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Guardian Angel
![]() By Kyara Caledonii
![]() ![]() ***All Rights Reserved. Story cannot be reprinted/reproduced without Kyara's permission.***
WARNING: *** NC-17 ***
![]() ![]() Aline huffed as her hands slowly gathered the soil around the newly planted rose bush. She smiled as her fingers packed the soft earth tight around the roots of the bush.
"You will be beautiful by summer." She whispered to the rose bush as she slowly stood up.
![]() Hearing brakes screech loudly Aline turned toward the intersection just in time to see the large 18 wheeler hit the black truck crossing there.
![]() Her eyes widened as she watched, as if in slow motion as the truck was propelled through the air flipping several times before it hit the fence surrounding her property.
![]() Aline stared dumbfounded as the truck flipped once again and then landed heavily on it's roof less than ten feet from her.
![]() She watched frozen as a hand fell limply out of the window of the truck and that forced her to react.
![]() Aline quickly grabbed her cellular phone and dialed 911 while rushing toward the truck, her gaze shifted toward the road and with anger she watched as the 18 wheeler drove away quickly.
![]() "Damn it! Another hit and run, and I'm the witness!" she mumbled as she approached the large overturned truck.
![]() She kneeled beside the window and gasped as she looked inside. A man laid limp and bloody, the seat belt was the only thing keeping him suspended in his seat. She gingerly reached in and placed her fingers upon the man's neck searching for life signs. She sighed as she found a quick but steady heartbeat.
![]() She was startled by the voice on the phone and frowned remembering that she had dialed 911.
![]() 911 what is your emergency?
![]() Aline sighed once again before she answered. "There was another hit and run on the intersection of Route 125 sud. I need an ambulance immediately."
![]() Is there anyone injured?
![]() Aline looked at the man and searched what she could see of his body for injuries.
![]() "Yes, there was a truck and an 18 wheeler involved, the 18 wheeler fled, but there is a man inside the truck, he is unconscious, bleeding from several cuts to his head and upper body."
![]() There is an ambulance and the police on the way, Miss Is the man breathing?
![]() Aline lifted her hand toward his mouth, placing her fingers softly against his lips she smiled as she felt him softly exhale. "Yes, it sounds labored but he is breathing."
![]() The woman on the other side of the line sighed. Miss is the motor of the truck still running?
![]() Aline looked up. "Yes, shall I turn it off?"
![]() Oui Slowly, without moving the gentleman, try to turn the motor off.
![]() Aline reached in, her elbow accidentally brushed against his chest and the man moaned softly. She winced and quickly turned the engine off, taking the key out she slipped it into her jeans. "Ok the motor is off." She winced again as the man began to moan louder, she saw him try to move and quickly reached in and stopped his head from moving. "He's regaining consciousness and moving what do I do?"
![]() The woman sighed. Keep him from thrashing around, do not allow him to move his neck or body. He could have major brain and spinal cord injuries.
![]() Aline closed her eyes for a second praying that she could keep this man from moving. Slowly she placed the phone against her shoulder and lifted her left hand to hold the man's neck still.
![]() "Shhhhhh Don't move." She whispered softly.
![]() Aline watched with satisfaction as the man's movements stopped and he tried to raise his hand. She quickly grabbed his hand and squeezed it softly.
![]() "Help is on the way."
![]() She felt the man squeeze her fingers softly, she could feel him shaking.
![]() Aline heard him inhale and groan. She imagined he had several broken ribs.
![]() "What......happened?" his barely audible voice was coarse and filled with pain.
![]() "You were in an accident, an-"
![]() Aline winced as she heard the woman on the phone shout to claim her attention once again.
![]() Mademoiselle!
![]() Aline tightened her hold on the man's hand. Lifting the phone to her ear once again she snapped. "Yes?"
![]() Is the injured man conscious? Can you tell if there are other injuries? Broken bones?
![]() Aline searched his body with her eyes carefully but could not find any signs of injuries.
![]() "He is still not fully conscious, I can't see any more injuries beside the cut on his head and the cuts and bruises along his face and arms. "
![]() The woman exhaled an exasperated breath. What do you mean you can't see, is he injured or not?
![]() Aline snapped. "The man is hanging upside down from his seat! What do you want me to do? Unstrap him and drag him out of the truck?"
![]() The woman clucked her tongue softly. Forgive me, I was not advised that the truck was upside down. So he is strapped by his seat belt to the seat?
![]() Aline closed her eyes. "Yes, and please forgive me, I should have explained the situation better. " She lifted her gaze toward the road. "Is the ambulance going to get here anytime soon?"
![]() The ambulance should be there in a few minutes. I need you to do me a favor, can you remember the license plate of the 18 wheeler? Or any distinguishing marks on the cabin?
![]() Aline forced herself to remember the accident, she closed her eyes trying to see the accident as it happened. "The 18 wheeler was black, had a blue stripe on the side of the door, I think there was some kind of cat above the stripe. It had a big cabin. That's all I remember. "
![]() Aline opened her eyes upon hearing the siren of the ambulance. She smiled as the ambulance slowly parked into her driveway. " The ambulance is here Madame, thank you for your help."
![]() You're welcome mademoiselle. The woman said before the line went dead.
![]() Aline lifted her eyes toward the tall man who rushed toward her and knelt beside her.
![]() "Are you hurt?" the paramedic asked, his eyes searching her body for injuries.
![]() Aline shook her head. " No but he is." She said pointing to the man who still hung limply inside the truck.
![]() The paramedic examined the man as thoroughly as he could without moving him.
![]() Shaking his head he glanced at Aline and frowned. Then he slowly stood, they both watched as a police car screeched to a stop behind the ambulance and the officer stepped out. The paramedic sighed and rushed toward the police officer.
![]() Aline watched as the Medic and the police officer argued for several minutes before the medic rushed toward the ambulance. The police officer walked toward her and kneeled beside her.
![]() "Mademoiselle I need to-"
![]() Aline jumped as the injured man screamed loudly and tightened his grip around her hand. She gently rubbed his bloody knuckles and cooed to him until he calmed down.
![]() The police officer stared at her with sympathy and nodded. "Mademoiselle I need to check the truck for his papers, I will need to open the passenger door and it will move the truck, please continue to keep this man calm."
![]() Aline nodded and tightened her hold on the man's hand. "What's your name?" she whispered softly.
![]() The man tried to lift his head but moaned as a sharp pain shot through his whole body making him shiver. He gasped softly trying to keep his body as still as possible.
![]() Aline felt the spasms curse through his body and she reached in and caressed his cheek softly. "I'm here, you'll be fine soon. Just don't move."
![]() She felt the man squeeze her hand and she smiled.
![]() "Can you tell me your name?"
![]() The man shivered as he inhaled another breath, his voice came out as a soft whisper. "Roy."
![]() Aline squeezed his hand. She watched as the police officer slowly opened the passenger door and Roy gasped as the truck moved.
![]() Aline immediately reached in and placed her hands upon his neck once again. Her thumbs softly rubbed the bearded cheeks. "Just breathe slowly, the pain will subside soon."
![]() The paramedic returned and carefully reached into the truck placing a neck collar around Roy's neck. "What is your name?" he asked while he pressed the Velcro strap closed.
![]() "Roy.....Dupui-" the man barely answered before his body shook softly and went completely limp once again.
![]() Aline and the medic stared at each other, the medic quickly reached in and lifted his wrist, he smiled and nodded at Aline. "He's unconscious again. " he lifted his gaze toward the police officer who was slowly pulling out every piece of paper inside the truck. "I'll need your help to get this man out of here, my partners won't arrive quick enough and this man needs help now."
![]() The officer nodded and quickly reached over and slowly slipped his fingers into the back of Roy's jeans searching for his wallet. Once he found it he slowly pulled it out and gave it to Aline. "Keep this safe mademoiselle." The officer said as he slowly exited the truck.
![]() Aline nodded and shifted her gaze to the medic. "What's your name?"
![]() The medic lifted his gaze from Roy's arm where he had just slipped a needle into the vein. Taking the IV bag he lifted it and smiled at her. "Stefan Odriozol at your service."
![]() Aline smiled, blushing softly. She lifted her gaze to stare at Roy.
![]() "Will he survive?"
![]() Stefan pressed a bandage against Roy's temple. "We still don't know the extent of his injuries, he could have internal bleeding, or a Subdural Hematoma. We won't be sure until we get him to a hospital."
![]() She nodded and tightened her grip on Roy's hand. Aline had seen several bad injuries since moving to the farmhouse her father had given her. She shuddered at the memory of her father's death. Her mind returned to that day.
![]() *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
![]() Aline held her father's hand as the blood spilled out from the jagged hole on his chest. She could do nothing but watch as her father died slowly before her eyes.
![]() She sobbed loudly as Phillipe exhaled his last breath. Aline hated destiny, she cursed herself for taking too long to reach her father.
![]() Aline watched as the ambulance took her father's body away. She stood covered in blood, shaking on the front steps of the farmhouse where she had barely lived for 3 weeks. She felt Ian's arms wrap around her shoulders and she had lost all control. Sobbing desperately against his chest.
![]() "Ian why? Why did i have to lose him so quickly?"
![]() Ian MacGregor sighed and tightened his hold on her. He remembered the sweet girl that had approached him 3 months before, searching for her father. She had been so happy the day 7 weeks ago when she had set eyes upon her father. He felt responsible for Phillipe's death.
![]() "Aline, Mon cher, what was your father doing with the gun?"
![]() Aline had lifted her tear filled eyes and stared dumbfounded at him.
![]() "You think he committed suicide?"
![]() Ian shook his head sadly. "No I know he would never do that, he was so happy to have you beside him Aline, but I don't understand what he was doing with that gun."
![]() Aline had stared angrily at Ian until she understood. Her father hated guns, why would he have one at home?
![]() *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
![]() Aline jumped as a hand settled upon her shoulder. She looked up and found Stefan's eyes staring deeply into hers.
![]() "Are you all right?"
![]() Aline nodded, she looked down as she felt Roy's hand close around her fingers and she smiled. "He's conscious." she whispered.
![]() Stefan smiled. The police officer kneeled beside them. "Miss I'll need your name."
![]() "Aline D'Bellecharny. I own this farm. "
![]() The officer wrote down the information and quickly turned to the medic. "The nearest ambulance is 27 minutes away. Can his injuries wait until we have more help?"
![]() Stefan shook his head. "No, his breathing is becoming labored, and he's bleeding too much. We need to get him out of this truck and into a hospital immediately. " He looked at Aline and smiled then proceeded to speak to Roy.
![]() "Monsieur, we need to pull you out of this truck now. Officer Fergerón and miss D'Bellecharny will help me, you will be in severe pain. I will need you to not move at all. Allow us to do all the work bién? "
![]() Roy's soft whisper barely reached their ears. "Oui."
![]() Stefan and Officer Fergerón slowly gathered Roy into their arms and after a nod Aline reached over and quickly pulled the seat belt from it's hook.
![]() Then she quickly reached in and grabbed Roy's neck and head as his body quickly lurched down, she winced as he groaned loudly when they slowly dragged him out of the truck.
![]() Aline knew that he was in a tremendous amount of pain for she could feel his whole body shaking as he tried to keep the moans inside.
![]() Once they had Roy out of the truck, Stefan and Officer Fergerón lifted him carefully, trying not to move his extremities too much and placed him on the Gurney. Aline quickly covered him with a blanket. She kneeled beside him and gathered his hand in hers. Trying to give him as much support as she could.
![]() She smiled as his eyes snapped open and he tried to look at her. His eyes rolled around several times before his eyelids drifted closed. She watched as Stefan placed a bandage upon his temple. "It will be OK. We'll soon have you in a hospital." She stated as her thumb caressed his knuckles softly.
![]() Roy forced his eyes to open and his Jade green gaze melted into Aline's brown one as she tenderly brushed a soft cinnamon curl off his forehead.
![]() Stefan brushed his hands down his patient's chest and abdomen, when he reached his back, Roy couldn't stifle his yell. Stefan was worried, he had seen too many injuries like this, most of the time the patient ended up paralyzed.
![]() He shook his head. Standing he stared at officer Fergerón.
![]() "This man might not survive, his injuries are so extensive and serious......." Reaching out he placed his hand on Fergerón's shoulder and shook his head.
![]() Roy tried hard to control the pain, his lips quirked up slightly as Aline softly caressed his cheek trying to comfort him. His gaze shifted toward the medic. "Will I die?" he asked as he painfully exhaled.
![]() Stefan chuckled. "No, you're seriously injured but the seat belt saved your life. I'm sure the pain is more serious than the injuries." Roy frowned as Stefan brushed his hands down his legs searching for any breaks.
![]() "What are you doing?" Roy asked.
![]() Stefan raised his head and frowned. "I need to assess your injuries." Pressing his finger into Roy's knee he lifted his gaze toward Aline and asked. "Can you feel this?"
![]() Aline turned and gazed into Roy's eyes, she gasped as Roy frowned.
![]() "No, what are you doing?"
![]() Stefan exhaled sharply and quickly took Roy's boots off. Taking a small metal instrument from his pocket he pressed it hard against Roy's right foot.
![]() "Can you feel this?"
![]() Roy frowned and tried to shake his head, wincing as the pain intensified. He quickly let go of Aline's hand and pushed his hands under his body raising himself shakingly into a sitting position. Aline reached over and placed her hand on his chest, trying to keep him on the pillow.
![]() "Don't move, you can have serious injuries." She said as she pressed him back down on the pillow.
![]() Roy gasped as dizziness assailed him, his eyelids fluttered wildly as the world shifted and spun around him, he reached out and clasped Aline's hand tightly. Slowly his vision became cloudy and his head fell limply back upon the pillow. "Help.....me." he whispered weakly before his eyelids fluttered closed and the hand Aline held went lax in hers.
![]() "Stefan!" she shouted.
![]() Stefan quickly rushed to his side and pressed his fingers against Roy's throat.
![]() "He passed out."
![]() Aline nodded and tightened her grip on Roy's hand. She watched as Stefan and the police officer spoke for several minutes and then the officer nodded. Stefan returned to her side and smiled.
![]() "We need to take him now, will you accompany us?"
![]() Aline nodded and quickly rushed into the house to get her backpack. Closing the door behind her she quickly climbed into the back of the ambulance with the medic.
![]() "Who's going to drive? Officer Fergerón?" Aline asked.
![]() Stefan nodded and proceeded to call into the hospital.
![]() It seemed like an eternity to Aline before they reached the hospital, she watched as the doctors and nurses quickly took over Roy's care. Turning she followed officer Fergerón into the waiting area and answered his questions.
![]() Stefan and the police officer had left her alone, making sure that she had everything she needed. She had laid her head down on the chair beside hers, and before she knew it she had drifted into sleep.
![]() She was rudely shaken awake by a nurse sometime during the night.
![]() "Are you here with the car accident victim?" the nurse asked.
![]() Aline shifted her gaze down toward the nurse's ID "yes Nurse Lamoyne, how is he?"
![]() The nurse smiled and took a seat beside her. " Monsieur Dupuis will live, he was taken to the ICU Unit after his surgery. Is there anyone we should contact?"
![]() Aline frowned, she moved her hands and felt something slip off her lap. Frowning she bent over and picked up Roy's wallet. Her fingers spasmed tightly around the wallet and she nodded. Opening the wallet she searched until she found his driver's license. In the back there was a telephone number which Aline gave to the nurse.
![]() "It's his brother's number." She grabbed the nurse's wrist and gazed into the woman's pale gray eyes. "Will Roy truly be all right?"
![]() Nurse Lamoyne knew exactly what the girl was asking. She shook her head and patted the girl's hand. "His injuries were bad, his head suffered a hard blow that caused a concussion, he has 3 broken ribs and numerous cuts and bruises but....." the nurse lowered her gaze and shook her head sadly.
![]() Aline tightened her grip on the woman's wrist. "But what?"
![]() Nurse Lamoyne sighed and lifted her pale gaze to lock with Aline's dark one.
![]() "Monsieur suffered a bruising to his spine, there is some swelling that needs to go down before he may walk again."
![]() Aline closed her eyes, she expected this, after seeing the pain he was in after the medic touched his lower back she knew that Roy's injuries were even more severe than she had imagined.
![]() "May I see him?"
![]() Nurse Lamoyne nodded. Standing Aline gathered her things and followed the older woman toward the elevators.
![]() Nurse Lamoyne smiled as they entered the ICU area. " I will speak to the nurse in charge so she will allow you to stay with him. Her name is Brenda Kindrell, Monsieur Dupuis is in bed number 7, in the corner." She pointed toward the end of the room.
![]() Aline nodded and thanked her, then quickly rushed toward Roy's bed.
