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Broken Heart
![]() By : Kyara Caledonii
![]() ![]() ***All Rights Reserved. Story cannot be reprinted/reproduced without Kyara's permission.***
![]() “ I don’t love you anymore.”
Nikita could see the pain she caused in his emerald eyes, they filled with tears he would never shed, she was so confused, her memories and feelings fuzzy and unfocused, she felt like screaming and crying all at the same time.
what did they do to me? she thought.
Nikita was so absorbed in her own misery that she never heard Michael leave and close the door, the last she heard was his softly spoken promise. “I won’t let them do this.”
She wanted to run after him, tell him she did not mean to hurt him, but she was glued to the floor, she could not move, fear,sadness,anger, all these emotions were running wild in her mind, “why do I feel so desperate? So alone? What is happening to me?”
Nikita ran to the balcony and looked out, her tears flowing down her face, she remembered Michael’s question. “what did they do to you?” she couldn’t remember, it was driving her crazy, she remembered many things so clearly, but some of them were fuzzy, she did not remember what her relationship was with Michael, all she remembered was that she felt nothing for him anymore, that his kiss did not help her remember, it only confused her more!
what did they do to me?
Nikita knew that there was only one person who could help her , but should she risk his life even more? How could she ask Walter for his help ? and how would she keep Madeleine and Operations from finding out she was investigating what had happened to her?
Trying to remember was giving Nikita a massive headache, she walked inside to her bedroom and suddenly a pain shot through her head, an image of Michael inside a cage bleeding from nose and ears, flashed through her mind’s eye, but just as sudden as it came it disappeared, leaving her lying on the floor, confuzed and scared, the words floating through her mind was the last thing she heard as she slipped into oblivion “ I don’t know what love is anymore, the only part of me that’s not dead is you”
Nikita woke up many hours later, the head ache was gone but a strange tingling sensation, remained.
"I don't know what love is anymore, the only part of me that's not dead is you." The words returned and although she wasn't sure where they came from they comforted her somehow. Feeling restless, she got up and went to the bathroom. Her reflection in the mirror startled her. Red swollen eyes, pale face, she bent down to splash some cold water on her face. Again, pain shot through her head as an image of Michael in medlab flashed. More words ran through her mind like waves,
"Have I ever told you that I love you?" Nikita was putting pressure on her temples as the image disappeared, what is going on? Are these the memories that I lost? After several anguished moments the pain disappeared. She stood and dressed, all her energy now focused on getting answers and she knew just who to ask. Whatever Madeleine did to her she knew Birkoff would be able to find out and maybe help her find a way to reverse it. Nikita knew this shell was not her, but her memories were trapped behind a wall that Madeleine had erected, and some how she knew that Michael was the key to breaking down that wall. If she could get Birkoff and Walter to help her find out what section did,then maybe the pain she had caused to appear in Michael's eyes would go away.
Meanwhile Michael was in his loft, holding Nikita’s favorite sweater tightly in his hands, his body ravaged by uncontrollable sobs, her words had torn his newly restored heart out of his chest and the pain ran deeper than he ever imagined.
” Why? Why had they done this? A bullet in the gut would have been less painful!” He had finally opened his heart to Nikita. After many years of pain and isolation he had decided to live, he was free to love his soul mate. He rubbed the soft woolen threads of the sweater across his cheek, inhaling the light scent of her. Lovely Nikita, the only one who had been able to crawl her way into the deepest, darkest, part of him and had found his badly damaged soul. She had taken his heart and soul and gave them new life, taught him how to love again. Now section had taken his reason to live. They had shown him how easy it was to break him, but he swore that he would not let them win. "Nikita will remember!" He shouted to the empty loft.
Nikita walked into section, looked toward Birkoff and with a nod of her head he stood and followed her to munitions. Walter watched the interaction between them and opened the gate leading to the back. He stepped aside waiting for Birkoff and Nikita to walk inside. when all three were away from prying eyes, there was silence as the men waited for Nikita to speak.She got right to the point. "On the mission to Genefex, Birkoff, you sent me to the top floor. Madeleine was waiting for me. I don'tremember anything after that. Can you find out what she did to me?"
"Madeleine was at Genefex?" Birkoff's eyes were wide as Nikita nodded."It will take time," he continued, "but yes, I can."
"Good," she whispered. "Start now, and find out where Michael is. If I remember correctly he shouldn't be alone.”
Turning to Walter she pleaded, "Will you go to him?"
"Sugar, anything for you but if they used drugs we should try to find out which ones. That way I can look for the antidote." Nikita nodded again and Walter reached around her pulling a syringe off of an uppershelf. Nikita rolled up her sleeve. After he had taken the blood sample, Walter opened the gate and watched as Birkoff walked to his station and Nikita went toward the gym.
He had to find out what they had done to his sugar that caused her to hurt Michael so much. Walter had had a funny feeling about the whole Genefex mission and since Nikita still had the transmitter from the Chernov mission, he decided to keep tabs on her. Unfortunately that had made him privy to the last conversation between Michael and Nikita. He had an idea of what Madeleine had used to reprogram Nikita, and he knew that it was possible to reverse the effects but it had to be done soon after the treatment and it was painful, but the longer they waited to reverse it, the more damage it would do, so they had to do it soon or risk Nikita’s sanity and health.
Walter closed the armory and went to Michael’s loft. The moment he walked in he saw how bad Michael was dealing with Nikita’s words.
Michael was in the living room, in front of the massive window rocking back and forth, one of Nikita’s sweaters in his hands, tears running down his face. He did not even react to Walter’s arrival.
Walter walked around Michael trying to get his attention, Michael’s eyes were focused on a point outside the window. His soft crying was the only sound in the huge loft. Walter took Michael’s hand and realized that the young man had crawled inside himself. Walter worried that the pain he felt had caused Michael to lose his sanity. He tried everything to make Michael react but nothing brought the young man out of his protective shell. He had become catatonic and he was not reacting to any outside stimuli. Walter felt panic rise up in him. He had to call Nikita and find a way to reverse the reprograming before they completely lost Michael.
Walter took the phone and dialed but got no answer. He realized that Nikita was probably still pounding the daylights out of some poor recruit in the gym. Still, something had to be done about Michael. And it had to be done now!
Making a desperate decision, Walter looked around Michael's loft for the young man's laptop. As he set the computer up close to Michael's chair, he gnashed his teeth at the thought of what sections leaders had done to his sugar and her knight.
"God, I hope this works," Walter muttered under his breath. He set the laptop in front of Michael, made the necessary connection and within moments, the image of Adam playing in his front yard appeared.
Nothing. Although the live feed filled the room with sounds of laughter and playing, Michael didn't react. Instead, more tears flowed down his cheeks, as his gaze fixed on some point in the distant city skyline.
Walter was getting worried. Michael had not reacted at all since he arrived 4 hours ago. Making one last desperate call to Nikita, he learned from Birkoff that Nikita had over done it in gym and was now in medlab. Birkoff also told him that he had some information on the methods Section had used to reprogram Nikita.
In a last ditch effort to get a reaction, Walter told this to Michael but to know avail.
Dejected, Walter thought about the information that Birkoff had provided. Section had used a combination of drugs and a new phasing shell. The drugs appeared to be a combination of the mind altering drugs Perez had used on Michael and some new drug variations Madeleine was experimenting on. All in all, very nasty stuff.
Now that they knew what had been used, he and Birkoff had to find a way to reverse it, and soon, Michael was getting lost fast.
Nikita was so mad that they had forced her to stay in medlab, she needed to leave, she knew from Birkoff that Michael had taken a turn for the worse and wanted to go to him, but Madeleine had ordered that she stay in observation until the next day.
Nikita knew that her only problem was fatigue but now they were pumping her full of drugs and she needed to get the I.V. off.
Walter had emailed the antidote's components to Birkoff. After preparing the serum, he had begged Lauren the new doctor to make the antidote. After he promised to give her Michael's private number she agreed.With that in place, Birkoff found a way to get the cameras that fed to Madeleine’s office to go off line, but it was risky.
He had only five minutes to get in medlab, give Nikita the antidote and get out before he was discovered.Back in comm, Birkoff tried to look busy. Now it was all up to Nikita.She needed to get her memory back soon. If Walter was right, Michael was now in serious danger. Worse, Madeleine would call any moment now to torture him even more, and then all hell would break loose!
Nikita had fallen asleep once she had received the antidote, and after a couple of hours of deep, satisfying rest she awoke in medlab. Her thoughts and memories were a bit fuzzy as she sat up and took the I.V.line out of her arm. Taking a few steadying breaths, she stood. Immediately severe pain shot through her head. Images and words came rushing at her like a tidal wave. She fell on her knees trying to control the bizarre sequence of pictures flashing one after the other,the pain intensifying with each. Voices shouted inside her mind.
"It wasn’t all a lie."
"Do I have to love, honor and obey?" "Just obey."
"Let’s take what we can get."
"I wish things could be different."
"Have I ever told you that I love you?"
"I must be a real jerk."
"I thought I lost you."
"We're really together now." "If you want to be." "I want to be."
"We'll be together. I’ll find a way."
"We have one hour."
"I don’t love you anymore."
"I won’t let them do this."
"Nooooooooo!" Nikita’s screams were heard all the way to comm where a very frightened Birkoff was typing away furiously trying to get an image of what was happening in med lab. Madeleine and Operations were on their way to see Nikita when they heard the screams. They hurried and as they stepped inside, Operations became very angry at the scene before him.
On the floor, bleeding from nose and ears, and having a severe convulsion was Nikita. The doctors and nurses trying desperately to keep her flying limbs from hurting anyone.The doctor was about to inject a sedative when Nikita screamed and then went limp.
After wrestling Nikita's unconscious form to a bed, the doctor made a quick examination.
"Her brain is hemorraging. We need to operate now or she will die."
"Well, you do whatever it takes to make certain that she survives,"Operations barked as he poked the doctor sharply in the chest. Then he and Madeleine left medlab in the direction of Madeleine's office.
"Well, my dear, the reprogramming was a failure," Operations sneered. "Now what?"
"I wouldn't go so far as to classify it as a failure," Madeleine answered smoothly. "Yes, there appear to be drug interactions which have caused the bleeding. But that is no indication of the success of the reprogram. That will be determined if she survives this." Sitting at her desk, ignoring Operations frown, she continued, Let me call Michael and give him the news."She jumped as Operations fist sounded loudly against her desk.
"Madeleine, regardless of your rationalization, this was a total failure. Nikita is having a brain hemorrage as we speak. Due," he thumped her desk again, "to the reprogramming!"
"Now, now, she will be fine." Madeleine continued to dial her telephone as Operations, still fumming, went back to his tower.
Meanwhile in Michael’s loft, Walter had been trying to stay awake, not too difficult since Michael’s sobbing had not stopped. It had been seven hours since Walter had stepped into Michael’s loft to find the young man catatonic and clutching one of Nikita’s sweaters in his hands. Even now, Michael was in the same place, still rocking and crying, the sweater still clutched in his hands.
As Walter was coming back from the kitchen with a cup of coffee the phone rang, not Michael’s home phone but his cell phone. Knowing that it was Section calling, Walter took the liberty of answering.
"Walter? Why are you answering Michael’s phone?" Madeleine asked on the other end. "Where is he?"
"Madeleine, he’s asleep. And before you say another word, he needs the rest." Walter was trying to think of a valid excuse for not disturbing Michael without having to let Madeleine in on his true condition.
"Wake him up, we have a situation and we need him immediately."
After an inexorably long afternoon in Michael's loft, Walter was feeling insubordinate.
"Sorry, no can do!" Walter was desperate, struggling to think of something he could say that would get Madeline off the phone and keep her from calling again. Or worse, showing up. All he knew was that he had to keep section from finding out how bad Michael had reacted to Nikita’s rebuff!
"Walter we need him," Madeleine pressed. "Nikita has had an accident and is in surgery. She's suffered a brain hemorrage and we might loose her."Madeleine had to get Michael into section. Her plan was working perfectly.
Between Nikita’s lapse and Michael's reaction to the new Nikita, Madeleine's plan to prevent a coup and make Operations very happy was coming together perfectly.
Walter was beside himself. His sugar was dying and Michael was in La-La land. Hanging his head, he couldn't form words to respond.
"Walter!" Madeleine nearly shouted. "I'm sorry that Michael is tired, but you must wake..." She stopped mid sentence. "Walter, what is that I hear?"
Walter had been wandering absently around the loft and had forgotten about the amazing accoustics of the barren walls and floors of Michael's loft. He gasped. Madeleine had heard Michael’s sobbing."Nothing, Michael is..," he was not allowed to finish.
"Walter put Michael on right NOW!" She heard the young man’s sobbing and ordered tech to activate the surveillance inside Michael’s loft. Appalled at the scene that greeted her she snapped at Walter, "I'm on my way and I'm bringing medical. Stay there until I arrive." Walter was beside himself. He guessed that Madeleine had turned the surveillance inside the loft on and had seen Michael’s condition. This was getting worse and worse!
Michael was unaware that Walter had been there with him for the last ten hours. He was in the hell that was inside his mind. He didn't really remember leaving Nikita and coming home.
The first fuzzy memory he had was spying one of Nikita’s favorite sweaters draped over the end of his bed. The instant his fingers closed around the soft wool, something snapped. He couldn't breathe as the room seemed to get smaller and cold sweat coursed down his back. Dizziness assailed him and he stumbled into the living room where he sank to the floor. He only had one clear though, he wanted to die. Nikita had become his life and without her there was no reason to fight, no reason to survive. Adam would be cared for and his sister had someone to love her and care for her.
"Why can't I be happy?" Michael keened aloud. Silently his torment continued. "I know section will never let us have a normal life, but I have given everything to them, my life, honor, wife, child, sanity. Why do I have to give them the only reason to keep living? Why can't they give us just a little bit of happiness? "God! Nikita will remember!" he screamed into the empty loft.
A cold shiver ran through his body and he closed his eyes, the tears still falling. That's when it began. In an unconscious move to protect himself and ease his pain, Michael began the journey inward. He started to claw his way back inside, to the place where he remembered he was safe, where no one could hurt him. Slowly the world's noise receded, and all he could hear was his heart beating. The rhythm soothed him. Then he became aware of a wall in front of him, thick and tall. He stood and ran as far as he could in either direction, but the wall never seemed to end. Michael was frightened.
"Where am I? How did I get here?" He tried to break the wall down with brute strength, but it was too hard. Then he saw it, a flash of blonde hair! He started to run after it, but then, without warning, something hit him and the last word he uttered before diving into oblivion was his beloved's name, "Nikita."
Walter looked up startled as he heard Michael speak. "Nikita," was all that he said as his swollen, red eyes rolled into the back of his head and he collapsed. Walter ran to him and realized that Michael had finally passed out. Retrieving a blanket off the bed, he covered Michael where he lay.
Walter galvanized himself then. He had to do something. Madeleine would be at the loft soon, and Michael was in no condition to be dealing with her. And he still had to some how get Michael back enough to tell him what had happened to Nikita and why.
He had spent the last 3 hours checking and rechecking the formula and finally he found the reason for her reaction, the drugs she had been administered combined with the antidote had caused a chain reaction to unlock her memories, Madeleine’s reprogramming had been doubled, so when Birkoff introduced the antidote, while Nikita was still receiving the reprogramming drugs through the I.V. it caused Nikita’s brain to give her a light show that she would never forget. It over stimulated her dormant memories and she started to remember all in fast, seizure inducing flashes that almost killed her.
Walter was frantic with worry. He wanted to be with his sugar but he had promised her that he would care for Michael. Now Madeleine the ice queen was coming, no doubt to try and destroy Michael a little more.
Although Walter had been trying without success to wake Michael, the young man woke instantly as his front door opened. Even in his state, his body sensed the danger he was in. He scooted into a crouch in a corner, looking around frantically. When he saw Madeleine he tried to run, the sweater still clutched in his hands.
Until now Walter had seen no reaction from Michael. Looking up at the ceiling he said in a whisper.
"This was not what I meant when I said make him react." A closer look at Michael and he noticed that Michael’s eyes were unfocused, and very bright.
Instinct told Walter that Michael was not reacting to an immediate threat of danger. He realized Michael's brain and body were reacting to an ingrained fear of Madeleine which being so ingrained it was subconscious. Without warning, Madeleine pulled out the tranq gun and shot Michael.
She mentally cursed his Section trained tolerance to drugs when she had to shoot him two more times to get enough sedatives into his system to render him unconscious.
While Michael was taken to psych evaluation, Walter had gone to speak to Birkoff and then to medlab to inquire about Nikita. He was told she had come out of surgery, but they had to wait and see what happened. While he was in medlab, the doctor, a man named Jimenez, was summoned to Madeleine’s office.
"Doctor, what is Nikita’s condition?" Madeleine would never admit it aloud, but she was nervous. She knew that in addition to the risks of the surgery, the reprogramming methods she had used on Nikita were largely untested. She quelled her unease quickly by reminding herself that she had done what needed to be done.
"Madeleine, during surgery she slipped into a coma. We have her on a ventilator and are trying to bring her out, but it is difficult. There is not much that can be done." Straightening to his full height, he took a deep breath and continued. "Your little experiment destroyed two of section’s best operatives and might yet kill them. I went to check on Michael and he does not look good. Further, if Nikita does survive this, she might not be who everyone remembers. If that happens, you are aware that we will loose Michael."
"Do what you have to do," Madeleine snapped. "Just to be very clear,with Michael you must use every thing in Section's power to bring him back. Understand that anything is acceptable, from drugs to electro convulsive therapy. We need him back. Soon!" She leaned back in her chair and clasped her hands together. "As for Nikita, if you can save her go ahead. If not just cancel her. There is no reason to waste vital resources on a damaged op."
"Madeleine! You are cold hearted! Listen if we use anything invasive on Michael we have an 85% chance of losing him. In my professional opinion, our best chance of getting Michael back and functional is Nikita. She must survive and she must be restored to her previous..."
"Absolutely not! We will not restore Nikita’s memory. She is more valuable as a cold op the way she is now than how she used to be. If your assessment turns out to be correct, if we need the old Nikita to get Michael back, then cancel both now! This is not a nursery to cuddle our operatives. They either work for us under our terms or die!" She stood and very efficiently dismissed the doctor.
Birkoff had tunneled his way into Madeleine’s office and had listened to her conversation with the doctor. He was appalled at how cold and deadly Madeleine was. But, there was something wrong with this whole picture. For her to order the cancellation of section’s top operative, Operations' golden boy, something else was going on.
Birkoff knew that he had to go to George to make sure Michael and Nikita survived! Section had used everything they knew to bring Michael out of his self imposed catatonic state. Madeleine went so far as to make a tape of Nikita and Adam being canceled to make him react but nothing. He was lost. He was not eating, sleeping or moving.
Finally, they sedated him, moved him to a cot and restrained him to ensure that he would rest.
Nikita had not come out of her comatose state. She was as pale as alabaster and each day that passed the doctors were less optimistic.
The doctors had stopped Michael’s treatments a week ago, when they ran out of drugs and other gizmos to use to bring out a reaction. They also had stopped trying to pull Nikita out of her comatose state, knowing that the only solution was for Michael to bring her out. Yet she was the only one who could bring Michael out of his catatonia.
The medical personnel was frustrated with this mess. Section had the best team in all the sections and they had destroyed it. Missions were failing at an alarming rate, operatives were being lost and oversight was none too happy with Operations and Madeleine.
George had come to visit twice in the last three weeks. Madeleine had been able to hide Michael and Nikita from him initially, but last week he had made a surprise visit and had found Madeleine playing her inhumane games with a very pale, very thin, and very tired looking Michael.
When he saw Nikita, he was tempted to order Madeleine’s immediate cancellation, but instead had chosen to wait, ordering her to move Michael into Nikita’s room and keep a 24 hour guard for their own protection. He also had ordered that as soon as Nikita came out of the coma she was to have all of her memories and emotions restored to her. Operations was fuming by the time George left and swore he would never listen to Madeleine when she was in one of her jealous moods!
Everyone worked as hard as they could to find a way to bring both operatives out of their respective cocoons.
Three weeks later, frustrations were high at the lack of progress.
Per George's instruction, Michael had been transferred to Nikita’s room and all drugs, including sedatives, had been stopped. Slowly Michael had regained consciousness. But as soon as he woke, he sprinted off the bed and crouched in the farthest corner from the door, his hands clutched tightly to his chest. The tears and the rocking began again, and that is how life passed for everyone concerned for three more weeks.
Nikita finally started showing some positive signs. First a hand moved, then her head turned toward the sound of Michael’s sobs. Within another two weeks she had reached full consciousness and although she was still weak and in a lot of pain, she was cognizant enough to realize that Michael was in serious trouble.
"This is all my fault," she agonized silently.
With the exception of about an hour from the time she entered the room in Genefex until she turned the corner and looked up to see Michael at the door, she remembered everything. She looked again through watery eyes at her beloved Michael. He was completely lost to his despair. "Madeleine and her damn experiments. " Nikita slowly got off the bed, taking the iv out she wrapped a towel over her arm and went to Michael. She crouched in front of him and her heart broke at the sight before her.
His face was ravaged. Tears ran down his gaunt cheeks, his eyes, surrounded by black, were unfocused, the light in them gone. He was rocking and his hands looked like they were clutching something to his chest, but there was nothing in them. She touched him tentatively and felt no reaction from him.
Sadness filled her as she remembered the way a soft touch from her would make him react in such delicious ways.
"How are you feeling today?"
Nikita turned to find Madeleine at the door. She turned back to Michael and clutched his hand.
"What did you do to him? What happened?" She thought she felt a small flutter from Michael's hand in hers.
"Nothing. I'm afraid that this is how Walter found him when he arrived at Michael’s loft ten weeks ago."
Nikita sat down heavily, her strength gone. She remembered the last words she said to Michael.
"I don't love you anymore." She pulled his hand to her lips and let the tears flow freely, the pain in her heart as strong as the pain in her head the day she had fallen into a coma. She cried for the man she loved, for the soul that had been rescued and brought back to life only to be damaged once again by the machinations of an overzealous Madeleine, who had reacted to their love as though it was some sort of threat to Section or the world.
"Why did you hurt us like this? What did we do that was so bad?" Nikita cried. "Why?"
Madeleine could not face Nikita, she had finally realized that the reasons for the couple's midnight rendezvous was not to destroy section but to spend time together, loving each other. She accepted that she had reacted badly. But Madeleine being Madeleine, she relegated that to the past and focused on the present. She needed to get Nikita to bring Michael back. Section was in dire straits, Red Cell and Black Star had joined forces and were attacking sub sections. They had already lost 3 and 7 was not far from being lost. The irony was not lost on her. Here Nikita was healing well, her thoughts, emotions and memories completely intact. But Michael might well be lost to them. This was the exact opposite of her intended resolution.
Desperate to appease George and get their number one Operative back in the fold, Operations and Madeleine had been forced to allow Nikita to take Michael away.
At Nikita’s suggestion, the perfect place was set, the cabin in Brussels. Walter and Birkoff had been sent ahead to set surveillance, comm and everything else that the couple would need for six weeks, the amount of time Nikita would be allowed to get Michael to react. To everyone concerned, this would be a Herculean effort.
The doctors had not been happy to let Nikita and Michael out of section in their condition, but since they had been overruled, two bags full of sedatives, antibiotics and anything else that might be needed, was prepared.
For four days, Nikita struggled to regain her strength and stamina, she watched Michael in the corner. Medlab personnel informed her that Michael would only sleep when she slept, waking the instant that she did. To keep him as close to her as possible and make sure that he rested as much as possible, Nikita had her bed removed and a mattress brought in and put in the corner. It felt strange to do everything for Michael.
He would only eat if she fed him and even then a few bites was all she could manage. She walked him around the small room, and put him to bed each night. When Nikita was awake, he never slept and the rocking continued. The crying had finally slowed to whimpers, but it was driving Madeleine and Operations up the wall.
In Nikita's opinion, that was just fine, they deserved to never have peace in their lives for what they had done to her beloved.The weird thing was that since she had started to make Michael walk, he would recoil from the door. Every time they got near it, he would stop, and slip to the floor rocking and whimpering all over again.
Then there was his reaction to Madeleine. She was not allowed inside the medlab room anymore, for the moment she walked in the door 3 days before, Michael's reaction had been severe.
Nikita had been combing Michael’s hair after a mid day shower and suddenly when Madeleine walked in, his head shot up and he turned and cowered in the corner where he had spent so many sleepless weeks. Nikita tried to comfort him but he was desolate, his breathing had become rapid and shallow, his eyes wild and he clutched his hands to his chest like he had done before. What scared Nikita more than anything was what happened after that. Madeleine had decided to get close, try to speak to him.
She pulled Nikita aside and crouched in front of Michael. At that moment he had let out a loud wail, and had cowered even closer to the wall, his eyes very wild. He looked around and suddenly sprinted for the door. As Nikita grabbed his arm, Madeleine was able to take a hold of his other arm. When he felt Madeleine's touch he recoiled and started shaking. Not even Nikita’s voice would calm him down. She wondered what Madeleine had done to Michael to give him such fear of her.
That was when things started to get worse. Before that fateful day in medlab, Michael was docile, childlike, and would eat and sleep when prompted, but now, he did not sleep, except when sedated, he would not eat, or move from his corner. Worse, the crying was back, this time louder and more heart wrenching.
Nikita had decided that morning that she was well enough to take him to the cabin.
The doctors had relented and released them both after a thorough examination.
Michael had to be sedated in order to transport him to the cabin.
