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![]() By: Kyara Caledonii
![]() ![]() ![]() ***All Rights Reserved. Story cannot be reprinted/reproduced without Kyara's permission.***
![]() ![]() Kyra walked out of the bar, wrapping her coat around her body more tightly to protect herself from the chilling 20 below zero temperatures that grazed the pre-dawn Montreal morning, she gathered her Coppery waist length hair inside her coat and turned dark Gray-Blue eyes toward her destination.
Kyra had arrived only 2 months ago to this precious city from her beloved Puerto Rico, she had been raised by the wonderful nuns at the abbey of the Sacred Heart, she had never known who her parents were and on a whim she had decided to move to Montreal. At first she had thought it was the worst mistake of her life, for she had moved in November, when the winter was full blown, but soon she had acclimated herself, she rarely went out anyway, all her needs were met at work, food, and drinks and living only 8 blocks away from work was a definite plus.
She loved to walk home after work in the chilly predawn, she was always alone, and had time to think about how to find herself another less demanding job.
This one made her feel dirty and used, she had taken the first job offer that landed in her lap, taking the waitressing job at the **Baby Bunny Hop** Nudie bar, she hated the paw prints she ended up with every night, but it paid good and she had to eat.
Kyra was so immersed in her self contemplation that she did not notice the dark figure following her until it collapsed against her, Kyra screamed when she felt the darkness envelop her until she saw that the figure laid on the frozen ground unmoving, she steeled herself and said a quick prayer as she took the three steps that separated her from the dark figure lying on the sidewalk.
" Are you OK sir? " no movement or sound, she repeated the question in Spanish and French, still no response.
Kyra put her foot under his leg and softly moved it, a soft moan was emitted from the man, she quickly looked around but found herself alone, she looked at the man and decided to turn him onto his back.
** C'mon Kyra the worst that can happen is you get raped, nothing new there right girlfriend?**
Kyra kneeled beside the man and touched his skin, it was extremely cold, she saw dark stubble on his cheeks and touched his cinnamon curls. **what happened to you?** She thought, Kyra put her left hand on the back of his head while her right hand snaked under his shoulder and turned him gently onto his back.
Kyra gasped at the sight before her, pale skin on the most perfect looking face she had ever seen, even with all the blood covering it, his dark lashes laid softly on pale cheeks, nose as Norman as any French man's could be, soft, deliciously yummy looking lips, the most intriguing shadow of a beard grew softly upon high cheekbones and a strong jaw, his shoulders were huge, his chest wide and wet?
Kyra put her hand on the dark spot on his chest and it came back wet, warm blood, she saw was oozing from what looked like a knife wound to the lower right side of his chest, she saw cuts and bruises on his face and a big dark bruise on his left temple, a cut above his brow made the left side of his face scary to look at in the slowly approaching morning.
She sat admiring the unique features of this man's face until suddenly she was startled by his hand touching hers, she looked up into the most alluring Jade green eyes she had ever seen.
" Help....me.... please" the dark man begged, his eyes wildly fluttering, his breath was ragged and shallow.
Kyra saw him shiver with what she imagined was cold, for this man wore a pair of jeans, boots and a black sweater but nothing else, she took his hand and he opened his eyes again, unable to focus on her eyes, she moved her hand to his cheek and he shuddered again. she knew she had to do something, but she did not yet know all the laws of this country, she looked at him and saw that his eyes were now gazing at her face, she lowered her lashes and he touched her hand again.
" Help .... me please" His eyes begged her to help him, and Kyra did the only thing she could, she nodded and slowly helped him sit up, his body shaking severely, from the cold and loss of blood she assumed.
Kyra took the man's face in both her hands and softly asked.
"I live 2 buildings away, do you think you can walk?"
The man looked at her and sighed, he knew he should not involve this girl in his problems but he was so weak, he had already walked from the bay to collapse in Chinatown, he had no more strength. Slowly he nodded and proceeded to put as much of his weakening strength into standing. Kyra took his left arm and put it across her shoulders, she took the man's cut and bruised right hand and guided it toward the wall beside them and then proceeded to help him stand, his legs were shaking badly and for a moment she thought he was going to collapse again, but he locked his knees and forced himself to stand, he smiled softly at Kyra and she proceeded to half drag him to the door of her building.
She knew it would take her some time to maneuver this man who was at least 8 inches taller than her and a good 70 pounds heavier up the few steps and into the lobby of the building she lived in, she was very grateful for the elevator that had just been repaired, she knew he would not last long, he was already shaking severely and his knees were threatening to buckle under him.
As Kyra slowly helped him up the four steps she could feel the gun under his right shoulder and she knew she was in trouble, she gazed from under her lashes up toward his face, his head was bent and his teeth were chattering as his body went through seizure like shudders, she saw the man's eyes were closed tightly maybe trying to control the pain he must feel.
They finally walked into the lobby and Kyra slowly dragged him toward the elevator.
His survival instincts kicked in the moment he found himself inside the lobby, he looked around but found the lobby empty, only a lonely black cat laid on a dark burgundy chair which had seen better days, he gazed down at the girl who had helped him and realized he had not even asked her name, he was about to when the elevator door opened and she dragged him inside.
Kyra gently placed him on the chair that had been placed for the older ladies to sit there while riding the elevator, She turned and pressed the button for her floor, after pressing 7 she turned to find the man gasping for air and slowly bending at the waist, she kneeled before him and tried to gaze into his face. suddenly he looked up and she saw pain reflected in his Jade eyes.
" Are you in alot of pain?" Kyra knew the answer to that even before she asked, she had seen too much pain and violence in San Juan, when she had lived on the streets for those 4 years after being forced to leave the abbey when she turned 18.
Kyra had survived by hooking up with the **Chicas Locas** one of the most violent street gangs in Puerto Rico, she did not like what they did to get food and money but it beat going hungry or dying of any disease while selling your body for some miserable amount of money, she had survived and had saved enough money to buy her plane ticket to Montreal and to pay the first 2 months rent on the flat she now lived in.
The man looked at her and he saw the pain of a tormented soul like his, he sighed and nodded his head to her question, he was too tired to speak, darkness was invading his consciousness and his ears were ringing loudly. he knew he would pass out soon and he wanted to be able to at least make it to her door.
The elevator ringed at arriving on the seventh floor and slowly the door opened, Kyra took his arm and helped him stand, steadying him against the wall, she took a deep breath and proceeded to half drag him toward her door.
His skin was becoming hot and sweaty, he could feel the heat of the fever ragging through his body, the darkness was approaching fast, he could feel his body giving way to the weakness in it and he took a deep breath, he grabbed a hold of the wall beside him to steady himself and Kyra looked at him.
" the next door is mine hold on." she murmured, Pulling him slowly toward the next door, Kyra gasped as the man shook severely and went completely limp, she was barely able to hold his head before hitting the carpeted floor.
" Boy, now what? " Kyra opened her door and surrounded the man's chest with her arms, careful not to hurt his wounds and pulled him inside the door, she dragged him as far inside the hall as she could and then laid him gently on his back, careful to make sure he was still breathing she stood and closed the door.
Kyra looked at the dark clothed man lying on the hardwood floor of her one room flat and sighed, she knew he was badly injured and had lost a vast amount of blood, but she still felt a prickling feeling that she should have left him outside and forgotten about him, but she couldn't. she had promised Severina that she would help anyone who needed her. it had been a sacred promise before Severina died of the multiple gun shot wounds she received 4 months ago.
Kyra walked around the man and proceeded to stock the fireplace and light the wood there, she took her jacket off and looked back at the man, his breathing was shallow and rapid, making his body shudder with each breath he took.
"Well Kyra now what are you going to do? Might as well pull him to the bed, and see if you can clean his wounds little miss goody two shoes!" She whispered to herself as she roamed the flat gathering the items she would need. her gaze strayed to his face and she sighed softly. "if anyone would have told me a man like this existed i would have cut out their tongue for lying, and then i would have searched the world for him."
Kyra laughed out loud at hearing her mind work, she walked toward the man and slowly dragged him to her bed, the only nice thing in this flat, a huge wood canopy bed she had found by the curve ready to be taken to the trash. she had seen the potential in the damaged wood, she had brought the bed home and repainted it, just like she had done to the chairs and tables inside her flat, she had bought the nice new mattress and finally the place looked and felt like home.
Kyra had the hardest time not only dragging the man but trying to pull him on the bed, his muscles so slack he actually looked dead, she winced as his head hit the floor once again and she swore she had to get some carpeting in here soon.
Kyra finally managed to put the man on her bed, she sat beside him, his skin looked so pale, like alabaster, sweat drenched his sweater , the darkness of his beard made his skin look even paler, she noticed that he had dark bruising under his eyes and his breathing was quite shallow and fast, she knew he might die on her, but she could not turn him away.
