikita to the brink of an orgasm she wasn't sure she would ever return from.
She cried out his name and then looked directly into his eyes. He saw her words in her crystal blue gaze before she voiced them. "I love you, Michael."
He was exploding as her words shook him too. Without even realizing or doubting their truth, Michael finnally said what she wanted to hear, and not out of any obligation. "I love you, my Nikita."
Where they were and the circumstances surrounding it were totally forgotten. They were in a world of their own making where nothing existed, not even the seperate Nikita and Michael, in their place was an entity that was more than the two of them added together. It was some greater whole that neither could have imagined ever existing.
Michael laid over Nikita, his body tingling with satisfaction and energy, he caressed her hair softly, his breathing slowing as he drifted off to sleep.
Michael woke up to the sound of soft sobbing, he turned his head and saw that Nikita had left their bed, he lookd around the room but did not see her so he got up and walked toward her favorite spot, their garden, she ahd never had a garden as a child and she loved one, she had planted roses and gardenias and many other types of plants and flowers, he was also very proud of his partch of vegetables growing on one corner of their garden.
He spoted Nikita's pale blonde hair under the tree at the back of the garden, she was sitting on the bench, her legs pulled up to her chest, her arms wrapped around them, she hid her face upon her knees and he noticed her shoulders shaking with sobs, he cocked his head to the side wondering what had made her cry.
**Did I do something earlier to make her sad?** he wracked his braion for all that he had done since coming home, he realized he had done nothing he thought of wrong, so What was causing her such pain?
He stood at the sliding glass door watching her for a while,
The stereo was on and a song came on that made him shiver with the memories.
Here With Me
i didn't hear you leave i wonder how am i still here /
i don't want to move a thing, it might change my memory /
oh i am what i am, i'll do what i want, but i can't hide /
i won't go, i won't sleep, i can't breathe, until you're resting here with me /
i won't leave, i can't hide, i cannot be, until you're resting here with me /
i don't want to call my friends, they might wake me from this dream /
and i can't leave this bed, risk forgetting all that's been /
oh i am what i am, i'll do what i want, but i can't hide /
i won't go, i won't sleep, i can't breathe, until you're resting here with me /
i won't leave, i can't hide, i cannot be, until you're resting here with me.
By Dido
Album - No Angel
Nikita's thoughts were miles away from Michael at this moment, she had woken up after a nightmare crying softly, she did not remember what the dream was about, but she had been crying in her dream, she had watched Michael sleeping peacefully beside her, she traced the bridge of his nose and his sensual mouth, the tears came back unbided and she had to leave before she woke him, she had slipped out of bed and grabbed her white cotton nightgown that Michael loved, she walked quietly to the garden and sat in the bench under the tree, it's branches protecting her from the chill of the night, and she started to remember her life.
I see a tall girl, ghostly pale. She is shivering in the cold. I remember this bag lady I once knew on the streets. She used to mumble about poetry as she pushed her bag lady booty down the street. When she'd see me she'd touch my hair and smile. " The lady of Shallot had long, beautiful hair. "She would sing before her mirror and brush it with a golden brush and watch for her true love in the mirror. " I thought that she was crazy. I never brushed my hair and my singing stunk. And what kind of dope believed that there were knights and princesses and happy ever afters. The bag lady told me that the lady took one look at Lancelot and flew out the window. Landed on her head, probably. He put her in a boat covered with flowers and sent her down the river.
Oh, Michael, something inside me wants to believe in happily ever after. Michael, if they find me here frozen in the morning, you can skip the boat and the flowers, but I 'd like someone to stand over me sadly and say. " Alas, she has a pretty face . . ." Or whatever it was Lancelot said in the poem.
What is wrong with me? Walter told me that his mother told him that sitting on cold cement will give you piles. I didn't dare ask what those were. I am amazed that Walter ever had a mother. I feel the beginnings of a cold scratching at my throat and an ache low in my back.
Last night I nodded off, dreaming that you had come to me with sweet, mulled wine. Cinnamon ticked my nose and heated my belly. You wrapped your coat around me. It was warm and scented from your body. I love the way you smell, Michael, clean and earthy at the same time. You held me close and whispered in French against my hair. I awoke at the nicest part, cramped and sore, my face smashed against cold, cement, not your beating heart, my body alive and yearning. I smiled, thinking, that this is my life. I walked back into the house and to the shower, I had to make you believe I had spent the night beside you, what a joke our lives are!
It was darker here last night. Tonight the moon is full. Did I ever tell you that I am afraid of the dark? Big, bad girl that I am. I think that it started when I was four. My mother had a boyfriend. This one had money for beer and drugs. I hated him. He had rotting teeth and holes in his socks. His toenails were long and ragged and he punctuated his speech with belches. He told me there was this huge dragon in the hall of the apartment, waiting in the dark. If I ever opened my mother's bedroom door the dragon would kill me. I would cower there on the sofa that served as my bed, listening to the sounds of the other drunks in the hallway. And of my mother's moans and the bed springs creaking.
When I was older I would think about a hero to save me. Someone who would look like a movie star. I would lay there in bed and imagine him. He would smell like soap and shampoo and toothpaste. His eyes and his hands would be gentle. He'd give me a lovely smile, fall madly in love and ask me to marry him.
I look around sheepishly wondering if I stared at you like a smitten school girl during briefings. Operations would give me that look that says he will send me to the principal's office. Talk about a big, fat dragon waiting in the dark. Section is like a big, epic poem, if you think about it. Sorceresses and dragons. A wizard or two. Knights and princesses . . .
I remember the way you were after you lost Adam, how sad you made me, how angry to see your pain and know there was nothing I could do to take it away, I had wished many times that I could make you smile, take the pain away and make it my own, make you care about life again, there you were The knight sitting upstairs playing the cello, that same refrain over and over. He was quite ill-equipped to slay dragons. Real or imagined. And the princess who is not really a princess was freezing her butt off wishing for things that could never be.
The cello played on. I remember that I asked myself so many times this **Do you take requests, Michael? Something with a beat that I can dance to? I will dance just for you here in this dark hallway. I will bewitch you out of the spell you are under.** I remember how worried I was when i heard the cello stop. I jumped as I heard a crash. I heard you cry out your son's name. Adam . . . Adam. Your voice was ragged and broken. My insides twisted and I forced myself not to run to you. The first night I watched over you, you did that, I heard a car backfire and thought that you had done it. I sneaked upstairs and found you asleep on the floor. Make him be okay, I said to that God you believed in. Help him. Keep him safe.
I waited then, trembling. I walked up the stairs and opened your door, I could see you. You were passed out on the floor with that yellow blanket that had been Adam's, the one he loved as a baby. The one with the little ducks on it. I saw you breathing. I laid down next to you and held you, protecting you from the dreams. I brushed the hair at the nape of your neck with my fingers. It is my favourite place on your body, Michael. So vulnerable, so soft. What did I whisper? " I can slay the dragons if you let me, Michael."
Ohhhh Michael if you knew how much we are alike, that I could understand the pain of loosing a child because I had gone through the same, But I could not even tell you, I could never put Chloe at risk, she is my one salvation, my one good deed in this life, my little miracle, she is now 9 , today is her birthday, ohhhhh My dearest daughter what would have happened to you if I had kept you? Would I have ever entered section? Would I have met my soulmate? No, It was best that i gave you to them, your life is better, you would have died if I had kept you.
Michael **sigh** how much have our lives changed, now I sit at home, our home, cooking and cleaning while you work and act more human and normal than I've ever seen you before, but...... I still can't share many things with you, you know so very much about me, but this you never knew and I'm afraid to tell you, I`m Afraid I would lose you if you knew, it has been 9 years since this happened and I'm still crying about this, I was such a child then, Ohhhh Michael would you leave me if you knew? Would you understand why I never told you? Would you forgive me? God I need to tell him but how? How do i tell him we share the loss of our only child? " Chloe" ** Nikita lowered her head to her knees and cried for the child she had lost, the only child she might have.
Michael watched her crying harder, his heart broke at seeing her, ** what is wrong? God please tell me what I can do to help her? ** he heard
Michael's head snapped up at hearing her call out the name ** Chloe? Who is Chloe?** Michael crossed the garden and took a seat beside her, Nikita looked up and locked her shiny blue eyes to his Jade green ones, he gasped at all those painful emotions swimming in those ocean blue depths, he took her hand and softly asked. " Soleil what's wrong? Tell me, let me share this pain with you sil vous plait"
Nikita gazed at Michael and knew she had to tell him, she took his hand and started to explain her pain, the reasons why she cried for so long.
"Michael remember the night I came to your loft after the Vacek Mission? You were so heartbroken, so sad, Ciel you thought i did not understand what it felt like to lose a child, but I did, I do, the biggest blessing i ever had was that section never found out about my secret, by small contribution to the world, my penitence and salvation, you never knew and i'm so afraid to tell you, you have to understand that I had to keep this a secret, I could never tell anyone" Nikita looked down at their joined hands and sighed, she had to force herself to tell him tonight.
Michael watched Nikita explaining, but he could not grasp what she was saying
**she understands what it feels like to lose a child? She never had a child or did she? His imagination ran wild for a few minutes, until Nikita squeezed his hand and he looked into her eyes, he saw the truth, she had a child, he forced himself to listen, to understand her reasons for not telling him sooner.
"Michael promise me that this will not change how you view me, promise me please" he nodded and she smiled, she grabbed both his hands and proceeded to tell him.
"Michael I was 17, it was 7 months before I came to section, I had been raped and conceived a child, a girl, I had to give her up for adoption, I had her and tried to care for her but i could not, she was 4 months old when I was forced to give her up, her name is Chloe, she lives in Quebec city, Canada, today is her birthday" Nikita lowered her head and continued to sob.
Michael was stunned, **a daughter? now i understand why she was so weary of men when she arrived in section, now I finally understand why she did not belong there, her daughter needed her and we took her entire life, we destroyed any chance of her being able to see her child again, Ohhhh God! She knew exactly how I felt when i lost Adam, that is why she kept a vigil on me during those suicidal times** Michael turned and wrapped his arms around Nikita as she cried. There were all the emotional pains that she had held deeply within her for so long. There were still remnants of the anger of losing her memory so evilly. There was even regret for leaving Walter and Birkoff Behind in section. Loosing her child at such a tender age must have been devastating And there was pain from her childhood. He held her tightly against his chest while his own pain overwhelmed him and tears slid down his face, he knew they understood each other too well, they had both suffered enough, it was time to leave the pain behind and start a new life, together, they had lived on the edge for too long, now they had to live for each other, love and protect each other and try to heal their damaged souls.
"You should sleep," Michael whispered as he looked down at Nikita's face. She looked up at him, her eyes bloodshot from hours of mostly crying and not talking. Michael held her carefully then, but never let go.
He stood and walked with her in his embrace to their bedroom, laying down softly on the bed, he wrapped his arms around her, he drifted off to sleep listening to her sobbing softly against his neck.
Michael started to softly kiss her neck, Nikita arched her neck like the swan she resembled and allowed him better access " you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my life" he nuzzled her neck again and surrounded her with his arms.
"Oh, Michael… you always know how to make me feel like I am worth so much…" Nikita whispered as she moved closer to Michael.
"You are worth more than life," Michael responded as he gently caressed her breasts.
![]() He wanted everything to be perfect, he laid Nikita down on the bed and stood, Michael tossed his head from side to side as he pulled off his sleep shirt and unbuttoned his pants, but left them on. He couldn't wait to feel Nikita's hands pulling the pants off of his slender hips and her hands touching his muscular thighs. Michael felt his passion rise, knowing that he could no longer hide anything.
Michael turned and gulped as he saw Nikita, leaning on the bed, virtually naked. He softly stepped forward. Silent, even more than usual, as he padded along in bare feet, Michael reached out and nuzzled the back of Nikita's neck.
"Michael…" Nikita wispily stated as she arched her back. She felt the goose bumps run down her arms and legs, shivering in delight and need.
"I want this to be perfect…" Michael whispered as he brought his mouth up to Nikita's neck. He licked at the tender skin, almost ready to suck at it harder. He swallowed and nuzzled his way into Nikita's hair. Nikita again shivered in delight. She felt like she was going to burst into orgasmic bliss before Michael did anything more than kiss her neck and play with her hair.
"I can't wait, Michael…" Nikita warned out, her voice soft and filled with the surging passion. Michael leaned up and took his thumb against her neck. Slowly, he moved it up, outlining the edge of Nikita's ear and then softly rubbing against it. Michael leaned up and pressed a kiss behind the ear, knowing how much Nikita's words had spurred him on, almost trapping into moving faster than he wanted too.
"You will wait, Nikita…" Michael responded. It wasn't a threat and it wasn't an order. Michael knew Nikita's body. He knew her emotions. Deep down, Nikita wanted this to be right. Michael leaned down and looked at the image of Nikita's long legs bared almost to her hips.
Michael gently moved his hands under her nightgown and pulled it up and off her, looking down at her chest. Michael felt his body rebel for a few seconds, but he reined everything in, for the benefit of Nikita.