After Michael and Nikita were finally alone at the cabin, Michael was still asleep so Nikita took the liberty of exploring the cabin. It was changed from what she remembered, it had electricity and the kitchen had been redone, the bedroom up stairs was remodeled, with a new bed and a big closet, there was bars on the windows and a new state of the art security system, plus all doors had been removed and in their place thick wood doors with big locks had been installed. There was a new 4x4 in the garage and there had been a small camp set up about a mile away with three guards and one medic to help if needed. Nikita showered and changed into the sweater Walter said Michael had been clutching in his hands the day he was found. She made a light meal and sat on the bed holding Michael's hand in hers. That is how she fell asleep a few minutes later.
Michael started to stir and Nikita woke up instantly. His eyes opened and he sprinted from the bed. As soon as he reached the kitchen, he crouched in the farthest corner.
Nikita tried to touch him but he was already trying to move again, this time toward the door. She took his hand and he wrenched it from her. He slid to the floor in the middle of the cabin and the rocking started again. This time no sound came from him but he was shaking visibly and his breathing was ragged.
Nikita crawled over and sat in front of him, slowly taking his hand in hers. At the contact, his shaking slowed and his breathing became less ragged, but the rocking never stopped. Inside his mind, Michael was trying to find a way to make a hole in the wall.
His hands felt raw and bloody from his pounding against the wall, but he had made little progress.He still remembered the moment a few hours, or was it days? ago when he felt and saw the dark shadow approach him.
Her evil laugh sounded so loud, he was terrified. He did not remember why, but his fear was tangible. He could taste his own blood from biting his lip and trying to not scream as she touched him, but it was in vain. The moment her dark hand touched him he sprinted against the wall, clawing at it. But it did no good, it never gave, until a soft light touched the darkness and it receded. He felt the soft caress of the light but could not respond. He heard its melodious voice calling him but he had been chipping at that damned wall for what seemed months.
Today he had finally been able to make a small hole, the size of a quarter in the impenetrable wall. He tried to look out and what he saw frightened him. Beyond the wall there was a room that seemed familiar.Then he had seen a flash of blonde hair and had jumped, trying to chip at the wall even faster but he was so tired. It seemed like an eternity since he had rested.
He was so cold, he wrapped his arms around his body trying to keep warm. Suddenly he felt a soft warm touch. He could not see anyone but the warmth was extending to his whole body. He still felt wretched but the warmth was so very comforting. He let himself relax in the warm softness and soon fell asleep.When he awoke he felt energetic, more determined than ever to chip at that wall and get to the other side. He remembered that he needed to get back, but he knew that outside this place where he was, his reason for living was gone. Suddenly he was not sure if he should try to break the wall down or just stay here. He knew the dark ones had done everything to return him to their world. He had felt every pain and convulsion he had experienced while under the dark woman's control. But the soft voice kept calling him, begging him to return to her. He knew it was a trick. She did not love him anymore, she was gone, her sweet innocent spirit killed by the darkness that surrounded him.
He sat beside that wall trying to understand what had happened to him, and why should he return to that place full of death.
Nikita had noticed that as she caressed his hair he had started to relax, she slowly rose and pulled him with her to the bed. He tried to struggle but she had his hands in hers and was not letting go. She knew how much this place relaxed him, knew he loved this cabin and had dreamed of some day living here with her. That was why she had chosen this place to try and bring him out of the hell he was in. The time they had spent here was special, it was when they had started their journey back to each other. He had started to open his heart to her here and she knew that if he was ever coming back he would return to her here, at the place where they started to let their love for each other show, where he had made love to her for the first time since the Armel mission, and where he had let her crawl into his heart a little more.
She pulled his sweater off and pushed him to lie on the bed. He had pulled his hands from hers and was clutching them against his chest again. He laid on his side and as she covered him with her arms she felt him slowly relax even more. Soon his breathing was even and soft, he had finally fallen asleep.
She took the time to make a light meal and get a change of clothes out for him. She was not going to take him upstairs until he was well on his way to her. She was afraid that in one of his fear induced sprints he would fall down the stairs and hurt himself or her.Too soon for her he woke up and was now on the bed rocking softly, whimpering again. It broke her heart to see him so broken and all because section had decided that they would punish them for what had been outlawed in the past.
George had told Nikita that he had not been comfortable with Paul and Madeleine being together, and Adrian had slowly made them fall out of love, but Adrian had relaxed too much, and Paul had taken by force what she and George had built.It was strange to remember Adrian. Nikita had made herself forget many things Adrian had talked about, but one thing had started to slowly make its way into her memory, the day Adrian had told her to use Michael. She had known Michael would protect Nikita even with his own life.
Adrian had been planning to take over section and place Michael and Nikita as leaders, but Nikita had betrayed Adrian, and George knew this. He had forgiven Nikita for that, but now Nikita swore she would do anything to get Michael back and she would take steps to prevent what had been done by Madeleine.
As time passed they both fell into a routine, she would wake and after a light breakfast and shower they would take a long walk. Nikita hoped that the walks would make Michael try to come back. She would spend her afternoons talking to him, telling him what she remembered and about her life before section. He was back to his docile self again.
Sometimes she felt he was coming back, he would look at her for a few seconds the way he used to, or he would stop rocking and move closer to her when she spoke of her mother and the life she led.
Time passed slowly but she felt good. He was receptive and was now, after almost three weeks starting to fall into a routine himself.
He would still rock back and forth and whimper but when she laid him down in bed he would close his eyes and fall asleep in her arms. He had started to feed himself although only a few spoonfuls. He was reacting to his new environment, and Nikita was optimistic that he would make a full recovery. But she knew it would take time, more than she had, so she had sent a message to George asking for more time.
That had been two days ago and no answer was forth coming.
Today she finally got a truly positive response from Michael. She was combing his hair, which had grown some. When she put the comb down and put her cheek against the top of his damp head, he had stopped rocking. She put her arms around his chest and had started to speak.
"I wonder what is going on in your world? Are you so happy there that you don't want to come back? I know how much I hurt you but please, please my love come back. I love you so much, and we don't have much time. I need you and want to feel your arms around me again. Please if you can, come back." Nikita started to cry softly burying her face in his soft hair.
That is when she heard it, a soft whimper and then his words.
"Lost, lost, lost." She jumped and sat in front of him, his eyes closed and tears running down his beautiful face. She took his face in her hands and that is when he opened his eyes. They were full of pain and sadness but they were clear.
"What is lost? Michael tell me, what is lost?" She tried to make him focus on her eyes, but suddenly his eyes closed again and he slumped against her.
"Lost! Lost! Why?" His sobs grew in intensity and loudness.
Nikita became worried and tried to stand, to go get help but as she was starting to rise his arms went around her waist and he pulled her against him, crying such heart wrenching sobs and calling out her name.
Suddenly he stopped, looked at her and then ran to the bathroom, where he wretched.
She ran after him and held him against her when he finally collapsed. She helped him up and took him to the bed. He was holding her hand in his and when she sat him on the edge of the bed, he pulled her to him, surrounding her waist with his arms and burrowing his face in her soft abdomen. He started crying again.
Nikita took his chin in her hand and lifted his face to look at hers. She smiled gently.
Slowly a smile came to his face. It was the smile of a child, soft and gentle, and as innocent as after she had rescued him from Perez. She remembered how gentle and innocent he was back then.
Those three days had shown her the hidden side to Michael and that was what endeared her more to him, to see the gentleness and sweetness he hid from everyone.Later she had also seen how wonderful he was as a father. With his precious Adam he had let all pretense and masks fall. She saw a side of Michael that she had seen only once before and that made his lies and betrayal seem unimportant.
She understood why he could not return her love as freely as she gave it. She understood the reason he had finally let down his last wall and had come to her apartment that wonderful night two and a half months ago.
He had finally stopped grieving as badly as he had. He now needed her and she had given him the reason to live.
That first night had been passionate and full of love and risk. But he had stayed all night, the first of many he had spent in her arms She had soon decided to take what she could get from him, whether it be an hour or a night.
She would not ask for more than he was willing to give. Now she had to give all she had to get Michael back, and as she laid him down softly he pulled her with him. She laid down beside him and pulled him to her, his face buried in her neck and his soft breath finally slowing to a deep sleep.
Nikita let herself sleep, for the first time really holding him in her arms. She knew the healing had started, but with one week left she also knew they needed more time, at least one more month to get Michael as functional as possible. But for now, she would stay in his arms and heal his damaged and broken heart.
Michael woke and sat up slowly trying to disentangle him self from the sheets. Nikita felt him move and as fast as she could wrapped her arms around him. He looked at her and smiled, such a huge, bright smile that it lit up his face and made her breath catch.
She had seen him smile before but never like this. When she moved to stand he took her hand and softly asked.
"Where are we?"He was confused and a little scared. He remembered the beautiful angel by his side but he was unsure of who he was or what had happened.
"At the farmhouse," she spoke softly. He was still not acting like himself. She took his hand and pulled him toward her, gave him a soft kiss and told him to get dressed while she made breakfast. He looked around and tried to find the bathroom, but he was lost.
He did not know this place. He turned confused eyes to her and as she walked back to him she asked.
"Michael, what's wrong?"
He sat slowly on the bed and put his face in his hands.
Michael? That's my name? His thoughts unfocused and erratic, he remembered certain things, but others were just out of his reach.
Nikita was worried that he was going back into his shell and she tried to keep him with her.
"Michael, look at me, tell me what's wrong." She took his face in her hands and slowly made him look at her. What she saw when he opened his eyes was devastating.
His eyes were full of pain and confusion, he had tears in them and as he closed them, two fat drops fell from between his lashes and landed on her fingers.
Nikita tried to understand what had happened to make him this confused. She sat beside him on the bed and held him while he cried. After what seemed an eternity he slowed his sobbing and tried to move away. He knew instinctively that he was not supposed to be comforted, that he was to spend his life alone, but he also knew he wanted to be with this angel, he wanted her light and softness.
Nikita was starting to get worried when he did not respond to her repeated questions so she took his face in her hands none too gently and tried one last time to make him react.
"Michael! Listen to me. I need you to tell me what is wrong now." She saw his eyes open and a slight tremor run through his body, his eyes still full of tears.
Michael was trying desperately to pull his control over him like a cloak. He took a deep breath and then he spoke, his voice trembling, his French accent thick.
"I don't know, where are we? Why do you call me Michael?"
Nikita was petrified. What had been done to him? And more important how do I bring Michael back? She took his hands and pulled him to the couch, sat him there and told him to stay.
She made 2 cups of coffee and gave one to Michael, who sipped slowly.Nikita’s mind was racing. Although this reminded her of the time that he had been taken by Perez, Michael had not been drugged for weeks. What could have caused this? In the silence, Michael was trying to understand what was happening.
She called me Michael, not Michel, he thought. Why do I feel like holding her in my arms and running away? Where are we? What is this place? It's nice, cozy, but I need to get away from here. As he was thinking he tried to stand but Nikita took his hand and pulled him towards her. He stiffened at first, but soon relaxed and let her soft touch comfort him.
"I remember this, God! Why can't I remember anything?" He was not aware he had spoken that last aloud until she said.
"Michael,tell me what you do remember?" At hearing his words she felt terrified.
Michael had somehow lost his memory. What had caused it? Was it the catatonic state? The drugs section used to bring him back? Or was it her rebuff of his love that caused him to block out his whole life? A few other unimportant thoughts ran through her mind, too. "What will section do? How do I keep them from finding out? What if this is permanent?" But she did not pay much attention to them, they were irrelevant compared to trying to get him to remember.
Maybe it would be good if he forgot certain things but others had to return and soon.
As she was trying to get him to speak, a soft knock came at the door.
Nikita turned terrified eyes towards it and grabbed his hand tightly in hers. Her fear was tangible to him and he pulled her close. Slowly they rose.
"Michael don't speak. Please listen, I want you to get in bed and act catatonic."
"How? Why?" he asked still extremely confused.
"Just do it. I need time to talk to you and if they see you are back, they will take you away and hurt you. Please just do as I say. Don't react if they speak to you. If they come close just recoil and move to the corner. Please, do as I ask."
"OK." He moved to the bed and slowly began to rock, his eyes closed and his mind trying to remember anything he could.
Nikita moved to the door, slipped the heavy double lock and opened it. She was happy to see Walter and Birkoff and opened the door wider. She told them to be quiet, then she asked them to come in.
"How is he sugar?" Walter hugged her and then went to sit on the couch,giving a quick look at Michael on the bed, softly rocking with his eyes closed, he knew something was different, but could not put his finger on it.
"Hi Nikita. Madeleine sends these bags to you. She said that you will need food and clothing for five more weeks, and she sent a laptop. She thinks that if he can hear Adam he might come out of this faster." Nikita hugged Birkoff and told him to set the laptop on the kitchen table and pull up everything that he could on Michael’s file, even Madeleine’s secret files.
Birkoff looked at her with a question in his brown eyes but she quieted him with a stern look. While Nikita made some coffee and Birkoff was uploading all he could get about Michael, Walter had tried to move beside the young man.
As soon as Michael felt the bed move he opened his eyes and sprinted from the bed, crouching behind Nikita and holding on to her for dear life. He was shaking and whimpering softly so she took Michael’s hand and pulled him to her. She took two pills from the med bag and forced them down Michael’s throat. He acted so confused and frightened but took the pills and drank the juice she gave him.
"Walter, please sit on the couch. Michael gets extremely upset when anyone but me sits close to him." She tried to give Michael direction and slowly he looked into her eyes and relaxed a bit.
She pulled him to the bed and sat down with him. He was still holding her hand and rocking. A soft whimper came from him and he buried his face in his hands.
Nikita surrounded him with her arms and slowly pulled him to her lap. She spoke softly to him, caressing his hair and soon the meds had taken effect and he was sleeping, a bit fitfully but sleeping none the less. Nikita looked up to see Birkoff watching the interaction and Walter watching her with a soft smile on his face.
Slowly she moved Michael’s head to the pillow, his soft breathing showing how deep he slept. She moved to the couch and offered them a small smile.
Walter took her in his arms seeing how fatigued she was. She welcomed the hug and returned it with some trepidation. She wanted to let them know what had happened in the last two days but she could not. If section realized what was happening they would be protected, she would be the only one punished for keeping from them that Michael was back, somewhat. So Nikita stood and went to the kitchen and offered them some breakfast. Walter told her to sit, he would make breakfast.
Birkoff had resumed his work on the laptop after a small smile brightened his face. He knew that Nikita was trying to hide how tired and desolate she felt, and he knew she took comfort in their presence. He turned to the screen with a small smile on his face and worked harder to get the intel she needed, wondering why she needed it.
But Birkoff would not ask, he would do what she wanted and help her protect Michael. He had felt very sorry for breaking their trust and ratting them out to Madeleine. He knew that somehow he was responsible for all the mess they had gone through. He knew that if he had not told Madeleine about them meeting, they would have not been forced into this situation so soon.
He had been afraid of what Michael would do while so depressed after he lost Adam, but he had returned. He had been melancholic and sad, extremely quiet and tried to spend as much time alone as possible, but he had returned to them, because of Nikita.
But after the reprogramming and the last words she spoke to him, he had lost his sanity. He had not expected to see Michael become catatonic. He had seen how bad Michael had reacted to losing Simone, and it was understandable how bad he felt after losing Adam but this was beyond his comprehension. He knew Michael and Nikita loved each other deeply,but he never expected to see Michael like this.
To him, Michael was strong, invincible, not even two bullets would stop him. But now, a few words of rejection had turned the machine man into a lost soul, bereft of time and place. He did not know where he was or what was happening around him and Birkoff was afraid that this time Section had gone too far, and they had lost Michael for good.
Walter's thoughts were in the same area as Birkoff’s but he knew something was different. Michael had been receptive to Nikita. He accepted her comfort and care, but he had not seen Michael react like this ever. He knew that Nikita and Michael shared a special psychic bond, one that only soul mates shared, but this was different. It was like Michael was aware of his environment and was trying to hide it. But that could not be. If Michael had reacted Nikita would have told them, or would she?
Maybe she wanted to keep his getting better a secret until he was almost well. But why hide his recuperation? She knew that if Michael was recovering he needed medical attention.
This was giving Walter a big head ache and so he put it out of his mind for now. After breakfast was finished and the plates were washed he looked toward Michael and saw the young man still deeply asleep and asked, "What did you give him sugar?"
He stood and went to check on Michael’s vital signs. He was content to see his heart beat and breathing were regular.
"A couple of sleeping pills" she answered. "He's not been sleeping much and he has been very frightened of every noise and shadow."She walked to the bed and started to caress Michael’s hair.
The youngman turned toward her touch, and she smiled knowing he was reacting so well to her so far. But that same reaction had shown Walter that Michael was reacting favorably to his sugar. Maybe soon he would return to the land of the living and then they would be together.
Michael was a formidable adversary and once he recovered he would make Section's leaders pay for the pain and misery they had thrown upon them. But for now he had to get some blood samples from both young people and make sure the medications were administered correctly and promptly.
Walter told Nikita what he had to do and she blanched and started shaking softly. She knew that Walter would find out that what she had given Michael a while ago was not sleeping pills but a very powerful sedative and that was why Michael was basically unconscious.
She also had to stop Walter from injecting Michael. Whatever was in the serum might interfere with Michael’s ability to remember and that would make her work harder. So she stood from the bed and tried to change Walter's mission.
"What is it that you need walter?" Nikita moved around the bed to put herself between Walter and Michael.
"Sugar, I need some blood samples and I was ordered to give Michael this new serum to help him come out of the catatonic state. It has been administered before sugar, but it did not work so Madeleine had the formula altered some and had some nice results." He was approaching the bed when he realized Nikita was blocking the access to Michael. He asked her to let him do what he had been ordered to.
"Walter he is coming out just fine with out the drugs. You can take the blood but I do not want anything that might hurt him in his system."
"Sugar I was ordered to give him the serum and if I don't Madeleine will have my head. Now you don't want your uncle Walter to get punished for not obeying the ice queen do you?" He smiled and she had to admit he was right. But she had to get him to lie about giving Michael the serum.
She now understood why he had not remembered, he had been pumped full of drugs for the last five weeks with out her knowing. The weekly visits by the medic and the sedatives given had been another of Madeleine’s little experiments, and she told Walter so.
He was appalled that Madeleine would go so far as to try to hurt Michael when he was not able to defend himself.
Walter decided to not give Michael the serum. The poor man was already suffering enough without trying to induce his recovery via drugs that might do more harm than good.
Nikita enjoyed their company for a couple more hours, until Michael started to stir. As soon as Michael opened his eyes he looked around the room and suddenly he sat straight up, holding his head and rocking again.Nikita moved beside him and held him in her arms.
He was trembling and she asked Walter to check him. She was worried about this.
Michael watched as Walter moved within two feet of the bed. He tried to run but Nikita held him. He looked at her and obediently started to rock again, knowing that as long as Nikita was beside him everything would be fine. He tried to move farther away as Walter reached for him.
Walter took his arm and Michael was trembling so much he got worried."Sugar what has he been given?" He tried to look into Michael’s eyes but the young man had his face turned away and was trying in vain to get free and run.
"Nothing, the medics have been coming to take some blood and give him antibiotics and vitamins. They normally have to sedate him to get his cooperation but...." She did not finish.
"Oohh my God!! Could they have been giving him the serum without me knowing?" She took Michael’s face in her hands and looked into his eyes. They were unfocused and shiny. His trembling was bad.
Michael was trying to keep eye contact with her but he could not. His eyes kept rolling into the back of his head and he felt weak and thirsty. He held Nikita’s hand as Walter tried to examine him.
The examination took a few minutes and then Walter decided to take some more blood. He needed to test his levels and see if some drug had been administered. He would still have some of it in his system. He knew the medics had come only four days ago to examine Michael and Nikita.
As Walter approached Michael with the syringe, he sprinted off the bed and tried to stay away from them. His trembling increased so that he could barely walk, or stand. His eyes were glazed and he finally collapsed against Nikita.Walter got the blood sample while Nikita soothed Michael and tried to hold him as tight as she could. He kept coming in and out of consciousness and his skin was pale and clammy.
After what seemed hours but must have been fifteen minutes, Walter got the results back. It was as he had thought, Michael had been receiving the serum Madeleine had ordered him to give. He also had found out that the serum had a special property that made the subject extremely sensitive to suggestion.
Walter also discovered that a heavy sedative had been administered within the last 6 hours, which was the time frame when Birkoff and he had arrived. That did not surprise him. What surprised him was Michael’s reaction to the drug.
Finally Walter had realized Michael was almost out of his catatonic state, but had an idea why Nikita was keeping it a secret. If he was correct, Michael did not remember a lot of his life, and she was protecting him.While trying to find a way to return Michael's memory, Nikita had the right to keep this intel to herself. If Section found out Michael had reacted, they would take him and reprogram him. By keeping this secret, Nikita was ensuring that she had five more weeks to help Michael regain his memory.
Walter was forced to give Michael a strong sedative because he was getting more agitated and they needed to keep him calm. So after trying to corner him, Nikita was able to inject a tranq into him and a few minutes later he collapsed in her arms, The only words he said were very slurred but she understood them perfectly. "Let me die."
Carefully Walter and Nikita lifted Michael and laid him on the bed. His heart beat and breathing had accelerated as he tried to escape them a while ago, but were returning to normal.
Michael's last words had affected Nikita to an extreme. After softly laying his head on the pillow and making sure he was comfortable she stood and left the cabin, needing some fresh air.
Walter and Birkoff stayed inside watching over Michael."Walter why did Michael say that?" Birkoff was very confused by the whole scene. He knew Michael had a formidable sense of survival, but his words had affected even him. He wondered why Michael would want to die. What could be so bad that he would be willing to leave Nikita in Section alone? Birkoff sat on the couch, his face in his hands and tried to understand.
Walter was taking another blood sample and checking it against the ones he already had. He was worried about Nikita. He saw how much pain was reflected in her eyes when Michael said those last words. Her skin paled and her eyes filled with tears. Walter knew that Nikita felt responsible for Michael's condition, but he knew it was not her fault.
She was under the influence of powerful, mind altering drugs, and Michael’s reaction, while normal for him, had resulted in him losing his sanity.Walter had realized how bad Michael had tried to protect himself. He had seen it before when Simone was lost, but never to such a degree. Of course Michael had never before let himself love the way he loved Nikita. Even Birkoff had noticed how powerful and overwhelming Michael's love for Nikita was. That is what had caused this mess.
Now Walter had to find out why Michael had reacted this badly, so he dedicated himself to first checking on Nikita who was sitting on a chair outside and then looking for some antidote for Michael. If there was anything to help him Walter swore he would find it.
Nikita had not been able to stop the tears. Michael's last words had broken her heart. She realized how badly she had hurt Michael and she knew that if someone had to die it would be her. She was the problem in Section, Operations would be very glad to get rid of her. But if she died Michael, would lose it again, maybe this time forever, and she was not willing to hurt him like that. She had destroyed him once, but never again! Nikita was already devising a plan to protect herself and Michael from Section's experiments. It was risky but it had to be done. It would mean an unholy alliance with someone who could make sure that if anything went wrong with either Michael or Nikita the other would be informed almost immediately. But this had to be kept secret from everyone she knew. Only Michael would know this secret, if his sanity ever returned.
She was so involved in her misery, she did not hear Walter approach until his hand landed on her shoulder. She looked up and smiled softly.
He sat beside her and took her hand.
"Who is watching Michael?" she asked. "Is he going to be all right? The tranq will not interfere with his recovery right?" She was worried that when Michael woke up he would revert to his catatonic state.
"Sugar, I'm not sure. He has been under a lot of stress, and his mind is suffering, but don't pay attention to what he said. He was drugged and his psyche is damaged. Right now, we just need to keep the drugs from entering his system. That is the tricky part. I'll have to ask permission to administer the drugs myself. If I can do this, I'm sure Michael will regain his memory."Nikita looked at him, frightened.
"When did you realize he had returned and lost his memory?"
"When he awoke and looked at you, then started to rock. After I approached him on the bed he tried to jump, but one look at you and he started rocking again. I knew he had returned but was suspicious why you were keeping it to yourself. Then I saw that he did not recognize Birkoff and me. He was cowering behind you so I knew he trusted you but he did not remember you. Michael has a very developed sense of trust, and he only trusts one person that I have seen and that is you sugar. He did not even trust Simone as much as he trusts you.”
"Now we need to stop any drugs that are being administered to him. I will destroy all the food and get some fresh for you. I don't trust Section, they could be drugging the food and drinks."
Like Walter said, he destroyed all the food and drinks and sent Birkoff for new supplies. When Birkoff returned a couple of hours later, they stocked the shelves and put the rest in hiding. There was enough food and water for a couple of months if needed.
During the whole time Michael had stirred twice. It appeared that his nightmares had returned, but he had not awakened. Nikita knew he needed as much rest as possible because the next five weeks would be hell for both of them. She was glad there was no surveillance in the cabin. She would need all the patience she had to not only control Michael but to try and return his memories to him.
Birkoff had left Michael’s complete file and she had decided to read it while he slept. It was long and by the time she finished late at night she had realized just how much damage Section had done. His medical file was extensive especially during the periods after Simone had died and when Nikita had been missing. It broke her heart to see just how much they had done to him. Also, she finally found the answer to the question she had been asking since the war with Red Cell when it had been revealed that Simone and Michael had a son. It was true! The child had died alone at the tender age of six months, from an unknown fever. Now she knew how much Michael had been repressing and she was afraid that the task of returning his memories would be astronomical.
While she had been reading the last of the file, Michael had started slowly waking. It still took him a couple of hours to wake fully; the tranq they had used had been strong and it had put Michael under for fifteen hours, which was a miracle. He normally had such a high tolerance for drugs that he came out of any drug induced sleep within a couple of hours.
Nikita closed the file and laid down beside him to rest some, but as she was falling asleep he jerked awake and sprinted out of bed. Again he crouched in the corner and hid his face in his hands. She could see and hear the sobs wracking his body.
