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By: Kyara Caledonii
![]() ![]() ***All Rights Reserved. Story cannot be reprinted/reproduced without Kyara's permission.***
*** This story was inspired by a dream i had. ***
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Ryanne sat at the window of her seventh floor loft, she watched as the moon began it's descent in the blackest sky she had ever seen, she felt Maxx's hands on her shoulders as they massaged the stress of the past few days away.
" Ryanne you need to relax the move was the best thing we could have done, You'll see Montreal will be much better than New Mexico. " Maxx softly rested his chin on top of her head as she laid her tired head against his strong chest.
" I hope you're right Maxx, last thing we need is to move again due to my family finding us, why won't they ever let me go? it has been 6 years since i left and they still want me back home. why? i mean the trust fund is not even large enough, why do they must always control me? " Ryanne lifted her tired gaze toward her husband's face, she had finally found her true soulmate, all those years of traveling and searching had paid off, she had found Maxx by chance on the internet after 3 years of searching, she had given up on love and then suddenly there he was, emailing her.
Ryanne pulled away from Maxx's embrace and walked to the bathroom, closing the door she turned the shower on and began to undress. ** God what a time to recover the lost dream visions i had as a child huh? ** she whispered as she gazed at her reflection in the mirror. she watched her pale white skin flushed from the excertion of the day's move, her dark chocolate brown eyes that Maxx loved so much to look into shined like the stars on a clear night. she lifted her hand and undid the chignon, her hair came tumbling down in waves of red-gold silk, she ran her fingers through her hair trying to disentagle it.
**Sigh** "when will the dreams ever stop?" she whispered as she opened the shower curtain and entered the tub. she rubbed her slightly swollen stomach begging god to allow this child to survive.
Maxx watched as Ryanne left his side and locked herself in the bathroom, he sighed and walked to the kitchen to make some dinner as Ryanne showered and dealt with the dreams she had been having lately.
He didn't understand why they affected her so much, he knew she mostly dreamed of their past lives where they had met and many times died together or alone, but still he did not understand her gift fully.
Maxx took the Meat out and began to chop the Vegetables to make a stir fry, he wanted to soothe Ryanne after the whole ordeal they had just been through, he sighed again as he began to go over the last 2 weeks since Ryanne's sister in law had arrived into their lives.
2 weeks before
Maxx had just left work in Santa Fe and made his way toward the home he had made with Ryanne, he was so happy about the news of their future baby, he smiled softly as he drove his Jeep Liberty down the highway toward their home.
Ryanne had stayed home after her doctor's appointment, she had been extatic to know she was finally pregnant, after 2 years of constantly trying to get pregnant and 2 miscarriages they were again expecting, she had been ordered to stay at home, in bed. this was the hardest thing to do since her job demanded so much from Ryanne, but she had called her boss and told him she could do the job from home if he allowed it, making web pages was not so difficult and she had all the software in her laptop. she had been given the first of many assignments that afternoon, she sat at her desk working on the designs of the page she was making when the door bell rang, she stood and walked to the door expecting to see Jean or maybe Paty, she opened the door and found herself face to face with Lyra her sister in law.
Ryanne tried to close the door but Ferdinand had pushed it open.
" Hello Ryanne took us long enough to find you, where is your good for nothing playboy huh?" her sister in law walked into Ryanne's home admiring the great decorations, she took a seat at the living room couch and waited for Ferdinand to sit beside her before speaking.
" what are you doing here? i thought we had decided you would not search for us anymore! " Ryanne walked to the kitchen door and looked out waiting for Maxx to arrive.
Lyra stood and walked to the kitchen " tell me how long were you going to wait to tell us you had finally married the beast you call a husband? why Ryanne? he is nothing but a peasant, a piece of crap, you know he is only after your money baby." Lyra held Ryanne's hands in her own, her face a mask of sweetness and devotion which Ryanne knew was a front to break her resolve down.
Ryanne pulled her hands sharply from Lyra's grasp and walked to the front door, opening the door and standing at the threshold she spoke. " yes i married Maxx 2 years ago, so what you all knew about it, you got the invitation. why do you keep calling him a beast Lyra? what has he ever done to you? " Ryanne turned to look out the door, seeing her husband's face in her minds' eye.
Maxx was 6'0. 180 pounds, softly tanned skin was framed by the most beautiful Cinnamon-Brown hair she had ever seen, his changeable eyes were so magnificent, a soft grey/blue. she had dreamed of those eyes so many nights as a child until her sister in law had joined the family.