To ravish her right now, would be too easy and would not benefit anyone but the sexual urges and craves. Michael needed to make love to Nikita, to intertwine their bodies in a slow, passionate, mating dance. Nothing to rush about, knowing that this was a connection not only of bodies, but of the hearts, souls, and minds.
Anything short of that kind of union would not happen.
Michael nudged his lips against hers. Nikita opened her mouth and allowed the sweet and hungry kiss consume her consciousness, trying to respond to Michael's plunging tongue with attacks and stabs of her own, to allow Michael know that she had as much love as he did.
Michael pulled his mouth away to see the sight, the smooth skin subtly flickering in reddish hues created by the surrounding candles. He reached out with one finger and stroked Nikita's cheek softly. In one movement, Nikita flung her hips forward, trying to send Michael the deep seeded need that she had now. Michael dropped the finger slowly, tracing it down the right side of her body, over the rise of her breast and the taunt tightness that had already formed with just kisses, and now a finger. The finger went along, not stopping, as it traced over Nikita's stomach and then down to her hips.
"Michael…" Nikita groaned out, almost impatiently. Michael leaned up and kissed Nikita once more, leaving his hands on her hips, touching the bare smooth skin with his hands. He felt Nikita buck her hips once more, and Michael smiled even as he kissed her.
"Shh… I'll take care of you…" Michael murmured, as his lips were only fractions away from Nikita's lips. He saw the residue of his connect on her lips left there, begging to be kissed again. But it had to wait.
Michael kneeled on the bed and moved towards her legs before he lowered his body back down. His bare chest vibrated with the touching of the cool silk as he opened Nikita's legs gently. Nikita sprung up again, in anticipation to something that Michael wasn't going to do yet. His warm and humid breath did hit against Nikita's feminine opening, but that was not the aim of Michael's attention. At least, not yet.
Michael moved his head to lick at the line of skin just above her knee, He rubbed his fingers along the line as he slowly traced her skin with his fingers, his mouth following where his fingers touched.
"Michael…" Nikita whispered once more, but now knowing that she had to enjoy moments like this. Michael was weaving his magic over Nikita, creating an erotic haze of love to hold her in, until he was ready, and until she was ready.
Michael moved in between her legs. Michael lightly blew forward, watching Nikita's hips dip and dance about with the gently stream of air turning Nikita's wetness even more hot and needing.
Then he moved his head to the other leg. Slowly, he licked at the line and looked up the leg at Nikita. She was leaning back, allowing Michael to have the free reign that he knew he had to have to make this night unlike any other night either one of them had in their lives.
Life now began for them on this night. It was going to be celebrated and cared for by Michael.
Michael pulled a silk stocking up from beneath the pillows and and moved up Nikita's body, keeping his lower body between her legs. He lightly swung the silk across Nikita's breasts, watching the skin jump with the slight contact of the silk, and then jump further as Michael's arousal, still covered in his pants, nudged itself at Nikita's own wet warmness.
"Michael…" Nikita happily stated as she opened her passion heavy eyes and looked at him. She turned her head as Michael tossed the stocking to the side and then moved to get off the bed himself. Nikita wasn't worried as Michael moved to the dresser and pulled a warming bottle out. Michael smiled as he pulled the cap off and moved back to Nikita.
"You need to be cherished… my love," Michael whispered as his weight sunk the bed, but he moved quickly. Nikita licked her lips; ready for anything that Michael was ready to offer her.
He would do her no harm. He could do no harm to her.
"I want you to relax… no worries…" Michael whispered as he turned the bottle slightly, above her breasts and watched the red tinted oil trickle out of the bottle and onto Nikita's stunning body. Nikita moaned with the touch of the warm oil and with the possibilities of more of Michael's erotic and arousing attacks.
Michael dropped the bottle off the side of the bed. He would worry about the possible oil stain later. That was not a concern now. He looked down and lightly took three fingers of his right hand and swirled the oil around Nikita's breast. She parted her mouth, but found it too exciting to moan. She was afraid to move as his fingers danced over the tender skin of her breast.
Gradually, Michael ran his hand up to her neck, spreading the oil there and watching the reaction of the wet oiled skin and the light of the candles. Her skin glistened with a wetness that made Michael's arousal throb with a burning need. But not yet.
Again, Michael moved his hand, this time to the neglected breast. As Michael touched it and then rubbed his thumb over the firm peak, Nikita did moan, unable to hold back her animalistic groans of pleasure. She bucked her hips and Michael smiled softly as he watched Nikita close her eyes.
Soon, Michael moved to place his other hand on the skin, needing to touch all of her. Both moved across her stomach, nudging at the belly button that only served to be a connection to Nikita's hips, as the dipped and hunched forward, anticipating a mating dance unlike any it had seen before.
"You are so pretty…" Michael growled out as he leaned up and kissed Nikita's lips once more. Nikita opened her mouth wide, making her own attack, not wanting the kiss to end. Michael dipped on hand, working the fingers through the soft curls that surrounded her wetness. Nikita moaned into Michael's mouth as his fingers slid into the heat. Michael kept his hand still as Nikita bucked and moved her hips, trying to make his fingers plunge into her.
Michael pulled his mouth away from Nikita as he did his hand. Nikita looked almost sad until Michael lifted his hand to his mouth. He slowly licked the outside of his hand, moving up until he reached his little finger. He slowly cleaned his hand as he looked at Nikita the entire time.
She was on fire.
"I will love you… until I can't breath any longer… and beyond that, Nikita…" Michael declared as he looked into her eyes. He watched Nikita gasp at his words, reacting at the love that he had expressed in them. Two tears had formed in the corner of her eyes, and Michael smoothly kissed them away, wanting not to bring sadness to Nikita any longer.
Michael had only one more thing to do. He slowly dropped his head down to Nikita's neck. He placed a kiss there. Moving a fraction downward, he placed another kiss on the smooth skin. He worked in a languid pace, carefully laying down a weaved pattern of kisses down the middle of her chest.
"Michael…" Nikita moaned, not realizing the tender gesture that he was doing as he nestled his face in-between her warm breasts. She tried to hold his head there, but Michael continued with the soft kisses downward, making contact with her belly button, and then dipping lower.
Nikita lost the ability to moan as Michael move his mouth downward, possessing her wetness and her opening. She immediately opened her legs more, giving Michael the access to allow his nose to rub deeply into her, causing the orgasmic pleasure coarse through her body.
She was electrified by Michael's tongue, as it lapped away at her. There was no pain left in her body. There was just the bliss of Michael tending to her deepest center, as if it was the only thing he was placed on earth to do.
Nikita's hands reached down and wrapped her fingers into his hair. She did not want him to move, but she wanted to kiss him too. Her hips bucked, and Nikita steadied Michael down there, until he pushed, and lifted his head.
Nikita looked down at his face and groaned. He was truly hers.
Michael moved and slid off of the bed. He nudged the zipper down on his pants, finding the straining material over his own throbbing arousal. Neither had gone off the plateau yet. Michael was sure that it would happen together. He would make sure that they went together into the erotic black hole.
Michael knelt on the bed and looked at Nikita. Michael smiled as he reached down for her hand. He look at Nikita cocked her head to the side. She was mildly confused with what Michael wanted, but he continued to hold his hand out. He knew that Nikita would move as she did. She trusted him.
Nikita reached for his arousal, but Michael redirected her hand away. He could not last Nikita's own torturing movements. This was about a need that had gotten so great in his tending to Nikita, that he needed to be within Nikita, to feel the wet and warm glove surround him.
Nikita looked down at the arousal, sure that she had never seen it as it appeared now. It was quivering almost as Nikita looked at it. Michael reached around Nikita's body and made her move into a sitting position. His hands rubbed at the firm buttocks and helped to place her legs around his kneeling form.
Slowly, Michael helped to ease Nikita down, rubbing his hardness in all of Nikita's wetness, before burrowing forward into the opening that was for his body only, for Michael's access only. Nikita wrapped her hands around Michael's neck as she threw her head back.
She threatened to plunge too quickly. Michael held her steady, barely connected, waiting for her body to calm the severe trembles that wracked it. Michael moved his head forward, pleased to find his mouth the height of her breasts. He lightly lapped each one, until he knew that he could go further in.
"Michael…" Nikita moaned as he started to lower her again. Her opening expanded and took all of his length with little resistance. Nikita groaned as they were completely connected. Michael lapped more at her breasts, lightly taking the peak of one breast and rolling it around his lips and his tongue.
Not moving, Nikita moaned at Michael's jester. He felt as if he was growing inside of her. She felt his pounding pulse inside of her. It matched hers.
"Nikita…" Michael growled into her chest as he helped her lean back a bit, changing the angle for both of them, making the pressure of the connection even more pleasurable. Michael watched as Nikita allowed her head to fall backwards. Her mouth gasped for air as Michael was taking her higher, without moving out of her yet.
They started to rock, slowly. They weren't moving apart, they were grinding each other, deeper and deeper. Nikita gasped as the pleasure threatened to take her far away. She wanted to keep this feeling for hours. She loved the feel of Michael's hardness deep inside of her, completing her.
Both Michael and Nikita found it difficult to suck in the air that was needed for their ragged breathing. They were so close and so in tune with each other's body. Nikita leaned forward again, and Michael tugged at the peak of her breast.
"Oh yes… Michael…" Nikita groaned as she started to feel the ending coming, but knowing that it was going to be a glorious trip. Nikita arched her back as Michael nudged further in one last time.
Both bodies froze as they reached that peak and were paralyzed with the pleasure of one another. Michael felt Nikita's hair wrap wetly around his shoulders and back. Her face was frozen in a silent pleasurable scream. Michael grunted as they finally started to fall.
They were exhausted. It seemed like they were only combined for a few minutes, well in actuality, the grinding and the slow movements, had them rocking together for near an half hour. Nikita rolled a leg off of Michael, disengaging their bodies, but not their hearts.
Michael watched Nikita closer her eyes. He leaned over and wrapped his arms around her naked body and pulled a sheet up and over them.
"Sleep well my love…" Michael whispered as he stroked her hair and found sleep soon himself.
Back in section one
A pair of heels clicked on the concrete floor, echoing down the hallway. Madeline confidently climbed the stairs to reach Operations' perch. He had just returned from a trip to Oversight where he met with George and the other Section leaders. Upon his arrival back at Section, Paul had summoned Madeline to get an update on the status of the current missions in progress.
Madeline concisely briefed him on each mission, Keeping Davenport's failed Mission to the last.
"I am glad everything is working out great but what about Davenport's, finding Nikita and Michael is top priority."
Madeleine moved to darken the window of the aerie and stood facing out.
"Paul they are gone, it has been almost 2 years since they escaped, why are you so obsessed with them?"
"Madeleine we lost 4 operatives at once, yes 1 of them was not yet a full operative but she was being tested, George is raging about why we allowed Michael and Nikita to ecape, Norton was canceled a year ago after he failed to bring Michael and Nikita back, I will not stop until we have both of them back here and reprogrammed."
"Paul you know the reprogramming is not working, Dori was brought out of it by Birkoff over a year ago, unless we do more testing the reprogramming will only be useful for 6 to 8 months after that the subject will regain his or her memory and the problem will be bigger, and to reprogram Michael would take too long, he is too strong always has been that was the reason why we chose Nikita for it, she was easier to control and program"
"I don't care how long it takes we have to get them back or George will take action soon, and with Hillinger at oversight he can do it, that kid is sneakier than Birkoff"
" But he is not better, Birkoff has been able to keep Hillinger out of section's mainframe for over 2 years now and the new programming is tighter and more resistant to tampering or Hacking"
" But Hillinger is still a major pain, and speaking of that do you have the people in place to use Birkoff and Hillinger as the next procreators of the genesis project?"
" Paul we have enough of Birkoff's sperm just as you asked for, but Hillinger's is difficult to get, he does not go out on Missions and we can't kidnap him easily"
" What about Michael's? Are the children growing well? Nikita's clone has caused many problems, and Michael's second has become exactly like his predecesor, Protecting Nikita above all else, what are we going to do with those children? "
Madeleine turned slowly toward Operations " the first batch is ready to be sent to training, we still have alot to work on with the newest batches, already 5 have died due to the flu going around that Espinosa brought in after his last mission "
" who have we lost?"
" Birkoff's 3rd. Davenport's 4th. And Michael's, Nikita's and Your latest batches have all died."
" and the first batch? Yours, mine, Michael's, Simone's, Taylor's , Mentz and Chuck's are they all ready for the preliminary training?"
" yes" Madeleine cringed at being reminded that the first batch had been created and genetically engineered to create the best operatives, had also become the most ruthless and cold blooded inside section, except for Michael's and Simone's all the others had to be separated from the rest of the children to avoid more deaths.
" fine send them to training and make sure they don't kill any new recruits."
" of course" Madeleine turned and was about to exit the aerie when Operations spoke again.
" Madeleine we need to bring Michael and Nikita back, is Davenport on his way back?"
" He is in Moldova checking a lead, he will contact us within the hour."