![]() She gasped at seeing him. He laid perfectly still, as pale as alabaster. His arms were covered with IV lines, his head was wrapped with a large bandage. She could see his chest rising and falling slowly. She smiled and leaning over she gently brushed a kiss against his lips. Then, as if like a fairy-tale, His eyelashes fluttered open. He smiled weakly as his gaze found hers.
![]() Roy was in pain, worst than he had ever been in, it radiated through his entire body making him shake. He attempted to move but soft, tender hands pressed him down on the bed.
![]() "Don't move." Aline whispered as she stretched her hand out and pushed the button to summon the nurse on duty.
![]() Suddenly nurse Kindrell entered the room and approached the bed. Roy looked at her through a haze of pain, he attempted to focus on Aline's face but all he could see was blurry forms. He felt the nurse take his arm and suddenly a cold and languid feeling creeped into his body making him sigh. Knowing that he had just been sedated.
![]() Roy felt the drug cursing through his body and fought it, deep in his soul he knew he should not sleep, he wondered what had happened to him that caused him so much pain, he tried to take stock of his body and that is when he noticed he could not feel his legs, panicked he turned his face toward Aline's touch and forced his voice to function, he barely whispered.
![]() "I..... can't feel .....my legs, why?" he was now gasping for air and nurse Kindrell placed the oxygen mask over his nose and mouth to help him breathe, then turning she left Aline alone with Roy. Aline leaned over and gazed into his unfocused, glazed eyes trying to force herself to explain he was temporarily paralyzed.
![]() "You were in a serious car accident. The doctor should be here- "
![]() Roy gazed deeply into Aline's tear filled eyes. "What happened?" he barely managed to whisper as the drug started to take him under.
![]() A tall, dark skinned man entered the room and stood beside the bed. His eyes were strikingly pale blue.
![]() The doctor gazed down into Roy's eyes and smiled. "Monsieur, My name is Doctor Latoni, I will be in charge of your recovery. Can you tell me what date is today?"
![]() Roy looked at Aline and tried to smile but the pain and fear were excruciating as he tried to keep his mind coherent a bit longer. "It is February 19, 2001. Why can't I feel my legs?" he finally managed to whisper as his ears started to ring and his body began to go lax, he fought the effects but sadly the darkness enveloped him and his eyelashes fluttered closed.
![]() Doctor Latoni turned to gaze at Aline, he could almost feel the despair in her. Sighing and took her arm. "Let's talk shall we." He pulled her to the door of the room.
![]() "Mademoiselle listen, Monsieur Dupuis is going to be in severe pain for days, Once he regains consciousness fully and understands his condition, he will be belligerent and angry, He will feel lost, dead inside, like a half man, but we must never allow him to feel this way. "
![]() Aline smiled. "I will do all I can Doctor, but please tell me, what else can we expect? His concussion is serious, will there be any side effects?"
![]() Doctor Latoni considered lying to this woman, but decided against it. "Yes Mademoiselle, there will be side effects, we cannot be sure of the severity or the type until he is fully conscious." His gaze shifted to the man laying so still on the bed and he shook his head sadly. "Has nurse Kindrell explained his condition to you?"
![]() Aline shook her head. "No they told me that you would explain everything."
![]() Doctor Latoni stared angrily at the nurse. Then shrugged his shoulders and proceeded to explain all the side effects that Roy could suffer due to the injuries.
![]() "The best case scenario will be that the swelling diminishes and he regains the full use of his legs, the concussion might have caused a short circuit in the brain, causing him to experience seizures. In the worst case scenario, Monsieur Dupuis could slip into a coma and never wake up."
![]() Aline felt disheartened by the doctor's prognosis. "Is there anyway to know what the side effects will be?"
![]() Doctor Latoni shook his head. "Until he regains full consciousness, we cannot be sure how damaged he is." He gazed back at Roy and inhaled sharply. "Is there anything I can do for you?"
![]() Aline shook her head. "Thank you doctor." She turned and entered the room once again, taking a seat beside Roy, she took his hand in hers, her other hand gently rubbed his cheek, smiling as she watched Roy slowly turn his head as much as he could toward her. Please god, help him recover fully. He needs you so very much right now, please don't abandon him. Aline prayed.
![]() Suddenly Roy began to shake softly, Aline stood and called for the nurse, when she turned back around Roy was in a full blown seizure. Aline placed her hands on his chest, trying to keep him still. She heard the nurse rush into the room and grab his arms, another nurse grabbed his legs and they controlled his movements until he went still once again.
![]() "Can't you give him something? These seizures could cause more damage to his spine." Aline stated as she watched nurse Kindrell take Roy's vital signs.
![]() Brenda Kindrell shook her head. "There is nothing that we can do right now Mademoiselle, he is already sedated and if we give him anything it could prove more damaging. I'm sorry." She turned and left the room.
![]() Aline clasped Roy's hand and brought it to her breast, Above her heart. She resumed her seat beside him and continued to pray for his recovery.
![]() ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
![]() Roy slowly began to regain consciousness several hours later. His arms felt like lead as his eyes slowly drifted open, he was enveloped in a soft languor, he turned his head to the side as much as he could. Blinking several times to clear his blurry vision. He saw through a haze the empty room and wondered what time it was, he knew it had to be late for the room was almost immersed in darkness. He saw the shimmer of red-gold beside him and realized that a woman slept beside him. He lifted one hand to her head and caressed her silky hair between his fingers.
![]() Aline lifted her head and looked at Roy, locking her dark brown eyes with his Pale green, she gasped at the look of pain reflected in Roy's face. She forced herself to sound cheerful.
![]() "Hey, welcome back Roy."
![]() He frowned and looked into the woman's eyes. He shifted position and gasped as a sharp pain cursed down his body. He locked his gaze with hers and swallowed hard.
![]() "Hello." hearing the coarseness of his voice he grimaced. "Water?" Roy whispered.
![]() Aline stood and served a glass of water, she turned to Roy and gently lifted his shoulders so he could drink the water.
![]() "Sip slowly please." Aline watched as Roy sipped slowly but greedily every drop in the glass, once he finished she laid him back down upon the pillows.
![]() Aline placed the glass on the table beside her and turned, smiling she gently brushed her fingers down his cheek.
![]() "How are you feeling?"
![]() Roy frowned and lifted his hand toward his temple, feeling the pull of the IV line he stared at her in confusion.
![]() Aline placed her hand over his. "You were in a serious car accident remember?" Roy blinked several times trying to remember, sighing he looked back into her eyes.
![]() "who are you?"
![]() Aline smiled. "My name is Aline D'Bellecharny, your truck landed on my front yard after the accident."
![]() Roy frowned, not remembering what had happened to him. All he could remember was driving to town to meet his mother for lunch then nothing.
![]() "Accident?"
![]() He looked at Aline's fear filled face and felt his world spin on it's axle. Knowing that he must truly be in serious condition for her to be so afraid. Gathering all his strength he asked. "How....bad?"
![]() Aline gathered his hand in hers and seated herself beside him, smiling she explained his injuries. "You have a cut on your temple which caused a concussion, several broken ribs and-" Aline sniffed and looked away.
![]() Tears slowly drifted down her cheeks.
![]() Roy shifted on the bed trying to reach with his other hand toward Aline's cheek, that is when he noticed the numbness and heaviness in his lower body.
![]() He gasped as he tried to move his legs. Squeezing Aline's hand he forced her to look at him.
![]() "What...else?" he asked breathlessly.
![]() Aline lifted her gaze to meet Roy's, she watched as he tried to move his legs once again without success and almost sobbed at the expression on his face.
![]() She closed her eyes wondering if his injuries were not worst than she had been told. She opened her eyes after feeling his shaky grip tighten and stared into Roy's, she took a deep breath and explained his condition.
![]() "The accident caused a bruising to your spine, there is some swelling, you won't be able to feel the lower half of your body until the swelling goes down."
![]() Roy felt like he had been punched in the stomach hard, his blood ran hot and cold at once. He could barely breathe. He turned his face away from her and pulled his hand from her grasp. He closed his eyes tightly and tried to control the panic that was slowly claiming his otherwise calm soul. What if this is permanent? What will I do? He inhaled a shaky breath and tried to control the panic that surged through him. He felt Aline touch his cheek and he turned back toward her.
![]() "Is it permanent?"
![]() "Once the swelling has gone down, we can see whether the damage that was done is temporary or permanent." A deeply masculine voice answered.
![]() Aline turned to stare at the doctor who stood at the door. Her gaze shifted down to her watch and saw the time. 9:45 p.m. she looked back up and smiled.
![]() "Doctor Latoni? I thought you had gone home."
![]() The doctor nodded and entered the room. "I decided to stay until our patient woke up." He checked the medical chart and studied it for several minutes then slowly his gaze shifted from Aline's to Roy's and back. "Feel free to ask any questions Monsieur." He said as he walked around the bed and stood beside Roy.
![]() Roy looked at Aline and sighed. His eyelids felt heavy, he could barely stay awake, he could feel his entire body slowly becoming heavier. I have to know. Forcing himself to fight the sluggishness in his brain he asked.
![]() "Will I ever walk again?"
![]() The doctor stared at Roy. He took a deep breath and responded. "Like I Mademoiselle, we can't be sure about the extent of the injury until the swelling goes down-"
![]() "How long will that take?" Roy asked in a heavily accented murmur.
![]() Aline watched as his eyelids fluttered softly. She brushed her thumb over his palm and was rewarded with a small smile from Roy.
![]() Doctor Latoni did not like to give time frames. "We can't be sure, with this type of injury it could take several weeks, or several months. There is no typical time frame for recovery."
![]() Roy turned his heavy lidded gaze toward Aline. He sighed and gently squeezed her hand before allowing his eyes to drift closed.
![]() The doctor smiled as he watched Roy nod softly as his eyes drifted shut.
![]() "Rest Monsieur Dupuis, I'll return in the morning." He smiled at Aline and quickly left the room.
![]() Aline lifted Roy's hand and kissed the bruised knuckles softly, then she rested her head back against the chair and closed her eyes. She wondered why his family had not arrived. Was his brother contacted? Did something happen to them too? She shook her head and allowed her thoughts to slowly float back to seven months ago when she had first arrived in Canada.
![]() *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
![]() She had spent 20 years searching for her biological father without any results. Her mother had died several years before. Aline had been quite depressed to know that but she had fought harder to find her father after that.
![]() She had been told that there was a possibility that her father had returned to his native Canada and Aline had felt lost. She had spent almost $ 60,000.00 dollars on several private investigators. She sighed remembering how her adopted parents had created the small trust fund to help her survive and still be able to search for her biological father.
![]() She had taken the first flight to Montreal, Quebec, and had quickly hired another investigator to search for her father, she had so little information about who he was.
![]() "Mademoiselle D'Bellecharny you must understand that with so little information this could take years." Ian MacGregor the private investigator she had hired had explained.
![]() Aline nodded and gave MacGregor all the information she had. "Listen, there can't be too many men like him." she took a deep breath. "His name is Phillipe Dutremount, he is approximately 60 years old. He was born in a small village called St. Felix de Valois, Quebec. He is 6 feet 2 inches tall, had bright red hair and brown eyes plus he spent at least 6 years traveling through the US working in construction. That's all I know about him."
![]() She had felt so sad when the detective had explained that it was too little information, that in such a rural place like Quebec, it would be almost impossible to find one single man. Specially if he did not wish to be found. Several weeks later she had received a call from mister MacGregor and she had rushed to meet him.
![]() As she entered MacGregor's office he stood and smiled. "Please take a seat Mademoiselle D'Bellecharny." He had offered her a drink but she smiled and shook her head.
![]() Ian MacGregor resumed his seat behind his massive desk and smiled once again.
![]() "I've found him."
![]() That was all he said. Aline felt her heart pound harder inside her chest as she stared at the detective. "Where?" se barely croaked.
![]() Ian MacGregor had patiently explained to her the information he had found about her father.
![]() "He has a farm in a small community called St. Donat. It is quite rural, mostly farmland." MacGregor stood and offered her the folder he held. "Here is all the information I was able to gather for you. He does not know you are searching for him. From what I could gather he does not even know you exist."
![]() Aline took the folder and held it tightly against her breast. She smiled and tried to calm her rapid heartbeat. "Is there any reason why I should not contact him?"
![]() MacGregor shook his head. "Read the folder Mademoiselle, we'll meet tomorrow at noon. If after reading the information you still wish to meet him, we will contact him."
![]() Aline had left the office and rushed toward her hotel, she had spent the rest of the day and all night reading about her father. What she read made her sad.
![]() Phillipe Dutremount had never married, he had traveled extensively and had finally bought the farmland and house and had settled down 23 years before.
![]() He had no heirs and several months before he had been diagnosed with OsteoMelanoma. (Bone Cancer.) he was not expected to live more than a year.
![]() Aline jumped as there was a knock at her door. She stood and opened the door, smiling as the maid nodded and entered to clean the room.
![]() She had taken a shower and quickly gathered her things, she had looked at herself in the mirror and smiled. "I'm meeting my father today." She whispered to herself and quickly left the room.
![]() At exactly 12 noon Aline entered MacGregor's office. " I need to meet him."
![]() MacGregor smiled and took the folder from her hand. "Then let's call him and see what happens." He lifted the phone and dialed the number, after several rings it was answered.
![]() Aline stood and went to the bathroom, leaving Ian MacGregor alone to explain the situation to her father slowly. She spent several minutes in the bathroom before returning to her seat.
![]() She stared into MacGregor's pale blue eyes with expectation. She tried to pay attention to the conversation but her mind wandered away.
![]() MacGregor nodded and slowly hung up the phone. "He wants to meet you too Mademoiselle D'Bellecharny. He wants us to drive up to his house today. He asked me to please have you bring your birth certificate and your biological mother's information. "
![]() Aline nodded and stood, following MacGregor they left the office and rushed to her hotel for the necessary papers, then they grabbed some lunch and began the 1 hour drive to St. Donat. Aline had been so impatient. As soon as they drove into the driveway of a small farm house she jumped out of the car.
![]() Standing on the front steps, a tall, red haired man stared dumbfounded at Aline. His eyes roamed her features slowly the same way hers did him. Then suddenly the man stepped off the porch and Aline threw herself into his waiting arms.
![]() "Dad." she softly whispered against his neck.
![]() Phillipe gasped as he held his daughter in his embrace. The emotions warring inside of him. He could not believe that he had a daughter, much less that she was full grown and beautiful.
![]() Aline lifted her face from his neck as she heard his sobs. She gazed deeply into his dark brown gaze and smiled. "You're real."
![]() Phillipe tightened his hold on Aline as tears fell down his cheeks unheeded. He nodded and kissed her forehead tenderly. "Aye mon cher, I'm real."
![]() *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
![]() Aline jerked awake as she heard the soft moan escape Roy's lips. She stood and gently brushed her fingers down his cheek. She felt her heart break as his lips turned up softly in a smile.
![]() Checking her watch she realized that 18 hours had passed since the accident. She looked up as someone gasped softly.
![]() An older woman slowly entered the room, followed closely by a young man, his almost identical features to Roy's immediately made Aline recognize him as Roy's brother. She smiled.
![]() "Bon Soir Madame et Monsieur. " Aline said softly
![]() The older woman stared horrified at Roy. Her right hand slowly drifted up to her mouth and she quickly stifled a sob. Aline watched as the man wrapped his arms around the woman and stirred her toward the other chair in the room.
![]() Once the woman was seated the younger man turned and approached Aline.
![]() "I'm Rodrick, Roy's brother. She is our mother." He softly stated. Taking a long look at Roy he asked. "How is he?"
![]() Aline shifted her gaze from the older woman to Rodrick. She smiled.
![]() "He's going to be fine, he suffered some serious injuries but he should recover." She didn't wish to tell them that Roy might never walk again.
![]() Rodrick smiled softly. Reaching out he touched Roy's hand. "The medical personnel will not tell us anything." He softly stated.
![]() Aline's heart broke, she knew exactly how they felt. Slowly she approached the woman and kneeled beside her. Taking her hand she smiled softly trying to give the woman courage.
![]() "Your son will be fine, he's in a lot of pain right now but according to his doctor Roy will recover."
![]() "But maybe not completely." Came the soft whisper from the bed.
![]() Aline gasped and turned, her eyes locked with Roy's, frowning he lifted his hand to beckon her. Aline helped Roy's mother to stand and watched as the woman reached out and clasped his hand in her shaking one then she leaned over and kissed his pale cheek. Aline turned and tried to exit the room.
![]() "Non, don't leave, S’il Vous Plait." Roy barely whispered.
![]() She smiled and returned to his side. Taking his right hand she gently rubbed her thumb across his palm. "I won't leave." She whispered softly to him.