Soon after Lyra, her sister in law had convinced her parents that Ryanne was insane and needed to be institutionalized, her parents had agreed and Ryanne had been commited for 6 years into a psychiatric hospital in Texas, she had been subjected to the most intense tests and medications known to them, Ryanne at 10 years old was no match for the elctro-convulsive therapy and other treatments done to her extensively until her mother had protested and taken her out. she had lost her dream powers ever since, but her sister in law had always kept a close eye on her, the hate was so evident everytime Lyra gazed at Ryanne that the room felt stuffy and uncomfortable when they were together.
Ryanne had finally taken matters into her own hands and escaped her home after her mother died, she had lived on the streets for years before being able to get a decent job and a nice place to live.
Slowly her dreams returned full force, the young man she had dreamed about as a child was now grown and waiting for her, Ryanne had searched every city and town in the u.s. without luck, then through a dream she decided to search Canada, and several years later she had met and after a swift romantic rendevous she married Maxx. Ryanne shuddred at the memory of her beloved a few months ago when her family had found them; Maxx had been alone at the apt. when her brother and sister in law had arrived, they had decided to make Ryanne a widow so they could control her even more; they had beat Maxx within an inch of his life before Ryanne walked through the door and called the police, her brother and sister in law had been taken to jail while Maxx went to the hospital, he had broken ribs, a perforated lung, multiple lacerations and a very severe concussion with complications, and that on top of his already fragile head injury which had caused him so much grief.
After 2 weeks in the hospital Maxx was discharged and they had moved from New Orleans, Louisiana back to his Home in Rural New Mexico and had again begun their lives. Maxx was still suffering from the complications of his concussion. severe seizures would attack his once strong body several times a week, he was almost fired from his job before they had gone to court to contest the loss of his job. the company was ordered to rehire Maxx and keep him under their employment for the next 12 years or pay a compensation worth over 20 million dollars for wrongful discharge, the company had opted to keep Maxx working.
" Ryanne are you listening?" her sister in law grabbed her arm and turned her toward her.
" what do you want now Lyra? I signed the papers that would allow you to take the trust fund and use it as you wish, why can't you leave us alone? you already damaged Maxx enough, are you here to finally kill him?" Ryanne heard the SUV approaching and rushed out the door, she saw it was Maxx and ran toward the Jeep.
Maxx stopped the Jeep as he watched Ryanne rush out of the house with Lyra close behind her, he grabbed the bat he kept with him at all times now and left the truck. Maxx gathered Ryanne into his embrace and shielded her from Lyra as she neared them, he raised the bat and waved it at her.
" what are you two doing here? didn't we give you all you wanted? what more do you want? "
Lyra stopped and looked up at Maxx, he was prepared, too bad they might have to use the guns. she sighed and turned to look at Ferdinand who stood at the door of the house.
Lyra locked her gaze with her husband's and he nodded, she sighed once again and turned toward the couple, a sweet, loving expression in her brown eyes. "Maxx all we wanted was to see Ryanne, make sure she is ok. we heard from aunt conny that she was having those crazy dreams of hers again and that worries us, she needs medication and proper treatment and she will not get it if you keep protecting her. " Lyra moved to touch Ryanne's hair but Maxx pushed Ryanne behind him.
" Don't touch her. Leave Lyra, please we don't want any trouble, we just want to be left alone please." Maxx began to walk toward their home with Ryanne in his embrace and Lyra followed close behind. Ferdinand had walked into the living Room and sat down to wait for them.
They entered the house and Maxx sat on the wing chair and pulled Ryanne into his lap, his own gun sitting just under the chair for easy access just in case.
" Maxx please allow us to care for Ryanne, she needs the proper medications so those hallucinations will stop, she needs a stable home not the nomad way you 2 live." Lyra had taken a seat beside them and tried to make them do as she desired, but Maxx did not believe the sweet caring act Lyra was playing, he knew how devious and coniving she could be, he wrapped his arm around Ryanne's waist and pulled her tighter against him.
" Lyra; she does not need any medication, she is fine, the dreams are being controled so you have nothing to do here, please leave our home now before the police arrives, we don't want anymore trouble please."
Lyra and Ferdinand had to be taken out of the house several hours later by the police and Maxx had immediately began to pack their few belongings to move once again, this time they would go to a place where they could never be found. his time in quebec had been wonderful and he knew they would be safe there.
Maxx was brought out of his reverie as soft hands wrapped around his waist and soft lips succled at his neck.
"Ryanne dinner will get cold " Maxx moaned as Ryanne's hands strayed down toward his erection.