" fine make sure to advise me when Davenport checks in." he turned easily dismissing her.
Madeleine left the aerie and approached Birkoff, Walter watched as Madeleine leaned down to tell Birkoff something and left walking toward the elevators that took her to level 3 where he knew the new lab had been set, he had always wondered why she was the only one with authorization to that level, he shrugged it off and returned to cleaning his guns.
Michael had been wondering how a man such as himself could ever get so lucky as to hold this radiant angel in his arms. Feeling her stir, he continued his parusal of her, waiting intently for her to look up at him. When she did what was left of his heart went to her as soon as he saw the dancing happiness and contentment in her eyes.
Michael closed his eyes, he started to fight the memories that surfaced, and all he could do was allow them to flood his mind.
Death is no stranger to me. All I have to do is turn my head, and I see him-Thanatos on his pale horse, pacing beside me, waiting for me to fall.
I have seen my demise a thousand times, seen my body jerk from the bullets that enter my chest. Fourteen years of missions, and these visions never bothered me. Far from it. I viewed them as a comfort. They were a promise of eventual relief-an end to a life that had known too much death. I never actively sought death, even after Simone. It was not my right. I knew that I would not die until I was allowed to. But Death was always there, a promise floating in his empty eye sockets.
And then Life appeared, in the form of Nikita. I accepted responsibility for her. I trained her. I tried to tame her. But instead, she tamed me. I am hers now, whether she believes it or not. I should know better. I do know better. There are a thousand reasons why I shouldn't need her. But when she touches me, I don't care. The world could swallow us whole, and I wouldn't care. She is alabaster and honey. She is Life, vibrant, loving, and defiant. And despite all that I have done, she loves me.
Of course, I was lost long before I ever touched her. Not that I've ever told her that. Not that I've ever told her anything. And that is for many reasons, not the least of which is her safety. But there are other reasons. How do I tell her that I tremble when I touch her? That I wish I were like her? That she is more important to me than my life, or anyone else's life? I could never find the words to say such things. My throat would close up, and she would only be hurt again.
At least she loves me. I have that much. But she doesn't understand me. I know she doesn't, and there's no reason that she should. She feels the pain of my betrayals, and I have no right to expect her to feel anything else. I can only wish it were otherwise.
Do I love her? Of course. The question isn't worth asking, if it ever was. But is our love worth the pain it causes? I wish I knew. I would like to say yes, but I am selfish. Does the terrible pleasure, the terrible joy of knowing her, loving her, outweigh the anguish she feels?
I don't know. I fear not. But I am too weak to live without her. Death still beckons, but I no longer pay him any heed. I have another option, for as long as I'm allowed to survive. Now I want Life, in the form of blond hair and smiling eyes. And so I follow her like a road, hoping to eventually reach salvation.
Nikita felt Michael surround her with his arms and woke up swiftly, she felt Michael's shoulders shaking with the tears and she started to caress his hair, His arms were wrapped tightly around her shoulders and neck, as if he could not get close enough to her.
He drew back at last, his eyes somewhat sad. Jade green eyes met Pale Blue ones.
She framed his face with her hands, looking intently into his eyes, which had somehow assumed the color of dark jade. " tell me why you are so sad and crying, Michael. We're free. God knows we've waited long enough to hear those two words."
He dropped his gaze, breaking eye contact with her, but she followed his retreat, her thumbs pressing against his cheeks. "Michael...talk to me."
They lay together on their bed, facing each other, their bodies in intimate contact at nearly every point. The tips of her still-firm breasts grazed his chest, the gentle swell of her femininity touched the sprinkling of hair arrowing down to his groin. When they first came upstairs, Michael locked the door behind them, and he made love to Nikita with what could only be called quiet desperation.
Having assuaged that initial need, Michael then fell even more silent, if that were possible. It was this that both intrigued and perplexed Nikita.
"We have every reason to be happy, Michael." She stroked the side of his face gently, noting how he closed his eyes in response to her touch.
His eyes slowly opened and lit on her face. "My bright angel..." he whispered.
She could see the darkness that threatened to consume him. She just didn't understand why. But maybe the why was not nearly that important right now. "I'm here for you, my love," she said huskily.
Michael gave a sharp cry and buried his face in the space between her neck and shoulder, his arms unconsciously tightening around her. She could feel the wetness of his tears upon her skin. She could feel the trembling of his hands.
Michael drew a shaky breath against her neck, his lips caressing her tenderly, as if he found the feel of her, real and warm against him, reassuring in a way that words were not.
" Michael talk to me, tell me what's wrong?"
"It's as if...everything we were...and everything we are now...suddenly collided... Oh, God, Kita, It would be so easy to lose what we have."
"You can't be mourning the loss of our Section lives, Michael. That's a chapter that finally came to an end. A book that none of us wants to open again."
He nodded. " back then I was...so afraid of...losing you, Soleil. So terribly afraid."
Ah, now she understood. Michael, even under the best of circumstances, hated feeling vulnerable. When things were beyond his control, he suffered. Sometimes greatly.
She rolled onto her back, taking him with her. He shifted gently, laying his head against the softness of her breast. She restlessly raked her fingers through his hair, and she felt his exhalation of breath against her chest.
"Michael we're safe Kareny and Andrew are safe, they expect the baby soon, we have to go on with our lives now, we can't live in the past anymore, we must be careful but we must now live for each other"
He buried his face against her breast. "I keep seeing you ..lying dead...on the ground..." Nikita gasped, struggling to hold onto her soulmate, overcome as he was by grief. For something that never happened.
"How dare we be so arrogant? How dare we think we matter?"
Nikita pressed a tearful kiss to the top of Michael's head. "We do matter, Michael. That's something Section took away from us, a long time ago, to keep us in line, but..." She choked back a sob, unaware of just how closely Michael was hanging on her every word.
"You gave that back to me when you told me you loved me. You give it back to me every time we make love. You made me someone important, Michael, and no one, not even Section, can ever take that away again..."
Michael rubbed his face against her breast. "You are...very important, Soleil. Not just to me."
"And we all matter, Michael. Even you, my love."
His fingers sought hers, playing back and forth upon her palm until she responded in kind. Their hands danced together, lacing and threading and intertwining, until Michael stopped the captivating dance with a kiss.
Their lovemaking was slow this time. Tinged with the bittersweet ache that came with realization. Of their mortality. Of their finite life together. Of the fleeting nature of that life. That it could so easily be snatched away was very much on their minds.
His lips trailed along the side of her neck in a heartbreakingly slow fashion. Each kiss he pressed to her skin so tender, so precious to her. "Oh, Michael, I love you."
Slowly he kissed his way around her beloved face, from temple to forehead to temple. He nuzzled her neck, his lips pausing for only a moment under her chin. She loved the velvety feel of his mouth upon her, and she arched upwards, the peaks of her breasts grazing his chest. She whimpered as he began the journey down, his mouth touching first her navel, then the very heart of her.
She gasped, astonished at the way her body caught fire so quickly after being sated. Michael laced their hands together as his head bent over her lower body. His lips caressing the heat of her, his tongue soon slid its way inside. Her hands clenched tightly in his hair as she tried to hold back the inevitable. He released her hands. Seeking her breast, his fingertips finally closed over her nipple, as he continued to lave the center of her being. When she climaxed, her breathless cries echoed in his ears.
With a shudder, Michael joined their bodies, sliding into her wet heat. For a moment, he was content just to be there. Inside her. Part of her. Every time they made love this way, it was beautiful. She was the other half of him. But it was when they made love that he was able to actually touch that part of him that only she held. This was beyond mere union. It was a coming together of their life forces, their souls swirling restlessly before they became one entity.
It was a moment he always tried to hang onto. That one moment when they came together that way. Elusive. Ethereal. Just out of his grasp. Still, he tried. Every time.
His breath caught as he climaxed, pouring himself like honey into her waiting vessel. They entered freefall together, lamenting the brevity of the upward journey, but knowing it would be attempted again. Soon.
Michael's weight comfortable and familiar against her body, Nikita savored the moments immediately after making love to him. "Michael?"
He kissed her lightly on the mouth, his slowly fading arousal still buried deep within her. "Yes, Soleil?"
"At the risk of sounding philosophical...out of something that evil has to come something good."
Michael smiled faintly. "You mean, that I almost died ? or that we had to lose our home so many times to move on and be safe? Or Helping Kareny and Andrew disappear?" He lowered his voice to a conspiratorial whisper. "Or this?" He nudged her gently, his arousal hardening again.
"Well..." Nikita looked off into space, as if she were suddenly uncertain.
"Something else?" he queried.
She trailed a hand down his muscular arm, clearly preoccupied. "Yes," she finally answered.
"What, Soleil?"
"When all this started, Michael, I was beside myself. I--"
"I know, Soleil." Michael stared into her face, suddenly worried that something bad was going to come out of her beautiful mouth.
She blinked, then met his eyes evenly, her sky-blue eyes curiously lit from within. "Something didn't happen that should have, Michael. I thought it was the stress. Fear. Anxiety."
Michael nodded uncomprehendingly. "I don't understand, doucette."
"Michael," she said, wrapping her arms around his neck. "I think I'm pregnant."
"SOLEIL!" With that tearful exclamation, Michael claimed her mouth possessively. His tears fell like welcome rain to the parched earth.
She laughed softly, and soon, he joined her. "Are you happy now, love?"
He pressed another kiss to her expectant mouth. He nodded silently, words seemingly escaping his control at the moment.
But when he found them, they were undeniably the right words. They always were. "I love you, My Soleil."
"I love you, Michael."
Michael woke up alone in bed, he looked everywhere for Nikita, but he could not find her, she had left no note or message for him.
Michael brewed some coffee and waited, 12 hours later and 26 cups of black coffee Michael was pacing the livingroom like a caged lion.
Suddenly the phone ringed, he rushed to it and almost broke it from the force of his hand grabbing it.
" Yes"
"Good Evening may I please speak to Mr. Samuelle?" it was a woman's voice.
Michael sighed with exasperation, thinking this was one of those phone sales people Nikita always gripped about he answered with some hostility in his voice. "This is Michael Samuelle how may I help you"
The woman looked at the phone and shrugged, thinking this man was utterly rude. " Mr. Samuelle my name is Georgia Monroy I am the head nurse at Mercy Hospital, your wife was in a serious car accident-" before she could finish speaking she heard the phone drop and a strangled sob escape the man on the other side of the line, then she heard the door slam shut and she sighed, she knew how bad these husbands could take the loss of their wife and she did not wish to experience another husband collapse into her arms.
Nurse Monroy walked toward the ICU Unit where Nikita rested in a coma.
Michael had listened to this woman explain her name and he felt the hair at the back of his neck stand on end, by the time he heard she was a nurse and Nikita had been in a accident he had felt his body give way to a tremmendous flow of fear, his knees buckled and he landed heavily on his side, fighting the darkness that enveloped him as he heard Nikita had been hurt badly, he forced himself to breathe and stand, with shaky legs he walked to the door and grabbed his keys
He exited the house and drove swiftly toward the hospital.
Michael started to realize his vision was becoming blurred. He shook it off and continued to drive. Michael was starting to shake visibly as he drove faster toward the Hospital, He could feel his body slowly shutting down, Michael felt a pain in his chest. He placed his hand to his chest, trying to stop the pain. It wouldn't go away. Michael then felt dizzy. His vision was becoming more and more blurred. Finally, Michael's head hit the seat in his car. He had no control over his body. He was lapsing in and out of consciousness. He knew his car was loosing control.
He exerted as much control over his body as he could and managed to control the car, he slowed down, trying to breathe through the pain as he his vision tunneled and he started to pant, he finally saw the Hospital's entrance and drove in.
Michael Arrived at the hospital parking lot and struggled to exit the car, he was fighting to stay upright using the cars to help his balance. Michael staggered the last 50 yards and disappeared inside the E.R. He walked toward the Nurses station and almost passed out, taking hold of the counter he steadied himself and spoke.
"My wife was in an accident, Nurse Monroy called, I need to see my wife now!"
![]() Michael was shaking badly and as the nurse looked up at him she noticed how pale and shaky he was, she stood, pushing the emergency Button and tried to hold Michael as he collapsed.
Male nurses rushed toward Michael's prone form, the nurse (Mandy) had made sure he was alive and breathing before allowing them to take the man to a cubicle, she took the man's wallet and checked, she found a driver's license and some pictures, she returned to her station and entered the man's last name, she found out that his wife had been admited after a serious car accident, and was in The ICU, she walked to the cubicle and decided to stimulate the man to regain conscioussness, she took the syringe and withdrew 10 cc. Of Theophiline ( a nervous system stimulant) and 10 minutes later Michael was regaining conscioussness.