She approached him slowly, trying not to frighten him. As she took his hand he looked up and she saw the fear and pain in his eyes. He did not speak, all he did was look at her and launch himself into her arms. She hugged him to her fiercely. His sobs returned and all she could do was hold him. For what seemed hours, Michael sobbed. Nikita caressed his hair and face making comforting sounds until his sobs calmed to whimpers. She helped him to stand and slowly took him to the couch. She asked him to sit and wait but he would not let go of her hand so she took him to the kitchen with her. There she made a cup of soup and somecoffee. He had let go of her hands to surround her waist and put his chin on her shoulder. The tears still flowed as he watched her warm the soup and prepare coffee.
Nikita had to sit on the couch with him and feed him the soup for he would not feed himself. His eyes trying to not meet hers, shyly he ate the soup and drank the coffee. After they had eaten she settled on the couch with Michael in her arms and started to ask him why he jumped off the bed and had taken hold of her and not let go.
He looked into her eyes, took one of her hands, and slowly took a deep breath.
"I don't know. I woke up and was afraid. Did I do something wrong?" His eyes were like twin emeralds shining full of fear and pain.
"No, you didn't. You just scared me when you jumped off the bed." She took his other hand in hers and squeezed gently. She could feel the subtle trembling and looked into his eyes.
Michael turned his face away, afraid of what she would see. He had a feeling that he was not supposed to trust anyone, but he trusted this woman before him. She was gentle and sweet, and she seemed to love him. But he didn't remember anything and he was getting frustrated. He tried to remember her name. Or his name, or anything that would give him a clue about what was going on!He slowly disentangled himself from her embrace and stood. Dizzy and a bit unstable, he went to the bed and sat, his elbows on his knees,his face buried in his hands. He could not remember anything. All he remembered was being at home in Marseilles playing with his sister.
"Monique! I have to see Monique!" he said out loud. He stood suddenly and looked around the cabin, for a phone, but saw none. "I need to contact my sister," he said, out of breath.
Nikita looked at him and tried to understand but could not so she took his face in both her hands and asked, "Michael, tell me. What is the last thing you remember?"
"I'm not sure." He was disoriented and confused. He had been having flashes of images but nothing concrete, just a feeling that he was running out of time.
"Tell me what ever you remember. Please, I need to know so I can help you." Nikita had taken a seat beside Michael on the bed and was caressing his jaw softly, trying to show him he could trust her. She was afraid that he had lost too much of his life. If he was asking for his sister did he remember the bombing? Rene? Section? Her? She needed to know so she could start reminding him about his life.
Michael turned toward Nikita’s caress and slowly relaxed. He let himself feel the connection they had. He knew instinctively that he loved this tender woman and would do anything for her. He took her hand and kissed it.
Then Michael turned his jade eyes to meet hers and slowly he told her what he remembered which was not much. He remembered how he lost his parents when he was 16 years old. How he had to sell his father's firm and deal with the lawyers. How he had moved with Monique to a small apartment in Paris shortly after their parents death. He recalled that he had been trying to finish school and get into Paris University. He remembered that chemistry and physics had been his two favorite subjects. Then Michael remembered meeting Rene Dion, some sort of explosion and then nothing else.
Nikita had listened carefully to his narrative, amazed that he had lost so much! He had already suffered so much before meeting Rene, and now she had to show him what his life had been like after the explosion he remembered. She assumed this was the one for which he was caught and sentenced to prison.
Michael looked at Nikita as she kissed his hand. He gasped at the emotions running rampant in her beautiful sapphire eyes. She carefully took him to the kitchen table turned the laptop on and started telling him what she knew.
"Michael, you were responsible for that explosion. You were tried and sentenced to life in prison. You committed suicide in prison and Section then recruited you. You were trained at Section Seven for four years before being transferred to Section One. You had climbed the ranks fast. By the time you came to Section One you were level three and soon after you acquired level four. You have been in Section since you were eighteen years old." She had to stop when she saw his expression, how terrified and full of pain it was.
Nikita tried to take his hand but he pulled it away and stood. He almost passed out from the dizziness and the images that had been flashing again in his mind. He grabbed the edge of the table but missed and bumped his temple against the edge. He slipped to the floor unconscious, a thin line of blood making its way down the left side of his face.
Nikita applied pressure to the cut, while she pushed the panic button under the table. A medic appeared a few minutes later and between the two guards and the medic they carried Michael to the bed. The medic stitched the cut, applied some antibiotics and was about to inject Michael when Nikita took the medic's hand and almost broke it. She told the medic that Michael’s medication had been administered that morning. The medic tried again to inject Michael but Nikita made sure the medic would not be able to touch her love. She delivered a round house kick to his head and the medic crumpled to the ground. She told the guards to take the medic and leave, that they were not needed.
Nikita sat beside Michael, as he slowly opened his eyes. He looked around and when his eyes fell on hers he smiled. Then he remembered and touched his head. He tried to sit up but Nikita put a hand to his chest, not allowing it.
“You need to rest. You hit your head pretty hard, they had to suture the cut." She caressed his hair and her hand came to rest on his face.
"What happened? What made you react like that?" Enjoying the sweetness of her touch,
Michael didn't really hear the questions. His head hurt some but he tried to push the pain aside. He did not want anything to keep him from enjoying Nikita’s attentions.
‘Nikita! That's her name! God! Help me remember!’ Michael looked at her and smiled. He asked for some aspirin. She gave him three and then sat beside him again, caressing his hair and asked him to tell her what else he remembered. He didn't have time to answer when a knock came to the door. She stood to open it, and watched as Michael ran to the corner and started to rock again, softly sobbing. She knew tha t it was a reaction to fear.
She slowly went to the door and when she opened it and saw who was there she almost closed it in her face. Madeleine and Operations pushed open the door and walked in.
Madeleine tried to go to Michael but he started to rock harder and the sobs got louder. Nikita immediately went to him. He was either acting catatonic or he had really returned to his world of shadows. She took his hand and tried to make him stand and go to the bed but he did not budge so she sat beside him.
"What are you doing here? We still have five more weeks!" She was trying as best as she could to calm him down, but it was impossible. The closer Operations and Madeleine got to him, the more he rocked and the louder the sobbing got.
Nikita had to tell them to sit on the couch. Operations almost told her to go to hell but Madeleine grabbed his arm and with one look he quieted and sat on the couch, with Madeleine close by. They were both watching Michael for any sign of returning, but none was forthcoming.
"How is he doing?" Madeleine finally spoke. "Will he be back in the time allotted?" She was very uncomfortable watching her prize pupil in that terrible state. He had been difficult but even after Adam he did not get to this level of degeneration.
"I hope so. He is still not responding. You saw that Birkoff had to go and get new supplies? Well it was because Walter got too close to Michael and Michael sprinted from his seat and basically destroyed the whole cabinet trying to claw his way far away from Walter and Birkoff. We needed a new one plus more food." She hoped that the small lie would hold.
She needed the time to make Michael remember. It was a slow process trying to make him remember. It seemed to give him a terrible headache and she thought that maybe they had used the same treatment for him as they used on her because the symptoms were similar.
Nikita looked towards her superiors and smiled. She stood and took some steps, but suddenly Michael launched himself from the corner and was trying to open the window. He had never done that before, but she acted like he had done it many times.
She went to him, took his hands in hers and pulled him to the bed. She took two pills and forced him to drink. Then she pulled him into her arms and within twenty minutes he was deeply asleep.
She gently laid his head on the pillow and went to offer the Section leaders some coffee. They declined and asked if she needed any thing. She said no and they decided to leave. Madeleine went to sit on the bed, taking his hand in hers. But even deeply sedated, he reacted by pulling his hand from hers and whimpering softly. Nikita took his hand and he quieted. Madeleine looked at Nikita with hate in her eyes, but then shuttered them and smiled her Mona Lisa smile.
"We expect him to be functional within five weeks, no longer. If he still needs time beyond that, we might as well let him go. He is no good to us this way." Madeleine stood and walked out the door.
At the door Operations said, "I will evaluate him in one week. If he is not starting to react we will use extreme measures to bring him back!" He smiled and closed the door.
Nikita was terrified, she could not get Michael to remember in such a small period of time. He was just barely remembering some and if she pushed he might get worse instead of better. She took him in her arms and let herself sleep, but her sleep was not peaceful. It was filled with flashes of light and pain.
She woke several hours later to the sound of crying and as she moved she felt Michael sobbing as quietly as possible. She pulled him against her and asked him why he was crying and his answer was amazing.
"Because of what they did to you, how they took you from me!" He moved to the other side of the bed and slowly tried to stand but the dizziness attacked him and he almost collapsed. He grabbed the head board of the bed and took several deep breaths.
Nikita watched what happened and moved to kneel in front of him. She took his face in her hands and asked softly, almost whispering,"You remember?" But when he looked back at her she saw that it must have been a subconscious reaction.
Now his eyes showed confusion. "Remember what?" Nikita took his hand and helped him to the bathroom, drew a nice bath and helped him bathe. She remembered another time when she bathed Michael, but that time they had been playing water sports and the bath had been forgotten a few minutes after starting.After the bath she made a light dinner. She again had to feed him. He was reverting to his prior behavior and she was frightened. So she took him to the lap top and showed him the rest. Simone, their son, his mentoring her, Elena, Adam, and the loss of Adam. The results were catastrophic.
Michael seemed to be doing fine until she showed the last picture, of Adam. Suddenly he grabbed his head and started screaming for the voices to stop. Nikita was about to call a medic when he took her hand and said not to. She looked into his eyes and realized that he was remembering, but it was hurting him. During the episode his nose had started to bleed. She helped him to the couch and got a cold compress.
After several minutes he turned to her and asked her to tell him more. He remembered some but not all, and he wanted specifics. She told him that it was enough for today and closed the lap top. Then she pulled him to the bed and made him lie down. He took her in his arms and fell asleep soon after.
Nikita was frightened of his reaction to the memories so she kept the memory sessions to a minimum until Walter could take a sample of his blood and check it for the same drugs used on her. It was difficult to help Michael remember, he would forget many things after a few hours and she had to remind him again.
He started to become melancholic after the fifth day.
When Operations decided to check on Michael it was not by knocking on the door. He had filled the room with sleeping gas and had taken Michael late that night.
When Nikita awoke she looked everywhere for Michael until she decided to call Section.
Birkoff was able to tunnel into a white room camera that had been disabled. He told Nikita that Michael was at Section and was being interrogated and to get back ASAP! She took the first transport back and arrived at Section several hours after Michael had been taken. She tried to open the door, but couldn't open it so she went to Madeleine.
Madeleine was appalled at what Paul had done. She and Nikita went to the white room and opened the door. What they saw almost made Madeleine want to kill Operations.On a gurney, strapped to a machine and convulsing severely from the electric current traveling through him was Michael. His nose and ears were bleeding and his skin was pale and covered by sweat.
Madeleine pulled the plug and told Nikita to get Michael off the gurney and take him away, but Nikita could not move Michael for he was limp and unresponsive. She turned her eyes towards Operations.
"Why? I still had two days to get him to react before you were to come and check him."Operations smiled and grabbed her arm.
"He will never react. We have lost him because of you. You are responsible for his condition and you will be the one to cancel him!"
Nikita turned terrified eyes to Madeleine. "Nikita, take Michael with you, you have six more weeks to reverse the damage that has been done today."Madeleine looked at Operations and made sure he understood that if George got wind of this he would cancel both of them. She wanted him to remember that they were already on thin ice with Oversight for the key file.
Against Operations orders they untied Michael and tried to carry him, but to no avail. He was too limp, Madeleine called medical to check him, after he was thouroughly checked, the doctor came to the room and advised them that he had received a brain concussion which in his prior condition was bad, he was unconsciouss and they would give him a stimulant to awake, they needed to see how much damage the electro convulsive therapy had done, the doctor turned and spoke to Operations,
“what did you think you were doing? He is very delicate, one wrong move and he will be lost completely! You know how bad the missions are going, we are loosing operatives on every mission, we need him, but if he is not allowed to recover we will not have him sir!”
“ you will not speak to me in that manner! This is insubordination, just tell us if it worked or not” Operations was fumming, he was in deep with the last 6 missions and the loss of section 3 , it was true they needed him back functional but it was taking too long, he had to get Michael back anyway he could, “ the treatment worked before, why does it not work now?”
Nikita turned, she was appaled, “you have done this to Michael before? When? Why?”
Madeleine tried to appase operations by explaining that the last time it had been done Michael had not been in this condition then she turned to Nikita who was very angry and explained that it had been done on 4 occasions the first 2 times had been to train him the third time was after Simone was lost, and the last time had been shortly before She had returned from the dead, Nikita was speechless, how could they do this torture to their heir? They had to know how much damage it caused, Nikita turned to the doctor and said
“ can I take him back now? “ the doctor looked at her and then at the leaders.
“no we need to wake him and make sure he is alright, he will stay overnight, we will administer the stimulant and see what happens”
The doctor gave Michael the stimulant, they waited several minutes and when he finally started to regain conscioussness they called Madeleine and Operations, the leaders had to stay in the observation room due to the prior reactions Michael had to them.
Michael’s eyelashes started to flutter and open, he took some minutes to fully awake but when he did they saw what they were afraid of, his eyes were focused on a point on the ceiling, Nikita took his face and turned it towards her, but his eyes that had been clear and cognizant a couple of days ago were again dead, she tried to make him focus on her but to no avail. He was back inside his mind and this time it was worse, he was limp, unresponsive, completely gone, he did not even move or rock, just laid there looking lost.
She turned towards the window and screamed at Operations
“ are you happy now!!!! He was reacting! He was looking at me! Look at him now! He is lost, worse than before! Why? Why did you do this?” she laid beside Michael and burried her face in his neck, and cried, her tears washing the blood from his neck, the doctor had hoped that Michael would react, at least return somewhat to them, but the treatment had reversed what had been achieved.
Walter was furious he and Birkoff had been watching the whole scene and Walter stood and barely able to walk from rage went to Nikita, he told the doctor that if Michael was going to come back it would not be here, they needed to return to the cabin and this time no drugs, nothing that would interfere with the recovery, he turned to the window and demanded to take Michael home or he would call George and tell him everything. Operations was angry but Madeleine had been able to control him
“Let them go Paul, our way failed, they are too close to separate, we must try and help them if they need to be together to function then that is what we will give them, let them take Michael home and give them the time for him to recover” she smiled and turned towards the room, “ you may take him Nikita, see if he needs to be sedated for the trip, bon voyage!”
Unfortunately they had to sedate him, it was not advised but the moment he saw Operations and Madeleine he started to scream, so they gave him a heavy sedative and started the journey back to the cabin.
Nikita took Michael back with Walter’s help who had been sent to help her settle Michael, they laid him on the bed and made sure his breathing was not affected by the bleeding in his nose and ears.
Nikita was mortified that Michael had been put through more pain and was worried that all that she had accomplished had gone down the drain, now they had to wait until Michael regained conscioussness again to see how bad off he was.
Walter decided to tell Nikita what he had found in the vitamins and sedatives they had been giving Michael, she was angry when he told her the 3 first ingredients, by the time he gave the last of them she was furious! She tried to call George but could not get through, someone was jamming the frecuencies, she turned to Walter and he was having the same problem with the laptop, she started to worry, Walter gave her an imperceprible nod and she started to move around the cabin checking for surveillance, they found 3 microphones and 2 cameras, they were destroyed and Nikita convinced Walter to leave, for his own protection, he did not like it but knew he would do more good in section.
Nikita had been alone with Michael for hours before he started to respond, his eyelashes fluttered and slowly he opened his eyes, at first nothing had changed he had focused his eyes on a point on the ceiling, but as Nikita started to caress his hair and try to make him react he turned and tried to sit, when Nikita would not let him he started to become agitated and she relented, he sat up, looked around and slowly stood, dizzy and unfocused he moved to the corner and started to rock again, the tears streamming down his face, but his eyes were bright and clear, Nikita took a deep breath and approached him, he looked up and their eyes locked.
What she saw there made her gasp, where before there was pain and confusion now was rage and fear, he had locked his gaze with hers and as she got closer he flinched away from her, his fear was evident as she looked into his beautiful green eyes, she slowly lifted her hand and extended it toward Michael, he looked at it bewildered, tilting his head slightly to the side he slowly lifted his hand and touched her fingers with his, he looked up at the electricity running between them, her smile bright and genuine, she took his hand in hers and tried to pull him toward her, but he did not move, he would not release her eyes, his eyes spoke volumes and she had learned in the 5 years they had known each other to read his eyes, it had taken her many sleepless nights and huge head aches but she had learned to read his emotions and silent words in them.
Finally she released his hand and stood, went to the kitchen and made some coffee, he watched her, his eyes never leaving her face, she looked toward him and gave him a small smile, he returned her smile with a big, bright one of his own, she took a drink of her coffee and took the other cup to him, he slowly sipped and sat down in his corner, she sat beside him and enjoyed the closeness they were sharing, after they had finished their coffee, she stood, and begged him to come with her, he had begun to rock softly again and she knew the treatment Operations gave Michael had completely destroyed any progress they had made.
Michael was barely aware of his surroundings, he looked at her and smiled when she smiled, he made no attempt to move, and would not budge even if she took his hand and pulled, it seemed that he recognised her in some subconsciouss level, but for all intents and purposes he was unresponsive and semi catatonic once more, she had spent all day trying to coax him out of his corner, he would not eat or drink anything unless she gave it to him, he would not move, his knees drawn up against his chest and his head laying on them, that is how he spent the first day, but when darkness approached and she tried a final time to get him in bed he took her hand and obliged, lying on his side and bringing his knees against his chest he surrounded them with his arms and after feeling Nikita cover him with her arms he let himself sleep, and since that day when they returned from section and for 12 days the routine was the same, he would wake, smile at her and move to the corner where he spent the whole day, and at night she was able to move him to the bed, on the 13th. Day, Nikita woke up first and slowly pulled Michael against her, he opened his eyes and burried his face against her neck and softly started to cry, after several minutes his crying slowed and she finally was able to make him look at her, he stared at her like he had never seen her before and tried to disentangle himself from her embrace, but she would not let him, she asked him softly.
“Michael do you remember me?”
He looked at her, his eyes filled with tears, he covered his face with his hands, shook his head and tried to move away but she did not let him, the sobs were soft, but as he got more anguished his breathing got rapid and shallow and the sobs grew in intensity until the only sound in the cabin was his heart wrenching cries, there was nothing she could do but hold him, he had surrounded her waist with his shaking arms and had burried his face against her breast, she could feel the pain and anguish he was experiencing, she tried to calm him down some by softly rocking with him and caressing his hair, a gesture she knew he loved and had a calming effect on him, slowly his sobbing slowed but he did not let go, several minutes later she felt him go limp in her arms and realised he had fallen asleep, she laid back on the pillows taking him with her, his head pillowed on her breast and his hands at her sides, softly clenched, like a baby’s, she saw his face once more relaxing in slumber and she let herself sleep.
It had been a heart wrenching 2 weeks since Operations had used the E.C.T. on Michael
and the effects were still evident, Michael had started to respond slowly, he would move around the cabin when she walked with him but recoiled from the door, she was able to get him to eat, he would still not feed himself but he had eaten more in the last 3 days than in the prior 12.
She was worried about his sanity, for where before he had responded to prompts to move he now would barely budge from his corner, she had placed a pillow and some blankets so he would be more comfortable, he still followed her with his eyes, never leaving her face, even in sleep he would turn instinctively toward her, that was the only time he ever moved from his corner, and it had taken her 17 hours to achieve, he still sobbed constantly and the rocking albeit slower was still going on.
Walter had come 3 times and those times she had been forced to sedate Michael for they were the only times when he got violent, he would scream and rock faster sobbing loudly and his eyes would get wild, he would not move from the corner but when he first reacted in that manner they had seen Michael hyperventilate into unconscioussness, and Nikita had been terrified that he had gone mad, they had finally realised that it was Michael’s self defense mechanism, an unconsciouss way to escape the torture of his situation.
The days went by slowly, every day she gained an inch with Michael, he had been reacting to the sound of her voice, her touch, her smiles and tender care, but still he was basically catatonic, he was not doing anything on his own and that was worrying everyone, he should have reacted by now, and his progress was extremelly slow, even George was worried.
Nikita had been doing everything in her power to bring him out of his semi catatonic state, from walking him around the cabin, to listening to his favorite songs, the last attempt had backfired somewhat, she had decided to use Adam to try and make him react, so she had gotten Birkoff to connect her laptop to the surveiilance at Elena’s house, his reaction was not bad, per se, he took a couple of hours to react outwardly, he had remained rocking, but after a couple of hours of listening to Adam and Elena play and talk he had started to cry quietly.
He stood from the corner and went to the bathroom, the sobbing got louder and as Nikita followed Michael to the bathroom she saw that he had taken the knife she had hidden under the sink, she tried to move closer to take it from him but at that moment he looked up and she saw fear and absolute devastation in his jade green eyes, she looked at Michael trying to show in her eyes all the love and fear she had for him, he turned away and swiftly closed and locked the door.
He positioned the knife against his left wrist, and pushed slightly, a few drops of blood surfaced and he pushed harder, but while Michael was distracted by the knife cutting his flesh Nikita was pounding at the door, making a big hole in the middle, but she took long to get the hole made and by the time she kicked the door in he had already made the cut and was now sitting on the floor, his wrist slashed and bleeding profusely his head bowed his breathing heavy and rapid, he had lost a large amount of blood.
Michael had started to sob as he locked the door, saying softly under his breath. “ the monster must die” Nikita had not been able to really understand what he had been saying until she had broken the door down and saw the loss of blood, as she approached him he turned to her and smiled, he let his eyes roam all over her face and said his first words in weeks,” the monster is dead” and then he blacked out.
Nikita grabbed his wrist and wrapped it in a towel, putting as much pressure as she could on the wound, she then pulled Michael’s inert body outside the bathroom and toward the bed, she was able to carefully lift him into the bed and ran to call the medic who arrived several minutes later and proceeded to stitch his wrist and check his vital signs, his breathing was rapid and shallow, his heart beat was erratic, he was as pale as alabaster .
His blood pressure was within safe limits which meant they would not need to give him a transfusion, but he had to stay in bed for at least 48 hours, he finished bandaging Michael’s wrist and left.
Several hours later Walter arrived and gave Nikita some special sedatives for when Michael woke up, he watched as Michael was slowly awaking.
His eyelashes fluttered and slowly his eyes opened, his sight was riveted on a spot for several long hours until Nikita could not stand it any longer and had gone to sit beside Michael, she took his hand and softly caressed his curly hair, it took several more hours to get him to react at all, but slowly he turned his face toward her caress and closed his eyes, his face showing a grimace of pain and desolation Walter had rarely seen, but when Michael opened his eyes and focused his attention on Nikita, she was able to see some recognition in his eyes, but he recoiled from her and tried to move but dizziness assailed him and he landed on his knees, slowly he crawled to his corner and tried unsuccesfully to stand and run, the dizziness again dimed his barely awake mind, he leaned back against the wall and closed his eyes,
He again tried to run but Walter stopped him with a tranq dart, which emdeded itself by accident above his heart, he collapsed immediatelly and Nikita and Walter went to him, they moved Michael to the bed and were able to keep him sedated for 5 days, they finally decided to wean Michael from the drug induced sleep he had been on for 6 days, and so Nikita spent 24 hours waiting til the heavy sedatives Michael had been under left his system and he started to awake, his eyes opened and were unfocused and lost for several minutes but slowly he closed his eyes again and when he opened them again a few minutes later he turned toward Nikita and smiled, a soft, shy smile, Nikita moved to sit beside him and he flinched away from her, he sat up and looked at her with huge, wild eyes and asked. “ where are we?”
Nikita moved enough to watch his face “ what do you remember?”
He looked at her confusion shining in his jade eyes, “remember? Where am I? Who are you?”
She felt the pain of those words deep in her heart, he did not recognize her, he did not even know where he was or what had happened, she slowly moved to sit beside him.
“ Michael what do you remember?”
Michael looked confused and a soft line of worry and frustration was noticeable on his forehead, he looked down at his hands and examined them slowly, after a few minutes he looked up and answered.
“Not much, where is Simone? Who are you? Where are we?” he was starting to become agitated so she took a deep breath and gently brushed his hair off his face.
“Michael we are in a cabin in brussels, my name is Nikita, you trained me almost 5 years ago, what year do you think this is?” she turned her face away from his roaming eyes and started to fix the bed sheets.
Michael looked at Nikita confused and tried to stand, this time the nausea and dizziness were not that bad, on unsteady legs he walked around the cabin and asked.
“is this one of section’s safe houses?”
Nikita smiled knowing Michael’s love for answering a question with a question, and she stood and walked to Michael who had stopped at the window and was frowning, wondering why there were bars on the windows, he turned toward her and she slowly walked closer, as she got to within 2 feet of him he started to fidget and tried to move away from her proximity, his head hurt severely but he had been trying to hide the pain from the beautiful woman in front of him, but she took a couple of aspirin and offered them to him, he smiled and took them swallowing them dry, he turned back to the window and she put her hand on his shoulder and asked him again what date it was and when he looked at her again there were tears in his eyes and he answered so sincerely.
“ I don’t remember”
She moved her hand to his and pulled him to the couch, offered him a cup of coffee and when he accepted she made some and gave him the cup, and answered him as truthfully as she could.
“ Michael this is nov. 1999, and I am Nikita, you trained me almost 5 years ago, Simone was lost 3 years ago on a raid to glass curtain, it took you a long time to recover from her loss” he turned away and tried unsuccesfully to control his pain, but it was like the first time, then the flashes started, he let the coffee cup slip from his numb fingers and kneeled on the floor, grabbing his head and rocking rapidly, his eyes closed and full of tears streaming down his perfect cheeks, his nose bleeding.