She slowly took his sweater off, not a sound came from him. she gasped at looking at such a beautiful skin marred by the ugly red cut on his side, the blood had slowed some but not yet stopped, she traced a finger along the ridges of his abdomen ** if it wasn't for the stab wound his skin would be perfect* * she glanced at his face once again as she proceeded to strip his jeans off, she could feel the bulge of his manhood and she knew that many women had killed to spend one night with this magnificent man.
She dropped the jeans beside his sweater and stood to appraise the man, his skin was drenched in sweat, she knew he was burning up, a slight tremor made his fingers move in a rapid taping against the covers. Shaking her head she took her first aid kit and tried to clean his wounds as best as she could with the limited supplies, she covered his stab wound and temple with gauze and then proceeded to the kitchen to get the ice out, she covered the man in a thin white sheet and then put the ice on him. he shivered severely as the ice melted on his heated skin but he never regained consciousness. Kyra slowly fell asleep watching the man shiver intensely.
Several hours later
Kyra woke to find herself being shaken by the man beside her, she sat up and found the man in the throes of a severe seizure, she immediately jumped on him and tried to control his flying limbs, he was still burning up and his lips were turning blue, a sign that he was not getting enough oxygen to his brain.
Kyra felt the man give one last severe shudder and then lay limp within her arms, his breathing barely noticeable, his skin burning with the fever ragging through his body, she knew she had to do something else to bring the fever down, and suddenly remembered Dr. Closter in apt. 714, three doors down, he was a very old man barely able to walk but he was still a great doctor, he had saved her life after she contracted Broncho Pneumonia a couple of weeks after arriving and he had made sure she was fine before starting work.
Kyra stood stiffly and grabbed her purple sweater, she pulled her black leggings on and walked to the door, she left it open to hear if the man woke or made any noise, she knocked on the doctor's door and she heard the man slowly walking to open it.
Doctor Closter was a black man of 88 years, his skin wrinkled extremely but a sweet smile graced his face as he opened the door and gazed into Kyra's scared face.
" Kyra dear what is wrong? "
" Doctor I need your help, I found a man wounded on the sidewalk and brought him home, I think he is dying, please come with me" Kyra grabbed the Doctors hand and slowly tried to pull him toward her door, she could hear some noise inside her apt. And she wanted to see if the man had finally regained consciousness.
" Wait child explain this again to me," the doctor stood rooted to his door. "you found a man? Wounded? And you brought him home? Are you daft girl?"
Kyra turned at the noise coming from her flat and she looked at the dr.
" doctor I have no time please come with me I think he's awake" Kyra turned without waiting for the dr. To say yea or nay, she walked back to her flat and found the man struggling to crawl to the living room.
Doctor Jeremiah Closter watched as the girl walked back inside her flat and he sighed, ** what did I tell you Frances this girl brings strays in all the time** he walked into his flat and took the bag on the desk, he slowly made his way toward Kyra's flat.
" hey wait are you insane! Here let me help you, you need to stay in bed. the doctor is on his way" Kyra grabbed His arm and draped it over her shoulder.
" Who are you? Where am I?" the man could barely see, his skin was burning and he had a feeling he had to be somewhere but he could not place where.
Kyra managed to drag the feverish man back to her bed and deposited him there as the doctor walked in the door, he stood watching the man shiver and try to focus his eyes on her face.
Doctor Closter had seen men in similar shape and he knew that this man was on the brink of death, he walked to the bed and slowly took the man's wrist in his hand, he felt the high fever running through his body and could barely discern his pulse.
" Kyra get me some water for him to drink, and open my bag and get the stethoscope and blood pressure cuff out." He took the man's chin and looked into his unfocused eyes, they were fever bright and shiny, he then looked at the wound on the man's chest and head and called out to Kyra again. " bring the whole bag to me, you're going to need to go to my flat and get my supply of medications."
The man laid shivering on the bed, he could not understand what was going on, his head pounded intensely and he knew he was in bad shape, but as he tried to focus his sight once again all he saw was fire red hair and pale skin, he let his head fall back against the pillows and tried to focus on controlling the shivers running through his body.
** Man this time you got yourself in deep, M.... ** the man closed his eyes and tried hard to remember his name, but the only thing he remembered was the first letter M. **who am I?** He did not realize he had spoken until Kyra sat beside him and took his hand in hers
" what do you mean? You don't know who you are? " Kyra looked at the doctor and he sighed.
"As I imagined this man has some kind of concussion and severe loss of memory," he mumbled as he checked the man's injuries. "great! what new surprises will the new millennium bring?" he chuckled. It was already Jan. 2 of the year 2000 and this year was starting quite badly as he could see.
Dr. Closter cleaned the man's wounds, he had to stitch the man's stab wound and had prepared the anesthetic, he turned and watched as Kyra held the man's hand in hers. dr. Closter approached the bed slowly, he knew this man was dangerous, he had seen too many gang victims in his day to not read the signs of danger.
Also he was worried about the head wound, it was still bleeding and the memory loss dictated some type of brain damage, of course he could not be sure without some type of MRI.
"M" laid on the bed, his fever was still ragging but had actually been lowered some, he kept trying to remember his name, his life, but nothing, all he remembered was the first letter of his name, nothing else came to his aching brain.
He opened his eyes to gaze at the needle in the old man's hand and he stiffened, Kyra saw and felt the man going stiff at the sight of the needle and she tried to calm him.
"it's ok, it's just a local anesthetic, he needs to stitch your wound, he can't do it without that or it would be too painful "
He looked at her and took a deep breath, he hated needles he knew that much about himself "No anesthetic just stitch"
Kyra's eyes widened at his simple statement, she looked at the doctor and saw him shrug " listen young man stitching the wound will be too painful, let me give you this, it will not put you under, just take the pain away"
"M" shook his head and tried to sit up, but Kyra would not let him, her hand on his undamaged shoulder was strong for such a small girl.
"No please, no anesthetic" he beseeched Kyra holding her hand as tightly as he could in his bruised ones.
Doctor Closter looked at the man and decided that if he wanted to hurt so be it, he was too old to fight anyone, he laid the syringe on the night table and proceeded to clean the wound again. "Kyra bring me that towel, he will need something to bite into while I stitch."
Kyra stood and took the hand towel she had on her chair and gave it to the man, she then took his hands in hers and smiled sweetly at the pale man and suddenly he shuddered as the first stitch was applied, he held onto her hands tightly, almost painfully, his eyes tightly closed, a tear escaping from between dark lashes to travel down his cheek.
Doctor Closter stitched the wound as fast as he could, he could feel the man shudder with each stab of the needle on his flesh but he never made a sound, the towel laid forgotten on the side of the bed.
Kyra could not watch the doctor stitching the wound and chose to gaze intently at the man's face. The cut and bruise on his temple were darkening, the cut on his brow had been cleaned and covered, his face was now clean, no trace of blood on it, which made Kyra gaze more intently. she saw his brow furrow with pain and she softly moved her thumb over his hand, she smiled at seeing it helped for his brow relaxed some.
Doctor Closter finally finished stitching the wound and put the antibiotic cream on it, he watched as the man relaxed and succumbed to the darkness he must have been fighting. Kyra gently raised his head and laid it on a pillow, her fingers gently caressing his stubbled cheek.
"Doctor will he live?" she knew that a stab wound could be deadly if not attended properly, she had seen many of her friends die from infections after a fight.
" Kyra I need to check his blood for any indication of sickness but he should be fine for today, are you scheduled to work tonight?"
" No I'm off for the weekend, Dr. shouldn't he be in a hospital?" Kyra was worried about everything, being an illegal alien had it's disadvantages.
" Child you worry too much, as far as I could see he did lose a large amount of blood but not enough to threaten his life, and by his looks he must be used to running on low many times."
Kyra looked at the doctor with a puzzled expression on her face.
" what do you mean?" she asked.
The old man smiled and sat down to explain. "Kyra this man looks dangerous, you are too young and too inexperienced to see the faded marks on his body, come I'll show you."
The doctor stood and walked to the unconscious man on the bed, he took the blanket off and pointed to a faded white line on his chest. "look carefully, this here is a bullet wound, and here on his arm this looks like another bullet wound, he has had surgery to hide the scars but a trained eye can find them easily."
Kyra gazed fascinated at where the doctor pointed, yes she could barely see a small white line on his chest and another bigger on his left arm, Kyra looked up at the man's face and wondered what he did to have such marks on his body, she was brought out of her reverie by the doctor's hand landing on her shoulder.
"Listen child I have to take these blood samples to Agatha, she will have the results in 2 hours, you need to sleep, I will call Tony to come and sit with him while you rest"
" No I can manage, I don't want anyone else in here, if you are correct this man could have others after him maybe the ones who stabbed him, no sense in putting more people in danger, you just worry about his health I'll worry about resting OK" Kyra tenderly touched the old man's weathered face and kissed his cheek, she smiled at him and he departed.
Kyra walked to the kitchen and filled a pitcher with water, she brought it to the night table and proceeded to take a quick shower, after taking her shower she heard a soft moan and peeked out of the door, she saw the man tossing his head from side to side.