![]() "Maman, I'll be all right." He looked around the room as if searching for someone, then shifted his gaze toward his mother. "Where's Celine?"
![]() Rodrick's eyes widened, turning to stare at Aline he shook his head.
![]() "Roy she was unable to be reached, ummm......We'll try later."
![]() Aline frowned. She let go of Roy's hand and quickly left the room.
![]() "Aline!" she heard the soft voice call out to her, but she continued to run until she reached the elevators, as the doors opened she felt someone grab her arm and she turned.
![]() "Let me go! Please." She said as she glared into Rodrick's eyes.
![]() Rodrick felt retched, he knew this girl cared for his brother but Roy had a fiancé. He took a deep breath, searching the hallways his eyes fell upon the waiting room door and he dragged Aline inside.
![]() "Listen mademoiselle, his fiancé has abandoned him. When she was told that he was in the hospital seriously injured she told me that she had already spoken to his doctors. " shaking his head he took a seat on a chair. "She was told that Roy would never walk again, is this true?"
![]() Aline stood shaking. Slowly she nodded. "The doctors can't tell yet how serious and permanent his injuries are. All I was told is that his spine has suffered some bruising and swelling and until that swelling is diminished they won't be able to know for sure if he will walk again." she took a seat beside the man and sighed.
![]() Rodrick looked at her. "I was told you saved his life. I wish to-"
![]() Aline shook her head. "I saw the accident happen, I kept him calm that's all."
![]() She stood and walked to the door. "You should go back to him, he will need his family to get him through this." She opened the door and smiled. Turning back to gaze at Rodrick she smiled softly. "Take good care of him." she stated and left the room.
![]() Rodrick sat dumbfounded. He did it again! They fall into his lap like stunned bees. Poor girl, once Celine returns she will be heartbroken, but for now my brother needs her beside him and I must do everything to make sure Roy is happy.
![]() Rodrick shook his head and followed Aline.
![]() "Mademoiselle please wait." he said as the door to the elevator opened and Aline entered.
![]() Aline shook her head. "I should get back home, he's got his family now."
![]() Rodrick reached out and grabbed her wrist. "You were there for him when he needed you most. He needs you beside him, please come back and help him recover."
![]() Aline stared at him, she knew this was a bad idea but she sighed and nodded.
![]() She exited the elevator and followed Rodrick back into the ICU upon entering they heard loud shouts and then a woman rushed out of Roy's room. She stopped in front of Rodrick.
![]() "You said he was dying! That I should say goodbye. You lied!" the woman shouted.
![]() Aline stared at her. She had short dark red hair, large brownish/gray eyes and pale skin that was flushed in anger. She watched as the woman turned back toward the room.
![]() "Roy is as healthy as always, he does not need me." The woman stated as she turned and pushed passed them.
![]() Rodrick grabbed her arm and spun her around. "Celine he needs you right now, he was in a serious accident, you know that he could end up paralyzed for life, and here you are, ready to abandon him at the smallest reason. Do you truly care more about your career than the man you've loved and lived with for 6 years?
![]() Celine pulled her arm away from his grasp. "He needs a nurse, a maid to care for him. I can't do it!" She tried to rush past them but Rodrick grabbed her wrist and forced her to stay.
![]() "He needs you Celine, He loves you, remember your plans?"
![]() Celine's eyes widened, quickly she twisted her arm away from his hold and took several steps back.
![]() "And knowing that you still want me to go back? He is useless, he won't ever be able to sire children! You know he will need constant care, If I stay I will lose my career! "
![]() Aline stared dumbfounded at the scene developing just outside Roy's door. She knew that Roy could hear everything and must be extremely upset. She shook her head and took a step toward the door, suddenly a hand shot out and grabbed her arm, spinning her around she stared deeply into Celine's unusually colored eyes.
![]() Celine took a deep breath and stared hard at Aline. Shaking her head vehemently she turned back toward Rodrick and sighed. "I love Roy, but I will not sacrifice my life and future, specially since I can't do anything to help him recover." She spun around and left the ICU unit quickly leaving Aline, Rodrick and several nurses and patient's families staring after her.
![]() Aline heard the soft moans coming from Roy's room and immediately rushed inside. She found his mother sobbing loudly, while Roy sat on the edge of the bed, his legs dangling limply. She gasped at seeing the blood slowly dripping down his arm where the IV needle used to be. He lifted his head and their eyes met.
![]() She could almost feel the loneliness and devastation that overwhelmed him. She rushed to his side and started to push his upper body back upon the bed.
![]() "Roy please lay down." She whispered as she gently helped him lay back, once his head hit the pillow his eyes closed and he grabbed her hand.
![]() "She left me." He stated sadly.
![]() Aline nodded as she watched Rodrick lift Roy's legs back under the blanket. "She's afraid Roy, she doesn't know how to react right now. I'm sure she'll come back soon." Aline stated.
![]() Roy shook his head and then winced as a sharp pain shoot through it. Taking a couple of deep breaths he opened his eyes and stared at her. "No, she abandoned me, she does not want a cripple in her life." He closed his eyes once again trying hard to control the pain that tore through his body.
![]() "You're not a cripple! You're injured and will recover mon Fil." Roy's mother stated softly. "And then you will show her, she does not deserve you in her life."
![]() Rodrick hugged his mother tenderly and nodded at Roy. "She's right, Celine never deserved you."
![]() Roy's eyes snapped open and he glared at Rodrick. "How do you know? You barely spent time with us at all. Celine-"
![]() "Celine left you! She abandoned you when you need her most! That is not love! She is selfish and vain. I say good riddance!" Roderick shouted.
![]() Aline felt Roy shiver at his brother's words. She tightened her grip on his hand. Turning to gaze at Roy's mother she tried to calm the woman. "Madame, Monsieur, We should concentrate on Roy's recovery, not his relationship. He needs peace and calm to recover. Why don't you two get something to eat, I'll stay with him." She turned back toward Roy and smiled as their eyes met.
![]() Rodrick nodded. Taking his mother's hand he helped her to stand and approached the bed. Wrapping his arm around his mother Rodrick reached out and took Roy's left hand and squeezed it. "We should go, these last twenty hours have been extremely horrific for all of us.." He turned to gaze at Aline. "Will you stay with him until my sister arrives? "
![]() Aline nodded. "Of course, don't worry, I won't leave his side."
![]() Roy smiled as his mother leaned over and kissed his cheek softly.
![]() "Sleep mon fil. You need to rest now, don't worry about anything." She whispered softly just before kissing his cheek.
![]() Rodrick squeezed his hand tightly and nodded. "I'll go and make sure everything is OK at the farm, then I'll get Roxanne and bring her here. Just rest and recover, that's all you have to do all right?"
![]() Roy nodded softly. "I'll be fine with my ange guardien beside me." He barely whispered.
![]() Rodrick and his mother stared at each other. Then slowly smiled as they left the room. "She is a guardian angel Rod, your brother could be dead now if she had not been there. " Madame Dupuis stated as they entered the elevator.
![]() Rodrick nodded and smiled. "Yes, she's better than Celine. At least she's beside him. He'll be all right for now."
![]() Aline watched as the nurse entered the room and quickly replaced the torn IV line. Carefully cleaning the drops of blood that still clung to his arm. Taking a syringe she carefully injected a small amount of the liquid into his vein. “Rest Monsieur, the doctor will arrive shortly.”
![]() Aline smiled as Roy's eyelids drifted closed once again. She leaned over and brushed her fingers down his cheek. " yes Roy, rest and recover. We'll deal with life's problems once you're better."
![]() Roy nodded and smiled as he allowed the medication and fatigue to drag him back into oblivion.
![]() Aline resumed her seat beside Roy, his hand softly clasped in hers. Aline gently combed her fingers through his cinnamon curls in a soothing motion. She closed her eyes and prayed for his recovery to be complete. She knew this was not a man who could be happy paralyzed, he would fight and sooner or later harm himself trying to recover the use of his legs. Aline gently laid her cheek on their clasped hands and closed her eyes.
![]() ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
![]() Aline had barely drifted off to sleep when she heard a pain filled scream and she jerked awake instantly. She searched the dark room finally settling upon the bed, Roy tossed his head side to side, moaning loudly.
![]() She jumped upon the bed and grabbed his shoulders, shaking him softly in the hopes of waking him from his nightmare.
![]() Roy opened his eyes, still half glazed from the nightmare. He was partially awake. Just then, he reached out and kissed Aline hard on the lips. It was a kiss of hunger and instead of backing away, Aline returned the kiss, in fact, she gave back more than Roy had originally given. Finally, Roy was the one to break the kiss.
![]() "I'm sorry." He whispered softly.
![]() Aline blushed and tenderly rubbed her fingers across his hand. "It's OK, don't worry about it." She climbed off the bed and watched as Roy laid back upon the pillows and closed his eyes.
![]() Roy shivered at the emotions rushing through his body. He felt confused, afraid, euphoric and extremely disoriented. He didn't know what was happening to him, Celine had abandoned him and he was sure he should be more perturbed than this. He took deep breaths trying to calm down. His eyes snapped open as the nurse entered the room.
![]() The nurse, a young oriental girl entered the room for her regular hourly checkup. She changed Roy's IV bag and checked his vital signs. She carefully injected the contents of a syringe into his IV bag and looked at Aline, satisfied that her patient was recovering nicely she smiled at Aline and quickly left the room.
![]() Roy felt a mild euphoric feeling creep into his mind, he relaxed and tried to take advantage of the effects to sleep, he knew that he needed sleep most of all, but he also felt that there was something strange going on in his body, his legs were numb, but he paid no attention to these symptom as whatever drug that was included with the IV nutrients relaxed him enough to be able to fall asleep.
![]() Aline sat back and watched as Roy's body slowly stopped shivering. She smiled and allowed her eyes to drift closed.
![]() ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
![]() Aline had spent two days in the hospital beside Roy, his body slowly recovering.
![]() He was not as pale as before and the dark circles under his eyes had almost disappeared. She had met Roy's sister and his father. Roy's family had kept a long vigil during the last two days. She watched as Roy slept peacefully and stood, walking to the window she stared out and remembered what the doctor had said about Roy's injuries just that morning.
![]() Monsieur Dupuis' injuries are severe, his head injury has turned out to be more dangerous than we had diagnosed. But still that does not mean that the side effects will increase also." He gazed at each of the people in the room and sighed sadly. "But what concerns me is the spinal injury. The swelling is not going down. We have exhausted every last medication to promote the healing process and all I can say is that this will take much longer than we expected.
![]() Roy's mother had glared at the doctor. "How long will it take? My son has duties and responsibilities that he cannot afford to neglect."
![]() Doctor Latoni had nodded. "Madame, he is strong, his recovery will take months. I would recommend that he remains as immobile as possible, resting as much as possible. As you know, he will be moved to a regular room today and he could be released from the hospital within a few days."
![]() Roy smiled and gazed at Aline. "Will I be able to go home by Friday?"
![]() Doctor Latoni frowned. "I would prefer if you stayed several more days. We need to establish the severity of the side effects from your head injury. Plus it would be better if you began therapy while still under our care."
![]() Roy shook his head. "I want to go home, I can't neglect my farm for as long as you suggest. Friday is still 2 days away. That should be enough time to make sure I will not die."
![]() Aline tightened her grip on his hand and he turned and smiled at her. Without taking his eyes from hers he asked the doctor. "Will I walk again? That's all I want to know."
![]() Doctor Latoni shook his head. "I can't say, you are still unable to feel your lower body correct?"
![]() Roy nodded. "It's numb, I can feel sharp pain, but nothing more." He stared deeply into the doctor's eyes and sighed. "I need to walk again, soon!"
![]() Doctor Latoni stared at Aline and frowned. "Monsieur Dupuis, we need to wait for the swelling to go down. Once that is accomplished we will know if the damage is temporary or permanent. Until then you must stay in bed."
![]() Roy took a deep breath. "Can you at least give me an estimate? How long until the swelling goes down?"
![]() Doctor Latoni smiled. "Of course, but you must understand that the swelling could diminish before or after this period."
![]() Roy nodded. "Just tell me."
![]() Latoni inhaled sharply. "From two to six months. With the proper therapy and medication. Monsieur Dupuis, you will be extremely weak for some time still, you must allow your body to recover at it's own pace. Don't force it or you may damage yourself even more."
![]() Roy trembled. "Fine, but I go home on Friday." Roy allowed his eyes to drift closed and slowly drifted into sleep.
![]() Aline had stared at the doctor who simply shrugged and left the room.
![]() Madame Dupuis sighed, and gently kissed Roy's hand. Lifting her gaze she gazed at Aline. "He is too stubborn. If he continues like this he will harm himself." She stated glaring at Roy’s sleeping features.
![]() Roxanne smiled. "Maman, when has he not been stubborn? He is not a good patient you know that."
![]() Rodrick entered the room and laughed. "Yes Maman, you should know that, remember the accident he suffered while on the roof of the farm? Did he allow his thumb to heal?"
![]() Madame Dupuis smiled. "No, he simply bandaged it and continued to work. " she stared at Rodrick and shook her head. "That's exactly what worries me so much. Once at home he will force his recovery."
![]() Roxanne shook her head. "What do you think Mademoiselle D'Bellecharny?"
![]() Aline smiled and turned away from the window. "Please call me Aline." Taking a deep breath she approached the bed. "I don't know him well enough to answer that. I know he is stubborn and wants to recover faster. But-"
![]() "But nothing, I know my brother too well, and once he gets home he will force his recovery." Roxanne gazed at Aline and smiled. "Will you be accompanying him home Aline?"
![]() Aline blushed furiously. "We haven't discussed that yet, plus I have a home that I must care for."
![]() Roxanne and Rodrick nodded and smiled. Aline returned to her seat beside the window and gazed at the beautiful view of mid-February Montreal.
![]() Roy's family had left soon after that and she had again been left alone with Roy.
![]() *~*~*~*~*~*
![]() When Roy woke up his first thought was of pain, intense and constant, everywhere. He had not felt such pain in a long time and had to bite his lip, to keep from crying out. He attempted to open his eyes, the light hurt as it hit his oversensitive eyes, an intense pain shot into the back of his head, and he closed his eyes tightly. Roy shivered, he was cold, he tried to move but pain shot through his whole body, the worst embedding itself in the side of his head, he lifted his left hand to try and massage his temple where the pain was severe and felt the many days growth of beard on his face, he felt someone softly remove his hand and massaged his aching temple, he sighed and turned his face toward her touch.
![]() Aline kept massaging his temple and side of his face as she served a glass of water from the pitcher on the table beside her.
![]() "Where else does it hurt?"
![]() Roy thought for a moment and responded with barely a whisper. "everywhere."
![]() Aline stopped the massage and brought her hand to support his head and help him drink.
![]() "Here drink some of this."
![]() She brought the glass to his lips and he drank thirstily, his throat had been parched, he had received little fluids and food since the accident. He finished the glass and asked for more, Aline smiled and obliged, after the second glass of water she gently laid his head back on the pillow. He sighed and smiled softly.
![]() Aline knew he had barely been awake since the accident, ten to thirty minutes of wakefulness did not counteract the several hours of constant sleep every day. She was glad that the doctor had decided to stop medicating Roy, he needed to be cognizant of his surroundings and coherent enough to make decisions.
![]() Roy tried to open his eyes again and this time the pain was not so intense, his sight was blurry and he tried to focus on her face.
![]() She smiled at seeing him trying to focus his bright eyes and gently placed her hand on his cheek.
![]() "Slowly, allow the light to filter through, don't force your eyes." She whispered to him while caressing his cheek.
![]() After several minutes his sight cleared and he saw beautiful brown almond shaped eyes, And fire gold hair, he inspected her face slowly, dark burnished brows, small turned up nose, full heart shaped lips, milky white skin, he noticed a light sprinkling of freckles on nose and cheeks and then he noticed the flush of that same skin, he realized he was starring and he quickly lowered his eyes, his lashes hiding the jade green color of his eyes.
![]() Aline felt herself flush by the intense gaze of this man, she knew she had been smitten as her mother had called it. Smitten was not the correct word but well, all she knew is that she wanted to care for this lost soul, protect him from any harm.
![]() Roy turned his head toward the window and shivered as a sharp pain cursed through his head, settling painfully behind his eyes. He raised his hand to the bridge of his nose and with thumb and forefinger tried to control the pounding of his head, no luck. With a pain filled sigh he closed his eyes.
![]() Aline watched him touch his eyes and then shudder and she took the wet towel beside her and taking his hand from his eyes she positioned the towel to cover the painful area, he visually relaxed as the cold towel calmed the pain and he clasped her hand.
![]() "Thank you that helps."