She softly caressed her husband through the fabric of his pants and her mouth succled more at his tender skin, she smiled against his throat when he moaned again, she pulled him toward their bedroom and once they reached the bed she pushed him down and crawled on top of him, she gently pulled his clothes off and began to make love to Maxx slowly and tenderly. they drifted off to sleep after making love twice more.
Several hours later Ryanne began to dream.
Paris, France 1941
Tall rows of poplars lined the lane on both sides. The thundering sound of cannon fire was in the distance, but the vibrations were felt by all who were in a mad rush to flee Paris. The Nazi's had taken Paris, the City of Light. The unthinkable had happened--brazen Nazi's strolled down the boulevards of Paris. Armand could not comprehend how the French people had allowed this to happen. He and his fiancee Jazmyn were fleeing to Dijon at the base of the Seine. They had family already there who would provide for her, so that he could join the Maquis French Resistance Movement.
He had been too complacent and convinced that Paris could never be taken. Now he had lost everything except his beloved Jazmyn.
"Armand, are the guns closer? How long will it take us to reach Dijon? Do you think we will be safe there?" Her questions took him aback. He still hadn't told her he would not be staying with her. He supposed that now was as good time as any.
"Ma petite jazzy, you will be safe, but I am going to join the Maquis. I must fight to free my country from these Nazi pigs." He told her this gently and with no little trepidation. His blue eyes looked at her with a hunger, but this was not the time, he knew.
"Armand, non! You must not do this. I don't want to be without you. I can't live without your love, mon amour. I will go with you!" Her brown eyes filled with tears as she gazed into his blue ones. "I will fight too! This is my country too!" She declared this as she tossed her long red-gold hair.
"You will not do any such thing," he said softly. "You can be of great use to the Maquis by being our eyes and ears in Dijon. I plan on connecting with some ami of mine there. I will be nearby, but I will not be able to see you because it would be dangerous for both of us."
"Oh Armand, I will miss you so much. I will miss your lovemaking," she said impishly. "We must make the most of every moment until we are separated." Her brown eyes were twinkling.
"You are insane my little one. We are fleeing along a narrow road with probably several thousand other people, and you talk about making love every moment. I am not made of steel. You must hush this silly talk until there is the time for lovemaking."
"Armand, you are tres obstinate. I don't mean right here and right now," she whispered into his ear and swirled her pink tongue in it as well. "Cher, I mean later tonight, whenever we stop to rest....." She gave him a sideways glance and winked.
Any other time, and Armand would be stopping to rest right now. He and Jazmyn would have been married by now had the invasion and capture of Paris not taken place. Her family was already in Dijon. He looked at her and saw the veritable goddess he thought her to be. Small,reddish-blonde, brown eyed, intelligent (although not acting it particularly at the moment), stubborn, willful, passionate Jazmyn Angel Trudeau was his soul mate for life. They had been friends as children, emerged through an indifferent adolescence to fall in love. Their wedding had merely been delayed by war, but not their loving. He had been twenty-two and she had been twenty when she had finally said, "Enough of this virginity crap! Make love to me Armand, before I die from the longing."
Armand had not needed a lot of encouragement or reassurance that she would still respect him in the morning.
Jazmyn had not seen Armand for over a month. He had left her in Dijon with her family and his, and he had disappeared into the forest to join his friends in the Maquis underground. She had worried and worried to no avail. Occasionally, a message would come from him. He was safe as far as she knew. Only last night rumors of a Nazi train being derailed had reached the town.
Jazmyn was proud of Armand and the mission of the resistance, but she feared that she would never see him again. Their families seemed to go about their daily routines as usual. They kept to themselves, and tried to stay out of notice of the Nazi soldiers in town. Jazmyn felt she was being watched. These Nazi pigs seemed to be everywhere, and one even followed her home from the street market one day. She had resolved never to go there again alone.
Her striking appearance made her stand out in the crowd, and she had no desire to "stand out." She attired herself as plainly as possible, and wore her hair pulled back in a bun, but it did no good. The soldiers still stared at her as if she had "take me, I'm yours" emblazoned on her backside.
One morning at the market she was met by Silvan, Armand's best friend and he told Jazmyn that Armand had been captured by the nazi's and sent to a concentration camp in Germany, she freted for many nights after that until her willful mind demanded she go and help him escape. she had befriended a german soldier his name was Rutger and he helped her get german papers to travel, he also helped her to plan the escape, and where to take Armand. it had taken her 3 months to plan and finally move, she had gotten Rutger to transfer to Birkenau and he had explained to Jazmyn they needed to get Armand out soon, he was beaten and weak, his body going many weeks without nurishment, Jazmyn met Rutger in town close to Birkenau and soon they walked into the camp, Jazmyn being changed into a perfect german lady, Rutger was able to get Armand into one of the solitary sheds, and he had made a clean opening in the back fence, getting the guards to take a 20 minute break.