Nikita kneeled before him and tried to take a hold of his hands, he looked at her and softly whispered
“ Nikita?” and then he collapsed into her arms.
Michael awoke with an intense pain in his head, he looked around but did not recognize where he was, his eyes slowly fell on the angel asleep by his side, her golden hair fanned out a few strands touching his face, he was confuzed and scared, he looked around the cabin and finally found what he was searching for, but his eyes kept falling back to watch the angel sleep, he knew he needed to get away, the pain was increasing and his nose was starting to bleed, he moved slowly, careful not to wake Nikita.
He stood and walked to the window, watching the early dawn make it’s precense, he took the bandage off his wrist and sliced the stitches off, slowly and carefully he slashed his wrist again, the pain in his head was severe and the images were flashing again, he turned and walked unsteadily to the door.
He managed to open it and slip out, he turned to the right and moved, the dizziness, pain and numbness were his constant companions, too late did he realise it was freezing, he had walked out with a T-shirt and sweat pants, socks, no shoes, he put his arms around his body for warmth, the pain in his head was increassing to an inhuman level, he could barely see, black spots dancing in front of his eyes, his breathing rapid and shallow, he stumbled and fell, landing on his injured wrist, he had not realised that he was leaving a trail of blood, he crawled to a tree and used it’s trunk to pull himself to his feet, the effort almost making him pass out, his eye sight blurry and the numbness was overcoming him, he looked toward a flash of light and the images started again.
The pain had increased with each image flashing through his mind, landing on his knees, and grabbing his aching head he watched and listened as they got stronger.
“ I didn’t kill anyone!”
“ you want a machine not an operative”
“ if she fails, you fail”
“do I have to love, honor and obey?”
“ you got jealous because I love him and not you”
“ why shouldn’t I pull the trigger?” “ I can’t think of a single reason”
“you should have let him do it”
“ Michael, I love you”
“I don’t expect your support, but I do expect your love”
“get over it” “ get over loosing my son?”
“ you must find a reason to live”
“ it was the kindest thing you’ve done “
“ we can’t be casual , Michael”
“ you’re the only person in the world I trust”
“ we’ll be together, I’ll find a way”
“ I don’t love you anymore” suddenly the pain left, his eyesight was blurry, he couldn’t breathe and his heart hurt from the excertion of trying to pump the diminishing amount of blood in his body, he felt dizzy and nauseaus but he stood and kept moving, he knew now he had to get away, give her freedom,
“I knew it would happen, I always kill the ones I dare to love!” his knees buckled and he fell, the cold making him numb, his lips were turning purple from lack of blood and oxygen, plus the cold was slowly freezing him, he pulled his knees up and wrapped his arms around them, he never imagined that this would be the way he would die, frozen to death and utterly alone!
Many things went through his mind, he remembered the day his sister was born, how he was mad at his parents, he did not want a sister, but the moment he looked into her innocent eyes he swore he would protect his little sister, he would die for her, how she loved to play in the fields close to the chateau, her sweet adoring smile, that same smile erased after the death of their parents, how she tried to have dinner on the table for him when he returned from school each day, the pain he saw in her eyes when he was sentenced to prison, his first painful days at section, the first look at Operations and Madeleine, how they frightened him, Simone, sweet gentle loving Simone, their beautiful son, he knew section had taken him, he was a distraction and would not be allowed, the day he lost Simone, how painful it was to leave her, his injuries not allowing him to fight and return to her, the day Nikita arrived, how his heeart that he thought dead had started to rage against his rib cage at his first look in her eyes, their first kiss in section before the bower mission, his utter love and pain when he thought her lost after the explosion, his relief when he had her in his arms in Lyon, his beautiful Adam, the precious face of Elena, the last time he made love to Nikita.
His mind was slowly going numb, the cold and loss of blood making his last moments fuzzy and unreal, he took one last painful breath and said her name as a prayer “ Nikita “ then darkness covered him and he embraced it llike a lover.
Meanwhile Nikita had woken and was looking for Michael, she saw a few spots of blood and started to follow them, they led outside, she called the guards and medic and soon they were following the not so fresh spots of blood, Nikita’s heart constricting as she saw how they increased, every few steps the spots seemed to multiply until they found a large spot, frozen, they stood and kept following the increasing amount of blood on the ground.
Nikita had been praying that they found Michael soon, he was not dressed for this weather, the jacket was still in the cabin with his shoes, which meant he was barefoot and in his sleep clothes, she found the next large spot of blood, not yet frozen, which meant Michael was close, they looked around and as Nikita looked around a particularly big tree trunk she saw a dark figure lying on the snow, unmoving, she approached the figure and when she was close enough to touch him she screamed, it was Michael and he was not breathing, the pool of blood under him was frozen, she called the others and soon the medic had Michael breathing, but not on his own.
They needed to get help, he was slowly degenerating, his breath was getting harder to get into his lungs, and his heart beat almost non existent, they bandaged his wrist and wrapped him in blankets, they carried him to the cabin where they proceeded to try and revive him, he was unresponsive, had lost an extreme amount of blood, his blood pressure too low to count, tears frozen on his face, his lips almost black.
Nikita was sitting beside him holding his cold, frozen hand, the medic was trying unsuccessfully to revive Michael, the guards were told to go and get all the supplies from the camp, the medic left alone with Nikita and a slowly dying Michael, while the medic suttured his wrist Nikita breathed life into him, the soft, warm flesh had turned hard and cold, she could barely discern a pulse, slow and erratic, but still there, they had to warm him and had brought all the blankets and covered him with them, the crisis was just starting, they had to call section and advise them, Nikita was adamant about moving Michael, he had not responded well to being at section.
The medic reminded her that lately he was not responding at all, he was frozen and soon he would die, they needed to get a transfusion into him, plus warm I.V. fluids, the medic was afraid that this would be the last time he would treat Michael and was not happy, the young man deserved a life full of happiness and children, but this is section and you take what you can get.
When the guards returned they started the I.V. and blood transfussion, the guards were sent away and only the medic and Nikita remained beside Michael,his skin was pale and tinged with blue, his breathing was raspy and shallow, he was not breathing on his own and that worried the medic.
He was able to get Nikita to keep breathing for Michael while he called Madeleine.
Madeleine was beside herself knowing that they might have already lost Michael, the news were not good, she went to tell Operations and he enraged took the remote control and threw it at the window, poor Birkoff was now showered in glass, his techs and computers completely surrounded with broken glass, he looked up toward the tower and locked eyes with Madeleine who gave him a small smile, he turned and looked at Walter who had come out of his room to watch the glass fall over Birkfoff, Birkoff shrugged and turned to tell his people to clean up the mess, he stood and walked to Walter and told him the news, they were both extremely worried about not only Michael but Nikita, she was not in the perfect state to deal with a suicidal Michael, they were watching the clean up of comm when Madeleine walked in and told them to pack and get enough supplies to take to the cabin, they were being sent as support for Michael and Nikita, they left 1 hour later, several med bags and other machines to keep Michael alive, they knew that if they moved him he might not make it back.
Back at the cabin Andrew the medic had been breathing life into Michael for over 1 hour now, his pulse and heart beat were slow but returning to normal, but Michael was not breathing on his own and that was the worst, they imagined Michael had been outside walking in that inclement weather for about 2 hours maybe more, and unconsciouss for at least 15 to 20 minutes, which translated would mean he might very well be lost.
The freezing weather had maintained his body alive but in a hybernation like state, as they had increased the blood supply his skin had started to turn pink again but he was not responding and the medic was worried that Michael had slipped into a coma, if that was the case he was lost!
Nikita was beside herself, her mind was running wild wondering why he wanted to die? Then a thought occured to her. “ what if he remembered? And thought that she wanted him out of her life? In his present state of mind he would let go, and disappear, take the precense of pain from her. If that was it then she had to reasure him she wanted him back now! So she walked to Michael’s side and took his hand, kissed him on the lips while Andrew was checking his pulse and started to whisper in his ear.
“ Michel mon amour, sejour avec moI !” ( Michael my love stay with me!)
she started to caress his hair and trace his features with her index finger, a very intimate touch and gesture. Her tears slowly flowing down her cheeks, she knew it would be difficult for Michael to come back, he was on the edge, one push and he would be gone, she thought “ he has suffered so much, why not let him rest?” she looked toward Andrew and saw the same question in his dark blue eyes, it was just a matter of not breathing for him, he would slip out of his body softly, effortlessly, just a small push would let him finally rest, but Nikita was selfish, she wanted Michael back, in her life for many years to come and she took hold of the breathing mask and started to breathe for Michael again.
Suddenly the door flew open and Walter and Birkoff ran in, the guards followed with 2 machines, a ventilator, a heart monitor and 3 bags full of medication, they put the ventilator and heart monitor beside the bed and Andrew proceeded to intubate Michael, after that now that the machine was breathing for him the heart monitor was placed and they covered him, Nikita had not left his side and looked a fright.
Walter tried to pull her away, to eat something, but she would not budge, she kept whispering to him to come back, to not leave her, she laid down beside Michael, trying not to dislodge any tube or I.V. line that was going to him, she fell asleep sometime later listening to the sound of Michael’s heart beat and his slow, even breathing.
Nikita awoke several hours later to the cabin eeirly quiet, she sat up and looked at Michael, he was still not breathing on his own, the heart monitor showing his heart beat, she moved to the kitchen and sat on the window sill, with a coffee cup in her hands, and she fell into a quiet reverie, she remembered everything that she and Michael had gone through, from the moment she opened her eyes and saw him sitting beside her watching her, to the last time he touched her in her apartment, after the Genefex fiasco.
Michael was fighting a loosing battle, his last coherent thought after faling on the snow was how sad he was he would not spend another night in Nikita’s arms.
He had heard her calling him, but could not respond, he was cold and he could not move, he felt her touch and gasp as she felt his skin, almost frozen, she took his face and tried to make him react, he tried but could not muster the strength to move or make a sound, he heard the others come and bandage his wrist, they lifted him and carried him to the cabin, It hurt to breathe, he could not do it on his own and slowly he fell into a dark abyss, he turned and saw Nikita holding him, begging him to stay with him, but he was flying, his journey was short. He again turned and found himself in a big room, full of pillows, he looked around and saw shadows beyond the walls, as he looked around he heard a voice, loud and omnipotent call his name.
“Michel, why are you here?” the voice asked.
Michael was frightened, he felt a soft touch and then a light appeared in front of him, the light was soothing, he smiled and asked. “ where I am?”
The voice responded. “ where do you want to be?”
Michael thought for a minute and smiled. “ with Nikita that is where I want to be”
The voice laughed. “ I am sorry but you will never be with Nikita again”
Michael suddenly realised he was dead, a feeling of dread and fear rippled through him,
“ why? Tell me where I am!”
The light moved closer and said. “ you are in hell, where you belong! Nikita will never come to us, she is of the light, you are of the darkness!” the light became glarring, hurtfull to Michael’s eyes and he screamed.
“ NO! I can’t be, I want to return to her!” out of nowhere he heard a scream, pain filled, and then he was suddenly transported to a different room.
Warm and gentle light filtered through the soft gause like walls, and an angel appeared, her form was that of his mother, he looked at her transfixed and smiled when she smiled, she took his hand and they walked to a couch, they sat and she took his hand in hers, asking softly, in the accented voice he remembered
“ Michel my son, what are you doing here? Your time is not finished yet on earth.”
“ Maman? Where am I?”
“ you were in hell my son, but god let me bring you to us, but you are not to stay, you must return, she is waiting for you.”
“ who Maman, no one is waiting for me, no one wants me back.” he turned and started sobbing , she took his face and made him look at her.
“my dear son, you have many who love you back on earth, your beautiful son, your friends, and Nikita.”
At the mention of Nikita he looked up into eyes identical to his, and said.
“ but Maman she does not want me anymore, they made her stop loving me!” tears ran down his face, melting with the softess of her hands on his face, he missed his Maman so much, but he knew what she said was true, he could not stay, Nikita needed him, she would not survive section alone, not even in her state, he turned and saw his Maman had said something, he smiled and asked her what she said.
“ I said she gave her eternal life for you, you have felt her innocence and purity, she is an angel sent to you, she was not supposed to leave heaven for many lifetimes still, but when she saw the pain you were in, she chose to give up her eternal life and go to you, you don’t remember the time a few years ago after your wife died, that you were in this same spot, and she chose to go to earth and suffer for you, to save your soul from eternal damnation, and she did, she saved your soul, now she is there, crying for you, dying a little bit each day for you, and you are here, you must choose, if you stay she will follow you soon, but she will not come to heaven, she will be sent to the pit of despair, where the suicides go, but if you choose to go, you must promise me something, that you will always be there for her, you will never let anyone separate you, together you are invencible, apart you will die.”
He looked at his Maman, and smiled, he had to return, to protect his love, his soulmate, and so he took his mother’s delicate hand and kissed it, and as he turned his eyes toward her’s he saw the same purity of spirit that Nikita had, he knew at that moment his mother had been an angel sent to his family for a short time and he understood why she had left him, she could not stay longer, god needed his Maman back in heaven, and softly, he said
“ I must return Maman, I am sorry that I was not the son you deserved...”
Before he said another word she smiled. “ you are exactly what god made, you are exactly where god intended for you to be, if you were not in section many people would die, without you everyone that has touched your life would have never had a smile or someone to love, you are the son I raised and love, we are very proud of you my son! “
She then smiled and stood, she gave Michael a kiss and told him to go, she turned and walked toward a shadow, then disappeared, Michael suddenly was flown back and landed painfully in his body.
He could not breathe, there was something in his throat, and he moved his hand and realised it was a breathing tube, swiftly he extubated himself, at the sound of choking Nikita had run to his side and started screaming at Andrew to do something, then they saw Michael’s eyes open wide, scared, they saw him extubate himself and Andrew went to him, Nikita was holding Michael while he coughed and tried to wretch.
The pain in his head was severe, he was cold and he could not feel his legs, he looked at Nikita and a soft smile spread through his face, he took her hand and slowly brought it to his lips, they were cracked and bloody but he needed to kiss her, to feel her soft skin on his, he looked into her eyes and tried to speak, but no sound came out.
He started to panic, he could not speak and he could not feel his legs, they were dead weight, he turned bright green eyes toward Nikita and tried to explain without words what was happening, she smiled at him and asked.
“ Michael how do you feel?” she held his hand tightly against her breast, making him feel the pain and fear she felt.
He made some gestures and Andrew brought a writting pad to Michael, Michael wrote,
** what happened?**
“ you don’t remember anything?” Nikita was trying to smile through her tears, she was worried that his amnesia was permanent or worse.
** remember what? Where are we?** he looked into Nikita’s eyes and a small smile tugged at the corners of his delicious mouth.
“ we are at the cabin in Brussels, what is the last thing you remember?”
Michael looked around and realised that they were at his cabin, but it looked different, he remembered what she said to him in her apt. And then nothing, he looked again at Nikita and tears started to flow down his face, he lied down and tried to turn onto his stomach, but his legs were not helping, so he covered his face with his shaking hands.
** what happened to me? Why can’t i remember anything after that night? Why am i here?**
Michael was terrified, he knew that if he could not walk he would be canceled, and that was not an option, so he wiped his face with his hands and that is when he noticed that his hands were cut, raw, bleeding, he turned them and saw his nails, light purple in color and fingertips somewhat numb, he looked at Nikita and then at Andrew and grabbed the pad and wrote
** what happened to me?**
Andrew took one look at Nikita and knew he had to step outside, she had to explain everything that had happened in the last 3 months.
Nikita smiled at Michael and asked him if he needed to relieve himself, he nodded yes, and between Walter, and Andrew they took Michael to the restroom and gave him some privacy, after that they laid him on the bed again and Nikita took the plate of soup and brought it to him, she sat on the bed beside Michael and started to explain.
“ ok first i want you to eat as much as you can, while you are eating i will explain what has happened ok.”
He nodded and started to eat the soup slowly, he had eaten about half before Nikita started to explain everything.
What had been done to her by Madeleine, what she told him, how he reacted to her rebuff, and all that had happened since that fateful night 3 months ago.
Michael stopped eating and lowered his eyes, looking at his hands he started to assimilate all that Nikita was saying, how he had lost his sanity and became catatonic, how he tried to kill himself various times, and all that had transpired, when she said it had been 3 months he grabbed her by the arms, he was shaking and she took his hands in hers and gently caressed them, she knew the shock would set in soon and she had to be strong.
He was so tired, his eyes kept closing, but he could not rest until he asked one last question.
He pulled his hands from between hers and grabbed the pad and as smoothly as he could wrote
“do you still feel the same way? Do you love me? “ he turned his face away and sank into the pillows, trying hard not to cry.
Nikita’s eyes were full of tears that she let fall, “ Michael look at me please, I love you so much! The programming was broken, i almost died but i do love you, i remember everything now.”
Michael looked at Nikita and tried to move, but he could not move his legs, and he was getting mad, he took her hand and slowly smiled, a bright, huge smile, full of love and happiness!
He then took the pad again and asked “ why can’t i move my legs?”
“ohhh Michael, you escaped and tried to kill your self again, this time we almost lost you, you spent aproximately 3 hours in the snow, without shoes or a coat, when we found you you were not breathing and were almost frozen, plus you had torn the stitches from your wrist and had lost alot of blood, Andrew thinks that the freezing temperature caused some damage in your body, he thinks the loss of feeling on your legs will return soon, but can’t be sure until some time passes.”
Nikita turned Michael’s hand in hers and slowly caressed his palm, kissing his cuts and bruises.
Michael had listened to all she said and could not believe he was so lost he attempted suicide 3 times, he tried to move his legs but could not, he could not feel anything below his waist and that scared him so very much.
Michael tried to move away but his legs were not helping at all so he looked at Nikita and through his eyes he begged her to help him, she did, she took Michael’s legs and softly moved them enough so he was comfortable, she laid down beside him and put her arms around him, trying to impart as much warmth as she could.
Back at section Operations was doing some explaining of his own, to George, Madeleine had been summoned and arrived as the screaming got louder.
“ gentlemen, everyone is listening to you, please tone it down some.” she took the control and darkened the window and proceeded to sit and wait out the storm.
“Listen to me you both were ordered to give special treatment to Michael and Nikita.” George looked at Madeleine and continued, “ and i did not mean scramble her brains, and play with Michael’s psyche!”
Operations was furious, he wanted nothing more than to have the priviledge of choking George, but one look at Madeleine and he kept his temper in check, he would vent his anger on Madeleine later, she was ultimately responsible for this whole mess anyway!
“ George, you told me to handle the relationship carefully and quickly, you wanted the personal component taken out of the relationship and i obeyed.” Madeleine was grasping at straws when she said this because she knew he did not mean to make Nikita a section machine without feelings, but she did what was best at the time, and still she was mad that the programming had not taken, but she could not do anything now, her first priority was to return Michael to his former self, she would deal with the usurpers of her throne later.
“ Madeleine, you know very well i never meant for you to destroy our two best operatives, i asked you to deal with the relationship, not to destroy it! “ Geroge was furious but he was biding his time, he already had his plan underway and would take down Operations and Madeleine soon enough.
Operations decided to interfere and said “ she is not toatly responsible, we had to get their numbers up and that made us see the need to fix Nikita and take the personal component from thier relationship.” Ops was smiling but not for long, because Geroge responded to this swiftly and with deadly force.
“ you were ordered to deal with the situation and now you have basically destroyed section, i should take command immediately and cancel both of you for this travesty, but i have something better, from now and until Michael and Nikita are in shape to fully return to their duties, i will assign a special attache to section one, her name is Jade and she will report directly to me, no mission will be approved without my personal authorization and you both will give Nikita and Michael enough time to recover fully from this game you played, Jade will be my eyes and ears and if i get any news of the two of you playing any more mind games you both will be canceled immediately! DO YOU UNDERSTAND! “ this last was screamed at Operations face.
Operations looked at George and both stared at each other for several minutes, until Madeleine stepped in between both men and said “ yes Geroge we understand perfectly.”
Geroge then called Jade into the room and proceeded to debrief her on her duties and introduced her to the section leaders, Jade was a pettite red head with big almond shaped green eyes and she was beautiful, her skin creamy and soft, she looked to be no more that 23 years old and she carried herself with such regality that Madeleine wondered if she was not a born princess fallen on hard times.
They smiled at each other and then Geroge walked out followed by Jade, Operations and Madeleine stayed in the tower talking and planning a way to get this Jade out of the section before she found their carefully done plans.
Michael had been unable to sleep or rest, he got even more scared when he could not regain the use of his voice, his hands were numb, his chest felt heavy and stuffed, he had started to have a fever and had been trying to hide it from Nikita and Andrew, but as it started to get higher his skin started to get flushed and sweaty, and soon he had lapsed into a delirious state.
“STOP!!!!! NIKITA RUN!!!!!!” Nikita had been seating on the kitchen table drinking some coffee and when she heard Michael screaming she dropped to the floor and came up looking for any invaders, but as she saw nothing she looked towards the bed and Michael wrestling with his body to get off the bed, she screamed for Andrew and ran to Michael’s side, he was burning up and his skin was flushed bright red, his eyes tightly shut and he was sweating profusely, Nikita had to sit on top of Michael and hold him to her chest to stop him from moving, he was wrestling her and crying for her
“ PLEASE NO! DON’T TAKE HER AWAY!!!!! “ and more tears sprang from his eyes,
Suddenly he stopped, opened his eyes wide and arched up, Andrew came in at the moment of Michael arching his body like a bow and starting to convulse, between Andrew and Nikita they pulled Michael completely off the bed and held him until the seizure stopped, it took approximately 15 minutes for Michael to go totaly limp, his breathing barely audible, his skin hot and clammy to the touch, Andrew checked Michael and realised the fever was extremely high, 106.6 , Nikita was holding an extremely limp and unresponsive Michael in her arms, his neck so limp it Lolled against her arm she was afraid he was dead, she kept moving her fingers lightly between his cheek and neck, Andrew took a syringe and drew some blood, then he helped Nikita move Michael onto the bed again.
“Nikita his fever is extremely high, how long has it been this high?” Andrew had decided to leave them alone until he heard Nikita scream his name and he had run full speed to the cabin.
“ I don’t know, he would not let me touch him, for hours, i realised how bad off he was when he started to scream for me to run, i thought we were in danger and tucked and rolled, but realised Michael was delirious and that is when i called you.” Nikita was terrified, she knew Michael had kept her away so she would not know he was feverish, but why? Why would he want to get even worse? Nikita startled when Andrew grabbed her arm
“ sorry what were you saying?” Nikita said when she realised Andrew had asked her something
“ I said when was the last time he ate, or drinked anything?”
“ About 3 hours ago, I gave him some lemonade and he drank thirstily, he seemed warm then but i did not pay much attention due to the condition he was in, you told me that his skin would feel warm to the touch due to the I.V. fluids and the change in skin temperature after his near freezing” Nikita was holding Michael’s hand and she knew Michael could die at any moment, his fever was extremely high and he was tossing his head side to side on the pillow, his voice gone again.
Andrew went to the kitchen and pulled some ice from the ice chest and put it in a bag, he ordered Nikita to call the guards and have them bring his med bag and call section, the fever was so high Andrew was afraid that Michael would not survive this, he was not sure for how long the fever had ravaged the young man’s body but if they had any chance of saving Michael they needed to bring the fever down fast.
Nikita filled 3 of the 6 bags with ice and took them to Michael’ she put 1 bag under each of Michael’s arm pits and held 1 on each side of his temples, Andrew had put 1 bag on each side of his scrotum and was checking Michael’s temperature when an enraged Walter ran into the cabin followed closely by a heaving Birkoff, they both looked toward the bed and a naked Michael covered by ice bags and Walter went to Andrew and gave him the syringe ready with antibiotics to bring Michael’s fever down.
Birkoff stood frozen in the middle of the room, tears slowly falling down his cheeks, he could see how difficult it was for Michael to draw each breath and Birkoff knew these might very well be Michael’s last minutes on earth.
When Andrew Introduced the I.V. with the antibiotics into Michael’s vein, he felt the pulse jump and slow down, he looked into Michael’s eyes and checked the temperature again, it had gone down from 106.6 to 106.3, they needed to keep the ice coming and as the dr. Turned to tell Walter to get more ice, he saw Birkoff frozen and in tears in the middle of the cabin and went to him, Andrew pulled a semi catatonic looking Birkoff to the couch and checked him out.
Birkoff was still watching Michael on the bed and as the dr. Pushed Birkoff into the couch he saw Birkoff shake violently, turn and scream.
“ why him?” then he ran out and Nikita looked at Andrew and Walter, Walter ran after Birkoff and finally caught up with him at the camp. Birkoff was inside the tent in a corner his knees drawn up to his chest and he was crying softly, Walter approached Birkoff and kneeled down beside the boy, Walter put one hand on Birkoff’s shoulder and birkoff launched himself into Walter’s embrace, Walter did not know what to do except hold the crying boy and try to make him talk, after several minutes Birkoff quieted some and Walter pulled him to the cot, and aksed him.
“ hey little buddy, what happened? Why did you react like this to Michael’s illness?”
Birkoff looked at Walter and still shaking some he took Walter’s hand and said
“ Walter he deserves to be happy, he has suffered so much, and now he will die! I swear if Michael dies i will personnaly cancel Madeleine and Operations!” after he said this he stood, cleaned his face and went for a walk, Walter had never seen Birkoff so attached to anyone but his sugar and to hear the kid speak about Michael in that way made him proud, he knew Michael was cold and seemed indiferent to Birkoff but he also knew that Michael liked the kid very much and was very proud of his achievements.
So Walter went back up to the cabin to explain what had happened, but before he set a guard to follow Birkoff and take care of the kid.