![]() Aline smiled and gently rubbed his cheek. She settled back on the chair.
![]() "What happened to me?" Roy asked slurring softly.
![]() Aline took a deep breath and proceeded to remind him what had happened two days before, the diagnosis and how he had reacted. Aline had finished telling him about the last two days when she felt his hand go lax in hers she lifted her eyes toward his face and gently took the towel off his eyes, she realized he had fallen asleep again, she smiled and kissed his lips softly, eliciting a soft sigh from him.
![]() ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
![]() Roy sat on the bed, two days later, he was feeling stronger but not yet strong enough to attempt to move much. The pain slowly became more tolerable and he would spend more time awake than asleep, he had spent many hours speaking to Aline. She was a wonderful woman, thirty-two years old, and had already suffered so much, she had slowly opened up and told him about her life.
![]() Roy smiled and rubbed his fingers down her arm.
![]() "Aline, I need to ask you a favor."
![]() Aline took a seat beside him on the bed, careful not to hurt him. Taking his hand in hers she locked her eyes with his and nodded. "Anything you need, just ask and if I can do it I will."
![]() Roy felt apprehensive about asking her this favor, but he knew he did not wish to lose her yet. Tightening his hold on her hand he shifted his gaze to look out the window. Noticing the early sunlight slowly warming the day outside, he smiled, remembering how wonderful it felt to have the sun shining upon his back while he worked around the farmhouse. He sighed and turned to look at her once again.
![]() Aline could feel the tense atmosphere that had settled around them. She knew that whatever he was about to ask, would be something that she could not deny him. She smiled and gently brushed a curl off his forehead. "Tell me what you need Roy, please."
![]() Roy nodded and taking a deep breath he forced himself to ask. "Will you stay with me at my farm for a few days?"
![]() Aline's eyes widened, she had not expected him to ask her that. She slowly let go of his hand and stood, walking to the window she stared out and twirling her diamond solitaire pendant she answered.
![]() "Roy I don't know if I can. I have a farm of my own to care for. I don't know if I can-"
![]() Roy lowered his gaze to his hands, feeling like his heart would burst with sadness. He knew that she loved her home, it had been gifted to her by her father and he did not expect her to give that up. He shifted painfully on the bed and sighed. "It's OK Aline, forget I asked. I'll have Rodrick search for someone."
![]() Aline heard the sadness embedded in his voice and berated herself for hurting him.
![]() He's been abandoned by his fiancé, he is alone and confused about his future, and when he asks you to not abandon him also, you deny his simple request. What kind of a woman are you? Aline berated herself.
![]() She turned to gaze upon Roy's dejected figure sitting stiffly and hunched over on the bed. She reminded herself that this favor would not take much time, she could have her best friend move into the farm and care for it while she spent time at Roy's home. She also felt responsible for this man, she had noticed how dejected and depressed he had become as time had passed, she knew he would not be able to adapt to his disabilities quickly and wanted to help him as much as possible. Nodding she decided to call Karly and beg her to take care of her home, she slowly returned to Roy's side and took his hand in hers.
![]() "Roy I.....I'll move in with you. It might not be for long, I still have to take care of the farm but a friend of mine should be able to keep it running for several weeks while I help you."
![]() Roy shrugged dejectedly. "I don't mean to force you Aline, I just.....feel comfortable with you, I feel like I've known you always." He lifted pain filled eyes to meet hers and Aline felt retched for hurting him. "Are you sure? I'm sure Rodrick can-"
![]() He was silenced as her fingers settled on his lips.
![]() "Of course, I'll call karly now and have her move in today. Don't worry." She gently leaned over and replaced her fingers with a soft kiss.
![]() "Ahemm."
![]() Aline jumped softly and turned to the door, smiling she saw that Rodrick and his mother had arrived. Turning back to Roy she tenderly caressed his hand.
![]() "I'll leave you three alone, got to make a call." She took Roy's hand into hers and squeezed softly. "I'll be back in a few minutes OK?"
![]() Roy nodded and gifted her with a small smile.
![]() Aline exited the room and smiling she took her cell phone out of her back pack and dialed Karly's number.
![]() ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
![]() Doctor Latoni entered the room thirty minutes after Roy's mother and brother arrived. Aline quickly followed him in and smiled at seeing that Roy was dressed in a pair of gray sweat pants and a green sweatshirt. He held out his hand and Aline took it. She felt him shivering and realized he was quite impatient to leave the hospital.
![]() "You know the procedures correct?" Latoni asked Aline and Roy.
![]() They both nodded simultaneously. Aline smiled as Rodrick shook his head.
![]() "Are you sure you wish to go home now Roy?" His mother asked as she slowly folded a pair of jeans.
![]() Roy smiled at her. "Yes Maman. I need to go home, I can't recover here."
![]() Madame Dupuis nodded and approached the bed. Taking Roy's hand in hers she softly placed a kiss on his bruised fingers and looked at him. "You will obey Aline? If she tells you to eat and sleep you will Bién?"
![]() Roy chuckled softly and nodded. Gazing into Aline's soft brown eyes he smiled warmly.
![]() "Of course Maman."
![]() Doctor Latoni turned as nurse Kindrell entered the room and gave him a folder. Then she quickly walked to the bed and began to disengage the IV line from Roy's arm.
![]() Doctor Latoni turned to Rodrick and gave him the folder. "I need the signature of each of you as witnesses that Monsieur Dupuis is leaving the hospital against medical advice."
![]() Rodrick and his mother nodded and quickly signed, then the folder was passed to Aline who signed quickly before holding it steady for Roy to sign. "Don't worry Doctor, he'll be cared for."
![]() As soon as Roy finished signing, doctor Latoni signed the discharge papers and gave them to Aline. Another nurse entered the room and gave the doctor a large plastic bag filled with medications.
![]() Latoni smiled and approached the bed. "These are the medications you need to take Monsieur." The doctor took 3 bottles out. Offering them to Roy who slowly read the labels.
![]() Looking up, Roy stared angrily at the doctor. "Why a sedative? I understand the pain killers and anti-inflammatory medication but the sedatives?"
![]() Latoni sat beside him and explained. "You are under allot of stress, I have seen how this situation has affected you and it worries me." He gazed upon Aline who slowly nodded. "You need to be calm and receptive for your recovery to progress as necessary. The sedatives will help you sleep and keep you calm."
![]() Roy nodded and quickly gave the bag to Rodrick. "can I go now?"
![]() Rodrick laughed and quickly left the room, followed by his mother to retrieve the car. Aline and nurse Kindrell slowly helped Roy into a wheelchair.
![]() They wheeled Roy toward the elevators when another nurse intercepted them.
![]() "I'm sorry Monsieurs, but the nurses in the ICU have decided to buy Monsieur Dupuis a small get well gift."
![]() Roy smiled shyly at the nurse as she placed a large box in his lap. He nodded and thanked her and the nurse quickly returned to the ICU unit.
![]() Aline knelt before Roy as nurse Kindrell and doctor Latoni walked a few steps away.
![]() "Open it Roy."
![]() Roy looked at Aline and smiled. He slowly opened the box and pulled out the gift inside. Aline gasped and quickly took the box away. She watched as Roy settled the large white angel bear in his lap and slowly read the card attached.
![]() Brenda kindrell knew that most of the nurses in the hospital had spent allot of money to find and get that specific bear for him before he left. She felt proud to have not only met Roy but to know that he truly was as shy and selfless as everyone thought. She frowned wondering if he would ever return to work, his movies were some of the best she had ever seen and she would miss watching him on the screen. Sighing she turned as the elevator doors opened.
![]() "Shall we go?" she stood behind the wheelchair and began to push Roy into the elevator.
![]() Aline held his shaking hand tightly, she knew that the gift had overwhelmed him and knew that he was silently crying.
![]() Kneeling she gently brushed the tears away and placed a soft kiss upon his cheek. "You did know that you were loved by many Roy. This is simply a small reminder of that love. " she gently lifted his chin forcing him to look at her.
![]() "Now simply concentrate on recovering as fully as you can all right. Don't worry about anything else."
![]() Roy nodded and lifted her hand to his lips. Placing a soft kiss upon her knuckles he smiled and tightened his hold on the bear.
![]() Once they were in the lobby, the doctor gave Roy one last pill.
![]() Roy looked at him with disgust and shook his head. "No more medications."
![]() Latoni smiled. "If you don't take this, you will not be allowed to leave the hospital."
![]() Roy glared at the doctor but quickly grabbed the pill and popped it into his mouth, swallowing dry he opened his mouth wide and showed the doctor he had swallowed.
![]() "Good enough?"
![]() Doctor Latoni smiled and turned slowly returning to the elevators.
![]() "Don't give the lady too much grief Monsieur Dupuis." He stated. Motioning for Aline to follow he sighed heavily and shook his head. “I've given him a mild sedative, it should take effect within a few minutes.” Giving Aline a card he smiled. “Call if you need anything mademoiselle.” He stated before turning and leaving Roy and Aline alone with the nurse.
![]() Rodrick drove into the pick up lane and between Aline and Rodrick they helped Roy into the back seat of the car. Aline jumped in and settled beside Roy.
![]() Aline inched her way to sit closer to Roy, she didn't approve of the doctor giving Roy a mild sedative, Roy needed to be coherent for him to recover properly.
![]() Aline knew that the sedative should kick in any minute. She gently took Roy's hand in hers.
![]() Roy started to feel a languorous sensation creep into his body, he was fighting the sedative the doctor had given him with every ounce of strength he possessed, but the sedative was too strong for his depleted reserves of strength and suddenly he slumped forward.
![]() Aline caught him before he hit the floor and gently laid his head on her lap. She tenderly brushed her fingers through his hair while softly crooning to him.
![]() Roy opened his eyes to look at her, his own dark and dazed, blinking as he brought her into focus, his eyes fluttered closed again, his whole body going slack as the drug finally won and he slipped into oblivion.
![]() ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
![]() Rodrick watched through the rear view mirror Roy's inanimate form resting on Aline's lap, he saw that his breathing was labored, his chest rising and falling in an uneven staccato, he watched his eyes open briefly, a flutter of visible awareness.
![]() He whispered Roy's name softly and he responded by opening heavy lidded eyes. His gaze shifted to the side to seek out Rodrick's briefly and then closed, the effort of something so small proving taxing.
![]() Aline stared out the window, watching the Quebec country side, it was still very cold and the snow blanketed the roads and fields in soft white. She smiled as she saw a deer dart into the woods behind a house. Remembering how the deer and doe's had started to frequent the woods behind her farmhouse. She loved seeing nature at it's purest.
![]() Rodrick and his mother held hands as Rodrick drove down the isolated country road. Ryna Dupuis' eyes kept darting back to gaze at her son. He looked so vulnerable, she wanted to simply hold him like she had done when he was a child. She was proud of all her children, but Roy had always been her favortie, her first born son and the apple of her eye. She had spoiled him rotten knowing that he would some day make her very proud. She had imagined him working as a physicist or doctor. With his intelligence and talent for making everyone feel comfortable and at ease when they were around him, she knew he would have made a wonderful doctor. But he had decided to turn his talent to acting and he had blossomed. He was the best actor she had seen, and that was not motherly pride, it was the truth, she could still hear her neighbor's daughters speaking about Roy's talent for bringing life into any character he played and felt her heart swell with pride.
![]() Ryna looked at Aline and smiled. Wondering why this girl had not treated Roy the same as all his fans. Can it be that she does not know what he does for a living? No this girl was French-Canadian, she must have heard about his career, but then why did she treat him so normally? That puzzled Ryna and she bowed to find the reason soon.
![]() Aline was mesmerized by the beauty of the countryside. She had not expected to find such beauty among the cold snow. She felt the car slow down and turn into a lonely dirt road and her eyes widened. At the end of that road stood a large farmhouse, old in appearance, it was surrounded by a tall stone fence.
![]() "Are we there?" Aline asked softly, trying to not wake Roy.
![]() Rodrick and his mother nodded simultaneously.
![]() "This is Roy's home." Rodrick stated as he exited the car and opened the gates.
![]() Ryna turned and gazed warmly at her sleeping son. Shifting her gaze to meet Aline's eyes she smiled. "Promise me something will you child."
![]() Aline nodded. "Anything."
![]() Ryna smiled. "Take care of him, please don't break his heart."
![]() Aline sucked in her breath in a soft gasp. "I won't hurt him Madame, I promise."
![]() Rodrick climbed back into the car and stared at her through the rear view mirror.
![]() "I took everything that Celine owned away, the door locks have been changed and the alarm system has a new code. I fixed the down stairs bedroom for Roy, he won't be able to climb the stairs any time soon, but I did fix one bedroom upstairs for you." moving the car out of park, he drove into the property.
![]() "You will need clothes and your personal items, why don't you give us your address and I'll have Rodrick drive by your home and pick them up." Ryna Dupuis said.
![]() Aline smiled and quickly gave Madame Dupuis her home address. "Karly is staying there, I'll call her once Roy is settled and make sure she is waiting with my things."
![]() Rodrick parked the car in front of the house and turned the engine off.
![]() He nodded and proceeded to exit the car and open the door to the farm, he turned the lights on and returned to the car.
![]() Rodrick opened the back door and smiled. "Shall we wake him?"
![]() Aline nodded and together they tried to wake Roy. His lashes fluttered and he moaned softly, they knew that he would not be much help in this state so they decided to simply carry him inside. Rodrick kneeled into the car and carefully took Roy's legs, while Aline gently gathered Roy against her and they carefully managed to carry Roy into the house. They laid him carefully on the bed and covered him with blankets.
![]() Once Roy was settled, Aline called Karly and advised her that Rodrick would pick up a small suitcase filled with her things. Then she slowly followed Ryna into the kitchen and helped her to make a meal.
![]() Ryna Dupuis stared at the girl beside her. she looked young but acted much older. She decided to try and get to know the girl.
![]() "Aline, tell me where are you from?"
![]() Aline smiled. "I was born in New York state and was adopted several days after I was born. My parents were wonderful, they took me to live in Louisiana, I was an only child but never felt lonely. I was told I had been adopted when I turned fifteen. It was a shock to find out that they were not my parents. But they were wonderful, they gave me as much as they could, gifting me with a trust fund when they died." She sighed and took a seat beside the window, staring out toward the forest she continued her story.
![]() "My parents died several weeks apart, my father in a plane accident and my mother of sadness after his loss. I was seventeen when they died. They had left my college tuition paid for, so the trust fund was used for expenses. After graduating I decided to search for my biological parents. I had been told that I was French so I spent 5 years traveling through Canada and Europe searching for any information, when I finally found my biological mother it had been too late, she had died several years before, but her sister had given me every piece of information she knew, that's how I came to live here in Quebec. It took me three months to finally find my father. He died only two months later of a self inflicted wound to the chest." Aline wiped her tears away and stood. "I need to go check on Roy." She turned but Ryna grabbed her wrist.
![]() "Do you know who my son is Aline?" Ryna asked somberly.
![]() Aline shook her head. A soft smile crossing her features. "No, I know what he does for a living, but I barely know who HE is." She pulled her hand away from Ryna's grasp and walked quickly into Roy's room.
![]() Rodrick and his mother spent several hours more talking and getting to know Aline. Then as midnight approached they decided to leave.
![]() "I'll bring the wheelchair by tomorrow morning along with your things, Call us if he needs anything." Rodrick said as he climbed into the car and started the engine.
![]() "Don't worry, I will." Aline said as the car drove away.
![]() She quickly returned to the house and walked to the bedroom, she smiled as she watched Roy sleep. She sighed softly and settled herself into the small bed she had fixed on the floor beside Roy's bed. She would not leave him alone.
![]() ~*~*~*~*~*
![]() The next morning, Aline stood at the door of the bedroom, eating a small piece of toast and smiling. After several hours of fighting during the night to keep Roy calm after a bad nightmare and the subsequent reaction to being home and not able to move, he had fallen asleep once again.
![]() His face was bathed softly by the light filtering through the blinds, his lips were slightly opened, his lashes softly resting on his stubbled cheeks, his left hand was raised above his head half closed, like a baby's in sleep, his right hand rested over his heart.
![]() Aline felt something stir in her chest and realized that she had fallen completely in love with this man, he was so sweet awake and looked angelic when he slept, she smiled and quietly walked out of the bedroom closing the door behind her.
![]() She cooked and cleaned the old farmhouse from top to bottom. When she finished she returned to Roy's side and gently climbed in bed. She placed her hand on Roy's chest, over his heart and closed her eyes.