Rutger had told Jazmyn what Armand looked like, she would be frightened to see his body weak and broken, Rutger opened the door and pulled Armand out. Armand had his arms covering his face, barely consciouss and begging to be left alone, Jazmyn almost cried as she saw the condition her love was in, his face was ravaged, pale and dark circles surrounded his eyes, his body once well muscled was now just barely thin, the clothing he wore was a mere thin shirt and pants, no shoes, he was shaking and his voice had become hoarse, barely audible, his hair not yet grown out, since the nazi's had shaved it off, suddenly he realized she was there and as his blue eyes met her choclolate brown one's, she could see the shame and horror of seeing her here. he launched himself from the guard's clutches and embraced Jazmyn, his body barely able to hold her, he was shaking so much, he kissed her so roughly but soon his lips became soft and pliant under hers. suddenly he stopped, looked at her and then turned to look wearily at the guard, Rutger smiled and took one step toward them but Armand misunderstanding what was happening pushed Jazmyn behind him and almost jumped on Rutger.
"Jazzy What are you doing here? Did they grab you too? Is this a farewell? " he asked this as he watched the guard approaching, his body was so malnurished and hurt his knees kept buckling under him, he was so weak, he knew he was not strong enough to fight this nazi, but he would die protecting his love, his breathing labored and rapid, his heart racing in his chest.
He wearily watched as the guard stood right in front of them and suddenly Rutger took his coat off and draped it over Armand's shoulders, he pulled his boots off and gave them to the young man. Armand was speechless as he saw the nazi guard give his boots to him, Jazmyn smiled and helped him put them on, then she stood and kissed Rutger, turned and offered her hand to Armand, who clutched it tightly, they walked to the gate and passed throught the hole made in it, soon they were inside the woods when a shot rang out. Jazmyn turned and her eyes glazed over, she knew Rutger had killed himself to protect them, she embraced Armand and pulled him toward the cabin that Rutger had shown her, they would hide there for as long as need be, until Armand was strong enough to travel back to France.
Jazmyn could feel Armand's strength leaving him, his step grew slower and his body grew heavier, suddenly he stumbled and fell, bringing Jazmyn down with him, he was panting, his face sweat drenched and his skin clammy and cold, Jazmyn knew he was going into shock, she had been told by Rutger how Armand had been pulled aside and shot twice only 4 days ago to show all the prisoners what they could expect if they did not obey, he had barely survived thanks to Rutger, but he was still not yet recovered fully, his blood had not been replaced, and he had been placed in isolation 2 days later, Rutger had taken food and water to Armand, but he had barely tasted the water, no food, it was amazing that he was alive. carefully she pulled him back on his feet, he leaned heavily on her. with alot of effort they made their way to the cabin.
Jazmyn had been basically dragging Armand for hours when she saw the cabin, the solitary light on the window shone like a beacon, she pulled Armand toward the door and as they neared the door he collapsed, his head hittng the first step. Jazmyn checked his vital signs, his heartbeat was racing, his breathing was barely audible, he was shaking so much, even unconsciouss he shook, she opened the door and lit the 3 candles and fixed the bed, she walked back outside and dragged a limp Armand into the cabin, softly she deposited him on the bed, locked the door making sure there was no sign of them coming here.
She walked to the bed and disrobed Armand, his skin drenched in sweat, the fever raging in him was very high, he started to mumble deliriously and soon he was screaming and crying to be set free, she opened the bag Rutger had left for her, there were some antibiotics and a large dose of sedatives, she took a syringe and drew 2 cc of antibiotics and injected Armand, she took the towel and washed his body, his skin was so pale, his breathing fast and shallow, she was not sure if he would survive but she prayed.
He was so sick, she had realized in the first 3 days at the cabin that Armand had developed Pneumonia, his breathing becoming so shallow and rapid he barely drew breath, between the pneumonia, the fever and the loss of blood he was dangerously close to dying, Jazmyn had taken to sleeping beside him, holding him tight against her, she was terrified of loosing him.
"God don't take him, not now please!"
It had been 5 days since they had escaped the camp and Armand had not yet regained consciousness, she was frightened for his life, he had survived, the fever coming down early this morning, Jazmyn had gone to the kitchen to make some soup.
Armand awoke to the soft sound of Jazmyn singing, his eyelashes fluttered and finally opened, His chest hurt as he inhaled more deeply than he intended ...the sigh bringing a sharp stabbing pain which he could do little to subdue … He gritted his teeth and turned his head on the pillow..