Back in the cabin Nikita sat frozen holding Michael’s het hand in her cool one, she had turned at Birkoff’s scream and had not been able to do anything but watch him turn and run away, Walter hot on his heels, Nikita was still in shock about Michael’s condition and seeing Birkoff act so wild and sad had broken her heart, she knew Birkoff admired and worshipped Michael like a big brother and she knew Michael liked the kid alot, but as she came out of her shock she saw walter walk back into the cabin and asked
“ how is he Walter? Will he be alright?” Nikita had turned back toward Michael and was frantic to see him tossing his head side to side and mumbling something, she kissed Michael’s hot mouth and laid her cheek against his, he stopped moving and snuggled his face against hers, she could hear the noise that his breathing made and knew he was developing pneumonia, and that was serious, they had to move Michael back to medlab and bring the fever down soon.
But Andrew did not want to move Michael, specially back to the place that had almost killed them, if Michael was to get better he would do it at the cabin, so he convinced Nikita that staying at the cabin was safer for all, Nikita turned from holding Michael and asked
“ Andrew, why isn’t he getting better? He has been on antibiotics and medication for 4 days now, he should have gotten better, not worse.”
“ Nikita he has Pneumonia, early stages, plus his blood loss affected any medication taking effect, he is in a very delicate condition, we almost lost him and if the fever does not come down soon .....” he shook his head sadly.
“what? If the fever does not come down soon what will happen?” Nikita was so frightened, for the life of her soulmate
“He’ll either get better or he’ll die. At this point, that’s all I can tell you. I’ll be back later to check on him.”
Nikita looked at her watch as she bathed Michael’s chest and arms with alcohol. It was nearly four in the morning and seven hours since Andrew left her alone with Michael. She’d managed to keep his fever from rising, but it was still so high that Michael was delirious for long periods.
Twice she had to fight him to keep him still and most of the night she listened to partial conversations between Michael and a myriad of imaginary tormentors. The most heartbreaking of which were Michael’s apologies to Adam and his pleas for his son’s forgiveness.
Suddenly Michael went silent, his breathing shallow and labored, the fever still ravaging his system and taking away any strength he had left.
Nikita decided to lie down beside him and try to calm his erratic movements and shaking, she took his hand in hers and put her arm around his chest, putting her cheek against his and he snuggled closer to hers, she gasped at his unconsciouss movement to be closer to her, he started to calm immediately But the fever and I.V. line made it harder for Nikita to surround Michael with her arms.
Andrew had walked in the cabin to check on his patient and saw how calm Michael became the moment Nikita’s body came in contact with his, he went to the kitchen to make some coffee for Nikita and himself.
In Michael’s delirium he could feel things out of context, he felt the coolness of her hand holding his, he heard her sharp intake of breath as he unconscioussly snuggled his face Closer to hers, he knew he was dying, the pain in his chest was severe, he could not draw breath, it hurt to breathe, his heart was racing and he hurt all over, he heard Nikita talking to him but he could not answer her, he tried very hard to speak but no sound came out, he needed to tell her so many things, he did not want to die without telling Nikita how he felt, how much he loved her, he felt a strange disengaged feeling, he could barely hear Nikita speaking to him now, her touch felt distant, he was drowning in a black, bottomless place, he could smell the odor of death close by, he felt the cold hands trying to grab him and pull him into the black abyss, he tried to push up, every stroke a painful one, he could barely breathe, water entering his mouth and nose and making him gag, he knew this was the end, he would never hold his angel in his arms, he resigned himself and stopped swiming, he had given up, the hands took a hold of his legs and pulled, he took one last breath and held it as much as he could, he felt his lungs bursting with the need to breathe, his vision going black and he stopped struggling, he did not know that his body had stopped breathing and Nikita was hysterical crying to the dr. To save Michael’s life,
“Andrew he stopped breathing!” Nikita grabbed Michael’s face and tilted it back and started to breathe for him, Andrew checked his pulse and it was barely discernible, he was sure that this time Michael would not return, he took a syringe and injected 5 milligrams of digoxin into Michael’s vein, and waited 5 minutes while Nikita was breathing for Michael after the 5 minutes were up Andrew checked his pulse again and it was better, but Nikita was still breathing for him.
Michael’s slight conscioussness was fading fast, he closed his eyes and let himself go limp and at that precise moment when he could feel his soul departing his body a bright light encompassed him and he was pulled from the black waters and was thrown into a swirling sea of colors, he was floating and felt warm and happy, as he opened his eyes He saw a bright light that hurt his eyes and suddenly he started to breathe again, his sharp intake of breath frightened Nikita who grabbed Michael and held him tight against her breast, crying her goodbyes to the only man she had ever and would always love.
At this precise moment Walter entered the cabin and watched horrified as Nikita held a dying Michael in her arms, he was sad to watch the young man finally lose the battle for life, he wanted to rage against this young man leaving this earth so suddenly, but he could only watch Nikita’s cries for Michael not to leave her.
Andrew heard Michael’s intake of breath and had to ask Walter to help pull Michael’s innert body from Nikita’s clutches, Walter took Nikita’s hands and pulled her with him to the chair, Nikita was writhing and kicking to get lose, meanwhile Andrew was checking Michael thouroughly.
“ let me go!!! He can’t be alone when he dies!!!!!! Please let me hold him please!!!!!!”
Nikita was in a hysterical state and was doing all she could do to get loose and go to a dying Michael but Andrew turned to her and told her Michael was breathing on his own, he had returned, now if they could get the fever down he would be ok.
Walter let Nikita go and she rushed to Michael’s side, held his burning face between her hands and kissed him all over, feeling his slight breath on her cheek, she cried tears of fear and happiness.
Michael started to wake, his eyelashes fluttering and he could feel a warm body beside him, warm soft hands surrounding his chest, he could feel the warm and sweet breath of his beloved against his neck, and suddenly he opened his eyes and moaned, the light too bright for his sensitive eyes, he closed his eyes against it and moved his hand to cover his eyes, Nikita was awakened by Michael’s moan and sat up calling for Andrew while taking Michael’s hand tighter in hers, Michael felt the soft fingers suround his hand and he squeezed her hand tightly, and with a barely audible whisper said.
“ Ni- Ki- ta ? “Michael turned towards her and stared at her with smoky jade, fever bright eyes. he tried to move but was unable to move his lower extremities and in a flash he remembered his ordeal, he covered Nikita’s hands that were around his and looked deeply into Nikita’s frightened cerulean eyes, he smiled faintly and tried to sit up, but was pushed down by Nikita, Michael looked at Nikita as she said
“Yes, Michael, I’m here.” Nikita pulled the bed sheets back over him
“Why?” He asked confused.
“Because I love you, that’s why.”
He shivered violently and looked away again. “C-cold,” he muttered.
Exhausted by emotion and her long vigil, she wrapped her arms around him tightly.
“I love you, Michael. Please, please, don’t die!” She stroked his hair and kissed him as she wept.
“Please God, please don’t take him away.” Nikita prayed for the first time in years. “He’s all I have, please don’t let him die.”
In her embrace Michael grew quiet, terribly so. Nikita pulled back to look at him, fearful at what she’d find.
“Michael?” She touched the pulse point in his throat, then closed her eyes with relief. His fever had broken at last and he was finally in a restful sleep. She brushed her fingers lightly over the tiny beads of sweat on his forehead, then kissed him there. “Thank you, oh thank you!”
She turned as the door opened to show a very desheveled looking Birkoff, his hair standing on end, his cheeks showing many days of beard growth on them and wild eyes, Birkoff moved toward the bed and saw Michael’s eyes closed a faint smile in his lips.
Andrew went to the bed and checked on Michael again and saw the fever had gone down and Michael was sleeping deeply.
Nikita laid down beside Michael wrapping her arms around him and soon fell asleep, she awoke at the soft movements beside her, Michael was having a nightmare and was crying softly, suddenly he started to shake uncontrolably and all her attempts to wake him did not work, she turned and called out for Andrew who had taken the couch as a bed.
Andrew sat up and ran to the couple on the bed, he took Michael’s pulse and vital signs while the young man still shook severely, he looked at Nikita and went to get his medbag, he pulled out a vial of Methylpenidate a stimulant to wake Michael, he drew out 10 miligrams and injected it into Michael’s over used vein and waited, slowly Michael started to awake but the shaking had not stopped.
Michael’s eyelashes started to flutter and he started to move his head from side to side, suddenly Michael opened his eyes and as the light hit his over sensitive eyes he closed them tightly and turned his face toward Nikita’s touch, he took a few more minutes to awake fully, his eyes opened and searched for his beloved, when his eyes locked with her frightened ones he smiled faintly and tried to sit up, Andrew pushed him back down and told him to lie still, Michael looked at Nikita and then at Andrew. “ I’m so c-cold.”
Nikita took the blanket Walter offered her and covered Michael with it, but his shaking was still severe, Andrew was baffled by the reason why Michael was shaking so much, and called the guards to bring him his complete medical kit which had been stored on the trucks.
Andrew started to ask Michael questions while giving Michael a complete check up
“ what is your name? How old are you? Where do you live? And who are we?”
Michael was very confuzed and dazed, he just looked at Andrew and held Nikita’s hands even tighter, he felt himself shaking and did not understand why he felt so weak and ill.
He finally asked what had happened, and Andrew again asked him the same questions.
Michael was getting impatient, and he tried to sit up, but his legs would not move, and he looked at Nikita and then at Andrew and crumpled back on the pillow, his eyes full of tears and his breathing becoming erratic and shallow, Nikita asked him the same questions and in his dazed state he could not answer, he looked from the dr. To his beloved and simply said, “ what are you talking about?”
Walter came closer and asked Michael if he knew where he was and Michael noded yes, then he turned his wide green eyes toward Nikita and told her his name, where he lived and how old he was, she almost passed out as she heard his soft whispered answers, Nikita closed her eyes and kissed Michael with all the love she had ben holding inside for 5 years.
Andrew told the guards to put the 4 medical crates in the garage, and then he called section to let them know Michael had come through the worse of his fever.
Madeleine was very happy to hear that Michael’s recovery was going good but was concerned about the shaking and confusion, she told the dr. To stay at the cabin to monitor Michael’s progress, and to make sure he did recover well, after that Madeleine walked to Operations tower and sat down to give Operations the news about Michael’s condition.
Back at the cabin Michael was struggling to think clearly, but he was so cold and he felt so weak, it hurt to breathe and he could not stop shaking, he watched as Walter and Andrew opened 2 of the crates and took the instruments out to set them in the garage, he was very sleepy and his eyes kept closing, but Nikita kept him awake.
Nikita asked him softly . “How do you feel?”
“tired, sleepy. A little hungry.” He pointed to the IV in his arm. “When did I get this?”
“two days ago. You don’t remember?”
He shook his head.
“Your fever went through the roof. Andrew came by and doubled your antibiotics.”
“You look tired.” He commented, stroking the tender skin of her hand.
“I got a little sleep. I’ll be fine. Do you feel like eating?”
He nodded his head and tried to sit up, but Andrew told him to stay in bed, he looked at Nikita confused and disoriented and still shaking alot, she explained that he had been very ill and Andrew wanted to do a thorough check up, blood work and all.
After Andrew did as many tests as he could think of, he saw Michael getting agitated and distraught, Nikita was trying to calm him down some, but he was barely able to understand,
the fever and drugs were playing with his mind, he was exhausted and wanted to sleep, but it had been over 12 hours and he could not sleep, the feeling in his legs was not returning, and his chest was still heavy and congested, he had been on antibiotics and a mild sedative for almost 24 hours now and nothing was helping, Andrew and Walter were taking turns watching Michael trying to understand all that had been happening in the last 3 and a half months, but to no avail, he was still distraught, so when Nikita woke up and started walking toward Michael his reaction to her was unexpected.
“ No! Stay back! “ he covered his face with his hands and started to shake, Nikita looked at Andrew and moved to the bed, as she touched Michael’s shoulder he trembled and started to shake more, his sobbing was heart wrenching.
“Michael what’s wrong? Tell me, you know you can tell me anything.” Nikita was caressing his hair softly, her voice whisper soft, trying to soothe him and calm him down, but he was shaking badly, he turned toward her and with a barely audible whisper he said
“ I’m no good to anyone anymore, just cancel me now Kita please, Madeleine will use me, just stop this now, please.” he buried his face against the pillows.
Nikita took his shoulders and gently guided him into her embrace, she was so worried about him that she never saw he had somehow gotten a hold of her gun and was slowly raising it to his temple, but Walter walked in at that moment and ran toward the bed and pulled the gun away from Michael.
“ No! Let me go! No more! “ and he started to fight them, as much as he could, he was out of control with grief and Walter had to make a last moment decision, either try to speak to him and help him deal with this logically or sedate him for now and after he rested he might be more receptive, so he decided to sedate him, which turned out to be a war of wills.
Andrew walked in and filled a syringe with ativan a strong sedative and proceeded to walk to Michael’s side, Michael was struggling as much as his limited strength could allow, between Walter, Nikita and Andrew they held Michael down and While Nikita held Michael's arm, he injected the contents of the syringe. It contained a strong sedative/tranquilizer. The sedative had an immediate effect, Just before Michael lost consciousness, he had only a moment to lock eyes on Nikita, before darkness claimed him.
Nikita could see the jerky movements Michael made and his soft whimpering and knew he was experiencing a night terror, she sat at the kitchen window and looked out toward the mountains.
He was treading through the darkness...fighting to make way through what felt like a heavy blanket of gloom which slowed down his every move. He could feel someone watching him..and he knew he was going to die.
The lights flickered off and on and he barely saw the movements of the shadows on the walls...calling for him and warning him of his impending doom. One of the voices was warm and pleading for him to come to her..the other was dark and cold and told him there was no escape. The room began spinning around him and he felt only the cold hard steel in his hand and the presence of someone standing behind him. Sweat glistened off his forehead as he swung around and pointed the gun at the masked figure behind him. As the explosion of gunfire ricocheted through the room, he began to bolt for the door. That was when he heard the cold hard laughter..and he knew that the darkness was still alive..and coming for him.
He raced over to where the body lay on the floor and reached down to find a pulse..for he had to be sure that this madman was dead before he could escape...to find Nikita. He felt the blood stream onto his hand and he reached to pull off the mask, to find who had been searching for him all these months.
His heart dropped when he felt the silky hair fall around his hands and he looked down into a pair of glazed blue eyes. She was dead..and he had been the one to kill her. Sobs racked his body and he pulled her into his arms. He picked the gun off the floor and placed it inside his mouth. Before he pulled the trigger, he had time to only scream her name..."NIKITA"...
She had heard his cries and she raced to him and stopped for a brief second, to watch as his body convulsed and he screeched her name and then lay silent on the bed.
He felt her place her gentle hands on his forehead, and he opened his eyes to find her eyes filling with tears as she stared at him...and he knew then that it had been a dream. But he could not stop the tremors which ran through his body. His body racked with the violent seizure as he grabbed her hand and mumbled repeatedly.
"Just a dream..just a dream.."
"Michael?" She saw the fear in his eyes and for a moment, understood his confusion and agony.
“ It’s ok Michael i’m here, calm down, “ she kept running her hands through his hair and making soothing sounds as she watched him try to bring under control the trembling to no avail.
Walter and Andrew had been sitting outside talking when they heard Michael scream, Walter ran into the cabin to watch Michael arch his body in a severe convulsion and then go limp.
"Is there anything we can give him?" she asked Andrew who was standing a few steps away,
"Yea, yea, hang on a sec," he said, and he rushed to the table to get the medication.
"I'll give him this tranquilizer..it should calm him down...Yes, you need to calm down Michael" he injected the syringe into his neck and then Nikita moved Michael into her arms, he was so limp he looked at Nikita and grabbed her hand.
“ please let me go, i’m no good to you anymore, i can’t protect you, please Kita, please....”
his eyes slowly closed and his breathing became less erratic, Nikita nuzzled his face which was buried against her breast, and laid him down on the pillows, softly moving an errant curl that had fallen into his forehead.
“ Andrew why is he like this? He wants to die! Why?” Nikita ran into Walter’s embrace and gently he manuvered her toward the couch, sitting down with her and holding her until she was calmer, Andrew slowly made his way toward them after checking on Michael.
“ Nikita, he is in a deep depression, because of his inability to move his legs, he is terrified of being canceled by section, he prefers you to cancel him.”
“ Sugar listen he is not thinking clearly, he is too distraught, he needs you Sugar, you have to be strong for him, keep him alive.”
Nikita moved away from them and walked to Michael’s side, she stretched out her hand and caressed his cheek and watched as his face turned toward her caress, even deeply sedated he reacted to her nearness, she smiled and asked the men to please leave them alone, then she removed her clothes and climbed into bed with him, she gently moved his head to lie on her shoulder and a soft smile appeared on his lips, she kissed him and fell asleep.
Nikita awoke from a nightmare, her breathing erratic, her body sweat drenched, she did not remember what the dream was about but as she moved she felt the warmth of Michael’s body beside her and she looked down at Michael lying limply in her arms and gently ran her hand through his hair brushing it back from his eyes.
She moved to the door to go get some wood.
Michael awoke to find himself in bed, blankets drawn up over him, stripped of clothing. Lifting his head from the pillow he closed his eyes as the room started to spin crazily around him, letting his head sink back onto the pillow, swallowing hard against nausea and grimacing at the pain in his throat.
Breathing deeply helped to center him, to push back the nausea, and he didn't know how long he lay there, just breathing, before sense began to return. Carefully, he slid hands under him and pushed up, arms giving way beneath to send him sprawling back onto the bed, his rapid breath stirring hair that had fallen forward to cover his face. Setting his teeth and striving to set aside the dizziness, he tried again, the muscles in his arms trembling but not giving away. Grasping the headboard he pulled himself up to a sitting position, fingers gripping the headboard till knuckles went white as he battled a fresh wave of dizziness. Shouldn't move, a practical part of his mind told him, he felt it then, his legs would not move, he looked at his legs and tried to move them, but to no avail, he moved back against the head board and he shivered as he drew the blanket tightly around him and laid his head against the head board. Just a short rest, he told himself, and you can think of how to deal with this, allowing eyes to drift closed.
Nikita walked into the cabin to see Michael slumped against the head board of the bed, his hands tightly clutching the blanket, she put the wood down and walked to him, sat beside him on the bed and caressed his cheek, Michael came awake with a jerk, his eyes unfocused searched for hers, when they locked she could see the pain and misery in their depths, she hugged him and he laid his head on her shoulder softly whispering
"I won't last long...this way." he said hoarsely, forcing words past dry throat with an effort.
Nikita moved away and looked at him, tears coming to her eyes, she stood and moved away.
“ what do you want me to do Michael? I will not lose you, not now! Why is it so difficult for you to wait? Andrew said it could take up to a month to see any significant improvement, why do you want to die?” Nikita went into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and gave it to him, he drank thirstily, and gratefully returned the bottle to her, she looked at him and slowly ran her hand through his hair
"Sleep, my love i will be outside call me if you need me alright.” she whispered and slowly moved to the door, she glanced back to see Michael moving down on the bed, and lying his weary head on the pillows, she smiled and walked out, sitting on the chair beside the door, hunched over and cried herself into a restless sleep.
Wrapping arms around himself as he started to tremble in reaction to what she said, he did want to die, he could not live paralyzed, he lay there, unable to sleep, for the longest time.
There was not even so much as a clock in the room to mark the passage of time and Michael's sleep patterns had become so disturbed his body didn't know day from night. his body striving to recover from loss of blood, had slept deeply and long and when he awoke, Nikita was there trying to get him to eat but he would not, he knew he was starving himself, Nikita was worried, he had not eaten anything in over 9 days, his skin pale, his eyes surrounded by dark circles that made his paleness more noticeable, Andrew tried to reason with him, even Walter and Birkoff had come to convinze him to fight, but to no use, he would lie in bed, shaking and willing himself to die, Nikita had become his shadow, she would be beside him when he fell asleep from exhaustion or sedatives, and she would be there when he woke up.
One morning he woke up to find himself alone, it had been 3 weeks since his suicide attempt and he was feeling weaker every day, he could barely stay awake, he turned and saw the mirror sitting on the night table and a thought came to mind, he had to do it now, while he was alone, Michael took the mirror and broke it against the table,he was able to extract from it a sufficiently big shard of glass. Ignoring the sting of cut fingers, he one handed tugged up first one sleeve then the other, switching the glass from hand to hand. With the shard of glass held tightly in his right hand he drew in a deep breath and started to lower the glass to his left wrist, already starting to steel himself against the pain. Just a small pain, it'd be like nothing compared to what he'd suffered in the past, and then he could rest... His hand froze with the glass just inches from his left wrist, as he flashed on an image of Nikita, her cerulean blue eyes full of tears, he could not do it, he could not make her suffer like this, he threw the piece of glass down and covered his hand, his fingers still bleeding, he laid his head against the back board and sighed, he loved her too much, if he was going to die he would die like he lived with honor and strength, his eyes filled with tears, he could only close his eyes as a single tear slid down his cheek.
Nikita walked into the cabin after having taken every thing that could be used as a weapon to the camp, she walked toward the bed and saw Michael lying on his back and the blankets pulled up to his chest, cinnamon hair falling across his forehead. "Michael." she whispered, laying a hand on his cheek, but there was no response from him, not even so much as a twitch. She let her hand slide down his cheek and to his throat, feeling for his pulse and swallowed hard before pressing her fingers against his throat. At last he stirred, a moan escaping him, hands coming up to weakly push at hers. "No...please..."
"Michael...shh...it's me." He opened his eyes to look at her, his own dark and dazed, blinking as he brought her into focus, and his hands fell back, eyes closing again. Brushing his hair back she could see how pale he looked, his pulse was sluggish under her fingers
His eyes opened again and this time he seemed more alert, swallowing painfully as he touched her arm. "Leave me..."
“ Michael do you really want to die?” she took him in her arms watching for his response
Michael shook his head weakly eyes a little wild as they met Nikita's . Michael jerked, stiffening briefly in her arms and then going suddenly limp, head lolling to the side.
Nikita screamed and clutched him to her breast, crying for Michael not leave her, Andrew came in at that moment and took one of Michael’s limp arms, pressed his fingers to his wrist and sighed with releif at feeling the pulse, sluggish but still discernible, he looked at Nikita and smiled.
“ he is alright, just working the sedatives out of his system.” He helped Nikita lay Michael back against the pillows and she kissed his mouth, noting how pliant it was, his body so limp, A tear escaped from one eye and she laid her cheek against the top of Michael's head, arms tightening around him. She was not going to let him die.
Nikita had laid her head on his chest, and fell asleep, several hours later he stirred in his sleep, brow furrowing as his head moved on the pillow. He muttered something under his breath and a sigh escaped him as he went still once more, whatever nightmare had gripped him seeming to fade. Silent for a long moment, only the sound of his breathing in the room, and then he gave an anguished moan, twisting on the bed and whispering the same word over and over: "Non..."
eyelids fluttering. Nikita awoke with a jerk at his movements, she gathered him into her arms, a hand stroking his hair soothingly as he struggled weakly against her. "It's okay, it's okay, you're safe."
Bit by bit he relaxed in her arms, the trembling easing and his breathing slowing, and as she started to extricate herself from Michael, his arms went around her waist and his head laid against her breast. With a sigh, she settled back, her hand still stroking his hair, pressing a kiss against the top of his head.
Despite the awkwardness of the position Nikita managed to doze off, awaking hours later from a light sleep as Michael shifted against her. Rubbing her eyes she lifted her head a little and smiled at seeing Michael still lying against her, arms wrapped around her waist.
In his dream he was somewhere dark and cold, shivering and hugging arms to himself as he moved through the darkness, looking for some way out. And with the darkness was an anxiety, a knowledge that *they* were out there somewhere, As he walked the feeling of being watched grew so that he imagined he saw the flash of their eyes every time he turned his head, his movements becoming slower and slower as the darkness enfolded him. Cold seeped into his bones, making him shiver spasmodically, and every step was like pushing through some unseen barrier.
All through it he could hear her voice calling his name, a soft, seductive whisper with the promise of warmth and peace. he could feel his strength draining away, the will to fight fading...
And just as he felt himself start to fall a hand caught his, a golden prescence providing light in the darkness, arms wrapping around him to shelter him from Section’s siren call, exuding a warmth that drove the chill from him. A voice whispered nonsense words, drowning out Operations voice, drawing him up out of the nightmare and into consciousness.
Michael awoke to find himself in bed, his head resting against a soft breast, arms around a slim waist, and slowly lifted his head to see Nikita looking down at him.
"Hi there..." she said with a weary smile.
"Where...?" He grimaced at the soreness of a dry throat, the word little more than a croak.
"Here--" Gently she nudged him and he released his hold on her waist, Nikita slipping off the bed to find cup and water. In one drawer was a box of straws and she stuck that in the glass, taking it back over to Michael. "Drink."
He forced himself to drink slowly, stopping when the glass was half empty, and Nikita placed it on the sink, going back to the bed to take his hand. "How do you feel?"
"Tired..." he whispered, closing his eyes and feeling himself start to shake with relief.
After all he had done to her, said to her, and yet she was willing to risk her own life to save his...he closed his eyes against the threat of tears and felt her squeeze his hand.
"It's okay, Michael. We'll get through this."
"I'm...scared." It hurt to make that admission, to allow her to see his weakness, but he was so tired... "I can’t ...feel my legs."
A chill went through Nikita at seeing the fear in Michael's eyes, Michael who had never been afraid of anything--except perhaps his own feelings.
“ you will Michael, it just takes time to get the muscles to regain their strength.” she pulled his hand to her mouth and kissed it.
Despite his weakened condition he held onto her hand with grim determination, pride warring with desperation, a plea in his eyes. "Promise me, Nikita."
"I...promise." His grip on her hand eased and he closed his eyes briefly, weariness dragging at him. Fought against its pull, not wanting to fall into that dream again, and felt her lips press against his forehead in a soothing kiss.