![]() ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
![]() Roy had slept for almost two days, the deep satisfying sleep had done him good, he felt stronger and more awake than before. He slid his hands under himself and slowly lifted himself into a seating position, he groaned under his breath at the pain and dizziness the new position gave him but he bore it silently, he moved his heavy legs to the side of the bed and slowly stood, holding on to the bed post, he finally was able to stand on weak, shaky legs that could barely hold him steady. The powerful dizziness assailed him again and he almost lost his grip on the bedpost as he doubled over in pain, he sat down again and took deep breaths, trying to control the pain and dizziness he felt. Slowly the pain passed but the dizziness stayed.
![]() "Roy are you OK?" Aline asked softly.
![]() Roy nodded and laid back down. He felt Aline caressing his hand and smiled. How can this gentle creature care so much about me when we barely just met? He questioned himself.
![]() He opened his eyes and tenderly took her hand, placing a soft kiss upon her palm he sighed. "Is there any food?"
![]() Aline smiled and jumping out of bed she quickly rushed to get him some breakfast.
![]() She returned several minutes later with bagels and cream cheese, some coffee and fruit and she promptly began to feed him.
![]() Roy smiled as Aline carefully fed him, making each piece of fruit or bagel as small as possible, he was ravenous and devoured every piece of food she had brought.
![]() They had quickly become best friends as the days passed. Roy allowed Aline to care for him in every way imaginable. She would bathe him, cook and clean, she would dress him and do the exercises with him. Even when his family arrived to visit she would always be there, beside him.
![]() Aline had noticed that as the days turned into weeks, that Roy had started to become more quiet. She was worried that the depression had now taken over his soul, and she expected to have a battle on her hands.
![]() One cold and dreary evening Roy laid back on the pillows and tried to control his emotions. However, he wasn't prepared for the overwhelming depression that he was experiencing. It had been six weeks since the accident and he was still paralyzed. Not knowing for sure if the paralysis was temporary or permanent made him even more depressed. Roy was slowly becoming more and more despondent as time went on.
![]() Aline had tried to talk to him, to help him pull himself out of the darkness that threatened to engulf him. She spent all night trying to make him speak.
![]() "Roy you need to speak to me, tell me what's wrong, what can I do to help you?"
![]() Roy simply kept his eyes closed and contemplated life as an invalid. He did not like the future he saw. If this injury was permanent, he would have to redesign the whole house, he hated having to destroy such a beautiful house with the special modifications that his paralysis would require. Plus his heart ached at the memory that Celine had abandoned him, he had kept that part of the equation hidden deeply inside him as he tried to recover the use of his legs, but as time passed and Aline continued to fight beside him he had become more and more depressed. Being abandoned, paralyzed and losing his job had wounded him deeply. He thrived from others, and his work. He needed to keep active to feel productive and now he knew that unless he recovered the movement in his legs his career was over. He sighed once again as Aline continued to try and understand his emotions.
![]() Aline finally decided to simply hold him, she sat behind Roy, surrounded him with her arms and rocked with him, after several hours he finally broke and leaned against her, he slowly fell asleep smiling as her arms made him feel secure.
![]() Aline laid Roy's head back upon the pillows and gently rubbed her finger down his jaw. She knew he was in extreme emotional pain. She wanted to protect him, help him get through this pain but knew she could do nothing unless he allowed her.
![]() She sniffed softly and the tantalizing aroma of food reached her nostrils. She took one last look at Roy and slowly left the bedroom.
![]() Rodrick watched as Aline entered the kitchen. "Good morning Aline, Is he OK now?"
![]() Aline sat heavily on one of the kitchen chairs and put her face in her hands.
![]() "If he survives the next few weeks without trying to commit suicide he should be fine, but he worries me Rodrick, he is extremely depressed and despondent, he hates being useless. I think he wants to die, how can I keep him alive?"
![]() Rodrick took the soup off the burner and sat beside Aline.
![]() "Aline you can't make him want to live, all you can do is give him a reason to live, that's all."
![]() Aline frowned confused. “Its the same thing Rodrick. I can’t seem to get him to even speak to me.”
![]() Rodrick took Aline's hand and squeezed it gently. "Just be there for him, he will need you once his depression drifts off him.” Looking around he pushed the soup bowl toward Aline. “Listen I need to go get some groceries, will you be OK alone with him?"
![]() Aline nodded and pulled the bowl closer. "Don't worry, I can handle his moods."
![]() Rodrick opened the kitchen door and walked to the car. He slowly drove away from the farm, his heart breaking by the situation. I have never seen Roy this depressed, not even after he stopped drinking did he get this bad. I need to find a way to give him a reason to live, but how? He does not care about anything right now.
![]() Aline finished the wonderful Corn cream and walked to the living room. She sat staring into the fireplace, her arms wrapped tightly around her knees. Please god, give me the knowledge to help him, you know what he needs, tell me what to do to bring him out of this depression. She lowered her head to her bent knees and closed her eyes. Allowing the soft warmth from the fireplace to help her doze into a light sleep.
![]() Roy woke to find himself alone, he sighed feeling like he had been abandoned once again. He turned and stared angrily at the wheelchair that waited for him beside the window. He hated the thing. He slowly pulled himself up and rested his aching head on the backboard. Taking a look around the room he shook his head. I can't even rest in my own bed! I hate this situation! Why didn't I just die in the accident? It would have been easier than this total dependency on someone else. Roy slowly dragged his heavy legs to the side of the bed, pulling the wheelchair toward him he slowly and painfully climbed in.
![]() Turning he opened the door and slowly wheeled himself to the living room. He gasped at seeing Aline asleep beside the fireplace, her golden-red hair spread out around her, her arms cradled the small bear he had gifted her with several days before. He frowned as she softly mumbled something in her sleep. He turned and wheeled himself toward the stairs. At the foot of the staircase he glared at each step, knowing that he needed to force himself to climb those stairs. He looked back toward the living room to make sure Aline still slept and smiled.
![]() Grabbing a tight hold of the banister he dragged himself into a standing position and grunted softly. The pain in his legs and back was excruciating, taking several breaths to calm the pain he concentrated on slowly forcing his legs to climb the steps. With his right hand he grabbed the banister and his left slowly moved his legs. Groaning under his breath as each step he climbed caused his body to shake with sharp pain, he tried harder to reach the top of the stairs.
![]() Roy suddenly felt a sharp pain curse down his back and he doubled over. His hands grabbed for the banister but the movement caused him to lose his balance, and with a soft gasp he tumbled down the stairs to land heavily at the bottom. Hitting his head on the edge of the bottom step, he moaned loudly and closed his eyes. Now it's the end. If I had not broken my back before now I have. Those were his last coherent thoughts as he slowly slipped into unconsciousness.
![]() Aline heard the moan and quickly jumped up, she stared frozen as Roy tumbled down the steps to land limp at the bottom. She rushed to him as another pain filled moan was emitted and kneeled beside him. Reaching out toward his throat she pressed her fingers searching for a heart beat. She sighed at finding a strong heart beat present. Slowly her fingers moved up his jaw and gently settled over his mouth, she felt a soft breath exit his lungs and smiled. Gently she turned Roy onto his back and tenderly lifted his eyelids, his eyes were rolled back, the green was barely discernible. She knew he had been rendered unconscious by the hard blow on his injured temple.
![]() "What shall I do? Do I move him, or wait until Rodrick returns?" she whispered softly to herself as she gently brushed her hands down his body searching for more injuries.
![]() A soft moan made the decision for her, she gently lifted Roy into a sitting position and wrapping her arms around his chest, slowly dragged him back into the bedroom. She struggled to lift his slack body into the bed but once she had him settled on the pillows she sighed with relief.
![]() "When you regain consciousness the pain in your head and body will be excruciating. Why did you try to climb the stairs Roy?" Aline whispered against his cheek.
![]() Aline dialed Rodrick's number and told him what had happened, Rodrick quickly finished shopping and returned to the farmhouse within 45 minutes. Once he entered, he called doctor Latoni who had quickly driven to St. Donat to check on Roy.
![]() Latoni had checked him out as completely as he could, he was sure that Roy would be fine, a bit bruised and in pain but Roy's injuries had not been aggravated.
![]() Aline and Rodrick felt relieved that all would be fine. Several hours later Rodrick had left the farmhouse and returned to work giving Aline the number where to reach him before driving back to Montreal.
![]() ~*~*~*~*
![]() Consciousness returned slowly, Roy felt his body on fire, pain shooting through every muscle, suddenly a muscle spasm wracked his body and his head lolled to the side and back. He struggled to regain some control over his body.
![]() "Roy don't move, you're hurt and still very weak, please don't move." Aline lifted Roy into her arms and held him. Crooning soothing words to him until she felt him go limp in her embrace once again.
![]() Mon Dieu! The pain! How can I fight this excruciating pain? Roy thought as he fought the darkness that slowly surrounded his mind and dragged him into a dark abyss filled with pain and misery. He felt himself literally disintegrate, dissolving into a million broken pieces.
![]() Aline watched as Roy shuddered in her arms. He looked so vulnerable, so helpless. Sighing with sadness and worry she tentatively, took his hand in hers. He did not stir, but his fingers automatically curled around hers, warm and trusting. He was so beautiful, she thought, gazing at his face, now so peaceful in his deep sleep. Suddenly Roy stirred slightly, a small frown creasing his brow. One softly grunted word escaped his lips. "No…" His chest heaved with his rapid intake of breaths, his head tossing restlessly.
![]() She caressed his cheek briefly, trying to calm him down. “Shhh Roy, calme toi.” She murmured against his ear. He murmured her name sleepily, but did not open his eyes. Roy groaned again, but no longer struggled. After several seconds his head lolled limply to the side. She felt him go limp, relaxing in her arms, his lips parted in a soft gasp. Gently, she laid his head back on the pillow, and kissed his cheek. He did not stir, his eyes closed, his body deep in sleep.
![]() ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
![]() Roy woke several hours later to find himself alone, he slowly lifted his numb and aching body to a sitting position and tried to control the trembling of his limbs. He remembered what he had attempted and felt disgraced, he had failed and fallen down the stairs, probably causing even more damage to his already injured body. With a sigh he resigned himself to being paralyzed and quickly the depression claimed him once more.
![]() Roy closed his eyes as his body began to shiver violently, the pain and depression once again claiming his soul, he felt the world tilt and smiled, knowing that blessed oblivion was near. I'm so cold. He thought sadly. Is this how it feels to slowly die? Coldness accompanied by unending pain and trembling? He sighed and allowed the darkness to slowly drag him into unconsciousness once again.
![]() He sat on the bed in the same position for what seemed hours. He couldn't be sure as he struggled up from his blessed lack of awareness. The shivers had slowed but not stopped, he was still cold. He tried to move but he was too weak. He drew in a ragged breath, A single tear fell from his eyes before he lowered his face to his hands. A single violent spasm racked his body and then he was still.
![]() He heard the door open and lifted his red, tear filled eyes toward it, Aline entered and smiled at seeing him awake. She quickly approached him.
![]() "How do you feel?" Aline asked as she took a seat beside him on the bed.
![]() He closed his eyes and sighed. "I will live." He responded.
![]() Aline watched as his eyelids slowly closed, he shivered and snapped his eyes open once again, he tried to focus his gaze upon Aline without success. Roy's perception of reality was becoming muffled, his ears were ringing, his sight was blurry, his body was numb and going slack, he could feel his muscles giving up the fight to survive, his head was reeling, he tried to move, but the effort exhausted him, he tried to speak but no sound came out, he was slowly floating out of his body, his soul leaving the damaged body behind. " I don't...want....to...die." he whispered softly before His body went slack, his head lolling to the side. Darkness had claimed him once again.
![]() Aline quickly grabbed him as he slumped into her arms. She gently laid him back upon the pillows and placed her hand on his cheek, feeling lost and lonely. She knew Roy was giving up on life and she wouldn't allow it.
![]() She leaned in and softly whispered into Roy's ear. "I won't let you die Roy, you will live and recover." She gently placed a kiss upon his temple and sat on the chair, watching him sleep.
![]() ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
![]() As the days passed Roy had gradually regained some of his strength not in the quantity he wanted but it was at least a start.
![]() Aline kept caring for him, she had forced food down his throat more times than he cared to admit, he was now trying to handle bathing alone, he was still very weak and the dizziness and nausea assaulted him when he least expected.
![]() "Tell me how I can help you." Aline said one morning after forcing Roy to eat some eggs and fruit.
![]() Roy shook his head and stared out the window. He didn't know how to explain to Aline what he felt. It confused him. Nine weeks had passed since the accident and Aline still tended his every need. Nine weeks of music and poetry and quiet contemplation, of quiet companionship and an ever-increasing intimacy.
![]() She had made herself at home. He wondered if she would move in with him if he asked. He reminded himself that she had a home of her own and soon she would have to leave. That thought made his depression seem even worst and he quickly concentrated on the forest behind his home. The forest had always brought him peace, but now, all he felt was despair.
![]() "I'm sor-ry, I'm sorry, " He kept mumbling softly, like a broken record.
![]() Aline stared at him from across the room. He was huddled in the chair, his hands cradled under his arms. She approached him slowly with her arms open wide.
![]() He shook his head in denial of her comfort. Just sat there shaking his head and repeating "I'm sor . . ." She stopped the words with her hand. She could feel his lower lip trembling. It was too dark to see his eyes, but she knew he was crying. She kissed his eyelids and tasted salt water. She gently enfolded him in her embrace, trying to comfort him.
![]() Several minutes later Roy pulled back, he rested his head on the back of the chair and turned back toward the fire. His face was flushed as much from embarrassment as from the heat. His eyes blurred, and he rubbed them with the heels of his hands.
![]() Roy stared blindly out the window, his eyesight glazed, his body tense. She knew that he had hidden inside his mind once again. There was nothing to say. She kneeled beside him, waiting. This had happened frequently over the past few weeks, and always he had chosen to return to her.
![]() Aline softly spoke to him. "You are a man with many gifts Roy, you are a man who, despite suffering terrible personal loss, has chosen to live and to love and to try again. Please don't shy away from me again. Roy please, allow me to help you to break through this depression."
![]() Roy moved into her arms and rested his chin on her shoulder. She cupped the nape of his neck with one hand and pressed him to her with the other.
![]() She patted him on the back. "It's going to be all right, Roy. Trust me."
![]() A wave of protectiveness swept over him, and he touched his lips to her throat. His nostrils flared as he breathed in her scent. Desire lanced through him, and he unconsciously tightened his grip on her waist.
![]() She leaned over and kissed him then, sucking his lower lip into her mouth. Her hand found its way unerringly to his crotch, and she stroked him through the fabric, weighing and measuring the size of his arousal.
![]() He gasped in a breath and covered her hand reflexively tighter over his arousal.
![]() "Do you want me to stop now?" She trailed her fingers lightly over him.
![]() "God, DON'T!"
![]() She lifted her hand away, teasing.
![]() He reached out and grabbed her wrist, forcing her hand back down onto his throbbing erection. She gently pulled his pants down and his erection rose to meet her, she rubbed the knob with her palm. It was already slick with moisture, and the friction of her hand encouraged a heavier flow of lubricant.
![]() He clutched the arms of his chair, desperate for something solid to hold onto.
![]() She began to work him with both hands, as though she were pulling taffy. When she released him, his cock stand was a sight to behold. He lifted his glassy gaze toward her and moaned.
![]() "Is this my prize?" she asked huskily.
![]() He gave a jerky nod.
![]() Aline using both hands, she pulled them slowly up toward the tip. All along the length of him, her nails scraped against his hypersensitive skin, and every nerve ending screamed in reaction. He went plank-stiff, his fingers digging into the leather, as he arched like a bowstring and the arrow between his legs took flight. Creamy liquid spurted out of him in hard bursts, splattering her breasts.
![]() Roy shook his head trying to clear it. He was still unable to catch his breath.
![]() A drop of sweat poised on the end of his nose dropped down onto his lips, and her tongue flicked out to lick up the salty taste of him. She wiped his face with her sleeve. He collapsed on top of her, and she could feel the pounding of his heart. It slowed gradually, and his breathing steadied.
![]() "Are you okay?"
![]() "I don't know," he moaned pitifully.
![]() ~*~*~*~*~*
![]() Aline kneeled beside the bed and caressed Roy's cheek, she watched him snuggle deeper into the bed, she smiled and pressed a soft kiss on his temple before leaving him alone and walking to the kitchen to make lunch.
![]() She knew that he was returning slowly. He had still certain episodes of what she called "spacing out" but they were becoming less. Just that morning he had suffered one of those moments.
![]() Doctor Latoni had explained to her that the seizures had turned into these episodes where Roy would simply drift into his own world, sometimes it took minutes to bring him back, but other times it could take hours. She sighed and stood at the kitchen window thinking back upon the last episode he had.
![]() ~*~*~*~*~*
![]() She stood in the doorway to the bathroom, staring at Roy as he slowly dragged himself out of the tub.