Michael felt his head so heavy and a pressure in his chest, suddenly he remembered what had happened and he snapped his eyes open, he looked around and found himself watched by a young woman, she smiled at him and started to explain what had happened, he tried to sit up but Mandy would not allow it, she placed a hand on his chest and proceeded to explain what the medication she used would do, he pushed her hand away and sat up, the room started to spin wildly and he groaned, he put his head in his hands and almost collapsed back on the bed, but he drew his old control back around himself and stood on shaky legs, Mandy tried to keep him in bed but he had to see Nikita, he pushed her out of the way and walked unsteadily toward the Elevators, pressing the button he waited for the door to open, as they did, he pushed aside a few people exiting and pressed the button for the 5th. Floor, he closed his eyes and rested against the wall, his head still spining wildly, he heard the doors open and he exited, finding the ICU ward was easy, he entered the ward and immediatelly 3 male nurses rushed toward him, he kicked one in the head and snapped the other man's arm quickly, that is when he saw the police officer standing by the door, he turned and felt the third man's Hands grabbing him, he fought but he was grabbed by more men, then he felt the prick of a needle enter his neck and tried to fight the effects of the drug, which combined with the prior stimulant gave him a very unique experience.
He felt as if his lungs were burning, his vision was tripled and he could barely keep his eyes open, he started to fight the Men holding him, screaming Nikita's name as loud as he could, Michael could feel his control slipping as the drug took effect and he slowly stopped struggling as the darkness enveloped him once more.
Several hours later Michael awoke to find himself strapped to a bed and a police officer standing by watching Michael regain conscioussness, he heard Michael's moan and called his superior, Michael struggled briefly and then settled own and tried to force his brain to function properly, he turned his head as he heard the men speaking and called out.
"Water please." he barely croaked, the nnurse walked to him and pushed the button to have the bed raised some, she put the straw in the glass and served some water, she brought the straw to his lips and he drinked slowly, trying to gauge for immediate danger, but seeing none he let his eyelashes drop and hide the shiny emerald shade of his eyes.
The officers walked in and the nurse patted his hand and walked away.
"Mr. Samuelle? Can you tell us what happened?"
Michael sighed and rolled his head around a couple of times before taking a deep breath and starting to speak, he never raised his eyes to meet the police officer's.
" My wife was in an accident, she's pregnant I need to see her, is she alive?" Michael could feel his control slipping quickly, he needed to see Nikita soon, he was still feeling quite groggy and disconected from the various drugs still cursing in his system.
" Mr. Samuelle your wife is alright, we need to discuss why you attacked my men first?"
Michael sighed again and lifted his pityful sad emerald green eyes toward the officer " I need to see her, please let me see my Nikita."
The officer looked at his partner and the man shook his head.
" Mr. Samuelle you are not being cooperative, tell us why you attacked my men and then i'll let you see your wife before taking you downtown."
Michael was exasperated, he wanted to kill these men who wee keeping him from his wife and unborn child, but he drew his section control around his battered soul and proceeded to answer them.
"I used to work for the mafia, we are in the witness protection program, when i saw your men standing there i lost control, thought that my boss had found us and I simply reacted to protect my wife. "
The officer wrote everything down and then he asked a question.
" we need a number to confirm this, give us one and we will allow you to see your wife." the officer was bluffing of course, he would not allow this dangerous man to see his wife, he would have him sedated and confirm the story, then jail him for damaging his officers, this man would not see his wife alive.
Michael knew this man was stalling, he could not give them any number without risking his friend's lives, he decided to give them Walter's Number and hope the old man was still alive and willing to help him.
"The number is 555-6781 area code 528, the name of the officer is Artemus, but He will only answer to my voice, they use a scan if it's not me they won't answer, and change the numbers." Michael had to get help now, he had started to have the feeling he would never again see Nikita, and the behavior of these officers made him even more weary.
The officer took the cell phone and dialed the number, the phone rang and then someone picked up, a machine asked for voice identification and the officer brought the phone to Michael, Michael spoke and confirmed I.D. then the phone went dead, he smiled realizing that someone was monitoring on the other side, he started to speak softly in Russian.
"Father we are captured, need help, mercy hospital, Saskatton, Saskatchewan, hurry "
The officers listened to the man and pulled the phone away as he finished, one of them took the phone to his ear and spoke, nothing but static was on the other side, suddenly a sharp sound was emmited and the man threw the phone away and touched his ear, it was bleeding, the other officer watched as his partner winced and tried to get closer, as the younger officer walked to the foot of the bed, Michael took advantage and pulled the gun from it's holster, he made the officers untie him and then knocked them out and tied them to the bed, he proceeded to slowly make his way to Nikita's side, he entered her room, she was awake but there was something different about her, he heard the nurse enter and speak to him.
"She woke 4 hours ago, seems she has total amnesia, are you her husband?"
Michael nodded and tried to touch her but she flinched away from him. He felt the tears well up into his too expressive eyes and he lowered his lashes to hide the pain that move caused him.
"Yes she is my wife, what can she rememeber?" Michael was devastated by her rebuff, and wondered if that was how she felt the many times he had rebuffed her.
" She says she remembers her childhood and teen years, nothing else, nothing after her 18th. Year."
Michael's head snapped up, ** 18th. Year? She was in section before that, ohhh God, ** he felt the sharp pain in his chest again and almost collapsed, he grabbed the bed and steadied his body on it, touching her hand briefly, she was looking at him with such hate and distrust in those ocean blue eyes of hers, he felt the pain increase as he locked his eyes with hers.
"Wh-What about the.....Baby?" Michael barely whispered.
The Nurse looked at him with such sadness, Michael could read the truth in her expression before the Nurse spoke. " I'm sorry we did all we could." the Nurse Patted Michael's shoulder and turned to leave.
Michael felt the pain increase a decibel as his numb mind finally realized he had lost another child, As he gazed into her sky blue eyes it was harder and harder for Michael to keep the black waves from drowning him. the darkness that was threatening to swallow him finally had swallowed him. he felt his heart accelerating dangerously as his ears started to rush with sound, He stood still for a few seconds, then fell. He didn't hear Nikita screaming for him not to die as he ceased to breathe. Michael was giving up, because he didn't have anything to live for. Nikita didn't love him and she had lost their child.
Several days later Nikita stood beside Michael's bed, she felt responsible for his state, she had been hurt badly in that accident and her memory had been lost, but the moment she saw Michael collapse all her memories rushed at her, the pain had been inmense but she had pushed it aside as she jumped off the bed and held Michael's limp body in her arms, begging him not to die, that was over a week ago, she had recovered almost fully and had been released that morning, she had immediatelly decided to stay beside Michael, she touched her abdomen once again as she looked at her husband, the loss of the baby had increased his pain and had finally taken his sanity form him. she loved him but had so many questions that still needed answering, but she would wait for him to recover and when they were home she would ask.
Michael didn't know where reality began or ended. He was beyond caring, beyond redemption. He thought he felt himself being moved, but he wasn't sure. He thought he heard her voice calling him, but he wasn't sure. He thought he heard his own voice speaking, but he wasn't sure. He even thought he felt her kisses on his face, but he wasn't sure.
He just wanted to end it. He knew Nikita did not love him and had forgotten their love, forever, He needed no weapon to do what he had to do, his hands and hatred were enough, he had to end his own life, let her be free, live her life the way she was born to, he felt a shudder run through his body and screamed.
Nikita was walking back from the cafeteria when she heard it, the sound a keen wail, neither human nor animal. Skin crawled and hair bristled, she dropped the coffee cup and ran to the room, she found Michael sitting on the bed, rocking back and forth, she took his hands away from his shoulders and held them to her chest and called to him.
"Michael, look at me." No reply. She bit her lip, eyes getting full of tears.
Lowering Michael's hands, she very gently ran her own through his hair to clear it from his face and called his name again. "Michael, it's over. Come back to me."
He stopped rocking and looked up at her. He thought he was dead, but he was not sure. He thought he saw Nikita, but he was not sure.
Michael screamed all night. Eyes open, eyes shut, midnight, dawn, the images would not cease. He had killed His parents, Simone, Angie, Elena and Adam, Nikita, their unborn child. The majestic, icy control was gone. Poof. Vanished.
Michael screamed all night. But he wasn't alone.
Nikita spent 19 days trying to force Michael to return, he sat rocking and shaking, She pulled him into a tight hug and softly whispered to him.
"Let me help you. I can help you. Please let me."
She sat there in the middle of the room, holding him tightly, as he rocked back and forth, as he called out for her, to not hate him, to not leave him, but he could not hear her as she told him she was here, he never heard her telling him she loved him, he screamed loudly and when his voice finally died he would open his mouth in silent screams, this was killing Nikita, she had not left his side since he collapsed, she had called Kareny and Andrew and they had come, Kareny had told her to fight, to keep talking to him, 3 days ago Kareny had collapsed and was taken to the maternity ward, she had the most prfect twin girls Nikita had ever seen, all pale skin and silvery blonde hair, their eyes still too young to discern a specific color but she hoped that they would be like Kareny's.
Nikita had told Michael about the twins, they were named Nikita and Michelle, But not even that made him return, he had stopped screaming 2 days ago, and he had fallen into silent cries, he would call out for Nikita, always her or Adam.
Nikita could feel Michael's body completely soaked in sweat, he was shaking badly as she let him go and walked to the nurse who had beckoned her, she stood watching Michael as the nurse spoke.
" Mrs. Samuelle we can't keep your husband here anymore, he needs specialized care, there is a wonderful clinic a few miles away, the drs. Have made miracles happen with this kind of catatonic state, we have to transfer him there in a few days, but we need your authorization to do so, doctor Lambert needs to speak to you about your husband's condition and his recovery."
Nikita had barely heard the woman as she spoke about this, her whole 5 senses were accutely aware of Michael's condition, she did not have to be told, he had spent many nights like this when she had been reprogrammed, she had been glad he did not remember many of the things he had suffered while under the Catatonic state he had been in over 2 years ago.
She suddenly heard a strangled scream and forgot about the nurse, nurse Janie Shook her head and moved away from the room to go and explain to the dr. that Michael was making some progress, he wasn't screaming his lungs out anymore, He was actually screaming his wife's name now.
Michael was trapped in a nightmare, he was surrounded by fire, his lungs burning as he tried to drag each breath, he felt the icy hands of death clawing at his back, he tried to turn his head and look but he could not, he felt his body shivering from fear and pain, his body was being burned alive, he tried to move but found his hands shackled to the wall, he was shaking badly as he tried unsuccessfully to pull the shackles from the wall.
Then he heard the door open, a small woman walked in, she looked so familiar, she walked right through the fire wall that was burning his lungs, he cocked his head to the side to better look at her, suddenly his tired brain remembered that face, his sister, Marianne, he tried to call her name but she put her finger on his mouth, he smiled at her, suddenly she raised her hand to his cheek, he expected to be caressed but she dug her nails into his face and screamed at him.
Tears streamed down his face. He looked as her face got closer and the pain increased. Suddenly her face changed and he cringed, it was badly burned.
"Don't you love me, Michel? Why did you not come for me? because you don't know how to love? You'll never know how!" blood-curdling screams came from her lips. He looked up to lock his eyes with hers, eyes so much like his own, darker but just as expressive.
He saw a movement behind Marianne and looked up through the flames he could see a tall figure with long blonde hair. He tried to reach out a hand, amazement on his face. But could not move.
He then saw a shadowed figure pull a knife across the throat of the blonde figure in the smoke. He lunged up and forward shouting.
"NO! NIKITA!!" His back arched as he cried out.
Nikita was on the ground holding him as he convulsed, she screamed for the nurse to help them, she was shoved away from Michael's seizing body and cowered in the corner, she could feel his life slowly slipping away and she could do nothing to bring him back, he was lost, she had finally realized it, he would never come back.
Suddenly there was calm, Nikita lifted her tear filled eyes toward the scene, she expected to see them working on a dead Michael but never in her wildest dreams did she expect what she saw.
His eyes were wide, glimmering with pain, anger and memories, Nikita moved toward him, and crouched beside him, Michael couldn't believe his eyes. Could it be? How? "Nikita" he whispered weakly. He reached up to touch her face. He closed his eyes briefly and then opened them again. His heart was hammering in his ears and his insides were clenched in an invisible fist.
Nikita gazed into his emerald green eyes and saw Uncertainity, fear, anguish and pain, they were easily readable in his eyes. He had no defenses and was in complete confusion. Snippets of his dream still floated in his head. He blinked again, fighting for clarity.
Michael could not believe that Nikita was here, he faintly remembered the look of hatred Nikita had in her eyes the last time he had seen her, what? A few days ago? He didn't remember, couldn't, He thought his head was splitting down the middle. For an instant he wondered when he was going to die. It would be a welcome relief. From a distance he could hear her speaking and he tried to focus on her words.
"Michael it's alright I'm here, look at me love, It's ok" he felt The cold seeping further into his body. He knew he was in shock and not far from unconsciousness again.
Michael suddenly realized he could not draw breath, his lungs were burning for air but he could not draw any, he turned terrified eyes toward Nikita, knowing full well he was now dying, his brain was slowly dying as no air entered his lung.
Nikita gazed at his face and saw that it had started to get red, his lungs burning for oxygen. His heart beat against his chest in an effort to get out. The pain in his head was off the scales and his vision was actually tinged red. All he could hear now was a sound like TV static but only a thousand times louder.