"Rest...I'll be right here. I'm not going anywhere." With her hand clasping his, he let himself fall back into sleep, his slumber dreamless this time.
He slept a great deal, aided by sedatives Andrew administered through the IV, decreasing the dosage as time passed, and Nikita sat with him, watching him for any signs of dreaming. With the sedatives he didn't seem to dream but once Andrew lowered the dosage, the nightmares returned, seeming only to ease when she held his hand and talked to him.
Physically his recovery was slow, his legs started to twitch and tremble, slowly he could start feeling his legs, a dull ache making him wince every time he moved. His depression had stayed, he would barely eat and he would only move to take care of basic needs, his legs were slowly getting stronger, but he could barely move them, he tried to stand one morning and his legs would not hold him, he slipped to the floor limply, his soft cries waking Nikita, she moved to him and pulled him into bed again.
Nikita was worried, he was recovering nicely, his physical injuries slowly healing, but he was not sleeping and his emotional and mental well being was being threatened, this was not like him, Not like the Michael she was accustomed to and it worried her to see him so listless...
Andrew came to the cabin and spoke to Michael seeing how depressed and full of anxiety he was he took the syringe from his bag and drew some clear liquid
“ I'm going to give you something to help you sleep, okay, Michael?"
He nodded slowly, extending his arm, and Nikita looked away as Andrew gave him a sedative, forcing a reassuring smile as she helped Michael lay down. Whatever Andrew had given him must have been especially strong for his eyelids were already starting to flutter and Nikita took his hand in hers, holding it as he slowly sank into sleep, fighting it all the way.
Breathing deeply, Nikita reached out to brush a lock of hair from his eyes, her fingers trailing down his cheek, and felt a prick of tears in her eyes.
The first night the sedatives kept Michael asleep but on the second night, Nikita had sat and watched him as he twisted in his sleep, the nightmares stronger now, struggling against them stopping only when she soothed him. It was exacting a heavy toll on her as well, sleeping sporadically, waking with even the smallest sound, an effort to force herself to eat.
But at last, after the third night, the nightmares seemed to fade; whether or not that was a good thing Nikita was not sure, it was enough that at last Michael seemed to be pulling a little out of the depression he had sunk into. Apathetic and uncommunicative in the daytime, a listlessness in him she had never seen before, she was afraid of him killing himself, Nikita had made certain there was nothing sharp in the room that Michael could use to hurt himself.
On the third night she had curled up next to him on the bed in the hope that physical contact might calm him, as it had before, and she awoke the next morning to the feel of his cheek pressed against her head. Sighed and wanted to just snuggle up against him, forget about the world, but his soft voice brought her head up. "Nikita..."
Raising her head, she studied him, seeing circles still under his eyes, but some of the darkness had faded from his eyes, a little of his old calm coming into them. "How are you feeling?" she asked quietly.
"Better." His eyes went from her to the door and back to her, a mute plea. Raising herself she went to the door and made sure it was locked, extending a hand to help him up to a sitting position. He closed his eyes briefly, drawing in a deep breath, and wrinkled his nose. "I need a shower."
"Want some company?" As soon as the words left her mouth she blushed, the blush deepening as he arched an eyebrow at her. "I meant..."
"I think I know what you meant." He took her hand and raised it to his lips, pressing a kiss against her knuckles, eyes somber as he regarded her. "If it wasn't for you...I would have been lost. After everything that's happened between us...I don't know why you did this--"
"Yes, you do." Nikita moved closer to him, reaching out a hand to place it against his cheek, her thumb rubbing against his cheek. "For the same reason that you risked so much for me, to keep me alive...even when I didn't care anymore. Love."
Michael smiled a little but there was pain darkening his eyes. "You could do better than me."
"I asked Madeline once if you even had a heart. She said that you loved deeply once...and that she didn't know if you could again." She let her hand trail down his cheek and to his mouth, finger tracing his lips. "For a while, I didn't think you could... but somewhere deep inside me I always knew you had the capacity to love again. Just as I knew someday we would be together..."
Just her touch was enough to warm him, to drive away the lingering shadows of his suicidal depression, and he surrendered to the impulse to draw her closer, to press his mouth against hers. Drew her down onto the bed atop him, the two of them setting aside all worries and concerns, letting the heat of the moment take them away.
Nikita succumbed to the magic of the kiss. She lay back on the bed and Michael followed, lips and arms intertwined, lying on top of her.
The kiss deepened, and they held each other tighter, as the rest of the world receded from their awareness and they became lost in each other. There was nothing real other than this; there was no time other than now, that moment.
His kiss was at first tentative, and soft, lips exploring gently. With incredible tenderness, he teased her lips apart to taste her inner sweetness with a manner that was almost reverent.
It was like being kissed by an angel, she thought, his caress a combination of gossamer lightness and passionate strength. They went on sharing this holy moment.
She felt soft kisses pressed to her palms, then her fingers. Then her arms were gently turned outward, first the right, then the left, and Michael's warm mouth came down on the inside of her wrist, nibbling gently.
It was erotic; it was..... enchanting. Nikita let her self relax back against the pillows, her fear dissipating, to be replaced with a haze of erotic languor, and something like awe, that she should be the center of such intense, focused desire, and reverent worship.She could hear Michael's breathing quicken as his mouth slid up her forearm and licked the sensitive spot on the inside of her elbow.
Even with his difficulty to move his legs he was making Nikita cry to feel him trying to bring pleasure to her.Nikita moaned and arched her back on the bed. She hadn't expected these careful, gentle caresses to arouse her so. To be with Michael, to feel his touch, was exciting.
Michael responded to her soft moan by slipping his hands under her blouse, trying to pull it up and away from the already taut peaks of her breasts.
Nikita leaned down to remove her clothing and help Michael with his, As she moved back up, Michael leaned forward to claim her lips in a kiss. She tangled her fingers in his silky hair and pulled him close, deepening the kiss. At the same time, Michael's hand stole up to caress one perfect, firm breast.
The kiss was tender, and Michael's expert caresses even more so. Her breasts were beautiful, small but perfect, thrusting up, the pert pink nipples taut and beckoning to be touched.
Michael bent his head and engulfed the taut pink nipple in his mouth while moving his hand down to caress her most intimate place.
Nikita arched her back and gasped , moaning out her pleasure as his fingers aroused her while Michael suckled her firmly. She threw her head back and closed her eyes, lost in passion."Mmmm, ahh...." she whimpered softly, and arched her breasts up into Michael's lips and hand, both ceaselessly, magically teasing her.
Michael swirled his tongue around the aching, hard peak, lavishing the sensitive tip with soft licks and gentle bites. Then his mouth slid off the hard nub, down the underside of her breast to lick the tender skin there, and back again, to once more capture her nipple between his lips.
Nikita felt an answering tug deep within her body as her feminine core tightened with longing. Her breaths came in short gasps and she writhed on the bed. Needing more, needing Michael to end her torment, she mindlessly reached out for him,
"No, not yet," Michael warned softly, pulling back before Nikita could touch his hardened manhood"Michael, please..." she begged in a passion-drugged haze, holding out her arms to him.
Michael smiled at her, his green eyes glowing, and leaned toward her to give her another gentle, light kiss. "Shhhh, 'Kita," he soothed softly against her mouth. "There's plenty of time..."
He began to trail his fingers lightly over her belly in soft, feathery strokes. Nikita quivered under his touch.
Michael slid his hand down slowly, sensuously gliding it down the length of her thigh to her knee, and then traveled up, fingernails gently scratching the tender flesh.Nikita moaned and closed her eyes as the sweet passion flooded her at their gentle caresses. Whimpering, she bucked her hips, urging the arousing fingers to go higher.He obliged and slowly moved his hand higher until he cupped her mound, Nikita moaned her pleasure and slowly she felt Michael's skilled fingers part the soft curls. He carefully teased the outer lips of her womanhood back, revealing the intricate pink folds within
Michael moaned softly and then moved between her invitingly open legs and lowered his face to Nikita's softness. He inhaled deeply, savoring her fragrance, and then closed his eyes and dipped his tongue into her moist depths.
"Ahhh... ohhh.... yes.... yes...." Nikita cried out, arching her hips against her young lover's hot mouth and digging her hands into the coverlet as her whole body quivered and tensed under his devoted caresses.
His lips and tongue ravished her eagerly, exploring, seeking, discovering, invading all her secret places.He drank in the flower's nectar, his tongue darting and swirling inside her enchanting mysteries. He was intoxicated by her, her womanhood filling his senses and overwhelming him - her taste, her feel, her smell, her warmth, her sweetness....He had never felt this way -- he was burning, he was flying, he was spinning, spiraling out of control.... He was going to explode...
Her raw femininity touched him, reaching a place deep in his maleness. She... completed him.
Michael had slowly eased his entire length into the woman beneath him, until now her womanhood engulfed him completely, their bodies joined as close as it was possible to be.
Nikita closed her eyes and savored the feel of him in her depths, feeling somehow whole again, as if the missing piece of her soul was now returned to her.
All her thoughts fled, however, when he began to move inside her, his hardness intimately caressing every inch of her yielding softness.
She moaned aloud and clutched him to her, fingers pressing deeply into his shoulders. His broad back undulated beneath her hands, even as his lean hips moved sinuously against hers, his whole body moving over hers in an exquisite, ancient dance.
It was not just bodies that were joined, but hearts and souls. Michael felt a sweet singing in his heart, and with each powerful thrust it grew louder, taking on a faster rhythm.... He realized after a moment that it was his own hoarse sighs, wrenched from deep within him as he thrust over and over again into Nikita's soft depths.
Michael's pace quickened and he began to touch Nikita everywhere, with his mouth and hands, even as his manhood touched her from the inside.He slid his mouth along her jaw and then tasted her earlobe, biting gently, then nipped at her throat, tongue lashing across the sensitive skin. His right thumb found and captured her nipple, rotating it in small circles until it hardened achingly under his touch.
She shivered, as the combination of caresses overloaded her senses and left her mindlessly quivering in waves.
Michael was as elemental as the waves as well; each thrust was insistent, inevitable, eternal, as he surged into her again and again, crashing his body wildly against the soft sand of her shore. And, like waves, each stroke was different, some playful and teasing, some quick and tender, some slow, majestic, and deep. Each touched her in a perfect way, each moved her, with their vastness, depth, and power.
"Ahh, Michael..." she gasped out as she quivered beneath him. Her senses seemed heightened, as if she could taste him, hear him, through her skin. It was if every cell in her body responded to his nearness.
The feel of his hair-roughened thighs impacting against hers with each thrust enhanced her excitement more, even as his hard belly writhing against hers brought her closer and closer to the edge.
Her internal sheath was clamped so tightly around him, and so sensitized, that it was as if she could feel every detail, every outline of his thick maleness within her. She felt the beautifully sculpted tip with its deep ridged edge, the sensitive veins along the pulsing shaft, and the wider base that her body welcomed each time it met and ground into her, massaging her throbbingly sensitive point of pleasure.
She loved him with her whole body, as he loved her. His rasping breath moved her, as he exerted himself for her pleasure, and she watched, entranced, as a bead of sweat ran down his smooth cheek and over the strong but vulnerable column of his throat; she thought he was so beautiful she could weep.
With incoherent, high cries, she urged him to end this delicious torment as she felt her release grow close. One hand snaked its way down his sweat-sheened, muscular back to rest at just the top of one exquisitely curved, firm buttock. She could feel the hard muscles clenching under her fingers as his hips pounded against hers, gyrating and dancing in erotic, rhythmic circles.
"Please..." she begged in a breathless whimper. "Michael, please..."
Michael heeded her plea for release and obeyed her unspoken command. He wrapped his arms more tightly around her shoulders and buried his face in her neck, his body tensing in readiness for this final performance in his Lady's service.
Groaning loudly, he pulled his hips back from hers, and then slammed into her rapidly again and again, thrusts so strong and fast that she had no time to recover from the rush of pleasure that each one brought her before she was engulfed by the ecstasy of the next.
His body overcame hers, and she surrendered willingly, sliding up and over the edge of fulfillment with a loud cry as she screamed his name. Her body clenched and spasmed around him, and he surrendered in turn, as the waves of her orgasm pulled him over the edge with her.
His body arched over hers, and he writhed helplessly against her as he came, gasping out his pleasure with harsh, ecstatic cries as his cock pulsed his seed within her.
The loud cries turned into soft moans as their shock-waves of pleasure subsided. Michael, still breathing raggedly, brushed back the wildly tousled hair from Nikita's forehead, and softly kissed her until they both came down from the heights, recovering from their sojourn in Paradise.
Still clinging to his Beloved, his manhood still buried inside her, Michael gave Nikita one last deep kiss and then moved to lie beside her on the bed, his breaths still coming raggedly and hard.
“ I love you Mon Ange.” Michael whispered to her and slowly they fell asleep.
It took another two weeks to get Michael to start walking, his legs so listless that he could barely move them, between Walter and Nikita they helped him walk around the cabin, at first he would drag his feet behind him, but slowly he started to take small steps, leaning all his weight on them, his steps jerky and painful at first had started to turn into slow, easy movements, after a couple of weeks he was walking with Nikita’s assistance only, finally starting to show a little of his old determination, relieved that he was beginning to act more like his old self. She sat with him till late evening, until he fell asleep.
Nikita awoke to find Michael gone from her side and rubbed her eyes as she sat up in bed, looking at her watch. Just past noon--slipping out of bed she recovered her clothing and pulled it on, tugging fingers through her hair to rid it of the tangles before leaving the room. It took her a few moments of searching but she finally spotted someone sitting out on the porch visible through the glass windows of the kitchen and she went out the door, recognizing Michael's cinnamon brown head, hair damp as if he'd come out of the shower not long ago.
He turned his head a little to look at her and then made room for her on the bench, patting it; Nikita sank down beside him and looked out across the forest, slipping her arm through his.
"I'd almost forgotten how nice it is, to just sit and enjoy the sun." he said quietly, turning his face up to the sun and closing his eyes.
Nikita smiled fondly as she gazed at him. "One of the simple pleasures of life..."
A sigh escaped him. "This won't last."
"What won't?"
"This peace..." He let his head fall forward, arms draping across his knees as he stared out at the forest. "soon we have to return. "
He shivered, straightening to rub his arms, but that was all the reaction he would give, nothing to be read at all in his eyes. Drawing in a deep breath, he rose from the bench and extended a hand to help her to her feet, eyes calm as they met hers.
Michael drew her into his arms, pressing his cheek against her hair. "If it wasn't for you...I wouldn't have come through this. It's because of you that I'll have the strength to do this." He drew back, stroking her hair back from her face, and smiled, looking deeply into her eyes, as if drinking her in. "You make me believe in myself..."
She reached up to take his hands, squeezing them as she returned his gaze.
"Together we can beat them." And pressed her lips against his in a gentle kiss, drawing him back towards the doors. "Come on, you look like you need some more...bed rest."
"And resting is what we'll be doing?" he asked, arching an eyebrow, letting her lead him back inside.
Nikita flashed him a wicked grin as she pulled him back into the cabin.
Suddenly Michael stopped, he looked around but nothing seemed amiss, Nikita turned to him “ what is it Michael?” he drew her to him, he was still weak and unsteady.
She turned and scaned the area the way he had, but saw nothing out of the ordinary, suddenly he pushed her through the door and landed on top of her, a bullet going over their heads, he turned and groaned as his recently healed muscles protested such quick movements, he pulled her to the kitchen, and they immediatelly went for their weapons.
Michael moved over to take the gun from her, ejecting the clip to check for the amount of rounds and then slapping it back in.
"This way." She tugged at his hand, indicating the way behind them, and he let her lead him, looking back over his shoulder as they went.
She came around the corner and lunged back as something moved in front of her, Michael dragging her back behind him and placing himself between her and the danger. Hands caught him and threw him into the wall, Michael hitting it hard and sliding down it, still managing to hold onto the gun.
Nikita stood frozen, torn between wanting to go to Michael and attack, took a step back as the figure moved closer, chuckling as it reached for her. A boom and the figure staggered back, spinning to face Michael; using the wall Michael pushed himself up, extending his arm to fire again, the bullet tearing through the figure's throat and sending it down, Nikita venturing closer to see it was a young red-headed woman.
Michael shook his head, swaying he reached for Nikita's arm. "Let's get out of here..." He trailed off, he felt the steel of a knife at his back, letting the gun drop he turned and tried in vain to protect Nikita with his body.
Suddenly there were many armed men surrounding them, Michael moved back trying to push Nikita against the wall to protect her, but something hard connected with his temple and he slumped to the ground his last coherent thought was *** Nikita*** "Wakey wakey..."
A slap to the cheek roused Michael from the doze he had fallen into and he blinked dazedly as he tried to bring the face over him into focus.
He was pulled up to a sitting position, an arm slipping around his shoulders to keep him upright, a young woman coming into his line of sight, “ lets see how long he lasts Drago.” The words sank into his dazed mind and yet had no meaning, until he heard it, a scream of pain, he recognized it, ** Nikita** he tried to move away, but he was too weak to fight them, they grabbed him and dragged him toward a door, as the door opened he heard the scream again, he tried to move away but he was grabbed by the hair and a needle plunged into his neck, his Vision dimmed and a roaring in his ears eclipsed all other sound, he could feel his heartbeat slow, struggling painfully to maintain the beat, darkness slowly, inexorably drawing him into its folds, as he went limp, the woman who had drugged him moved beside him, she stroked hair tenderly back from pale features as she watched him struggle still to stay awake, heart beat slowing, finally his vision went black and he was plunged into oblivion.
They laid Michael on the table, strapping hands and feet they waited until he started to stir, shaking violently as he started to regain conscioussness, they watched him struggle from the deep sleep he had been in, Michael had thought he knew pain before but it was nothing compared to this, the drug that they gave him had a curious side effect, It flowed through him, a rush of searing heat that swept through him as quickly and voraciously as a wildfire, the pain was incessant, he arched with each painful breath and move his body made, his body afire, the pain so great it made him retch, though there was nothing in him to bring up.
Bit by bit it started to ease and he fell at last into sleep, a heavy sleep filled with disturbing dreams in which he bathed in a pool of blood, and when he awoke again it was to the sound of Nikita trying to rouse him.
“ Michael please wake up, come on please.” she was holding him against her chest, kissing his face urgently.
“ohhh” he moaned and his eyelashes started to flutter, he moved his head side to side, the pain filling his every thought, he slowly opened his eyes to gaze into frightened sapphire eyes, huge with terror, he lifted his hand but it fell back beside him, he was too weak, Nikita raised him up, gripping his shoulders to steady him as he wretched, dizziness assailed him, he could barely keep his head up, suddenly Michael went limp, she watched as Michael’s body slumped to the ground, "Michael!" she hissed as she shook him, his head lolling limply with the motion and body completely slack. Sliding her fingers up to his throat, she felt for a pulse finding one she sighed with relief, she carefully pulled him toward the back of the cell she tried to wake him.
"Michael, it's me...you have to wake up. Michael!" Drawing back her hand she hit him across the cheek, once, twice, but his head only lolled sickeningly, no response at all from him. "Michael, please, you have to wake up--you can't leave me now!" And hit him again harder, tears streaming down her cheeks.
At last his eyelids fluttered open, hands coming up to push at hers, and a sob of relief escaped her as she put arms around him to hug him tightly. he blinked dazedly his head aching terribly and extremely dizzy, He blinked rapidly, giving a little shake of his head to clear it, and one hand came up to touch her on the cheek.
"Nikita..." His features spasmed in pain and he closed his eyes tightly before pulling back from her touch, and he convulsed severely, Nikita pulled him away from the wall straddling his hips trying to hold him down so he would not hurt himself, suddenly he went limp, his body going tottaly slack, Nikita’s fingers digging into his neck, finding a pulse she sighed and pulled him against her, his head lying on her breast.
Darkness surrounded him but there was no comfort, no ease, in it. Surrounded him and penetrated him, filling him with its chill, not the oblivion he had hoped and prayed for, but rather a void that swirled around him. He wanted to surrender to it, to let it swallow him whole and strip him, but...something called him, pulled him from the darkness. Inexorable, dragging him through the void, pushing him from the now welcome darkness and to awareness, ignoring his clawing attempts to remain where he was. Pain struck him as he was pushed from the dark and into light, almost like being born again, and he lay for a long moment gasping, drawing air into flaccid lungs, feeling the thundering beat of his heart in chest and hearing it roar in his ears.
Moaning he gave a sharp jerk, feeling soft hands cup his face he opened his eyes and looked into Nikita’s fearful gaze, he slumped against her and moved his hands to caress her face, like a blind man trying to read braille he touched her face, eyes, forehead, nose, mouth, cheeks, neck, he moved his face into the hollow of her neck and sighed, content to be in her arms, suddenly he sat up, sharp cramping pain in his stomach, arms wrapping tightly around his midsection as he closed eyes tightly, trying to ride out the pain. It rolled over him, through him, not easing in the least, he turned toward Nikita and she held him in her arms until it passed, his body shaking from excertion, Shuddering he brought his knees up against his chest and buried his head against them, Nikita settled her chin on his head and held him tightly to her.
Suddenly the door opened and two men grabbed Michael, they dragged a semi consciouss Michael to a room where they strapped him to a chair and waited for the others to bring Nikita, but Nikita had been able to over power her guards and had escaped, she hid in the ventilation system, she crawled her way to the room Michael was being held she was about to go inside when the door opened and a man walked in,
They started by beating him severely, blood dripping from his mouth and nose, a cut above his right eyebrow, ragged breaths, the man moved toward Michael and asked.
“ where is section one located?”
Michael lifted his battered and bruised face and slowly smiled, “ i won’t tell you.” he let his head drop to his chest and waited for the blows that would come, but there where nothing, suddenly he felt a surge of electricity go through his body, he arched up and his body convulsed fiercely with the electricity, then he went limp, his head lolling to the side, his breathing hard and shallow, his ears and nose bleeding.
The interrogator took Michael’s chin and raised his head, Michael opened his eyes and stared at the man, the man let Michael go and his head dropped to his chest again, heaving he tried to stay consciouss, the pain cursing through his body made it almost impossible to think clearly, he wondered where Nikita was, why they had not brought her here, then a thought came to him, maybe she had escaped, she was not as bad off as he was, she could have overpowerd her guards and escaped, he prayed to god she had escaped,
The interrogator asked again. “ where is section one located?”
Michael looked straight into the man’s eyes and refused to speak, a guard came forward and started beating him, his head, his abdomen, his back, another guard grabbed Michael’s hair and pulled his head to the side , then he plunged the needle into Michael's vein. After pumping in the clear liquid, the guard released Michael and he stepped back.
Michael felt fire course through his veins but he didn't fight it. He knew from experience that it would only heighten the sensation. So Michael forced his body to relax, regulating his breathing and focusing inward on the changes taking place in his body.
Michael felt his muscles go lax but used the force of his will to keep himself upright in the chair.
"Very good, Michael," Gabriel drawled. "You're strong. Very strong. You'll need to be."
"So...will....you," Michael whispered. Then he fell into darkness.
His head lolled to the side and he slumped in the chair, the interrogator walked to Michael, he grabbed his chin and lifted his face.
“ he is unconsciouss, take him to his cell.”
Two of the guards untied Michael and lifted his leaden limbs and took him into his cell, they threw him inside, his limp body hitting the floor his head making a thump against the cement, his body was drenched in sweat, shaking severely from the drug, and the electricity still cursing through his body, slowly he regained conscioussness, the pain was excrutiating threatening to pull him back into oblivion, but he brought himself to full consciousness. Pushing the pain aside, Michael focused on his other senses. Shifting his body, there was darkness and Cold....dark. Beyond dark. Those were Michael's first impressions. But they weren't accurate. It might or might not have been cold. Michael couldn't be sure, because he couldn't feel it. There was no sensation of warmth or cold, pain or pleasure. Nothing. Dead...he wondered, but that couldn't be either. If he were dead there would be no awareness. But then again, there was no awareness. No sense of sight, sound or feeling. Not even the sound of silence, or a glimmer of light. No sense of his eyes being open or closed.
Michael listened hard but couldn't hear the beating of his heart, nor could he feel it pounding in his chest. His skin felt nothing. No restraints biting into flesh, no sense of movement although he willed his finger to flex. But it was as if there was no body connected to his mind. Michael could not control what did not exist. He screamed, or so he thought, but there was no sound. His lips did not part, his vocal chords did not flex. His lungs did not inhale air then push it out again. No sense of breathing. Nothing to see. No light...or dark. No scent to fill his nostrils. No passage of time. Michael tried to count the seconds but there were none. Should have been afraid. Was afraid, but couldn't feel it. Wanted to cry but he had no eyes, no tears. Nothing. No memory of who he was. Couldn't remember his own face. Had no face...no soul...no heart. Not dead yet not alive. No way to know the difference. No reason to care. He was alone. Didn't remember his name. Didn't exist.
Michael had been equiped with a heart monitor before he was thrown into his cell and the interrogator was watching every moment. He was watching the heart monitor and the blips that signalled Michael's heartrate were slowing down. In the blink of an eye they faded and flatlined.
“ bring him out.” the interrogator screamed
Two men in white ran into the small room where Michael resided. The doctor's worked, feverishly, to jumpstart Michael's heart. They knew they would die if Michael were to die. Long seconds passed and it seemed as if Michael was gone, but even as the interrogator was about to rise and enter the other room, he heard a blip. Staring at a second monitor, which showed Michael's vital signs, he saw that his heart was beating again. A bit slow, but steady. Michael was a strong man.
The interrogator was speaking to the doctor who had treated Michael and was not happy with what he was hearing."His neurological synopses are responding well," he replied. "His body will recover."
"But?" the interrogator prompted, for he knew there was something the doctor wasn't telling him.
