Manzanillo, Mx.       2002

 Slumber Party, Friend's House.     2002

   Canyon Lake, Tx.     2002

   My Brand New Car!          2002

        Belly Dancing in Texas.     2002

       Showing Off My First Tattoo.    

   Pantene Hair Model Contest Pic.       2002       ( I Won the contest! )

   At Youngest Niece's Wedding    02-2002

    Presa de la Boca,  Villa De Santiago,  Mx.      May    2002

       Summer    2002

  Scary Graffitti in Monterrey.       2002

     Monterrey, Mx.      2002

   At a Vintage Plane Show.    Texas.      2002

     Corpus Christy Tx.      2002

  Leaving for a Friend's wedding.     2002

    Working at American Airlines.       Texas.      2002

        Samhain   10-02

  Woods near Monterrey,  Mex.      2002

       Evening out in Texas.     Nov.  2002

    Having Fun in CanCun,   Mx.     Dec.   28,   2002

For More Recent Pictures of Kyara,  Click the Rose above.