He blinked hard trying to focus on the door ....the drugs in his system had made him groggy and less responsive than normal, he could tell by the time it took for the image to become clear.
He saw Jazmyn busy over the stove, heating up something that smelled delicious, he had barely eaten anything in the last 3 months. he tried to move but his body was oddly numb, he tried to raise his hand to push a lock of hair that had fallen on his forhead but he was unable to control his hand, it rose a couple of inches and then flopped back down, he was frustrated at his weakness.
Armand tried to lever himself up gingerly in the bed. His head spun as he moved into a vertical position, he fought the nausea and steadied himself . but to no avail his body rebelled against him and he collapsed against the pillows, his breathing shallow and rapid, his head dizzy.
The air in the room was warm and dry, making his lungs ache as he inhaled slowly … the bandages around his chest were tight, he assumed that he'd sustained a cracked rib at the very least. Then he remembered being shot, and touched his side gently, a sharp pain assailed him as he gingerly touched the bandages below his ribs. swallowing hard, he realized he was very thirsty and He coughed softly to attract her attention.
She looked up and was taken in by a pair of pitiful looking Sapphire blue eyes watering slightly and outlined with dark circles. Armand looked so helpless as he gazed at her and whispered for something…his voice barely audible.
Jazmyn walked toward him and sat on the bed, taking the curl that had fallen across his forehead and smoothed it back, she gazed into his eyes and saw that he was coherent once again.
He licked his dry lips with the tip of his tongue before huskily speaking once more … his voice heavily accented.
" water please. " his eyes tearing at the light from the window, he closed them tightly as Jazmyn gently brought her hand to caress his cheek, he sighed and let himself enjoy her caress.
Jazmyn pulled him into a sitting position and then took the glass of water from the table. " sip slowly" she whispered.
After he took a few sips he settled back on the pillows. " What happened? Where are we?" Armand was still disoriented and extremely weak.
" you were captured 3 months ago, you have been in a concentration camp all this time, we are a few kilometers from Birkenau, a friend helped me get you out." Jazmyn saw how hard he was trying to stay awake, she brought the glass of water to his lips once again, putting her arm around his shoulders to support him as he drinked. she could feel that he was still very weak, he drinked slowly, a few sips then he smiled and she laid him back on the pillows, his eyelashes fluttering, he took her hand and kissed it, as he lost consciousness again, the last image he saw was her smile as he kissed her hand.
Armand felt himself drifting in a sea of darkness. Should have been a warm-velvet place, but it wasn't. Rather it was cold and dense, pressing down upon him till he nearly suffocated. he clawed his way through the black void, reaching for the light.
Armand Forced open heavy eyelids and nearly sobbed with relief to see brightness. Painful and sharp. Armand closed his eyes he could still feel the heavy darkness pulling him back, he Opened his eyes again to see a blurred face looming over him.
Jazmyn was standing over him, trying to wake him from the terrible nightmare that only seconds before had him in it's grip.
Skin ashen and sheened with a cold sweat. Silver-blue eyes glazed and unfocused.
She was worried to see him so lost. " Armand can you hear me? Can you understand?"
Armand heard the soft voice, like a pale silk ribbon running through the black tangle of sound and thought which cluttered his head. He tried to speak but no sound came out, he slowly licked his lips and soon Jazmyn had a glass of cool water to his lips, he drinked greedily and watched her, her Brown eyes worried for him.
Jazmyn watched as he drank the glass of water, but Given the ashen sheen of his skin, the pain that shimmered in his eyes and the way his body trembled, she knew he was still suffering the after effects of his near death experince.
She ached for what he must have suffered through. She wanted to hold him tight and protect him.
Jazmyn watched him fight the pain and weakness, but she saw him lose, slowly his eyelashes fluttered closed and he drifted back into oblivion.
Jazmyn spent several hours watching him sleep, she stifled a yawn, rose from the chair to stretch, then moved to the side of the bed.
Reaching out with one hand, Jazmyn brushed a red curl off Armand's forehead and felt him stir. Excitement and relief flooded through her and she whispered his name. "Armand?"
He opened his eyes, remembering that Silk voice. Felt it pull him out of the darkness and into the light. Smiled at the beautiful face peering down at him. Reached up to brush the back of his hand over her soft skin, then said, " where am I?" he tried to sit up but felt the dizziness and nausea assail him and he promptly fell back upon the pillows.
One hand lifted and he combed his fingers through his hair, detangling the soft curls. Curls, his mind registered that fact and somehow it didn't seem right. Didn't seem like...him. But he dismissed the thought as unimportant.