"But, Michael's brain synapses are...unresponsive," Doctor Burns announced.
The interrogator didn't like the sound of that. Not at all. "Explain it to me in layman's terms," he requested, his tone dangerously soft.
Doctor Burns swallowed hard. He knew that the man would not be happy. "The simplest way I can explain it is that Michael's brain activity has...shut down."
"Are you saying he's brain dead?" he queried, and the mere thought made him shake with fury.
"No," Doctor Burns was quick to reassure employer. "Not brain dead...not medically or technically. But he's closed down. We can't reach him."
He moved around to the side of the bed and stared down at Michael. Reaching out with one hand, the interrogator fingered a cinnamon curl.
“ leave him in his cell.”
Michael was returned to his cell and left on the floor, Nikita had been watching everything and she knew she could reach Michael and bring him back, but she was taking a great risk, if she took too long to bring him back she could be caught, but she had to risk it, she loved this man and would not let him die, not after all they had been through.
Nikita slowly slipped into Michael’s cell, she landed softly a few feet from him, he was lying on the floor, and she moved to him "Michael.." she breathed, reaching out with one hand to touch his face. She reached for Michael's hand. It felt cold and lifeless, symbolic of the way Michael saw himself.
"I don't know what to do," Nikita whispered. "I don't want you to die, Michael. But I don't think you want to live." She remembered when she had shot Michael's friend, Rene Dian. Shot him before Michael could be killed.
And Michael's words to her. ***you should have let him do it*** Sometimes those words haunted Nikita.
"Do you want to die, Michael?" she asked now, even though she knew he couldn't hear her. Nikita brushed her fingertips over Michael's lips, remembering the softness of them, and the taste of his kiss. A fragment of a memory better off forgotten. But Nikita could never forget how it had felt to be held by Michael's strong arms. To feel him deep inside her. To know that he was her safe haven in the darkness of the night. Because he was the night. And she was his light. Nikita knew this to be true, for Michael had whispered those words to her in the aftermath of their lovemaking.
Still holding Michael's hand, Nikita sank back down on the floor. With her free hand she wiped tears from her face. Then she lifted Michael's hand to her face and pressed it against her cheek.
"Don't leave me, Michael," she whispered. "Don't leave me alone."
Michael felt pain but recognized that it was not his pain. Felt the warm wetness of tears, but they did not fall from his eyes. *Nikita* his mind whispered. But the sound seemed to echo painfully in the dark void of his mind. Or perhaps it was the blackness of his soul. Michael didn't know. A part of him didn't care. The darkness didn't frighten him now. He wasn't alone. Nikita was with him. Michael could feel her warmth, and sense the glow of her light. But he couldn't see it. Didn't want to see. He didn't want to go back. No more...his mind cried out. No more.
‘'I wonder where you are right now," Nikita whispered, as she smoothed a lock of hair off Michael's forehead. She almost smiled as she studied his face. Far too pale, the skin somewhat clammy to touch, but he was still beautiful. A dark angel. That was Michael. What intrigued Nikita was his expression.
"You look so peaceful," she said softly. "Like all your sorrow has been lifted. I remember seeing you smile once, a truly genuine smile. That time when we were in Section, waiting for Alex Chandler to call. You didn't understand the game I had played with him and were afraid he might not call. But I was certain he would, quite cocky about it even.." Nikita paused to laugh as she remembered. "And when the phone rang you smiled. A real smile. I can see it as clear as day. It's my favorite image of you, Michael," Nikita confessed. "It's how I keep hope alive. Because I know that no matter what you say...or do...that you are human. That you have a soul. Because of that smile."
A tear trickled down Nikita's cheek as she bent to press a kiss to Michael's cheek.
"Sometimes...I wonder...if maybe I'm the reason you stopped smiling," she whispered, then she wiped her face with the back of one hand. "You think that you give me only pain, but I throw it right back at you. And I do it with the intent to hurt. I don't even have the excuse that it's for the...job. I do it because I want you to suffer. I blame you for all the pain that Section has dumped on me. I know it's not right...but there it is." Making her confession was like a cleansing of her soul, but it left her feeling empty and weak. And Nikita wondered if Michael heard any of it, and if he would care.
Just then, Nikita felt Michael's fingers flex in her hand. She gasped, leaning over him to see if his eyes would open. They didn't, but his fingers moved again. Nikita bit her lip, then she smiled. Michael must have heard her.
Michael Felt his body slipping away from here as his mind had already done. Wondered if she could understand what was happening to him, and why. It was so easy to control his fate. Would be so easy to just fade away. Michael wanted that, wanted it desperately. Yet he clung to life. And knew why. Nikita. He felt her. Felt her fear and her pain. Felt her tears as she watched him die. She cried for him and Michael was surprised. Nikita didn't love him anymore. Couldn't love him. Why would she care if he died? It was that question that drew Michael back more than anything. He had know why. Nikita held Michael in her arms He was so still and pale, yet when she took his hand Nikita felt warmth. Probably just her imagination, for Michael's skin was cold and clammy, but she believed in it.
"Stay with me, Michael," Nikita whispered, and one hand reached to touch his face. "I'm here...and I'm not going anywhere.
A part of Michael wanted to respond to Nikita, but he wasn't ready to go back. Not all the way. Yet neither would he seek oblivion again. It was too tempting to stay there. So Michael let himself feel Nikita's presence while he remained hidden in the darkness of his soul.
Nikita had fallen asleep holding Michael, his hand clutched in hers, when she felt him twitch. It brought her instantly awake.
"Michael?" Nikita whispered, as she moved, ignoring the protest of stiff muscles.
Michael was as still and silent as he had been before Nikita had dozed off. She quelled her frustration and reached to smooth a cinnamon curl off his forehead. And in that moment Nikita saw his eyes flutter.
"Michael..." she breathed, then she bit her lip as she saw his eyes blink open.
"Hey there," she whispered, as tears filled her eyes. "I thought....I thought I'd lost you."
Michael listened to Nikita's words but did not respond. Couldn't at this point. Just opening his eyes and making them focus was exhausting him. The darkness was reluctant to release him, almost as reluctant as he was to go. So Michael blinked again then let his eyes close. It was enough for now. And he carried with him the image of Nikita's smile as darkness dragged him down into it's warm void.
"It's okay, Michael," Nikita whispered, as she bent to brush a kiss to his cheek. "Sleep...get strong again. I'll be here waiting for you." Nikita let her tears fall now as she slumped back against the wall. But her fingers remained clasped around Michael's. A part of her believed that she was his lifeline, and there was no way in hell that she would ever let him go again.
Nikita was watching Michael sleep when she felt his body stiffen. His fingers gripped her hand like a vice and she cried out in pain. It was then that she saw Michael's eyes fly open, and pain shimmered in the silver-green depths. What Nikita didn't know was that it wasn't Michael's pain she was seeing. And yet a cold chill danced up her spine and she shivered.
"Michael..." Nikta whispered, as she felt his grip on her hand ease. "What is it?" She imagined that he had suffered a nightmare. But since he couldn't, or wouldn't speak, Nikita didn't know how to help him. She smoothed his hair back with a gentle hand and was pleased to see the pain fade from his eyes. The intensity of Michael's gaze unnerved Nikita a bit. It was as if he could see right into her soul. But she felt herself relax as Michael's eyes fluttered closed and once again he drifted into sleep.
But it wasn't sleep so much as darkness that Michael drifted in to. Only now it was a cold void and he felt alone. And that frightened him. He felt Nikita's touch on his skin, yet there was no warmth. It was then that Michael realized he would have to leave the void. If he didn't go back soon, he would lose Nikita. And an eternal darkness without the light of her being, was a hell Michael could not bear.
"Please come back to me," Nikita whispered, as she had a hundred times before in the past few hours "I need you, Michael."
Michael heard Nikita's plea and he found himself answering it. His eyes fluttered open and he was rewarded by a brilliant smile.
"Niki...ta..." he whispered.
"Michael..." she breathed, then she bent and pressed a kiss to his lips. "Welcome back," Nikita said softly. She watched Michael blink at her and waited for more words. When he said nothing, Nikita realized that he must be thristy. She grabbed the water pitcher from beside the door and pressed it to Michael's lips. She watched him draw in a swallow then pull away.
"Better.." Michael allowed. But he found that speech was difficult. It was as if his throat were tight and the words had to be forced out around an obstruction.
Nikita blinked back tears as she reached for his hand again.
"I thought....I thought you were going to die, Michael," she confessed. "You came awfully damn close."
Michael could hear the accusation in Nikita's husky tones. He considered lying to her to spare her more pain, but the truth won out.
"Wanted...to," he admitted.
"Why?" The question was out before Nikita could stop it.
"Tired," Michael replied. It was the truth, if not all of it.
Nikita believed she understood. She couldn't blame Michael for being tired of all the pain he had suffered at Section's hands. Even in the short time she had known him, Nikita often wondered why Michael didn't swallow a bullet after all he had been through. Just the stuff she had seen. The lies, the betrayal, the pain and loss. Simone, his son...and so much more. Add to that the pain she had caused him.
"Why come back?" Nikita asked, as one hand pressed to Michael's cheek.
He sighed and turned into her touch. "For you," Michael confessed.
"For me," Nikita repeated, and let her tears fall. She accepted his answer without question. Understood it better than she expected she would. After all, she had given up freedom, of a sort, and returned to Section for Michael. Perhaps it wasn't so surprising that he would give up the freedom that death offered him for her. Nikita had often doubted that Michael loved her. But she did not doubt him anymore.
Michael rested for a couple of hours, but He knew that it was time to leave, he sat up slowly and woke Nikita, “ shhhh how did you get in here? “ Nikita blinked at Michael and slowly lifted her hand and pointed to the ventilation shaft.
He smiled and she pulled him to his feet, holding him until the dizziness and nausea subsided, she then proceeded to help him into the ventilation shaft, pushing him along, they got to the shaft that connected to the outside, she softly opened the shaft and stepped out, checking for any guards, she saw none and turned to help Michael get out,
She barely had him standing below the shaft when his legs refused to bear his weight and she barely managed to catch him before he fell, she put his arms around her shoulders and slowly helped him towards the woods.
Michael was still in very bad condition, his skin was pale and it was covered with sweat, his breathing labored, he collapsed against a tree and she pulled him against her, letting him rest his head on her lap for a while, she sat there watching Michael as he stirred in his sleep, a frown creasing his forehead, muttering something. head moving restlessly on her lap, moaning, his breath coming quick and fast, fluttering eyelids showing only the white of pupil. She took his hand, holding it tightly in hers, her other hand going to stroke his hair, a slow steady motion.
"Shh, Michael, it's okay, you're safe. You're safe. Shh..." The sound of her voice and the touch of her hand seemed to soothe him for he gradually began to quiet, his breathing slowing, falling back into a more peaceful slumber.
Slowly Michael awoke and watched Nikita asleep, her head lying back against the tree trunk, he coughed and Nikita woke, her eyes searching his, her hand immediatelly moving to caress his temple.
“ where are we? “
“ we escaped the camp, we are about 2 miles from the compound.” Nikita helped Michael
her arm around his back to support him as he sat up, weaving a little and eyes closing as he swallowed hard.
“ we have to get moving, can you walk?”
Michael nodded and proceeded to try to stand, a wave of dizziness washed over him and Nikita caught him before he slumped to the ground, she slipped her shoulder under his arm and slowly they made their way as fast as he could go they reached the main road and hitched a ride to a restaurant where they took a bus and proceeded to go to section, they knew they had been missing for over 4 days and section would be sending the hounds after them soon.
She managed to pull Michael on the bus and Sitting in the back, listening to the squall of a baby and the shouts of other children, Nikita remembered how much she had always disliked riding on the bus, especially Greyhound, and sank back with a sigh. Beside her she could feel Michael trying to keep himself upright, head nodding, and she slipped an arm around his shoulder, drawing him towards her. For a moment, he resisted, stiff against her, then relaxed, letting his head rest on her shoulder, a sigh escaping him, and she carefully put her other arm around him, feeling him trembling.
He had to be in pain but of course he hadn't made a sound or said a word and he wouldn't either, not even up until the time that he collapsed. Aspirin wouldn't do a damned thing for him and if worse came to worse, she had enough money that she could maybe get him something for the pain, morphine was accessible on the streets and that would help him to deal with the pain...supposing of course that she could get him to take it. Another thing to worry about... She dozed intermittently on the three hour drive, both of them staying on the bus even through the stops to give driver and passengers a break.
Once they got to a bus station they got off the bus and he had her keep an eye out while he checked cars in the parking lot, finding one unlocked and slipping behind the wheel to lean over and hot wire the car, sliding across the seat as Nikita got in.
She glanced worriedly at him,seeing he had one arm pressed against his ribs, lips a thin line and face white, sweat on his forehead, and he shook his head at her unspoken question,saying simply,
"Where to?"
"West. Want to put some miles between us...and here before we stop." He turned his head to look at her, blinking and lifting a hand to wipe away the sweat on his forehead. "How long can you drive?"
"Three, maybe four hours." she said after a moment's consideration,thinking that if she made a few stops along the way for coffee she could drive longer.
"Take 70 west. We're going to want to find a decent-sized town to dump the car and get another." He leaned back against the door as she put the car into reverse and drove out of the parking lot, heading for the highway.
She turned to look at Michael. And saw him Sleeping again, sleeping too much, and the worry ate at her like a cancer, concerned that she wouldn't get him to section in time, that he might be dying and she would never know, until she tried to wake him up and he didn't respond.
She knew there was internal bleeding, maybe a collapsed lung or ruptured spleen, All the activity would of conceivably strained his injuries enough, he was bleeding internally and unlike the external wounds, she would never know if he was dying or...
Stop it, she told herself viciously. It's not going to help beating yourself up about this, it's not helping Michael and it's not helping you. Tearing her eyes away from Michael she looked up into the rear view mirror and her heart surged up into her throat as she saw flashing lights behind her, foot poised over the brake as the red lights came closer and the outline of a state patrol car filled the mirror. And then it shifted to the left, drawing alongside her, and her hands tightened on the steering wheel, an effort to not look at the patrol car because she knew the guilt would be all over her face.
Last thing they needed was to be stopped for stealing a car and get tossed in jail. The patrol car accelerated and sped past her and she sagged as it gave a burst of speed and soon disappeared into the darkness, passing outside the range of her headlights. Second one she had seen, the first had just passed her by, no lights or anything, but it had still given her a nasty start to see it behind her. She let her speed drop a little below the limit and wiped first one sweaty palm against her pant leg and then another, drawing in a deep breath to steady herself.
"Car might have been reported stolen by now." Nikita gave a start as Michael spoke and glanced at him sideways as he sat up, lifting a hand to pull hair back from his face.
"We need to find a truck stop or a restaurant where we can ditch the car. Can get there another way..." Nikita nodded, thinking that she'd also watch for a Greyhound sign, better to get back on the bus again than to try to steel a car in a more rural area where its disappearance would be noticed all the more quicker. "How are you feeling?"
"Better." he said in a whisper.
An hour of driving later and there was finally that familar sign and she took the exit, pulling into the parking lot. Michael caught her arm as she was about to park the car.
"Park it as far away from the restaurant as you can, less chance of us being tied to it if a cop comes by."
He opened the door and got out of the car; as she got out of the car, she didn't see him cling to the door frame for a long moment, a shudder running through him as he leaned briefly against it. Straightening he forced his fingers to release the door and managed to walk into the restaurant beside Nikita, her arm winding around his waist, allowing himself to lean against her. The restaurant reminded Nikita of Sully's Diner the retsurant she worked at while she was free almost 2 years ago and she experienced a sudden pang of homesickness, even though she hadn't been there that long, it had started to feel like home.
At 2:47 in the morning there weren't that many people in the restaurant,mostly truck drivers and fellow travellers, and they sat behind a burly truck driver complete with Skoal baseball cap and denim overalls, long black beard and wiry black hairNikita ordering coffee for both of them and looked overhe menu, lifting her head to look at Michael across from her.
"What do you think, breakfast or dinner?"
"You decide. I need to use the bathroom." Sliding out of the booth, he held onto the back of the booth as he got up and made his way slowly to the bathroom. Nikita followed his progress, she turned to the waitress and ordered a salad for herself and vegetable beef soup for Michael.
The food arrived just a few minutes later but Michael was still in the bathroom and she glanced over her shoulder and in that direction as she took a bite of her salad. Maybe he was just cleaning up, it'd been a while since he'd taken a bath as well...she turned back to her salad, forcing herself to eat, took a sip of her coffee and then added more sugar to it.
A tap on her shoulder and she lifted her head, swallowing coffee, to see the truck driver standing beside her, expression uneasy.
"Hon, I think your boyfriend's passed out in the bathroom." Without a word Nikita slid out of the booth and hurried to the bathroom, the truck driver following behind her, didn't even hesitate to push open the door and go inside, looking around the bathroom.
"In there." said the truck driver, pointing at the first stall and its closed door, and Nikita ducked down to see Michael's jean clad legs stretched out on the floor.
"Michael, can you open the door?" Not a sound from the other side and she looked down at the gap between the bottom of the door and the floor, trying to decide whether or not she could wriggle under it. The truck driver had walked outside and Nikita gave the door a swift kick, it flew open she froze for a moment as she saw Michael slumped between toilet bowl and wall, head resting on one arm stretched across the bowl, the other clutched to his stomach, his rapid breath stirring the hair that had fallen forward to cover his face.
Kneeling beside him, Nikita drew his head up and her heart skipped a beat as she saw the blood on his chin, some of it still staining his lips, she glanced at the toilet bowl to see blood in it as well. She stroked the hair back from his face, finding his skin to be clammy and if possible paler than before, and reached over to tear a strip of toilet paper off from the roll.
"I'm sorry." he whispered, swallowing hard against another surge of nausea, his hand fumbling for hers as another spasm went through him, and she pulled him up, guiding him over the bowl and holding his shoulders as he started to cough and then to retch, the spasms shaking his frame.She steadied him until the spasms stopped and once done, he slumped back againsther, drawing in breath in painful sounding gasps as she wiped the blood from his mouth and chin, putting her arms around him and letting her cheek rest against his head.
She wanted more than anything to give in to the tears that burned in her eyes, tears of anger and frustration and grief, but it wouldn't do her any more good than it would do Michael and he needed her to be strong... Nikita reached under his arm and helped him rise, putting his arm across her shoulder and feeling him lean heavily against her, slowly taking him out of the bathroom and into the restaurant the waitress stopping to look at them, she looked around and told her to take him home, she would take care of the bill.
Nikita smiled and walked him to the car, she put Michael beside the door, holding him upright with one arm while she got the door open and then slid him inside, Michael slumping back against the seat.
Nikita turned on her seat and put her hands on either side of Michael's head, turning him so that he faced her. His eyes fluttered open at her touch and she said slowly.
"You're not going to make it all the way."
He smiled at her and kissed her palm, “ drive, we are 2 hours away from section we can make it. “ With that he slumped against her, unresponsive to the shake she gave his shoulder, and Nikita faced forward, reaching down under the dashboard to touch wires together and start the car, peeling out of the lot.
Nikita drove like a banshee toward section, she had been able to call section from the restaurant, and knew they were expecting them, but they would be shocked to know the condition Michael was in.
At section Operations was having a difficult time dealing with the situation, he had just been advised a couple of hours ago that Michael and Nikita had been missing, god knows for how long, the last time Andrew went to check on them was 6 days ago, Michael was responding well and recovering amazingly fast.
Madeleine walked into the tower and waited until Operations acknowledged her precense
“ yes dear what is it?”
“ we have received a communication from Nikita, they had been captured by a splinter group of crimson star and they escaped a few hours ago, Nikita said Michael had been tortured severely and needed medlab at arrival”
“ well then how far are they from here?”
“ they should arrive within the hour “ Madeleine was fidgeting, she knew that George had been advised of what had happened and he would be arriving as soon as possible, she was not looking forward to his visit.
At their arrival Michael was gently pulled from the car and taken to medlab, she had followed beside him, Operations was just about to order her to debrief when George walked in and followed Nikita to medlab, Michael had been examined and then taken to surgery, Nikita had been checked and released from medlab 4 hours ago, surgery went well and Michael was now resting in his assigned bed.
8 days later, section medlab.
Nikita had spent the last 8 days thinking about the damage done to Michael by crimson star.
He had received a severe brain concussion, 3 broken ribs, a collapsed lung, he had a ruptured spleen, was severely dehydrated.
Nikita had fallen asleep holding Michael’s hand, her head beside his on the bed.
She awoke when he moaned softly, Nikita Still holding his hand, she allowed her other hand to reach forward and trace his lips. She wanted him to know she was there...and the gesture was also one which was so intimate that she would not be able to do it when he was in section. she had nearly lost him, and she wanted to know he was still breathing..to feel his warm touch. As the tears blurred her eyes, her emotions got the best of her and she leaned forward...gently touching his lips with her own. That's when she heard him moan again.
Nikita nearly jumped up and down with joy but instead leaped off the bed and ran and called in the doctor. As they stood around the young man and began to make vital checks..she smiled. Especially when she saw that his eyes were open and he was staring at her...and a smile lit up his pale face as well.
She was here His mind, though still pumped full of pain numbing drugs, saw very clearly the young lady who Madeline smiled at and gave a small motherly hug too. His head hurt like hell, but he didn't care. His only thought was that Nikita was here, and she seemed happy to see him. it hadn't all been a dream these past few days. She had been beside his bed..touching him, yelling at him..begging him to live.
"Nikita?" Each syllable of her name rolled off his tongue, and Nikita began walking back towards him.
Michael smiled even more brightly...silently noting the confused look upon her face...he had never allowed anybody to see this smile. Specially at section,Yet his throat was very parched from the fluids which were continually being pumped into him, and he gently asked her to get him a glass of water.
"Drink slowly," she warned him as she gently lifted the glass to his throat. The cooling liquid soothed his body and he smiled again in contentment. Nikita just watched him...he had smiled twice in the course of five minutes. "How do you feel Michael?"
"I feel great...especially with you here beside me. I would have died without you Nikita.”
As she looked into his brilliant green eyes, her emotions clouded all rational thought. She leaned into him and looked deep into his eyes.
"I will never leave you Michael...you too are the only thing I have left in this world. I....don't have anyting else..nor anyone. Only you." And as a gleaming smile crossed his face, she leaned forward and kissed him gently. The only thing which confused her as she pulled back to stare into his face were the tears which glimmered in his eyes...yet they were not tears of sadness. They looked more like tears of joy, of relief...but she pushed such thoughts aside, not knowing that those tears were indeed...Michael's own feelings shining right on the surface. Hope..something he had not felt in years filled him as she leaned forward to plant another kiss...perhaps he had not lost her completely after all. He would not only spend the next few months discovering Operations and Madeleine’s plan to destroy them, but proving to Nikita how he really felt..and showing her the light which did shine from him whenever she was nearby.
Two days later Michael was allowed to go home albeit not alone, Nikita had to accompany him, Michael's recuperative powers were astonishing. Physically, he was well on his way to being fully functional again and Operations was pleased.
The many things that Michael had indulged himself in during his recovery was watching movies with Nikita, strolling through the park, and going out for pizza and ice cream. And during those hours spent with her, Michael had allowed himself to remember what it was like to actually be *happy*. He was thankful that he still remembered....how. he had just begun to recover his old stamina, the healing process far slower than he was accustomed to.
Morning came and with it a dull lethargy, legacy of the painkillers he'd taken the night before; turning his head slightly to look at the clock and seeing that it was 7:32, Michael was tempted to close his eyes and go back to sleep but he forced himself up into a sitting position, grimacing at the stab of pain from his abdomen, not so bad, he had endured worse pain, but when it had looked like he wouldn't be able to get some badly needed sleep, he'd taken the painkillers the Section doctor had thrust on him and sat in bed reading until he had fallen asleep.
Nikita had been sent on a mission early yesterday and all day he had been at the loft, watching t.v. or reading, but as night fall came he was startled by his phone ringing, it was Birkoff to advise him Nikita would not arrive, the surveillance had turned into a pick up and she would arrive sometime the next day, after that he had taken a shower, and laid down in bed.
The book still lay on the bed, the lamp on, he reached to turn it off and gasped as a sharp pain raced through his abdomen, showing him he had not been ready to leave medlab 5 days ago.
Nikita had stayed with him since leaving medlab, and had done everything for him, he was happy to have his angel helping him, specially after all they had been through, but the call yesterday had reminded them that they belonged to section not one another.
He got up off the bed and a wave of dizziness assailed him, grabbing the headboard he lowered himself to the bed and took deep breaths trying to control the dizziness, slowly it faded and he was able to stand and walk to the bathroom, he showered and was shaving when another wave of dizziness assailed him, this time he was unable to grab on to anything, and he slipped to the floor, after it passed he slowly dragged himself back to bed and laid down, he fell asleep wondering where Nikita was and when she was coming home.
Nikita was exhausted, she had spent 18 hours watching ** Silvio Bonnaduce ** screw everything with legs, and then she had been ordered to capture him and take him to Madeleine, later she spent 4 excrutiating hours debriefing and finally was able to escape section and come to Michael, she knew he was not ready to be left alone, his injuries were just starting to heal enough for him to walk with out help.
The loft was in darkness as she entered. "He must still be fast asleep." thought Nikita.
As she entered the bedroom she could make out Michael's body writhing on the bed,
he was anything but peacefully asleep, he was drenched in sweat and tossing his head violently from side to side.
Nikita could see that he was clenching the bedclothes in his fists, she rushed to his side he was obviously in the midst of horrific nightmares and she didn't know whether or not to try and wake him. Her mind was made up when she caught sight of his face, his cheeks were stained with the trails of tears and he was silently sobbing. She couldn't bear to see him like this without being able to comfort him, She grasped him gently by the shoulders and shook him harder and harder until his eyes fluttered open and he awoke with a start.