He arched his back again and tried to pull away from her. She heard the rattle in his throat and pushed him down on the floor, a nurse rushed toward them but Nikita pushed her away, suddenly Michael started to gag and gulp in air. Spasms racked his body as he tried to breathe and calm the shaking of his body. His vision wavered, things flowed out of their natural shapes. The blurriness gave Michael a sense of being in another dimension. Maybe he had finally ended up in hell where he belonged.
Nikita lifted his hand to her cheek and heard him let out a small whimper. He was shaking uncontrollably now, his eyes tightly shut.
She realized he was still caught up in the nightmare and until she brought him out he would not recognize her, what she didn't know was that Michael had recognized her but felt unworthy to have her back in his life, he had forced himself to see the truth of his life, he was a monster, such an angel would never love a monster like him.
Nikita had not realized at the time that nurse Olga had wanted Michael for herself and had been using psychotropic drugs to induce hallucinations, that way she could have him transfered to the mental institute where she worked and have him all to herself.
As Nikita lifted his limp body into her arms she heard A whoosh of air come from Michael's mouth. He gulped for breath again. The pain was unlike anything he had felt before. He didn't want to handle it anymore. He just wanted to slip over to the darkness that was laughing at him from the far corner of the room. When would it end?
"Michael listen, you need to calm down, try to focus love please, calm down, return to me please." she held him tightly to her chest.
Michael squeezed his eyes shut. In agony he rolled to his right and His body screamed in increasing decibels. He couldn't get enough air to breathe, Terror was wrapping its grip around his heart. He was in deep.
Bit by agonizing bit, he drew his arms around Nikita's waist. He allowed the darkness to come to him then. His body shook one last time and then Michael slipped into Oblivion.
Nikita was terrified, he had been suffering for so long, but she had never seen him react like this, it was like all the demons on his life had come out and attacked him all at once.
Nikita held Michael's limp and unresponsive body as she cried for the pain and horror of her beloved's life.
The Darkness surrounded him in a soft velvety cloak. He allowed himself to sink deeper into it. Just a little longer….The darkness was oddly comforting; no pain….nothing. Then suddenly, something, someone called out to him, as if over a great distance. Nikita…
Suddenly he was standing on a street corner a small child ran up to him, her arms outstretched, clearly expecting him to pick her up. Without thinking, Michael lifted the child into his arms, swung her high into the air and then gave her a gentle hug. She squealed with delight as she wrapped her tiny arms around his neck.
She was about three years old he decided, blond curls peeking out from under her black woolen toboggan. She was dressed entirely in black... an unusual color for such a small child, but it was very becoming on her, contrasting as it did with her fair hair and complexion.
He leaned back from her to get a good look at her face. As he did, he fell... literally and figuratively. Literally, he inadvertently stepped off the curb and barely managed to maintain his balance with the precious bundle in his arms. And figuratively... he fell into her eyes. There was no other way to describe it. She had the most extraordinary sky-blue eyes.
He glanced around to find her mother but the streets were now inexplicably empty. The child struggled in his arms and he carefully set her on her feet, making sure he had a firm grasp of her tiny hand. He knew he couldn't afford to lose this child... and that he didn't want to consider the consequences if he did.
She toddled along beside him for a while, chattering nonsense, much to his delight. And his answers to her were just as meaningless. Suddenly, something caught her eye. She gave a quick tug and her hand slipped from his. Immediately she was gone, swallowed up by the masses that had mysteriously reappeared.
The people milled around him, ignoring him while he searched frantically for the child. He could hear her crying but he couldn't locate the sound. He darted into shops, hoping to catch a glimpse of the black-capped moppet. But he couldn't find her. He was desolate, shaken to the center of his being by his loss. He wanted to call for her but he realized he didn't know her name. It might be "Josephine," but he really didn't think so... it didn't suit her.
He again wandered the streets, now desperate and inconsolable. Tears streamed down his face unchecked. He didn't care who saw them... these people didn't matter. The only one he truly cared about was the child. In the short time she'd spent with him (or had it been a lifetime?), she had captured his heart. He had a problem though. He hadn't been allowed to tell her how he felt about her. Every time he had tried, something unseen had prevented him. He knew he should have tried harder... somehow he should have broken the barrier... and it grieved him that he hadn't.
He went through the motions of living... eating, drinking, talking, sleeping. It was inconsequential. He lived only for the hours he could walk the streets, searching for her. How long had it been since she had escaped from him? Had it been minutes... or eons? He wandered... alone and horribly lonely.
Suddenly, he was running. Someone was chasing him, trying to kill him. He wondered why he was trying so hard to stay alive. There was nothing to live for... no one to comfort him at the end of the day. But he ran anyway. Whoever was chasing him was gaining. He darted into an alley, hoping to shake the pursuers loose. It didn't work. He managed to elude one set of outstretched hands grasping for him, but there were others. He knew he wouldn't be able to evade them all.
His steps were faltering, when suddenly the child stepped out of a doorway, into the path of his enemies. They tripped themselves trying to avoid her, and went sprawling on the pavement. He quickly turned and snatched her from the pavement before they could be parted again. He didn't want her to be frightened, but he was terrified his attackers would discover who had come between them and their prey.
With the child clutched to his heart, he ran with renewed energy until he was certain they were not being followed. Then he slipped into an open door and closed it quickly behind him. She slid from his arms, not struggling to be free this time, but somehow knowing he needed time to regain his strength.
She waited patiently while he gasped for breath, stroking his cheek, holding one of his big hands in both her tiny ones. While she waited she watched his face, seeming to memorize every feature. He didn't realize that she was mimicking him; for just as she looked at him, he examined her, engraving her image on his brain. He gazed down at their joined hands, rubbing his thumb over her hand, comparing and contrasting their textures and colors. When he looked into her eyes, the world as he knew it... disappeared.
The barriers that had prevented him from speaking before were suddenly gone. He could tell her anything. With tenderness he hadn't realized he still possessed, he gathered her into his arms, pressing one gentle kiss to her cheek and one to her forehead. Then he said...I love you, Nikita.
He heard it again the voice calling him, reluctantly he resurfaced. He felt cool fingers brushing over his forehead. He sighed and opened his eyes.
Nikita smiled as his eyes fluttered open, she was happy that he had finally returned. " Hi Michael how do you feel love?" she leaned in and kissed him lightly on the lips.
Michael looked around, confused and disoriented as he tried to sit up, he felt a disconnected feeling and tried to understand what had happened.
Nikita watched him trying to sit up and slipped her left arm under his shoulders to help him rise, she felt him weaver for a second before he closed his eyes and collapsed against the pillow once again.
He felt weak, tired, sluggish, he raised weary eyes toward Nikita and smiled softly, she smiled back and offered him a glass of water, he nodded softly and she helped him raise his head to drink, as he laid back on the soft pillow he realized they were in a hospital and started to worry.
**what happened? Why Am i in a hospital bed?** he turned and watched as Nikita settled beside him on the bed, that's when he noticed the white bandage she still wore on her temple, and everything rushed at him, the accident, her memory loss, the loss of thier unborn child, his desolation, wanting to die, and almost achieved it, he gazed back at Nikita and attempted to lift his hand to her cheek, but it was so heavy, he closed his eyes and battled the head ache that had settled behind his eyes, it pounded away at his sanity and attempted to render him unconsciouss once again, he felt Nikita take his hand in hers and lift it to her cheek, he sighed in relief and opened his eyes to lock with hers, there were tears in her eyes as she lovingly gazed at him.
He didn't understand why she was sad until he again attempted to rise, that's when he realized it, he couldn't feel his legs, he fell back on the pillow, trying to think of a reason for this, **he had not been hurt right? Nikita had been the one in the accident right? ** He was so confused, he opened his eyes and silently asked Nikita what hed happened, she trembled and he became apprehensive, she again pulled his hand to her chest, settling it there above her heart, it was pounding as she looked at him with such love in her eyes.
"Nikita what happened? Why can't I feel my legs? Were we in an accident? Is that why you're hurt? Please Doucette tell me why I can't move?"
Nikita's eyes filled with tears, this was going to be so hard to explain to him, he didn't even realize that over 3 weeks had passed since her accident, since he lasped into a severe catatonic state and was 2 days away from being institutionalized, god she wanted to tell him this was temporary but Kareny had said this could be permanent, that his body had given up and was slowly dying, she lifted wet cerulean eyes toward her beloved and kissed his brow.
" Michael yes I was in an accident, **sight** it was 3 weeks ago, I had lost my memory, lost our unborn child and I think....... no I know my eyes reflected hate when you entered my room that morning, I'm sorry Michael I was hurt, didn't remember, all i remembered was your treatment of me the first day at section, that was all, I then saw you collapse and everything rushed back, I remembered everything as I watched you die in front of me, I...... " Nikita couldn't go on, she lowered her head into her hands and weeped for the damage she had unknowingly done to her soulmate.
Michael was stunned, **3 weeks? ** He felt Nikita let his hand go and cover her beautiful face with her hands, weeping sadly, he looked at her and slowly lifted his arm to pull her toward him, he was so weak and tried in vain to force her to lay her head on his chest, finally she collapsed against him crying bitterly and he couldn't stop the tears that flowed to his eyes, he heard the door open and he automaticaly tensed, Nikita felt him tense and stood, she turned and watched as Kareny wheeled herself in.
Michael and Nikita were released from the hospital 4 days later, they again returned to kareny's farm, it took him 5 months to regain the movement in his legs again, Kareny had told him that his paralysis was **psychosomatic ** meaning his mind was so damaged that it literally paralyzed his body.
At first it hurt them both to be at the farm, watching Kareny with the twins broke both Nikita's and Michael's heart, Nikita would wake late at night whimpering as the twins cried, it had taken them many hours of pain and talking to get over the loss of their child.
8 months after arriving at Kareny's farm they left, promising to return every few months, and they had to, their god daughters were there.
They had left Kareny's farm 2 years before, moving around every couple of weeks to avoid being detected by section, Michael and Nikita had been running across three countries with section hot on their heels, they had finally bought a passage for Canada and had arrived in Vancouver 2 weeks before, they had moved easily and quickly toward Montreal, they had decided to take a walk downtown and had taken the metro, it would be the first time they had been back in Montreal in over 4 years, right before the fall Michael suffered at the hands of Gomez.
Nikita and Michael walked into the metro station, suddenly a loud blast and the earth shook, Nikita felt something hit her from behind and then everything went black.
Nikita is running down a corridor. She's expected at a important briefing. She can't be late. It's imperative she's on time. But the faster she runs, the further away she gets. Operations steps into the hall. "cancel her." Then fades away. Panicked now she screams for help. Out of the shadows, Michael is seen. Holding out his hand, he beckons to her. "Nikita, help me. You are the only one that can save me."
"Michael." Nikita screams. "Michael!!" Michael turns and starts to walk away. Nikita, desperate to reach him before he disappears, lunges forward, only to find herself unable to move. She looks down at her feet. There is a rope tying down her feet. She reaches down towards it, but it suddenly turns into a huge rat, hissing at her. Nikita jerks back in alarm, not understanding, she looks again and sees Michael, lying in a thick pool of blood. Dead eyes staring up at her, his name on her lips, she reaches for him.
"Michael? NO!"
![]() *******************
Startled back to consciousness by her hoarse scream, Nikita assessed her situation. Everything was dark, and she hurt all over. Slowly she started to move, checking for pain. Left arm, right arm, left foot, ow, right foot, OW! Nikita lifted her head to look down into the inky blackness towards her feet. Pain explodes in her head as she realizes moving quickly was not quite as easy as it was before, before what? What the hell had happened? Suddenly she heard a soft gasp and turned, throught the blackness surrounding her she was able to see a figure a few feet beside her, she looked at the perfect profile, suddenly she remembered " Michael?"
She lifted the heavy beam off of her foot and crawled toward her love, her husband.
Nikita looked at Michael's still form. Blood is gushing out of a nasty looking gash on his forehead. His eyes remain closed, but his lips are moving, forming words only he can comprehend, Nikita tore the bottom of her shirt into a long strip. Carefully, she wrapped Michael's head, trying not to hurt him anymore than she had to.
"'kita" she almost missed Michael's soft whisper.
"I'm here Michael, I'm here." Nikita took his hand in hers and stared intently into his glazed eyes.
"wa happen?"
"It was an earthquake and now we're trapped. You have a pretty bad cut on your head. Are you hurt anywhere else? Michael?" It was breaking her apart to see Michael in this kind of pain. But she'd be damned if she'd let him down. "Michael! Stay Awake! Are you hurt anywhere besides your head?"
"leg" Michael closed his eyes again.
Nikita reluctantly released Michael's hand to explore his lower body. On his left calf, Nikita found a large piece of metal embedded several inches into his muscle and tissue. It looked bad. It also was bleeding heavily. Because of his coat, she hadn't noticed it before and she knew if she tried to remove it, he would bleed to death. She decided to leave it alone for the time being..