He pressed the heels of his hands over his eyes for a moment, to ease the burning ache behind them, ignoring the pain that stabbed at him.
"Are you ok Armand?" She took his hand and kissed it softly.
He smiled at her and pulled her hand toward his mouth, kissing her fingers one at a time, Jazmyn was starting to feel a singular ache between her legs and suddenly she took his face and kissed him, stunned, he let her plunge her tongue into his mouth, slowly her heady taste inundated all his senses and he found himself returning the kiss.
Suddenly she pulled away, knowing they had been in hiding for 6 days and needed to move soon.
"We need to move soon, I'll get some soup so you can eat" she kissed his forehead and caressed his cheek, she stood and went to the kitchen where she served a plate of soup and brought it to him.
He ate slowly, his hands were still shaky so Jazmyn fed him, he finished the plate and asked for more, she smiled and obliged, as he finished the second bowl of soup and drank the coffee she had prepared, he asked her many questions. suddenly they heard a noise and Jazmyn pulled the gun from her jacket, sitting in front of Armand and protecting him with her body, they waited until the sound found it's way to the window and they both saw the huge bear standing there, Jazmyn walked to the door and made sure it was locked, then she turned toward the bed and saw Armand had fallen asleep.
He is still recovering she told herself. He needs as much rest as possible, but we have no more time, the permit for both of them to return to France voided in 2 days. Jazmyn decided to let him sleep one last time and then in a few hours wake him to start the move.
Jazmyn fell asleep draped over Armand's chest, her face buried in the crook of his neck, listening to the soft rhythm of his heartbeat and breathing.
Jazmyn woke up startled to find Armand over her "Shh, c'est moi, Armand." He kissed her hungrily, and his hands began to roam over her body. "I have missed you so much, cherie." His voice grew hoarse as he was overcome with the emotion of just seeing her in the pale moonlight that filtered into the room. She was more beautiful than ever.
"Armand," she whispered softly, and succumbed to his kisses and the pure emotion of the moment. His tongue was making a trail of fire as he kissed her breasts. He nibbled. He teased. He licked her belly. When and how he had divested her of her clothes she didn't know or care. He was feeling well enough to want to love her that was all that mattered.
She was pulling and tugging at his shirt, with a desperate longing to feel his entire body next to hers. Ahh, he had marvelous skin, so soft and smooth, underneath his clothes. Well, it wasn't all so soft. She touched his hardness, and he moaned.
"Not yet, cherie, let me see you, touch you, love you." Armand could say no more. His tongue had found its goal, and Jazmyn was crying out in ecstasy before she knew what was happening.
"Armand" she gasped. "Oh, Armand. Please." Armand then entered her quickly and smoothly. Their rhythm was so intense that the head of the bed was pounding the wall, but they never knew. Their passion soared, expanded and exploded out of sheer need.
They came crashing down in exhaustion, laughing and kissing, celebrating their joy in each other.
Jazmyn and Armand made love again, and this time more slowly.
"The night is too short, ma cherie. we must go before daylight comes," he told her gently as he held her in his arms. He could never get enough of her. He wanted to stay here forever.
They slowly dressed and started walking, they had many kilometers to walk to the train station and Armand was showing signs of exhaustion sooner than she expected, he needed to rest but he was too stubborn to rest, he kept going and soon she watched him stumble, his superior balance helped him not fall but he was already weaving, unsteady on his feet. she grabbed his waist and put his arm around her shoulders, he looked at her and smiled softly, thanking her for the support. They soon arrived at the train station and boarded the train toward France, they settled inside a private compartment and soon Armand had fallen asleep with his head on her lap.
Jazmyn realized Armand had fought the pain and weakness to walk the many miles to the train station, she watched his pale skin start to drench with sweat, she saw how he trembled softly, she knew the danger was not over, he still needed medical attention.
Slowly Jazmyn's eyes closed and she fell into a restless sleep, she was startled awake by the soft caress of Armand's fingertips against her cheek.
"How long have you been awake?" She asked, feeling his forehead; it was cool, almost cold.
"Not long." His raspy voice was almost unrecognizable and Jazmyn knew he spoke each word in pain.
"Armand, we have to get you to a hospital."
"No." He struggled to sit up, but was so weak he couldn't raise his head. Seeing that only made Jazmyn more insistant.
"In Chatillon they do not know who we are, they will not call the stasiax, please let me take you to the hospital there" she caressed his cheek and he turned his face toward her caress.
"Jazmyn the sign that all concentration camp victims have is noticeable." he raised his left shirt sleeve and showed her the tattoo the nazi's had marked him with.
"But you need medical attention." she kept caressing his face and hair.