" 'Kita Noooo!" he screamed.
"Michael - calm down!" Nikita whispered while taking him in her arms, his arms immediately going around her waist and his head buried against her shoulder.
“ another nightmare? “ Nikita asked and he nodded, burying his face deeper into her neck,
“How's your abdomen you about ready for another dose of painkillers?"
Michael opened his mouth to say he was fine but it was blatantly obvious that he wasn't, so he closed his mouth and just nodded reluctantly. Nikita passed him a glass of water and 3 pills. Then she went to the bathroom to get a damp cloth, she came back to find Michael sitting up but looking very pale. She sat down next to him and carefully pushed his hair out of his eyes so she could wipe his brow and gently remove the traces of tears from his face. He looked into her face, his green eyes glimmering with pain.
“ how did it go?” his breathing steadying slowly.
“ it went well, we had to do a pick up, but it went according to the profile.” Nikita stood and started to shed her clothing, he looked at her and carefully put the empty glass on the night table, watching Nikita strip was arousing him, he laughed at the idea of ravaging Nikita when he was barely able to move.
Nikita walked to the bathroom and turned, “ Michael lie down and rest, i’ll be right back”
She slipped through the door and he heard the shower running, he slipped back under the covers and slowly his eyes started to flutter in an imminent loss of conscioussness, his last thought was.
She is sneaky, gave me a sedative with the pain killers. And then his eyes closed and he fell into a deep sleep.
Nikita walked back into the bedroom and looked at Michael, she knew something was wrong and as she approached him she realised it, He was unconscious, not asleep, no signs of nightmares. she could tell by his immobility that he must be heavily sedated. He was so ghostly white, that it scared her.
She wondered why he was like this and immediately took the pain killers from the night table and examined them, she was right, the pain killers were not just pain killers, they were a special combination of pain killers and sedatives that Walter had told her about, she was sure of it, Walter had explained that they smelled like candy and oblong in shape, specially formulated for Michael, she checked Michael’s breathing and pulse, she opened his eye lids one at a time and noticed how deeply he was sedated, she knew that 1 pill was enough to snow him, now 3 would basically put him in a coma, she went to the bathroom and threw the pills into the toilet, took her cell phone out and called walter and asked him to bring a fresh batch of pain killers for Michael, she explained what she had found and he arrived a couple of hours later with 2 bottles of his Michael special, some pain killers specially formulated for Michael’s high tolerance of drugs.
She took her robe off and laid down beside Michael, and slept for several hours.
Nikita awoke as she felt Michael twitch in his sleep, the sedative was wearing off and the nightmares were returning. She knew that no matter how much sleep he needed the one thing he could do without was another nightmare, so she firmly shook his shoulder and whispered in his ear.
"Wake up Michael, you're OK, it's me."
"NO!" he shouted and as his eyes snapped open he realised where he was and for a fleeting moment Nikita thought she saw him flush with embarrassment. He adjusted his position carefully wincing slightly as a sharp pain shot through his side.
"Shhhh.......it's OK - bad dream?" comforted Nikita, while running her fingers through his hair.
“ yes, nightmare.” He laid his head on her abdomen, and she kept caressing his hair until he fell asleep again.
Nikita was awakened by soft sobs, she realised it was Michael sobbing and she immediatelly started to run her fingers through his hair, he tried to move away but she pulled him to her chest, she felt them then, the tears he had been holding back.
They spilled from his eyes and onto her breast, She held him tight, and a moment later, he was asleep in her arms. Not struggling, not restless, just sleeping. Finally. She breathed a sigh of relief and closed her eyes.
Michael slept for several hours. The sunlight streamed in the window of their bedroom, waking Nikita first. She stretched her arms, and Michael stirred sleepily at her side. "Is it morning?"
She smiled lovingly down at him, ruffling his hair. "Yes, cher."
That woke him up the rest of the way. "What did you call me?"
She grinned. "You heard me. Cher."
She gave him an enigmatic smile and slipped from under him, sitting up in bed.
He stared at her a moment, then smiled, his love for her washing over him suddenly, like an unexpected wave at the beach. He pushed her hair back with one hand, his fingers tangling in her hair as they trembled. He shook just a little as he took Nikita back into his arms.
“ Michael I love you so much! “ she turned in his arms and kissed him hungrily.
He closed his eyes then, emotion surging through him like a thunderous wave crashing into a breaker.
He lay his head on Nikita’s shoulder and swallowed, feeling every bit as defenseless as when he had lost his memory. He stopped struggling against the tide and sighed. "Have I told you how much I love you today?"
She stroked his hair and pressed his face against her shoulder. "I think you just did."
Nikita got off the bed and moved to sit on the window seat, she turned to watch Michael walk unsteadily toward her and she scooted down to allow him to sit behind her He pulled her into his arms and she scooted back against his chest, he softly moaned as her weight settled in him, his barely healed injuries protested but he ignored them, he had his angel in his arms and that was all he needed.
They sat silent for what felt like hours before Michael finally whispered in her ear. "What do you see when you look out there?"
Nikita rested her head on his shoulder and sighed softly. "When I was a little girl...all I could see was sand, Even on clear days, I still only saw and felt the sand which whirled around me. It was like a dark presence..always around me. And for the longest time, I was afraid of the dark. Because I could not see....see what was around me...I hated country living because you're out there..all alone..takes a good thirty minutes if you're lucky before the police or anybody can ever reach you. Funny thing..I felt safer on the city streets than I ever did at home..out there..in the dark."
Michael felt her tremble beneath his arms but he knew that this was important to her..he needed her to open up to him..for both their sakes. "Why?"
"I think because in the light...in the city....you couldn't hide things as well, you know. If you screamed..somebody usually heard you and might react. Sometimes they wouldn't....but you had a hell of a better chance of surviving in the slums than out in a dark place where nobody can see you...or in a place where women are expected to enjoy such behavior. That's how it is out there...but in the city, you're more equal. You have to live together to survive...I suppose what I see when I look out here is the light..it comforts me. I'm not scared of much, Michael. I can face down guns, killers, tornadoes, whatever...and even in the city, I've learned to live in the dark...but nothing scares me more than sand and Cowboys..does that make any sense?"
" I understand Nikita. It was never your fault. But remember that you're strong now..you always have been. You beat living with your mother...living here..and living on the streets. You're the strongest woman I know...But, you're still human. Everyone is afraid of something...has something they'd rather forget...has had someone hurt them. If you want to talk about it..I'm right here.."
She turned slightly in his arms to look into his eyes. She could always tell if he was lying by glancing into those jade orbs...and she could see sincereity..and pain. So she told him...the whole story.
From her betrayal of Laura's friendship to the way Philip used and battered her body as a child, as far as she knew, she had never told another living soul...until now.
As she finished talking she felt him trembling beneath her, and she slowly turned to find him...silently crying. His face expressionless as she cupped his face in her hands but the tears were still streaming down his face. He couldn't cry for her now..not her Michael. Then he uttered some words which rocked her to the core of her being.
"I'm so sorry...God, Nikita...Not you too."
"Michael...what? Not me too?"
"I can't..."
"Michael....yes you can. Talk to me. Talk to me now “
She reached forward and kissed him gently.
Michael shook his head and stood. "I need to take a shower." he stated before kissing her hand and stepping into the bathroom.
Nikita watched him worried. sighing softly she stood and walked to the kitchen and made herself some hot cocoa. As she was walking back to the window seat she looked toward the bedroom and froze, her eyes widened and her lips turned up in a bright smile as she noticed that the mirror reflected the image of a naked Michael as he stood at the sink, his head lowered and his hands shaking. sighing she shook her head.
"Now that's a full moon!" she whispered softly as she slowly lowered her cup tt he table and walked to the bathroom.
Michael stiffened slightly and lifting his shaking hands he wiped the tears away.
"I'll be right out." he mumbled as he wrapped a towel around his waist.
Nikita turned and walked tot he closet, where she took a light green sweat shirt and black pants and gently placed them on the bed.
"I'll wait for you in the livingroom alright?"
"uhhm......." Michael murmured as he towel dried his curly hair.
Shrugging she took one last look at Michael's back through the mirror and proceeded to return to the window seat, where she sipped her cocoa until Michael slowly walked down the stairs.
Taking his hand she carefully moved forward utnil he sat behind her.
"Michael please tell me what happened to you." she begged as she turned on her side and tenderly placed her head on his chest.
Michael exhaled heavily, his cheek resting on top of her head. "I'm not sure-"
"Please Michael." she begged as she took his hand and lovingly placed a soft kiss upon his palm.
Nodding he took a deep breath and began....very reluctantly.
When Michael had first come to Section One, Madeleine and Jurgen had been his first trainers. But then they had handed him over to Carl Vacko. He had been in the marines and head of a tactical team, so he already knew how to use weapons, was a black belt in Tai Kwan Do and a born leader. Perfect for Section's use. And he had taken Michael under his wing. At the time it had seemed a good match. But Carl had become obsessed with Michael, only no one had seen it. And Carl was too clever to let anyone see what was happening...until it was too late.
Carl kidnapped Michael to both punish, and possess, him. Nothing Michael said penetrated Carl's determination to punish him. And the punishment was harsh. Carl raped Michael. All the while whispering that if Michael didn't behave, he would kill his sister. After raping Michael, Carl walked to the back of the house and brought a little girl about 10 to stand before Michael on the bed, With a smile on his face, Carl shot the little girl in the head while Michael watched, bound and helpless. Michael had seen death in the other man's eyes.
Frantically he had pulled at his bonds, rubbing off the skin of his wrists until they bled, freely. Michael had pleaded with Carl, begged him, offered his body and soul if Carl would only spare the child.
But Carl had only laughed....then he pulled the trigger. Michael had screamed then, and not even realized it. He couldn't tear his eyes away from the blood that poured down the girl’s face. She fell to the floor like a rag doll, as if her mind hadn't yet explained to her body that it was dead. Michael had stopped screaming, and there was only the sound of Carl's laughter. The light of innocence that Michael had been clinging to so desperately, blinked out. And in that moment his soul shaded to black. Michael had killed, because of Section one. Because he had too.
Michael had very painfully been able to get loose and he took the gun from Carl and shot him point blank in the face, as Jurgen and the section team arrived to watch a very different Michael standing over Carl’s lifeless body, smiling.
She was stunned...not only by his admission....but by the fact that he had admitted it to her in the first place. He had just opened up a wall of memories which he himself had promised never to let break down...and now he was just staring at her with so much pain and self- disgust in his eyes that it broke her heart. He truly did understand how she felt...in a sense more than she did. But she had healed...or was beginning to heal with him. Now was her turn to return the favor.
"Michael...it's not your fault." She whispered as she reached out and wrapped her arms around his solid waist.
The words echoed in his head so like all those Madeleine's had before as she had tried to break through the barriers he had put up. But Nikita's sank in....her tears against his chest penetrating into his heart....thawing the ice wall which had been there for so long. And he uttered the words which he had denied himself so long...words which almost seemed foreign to his ears.
"I know...I know it wasn't my fault. It was neither of our faults." She pulled him in closer and leaning into each other, they both cried until they fell asleep in each others arms in the small window seat overlooking the bright lights which seemed to loom beside them like a protective aura.
Nikita awoke due to the light hitting her eyes, as she tried to move she realised they had fallen asleep on the window seat and she was in Michael’s arms, she turned slowly trying not to wake him, his head was pillowed against the glass, his features were lax, deeply asleep, she reached out to smooth a stray lock off his forehead.
"What time is it Nikita," he mumbled, surprising her as she had thought him asleep. But his eyes were opening slowly and peeping at her through weary lids.
Lifting her left arm she shook her head. "Nine am."
Michael nodded and they slowly climbed off the window seat. "go take a shower Nikita, I'll make breakfast."
Nikita smiled and stood on her toes to kiss his delicious Gerber Baby mouth. "you taste delicious." she whispered as she patted his bum and turned, slowly meandering to the bathroom.
After breakfast they decided to take a drive, Nikita had turned on the radio and was singing along to the song “ BLUE MOON”
Michael swallowed hard as he reached out to take her hand. "I don't think I've ever seen you so relaxed...." he replied, and it was true. She was almost....giddy.
"Must have been the full moon last night," Nikita replied, biting her lip and trying not to laugh.
Michael raised one eyebrow and glanced at her strangely. "It was raining last night Nikita...there was no moon,"
"Let's...just...say that it's the kind of full moon one sees when someone forgets to shut the bathroom door all the way after getting out of the shower." She laughed when Michael...actually blushed, a little. A tinge of pink stained his cheeks.. And he was speechless...looking back out the front window, he just replied.."Oh..."
Nikita kept singing colorful songs about his pale behind all the way to the cabin.
By the time they pulled into the small cabin less than 1 hour later, Michael was a beet red...barely able to keep a straight face himself yet struggling hard to keep control. Glancing at the young blond beside him he muttered.
"I thought you just had orange juice for breakfast....what did you really have, a screwdriver?" she turned around and just smiled at the French hunk.
"Sorry....singing calms my nerves. You know that Ops isn't going to be happy about this..." she replied.
"Maybe I'll just show Operations my pale behind and he'll be too busy singing Showtunes that our little trip will just slip his mind."
"Wouldn't that work better on Madeleine?"
Michael chuckled softly and said the one thing which he knew would rile her slightly.
"No..she's already seen it.."
Nikita could almost read that small smirk on his face...so she wouldn't fall for his bait. "Figures..." she replied, smiling slightly, refusing to answer his questions. *about what?*
They walked into the cabin and Nikita put their suitcase in the bed room, she went to the car to help Michael, she saw him already out of the car, slowly and unsteadily walking toward the cabin, she went to him and put her arm around his waist, he looked at her and put his arm around her shoulder, she took him to the couch and made him sit down.
After dinner they went to bed and something woke Nikita, she turned to check on Michael and she saw him sitting up in bed trembling softly, she sat up and embraced him, his trembling multiplied she said.
"I'm here, Michael. I'm here--look at me...look at me!"
Grey eyes shimmering with tears finally met hers, One trembling hand lifted, reaching to touch her and then drawing back...only to creep forward again and touch the tips of his fingers to her cheek. At the feel of her warm flesh his features spasmed briefly and he slowly extended his arms to wrap them around her, sinking against her and burrowing his head into her shoulder.
"Shh...it's okay, it's okay." Holding him tightly she rocked him as she murmured words of comfort, tears of her own sliding down her cheeks.
She laid back upon the pillows pulling Michael with her, his face buried in the hollow of her neck, He had fallen into an exhausted sleep.
She awoke to find herself alone in bed, she got up and looked for Michael everywhere, she did not find him, so she walked outside and to the lake, knowing he would be there.
Leaving the cabin, Nikita followed the small path through the forest, pulling her sweater more tightly around herself in the chill of late afternoon. A sudden gust of wind lifted blond hair, sending it whipping around her face, and she tucked hair back behind her ears as she continued down the path, following it to its end.
The tree line broke to reveal a large, placid lake and it was at its bank that she found Michael. He sat with his back to her, knees drawn up to his chest and arms wrapped around them, from his posture gazing out at the lake.
Even without the crunch of leaves underfoot to announce her presence, she knew that he was aware of her...as she was always aware of him. As she had known where he would be when she'd awoken this morning to find him gone...
In jeans and flannel shirt, hair touseled from the wind, he looked younger somehow, vulnerable, more open. Fragile...was another word that came to mind and an apt one to describe him at this point, though it sent a frisson of unease through her. Bit by bit he had returned to himself over the last five months, the childlike demeanor slowly fading, a melancholy settling over him. Some of his old calm had returned but it was a brittle calm, a thin shell over the still wounded spirit.
They had a little more than a week remaining...their vacation was almost over, Nikita thought that he was nowhere near ready to return to the Section. To a Section that would see him sufficiently recovered and proceed to use him once again, with no more thought to him than a child to a favorite toy recently broken and then fixed. And would be as callous in their treatment of him as that same child...
"Hey." she said in greeting, moving up behind him.
His shoulders hunched briefly, his only response to her presence, and at the call of a bird Nikita lifted her head to watch a loon skim the surface of the lake, the beat of majestic white wings carrying it up and up as it travelled, till it was lost from sight. Tugging hair back from her eyes, she turned her attention back to Michael's bowed head.
"When do we go back?" she asked .
"We have nine days." She stood silent contemplating the wisdom of broaching the subject, and then finally giving voice to the question that had haunted her over the last 5 months.
"What happened to you, Michael?" she asked softly, hunkering down beside him so that she could look into his eyes.
He turned a little away from her, the rapid blinking of his eyes his only reaction, and slowly lowered his chin so that it rested on one upraised knee. Silent for so long that she doubted he would answer but then he finally said,
"They wanted to break me...they succeeded." Said without an ounce of emotion, his tone completely flat, but he blinked again, a sparkle of something in the corner of his eye, a hint of moisture. "Wanted to show me that I was weak...and I could be broken."
Nikita slowly nodded, understanding. "I'm your weakness." Bitterness rose in her as she remembered him saying that very thing, in the aftermath of a mission that had set him against his fellow Section operatives. And how he had said that if she had been anyone else...he would have killed her.
"loving me...it makes you weak, does it?" she asked tightly, pushing up to her feet and wrapping her arms around herself. Why had she thought that things might be different between them? That they could ever be different? She swiped at tears of frustration and despair, turning on her heel to stride away, to leave him there...
"Loving you...gives me hope." The soft sound of his voice drew her up short and she turned slowly to look at him, his cheek resting now on one knee, face turned towards her. Grey eyes met hers, calm, too calm, his voice soft as he continued. "Hope that I thought I lost a long time ago...along with what innocence I had. Hope I never dared to have...until I met you. I need you, I want you...and it scares me...because it leaves me open, vulnerable. Weak..."
Nikita shook her head, letting out her breath in an exasperated sigh as she sank down beside him. "Needing people--loving people--it doesn't make you weak, Michael. It strengthens you, bolsters you...it doesn't undermine you. You see this desire--this need--as a loss of control...but it's not like that. It's..." She paused, lifting her hands to inscribe small circles in the air, frustrated as she searched for the right words. "It's like a structure--for it to remain sturdy, it needs a foundation. You tell yourself you don't care...but if you really didn't care, would you still be with the Section? Would you do everything that you do day to day? You *care*, Michael--you *feel*. I know this...as much as you do." She slipped an arm around his shoulders to give him a hug, laying her cheek against the top of his head.
"I'm so tired." whispered Michael, rubbing his cheek against one knee as tears slid from his eyes. "Tired of being alone..."
"You're not alone, Michael. I'm here...and I'm not going to leave you again. I won't let them send me away." she said fiercely, rubbing his shoulder. "I won't let them destroy you."
"I'll be the one to destroy you." he said huskily.
Nikita shook her head adamantly. "No. I don't accept that, Michael. You've had the chance time and time again...and you haven't taken it. You are not the monster that you think you are, that the Section has made you believe you are. It's taken me a long time to see it...but I *do* see it."
Slowly he raised his head, searching her eyes, looking for the least bit of doubt, and she held his gaze, showing him only sincerity and her belief in him. Hesitantly he smiled, a small smile, a sliver of the sun breaking through the clouds to give a glimpse of light, and Nikita put her arms around him to embrace him, the two of them sitting there on the bank of the lake for a long time.
He promised her they would never take her away from him again.
They had a plan set in motion before returning to section, a pact with the very devil, but one that was to their advantage as well George, Michael had met with a contact and fixed it so they had to call this contact every day, and if either of them did not use the proper protocol and code the other would be advised immediately.
They spent their last 4 days of their vacation walking and talking, horse back riding, and swimming, Michael would read to her and they would make love like starving men, each precious touch engraved into their memories to remind them of the love they had for each other, Michael would always plan and protect Nikita and she did the same.
Their return to section was slow and depressing, each mile they got near section Michael got more quiet and his face started to fall into the expressionless mask he used, Nikita reached out and took his hand in hers, he turned and looked into her eyes, Green meeting Blue, she almost thought he would pull his hand from hers, but then he smiled, a soft lifting of the corners of his mouth and brought her hand to his lips, kissed her palm and wrist, and then put their intertwined hands on his lap.Nikita turned the radio on and a song was playing that made both of them stop the car and listen.
**** How do you numb your skin after the warmest touch?
**** How do you slow your blood after the body rush?
**** How do you free your soul after you've found a friend?
**** How do you teach your heart to cry, to fall in love again?
Michael looked at Nikita and pulled her into his embrace as the song continued.
**** How do you cool your lips after a summer's kiss? How do you rid the sweat after the body bliss? How do you turn your back on the romantic glare? How do you block the sound of a voice you'd know any where?
**** Oh, I really should have known by the time you drove me home, by the vagueness in your eyes, your casual goodbyes. By the chill in your embrace, the expression on your face that told me maybe you might have some advice to give on how to be insensitive. Insensitive. Insensitive.
**** How do you numb your skin after the warmest touch? How do you slow your blood after the body rush? How do you free your soul after you've found a friend? How do you teach your heart to cry, to fall in love again?
**** Oh, you probably won't remember me, it's probably ancient history. I'm one of the chosen few who went ahead and fell for you. I'm out of vogue, I'm out of touch. I fell to hard, I feel too much. I though that you might have some advice to give on how to be insensitive.
**** Oh, I really should have known by the time you drove me home, by the vagueness in your eyes, your casual goodbyes. By the chill in your embrace, the expression on your face that told me you might have some advice to give on how to be insensitive. How to be insensitive. How to be insensitive. How to be insensitive. How to be.
As the song ended they were both crying in rememberance of the time lost and the many wounds they had both inflicted upon each other.They looked at each other and promised to always tell each other everything, NO MORE LIES, they kissed one last time and drove the few blocks to section.
As they walked into section, Walter saw them and rushed to hug his sugar, Michael watched the tender interaction between them.Walter smiled, hugged her and said, "Good to see you back, Sugar how was the vacation?"
"great to see you too, Walter. It went fine thanks," Nikita smiled and looked at Michael
Walter looked at Michael and said “ my Sugar took good care of you I see, Michael.”
Michael gave Walter a small nod and pulled Nikita toward his office, they were halfway to his office when Birkoff looked up and almost screamed “ Nikita! You’re back!” he got up and ran into her embrace.
" Hi Birkoff, How's the oreos?" she gave him a big hug, but felt him go stif as he caught sight of Michael.
Michael’s eyes boring into Birkoff’s, Birkoff felt that these were his last moments on earth.
“ uhmm Hi Michael, doing well I see.“ Birkoff immediately disentangled himself from Nikita’s embrace and almost ran back to his console, leaving Nikita smiling at how Michael frightened the poor kid.
“ Michael be nice! Birkoff adores you, the least you could have done was ackowledge him.”
Michael looked at Nikita and pulled her into his office, where they sat to wait for Operations and Madeleine to call them.
It took less than 10 minutes for Madeleine to buzz Michael’s office and ask them to meet her at her office.
Before leaving Michael’s office he stood and walked to her, she put her hand against the side of his face and Michael turned his head and pressed a kiss to her palm and Nikita felt an intense awareness invading her soul.
He looked back at her and his strong hands gently encircled her waist, pulling her close to him. He lowered his head to hers and brushed his lips against hers.
Nikita closed her eyes and leaned into him, allowing her mouth to open slightly beneath his as he deepened the kiss. His tongue snaked inside to explore her mouth and she felt a familiar rush of desire wash over her. Her hands rested lightly against his chest as she allowed him to softly plunder her mouth and she responded tentatively at first, then more urgently.
Michael pulled back and his eyes, darkened with desire, roamed over her flushed face. “I Love you Nikita,”
“ I love you too Michael.” she leaned in and kissed him one last time before disentangling their limbs and walking to the door, they both walked out and toward Madeleine’s lair.
The door Opened and Michael and Nikita saw Madeleine prunning her bonsai trees they walked into Madeleine’s office and sat on the chairs in front of her desk.
Madeleine walked around her desk and sat watching them carefully, her best Mona Lisa smile in place.
“ Michael I see you have recovered nicely, How are you feeling, any residual problems?”
“ None Madeleine, thank you, i feel fine.” Michael locked his gaze on a point a few inches over Madeleine’s shoulder and kept it there.
“ Really? I heard that you are still not able to remember certain things, is that true?” she looked first at Michael and then at Nikita. god how i hate her, she has destroyed all our careful work, but i will never stop until she is destroyed and he stops loving her, maybe i should try the treatment on Michael? It could work. She smiled and slowly stood.
“ Nikita how are your memories? Anything i should know? Anything Michael will not tell us?”
“ Madeleine we are fine, Nikita is fine and i am *FINE* do we have some briefing? We still need to get caught up, we have been away from section for 5 months” Michael stared at her as he continued his response silently. due to your wish to break us up Michael stood and took Nikita’s hand to help her stand.
“ No, no briefing but you must be aware that the relationship stays outside of section, if either of you has a lower level of proficiency you both will be punished, and this time it will be permanent.” She turned to her bonsai’s and started prunning again effectively dismissing them.
Michael and Nikita walked out of Madeleine’s office and almost burst out laughing
“ Michael she will never stop trying to destroy us, are you sure we can handle this?”
Michael pulled Nikita into Munitions and lowered the gate, “ yes cherie, we can handle this, but we must be careful, they will test us and try to play us against each other.”
Nikita snaked her arms around Michael’s waist and bit down on his lower lip, eliciting a groan from him, “ don’t worry, we will prevail” she smiled up at him.
Michael took advantage and kissed her voraciously, then the gate went up and walter stood there watching them fodnle each other.
“ EHEMMM ! Now kids stop trying to make an old man jealous and get a room! “
They jumped away from each other and laughed.
Then Birkoff walked in and they all left to enjoy a long lunch, with desert on the side.
**The song is by Jann Arden it is called Insensitive.**
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