"NIKITA !!" Michael's voice was harsh in the eerie silence. Nikita quickly returned to his side, touching his face.
"Hey big guy, what's up?" Nikita asked, trying to keep her tone light.
**The look of awareness dawns in Michael's eyes**
Michael looks at Nikita, noting each cut on her face. Glancing about the room, he sees a single emergency light shining in one corner, large steel beams and huge concrete slabs lying around in no particular order.
"You know that quiet intimate evening we always talk about, but never have time for?" Michael returns to Nikita's face, he raises one hand to brush away a dirty lock of her hair, but finds himself too weak to accomplish this one small task. "don't ever say I never grant your wishes."
"Oh Michael!" Nikita's head dropped to Michael's chest again. "I was so frightened." They stayed like that for a few moments before Nikita lifted her head again. She preceded to give him a full brief of everything she could remember or had discovered since the ground started to shake.
Nikita looked down at him, Michael was staring at her very intently. "I'm sorry about the rats Nikita. I didn't know they were going to use rats, beautiful Nikita, what have we done? Mustn't let her be canceled, have to save her, but they'll see, they'll know. Can't risk exposure, so cold in here, Nikita, straighten up! You have two years of training left. Make each hit count."
As Michael continued talking, Nikita slowly sat back on her heels to watch over him.
"'kita?" Michael was trying to reach for her. "'kita?"
"I'm here Michael." She said, moving closer to his face. The glazed look of intense pain was back in his eyes.
"it wasn't all a lie `kita.. I swear. Please God!" Michael's body tensed and arched upwards as if in pain. "Tell her I wasn't lying, I couldn't bear." The anguish on his face was clear.
Nikita carefully placed his head against her breast. "I'm here Michael, I believe you." Nikita talked in soothing tones to him as he continued to rant.
"She's out there all alone. I can't help her. I tried.. oh god how I tried. But it wasn't enough, I killed her. I killed my Nikita, killed her, killed her, kill me, kill me, let me die instead, please, please, please."
Nikita could feel the tears roll down her cheeks. She raised a hand to carefully soothe his forehead. "I'm here Michael. I'm safe with you." She softly crooned.
It had been several hours since Michael had lost consciousness, or several minutes, there was no way to gage. Every once in a while, Michael would jerk in his sleep, sometimes calling out a warning to someone, lost in his dreams, Nikita could only imagine his torment. Sometimes he would call out for Nikita to come back. Other times he would beg for Simone's life.
She continued to rock him back and forth, hoping to hear anyone from the outside world tunneling in.
She noticed he had stopped his restless movements and looked into his eyes. Blue met green. She smiled, "Welcome back sleepyhead."
"How long?"
"Not long, just an hour or so. How are you feeling?" Nikita forced her voice to sound somewhat cheery.
He didn't know what to say. He had felt this way only once before in his life. It was during the last mission with Simone. He had been hit several times and had watched as his wife had "died" infront of him. He had not only known he was going to die at that point, he had pleaded for it, screamed for it. How much to tell her? Nikita was strong, she would fight to the death before giving in on someone she cared about. He decided on the truth. She deserved that.
"I can't feel anything." He spoke the words without emotion. Hoping Nikita wouldn't see the fear in his eyes. "I can't move."
Nikita's blood ran cold at his statement, she knew he was badly injured but dying? no he could not die, not now, she was pregnant again, they had to raise their children, grow old together, die in each other's arms.
Nikita heard some noise coming from the end of the tunnel and she stood on shaky legs, she heard it again, a faint voice coming from the crack in the wall, she walked to it and screamed for help.
Nikita heard Michael moan and she returned to his side, she held him in her arms as the men broke through and rushed to them, the light hurt her eyes and she closed them as the medics shone it in her face, she felt Michael's body shaking as the medics attempted to extricate him from the rubble.
One of the medics pulled Nikita toward the hole in the wall, she battled him until he decided to sedate her, her last coherent image was of Michael's body arching up and convulsing as they pulled the metal bar from his leg.
Nikita regained conscioussness as a nurse was drawing blood from her arm.
"Where is my husband?" Nikita attempted to sit up but her stomach roiled as she moved making her gag and gasp for breath.
"Mrs. Samuelle don't move, you have a serious concussion"
"Where is my husband?" NIkita pushed the nurse away and stood, her shaky legs barely held her as she started to search for Michael.
Finally the nurse caught up with her, telling her about Michael and how he was still in surgery, the metal bar had caused severe damage to his leg, and the blocks of cement that had fallen on his chest had driven one of his ribs to perforate his left lung.
it would be a long and painful recovery, he might have to use a cane to walk if his leg did not heal properly.
Nikita sat outside of the O.R. for what seemed hours until Michael was wheeled out and into recovery.
She was allowed to stay beside him as he woke from the anesthesia.
Michael spent 10 days in the hospital, wanting to leave after the third day, but the pain and seriousness of his injuries demanded he stay and recover properly.
7 months later
Michael and Nikita had finally settled in a nice farm 10 minutes away from Kareny, they had started to live again, after 5 years on the run it was wonderful to sit back and rest, take life in as they slowly fixed their run down farm, it was always a dream of Michael's to have a farm, to return to his roots, he relished his memories of his grandparent's farm in Avignon, how he loved to help his granpere to water the Vineyards and taste the first sweet grapes that one day would grace their table at dinner time, Michael sat back in the front porch watching the sun make it's descent for the night, he felt Nikita walk out to him and he scooted over on the swing to allow her room to sit.
Nikita lowered her body beside Michael's and he took her hand in his, raising it to his lips he kissed it gently and returned it to his lap.
They sat there for hours just enjoying their time together, finally Nikita spoke.
"Michael I know this isn't Important anymore but i have a question will you promise to answer it for me?"
Michael turned and gazed into her sky colored eyes, knowing the questions she had, they had tried to speak about all of this before but had never taken the proper time to do so, finally he nodded and sighed in resignation, it was time to tell her, to spoeak his turth and life, no more lies or half truths.
Nikita turned to gaze at him, his Jade green eyes sparkled in the night like twin stars, she took a deep breath and started to speak.
"Michael why didn't you tell me about Elena? About the mission after Lyon? "
Michael sighed heavily and stood, Nikita watched him intently as he paced back and forth.
Any lingering fears Michael had had about the residual effects of the adjustment process on Nikita's psyche were pretty much laid to rest by her head-on, from-the-heart question. Although the subject of his lost son and Section-mandated spouse was extremely painful on a number of levels, he knew it had to be talked through if he and his wife were to have *any* chance of ever having a child of their own.
That the fiercely proud yet deeply sensitive woman sitting before him had confronted him only once about the shattering secret he'd kept from her for so long was something that puzzled him. Understanding the terrible sense of betrayal she must have experienced when she'd discovered the truth about his double life, he'd braced himself to receive a barrage of angry demands for answers and anguished vituperation. He'd also tried--as best he could--to prepare himself for the probability that Nikita would turn away from him in total disgust as soon as his blood cover was lifted and Michael Samuelle "died" for the second time.
He would not have blamed her had she reviled and rejected him. Agonizing though forfeiting her love would have been, he would have considered it no worse than he deserved. And so he had waited, grimly, for the axe to fall...But it never had.
The compassion his then twice-time lover had demonstrated in the ugly aftermath of the Vacek mission had moved him in ways he couldn't begin to articulate. He'd tried to warn her away from him. He'd known how weak he was where she was concerned. Known, too, how obsessive his feelings for her were. He'd been desperately afraid that if he took even a tiny portion of what she was offering, he'd end up destroying her. That rather than helping lift him into the light that illuminated her existence, Nikita would be sucked down into the Stygian darkness that enveloped his.
He realized that the man he'd once been would have given little thought to Nikita's out-of-character failure to challenge him about how vilely he had used and abused her trust. That man would have absorbed her seeming acceptance of his treachery--possibly even viewed it with professional approbation--and moved on.
But the man he'd become--
"Michael?" Blue eyes bore deeply into green-grey ones. "Why didn't you tell me?"
Michael wondered later whether he'd meant this cryptic response as a test of Nikita's resolve. If so, she passed with flying colors.
"Not good enough," she retorted, shaking her head.
He blinked, startled by something in her expression. It was something new--
No, he corrected himself as a shock of recognition jolted him. It was something *old.* A rebelliousness he hadn't seen since Nikita had gone head-to-head with Him after her recovery from the programming.
It suddenly dawned on Michael that his ex-material now wife, hadn't simply battled her way back to pre-adjustment form back then. She'd evidently managed to rekindle at least a portion of the ethical outrage that had both intrigued and infuriated him during her training, as well.
He'd told himself that it was enough that Nikita had broken out of the conditioning that had been imposed upon her with her soul intact. He'd never dared hope that she'd emerged from the ordeal even stronger than she'd been. God knew, he
" Do you hate me?" he asked, shaken.
Nikita stood and pulled him into the swing to sit beside her. " No Love, I understand why you couldn't tell me in the beginning," Nikita acknowledged after nearly thirty seconds, obviously struggling to be fair. "Those first two years, while I was still a trainee--I-I understand. There was no reason for you to tell me. I mean, I was only material. And not very promising material at that. But later on?"
She paused, biting her lip, seeming to search for words. When she resumed speaking, it was in a great, marginally coherent gush.
"What about that time you k-kissed me?" she asked. " in the apartment. To stop me from trying to escape with Eric. Or what about when you and I--I mean, some of the things you said to me when Red Cell had us in those cages? My God, Michael! You had a wife and child and you claimed the only part of you that wasn't dead was me. *Me!* And what about the night in Lyons? We made l-love together. We were alone. No Section. No s-surveillance. And still, you said *nothing!* And after that, when I came back--and on the Armel m-mission--"
She broke off abruptly, glaring at him accusingly. Her eyes glistened with a volatile combination of fury and unshed tears. Her breasts rose and fell on short, sharp gasps.
"Why didn't you tell me?" she asked, her voice raw. "Why?"
Michael took a deep breath. Expelled it slowly, tightening his control over himself. He was bleeding inside. Nikita had been unerringly accurate in her tumultuous recitation of the moments when his betrayal of her had been most profoundly cruel.
The bitter irony was that several of those moments had helped fundamentally reshape his life. What had happened during their captivity by Red Cell, for example, had given him the courage to finally open his heart and become a true father to Adam. As for what had taken place in Lyons...
It had been the most incandescently ecstatic experience of his life. But in surrendering to his need to make Nikita completely his--to possess her in every way a man could possess the woman he loved--he'd dishonored himself beyond recovery.
"If I'd told you and Operations or Madeline had found out," he answered quietly. "You would have been cancelled."
"I would have been willing to risk that!" Nikita immediately retorted, flushing. "To know the truth, I would have been--"
"I wasn't."
The words came out more harshly than he'd intended. Given the storm roiling within him, it was very difficult to be moderate. He saw Nikita flinch, then stiffen her spine.
"So, once again, you took it upon yourself to protect my life by lying to me," she flung at him bitterly.
"Yes." He was not going to argue semantics or offer excuses. He'd done what he'd done.
"No." She shook her head much as she'd done when she'd rejected his initial response to her question as unacceptable. "I can't--"
"What I did was unforgivable," Michael cut in, his voice prevailing over hers through sheer bite. "And selfish. I kept you alive, Nikita...for me."
Nikita stared at him for several long moments, clearly shocked by what he'd just confessed.
" 'Alive' was enough for you?" she finally managed.
Michael felt his mouth twist, wondering whether his soulmate had any idea how revealing her question had been. It was a distillation of who she was, what she yearned to be, and how she had tried to live under hellishly dehumanizing circumstances.
For her, 'alive' had never been--would never be--*enough.*
" Back then before you broke the conditioning yes, after finding out about Adrian no, I needed you back, had to have my soul back that's why i fought so hard to help you return to your former self, I always thought I could survive anything but losing you to death," he admitted quietly. That was one reason he'd come close to destroying himself during the six months after the Shays mission. Not knowing whether she'd escaped the explosion he'd ordered detonated had nearly driven him mad. "Then you were...adjusted."
"You survived that."
"Only because you did."
She flushed. "Michael--"
"But you weren't the only one I was trying to protect," he interrupted, knowing they were about to get side-tracked. He wanted--*needed*--to give her the whole truth about why he'd kept his blood cover a secret from her. Every instinct he had told him that this would be his last chance to do so. If his nerve failed and he let the opportunity slip away...
There *had* to be complete honesty between them. It was the only way they could go on and have a life of their own.
She blinked, plainly bewildered. "Wh-what?"
"The secrets I kept. I was trying to protect Adam and Elena, too."
It took Nikita a few seconds to absorb the implications of this. Once she did, the color drained from her cheeks.
"You th-thought--" she looked at him with huge, pain-filled eyes "--you thought I'd do something to *hurt* them?"
"Not intentionally."
"N-not *intentionally*?" Her voice rose and shredded on the final word.
"What's the first thing you did when you found out where I lived, Nikita?"
She gasped as though he'd slapped her. "I came to you because I needed help!"
"And if you'd known my address on other occasions you required assistance?"