![]() Roy had stared into the mirror, his eyes wide as he found it increasingly difficult to hide his thoughts and feelings from her, and from himself. He was terrified.
![]() His suspicions were confirmed when she came over, put her arms around him, and murmured in his ear.
![]() "Don't be afraid, I won't leave you. "
![]() All the tension drained out of him at once. He couldn't fight her any more.
![]() He needed her too much. He almost burst into tears.
![]() He slowly pushed her away and wheeled himself back into the living room.
![]() He positioned his chair beside the window and stared out into the forest once again.
![]() Aline followed him into the living room. "Do you want some lunch?" she asked him.
![]() He shook his head and continued to gaze into the woods. Aline approached him and gently caressed his cheek. Suddenly Roy tilted sideways, she caught him and gently eased him down onto the floor. His skin was clammy, and his face was stark white. He took in a gasping breath. After a few minutes, his eyes opened,and he stared at her dazedly.
![]() "What happened?"
![]() "I'm no doctor, Roy, but it looked to me like you just had another of those full-blown seizures and fainted."
![]() Tears blurred his vision. "Why is this happening?"
![]() She smiled reassuringly.
![]() "That's an easy question to answer. Because you've had all you can take. And more. It isn't a matter of strength of will. You're a human being, and your mind and body are going to do what they have to do to survive."
![]() Aline stood to retrieve a wet towel and he held up his arms. "Please Aline, don't leave me alone."
![]() She dropped down beside him and put her head on his chest. "I won't, Roy I swear. I won't."
![]() She felt him relax. His breathing deepened, and when she looked up, he was asleep. Tears still shimmered on his eyelashes.
![]() She was afraid if she moved he would wake up, so she willed herself to relax as well.
![]() Once he woke up, she had dragged him to the bedroom and laid him carefully on the bed. Roy had laid on the bed, his eyes glazed and unfocused as she continued to attempt to reach him.
![]() Aline continued to stimulate him, touching, kissing, speaking to him for long periods of time, she would force him to eat, to do the exercises. Aline had been frightened when she could not get him to respond, she had called Doctor Latoni.
![]() "Aline, he is suffering what is called self induced Catatonia. He will not respond until he wants to. I suggest you continue to feed him as usual. Keep up the exercises and if he does not respond to any stimulation in two days I'll give him some medication to force him out."
![]() Aline had nodded and continued to do everything as usual for Roy. Until three days later Roy had opened his eyes.
![]() Aline's blurred image slowly became sharper but did not immediately resolve. He took a deep breath and whispered to her.
![]() "Tu tiens ma Coeur, mon vie. Tu es mon lumiere. Desservete mes ombres, mes murs. Fidelement, tu es mon ame. Sans toi, je suis rien."
![]() Aline smiled. She gently leaned over and kissed his lips. She smiled as he slowly sighed with pleasure. That had been the beginning of his recovery.
![]() ~*~*~*~*~*
![]() Shivering Aline jerked herself from her reverie and sighed. " He needs time and allot of love to recover fully." She whispered.
![]() She knew his own family had been appalled to watch how depressed he had become. But finally Aline had been able to bring him around.
![]() She began to cook, a simple hamburger with fries. She knew Roy loved fries and she picked 3 potatoes and began to peel them slowly.
![]() Aline walked back into the bedroom and watched Roy sleep, she carefully lifted the blanket and joined Roy in bed. Her eyes drifted closed. Lunch can wait.
![]() Aline felt Roy surround her with his arms and woke up swiftly, she felt Roy's shoulders shaking with the tears and she started to caress his hair, His arms were wrapped tightly around her shoulders and neck, as if he could not get close enough to her.
![]() "Roy?"
![]() He drew back at last, his eyes somewhat sad. Jade green eyes met dark brown ones. She framed his face with her hands, looking intently into his eyes, which had somehow assumed the color of dark jade. " tell me why you are so sad and crying."
![]() He dropped his gaze, breaking eye contact with her, but she followed his retreat, her thumbs pressing against his cheeks. "Roy....talk to me."
![]() He shook his head and Aline continued. "We have every reason to be happy, Roy." She caressed the side of his face gently, noting how he closed his eyes in response to her touch.
![]() His eyes slowly opened and lit on her face. "My bright angel..." he whispered.
![]() She could see the darkness that threatened to consume him. She just didn't understand why. But maybe the why was not nearly that important right now.
![]() "I'm here for you, my love," she said huskily.
![]() Roy gave a sharp cry and buried his face in the space between her neck and shoulder, his arms unconsciously tightening around her. She could feel the wetness of his tears upon her skin. She could feel the trembling of his hands.
![]() Roy drew a shaky breath against her neck, his lips caressing her tenderly, as if he found the feel of her, real and warm against him, reassuring in a way that words were not.
![]() "Roy talk to me, tell me what's wrong?"
![]() Roy lifted his gaze to meet hers and sniffed softly. He could feel the fear still cursing through his body. He didn't want to be vulnerable, he didn't want to love her, but he did. And it frightened him terribly.
![]() Aline sighed and rolled onto her back, taking him with her. He shifted gently, brushing his cheek against the softness of her breasts. She restlessly raked her fingers through his hair, and she felt his exhalation of breath against her chest.
![]() Roy continued to rub his face against her breast. "You are...very important to me, Soleil. "
![]() His fingers sought hers, playing back and forth upon her palm until she responded in kind. Their hands danced together, lacing and threading and intertwining, until Roy stopped the captivating dance with a kiss.
![]() Aline sighed, she pulled back and gazed deeply into his pale eyes. She gently rubbed her thumbs across Roy's cheeks.
![]() "Maybe we're trying to rush things. You need time to recover, not only physically but emotionally. " Aline said softly.
![]() Roy nodded and stared at her, eyes wide, hooded and dark, his face was deathly white. He was drenched in cold sweat. He had begun to shiver softly, Aline was worried for It had taken nearly 30 minutes for him to stop shivering. He had tightened his arms around her then, and allowed his tears to flow freely.
![]() Aline felt terrified of his reactions, they were so extreme and unexpected. Anything would trigger his fear and tears. She wrapped her arms around him and softly crooned.
![]() Once Roy had calmed down enough, she started to say in a soft whisper.
![]() "Maybe we're assuming things that aren't there and should just take it easy."
![]() "No," he said. "I'm not usually like this, so indecisive. But I've never met anyone like you before and I guess it scares me."
![]() "I scare you?"
![]() "No, not you, us. This...thing between us. I think you feel it too." He rubbed his thumb across the palm of her hand. Yes, she felt it.
![]() Slowly he kissed his way around her face, from temple to forehead to temple.
![]() He nuzzled her neck, his lips pausing for only a moment under her chin. She loved the velvety feel of his mouth upon her, and she arched upwards, the peaks of her breasts grazing his chest. She whimpered as he began the journey down, his mouth touching first her navel, then the very heart of her.
![]() She gasped, astonished at the way her body caught fire so quickly. She felt Roy lift her body and pull her pants down. Roy laced their hands together as his head bent over her lower body. His lips caressing the heat of her, his tongue soon slid its way inside. Her hands clenched tightly in his hair as she tried to hold back the inevitable. He released her hands. He lifted her shirt off and gently ran his hands down her body seeking her breast, his fingertips finally closed over her nipple, as he continued to lave the center of her being. When she climaxed, her breathless cries echoed in his ears.
![]() With a shudder, Roy joined their bodies, sliding into her wet heat. For a moment, he was content just to be there. Inside her. Part of her. This was beyond a mere union. It was a coming together of their life forces, their souls swirling restlessly before they became one entity.
![]() Slowly and clumsily Roy began to move, his rhythm was slow, she knew it hurt to move this way and Aline tried to flip him into his back, but he tightened his hold on her and shook his head.
![]() His rhythm became faster and faster, he balanced himself on his left arm while his right hand slowly snaked down her body to softly play with her swollen bud.
![]() Aline shivered and cried out in total ecstasy. Her fingers burying into his hair she pulled his mouth to hers and joined their mouths deliciously.
![]() His breath caught as he climaxed, pouring himself like honey into her waiting vessel. They entered free fall together, lamenting the brevity of the upward journey, but knowing it would be attempted again. Soon.
![]() ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
![]() The next morning Aline woke to find Roy sitting up in bed. She glanced over at Roy. His eyes were wide, green pools of unshed tears. She placed her hand on his cheek and turned him to face her. The movement caused the tears to overflow and run down his cheek. She wiped them away with the back of her hand. He stared at her unblinkingly as more filled his eyes. "I could drown in his gaze," she thought.
![]() "Roy how long have you been awake?"
![]() He simply shrugged and stared deeply into her eyes.
![]() Aline straddled his lap and gently kissed his lips, and cheeks. His eyes closed, and she kissed the lids, smoothing the hair back from his damp forehead. His breathing deepened, slowed and she realized he had drifted off, taking refuge from pain in sleep.
![]() Sensing that this respite would be short-lived, she remained by his side, sinking down onto the carpet beside the bed, staring into the flames. She didn't remember falling asleep but was awakened abruptly by the sound of hoarse cries, Roy was dreaming again. Over the past few months, as their intimacy had increased, she had become somewhat inured to his occasional outbursts in his sleep.
![]() She had developed the habit of stroking his arm or his cheek gently until he subsided, often without ever waking. This time, however, was different. His cries began to take on an even more frantic tone - higher in pitch, more of a wail than a shout. At this point she felt compelled to wake him, and grabbing his face in both hands, she called loudly, "Roy! Wake up! It's Aline! Wake up now!"
![]() His eyes snapped open, wide as saucers, but blind to her presence. She could tell the moment he remembered what had happened. His cries stopped abruptly, but the resulting silence was almost as devastating. His mouth remained open, at first a perfect "O" which, as she watched, began to tremble and dissolve, becoming only one facet of the overall mask of grief contorting his features. He wrapped his arms around her waist, squeezing her tightly, as if he were trying to crawl inside her. He took one long, gasping breath, and released it in sob after sob, his entire body convulsing as she held his head tightly to her breast, rocking them both gently back and forth, whispering her love for him. Eventually, the storm passed, leaving them exhausted. Sobs became occasional hiccups.
![]() Small aftershocks spasming the muscles in his diaphragm. Aline continued her rocking, rubbing his back all the while.
![]() “Roy?"
![]() Silence. But she sensed a certain tension in him, as if he were listening.
![]() "Roy. Look at me."
![]() His hold on her loosened and he lifted his head, staring at her with naked need. All shields were down, and she was frightened by the intensity of his gaze. He lifted one hand and stroked away the tears from her own cheeks, but made no further move. She could feel his hands shaking softly. He stared at her waiting to see what she would do.
![]() She pushed him back against the pillows. As she lay on top of him she could feel his erection hot and hard beneath her. She rubbed him vigorously, and he moaned softly as he swelled rapidly beneath her hand, pressing against the tight confines of the pajama pants he wore. Frantically, she pulled them down and released him into her waiting grasp. He sighed with relief, but his sigh turned into a longer, deeper groan as she began to milk him rhythmically, stroking his engorged penis with one hand while circling the tip with her damp thumb.
![]() "Please," he whispered, "may I come in?" and she allowed him to hike up her gown and pull down her panties, which were already wet with her own arousal.
![]() As she pulled him to her, he arched his hips and entered her fully in one swift stroke, crying "Aahh! Aline!" as he felt her inner muscles grip him.
![]() The sensation was incredible. Pleasure and pain so blended that he wasn't sure he could survive the onslaught. Having breached his emotional armor, Aline held sway over his physical control as well, and almost before he was aware of it, he had thrust violently into her only twice before ejaculating on the down stroke, half in, half out of her, like a hot teenager. To his chagrin, the burning, pulsing stream of white fluid smeared her thighs and his.
![]() "I'm sor . . ." he hissed, but his words of apology were cut short by her hand pressing lightly against his lips, as she smiled sweetly and shook her head.
![]() "Don't. You don't have anything to be sorry for," she said. "Roy, I love you like this, don't you realize that your lack of control is the best gift you've ever given me?" Then, dipping her fingers into the moisture on his thigh, she stared intently at him as she slowly and deliberately sucked each one clean, finally running her tongue over her lips in appreciation. "Yum, you taste wonderful." With each sucking motion, he had hardened more and more violently, until, at her final comment, his erection lurched upward, the veined underside presenting itself in a position of utmost arousal. As the silted entrance to his urethra contracted and expanded, oozing pre-ejaculate onto his belly button.
![]() He looked down at himself in surprise, groaning in reaction to the extreme pressure of his blood-filled penis as Aline began to lick its underside from base to tip, swirling her tongue over the knob, then pressing and pulling his cock downward, only to release it suddenly just for the thrill of watching his erection spring back to its original stand. Each time she pressed it back down, and each time his cock rebounded, he thought he would come apart at the seams.
![]() Electric shocks jolted him, and he gripped the sheets tightly in both fists, huffing and grunting as he desperately tried to delay the coming explosion. Aline could tell the end was imminent, for she could feel his buttocks tighten and see his scrotum drawing up. Just as he was about to erupt, she broke all contact, leaving him on the edge of the precipice. His eyes widened as he realized the choice she was giving him, plead for her help or suffer the agony alone.
![]() He was unwilling to touch himself. She observed the struggle, as his hands clenched and unclenched, then as he stretched one trembling hand toward his groin, only to pull back and groan,
![]() "Please Aline, I'm begging you, help me!" She watched him intently, noting the sweat on his forehead, his rapid gasps for air, and his tongue licking parched lips. He arched his neck and strained upward toward her, desperate for her touch.
![]() How could she resist! But, in order to allow him entry, she had to straddle him backward, due to the acute angle of his erection. Slowly, she lowered herself onto him, then withdrew until he almost popped out again. He felt the warm wet glove envelope his hypersensitive tip, her own internal contractions milking him deliciously.
![]() As she rocked back and forth on top of him, the pressure shifted as well, rubbing first the tip then the back side of his penis. The change in rhythm brought him to an even greater level of excitement, one which he had not believed possible. He tightened one buttock, then the other, desperate for completion, and finally grabbed her tightly around the hips, pulling himself into a half-sitting position, which only tightened the pressure on his cock as it inflated within her. Hunched forward against her buttocks, he wailed out his release as he emptied himself into her. On and on it shot out of him,- just when he thought he could have no more to spend, another spasm would overtake him and another jet of sperm would force its way from his body into hers, in a blind race for the grand prize. Life calling to itself on the most elemental level.
![]() Finally, it was over. All he felt now was an overwhelming lassitude. Aline felt him soften inside her, and she heard his deep sigh of contentment as he released her waist and fell back onto the pillows. She gently disengaged and turned to find him already asleep, eyelids fluttering in time to the aftershocks in his penis as his overburdened system tried to regulate itself.
![]() "His strings are still twanging," she said to herself, borrowing a colorful phrase from one of the 'locals' from the small Louisiana town she had lived for eighteen years. She took his arm and pulled him gently toward her, cushioning his head on her breasts.
![]() "Rest now, Love." She stroked his hair, lightly raking her nails over his scalp. His breathing slowed as he drifted into sleep.
![]() ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
![]() That evening, Roy's family arrived for dinner, Aline and Roy had become extremely quiet during the visit and soon after dinner had ended, his family excused themselves.
![]() Roy stared at Aline as she slowly walked toward him. His chest tightened and his breathing became shallow. He didn't believe in love at first sight, or at least he never did before. The intensity of his feelings scared him, yet they excited him as well. He reached out and she gently smiled and placed her hand in his.
![]() Aline's senses were on overload being so close to him. Once their fingers brushed their eyes met and for a brief moment she felt like she had been lost in those eyes many times before.
![]() Aline kneeled before him and smiled. He moved nearer to her and placed his hands on her shoulders, capturing her between his arms. Without a word, he leaned down and touched his lips to hers, tentatively at first, as if he were waiting for her to decide how far to take it.
![]() Instinctively, she reached out and grabbed his shirt, pulling him closer and deepening the kiss. Her mind kaleidoscoped as she lost herself in his warmth.
![]() Their souls collided in recognition.
![]() They gasped and pulled away, staring deeply into each other's eyes mesmerized. Roy shivered and tightened his grasp on Aline's hand. His heart pounded inside his chest, he could barely breathe as the emotions cursing through his body became intensified.
![]() It was as if he had found a part of himself that he didn't even know was missing. It inspired him in unimaginable ways. The air he breathed came from her light.
![]() The beat of his heart came from her rhythm.
![]() "Mon Coeur, mon amour, je t'aime, ma douce amie, mon vie." Roy whispered softly as he nibbled upon Aline's earlobe.
![]() Aline sighed and pushed Roy back. "We can't do this Roy, you've barely rested since this morning. You need to sleep and recover."