"I know." Armand returned, looking at her, his face pasty-white with pain, his blue eyes, dipped half-closed.
Jazmyn moved his head off her lap, going to get some soup and milk for dinner, she needed to feed him, he was so thin and weak, she worried about him so much, he had a high fever for 4 days and the loss of blood and subsequent pneumonia had stripped him of every ounce of energy he possesed, he needed to eat and rest, preferably in a hospital where he could be treated with medications to prevent any infection.
She walked back to their compartment and Found Armand lying across the seat, his hair falling on his face, she put the 2 soup bowls and milk containers on the seat across from him and proceeded to help Armand to sit up and eat.
"I'm fine," he whispered hoarsely, catching her hand before she could move away.
"You're NOT fine, Armand! You're white as a ghost and your skin is cold and clammy! You should be in a hospital!"
"I'll be fine, in a hospital they will see the signs of the camp and return me there, and you, I will not risk you." he looked away and Jazmyn turned and took the soup bowl and offered some to Armand.
He would not eat, Jazmyn tried to make him look at her but to no avail, he turned toward the wall and would not budge, his breathing becoming slowly more shallow and faster. slowly she started to caress his hair and face, after some time He turned at her soft caress and let her prop him up some with their jackets.
"Armand, drink this." Jazmyn coaxed him to take a sip. He stared past her, with an odd expression on his face. She turned and looked over her shoulder to see what it was that he was gazing at, but there was nothing out of the ordinary.
" Maman? Maman? " Armand lifted his hand and tried to grab a hold of something behind Jazmyn, she realized he was delirious and touched his brow, he was burning up, his eyes glazed over and tears ran down his face, he kept calling for his mother, who had died 3 days before they left Paris.
Jazmyn watched Armand fade in and out of consciousness for hours. His breathing became more and more labored by the hour, she realized his life was in real danger
She bent to feel Armand's forehead. In the past few hours he had begun to run a fever, his skin going from clammy to hot and dry. Very hot! She knew they were close to the check point, and they had to leave the train to go through it, his illness might help them, she had heard of many instances where if the passenger was very ill he was allowed to stay on board and the S S would check their papers on the train, she hoped that was true, for his condition was not improving and she doubted she could wake him, less get him to walk.
She slowly lifted his limp body and slipped under him, holding his slack neck against her chest she settled him on her breast and caressed his fevered cheeks, tears sprang forth and she could not stop them, he was so fragile and could die at any moment, she was frightened for his life, she bent over him "Armand?" She kissed his forehead, he was still warm and still asleep.
He looked so young, so vulnerable, and so very ill. She fell asleep holding him tightly against her heart. Suddenly she was awakened by the train stopping, she knew they had reached the check point and she looked at Armand, He was still as death.
" Armand? Armand wake up! " Jazmyn had only a few minutes to wake him and she rolled up his shirt sleeve and slowly scratched at his arm with the pocket knife she had until the tattoo was gone and a deep, cut was now bleeding profusely, she wrapped his arm in bandages and took the passports out.
" Armand please wake up" she kissed his forehead and she realized that the fever had finally broken, his skin cool and damp.
Armand opened his eyes and tried to focus in the dim light, his eyesight blurry. His head hurt severely but as he moved his left arm a sharp pain shot through it and he looked at the bandage on it, he gazed into Jazmyn's eyes and she smiled.
"it is the only way to hide the mark, now all we have to do is say you were attacked by robbers and were hurt." she took his hand and caressed his knuckles lightly.
" yes you are right," he kissed her hand and tried to sit up, but a sharp pain made him collapse back on the seat, she smiled at him and bent down to kiss his mouth, then she stood and went to the door, to ask the porter to bring one of the guards to them, she explained that her husband was gravely ill and could not move much, the porter returned several Minutes later with a S S soldier, who took one look at Armand and their papers and went in search of his commanding officer.
Slowly Jazmyn got Armand sitting, he shook with the pain, His skin was pale and sheened with sweat, and his eyes were glassy.
She knew he was dizzy and sat beside him, wrapping an arm around his shoulder she pulled his head to lie on her shoulder and that is how the S S comander found them, he took the papers and checked them thoroughly, he looked at the young man, realizing that he was very ill and let them stay on the train. soon all the passengers got back on the train and they started toward Chatillon, Jazmyn was so engrosed in watching for any signs that they had been discovered that she had not realized that Armand had passed out until his body lurched forward almost falling from the seat, his limbs so slack he looked dead. she gently lowered his head to her lap, caressing his red curls, she worried so much about him, his skin was so pale and sweat drenched, she wanted to ask if there were any doctors on board but she was sure that there were none, so she just caressed his brow and made sure he lived.