"He must be having a night terror" she mussed and dressed in her old sweat shirt and baggy pants and took a seat beside the man, she caressed his shoulder tenderly making comforting sounds, she watched as the man slowed his movements and turned his face toward her caress, she obliged and moved her fingers to caress his cheek, she saw that comforted him and she slowly drifted into a light sleep caressing his cheek.
Several hours later Kyra was awakened by the knock at her door, she carefully stood trying not to wake the sleeping man, she looked through the peephole and saw the dr. Standing there, as she opened the door she frowned at his expression.
" Come in Doctor, what is it? " Kyra helped the man carry the large box he had, she set it on her kitchen table and took a seat beside the doctor.
" Kyra what do you know about poisons?"
" Not allot, I read extensively while at the abbey about everything but I have never actually seen or touched any poisons why?" Kyra turned her head to gaze at the man on her bed, she knew this conversation had something to do with the man.
" Kyra are you sure you want to deal with this? I can call Tony and Mario and they will help me take this man somewhere, you won't have to know what happens to him" He knew that this man was on the edge, the tests showed it could go either way and Kyra was too sweet and caring, she already cared for the man, if he died she would suffer.
" Jeremiah I can handle him, Please tell me what the tests showed"
Jeremiah Closter took a deep breath, and taking her hands in his proceeded.
" Kyra the blood and tissue tests showed that the knife he was stabbed with was poisoned, this is a very unique poison, I have not seen it since my youth, there is no antidote to it as far as I know"
Kyra stood slowly, her hands shaking, she walked to the window seat and collapsed there, her forehead against the glass,
" why would anyone use such a slow means for death? Dr. How unique is this poison?"
Jeremiah walked toward the girl and looking out the window proceeded to explain " Kyra have you heard of Lucrecia Borgia? She was a Spanish aristocrat and poisoner, she used a special concoction which took weeks to kill, the poison in him is similar to that, the difference is it attacks the nervous system, it will be a battle for his life child, are you sure you wish to engage in this battle?"
Kyra had read about this type of poison, the nuns had an extensive library which had extremely old books, she had sneaked into the oldest part of the library many times, where the oldest books were kept, there she read the stories of Lucrecia Borgia and Catherine de Medici, among others, she might be young but she had been well educated and had been able to keep many of the most important books in that library, when the mother superior told her she would have to leave the abbey at her 18th. Birthday she had decided that she would not leave her favorite books behind, she had sneaked into the library the night before she left and took 80 of her favorite books, they laid hidden under her bed, protected in plastic.
Kyra shook herself as she tried to remember if she had read anything about any antidote in those books, she looked up at the doctor and slowly shook her head.
" Doctor how bad will it be? " Kyra knew she would have to quit work and stay beside the man while he fought the pain and death that had been bestowed upon him.
Doctor Closter sighed knowing she would stay beside the man until the end. " Kyra it will be bad, the poison is already attacking his body, the seizures and fever are part of it, the weakness and breathlessness will increase, I don't know if he can survive, but I will call an old student of mine, he will help."
Kyra stood worried about the implications of bringing anyone else here.
"Doctor who? Will I be in danger? You know with the authorities"
Jeremiah Closter smiled at the girl and sat on the battered sofa pulling her to sit beside him. " his name is Stefan Liesky I was his teacher when he was a med student, he took the virology path, if anyone can find an antidote and help us save this man is him, you don't have to worry he was like you when he arrived here, he will protect you I am sure of that" he stood and walked to the box he had brought.
Kyra heard the man moan and hurried to his side, his eyes closed tightly, he shivered lightly, she pushed her fingers through his hair and sighed. ** such waste ** she sat beside him and kept caressing his hair until he quieted.
Doctor Closter brought the box filled with medications to the bedside chair, and opened it, he proceeded to line all the different vials on the table under the window, Kyra watched as he gently positioned many vials with their respective pieces of paper, some kind of booklets, she stood and watched the old doctor sit and write an extensive list.
" doctor what are all these for?" she picked up a vial filled with a red liquid labeled **acetylcysteine** then she took another labeled **Abuterol** she kept reading labels all weird names which meant nothing to her. Then she came to a couple she had read about **Baclofen** which was a Muscle relaxant and **Chlorpromazine** which was an anti-psychotic.
Kyra looked at the doctor puzzled with the many different drugs lined on the table, he smiled and started to explain some of them to her.
" Kyra the poison will attack his brain and nervous system, making him delusional and Psychotic, we will need the relaxants and anti psychotics to control him while we find some kind of antidote to save him"
Kyra looked at the man lying helpless on her bed, she saw his paleness had increased and his breathing was becoming labored, he again had a light sheen of sweat on his skin.
Kyra walked to the night table and took the alcohol soaked towel to rub him down again, she took his arm and started to rub the towel down his arm, then his shoulders and chest, as she finished rubbing his legs down she felt him move and looked up, she was shocked to gaze into His Jade eyes, she saw he was confused and smiled, it seemed to relax him some as she covered his body with the blankets and let the towel drop from her hands, she slowly walked to his side and touched his forehead, he was still burning up, but she now knew no amount of ice would bring his fever down.
" Hi, here drink this" she took a glass of water and helped him raise his head to drink, he took slow sips of the proffered water and soon he nodded his thanks.
" where am I? " he looked around, he stopped at seeing the old man checking the labels on the vials.
He turned confused eyes toward Kyra and she looked at the doctor.
Meanwhile in section one.
Operations was fuming, they had lost contact with Michael over 72 hours ago and still no word, he had Birkoff and walter working hard on finding Michael but so far nothing had been found, the young level 5 operative had disappeared without a trace.
Nikita sat in Comm., twisting her hair with her fingers a sign that the conditioning had been broken, she watched Birkoff working hard checking leads and setting them aside as they proved unsatisfactory.
Nikita had been dealing with her own hell since the Genefex mission, she still had many questions as why she had been conditioned.
She knew perfectly well what had been done to her, Madeleine was evil, she had taken the feelings and left a void in her, she remembered what she had with Michael but the feelings were not there, in the last 4 months since that fateful day at her apt. When she told Michael ** I don't love you anymore** she had gone through all the phases of grief, from numbness to anger and disbelief that they had taken her feelings from her, but she had slowly regained the upper hand, somehow the conditioning had not taken root and she had begun to feel again, it had started after the De Sol mission when Michael had kissed her, the shock and subsequent delight of that kiss had shaken the conditioning into slowly opening the door to her lost feelings, from that day on she had started to not only feel love for Michael again, but her own memories brought the feelings back, she remembered the feelings she experienced on the boat in Lyons, as Michael lost control for the first time and loved her beyond her wildest dreams, she remembered the Armel Mission and soon she had started to feel again, but she had to be careful, she could not let anyone know that the conditioning had failed miserably, she smiled softly and Birkoff touched her leg.
" Why the smile? You know something I don't? "
Nikita looked at Birkoff and squeezed his hand " No just remembering that's all" she stood and walked toward Michael's office, she closed the door and took a seat on his chair, she disengaged the surveillance and brought her hands to her face ** How am I going to get through this when all I want to do is grab some heavy artillery and go find Michael?**
The meeting Michael had gone to in Toronto had been a trap, she knew it, but had no solid proof of it, so she could not go and tell Operations that Samuel Gregorovich had betrayed them and possibly kidnapped Michael, she had tunneled into Gregorovich's organization and she had found a couple of messages from Brendan Tarlinsky the supposed leader of **The Provos** a well known terrorist organization centered in eastern Europe.
Nikita was sure that Michael had been captured and sold to them, Gregorovich was green listed only due to his knowledge of Tarlinsky's organization, she stood and walked to the far wall of the office, she slowly slipped to the floor, her body shaking with suppressed sobs as she started to realize that if she did not go find him no one would.
She heard the knock on the door and swiftly controlled her sobs, she stood and running a hand through her face she tried to hide all traces of her weak moment.
She saw it was Birkoff and sighed, she opened the door and let him inside. " what is it Birkoff? Did you find something?" she took Michael's seat behind the desk and Birkoff watched her compose herself further.
Birkoff knew he was the only one besides Walter who had ever been given the show of emotions Nikita kept tightly reined inside, he was glad she had returned to her former self, at least in private, he knew that Madeleine had done something to her the moment she walked in the door after the Genefex Fiasco, they still had to find the body of Farrel and two of his highest level employees.
" Sorry I found a communication between Tarlinsky and the Provos, it spoke about a package being lost, here are the details" Birkoff gave Nikita a PDA, she screened it and nodded to him, he turned and left the office.
Nikita read the PDA twice before standing and engaging surveillance once again she walked toward Operations aerie.
Nikita walked into the aerie slowly, she watched as Operations stopped his pacing and looked at her.
" Yes?"
" Sir, Birkoff found a message between Tarlinsky and the Provos, we agree it could be about Michael.
Operations took the proffered PDA and studied it, Nikita watched many emotions go through his stoic face, he looked up and into her soft blue eyes and swiftly turned to the window. " prepare yourself, you will be leaving in 30 minutes"
Nikita smiled and quickly walked out of the aerie, she proceeded to Munitions where walter watched her carefully.