"I--" She was trembling. Michael could tell that she desperately wanted to deny what he was implying. But it was equally obvious that her fundamental self-awareness made it impossible for her to do so. "I--Section wouldn't h-have--"
"Section was prepared to sacrifice Elena to lure her father out," he reminded her flatly. "If you'd compromised yourself to her, even accidentally, Operations and Madeline might have ordered her killed as a precautionary measure. There was a scenario that suggested Sala Vacek might be inclined to reach out to claim his only grandson under that circumstance."
"Oh...God." Her horror was palpable.
"I didn't want to lie to you, Nikita. If I could have found another way..."
He let his voice trail off. *If.* How he despised that word! It epitomized so many of his failures.
Nikita looked down, swiping unsteady fingers beneath her eyes. She inhaled shakily, clearly trying not to cry.
"I'm...sorry," Michael whispered, unable to prevent himself from reverting to a mode he knew she had every reason to loathe.
Nikita's head came up with a jerk. "For what?"
"Almost everything."
Another swiping motion beneath her eyes. Another tremulous inhalation. Then, very softly:
"Did you love her, Michael?"
The question caught him completely offguard. If truth be told, he'd halfway expected that the next words he'd hear from her would be *Get out.*
"Elena?" he asked after a moment.
A jerky nod.
"I cared for her," he answered slowly. "Respected her. She was a good woman. Gentle. Generous. A wonderful mother to Adam. But 'love' her? No. In fact--" he swallowed, his voice dropping into a lower register "--there were moments when I almost hated her."
"H-hated her?"
He averted his gaze, remembering his feelings and being shamed by them.
"For believing the lies I told her," he explained painfully. "For looking at me and seeing a man worthy of her devotion, not a monster intent on destroying her life."
"Oh, Michael..."
He refocused on Nikita's beautiful eyes, stunned by the grief he saw. Why didn't she despise him for what he was saying?
"I try to face what I am, Nikita," he finished, his throat threatening to clog up. "Elena reminded me--minute after minute, day after day, year after year--of what I might have been. Of how I...betrayed...myself and everyone who had faith in me."
Somehow, most of the physical distance between them had disappeared. Michael honestly didn't know how it had happened. He didn't recall moving. And he hadn't been conscious of Nikita shifting position, either. Nevertheless. What had once been a gap of more than two feet had shrunk to barely six inches.
"Did S-Simone know any of this?"
Again, Michael was caught off-guard. Unwilling--*unable*--dissemble, he shook his head.
"I told you," he replied. "We didn't really talk about it."
"But she was your *wife,* Michael."
A variety of things--among them, a very basic sense of masculine pride--caused him to hesitate. To consider the humiliating cost of answering Nikita's passionate assertion as his pledge to honesty required. If he told her...
No *if.*
"Yes," he affirmed steadily, preparing to strip his soul bare. "Simone was my wife. And I...was her mark."
Having absorbed a great many emotional jolts in a very short span of time, Nikita's brain temporarily balked at absorbing any more.
Had Michael actually said he'd been Simone's...mark?
He couldn't possibly have meant what his softly accented admission seemed to have suggested, she assured herself, clasping her hands together to prevent herself from reaching out to him physically. He'd confused the words--suffered some sort of polyglot short circuit. Given the number of languages he spoke, it was a wonder he didn't trip up more frequently.
Nikita stared at Michael's compellingly handsome face, her pulse pounding. She was already making peace with his explanation of why he'd kept silent about Adam and Elena. This wasn't to imply that she didn't question the decisions he'd made. She did. She wanted to challenge the moral framework in which he'd made them, as well. But when all was said and done, she wholeheartedly believe that Michael had acted as honorably as he could in a fundamentally dishonorable context. He'd been trapped in a situation in which hurt had been inevitable and he'd attempted, apparently with little regard for his own psychological well being-to ameliorate the pain to others as much as he possibly could.
He'd protected his son.
And his son's mother.
Not perfectly, to be sure. Nikita knew she'd bear the scars of Michael's secret marriage 'til the end of her days. Whether the passage of time would have healed the damage done to Adam and Elena...
That was a question she couldn't answer. But she prayed it would have. As much Michael's sake, as for theirs.
To say that she'd been stunned by his confession about the feelings Sala Vacek's daughter had evoked in him was an understatement. But the horrible ambivalence he'd expressed made sense to her, in a terrible, tragic way.
Nikita could only dimly imagine what spending five-plus years under blood cover must have been like. While she was still deeply angry about the deception he'd practiced--God! How many times had she pictured Michael existing in sad, spartan solitude when he'd actually had a beautiful home and loving family? she knew it must have exacted a hellish toll on him. From the moment he'd been committed to the mission, he'd had no down time.
Whereas others, herself included, had some respite from the job when they left Section, Michael had been in play *all* the time. Small wonder he'd held so much back and been so wary of personal interaction. The only zone of privacy he'd had during his "marriage" was the one he'd managed to carve out, deep within himself.
And now...
Nikita swallowed, hard.
Mark, he'd said.
Simone had been his wife, and he'd been her...*mark.*
"I don't understand what that means, Michael," she finally said, her voice husky with surpressed emotion. "You. Being Simone's mark. I don't...understand."
"I was a mission to her," came the devastatingly simple reply.
Again, Nikita's brain seemed to lock up. Or rather, to try to lock *out* the implications of what had just been said.
*"Wha--?"* she choked after several seconds, unable to mask her shock. Somewhere in the back of her mind she gave thanks that she had pulled Michael to the swing, She doubted that her legs would have supported her, had they still been standing up at this juncture.
That she'd spent a great deal of time speculating about Michael's involvement with Simone, she couldn't deny. She'd spun dozens of scenarios to explain why the two cold operatives had been allowed to openly engage in what supposedly was a prohibited kind of relationship. She had never Imagined this.
"Oversight became interested in me during my training," Michael elaborated, his gaze sliding away from hers. He seemed to focus on a spot behind her. Or, perhaps, on mental images from his past. "There was discussion of my being transferred while I was still a probationary candidate. But Operations and Madeline wanted me for Section One. So, they found a way to compromise me."
God, Nikita thought, appalled.
It was so hideously plausible. She could practically *hear* the Section's leaders discussing how best to claim the remarkable asset Michael represented for themselves.
"S-Simone, you mean." She had to force the words out. Pronouncing the other woman's name was particularly problematic.
Michael's eyes returned to hers. She saw pain in their green-grey depths. And shame. Both emotions, intensely felt. Both, very difficult for her to look upon.
The source of the pain, she comprehended. How could she not? But the shame?
"Yes," he affirmed steadily.
"She was assigned to...seduce you...into staying."
"And to make Oversight question my psychological suitability."
"She--" Nikita licked her suddenly parched lips, once again struggling to realign her perceptions about the man who'd so profoundly affected her life. "She succeeded on both counts."
"I made it very easy for her."
*He'd* made it--?
Nikita's breath clogged at the top of her throat. Her heart missed a beat. Maybe two. Suddenly, she understood the shame she'd seen.
*Michael blamed himself for what Simone had done.*
Her mind flashed back to how she'd reacted on those occasions when she'd discovered that her feelings for her former trainer had been used against her.
While she'd been angry at herself for being so vulnerable to manipulation, most of her rage had been directed outward. Again and again, she'd faulted the man now sitting next to her, willingly shouldering a burden of guilt that was--at the very most---only partially his to bear.
Fragments of past confrontations echoed through her brain.
*"First you lie. Then, you say you're sorry..."*
*"I finally get it..."*
*"I'm sure the real Michael would disgust me..."*
*"I don't know how you live with yourself..."*
*"Don't you ever get tired of being Section's errand boy?"*
"H-how--" She paused, swallowing convulsively. She could feel the needle-sharp prick of unshed tears in the corner of her eyes. "How did you find out?"
"Simone told me after we were married."
"Section sanctioned--?"
"Her telling me? No. Our getting married, yes."
"You...you didn't suspect anything?"
Michael's eyes flashed. His sensual lips curled into a smile of wounding self-derision.
"Isn't love supposed to be blind?" he countered.
"You loved her, then."
"Deeply." There was no hesitation.
Nikita's chest tightened. She had to fight to fill her lungs. "Even after she--"
"Yes." Again, the answer was immediate and unconditional.
She bit her lower lip, thinking back to the one and only time she'd seen Michael interact with Simone. As horrific as the circumstances had been, what she remembered most was the passionate connection she'd felt between the two.
"When did Simone tell you the truth?" She had an awful hunch that she could guess the time frame.
"A few days before she was taken by Glass Curtain."
"Why did she--?"
"She said she'd fallen in love with me and couldn't bear to go on living a lie."
"Did you believe her?"
"No." While Michael's voice was soft, the look in his eyes was the visual equivalent of a scream of anguish. "Not...then."
"Do you now?"
He drew an unsteady breath, going pale. After a moment he shook his head. The movement seemed to be an involuntary one.
"I don't know," he replied. "That she grew weary of lying, I can accept. But that she loved me..."
Unable to resist any longer, Nikita reached out and clasped one of Michael's strongly made, elegantly modeled hands. She had a poignant memory of making a similar gesture the night he had told her about his ties to Rene Dion and L'Heure Sanguine *and* revealed that he had a younger sister. He stiffened the instant she made contact. For a moment, she seriously feared that he would pull away. But then, there was an abrupt change in his demeanor.
His training and overworked callused palm seemed to melt against her marginally softer one. Their fingers intertwined. The intimate physical connection sent a crack of sensual electricity coursing through her body.
"Simone *did* love you," she declared, her voice low and vibrant with feeling. "No matter how things began between the two of you, there was love--true love--at the end. I saw it. I felt it. I heard it."
*"I love you, Michael,"* Nikita remembered the brutalized yet unbroken Simone calling out as she prepared to take her final, fatal revenge on the psychotic cyber-terrorist who had abused her.
I. Love. You. Michael.
Given the horror of the situation, there had been no reason for the tormented Section operative to make such a confession unless she'd meant it. No reason at all.
"And yet she killed herself," Michael said, his eyes dark with grief.
Jealousy welled up within Nikita. She forced herself to confront the ugly feeling and all it implied. Michael's relationship with Elena, she thought she could come to terms with. But his bond with Simone...She glanced away, wrestling with a tangle of self-doubt and insecurity.
The man she loved had--by his own unconditional admission--deeply loved another women before she'd come into his life. He very likely loved her still. Did that mean that she, Nikita, was doomed to hold second place in his heart?
She didn't know. Not for sure. But when all was said and done, she wasn't certain that it mattered. Something in the core of her being told her that the feelings Michael had for her were different from the ones he had for Simone. They weren't necessarily better. Or stronger. They were simply *different.* Because she was different--very, *very* different--from the other woman.
Nikita supposed it came down to three truths.
She loved Michael.
Michael loved her back. And Simone...Simone was dead. Gone, though not forgotten.
Would this life she and Michael shared be taking place if Simone had *not* chosen death? Nikita asked herself.
No. Almost certainly not. The code of honor under which Michael operated would have demanded that he remain faithful to his Section-sanctioned wife had she been recovered from Glass Curtain. No matter what the cost to himself, he would have stayed true to her so long as she lived.
Plainly, Simone had known this. Which made her suicide all the more painful to contemplate. Because it seemed very likely that her killing herself had been intended as an expression of love.
It had also been meant, Nikita suspected, as an effort at expiation. An act through which Simone had tried to free the man she'd trapped into committing to her by Section-ordered lies.
Had the other woman sensed that there was something between her and Michael? This question had haunted Nikita for more than three years. She'd come to the conclusion--based on instinct, not empirical proof--that the answer was yes.
There'd been a jagged shard of time, near the very end of the Glass Curtain takedown, when Simone's dark gaze had met her much lighter one. And in that soul-shattering moment, Nikita had had the distinct impression that the other woman was giving Michael into her keeping.
*I understand,* the exotic, tip-tilted eyes had seemed to say. *And you have my blessing.*
Perhaps...just perhaps...her obvious feelings for Michael had made Simone's decision to end her life easier. Perhaps she'd been able to say farewell because she'd known she wouldn't be leaving him alone.
Nikita returned her gaze to the complex man to whom she'd given her heart. Whether he would accept what she was about to tell him, she had no idea. Still. Hurtful though it might be for both of them, she had to be honest. It was, as he'd said earlier, the only way for them to come together after so many lies and betrayals.
"It was her choice, Michael," she declared. "I know you blame yourself for Simone's suicide. But you shouldn't. Good as you are, you can't save everyone. You *especially* can't save somebody against their will. And preventing Simone from taking her life--from trying to destroy Glass Curtain--would have been exactly that. Imposing your will on hers. I...I understand how important it is to you to try to protect the people you love. *But loving and protecting aren't the same thing.* Sometimes, just sometimes, loving means holding back. Standing aside. Letting the other person take control, no matter what."
Michael blinked several times. His grip on her hand tightened almost to the point of pain, then transformed into something that was more caress than clasp. Nikita quivered as she felt the tender stroke of the pad of his thumb against her wrist.