Jazmyn never took her eyes from Armand's pale face. It appeared to her that he had difficulty breathing. He needed medical attention and fast. But the closest town was far from them, she had to try and keep him alive until they reached Chatillon, it was the safest place, the resistance was there and she would ask for their help in hiding and try to get medical attention for Armand.
After several more hours on the train they arrived in Chatillon and she woke Armand, his eyelashes fluttering wildly he finally opened his eyes and took a moment to focus his eyes on her, the pain in his head was terrible but they were home and he had to be strong until they reached the safe heaven of the resistance's camp.
Armand tried to stand with effort letting Jazmyn help him, he felt a wave of dizziness wash over him, but did his best not to let it show. As soon as they were inside the taxi Armand let his control slip and he slumped against Jazmyn, his face buried in her neck, she held him tight against her and let him rest for now.
They arrived at the resistance compound and 3 men walked out to receive them, looking at Armand they carried his limp body inside and took him to the infirmary, where a doctor checked him out and started an I.V. to replenish the lost fluids, he watched as
Jazmyn held the man's hand and he knew that she loved him. he worked feverishly to stabilize Armand and make sure the proper medication and antibiotics were administered.
Several days passed and Armand started to come around, slowly he opened his eyes and realized he was in a hospital, turning his head to the side he saw His angel sitting beside him on a chair, her brown eyes watching him intently, she smiled and bent over to kiss him, the soft groan made her jerk away, thinking she had hurt him, when the groan was a sign of pleasure, he took her hand in his and pulled her toward him.
"Water please." Jazmyn filled a glass with water and helped Armand sip it slowly, he laid back on the pillows and finally asked her.
"Where are we?"
"We are in Chatillon, at the resistance compound, we are safe, rest Mon Coeur." She bent down and kissed his lips again.
His recovery was fast, only 7 days after arriving at the compound he was walking and had moved to their private quarters, they were happy, the love they shared was all encompassing and he soon had asked her to marry him.
They traveled to see her family in Aveyron, her family had been so worried about them, no news had reached them in 2 months and they told Armand of this, he only smiled and kissed his wife, her family was delighted to see their love fullfilled finally, the ceremony was simple, only their family and friends.
Armand had returned to the resistance and regained his status, it had been 3 weeks since Jazmyn had seen Armand and she had no news from him, she had gotten ready for bed and was almost asleep when a hand clamped over her mouth, " Shh Mon Amour it is me." Armand kissed her mouth possesively but tenderly, his touch was hurried and needy, they made love fast and rough,
"Armand. Please go before I claim you again, my darling." She looked at him, drinking in the sight of his perfect body, his blue eyes, his new beard, his curling hair. He had the body and the face of an angel. She loved him so much, it was difficult to breath, much less let him go into the night without her. "Can I go with you, please? Armand, I know there are women in the resistance. Please," she begged, tears collecting in her eyes.
"Non, it is too dangerous. I should not have come here tonight, but I could not stand to go another minute without seeing you. Now let me go. Know that I love you more than life itself, ma Jazzy." He kissed her lips as her tears wet his face, and his wet hers.
" J'taime, Armand. J'taime," she cried as he left her bedroom quickly.
"Bon nuit and sweet dreams, angel," he said to her as he closed her door.
Jazmyn lay back and dried her tears. She hugged her pillow, and she could still smell his scent as if he were still there. Suddenly, she heard shouts and scuffling outside her window. Two shots rang out. A muffled cry. Jazmyn jumped from the bed, and looked out the window. A figure lay on the ground, blood streaming black in the moonlight from his head.
Maxx jerked awake as he heard Ryanne screaming, he gathered her into his arms and tried to wake her, but she battled his efforts and tried to get away from him.
Maxx became frightened of her reaction and began to shake her harder, Ryanne jerked awake and swiftly buried her face into Maxx's neck.
she was covered in sweat and shaking, Maxx tightened his embrace. "Another dream Cherie?"
Ryanne still shook in her husband's embrace, " yes another one, i dreamed of the war, i lost you."
She buried her face against his chest and weeped.
"Shh Mon Coeur, Mon Ame, I am here, nothing will happen, we have fought many lifetimes to enjoy this one loving each other."
Maxx did not know what to do, she had been having these **dreams** for days now, and he was worried she was starting to lose her sanity, the way she shook in his arms was terrible, he pulled the covers over them and laid down, bringing Ryanne with him, she settled her head on his chest, her ear above his heart, she slowly fell asleep lulled by the beating of his heart.
He pulled her closer and followed her into sleep a few minutes later.
The End
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