" your equipment will be ready in 10 " he turned and suddenly found himself being pulled toward the back.
" Walter where would he go to be safe, If he was injured ?"
Walter looked at Nikita and sighed, he knew he had to tell her his knowledge of Montreal and where he would try to go in such a state.
" sugar, he knows Montreal well, he has a contact in Chinatown, if he was injured he would try to reach him" Walter took a piece of paper and scribbled an address, he gave it to Nikita and then returned to fill the bag she would take with her.
Nikita memorized the address and destroyed it, she walked to the front and took the bag " thank you walter, see you later"
" yea sugar later, be careful"
Nikita walked out of section knowing that if Michael was alive she would definitely find him.
Back in Montreal
Kyra sighed, and gently helped the man sit up, she gave him another few sips of water and tried to explain to this man what was going on.
She was about to explain when the door flew open and a whirlwind of golden hair appeared, Kirsten stopped dead in her tracks as her eyes traveled from the handsome man on the bed, to Kyra and finally the doctor.
" Kyra what is going on?" Kirsten saw the man's bandaged chest and quickly walked to sit on the chair by the bed.
" Kirsten what are you doing here? I thought you were in Saskatoon till tomorrow" Kyra was nervous as she tried to find a reason for a very handsome injured man to be in her bed, But decided to just tell her the truth.
" the meeting ended early and I arrived 2 hours ago, are you going to explain about this?" she made a circular motion with her hands indicating the whole scenario.
Doctor Closter stood and took the man's left arm, he proceeded to prepare to take another vial of blood, "M" tried to pull his arm away but felt Kyra's hand caressing his injured right hand, he lifted bright Jade Green eyes to gaze into soft gray-blue ones and she smiled.
" it's all right, he needs the sample for a few tests, how do you feel?"
M shifted stiff, pain filled legs and tried to think clearly, he was having difficulty speaking and his mind was numb and jumbled.
" I..... **Gulp** hurt all over, what happened? What's your name? " Kyra looked at Kirsten as the younger girl stood and walked to the kitchen for a soda.
Kyra wondered if she should tell the man that he had been poisoned but thought better and decided to let the doctor handle it.
" my name is Kyra I found you wounded on the street and brought you home, can you tell me your name?"
M looked at her with confusion in his eyes, he tried hard to remember a name but he could not, his mind was blank the only thing was a desperate feeling to flee quickly which he clamped down on it swiftly.
With a very confused and frightened expression on his face he answered her question " Don't remember........just a letter...... I think it's my Initial....*sigh* M" he looked at the younger girl standing by the kitchen table and shuddered, he laid back down and locked his green gaze with Kyra's Grey-blue one.
Kyra could see the pain he was in, not just Physical pain but emotional pain also, due to his memory loss, she decided to try and give him a name, one that he could take as his own and also because she could not call him **hey you or sir ** all the time, she sat beside the man and let her eyes roam the flat, suddenly her gaze fell on a picture of the Archangel Michael and she shrugged ** hope you don't mind** then she turned and was startled by the intensity of the man's gaze on hers.
Kyra put her hand on his and proceeded to tell him what she would do.
" How about I give you a name? That way I can call you something and maybe it could help your memory OK" she smiled at his slight nod and she proceeded.
" How about I call you Michael " at the mention of that name an intense pain went through his body and he shuddered once again, he heard a soft gentle voice calling his name and he tried to figure out the memory but it fled his aching brain, he opened his eyes and looked at the people beside the bed, he gazed at Kyra who was walking back to the bed and he realized he had possibly passed out or worse.
Kyra saw the man's reaction to the name as soon as she mentioned it, his body stiffened and he dropped her hand and drew himself into a fetal position, his already labored breathing became more labored as he tried to suppress a shiver that shook his whole body, she saw Kirsten's wide eyed gaze as her hands fisted and she ran to the bedroom, Kyra turned her gaze to the dr. Who had walked to the bed and was holding one of the man's wrists in his hand, she stood and walked to the window, she knew Michael was in great pain and for a moment she could not handle it.
Kyra looked out toward the city sky line and thought of all the pain she had endured alone, without anyone there to help her, she remembered Severina's words as she died ** Kyra you have been the closest thing to a sister I had, you have stayed with me even with the danger of the chota after us, don't let the chicas make you ** cough** forget your soul, you are kind, be kind to others and help anyone who needs it, it has been my motto since I joined the chicas locas, and I want ** cough** you to keep it, promise me that you will leave, there is money hidden, take it and leave the island, nothing good will come if you stay, be free and have a life, you are still so young, **cough** promise me you will leave and find a new life**
Kyra had sworn that she would help whoever was in need and she had held Severina while she took her last shaky breath seconds later. Kyra had done as Severina asked and took the money hidden and left, she bought her passport and arrived 6 days later in Canada. Kyra suddenly shook her head and forced herself to return to the injured man, as she approached the bed she saw his eyes were open and he was gazing at her.
Michael had tried to control the pain he was in, his chest hurt in a numb sort of way, his vision was blurry and it hurt to breathe, but besides that and the intense throbbing in his head he was ok, he tried to remember why the name had caused such a bad reaction in him, he racked his brain for anything that gave him any reason to fear being here, but nothing came to him, it only gave him a more intense head ache, he saw Kyra walking to his side and he tried to smile,
Dr. Closter took advantage of the man's confusion to take the necessary blood sample and also to give him a mild sedative, he checked the bandage on the man's chest and applied fresh antibiotic ointment on it, the man shuddered as the dr. Touched his wound but settled back on the pillows when he felt Kyra's hand go through his hair.
Michael raised his hand to take Kyra's and he felt the curls in his hair, he frowned at the thought of his hair being curly, somehow it did not feel like him but he dismissed the thought and pulled her hand to his lips, he kissed her hand and smiled at her.
" Michael is a good name, thank you, I'd like to be called that " he saw the many emotions going through Kyra's face and he let her hand go as she drew it toward her face and suddenly she stood and ran to the bathroom, he turned startled eyes toward the dr. But he saw the dr. Was as perplexed as he, then he heard the other girl say.
" Poor Kyra don't pay attention to her, she has never been kissed like that by a man" Kirsten walked to the bathroom and walked inside.
Kirsten sat on the edge of the sink as she watched Kyra inside the tub crying.
" Kyra is everything ok? "
Kyra looked at Kirsten and answered slowly " He's dying Kirsten and I think I love him, what else could be wrong?"
Kirsten smiled at her friend's confession " yes he could die **Could** being the operative word, and falling in love with the man is not hard, have you paid attention to his looks? The man is a GOD!"
Kyra laughed softly, only Kirsten would think of a man as a * GOD* but she had to admit Michael was very handsome, his features were very unique, not typical, she smiled as she thought of how his lashes softly caressed his cheeks while he slept, and how his skin felt so soft and rough at the same time, his hands were work roughened but they seemed warm and his smile made his face light up, she looked up and laughed at Kirsten's expression.
" Man you really got it bad Kyra" Kirsten laughed at seeing her friend's bemused expression and the light in her eyes.
Kyra stood and walked to the sink, Kirsten jumped off the sink and stood by the door as Kyra washed her face, Kyra then turned, opened the door and walked out, she gasped as she saw the man on the bed shaking badly, she walked to him and took his hands in hers, he looked up at her and clasped her hands to his chest, Kirsten walked to the bed and told Kyra she would return later and to call her if she needed anything, Kyra smiled and kissed her goodbye, Kirsten stopped to speak to the dr. And then left the flat.
The dr. Was drawing something from a vial and proceeded to inject the man, Kyra spoke softly to the man about the injection and what it contained.
" Michael dr. Closter is going to administer a mild sedative, the shaking will ease soon, just try to relax and everything will be fine"
Michael had closed his eyes after clasping onto Kyra's hands, somehow her touch comforted him, he listened to her tell him about the dr. And the injection and did his best to relax and let the drug take it's desired effect, he barely felt the needle prick his skin and introduce the liquid into his system, soon he felt the effects of the drug, a mild euphoric feeling crept into his mind and the shaking seemed to slow, he relaxed and tried to take advantage of the drug's effects to sleep some, he knew that he needed sleep most of all, but he also felt that there was something strange going on in his body, his legs seemed numb and his arms had been tingling since he awoke, but he paid no attention to those symptoms as the drug relaxed him enough to be able to fall asleep.
Kyra watched as Michael relaxed and soon fell into a deep sleep, she smiled and leaned over to kiss his cheek, she liked the feel of his soft whiskers on her lips, she covered Michael with a blanket and looked at the dr. She saw a weird expression on his face as he turned to walk slowly to the kitchen.
Kyra made sure Michael was sleeping well enough before standing and making her way to the kitchen to speak to the dr.
" Jeremiah shouldn't you go rest, when is your student coming anyway? It's 5 PM already and you need your rest."
Jeremiah Closter smiled at Kyra and took her hand.
