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Eternity in an Hour
![]() By: Kyara Caledonii
![]() The poem is an excerpt from Auguries of Innocence By William Blake.
To see a world in a grain of sand,
And a heaven in a wild flower.
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,
and eternity in an hour.
**Auguries of Innocence** By William Blake.
![]() Nikita walks slowly into the white room, her gaze falling lovingly on the man sitting restrained in the chair. She slowly paces around him, her eyes taking in every new white hair, every wrinkle on his perfectly tanned skin. She sighs and stands before him.
“ it has been a long time. “ she states.
The man smiles and nods. “ over a year Nikita. “
“ Why did you return Michael?”
Michael lifts his gaze to lock with hers. “ you know why. “ he softly states.
Nikita shakes her head. Walking around the chair and taking the restraints off.
“ Michael this won’t work. They won’t allow us to leave this place alive. “ she softly whispers into his ear.
Michael stands and takes her hand. Gazing lovingly upon her pale blue eyes he smiles. “ I won’t live without you. “ he whispers against her lips before kissing her passionately.
Their passionate kiss is interrupted by the intercom.
“ Nikita”
Nikita smiles at Michael and steps away. “ Yes Jason?”
“ Mr. Jones is on his way. You have one hour to do this. “ Jason states in a hoarse voice.
“ Thank you Jason. “ she says turning and extending her hand to Michael. he takes it and they leave the white room.
Shortly after, they arrive at Nikita’s loft. Michael walks toward the sofa as Nikita opens a chilled bottle of Sauvignon. Her hands shaking she proceeds to serve two glasses.
Michael opens the balcony door, he stares out at the city contemplating what will occur this night.
“ Are they safe?” Michael questions.
Nikita smiles. “ Yes Michael, I made the arrangements months ago. No one will find them.” She answers.
Turning she smiles at Michael, he stands at the door to the balcony, his hands held stiffly before him. she slowly saunters toward him and offers him the drink.
Michael softly caresses her cheek, taking the drink he raises his glass and toasts with her.
“ A La Vié “ he whispers and takes a sip. His eyes sparkle as he looks at Nikita.
Nikita slowly takes a sip of her drink.
“ How strong is it? “ he asks taking another drink.
Nikita smiles and takes another drink also. “ strong enough. “
Nikita saunters toward the table. She opens the laptop and writes a message to Mr. Jones. She looks up and watches as Michael walks slowly toward the bedroom. She sighs and hits send. The message sent, she closes the laptop and takes another sip of her drink.
Michael settles himself on the bed, his vision already blurring, he empties the glass and sets it on the table beside the bed.
Nikita stands before him, her body softly shaking as the effects of the drink rush through her body. She empties the glass, slowly she lays down beside Michael.
Michael turns slowly toward her. wincing as his muscles protest, his breathing becoming slowly more difficult. Nikita pulls him to lay on her breast, her fingers softly caressing his long curling hair.
Michael sighs as his nose inhales the familiar scent of his beloved. He frowns at the weakness in his body, then he realizes what she did and smiles softly.
“ You gave me a stronger dose Nikita, why?” Michael barely whispers as his body begins to go lax.
Nikita sighs, cradling his head between her breasts she whispers against his temple.
“ I want to hold you until you take your last breath My love. Only then will i be happy to follow you. “
Michael begins to gasp softly, he attempts to tighten his hold on her but fails as his muscles go completely slack, his eyelashes fluttering he manages to bury his nose in her neck and tries hard to accept this end to their life together.
Nikita feels Michael’s body becoming lax, his arms surround her waist, clinging to the life that is slowly slipping out of his body. Nikita feels his body fighting for each breath he takes, her own chest begins to constrict with the effects of the poison.
Michael lifts his eyes to lock with hers, they are glazed as he fights to live longer. His body has gone completely limp, he smiles one last time and whispers softly.
“I love you” he softly exhales.
“ I love you too Michael. “ Nikita whispers against his lips.
Michael’s chest gives one last shudder before his eyes flutter closed and a soft smile settles upon his perfect features. her fingers shakingly brush his throat searching for a pulse, not finding it she sniffs loudly and tenderly places another kiss upon his parted lips.
Nikita wipes a tear falling down her cheek and cradles his head against her breast. she takes the syringe and slowly injects the last of the poison into her vein. She shudders as her heart and lungs fight against the poison running rampant in her blood. She gently tilts Michael’s face toward her and leans in, her lips seeking his one last time.
She softly kisses Michael, smiling at the knowledge that they won. Against all odds they are together. Her body goes lax a few seconds before she exhales one last time.
Walter and Jason stand in munitions, the screen turned on. An image of Nikita’s bedroom is seen.
Walter wipes the tears slowly falling down his weathered cheeks. “ it had to end this way Jason, thank god they were able to spend their last few seconds in each others arms. “
Jason turns, his eyes misty. “ yes Walter, I’m glad i was able to gift them with this. “
An uproar is heard from the aerie and they both turn. They smile as Operations stands before a very irate Mr. Jones.
“ I told you that Nikita would do something like this. “ Operations states.
Mr. Jones paces the room. “ and I told you that Michael should have been cancelled upon arrival. “ he turns and points a finger at Operations.
Operations reads the message sent to Mr. Jones less than one hour before by Nikita.
Mr. Jones
You gave me the means to bring down a tyranical power who had lost the memory of what Section’s goals were.
Against all odds we were victorious in our determination to restore the goals Section has lost, it is now up to you to return Section one to what Adrian and George dreamed.
I have spent the last year serving you the way i did the previous three years, but I now preffer the company of the man I love. You knew this day would come the moment you allowed me to determine Michael’s punishment.
Please accept this as my resignation and remember your promise. Fight the evil and protect the innocent always.
“ She made her desicion. I did not have the power to stop her. “ Operations states as he glares at Mr. Jones.
“ You will pay the price for the loss of Nikita, Paul. “ Mr. Jones spins around and stares out the window across Comm. “ You will relinquish comand of Section immediately. “ he spins around and rushes out of the Aerie.
Operations sighs and darkens the windows, taking his gun he presses the button. “ Walter I need to speak to you. “
Walter smiles as Mr. Jones leaves section one. “ on my way. “ he says.
Jason returns to his station and watches Walter slowly walk toward Operations aerie.
Several minutes later a gunshot is heard and Walter slowly exits the aerie and walks toward him, a smile softly gracing his lips.
Jason stands and follows Walter into Munitions. “ what did you do Walter?” Jason asks as Walter closes the gate.
Walter turns and smiles at Jason. “ what I once promised an old army buddy I would do.“ he says.
Jason watches as several med techs rush toward the aerie, he smiles and calmly returns to his station. Knowing that an era of power and glory has come to an end.
Walter stands inside medlab, Jason stands beside him as they give their last farewell to Nikita and Michael.
Walter leans in and kisses Nikita’s cheek softly. He wipes the tears streaming down his face and turns, tenderly placing his hand on Michael’s forehead.
“ As I promised both of you, Adam and Elena are safe, no one knows where they are and that is how it will stay. “ he softly whispers.
Jason wipes away a stray tear before leaning in and kissing Nikita’s cheek.
Looking to Michael he smiles. “ you two will always be remembered, your legend will never die inside these walls. “
Walter and Jason slowly exit the medlab room and walk back toward munitions.
As they enter munitions Walter brings out a bottle of wine and smiles. Opening it and serving two glasses he toasts to Michael and Nikita.
Jason frowns but takes the proffered drink.
“ To an Eternity in an hour my friend. “ Walter whispers as he takes a drink.
The End.
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