![]() Roy stared deeply into her eyes and sighed, nodding he allowed Aline to help him to climb in bed. He sat on the edge of the bed until she gently shoved him back onto the pillow, lifting his legs and covering him. She went around to the other side and got into bed. As soon as she settled, he turned toward her spoon-fashion, his arms around her waist. She put her hands over his and nestled back against him, feeling his breath soft against her neck.
![]() ~*~*~*~*~*~*
![]() Several days later. Roy wheeled himself to the inside of the kitchen doorway but could go no further. He watched her through the haze of soft candle light as she sang along with Celine Dion and went through her preparations for dinner. If she isn't the most beautiful creature God put on this Earth then I don't know what is, he thought.
![]() After a few minutes, Aline sensed a presence and turned around to see Roy looking at her, caressing her with his eyes.
![]() "I don't think I've ever had a woman cook for me."
![]() "Well, any woman who wouldn't want to cook for you is either a fool or dead."
![]() He came up behind her, put his arms around her waist and pulled her into his lap. He trailed soft kisses from the nape of her neck to her ear. She wrapped her arms around his neck, still holding on to the salad tongs. He brushed his lips back and forth against hers, teasing her, daring her to press her lips against his.
![]() She teased him back, running her tongue along his bottom lip, but still resisting a kiss. He lost the battle and took her mouth in his with white hot passion. She dropped the salad tongs to the floor. Their tongues encircled each other's. Their hands caressed each other. Their lips enveloped each other's. Their souls were intertwined in an arc of energy.
![]() Aline felt Roy's hardness pressed against her hip. Well, she thought, dinner won't be ready for at least 45 minutes.
![]() He turned and wheeled them both to the spare bedroom which he had been using since returning home. A soft aura of candle light illuminated the bed as he laid her down, he pushed himself to kneel next to her, never breaking their kiss.
![]() She tugged at his shirt, desperate to feel his skin. Her hands found the sculpted muscles of his back and she kneaded the flesh between her fingers. Roy moaned when her hands made their way to the front of his pants and found the zipper that held him captive.
![]() He slipped his hand beneath her dress and cupped her bottom as he positioned himself next to her on the bed. Aline straddled him and he pressed her thighs against him and suckled her nipples through the silk of her dress.
![]() They both decided at the same moment that the clothes had to go, so in a frenzy of arms and legs, they removed their own and each other's garments until their bare skin met in a joyous reunion.
![]() He nuzzled her breasts until her nipples were taut and tender. He couldn't get enough of feeling her skin beneath the sensitive pads of his fingertips. He felt the inner essence of her soul as he did when he ran his hands along a virgin piece of stone.
![]() Aline shifted her hips and spread her legs out, linking her ankles around Roy's thighs. She pushed her softness against him in a wordless plea for him to fill her. He entered her with abandonment and began the slow, rhythmic motion that took them both back to another place and time. To another night. To another lifetime. Time past melded with time present as they reached the pinnacle of their passion. Roy's Jade green eyes looked into Aline's brown eyes and they saw their destinies sealed, the prophecy fulfilled. They clung to each other until their bodies stilled, reluctant to let go of the magic.
![]() The voice whispered to Roy. Don't let the moment pass. Don't let yourself live with the regret of the things you didn't say, of the things you didn't do.
![]() Roy moved his body and lay next to Aline. He brushed his knuckles against her jaw and leaned down to kiss her cheek.
![]() "Je t'ame Aline." He barely whispered.
![]() "I love you Roy." She responded.
![]() ~*~*~*~*~*~*
![]() It took Roy seven months to regain the movement in his legs again, Doctor Latoni Stood beside the bed and explained to Roy what he could expect.
![]() "Roy listen, you must not force your body to function like normal yet, you need allot of physical therapy and long hours of painful exercises to recover fully. Even if your paralysis is psychosomatic your body still needs to take it slow."
![]() "What do you mean by Psychosomatic?"
![]() Latoni sighed. "It means that once the swelling around your spine diminished your mind had been so damaged that it literally paralyzed your body."
![]() Roy frowned. "What now?"
![]() "I'm going to begin a treatment of more strenuous exercises that should help your muscles to stay in good shape."
![]() Roy smiled. "Will these exercises help me walk sooner?"
![]() Aline smiled. Taking his hand she placed a soft kiss upon it's palm.
![]() Latoni smiled and nodded. "Yes, but you must stick to them religiously!"
![]() Roy nodded.
![]() ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
![]() One morning, nine days after the new exercises began, Roy sat in the tub, taking his customary bath when a seizure attacked, he was unable to do anything as his body lurched forward and he was immersed under water.
![]() Aline left Rodrick and Doctor Latoni in the living room and walked to the bedroom to help Roy finish his bath, as she entered the bathroom she saw the water splashing and realized Roy was seizing once again, she immediately screamed for Rodrick and rushed to pull Roy's shaking body out of the water, she pulled his head out and waited until the seizure passed before attempting to drag him out of the tub, Rodrick and Latoni ran in and watched as Roy's limbs spasmed one last time before laying too still in the tub.
![]() Rodrick rushed toward the living room where Latoni had left his medical bag. Latoni and Aline realized Roy was not breathing, they could see his skin slowly turning purple from lack of oxygen, Aline wrapped her arms under Roy's lax arms and pulled until his body slipped out of the water. Latoni grabbed his legs and they slowly carried him into the bedroom.
![]() Aline stared at Latoni as he slowly turned Roy into his stomach and began to push the water out of his lungs. As the last of the water slipped out of his mouth with some blood Aline cried out softly. Latoni turned Roy unto his back and Aline began to breathe for Roy, it started to become more difficult for the air to enter his lungs as time passed but Aline breathed in as best as she could, she was starting to feel lightheaded from the force she had to use to get the air into his depleted lungs.
![]() Rodrick rushed in with the oxygen canister and Latoni pushed Aline aside, placing the oxygen mask over Roy's mouth and nose he began to force air into Roy's depleted lungs. Soon Roy's lungs were reinflated and he called Rodrick to help him lay Roy back on the bed. As they settled Him in bed he began to shake softly. Aline climbed in bed and wrapped her arms around him, softly crooning to him as her other hand covered her abdomen softly.
![]() Latoni smiled and dragged Rodrick out of the room. "Leave them alone, your brother will be fine. Just keep an eye on him. If he has any trouble breathing or begins to cough up blood call me."
![]() Rodrick nodded and walked the doctor to his car. Then he returned to the house and left a note for Aline, telling her he had gone home and would return in the morning.
![]() **Two weeks later**
![]() Roy sat in the living room, after his last severe seizure he had started to withdraw inside himself and not speak as much, he became difficult and would not cooperate with the necessary exercises to help him recover, Latoni noticing his decline became worried. For weeks he had been responding well to the therapy but suddenly after his brush with death he had stopped responding and his cooperation was becoming less each day.
![]() "Listen Aline, he seems to be in a self induced catatonic state again. We need to do anything to bring him out of it quickly." Latoni explained as he checked Roy out once again. He sighed noticing that Roy was completely oblivious to the world around him.
![]() Roy looked around, wondering where he was. This was not his home and he found himself completely alone. He found himself stumbling through a dark alley, his gait beginning to weave. He could feel the blood oozing down his leg.
![]() "Why am I bleeding?" he asked himself as he stumbled down the alley.
![]() He placed a tentative hand across his abdomen, not to stop the blood flow as he knew it would be a futile act, but more to support the pain that had gripped him like a vice. He looked around through the darkness, not sure if it was darker in this section of the alley or if his grasp at remaining conscious was weakening.
![]() He leaned with his back against a wall and let himself slide down slowly, knees drawn up tight against his chest; arm still tucked across his abdomen. He shuddered as he reflected on his life…How long…how long had it been since he was really alive.
![]() "I'm so tired…"he said out loud in a whisper of a voice…"tired of being alone." He lay his head back against the wall and the tears began to fall. He hadn't cried in a long time. For the first time in his life he cried for himself. He never realized that this was not real, that it was another hallucination that his overburdened brain had devised to torture him.
![]() Aline walked into the living room and gently kissed his lips. She sat beside him and tried to make him respond. She wanted to tell him her secret so badly, but she had been told by Doctor Latoni that the news of her pregnancy could either bring him around or completely send him into a catatonic state that he might not come out of.
![]() Aline grabbed Roy's hand wanting him to look at her and as she did so she heard a gasp. She stared at the man wanting to comprehend what was wrong, she heard another gasp and watched his eyes roll into the back of his head and he crumbled forward against her....Aline gently lowered him to the floor, wrapping her arms around his waist she placed his head on her breasts. His skin was pale as alabaster and getting colder as his breathing became more erratic.
![]() Aline had decided right then to tell Roy, she gently kissed his lips once again and then softly placed his limp hand over her abdomen. "Please Roy, don't leave us now. We need you." She whispered against his temple.
![]() She felt Roy's hand tighten against her abdomen and she looked down. Roy's eyelashes fluttered open and he slowly lifted his gaze up to meet hers. She gasped at the absolute unguarded look in his eyes. Roy took a deep breath and whispered softly "Ma biche."
![]() Aline wanted to cry as she processed what he had said. He called me his doe.
![]() Aline looked at Roy once again as his eyes rolled into the back of his head and his body went completely limp.
![]() Rodrick entered the living room and gasped. He rushed to kneel beside them.
![]() "What happened?" he asked as he carefully lifted Roy's slack body into his arms.
![]() He slowly carried his precious burden to the bedroom and deposited Roy on the bed.
![]() "I don't know Rodrick, he simply passed out. I was barely able to hold him before he rolled off the chair." Aline stated as she gently brushed her fingers through Roy's curls.
![]() Roy slowly opened his eyes and immediately seeked Aline's eyes, they looked at each other and he smiled softly, Aline squeezed his hand as she leaned over and her lips brushed over his lightly, until he threaded his fingers through her silken tresses, cupped the back of her head and pulled her closer. Roy's tongue played with her lips, seeking entry and like the blossoming petals of a flower, she opened to him, allowed him to sweep inside her mouth and taste her, as she tasted him.
![]() Aline heard Rodrick chuckle and she started to pull away, Roy moaned.
![]() Desire flared, like the brilliant flash of a match being struck in the darkness, while tingling points of fire broke apart and skittered down her spine.
![]() "Roy please, you suffered some kind of seizure once again. " she lifted her hand to brush away a curl which had fallen across his forehead.
![]() Her voice cut through the fog in his head. He loved it when she said his name that way, her accent was thicker, the tone of her voice low and sluggish with passion.
![]() "What happened?" his speech slurred.
![]() Aline gazed into Roy's jade Green eyes and sighed. "You've been unresponsive for two weeks, you had a seizure in the tub and almost drowned. You've been unresponsive ever since." she lowered her eyes toward their clasped hands and sighed.
![]() ~*~*~*~*~*~*
![]() Roy resumed his daily therapy, and slowly he had begun to recover the use of his legs. He lacked strength and stability but Aline was always beside him in case he stumbled.
![]() On one of those occasions when he stumbled, Aline tightened her hold on him and looked into his eyes. Her eyes shone with love and devotion for him, she softly slipped her hand in his and squeezed, "Everything's going to be all right."
![]() "I know." He said it so solemnly and with such confidence, every synapse inside her brain seemed to melt.
![]() He pulled her against him and gently placed his hand over her abdomen.
![]() "Is it true?"
![]() Aline smiled and nodded. "Yes, we're going to have a baby."
![]() Roy smiled beatifically and leaned down to kiss Aline. "Thank you." He softly whispered against her lips before devouring them in a passionate kiss.
![]() ~*~*~*~*~*~*
![]() Four months later
![]() Roy was exhausted. Aline had not been sleeping well the past week. And when his beloved couldn't sleep, neither could he. They lay on their sides, spoon-fashion, Roy facing the window, Aline resting her chin on his shoulder.
![]() "Roy..." she whined.
![]() "What?" he said sleepily. His eyes were dry and irritated, and he found himself unconsciously rubbing them.
![]() "I can't sleep."
![]() "I know, Aline."
![]() "Help me, Roy. I'm so tired."
![]() Me too, he thought. "Want me to rub your back?"
![]() "Yes," she replied enthusiastically. That often helped.
![]() Roy sighed and rolled over in bed. Aline kissed him. "Thank you, love."By the time she awkwardly managed to shift herself onto her other side, she was almost breathless. She was big for six months of pregnancy, and the added weight was high on her body, making it hard to breathe at times.
![]() Roy grasped her shoulders and kneaded her skin, yawning as he did so.
![]() "I wish Doctor Marouche would give me something to help me sleep, Roy."
![]() "Me too."
![]() "But he says it's not good for the baby."
![]() Roy mumbled something that she couldn't hear. His hands started to falter, and she wondered if he was falling asleep. "Roy?"
![]() She turned over with great difficulty, now facing Roy. He looked like he hadn't slept well in weeks. Well, he hadn't.
![]() "Roy, I need to relax. So do you. It's been weeks since you've touched me."
![]() "I just touched you, Aline," he said, deliberately misunderstanding her.
![]() "You know what I mean, Roy. Sex."
![]() He blinked sleepily, his green eyes quietly reacting to the word and the subsequent mental picture it shot to his brain. Groaning low in his throat, he shook his head. "Soleil, you're six months pregnant, for God's sake."
![]() Aline looked at him like he was insane, she knew they could make love up to the last week of pregnancy if they desired.
![]() "I don't want to disturb our son," he commented dryly.
![]() Aline laughed. "Ever since we got the ultrasound back, and it said the baby was a boy, like I told you," she emphasized, "you don't want to touch me."
![]() "I don't want to hurt you, Soleil."
![]() "Roy...there are other ways of making love." She looked directly into his eyes, and he sighed.
![]() "Do you really think it'll help you sleep?" he asked hopefully.
![]() "Roy, you sound like you care more about sleeping than making love."
![]() No comment. Roy refused to even look at her. It wasn't that he didn't want her.
![]() He did. He was probably more frustrated than she was. And he couldn't say he liked the idea of not making love to his fiancé for five more months. But he wasn't an animal. He wasn't bent on having his way with her no matter what.
![]() Without a word, he slid out of bed and stood up. Stretching his arms over his head, he rubbed his bare chest. All he was wearing was a pair of cotton pajama bottoms, so worn they were nearly see-through, so low-slung, his pelvic bones were showing.
![]() He helped Aline arrange herself more comfortably on her back, placing pillows at strategic points to cushion her back and hips. After sliding her panties down her legs, Roy carefully spread her legs, gently bending her knees. Aline started to giggle.
![]() "Roy, you act like you're prepping me for surgery instead of love."
![]() Roy tried not to smile. "I want you to be comfortable, Soleil."
![]() He arranged the oversized T-shirt she wore so that it covered her burgeoning abdomen. "Roy, are you trying to forget I'm pregnant?"
![]() "I don't think that's possible, Soleil." This time he did grin.
![]() "Does it turn you off? Me being so big, I mean? I know I'm not as attractive this way, but--"
![]() "I've only told you a million times how much I love you being pregnant, Soleil."
![]() Roy proceeded to make himself more comfortable between her legs. "I love to touch you. All of you. Even when you're this pregnant. You're so...responsive. So hot."
![]() "I am hot, Roy, because I need you. Oh, please touch me."
![]() He spread open the heart of her, finding the bundle of nerves at the top with his tongue, like a blind man seeking the light. He took the tiny nub in his mouth and suckled it, making it grow more and more swollen. Aline panted. His tongue was so wet, such a wave of sweet heat overcame her, until she thought she would expire from sensation.
![]() Again and again, he worked at the little nub until she was ready to climax. Then, as he felt her begin to tremble, he plunged his tongue inside the very heart of her, simulating the act of love he could not bring himself to perform with her.
![]() "Ohhh..." she groaned, on the verge of climax.
![]() He nibbled lightly on her nub while pushing one, then two, fingers inside her core. As she finally lost control, grabbing at the bed covers. Roy eased another finger into the cleft between her buttocks, and he could feel the rhythmic throbbing of her climax on his tongue.
![]() She sighed with deep relaxation, and Roy smiled. She would be able to sleep now. So would he. He hoped. He got up and went into the bathroom. Returning with a towel, he gently rubbed at her center until it was clean and dry.
![]() He lay back on the bed, next to her, listening to her breathing even out as she drifted off to sleep. She was so beautiful, his Aline. He slid a hand inside his pajama bottoms, covering his arousal. He needed to relax, too. What about me, he wanted to cry, but that would have been selfish. And Roy was not a selfish man.
![]() He closed his eyes, but sleep eluded him. He couldn't remember the last time he'd been so frustrated, he'd been reduced to using his own hand. But making love to his beloved without satisfying himself left him feeling almost desperate for release. He could still taste her on his tongue. Her sweetness.