" Stefan will be here at 6, he will take over the man's care, I will come when Stefan is not here but we must help Stefan as much as possible, Kyra you have taken a liking to the man right?"
" Michael dr. His name is Michael, yes I like him, he seems strong and vulnerable all at the same time, he needs help and I don't want him to die alone, he seems like a good man, why did you think he was bad?"
Dr. Closter looked at Kyra and had to laugh, **the girl is still so young just barely 21 and her active imagination has given her a wrong view of this man she called Michael, he knew the signs when he saw them, she was falling in love and she would hurt when he died or left, but well Kyra had lived a very troubled and pain filled life already, maybe she empathized with the man due to her prior experiences but he knew that was not good, But what could he do? Take the man away? Let him die? No he had sworn to save lives and he would, if this man hurt Kyra so be it, he would just have to make sure that if Michael lived he would know how loved Kyra was and what would happen if he hurt her** Dr. Closter smiled at the girl and stood " Kyra his wounds are typical of danger, the bullet and knife wounds on his body are barely noticeable to anyone, but that does not mean he is not dangerous, wasn't he carrying a gun? he might seem nice now but when he regains his memory he could be lethal, just be careful OK sweetness? Now I'm going to get some sleep, Stefan should be here in a little less than an hour, if Michael wakes or has any problems call me ok?"
Kyra nodded and stood, she gave him a small peck on the cheek and walked with him to the door, as she closed the door she remembered that she had not eaten all day and proceeded to the kitchen. ** I'll make some soup and salad, I'm sure Michael will be hungry when he wakes.**
Nikita disembarked in the Montreal airport and proceeded to find her suitcase, she was anxious to know if the special design Walter made had held and hid the special toys he had sent with her, Nikita took the suitcase off the belt and proceeded to customs.
Passing customs with the required check up of her suitcase she remembered the last time she had done such mundane things, it was a few weeks ago during the Humboldt Mission, she and Michael had played a recently married couple going on their second honeymoon and they were given the pleasure to use public transport at the last minute to tag Larry Humboldt before he reached the New York area, she smiled to herself as she waited her turn for a taxi, she had enjoyed that mission immensely, specially since it was the second time she was paired with Michael since her reconditioning and subsequent failure of it.
The taxi arrived at her side and she climbed in " Chinatown, 255 D'arcy street" Nikita sat back and enjoyed the spectacular view of downtown and the Chinese district as the cab drove along University ave. The taxi stopped at the old building and she paid the cab, she took her suitcase and walked up to the flat she had been given, 2 doors from Edward Baxter's flat, she had to watch the place to make sure Michael had made it there, but she had the feeling Michael had not been able to arrive to Baxter's flat before collapsing somewhere, it was a sixth sense she had about him, and it had served her well while on missions, she was able to connect with Michael and know if anything was wrong, and Nikita knew something was definitely wrong here, she could normally feel the prickling of his soul when she was near but she could not feel him at all, of course it meant nothing since section had messed with her mind she had lost some of the connection with Michael.
Nikita took the time to shower and sleep some before she went to Baxter's and put the new surveillance she would need in there, she took a long luxuriating bath and dressed in her robe, laying down on the bed she proceeded to relax and sleep.
Nikita walked into Baxter's flat the next day and took the older man by the shirt, she slammed him against the wall and proceeded to inject him with a special brew Walter had made for her.
Nikita sat Baxter on the bed and he swiftly collapsed against the pillows, she took the special devise and interrogated him.
" where is Michael?"
Baxter's eyes were open but he saw nothing, they were unfocused and quite shiny due to the drug " I don't know"
Nikita put the electrodes on his chest, arms and temples and proceeded to ask again " where is Michael?"
Baxter tried to turn his face toward her and she zapped him, his body arching off the bed, he answered slowly " I..... don't..... Know...." he shivered as the electricity cursed through his system.
Nikita sat beside the man and took the syringe out of her bag, she took another 5 milligrams and injected him, she waited for the drug to take effect and as she saw the man's eyelashes fluttering wildly she asked again " where is Michael?"
Baxter's eyelashes fluttered so wildly she could only see the white of his eyes, he tossed his head side to side and tried to move but she zapped him again, this time a higher set and his body spasmed with the electricity cursing through it.
Breathless he answered " I .... Don't ..... Know where.... he is" his eyes closed and he passed out.
It had been over 15 days since she had gone into Baxter's flat and put the new surveillance inside and nothing about Michael came out of it, Baxter had been interrogated three times and she still had no news of Michael, Nikita was starting to feel like she had lost her best friend.
2 days later Nikita was called by section to return and she was forced to leave the area without Michael.
Her last thoughts as she boarded the plane that would return her alone to section one was a silent prayer for Michael to be alive.
Meanwhile 4 streets from Nikita in an old building Michael suffered the seizures and pain of the poison attacking his system, kyra and Stefan had been keeping Michael as sedated as possible without compromising his life, but even heavily sedated he still shook and moaned in intense pain.
Michael's mind was playing games with him, he had fleeting images of blonde hair and ocean blue eyes, perfect breasts and a dark haired child, Michael had been suffering through the worst of the symptoms for 16 days, his mind so confused and disoriented he would literally try to walk out of the flat he rested in, Kyra and Kirsten had spent the last 23 days caring for Michael and keeping him as comfortable as possible.
Kyra sat on the window seat of her flat while Stefan checked on a still unconscious Michael, the poison had slowly cursed through his system leaving him weak and in tremendous pain, the slow psychosis he went through had been horrible leaving Michael crying and screaming in pain, they had been forced to sedate him after the first 3 days and Stefan had strapped his arms and legs to the bed to keep him there. Stefan had also devised an antidote to attack the poison and that had caused Michael to suffer even more. His already confused and aching mind had gone into overdrive, making him scream in such agony that Kyra had chosen to hide for hours at Kirsten's flat, and still she could hear him calling her, she had finally given in to her pain and cried herself to sleep over the next 10 days.
Kyra looked at Stefan as he sat on her couch, she knew he had barely slept like her and he was exhausted, she could see the dark circles under his eyes becoming darker as time passed, Kyra looked out the window again remembering the last 23 days of her life.
The first symptoms started 2 days after he had arrived, he had woken up one morning and asked her about his dog, Kyra had taken his hand and explained what had happened, he had become so anxious that Jeremiah had to sedate him for the first time since the night he had arrived.
Kyra had been watching the slow disintegration of Michael's mind, she saw how much pain he suffered, his cries for her to help him had broken her heart and those Bright green eyes had shed many tears as the pain cursed through his weak body, Michael had barely eaten for days and she knew he could die if his seizures were more severe.
Michael had slowly gone from cries of help to screams of dementia in a few days time, his mind so confused and affected he had called Kyra mother, he became so out of control that they were afraid he would have a brain embolism, kirsten had stood by Kyra through the whole ordeal trying to talk Michael through the psychosis he Was going through, the pain and confusion in his green eyes had made Kyra and Kirsten cry many times.
Kyra had been cooking one morning when she saw Michael stand on shaky legs and make his way to the window, he had tried to open it and she had run to grab him before he stepped out onto the ledge, she had to sweep his legs out from under him and as he collapsed she had jumped on him grabbing the sedative she had on the window table, Kyra was fighting him when Stefan and Kirsten had walked into the flat and Stefan had helped her hold him till he was sedated, between Kirsten, Kyra and Stefan they had carried a heavily sedated Michael to the bed and Stefan had strapped him, making sure he would not hurt anyone.
Kyra had watched Michael's mind slowly go from human to animalistic, she knew he as not going to survive such an ordeal, and if he by a huge miracle lived he would be so damaged he would never know life as he did before.
The last episode had been 2 days ago, it had been the worst, his body shaking with uninterrupted seizures for hours, Stefan had to use the heaviest of sedatives and still Michael shook, Kyra was afraid that he would die, for his lips had turned blue and he had stopped breathing many times during the ordeal.
Kyra was brought out of her reverie when Stefan sat before her and shook her shoulder.
" Kyra I said what's wrong?"
Kyra looked at Stefan and smiled " Nothing just gathering wool that's all, what did you say?"
Stefan knew Kyra was not tired she was dead on her feet, she had stayed awake for many nights watching Michael suffer and still she fought to save him, she was a very strong girl, Stefan smiled at her and spoke once again.
" I said that he is still unconscious, we need to keep a very close eye on him, he can slip into a coma swiftly, you know what to look for right?"
Kyra stood and walked around the flat " yes i know what to look for, uneven breathing, more seizures, I have to check his reflexes every 30 minutes and check his eyes every hour, if there is no reflex on his pupils I must call you immediately and try to stimulate him as best as I can, did I leave anything out?" Kyra was not in the mood to be treated like a child again, Stefan had learned the hard way how mature she was the first day he had arrived.
" Kyra why are you acting like this? I know you are tired and very sleepy but I need you to take tonight's shift, I have to check his blood again and Jeremiah said he would come to visit at 10 PM can you handle the shift till then?" Stefan was worried that she had already been burned out and she could not deal with the effects of the Man's suffering anymore.