"It's...difficult," he confided huskily. His eyes were feverishly bright.
She smiled tremulously, quicksilver arrows of response darting through her veins.
"But not impossible," she assured him.
Michael took her other hand. Her pulse kicked as he once again interlaced their fingers. His touch was tender. Almost...reverent.
"With you," he returned, *"nothing* seems impossible."
She looked up. Saw uncertainty in the mercurial hazel eyes that were the windows into an incredibly complicated soul. Wondered, for the millionth or so time, how a man as professionally confident as Michael was could harbor so much doubt about his worth as a human being. It was plain to her that now--*even now*--he was questioning whether he deserved her love.
"Michael I need to know why you didn't fight my reprogramming before you did, why? What made you wait so long?"
Michael looked at her shame and pain shimmering in the depths of his Jade green gaze, he lowered his lashes to hide the shame he felt, he pulled away from her and stood shakily, he took a deep breath and slowly started to speak, his voice whisper soft at first.
"I spent 3 months looking for the files, everything showed you had not been touched but I knew better, I knew there was something somewhere that would shed a light on your changes.....I took that long to find out about the Gelman proyect and contact him, than I found out who had been the first successful subject of the process and I had to save her..... I couldn't allow them to destroy Adrian, you had fought so hard for her life, it was for you that I saved her and maybe for me too, she was the only one who could tell me how to recover you, but she had barely a few days to do it, and she was so lost" his voice at those last words, she stood and walked to him, taking his hand she pulled him back into the swing, taking a seat beside him she gently ran her hands throught his curly cinnamon hair, he had grown it back, it was agian all silk and sun, beautifully curly and wild.
He looked at her from between half closed lids, his face painfilled, he knew she blamed him for allowing her to stay so cold and detached for so long, he pulled away from her and looked out, the sun had long ago hidden and the stars were now shining brightly in the night sky, he sighed heavily and turned shiny Green eyes toward his beloved, he felt apprehensive for the question he was about to ask, but he had to know.
" do you hate me for not fighting harder to bring you back?"
"No," she said, her voice thickening as emotion threatened to overwhelm her.
" I never blamed you, but...."
She bit her lip, pressure building in the bridge of her nose. Memories of the dehumanized emptiness she'd come so hideously close to embracing chilled her.
"G-God..." she resumed shakily, feeling a little sick. "When I was under adjustment...I...*God.* Michael. Oh, Michael. You have no idea--"
"Yes, I do." The correction was quick and cool, and cut like a knife. "Section adjusted me, too. Twice."
Nikita's vision grayed out. She stood and staggered a step, teetering on the brink of passing out. She felt Michael steady her, then guide her back down to the swing.
After a moment, his strong hand curved against the back of her neck, gently but firmly pressuring her to lean forward and put her head between her knees. When she complied, he began to massage her nape with slow, soothing strokes.
The dizziness passed more quickly than the emotional shock that had caused it. As soon as she could trust herself to sit up without swaying, Nikita did so. A dozen frantic questions crowded forward on her tongue.
"Wh-when?" she asked. She wasn't sure she could manage much more than a syllable at a time.
A brief hesitation. Then: "a few months after i arrived in section, I had...difficulty...adjusting. That was the first time they tried the conditioning process. The second was after Simone was lost to Glass Curtain."
"Oh, God," she whispered as more pieces of the puzzle that was Michael fell together. While the picture wasn't pretty, it was almost complete. "But you're not--I mean, the adjustment didn't hold. D-did it?"
"Not completely." His expression turned bleak. A touch of shame entered his face, too. Nikita trembled as she began to understand how difficult it was for him to abandon his defenses and bare himself to her completely as he was doing. "The method they used on me was cruder than the one they used on you. Even though I managed to break the conditioning, it left me...damaged goods."
She stared at him, momentarily bereft of speech.
"Do you honestly believe that?" she finally asked in an aching voice.
"I know what I am."
"No," she disputed, her heart beginning to thud. "But I do."
"You're the man I love, Michael."
And then she kissed him.
The next few seconds were beautiful.
Pure passion.
Pure pleasure.
"Nikita," Michael murmured, his warm breath misting over her acutely sensitized skin. His husky invocation of the three syllables of her name affected her like a physical caress, sending a sweet shiver of excitement through her body.
Emboldened, Nikita feathered her mouth back and forth over his, then languidly charted the sensual shape of it with the tip of her tongue. Finally, she licked along the line between his lips. He opened to her immediately, angling his head to one side to allow for more intimate access.
Their tongues touched.
Someone whimpered. Somewhere in the back of her mind, Nikita thought it might have been her.
She shifted her position, linking her arms around Michael's neck and tangling her fingers through his thick, cinnamon hair with greedy relish. One of his hands cupped the back of her head. The other stroked down her spine with erotic expertise.
Even with the barrier of fabric, the press of his sleekly muscled chest against her tautly nippled breasts was intoxicating. The male musk scent of his heated skin teased her nostrils and hazed her brain. Her body began to throb with a craving so potent, she wondered whether the pulsating force of it might not be visible to the naked eye.
Yes, she thought as the kiss deepened by mutual consent. Oh...*yes.*
Despite his extensive memory training, Michael's recollection of how he and Nikita made it from the swing up to the bed was always pretty much of a blur. Indeed, just a few moments after their mouths met and mated for the second time since they ahd staretd speaking, his much-vaunted ability to see the big picture short-circuited. His focus narrowed to exclude everything but the woman who'd shown him that it was possible to honorably live and honestly love in the hellish confines of the most covert anti-terrorist organization they had lived in for so long.
Nikita was naked before they reached their huge master bedroom. Having started their short but intensely erotic journey more formally attired than she, he still retained a few items of clothing. But aided by his eager--though somewhat clumsy wife, he swiftly shed and discarded them.
They kissed again.
Slow and sweet.
They caressed.
Fast and feverish.
By the time they tumbled down onto the huge bed in an intimate tangle of limbs, they were both slick with perspiration. Each of them was trembling with a soul-deep hunger only the other could totally assuage.
" Do you forgive me?" he whispered, nuzzling through the silken disorder of her flaxen hair. The faintly vanilla scent of her shampoo tantalized him. So, too, the fresh, heady fragrance of her creamy skin.
*"Yes,"* Nikita assured him, underscoring the affirmation with a shaky but flagrantly effective stroke of her slender fingers. Michael's pulse leapt in vaulting reaction to her provocative attention. "Oh...*yes."*
He claimed her mouth again, kissing her long and deep. Their tongues stroked and slid. Their breaths, blended. Section One's former top operative feasted on the honeyed promise of his former trainee's now wife ripe lips until lack of oxygen finally compelled him to lift his head and refill his lungs. Dizzy with emotion he'd once believed lost to him, he gazed down into his beloved's beautiful face, struggling to hold himself in check.
She stared up at him, her cheeks rosy with passion, her lips parted and moist. Her eyes locked with his in a magical moment of wordless communion. Their astonishing aquamarine depths were liquid with longing. They also shone with the precious gift of unconditional trust.
Michael uttered Nikita's name on a hushed, heated sigh, then used his right hand to chart the arch of her brow, the lushness of her lashes, and the gamine elegance of her nose. He followed the outline of her mouth with his fingertip. A volatile thrill lanced through him when she licked at him with feline delicacy.
They kissed yet again, the movement of their lips more avid than it had been earlier. Michael felt Nikita's arms encircle his neck. Her hands moved upward, spasming in the reddish-brown disorder of his thick, naturally curly hair. He slanted his head, devouring her responsiveness like a starving man.
Shifting his position slightly, he caressed downward from her face. He lingered for a few seconds at the pulse point at the base of her throat. The hectic pounding of her blood was intensely, almost unbearably, exciting to him.
Nikita's small but exquisitely formed breasts soon beckoned. He fondled their satin-smooth curves with slow, voluptuous strokes, savoring the soft gasps of pleasure he elicited as he came nearer and nearer to touching her taut, petal pink nipples. His partner shuddered violently when he finally raked the peaking rosettes with the edges of his nails. He smiled, a fierce sense of satisfaction scorching through his veins.
She tried to reciprocate, her intention clearly to pleasure him as he was pleasuring her. But while he found her touch arousing in the extreme, Michael gently captured her hands and firmly eased them away from his body, anchoring them against the mattress.
"Don't," he said huskily, his tone balanced between imploring and imperative.
"I want...*need*..to do this for you, Nikita. Please. This one--" he dipped his head and brushed her lips with his own, praying she would understand that this was not really an issue of dominance and submission "--time. Let me."
She gazed up at him for several seconds, her sky-colored eyes wide and searching.
"Yes," she finally assented. Although her inflection was solemn, one corner of her kiss-rouged mouth kicked up in what looked like a uniquely feminine kind of amusement. "This...*one*...time."
Reining in the desire that was hammering from the soles of his feet to the top of his skull, Michael resumed his slow exploration of his wife's sleek body. He wanted to rouse Nikita to rapture. To offer her every kind of ecstasy. To obliterate--at least temporarily--the memory of all the others with whom each of them had coupled.
He toyed with the pale triangle of hair at the apex of her smooth thighs, winnowing through the springy cluster of curls to test her readiness. Gently...oh, so gently...he eased a finger into the luscious warmth of her womanhood.
"Shhh," he breathed, smiling inwardly. *"Doucement, mon coeur. Doucement."*
He sought and found the nerve-rich pleasure point hidden amid the humid petals of her feminine flesh. He teased the spot with a feather-light touch. Nikita gasped his name again, arching convulsively.
*"Oui,"* he murmured, rewarding her receptiveness with another caress. He was only vaguely conscious that he'd lapsed into his mother tongue. At this moment, with this woman, giving pleasure was the only thing that mattered to him. To give was to receive...a hundredfold.
Drawing on every sensual skill he'd acquired, every libidinous instinct with which he'd been endowed, Michael led his lover up to the peak of sensation. He held her there, trembling, for several frantic seconds, then tenderly urged her over the brink.
Nikita came apart against his hand, a joyous cry breaking from her lips.
"I...oh..." She twisted sinuously, her head moving back and forth amid the bright tumble of her hair. Her hips undulated in a rhythm that was as old as Eve. "Oh...*oh.* Oh, God...*M-Michael!"*
He repeated the pattern a second time. And a third. Finally, he brought her to the point where she was clutching at him with wild, wanton hands, confessing her need for him in shattered syllables. Then and only then did he shift himself, parting her thighs as he moved up and over. He placed his rampant male flesh against the passion-slickened gateway to her secret core.
Michael hesitated, acutely conscious that his ability to moderate his desire was running out. Nikita was the only woman he'd every known who could cause him to lose control. Perhaps that was why he sometimes felt the compulsion to assert his authority over her.
"Please," she pleaded urgently. "Please, Michael. *Now."*
"Ni-ki-ta." He groaned as he parted her thighs and thrust inside her feminine core.
Their limbs tightened around each other and they cried out in unison. All Michael's valentine training fled him as he plunged wildly inside of her. She felt exquisite around him - snug, warm, wet. He closed his eyes and surged forward, seeking to touch her as deeply as possible.
Nikita wrapped her legs around his back and gripped his shoulders tightly. She threw her head back and hissed softly between clenched teeth as he increased his pace, angling his hips in a number of delightful directions to add luscious friction to their frenzied union.
Michael nearly lost what little control he still possessed as Nikita bucked and writhed beneath him, meeting each frantic thrust with one of her own. Her hands were squeezing his buttocks and boldly caressing their joined sexes. All feeling was directed to the delicious throbbing of his shaft. He felt light-headed, euphoric and grossly unprepared for the myriad feelings that Nikita evoked within him.
He buried his head in the fragrant curve of her neck and slowed his thrusts to long, slow ones as he reached between them to caress her hard bud. He heard her gasping brokenly as he felt the first spasms of her climax begin. Her thighs squeezed him in a vice-like grip as her inner muscles flexed enticingly around his shaft, touching off his own climax as he jerked convulsively inside her. He groaned raggedly into her hair, driving recklessly inside her as he rode out each wave of pleasure.
Afterward, when his heartbeat had slowed and his respiration smoothed, Michael gathered Nikita's sated, seemingly boneless body into his arms and cradled her next to his heart. In the past, on those rare occasions when they'd been able to share a bed for a night, they'd usually slept like spoons--her back, fit to his front. But now...
His partner--his light, his love, his life--curved into his embrace with a languorous sigh, her breath fanning his naked chest. She snuggled closer, murmuring his name. One of her hands found one of his. Their fingers intertwined.
"I love you..." she said softly, anointing his skin with butterfly-light kisses.
"And I, you," he answered.
She gave a drowsy but delighted sounding laugh, shifting even closer.
"Good..." she declared, then drifted off to what Michael fervently hoped were lovely dreams.
He fought to stay awake, wanting to cherish their togetherness.
But Exhausted by love and loving, in thrall to a sense of peace that was unprecedented in his dangerous and turbulent life, Michael turned his face into Nikita's soft, fragrant hair and surrendered to the lure of sleep
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