![]() Unwittingly, his hand continued to stroke and rub his arousal, and he grew impossibly hard. Maybe he would just masturbate until he came. He slid his pajama bottoms down over his hips and his arousal sprang free. He rubbed the silken tip of his arousal, slick with moisture now, and tried not to utter a sound. Suddenly embarrassed that he was behaving like an adolescent. Roy rolled over onto his side, facing away from Aline. God, he hurt so bad now. The ache felt much worse than before.
![]() He buried his face in his pillow and tried to deep-breathe his heightened state of arousal away. To no avail. Suddenly an arm, much softer than his own, wrapped itself around his waist. A hand slid down over his still-rigid arousal, and he gasped.
![]() "Aline."
![]() "Roy, let me." she said, her voice still drowsy.
![]() "You don't have to." he whispered, more embarrassed than ever to be caught that way.
![]() "Roy...I love you. You helped me relax. Let me help you. That's all." Her voice, so loving now, broke him down.
![]() "I didn't mean to wake you up. You need your sleep, Soleil."
![]() "So do you. Why are we arguing about this? I want you to feel the way you made me feel. Loved."
![]() He released his grip on her hand, and she stroked the length of his arousal slowly. "So hot, Roy." She pushed his hair aside with her nose and her mouth, to kiss the nape of his neck. He wanted to protest what she was doing to him, but the truth was, he couldn't stop her to save his life. He turned, rolling onto his back, allowing her easier access to his increasingly hard arousal. He tried to stop from moving, but his hips kept arching forward, trying to force a faster rhythm.
![]() "Please...just let me come."
![]() Aline pulled him closer, and he willingly turned onto his side, facing her.
![]() Because he wanted to kiss her. His lips met hers, his tongue nudging open her mouth, and for a moment, it seemed as though he would overpower her, his tongue seeking hers, to duel, to mate. But reason reasserted itself in Roy's brain, and he broke off the kiss, gasping for breath.
![]() His hand grasping the side of her face, Roy brushed his mouth lightly across Aline's lips, teasing, tantalizing both of them. Meanwhile, Aline began stroking Roy's arousal, up and down, back and forth, faster and harder. A surprised gasp escaped Roy's lips, and she knew that his climax was approaching. Quickly.
![]() Despite her awkward girth, she managed to close most of the distance between her body and Roy's. Just as he began to come, she hooked her leg over his hip, forcing him to ejaculate against the dark red-blond curls protecting her femininity. If she could not have him inside her, she would still feel his hot life's essence dampening the thatch between her legs. The feel of that hot wetness between her legs brought Aline to climax again, even more intensely than the first time. Roy panted against her neck, pressing a warm, wet kiss to the base of her throat.
![]() "Oh, Soleil." He couldn't form a more coherent thought than that, but he knew that she felt the same way. The bond between them strengthened everyday, sometimes in the most unexpected ways.
![]() She touched herself, gasping at the way she still pulsed, little aftershocks betraying the significance of the main event. Her finger coated with Roy's essence, she licked her finger, then suckled it, as if it were his now-sated member. "Now I taste like you."
![]() Roy watched her with hot green eyes, then grasped her wrist, directing her finger into his own mouth. Suckling her finger, in the same manner as she had, Roy replied. "Now we taste like each other."
![]() Heaving a contented sigh, Aline snuggled closer, her abdomen preventing her from getting as close as she wanted. She kissed Roy's bare chest, palming one of his nipples. "I don't suppose we should mention this to Junior."
![]() Roy smiled mysteriously. "Maybe he already knows."
![]() "You think he approves?"
![]() "I think he's got no choice. His parents are crazy about each other, Soleil."
![]() Aline wrapped her arms around Roy's neck. "We are, aren't we?"
![]() They snuggled tighter against each other and finally drifted off to sleep, sharing each other's breath.
![]() Aline woke enveloped in Roy's scent, she turned over and reached for him but his side of the bed was empty and cold. She looked around their bedroom but did not see him, she listened for the shower but there was no noise.
![]() She got out of bed slowly, her six month pregnancy big and obstructive, she gently rubbed her abdomen talking to her unborn son. I hope we didn't disturb you too much Luc but you must get used to how your parent's express their love, remember if you feel anything bumping you just know it's daddy and mommy loving each other ok? she felt a gentle movement below her hand she gasped and softly smiled knowing her son approved of his parent's love.
![]() Roy stood in the doorway watching Aline speak to their child, he felt his heart swell up with love for both of them, they had suffered through so much, this child was a blessing.
![]() Roy lifted his gaze to watch his Fiancé, she was so precious, a true gift from god, he had loved Celine for so long that when he first started to love Aline he felt like he was cheating on Celine, but then he had felt Aline's love for him and all thoughts of Celine fluttered away with the breeze.
![]() A soft gasp brought him out of his reverie and he pivoted toward her, he then saw her smile and was about to retreat when Aline stood, her massive abdomen making it difficult for her petite frame to gain any balance, he watched as Aline tilted to the side and almost fell, he gently reached his hand and grabbed her elbow, she turned her face to his and smiled. " Thanks Roy I seem to be a klutz today "
![]() Roy gently caressed her cheek as his other hand reached to touch his son, the moment his hand settled comfortably on Aline's abdomen he felt his son Kick, he laughed.
![]() Roy felt Aline's tiny hand settle over his on her abdomen and he wrapped his arm around her, she nuzzled his neck and he sighed.
![]() Aline stepped back and smiled saucily at him. "Will we have any breakfast? I'm starving."
![]() Roy laughed and gently patted her bottom. "I'll have breakfast ready when you finish your bath."
![]() Aline smiled and tenderly placed a kiss on his lips. Then slowly she waddled into the bathroom.
![]() Roy shook his head and rushed to fix breakfast. After he finished cooking he slowly returned to the bedroom and stood outside the shower watching Aline wash her abdomen, she lifted her gaze and smiled. "Want to wash him?"
![]() Roy looked at her and smiled, taking the sponge he gently rubbed the soap laden sponge over her expansive abdomen, thanking god silently for the miracle of his child, he lifted tear filled eyes to her and she wiped those tears away gently.
![]() "Roy why are you crying? The doctor said all was well" she drew him against her and he dropped his face to her shoulder, gently rubbing his chin over her delicate skin he sighed.
![]() "I never imagined I would be blessed with so much happiness, this is overwhelming." He lifted his face from her shoulder and gazed into her eyes.
![]() Roy stepped away and brought the towel to her, she got out of the shower and he wrapped her in it's warmth as he lifted her and took her to the bed, there he began to softly towel dry her body slowly.
![]() He stopped in his ministrations and sat back admiring Aline, his heart filled with such tenderness for her and their child, he felt like life could not get better. He smiled as he gently reached out his hand to touch her swollen abdomen and laughed as his son decided it was time to play. He felt a soft movement and lifted his tear filled gaze to Aline's face, her eyes were closed, and her breathing was even, he knew she had fallen asleep, he gently leaned in and kissed her abdomen whispering softly to his child. " Je t'ame mon fil."
![]() He lowered himself to the bed and wrapped his arms around Aline, nuzzling her neck he drifted off to sleep wrapped in happiness.
![]() ~*~*~*~*~*~*
![]() Three months later.
![]() Roy watched Aline standing at the window watching the spring fill the farm with life, he walked toward her and wrapped his arms around her abdomen, nuzzling her neck he whispered to her.
![]() "Tu es la seule amour de ma vie, la seule toujours!"
![]() Aline turned in his embrace and gazed into Roy's eyes and felt his body tremble with the love he felt for her, she smiled and kissed his soft lips, Roy felt his son move around and smiled against her mouth. "I think he wants to come out and play Aline."
![]() Aline kissed his lips once again and disentangled herself from his embrace, she walked to their bedroom and sat on the bed, she lifted her arms toward Roy and he kneeled before her, surrounding her with his arms and nuzzling her neck with his nose, he breathed in her scent.
![]() Aline giggled and wrapped her arms more tightly around his body and whispered softly into his ear "Je T'ame Roy."
![]() Roy lifted his gaze to lock with hers and in that moment his heart stopped, Aline looked so angelic with her long red-gold hair down and her deep brown eyes shining like diamonds, he gasped and let his heart speak for him.
![]() "Je T'ame Aline, tu es mon couer, mone ame, tu es la meilleur partie de moi " he burried his face against her abdomen wanting to crawl inside her and enjoy the warmth she gave his child.
![]() Suddenly Aline gasped as she grabbed her abdomen, Roy looked at her and knew it was time. He stood and rushed to get the suticase, he opened the garage and dropped the suitcase into the backseat. Then rushed to the house and carried Aline to the car. He climbed in the driver's seat and quickly drove to the clinic in St. Donat.
![]() Several hours later Roy paced the clinic's waiting room, his mother, brother and sister filled the other chairs. He was becoming worried for Aline had been in labor for nine hours now and he had not been allowed to be with her.
![]() Finally a nurse entered the waiting room and ushered him out. "She needs you Monsieur. Change into this and follow me."
![]() She gave him a green gown and pants, he entered a small closet and changed. Then he slowly followed the nurse into a small birthing room where Aline panted with a sharp contraction.
![]() Roy climbed on the bed and pulled Aline up to lay on his chest, he wrapped his arms around her and wiped the sweat off her brow.
![]() Roy looked at the doctor and felt relief for his eyes showed calm and tranquility. His eyes darted around the room, it was filled with a refrigerator, a television set and VCR, and what looked suspiciously to Roy like a large hot tub stood in the corner hidden by a large screen.
![]() "Aline I need you to push hard with the next contraction all right?" Doctor Marouche squeezed her hand lightly as Aline nodded and proceeded to bare down as the next contraction took over her delicate body.
![]() Roy could not take her pain any longer, he moved her to rest on the pillow and stood walking to the fridge he took a cold bottle of water and opened it, taking a long drink he watched Aline follow his every move.
![]() Mon dieu I never imagined this could take this long, how could Roxanne go through this? He mussed as he walked to the door and stared into the hallway.
![]() "Roy " Aline begged as another contraction cursed through her body, she lifted her hand to beg for his and he obliged, taking her sweat drenched hand in his cool one he lifted her and slipped behind her.
![]() "Breathe Ma Chere just concentrate and breathe" he gently rubbed her tired shoulders and another contraction made her lurch forward.
![]() Aline whimpered softly, she was trembling as she pushed and tried to get her babies out with the diminishing energy she possessed.
![]() Doctor Marouche took a seat before Aline and checked if there was any more progress, he felt the baby's head and smiled. "Aline the baby is crowning I need you to slow down a bit all right? Don't push until I tell you please."
![]() Roy sighed with relief, he checked his watch, it had been sixteen hours since she had started labor and soon they would finally hold their child in their arms.
![]() Aline grasped Roy's hands and squeezed as hard as she could after Marouche told her to push, she pushed harder and harder until the baby's head slipped out.
![]() "Aline stop, I need you to take deep breaths the head is out but we still need to get the body out. " he noticed her paleness and her agitated state and worried about her, she was very small and had spent over sixteen hours delivering this baby. He slowly turned the baby's shoulders and held it while the baby slipped slowly out of Aline.
![]() "Your son has arrived Aline, Roy " he stated as the baby wailed loudly.
![]() Aline smiled and tears fell out of her red eyes, Roy watched the nurse cleaned and lay the baby boy on Aline's abdomen while doctor Marouche called Roy to cut the cord.
![]() Roy took the scissors and gently squeezed until the cord was cut, he heard his son cry one more time before settling in. Roy took the baby's hand and checked him completely, the boy had dark hair and light gray eyes, he smiled as his son slowly yawned and closed his eyes.
![]() "Luc mon pauvre fil toi devoir être êpuisé!" Roy whispered as he gently rubbed his child's back.
![]() ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
![]() Four weeks later.
![]() "Besides your beautiful eyes, I think I like your hands the best." Aline said with a smile of delight as those hands swirled bounteous lather over and around her breasts.
![]() Roy stood behind her in the old fashioned bathtub, complete with a ringed shower curtain and long necked shower head. The bathroom's gas heater glittered with blue and yellow flames, and two, slender candles cast pale, wavering haloes of light upon the walls. The rest of the house was dark. It gave them both a feeling of total solitude, as if they were the only two people left on Earth.
![]() "Do you?" He asked sounding faintly amused, as his hands washed further down.
![]() "Hmmm," she sighed as he gently stroked her.
![]() Aline felt him, hot and hard against her buttocks and rubbed playfully against him. Roy responded by crossing one arm across her breasts and pulling her closer. She continued to entice him, lifting on her toes and lowering herself again until she felt his mood shift abruptly from playful to serious and he turned her in his arms to kiss.
![]() "Roy . . ." Aline's head fell back as his mouth came down against her throat, hot and hungry as the rest of his body. His mouth tugged gently at her breasts, then continued down, skimming across her belly, as he knelt before her.
![]() "Oh, . . . yes . . ."
![]() “Yes,” to the intimate kiss, the warmth of his tongue shattering her existence. “Yes,” to the security of his arms around her hips holding her up. “Yes,” as she fell off the edge of the world into his embrace.
![]() Roy carried her and laid her tenderly on their bed.
![]() Aline clung to Roy like he was the only fixed point in the universe as he finally eased his body into hers. Advance and retreat, warmth into warmth, in the ageless ritual of lovers. Giving and taking in one exquisite final act. She wept as she felt him groan and spill his heat inside her.
![]() "Oh more, please more! Hold me like this until I die . . .don't let tomorrow come when tonight is all we have."
![]() They clung to each other like this was the last night of their lives, Roy snuggled beside Aline, while his shaft was still inside her. Aline turned in his embrace and wrapped her arms around him and the slowly drifted off to sleep listening to each other's ragged breathing.
![]() The soft wailing of her son woke Aline, she sighed and dragged herself from under Roy, she gently kissed his brow as he settled onto his stomach his favorite position to sleep in, she smiled and walked to the nursery.
![]() "Good Morning My Love." Aline whispered as she slowly lifted the baby from his crib. She could not believe how much her son had grown in the four short weeks since being born.
![]() Roy turned over and stretched his arm to wrap it around Aline but encountered nothing, he snapped his eyes open and looked around the room, Aline was no where near, he slowly sat up and listened, he could hear the soft music in the nursery and got out of bed. Wrapping the sheet around his lean hips he walked to the nursery and stood at the door watching as Aline laid their son in his crib, he made his way to Aline and wrapped his arms around her waist.
![]() Aline jumped as his muscled arms surrounded her tiny waist she turned in his embrace and kissed his mouth fully as he pulled her against him, showing her his aroused state.
![]() Aline giggled as he pushed her slowly down to the floor and kissed her voraciously.
![]() "Roy we can't do this here the baby" Aline whispered as she tried to push him off her, but Roy took her hands in his and kissed them both.
![]() "Soleil he is too young to understand, and we have complete privacy, I need you Soleil. " Roy groaned as he kissed Aline more fully while grinding his arousal on Aline's entrance.
![]() Aline moaned as Roy slowly kissed her while his hand traveled down to cup her mound, she was ready, he pushed her lace panties aside and slipped a finger inside her while his thumb played with her clit.
![]() Aline squirmed against his hand, Roy rubbed her clit until she came, her climax was explosive and he kissed her swallowing her sated screams.
![]() Aline laid in Roy's embrace after her climax, she could fell his need throbbing against her thigh and she slowly slipped her hand underneath the sheet and wrapped her fingers around Roy's shaft, it felt like steel wrapped in silk, she started to caress him until his hand stopped hers.
![]() Aline looked up at him and gently nipped his lower lip.
![]() "Please let me love you like you deserve Roy." she kissed him passionately until he moaned and pulled flush against him, his shaft throbbed painfully between them and she gently took it in her hands and slipped it inside, he gave one soft push and sheathed himself inside of her. It feels like coming home, I belong here. Roy mussed as he started to grind his hips to Aline's, they made love slowly, passionately.
![]() Aline played with Roy's scrotum as he flipped them over and he started to grind his hips harder and faster, she could feel his climax approaching swiftly and started to meet his thrusts until he arched his back and with a gasp of pleasure he emptied his seed inside Aline and she followed him into bliss a few seconds later he laid on top of Aline, both of them sated and content.
![]() Roy pulled out of Aline and took her in his arms, making sure their son was still sleeping he slowly made his way to their bedroom with Aline in his arms.
![]() Roy deposited a sleeping Aline in their bed and slid in beside her, wrapping his arms around his love.
![]() I'm so lucky, I wonder if god saw fit to send us a private guardian angel? These were Roy's last thoughts as he drifted off to sleep once again.
![]() The End.
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