Kyra stood watching the man on the bed, he had not moved or made a sound in almost 3 days, she turned her head toward Stefan and he saw the tears in her grayish-blue eyes, he stood and tried to hold her but she lifted her hand and placed it on his chest.
" Stefan I can do this, I don't need comforting, i just need to know if he will live, he has been awfully quiet the last 2 days"
Stefan took a few steps back and turned to look out the window.
" Kyra he is unconscious, he can either regain consciousness today or in 3 weeks, but the danger is that he can slip into a deep coma and then there would be nothing we could do, if you need time tell me and I'll call a couple of friends, they can help me deal with him for 3 days while you leave and rest"
Kyra took Stefan's shoulder and forced him to turn and look at her " I can handle it, I'll be fine, go on I'll grab some tuna and care for him, don't worry about me, worry about him" Kyra turned and walked to the bed, she took a seat beside Michael and started to slowly pass the cold alcohol soaked towel over his body gently.
Stefan watched her care for this man who was nothing to her, and he smiled, she is a good woman, maybe I can pay her school and she could be a nurse, Stefan Knew he had started to care for Kyra and Jeremiah had told him she already loved the dying man which she cared for so tenderly, Stefan walked to the kitchen table and took the medicine bag and said his good night to Kyra, she told him to be safe and returned to her ministrations, Stefan slowly walked out of the flat and toward the elevators, knowing he would never have Kyra's heart.
Michael's sense of reality had been turned inside out, he felt the caress of a tender hand and then the roughness of a needle poking his skin, he was trapped in a dark abyss, he had tried for what seemed years to find a way out of this place, the darkness was all consuming, the pain was intense, but the worst had been a while ago when he had thought he was being squeezed to death, his heart hurt so much he had screamed but no one had come to help, his throat hurt from the screams, and slowly he had given up finding a way out.
Then Michael heard a gentle voice calling him, he still did not remember anything about his life, he had been flashing on certain images that made his head ache intensely, he had slowly closed his eyes and let go of his will to live when he heard the voice, whisper soft, it invaded the darkness and made him wish to run toward the sound, he opened his eyes as he heard the voice again this time closer, he saw a light far above him, and he willed his body to stand, he tried to climb the slippery walls toward that light, he knew that if he reached the light he would be saved, but his body was too weak to pull him to the light, after many attempts to climb the walls he finally collapsed, his strength gone, he laid his head on his bent knees and fell asleep swiftly listening to the gentle voice call to him.
Michael was awakened by a deep voice calling him, he looked everywhere but he saw no one, it was pitch black and the pain was still cursing through his fragile body, he tried to stand but his knees buckled and he again collapsed on the ground, he could feel his bones poking through the little flesh still covering his body, he suddenly felt someone grab him and strap him to a table, the darkness made it impossible to see who had him strapped, he tried to move but his movements made the restraints tighter, he was thirsty and in severe pain when he heard the voice again.
"Michael why do you make me hurt you?" the voice seemed to come from everywhere
" what do you want? Why do you keep me here?" Michael tried to move his head but he felt the restraints being tightened painfully, he felt something go over his head and restrain his movements even more, then the needles were introduced into his face and body, he screamed and tried to escape but a serum was injected into his eyes, it made his eyes hurt and his body convulse with pain, then someone introduced a needle into his heart and the intense pain made his body arch like a bow.
" I told you she is not for you but you did not listen now I must punish you"
" who is not for me? What are you speaking about ? let me go please" Michael's body was shivering, he was extremely cold and he could feel something being introduced into his veins.
Slowly his eyelashes became heavy and his breathing became so difficult, his heart hurt trying to pump the little blood he had through his body, Michael tried again to get free but a needle was again introduced into his heart and the pain of the needle piercing his heart made him pass out.
He woke to the feeling of soft hands caressing his face, he tried to open his eyes but he could not, they were stuck closed, he felt his limbs being unrestrained and he tried to move, but he was too weak, he moaned softly as the hands touched his tender chest above his heart, he started to feel the darkness again rushing at him and he welcomed the oblivion.
Kyra had sat beside Michael for 2 hours before he made a sound, she had been caressing his face and chest when he moaned softly, his eyelashes fluttered briefly before again going still, she had touched his neck gently to make sure he was alive after seeing him try to move.
Kyra was frightened to see him move, she knew she had to keep speaking to him but when she saw him try to respond and open his eyes she became frightened, she had watched him lose consciousness many times and wake trying to hurt them, but not this time, he had slowly moved his face toward her touch and as she saw this she moved her hand to touch his chest and he moaned, the sound was painful and she immediately pulled her hand from his chest, she saw his eyelashes flutter wildly once again and then he returned to his deep sleep.
Nikita walked into section one with the worst temper ever seen, Birkoff met her at arrival
" hey Nikita how was the hunting?"
Nikita stopped dead in her tracks and turned, she pulled her dark glasses down her nose and gave Birkoff a freezing glare.
" Hunting was unsuccessful just lost time trying to find Michael, where's operations anyway?" Nikita's eyes flashed as she tried to convey the meaning of the cold answers to Birkoff.
Birkoff looked at her as if she had grown another head, he did not notice the flashing of her blue eyes as she spoke, he was too stunned by her comments.
Birkoff looked at her with fire in his eyes and turned " he is in Madeleine's office"
Nikita realized he had not read between the lines like she wanted him to, she shrugged and decided to explain later, she had to find a way to return to Toronto before Baxter disappeared and Michael's trail grew colder.
Operations and Madeleine sat drinking tea in her office, they had been told about Nikita's arrival and they were waiting for her to show up.
" Madeleine how come she could not find Michael, they had a good connection before, did the reconditioning destroy their rapport?" Operations knew that Nikita and Michael had much more than a simple connection, they had a sixth sense about each other that brought them closer to being the perfect team section desired, but he had watched as that connection had been severed when Nikita returned from Genefex.
Madeleine watched Operations as he tried to understand the connection their top ops had, and she saw that he slowly gave up, it was too complicated even for her, she did what was ordered and what was best for section, now if they could just find Michael all would be well again. She was about to answer when the door chimed.
There was the sound of the door opening and Nikita walked through, Madeleine watched as Nikita stood with her hands clasped in front of her a very Michaelesque gesture "Nikita sit down, how did it go? Any trace of Michael?"
Nikita took the offered seat and proceeded to explain all about her trip to Toronto.
2 Hours later Nikita walked out of Madeleine's office and proceeded to Munitions, she had a cheshire cat grin on her lips as she left the **black widow's nest** as all called Maddy's office.
In Munitions Walter had already been told by Birkoff what Nikita said and he was not in a good mood, he stopped cleaning the gun as he saw Nikita stop to speak to Chris Davenport, after a few minutes he nodded his head and left, she turned and walked toward Munitions, Walter did not know what she was up to but he would find out.
" hey Walter how did it go while I was away?" Nikita took a seat on the stool behind the table where Walter had an array of guns he was cleaning, she took her own weapons out of her bag and put them on the table.
"Hi sugar Nothing new, lost Mendez and Hakiro is in ICU, how did the suitcase work?" he had to go slow, she would tell him in due time.
With a bright smile on her face she responded " It worked great, the weapons were hidden from all their gadgets to find them and had all the toys working perfectly that new shock device was a beauty!"
Walter smiled slightly he knew Nikita's subtext, she had liked the shock device because it did not leave permanent damage and the drugs did help.
" so did you find anything?" Walter started to walk to the back and Nikita joined him, as they closed the storage door Walter put a finger to his lips and nodded to the 4 surveillance devices inside, he took the newest anti-surveillance unit he had built specially for Michael and pressed the button, now they had 2 hours of uninterrupted conversation.
" Okay sugar did you find him?"
" No walter, Baxter said he had never arrived at the meeting, that is unlikely, Michael would arrive at a meeting with four bullets in him if he could walk" Nikita had slipped her shoes off and was sitting on the wood bench, her feet tucked under her , she grabbed a strand of her golden hair and started to twist it around her finger.
Walter knew she was right, Michael would do all in his power to attend a meeting, that meant he was either grabbed before, or Baxter had been Modified to answer like that, Knowing **The Provos** the latter sounded more logical.
Nikita sat back and closed her eyes, she was tired of acting different in front of Madeleine and Operations, she wanted to be herself, as much herself as she could remember, she was still missing allot of her memories, mostly of her childhood and teen years, she remembered almost all about her recruitment and training, she sat there remembering the Bauer Mission, their first kiss, the way he protected her. Nikita shivered as she remembered the war with red cell and how much damage it had done on Michael, she knew he had suffered several episodes, a bleeding nose and dizziness, and the last episode that almost killed him, leaving him in MedLab for 2 weeks! sniffing, she thought of their early relationship and the day he set her free, her return to section and how fooled she had been by Jurgen, a tear escaped her closed eyes as she remembered the day she found Michael strapped to a chair, needles poking his chest, how she realized he had amnesia and her tricks to protect a sweet and gentle Michael, her pain when she had to inject the Limbic suppressors to return him to his prior self, how he asked her about their love and the pain it caused her to hear that he loved her, she knew he would never remember those words.
Nikita shivered again as she remembered watching Michael playing with Adam and the pain he had gone through after the Vacek Mission ended, she thought he would be canceled, but operations tricks brought him back full force, she smiled remembering making love to him after the Zalman fiasco and their last kiss just before going on the Genefex mission, she shuddered as she remembered the look in Michael's face as she told him that she did not love him anymore, tears formed in her eyes and she wiped her hand over them to keep the tears at bay ** god Please keep him safe**
Nikita was startled by Birkoff walking into the back of Munitions.
" Explain to me why you said that in the hall Nikita?"
Nikita smiled at Birkoff and stood, she put her leather jacket back on and returned to her seat. " Birky it meant nothing, it was all for show, we were being monitored"
Birkoff paced the small area, his anger still going strong, he had not been so angry at her since she had made Michael suffer after the fiasco in Genefex, he had realized too late she had been altered and soon after finding Michael's well hidden hacking did he offer his help to Michael to bring her back, Michael had accepted but had taken special precautions to protect them both, Birkoff stood looking at Nikita and he realized she had been crying, he took in the red eyes and the barely controlled shivering lower lip and his resolve faltered, he lowered his head and sat beside her.
Nikita saw the emotions flash in Birkoff's face, his anger at her and his devotion to Michael, his memory of helping Michael, but the moment he realized she had been crying he broke. He could never stay mad at her and she knew it so she showed her pain and sadness and he sat beside her, taking her hand and she knew he had forgiven her.
Walter watched the show mesmerized to see Nikita's emotions showing, it had been such a long time since she had cried, then Birkoff walked in and verbally attacked her and she just let her pain show, walter smiled at seeing Birkoff deflate at seeing Nikita in pain and he joined them.
" does this mean we will play hooky and go Find Michael?"
Nikita laughed, her sweet laughter bouncing off Munitions walls and making walter and Birkoff very happy, that was the Nikita they loved, always getting herself in mischief.
Nikita stood and paced the floor for several minutes then she stopped and closed her eyes, Birkoff knew she Was concentrating on a plan and he smiled at walter.
A couple of hours later they were meeting in secret and planning their end game to find Michael.
Kyra had fallen asleep after the 36th. Day of constant vigil at Michael's side, Stefan had been called in for a big emergency that developed in Uganda, Kirsten had been sent to New York for a special meeting and she had not returned yet, Kyra had stayed alone with a still unresponsive Michael for 6 days and her energy reserve had finally gone out, she laid her head beside his hand and caressed his hair until she fell asleep.
As Michael regained consciousness his first thought was of pain, intense and constant, everywhere. He had never felt such Pain and He had to bite his lip, to keep from crying out.
He attempted to open his eyes, the light hurt as it hit his oversensitive eyes, an intense pain shot into the back of his head, and he closed his eyes tightly, he felt someone beside him and tried to move, his arm touched soft hair and felt the person beside him sit up at his movement.
Kyra felt a soft movement and sat up, she turned sleepy eyes toward Michael and saw his eyes tightly shut and her first thought was of calling Stefan, but she remembered he was not here so she gently touched his brow.
At the soft touch of her fingers Michael shivered, he was cold, he tried to move but pain shot through his whole body, the worst embedding itself in the side of his head, he lifted his left hand to try and massage his temple where the pain was severe and felt the many days growth of beard on his face, the hand softly removed his hand and massaged his aching temple, he sighed and Turned his face toward her touch.
Kyra kept massaging his temple and side of his face as she served a glass of water from the pitcher on the table beside her.
" Where else does it hurt?"
Michael thought for a moment and responded with barely a whisper.
" everywhere"
Kyra stopped the massage and brought her hand to support his head and help him drink. " Here drink some of this"
Kyra brought the glass to his lips and he drinked thirstily, his throat had been parched, he finished the glass and asked for more, Kyra smiled and Obliged, after the second glass of water she gently laid his head back on the pillow, he sighed and smiled softly.
Michael tried to open his eyes again and this time the pain was not so intense, his sight was blurry he tried to focus on her face, Kyra smiled at seeing him trying to focus his bright eyes on her face.
After several minutes his sight cleared and he saw beautiful gray-blue almond shaped eyes, And fire gold hair, he inspected her face slowly, dark burnished brows, button nose, full heart shaped lips, milky white skin, he noticed a light sprinkling of freckles on nose and cheeks and then he noticed the flush of that same skin, he realized he was starring and he quickly lowered his eyes, his lashes hiding the Jade green color of his eyes.
Kyra felt herself flush by the intense gaze of this man, she knew she had been smitten as Jeremiah called it, smitten was not the correct word but well, all she knew is that she wanted to care for this lost soul, protect him from any harm and if possible give him a better life than he had lived so far.
Kyra had taken the man's hand and softly asked him.
" can you remember anything?"
Michael looked at her confused, ** remember? ** he tried to think but the pain was severe, he took a deep breath and felt the pain of a recently healed wound on his chest, he lifted his hand and touched the scar that had formed after the wound had been successfully closed, he turned confused eyes on kyra and she explained.
" you were stabbed, you almost died, can you remember your name?" Kyra knew it was a long shot to expect him to remember anything after his ordeal, Stefan had told her that he most than likely would never remember anything, he might even have some brain damage due to the poison.
Michael looked at the girl and tried to think ** name ? My name ? ** he raised his hand to the bridge of his nose and with thumb and forefinger tried to control the pounding of his head, no luck, he closed his eyes and concentrated on her question, **rememeber my name?** he tried hard but nothing came to him, then slowly he remembered a soft voice calling him what?
*** Mi-chael*** his eyes snapped open and he said " Michael I think that's my name"
Kyra sighed and nodded her head, she had called him Michael, he at least remembered that, she tenderly took his right hand and explained again.
" Michael that is the name I gave you, you could not remember a name only an initial so I called you Michael"
Michael was confused, he remembered someone else calling him that, but suddenly a sharp pain shot through his eyes and he shuddered, Kyra watched him touch his eyes and then shudder and she took the wet towel beside her and taking his hand from his eyes she positioned the towel to cover the painful area, he visually relaxed as the cold towel calmed the pain and he clasped her hand.
" Thank you that helps"
Kyra smiled at him and asked him if he remembered anything else.
" Nothing" he lifted his hand and traced the wound gently, he asked "what happened to me, do you know?"
Kyra looked at Michael she knew he would ask sooner or later so she took a deep breath and proceeded to explain how she had found him and what had transpired since then, the diagnosis and his subsequent ordeal, Kyra had finished telling him about the last 6 days when she felt his hand go lax in hers she lifted her eyes toward his face and gently took the towel off his eyes, she realized he had fallen asleep again, she smiled and kissed his lips softly, eliciting a soft sigh from him, she decided to take a shower for he would not sleep much in the next few days.
As Kyra walked to the bathroom she turned to gaze at this extraordinary man who had survived a terrible ordeal and as far as she could tell had not been damaged, he still did not remember anything and the pain was still intense but he was sleeping not unconscious anymore and she felt a huge weight being taken off her slender shoulders, entered the bathroom leaving the door open **just in case he wakes up**
Michael dreamed, but these dreams were fleeting, barely quick pictures that he could not understand, he saw a blonde woman with blue eyes smiling at him, he saw a dark haired boy playing, he saw a chestnut haired woman and a white haired man standing side by side, he could not put names or feelings to those images, he finally fell into a deep restorative sleep.
Nikita walked out of the elevator and toward her apt. She could hear Mick's entertaining from the side walk, she opened the door to the apt. And grimaced at the white walls and the austere furnishings, she stood inside the door and made a decision ** this paint is coming down** she turned around and walked back downstairs.
45 minutes later she arrived back at her apt. and started to paint the white walls a soft, Butter color, she trashed her furniture and waited for the movers to arrive.
The doorbell chimed and she checked her surveillance camera, she opened the door to two burly men dressed in overalls and carrying a black leather sofa.
Several hours later her apt. Was furnished with basic black furniture with splashes of vibrant colors, she passed her fingers over the wooden table and chairs, the antique furniture looked amazing in her apt. The sofa and chair looked great, her new entertainment system was superb, and the collection of music, it reminded her of Michael's taste.
** I wonder if I am becoming alot more like Michael is now?** Nikita immediately felt the pain of not knowing where Michael was or IF he was alive, she curled up on her sofa and cried herself to sleep.
Madeleine sat at her desk, going through today's briefings with a fine tooth comb, she watched Nikita's briefings since the reconditioning and felt the hair at the nape of her neck stand on edge.
"she is remembering," Madeleine hit rewind and watched as Nikita's demeanor was more relaxed, more her former self, she watched as Nikita's hand twitched when she was asked by Operations what had happened during the 10 minutes they had been off surveillance during the **De Sol** Mission.
Madeleine turned her attention to the recent briefing that afternoon, she knew Nikita was more relaxed, and felt her anger emanating from every pore, but she had figured that it was her imagination, after watching all the tapes from the last 5 weeks it started to become clear that Nikita's conditioning had failed.
Madeleine stood and walked toward her plants, " Trevor, open Nikita's surveillance at her apt. Please" Immediately the wall beside Madeleine opened and Nikita's apt. Was showed, Madeleine watched as Nikita slept on her new sofa, she paid attention to every miniscule detail of the woman's new decor, the walls had been painted a soft butter color, the furniture was mostly black but had many splashes of color to them, she started to watch as Nikita dreamed, she saw the blonde woman twitch and shake her head softly, Madeleine returned to her seat behind her desk and started to record the images inside Nikita's apt.
Nikita was dreaming; those dreams were more her memories coming back quickly, she started to remember the day she had met Michael, how menacing he seemed and how much pain she went through during her first 2 years, suddenly she saw herself walking down the alley that fateful night, she heard a voice calling her and she turned, there was Michael walking out of the shadows " Don't walk there, come with me, I'll give you a place to sleep and food" Nikita started to step back but she was against the wall and as she turned to run she found herself standing in front of Jurgen " Nikita I told you that he would hurt you, you should have listened to me " she watched Jurgen's face turn into Michael's and she gasped, she wanted to run and escape but she was trapped, she was inside a machine and there was severe pain, she tried to scream and then......Nikita screamed herself awake, she jerked out of the sofa and ran to the corner, she crouched there while checking her whole apt. There was nothing amiss, she sighed as she realized it had been a dream, she laughed and started up the stairs to her bedroom, she took her clothes off, took a shower and climbed into bed, she turned the light off and fell asleep with Michael's name on her lips.
Madeleine watched as Nikita's dream became a nightmare, she smiled as Nikita cried out for Michael and then she saw the woman jump off the couch and crouch below the camera, she could not see what Nikita Was doin but a short time later she saw her alk to her bedroom, then stripping she went to the bathroom and 20 minutes later she climbed in bed, and fell asleep calling out for Michael.
In Montreal Michael awoke from a dream covered in sweat, he could not remember the dream but it left him shaken, he sat up and tried to control the shaking in his body, Kyra walked into the bedroom and sat beside Michael.
" What's wrong? Did you have a night terror?" Kyra walked to the bathroom and returned with some tissue, she took his chin between her fingers and wiped the sweat off his brow, she passed the tissue over his face and neck.
He felt better, her Hands gave him a sense of peace, he tried to move further off the bed to try and stand but a sharp pain shot through his head once more, he grimaced and tried to hide it by holding his head in his hands, Kyra knew he was in pain and softly massaged his temples until the pain became more tolerable.
" Michael it's been 5 weeks since I found you and you're progressing great but still the poison left your body extremely weak, and this pain concerns me, maybe we should go to the hospital just to check you out" she saw his face as she said the last and she knew he would again deny he was weak and she braced herself to hear his excuses.
" Kyra I'm ok, the pain comes from the blow i received, it will pass soon, yes My strength is not much but I will be OK, really don't need a hospital" he smiled at her making those twin dimples of his shine through, he knew she was falling in love with him, and he felt the stirring of love inside his heart and tried to clamp it down.
** I don't deserve such an angel, she has given me her trust and life and what can i offer her? Nothing, can't even remember my own name for Christ sakes! **
Kyra Watched him get a distant look in his eyes and instinctly raised her hand to touch his cheek, as her fingers touched him he jerked back and away from her touch, she stopped her caress and swiftly pulled her hand away, she stood and ran past Kirsten who had been standing at the door, Kirsten watched Kyra walk out the door and knew she would be at her flat, Kirsten looked back at Michael and saw his eyes filled with tears, he quickly turned his face away from the accusing gaze of Kirsten and laid down on the pillows, he brought his hands to his face and let the tears fall, he had hurt kyra and that was unforgivable.
" you know Kyra is stronger than you think, she can handle a broken heart"
Michael looked at Kirsten and slowly started to sit back up, the pain was sharp but tolerable, he wanted to speak to this young girl who seemed to be mature beyond her years.
" Tell me about Kyra, what does she do?" Michael settled back against the head board and Kirsten took a seat beside the bed, she looked at Him with an expression of distrust in her young face.
" First tell me how much can you remember? Is this amnesia thing all a joke? Cuz if it is I will make sure you will regret playing with Kyra"
Michael smiled to himself, he saw the tigress come out and knew Kirsten would protect Kyra to the death, he was glad that Kyra had such a special friend, he shook his head and ran his fingers through his curls, he tried to straighten them out some but it did not work, he sighed and looked at Kirsten.
" Kirsten I can't remember anything, my mind is a total blank, why do you think I'm trying to use Kyra? "
Kirsten stood and walked to the window ** how can he read us so well? Could he be psychic? Na! He's just a wounded man with a great imagination she turned towards Michael and watched him trying to stand, she rushed to him and tried to keep him in bed, but he was already halfway off the bed.
" are you insane? You can't move you might get hurt more and then we would really have to take you to the hospital"
Michael held on to Kirsten as she was unsuccessful to keep him in bed, the moment he put his weight on his legs his knees buckled and he collapsed on the floor, his body shaking violently, and pain lacerating his brain, he pulled himself into a fetal position and that is how Kyra and Stefan found him a few minutes later.
Michael was loosing consciousness fast, the pain was increasing, he started wheezing as the pain increased a notch in his brain and he moaned out loud, Kirsten saw the man shaking and swiftly ran to get help.
Michael's hold on reality started to fade but suddenly he felt a gentle touch on his face and he opened his eyes, they Brightened at realizing it was Kyra beside him, she took his hands into her own and gently Nuzzled them against her face, she saw the tears shining in his eyes and making tracks down his cheeks and her own fell unheeded.
Michael watched as Kyra's ocean eyes filled with tears of fear and worry for him and he tried to control the pain he was in, he succeeded marginally and lifted her hands to his lips and kissed first one and then the other, his eyes sparkling like twin emeralds, Kyra pulled On his hands and soon he felt Stefan's arms lifting him off the floor and placing him gently on the bed, gently Kyra caressed his cheek, her gaze fell on his shaking lips and she did not think she leaned in, their lips touched softly, he let out a groan and she quickly moved away, thinking she had hurt him but as she gazed into his eyes she saw the evidence of love in his eyes and smiled, the groan had not been of pain it had been of his soul letting go of the fight to stay away from this woman.
Stefan took Michael's arm and checked his vitals, Michael's heart was beating too fast, He was still wheezing and there was extreme controlled pain etched into his features, Stefan moved toward his med bag and took the Pain killers out, he drew a large dose and proceeded to inject Michael.
Kirsten had returned by then and she watched Kyra and Michael enraptured with each other, she saw Kyra's lips gently touch Michael's and she sighed ** he is not for her, god What are you doing?** Kirsten walked to the window and gazed at the beautiful spring day, it was nice and sunny and she knew this man would soon leave Kyra and never look back, Kirsten felt the touch of Stefan's hands on her shoulders and turned her face to gaze at him, she saw the sadness in his eyes and she knew he had fallen in love with Kyra.
Kirsten looked over Stefan's shoulder at the couple on the bed, Kyra was lying beside a deeply sedated Michael and her eyes turned to Stefan. " will he be all right?"
Stefan took a seat at the window and pulled Kirsten beside him " he is strong, the pain is extreme due to the ordeal he has been through, the poison almost killed him Kirsten, he will be extremely weak for some time still, but he should be able to start walking by tomorrow, with pain killers and some mild sedatives he should make a good recovery" Stefan Looked at kirsten and suddenly he leaned in and kissed her lips, Kirsten unprepared for the assault to her senses could only sit there and savor the kiss, Stefan pulled away and Kirsten stood and ran out of the flat, he sighed and took one last look at the couple on the bed, Kyra was sleeping peacefully, beside her Michael seemed to have relaxed and let the pain medication act for his eyes were closed and his breathing was slow and even, he covered the sleeping couple and let himself out of the flat, leaving a note for Kyra that she should call if there was anything they needed.
Michael sat on the bed several days later, he was feeling stronger but not yet strong enough to stand on his own, the pain slowly became more tolerable and he would spend more time awake than asleep, he had spent many hours speaking to Kyra, she was a wonderful woman, just barely 21 and she had suffered so much, she had slowly opened up and told him about her life with the nuns, the day she was told she would have to leave, her years on the streets, the many terrible things she was forced to do to feed herself and the promise she had made to her friend to escape that life and seek a better one.
Michael looked at the beautiful woman lying next to him, her hair was spread out over the pillow in wild disarray, her pale lashes grazed her cheeks softly, her lips were slightly apart and he had the huge desire to kiss her awake, but he could not, he pulled his thoughts back toward making sense of his life.
Michael could remember his Initial, **M** he knew he must be in some kind of law enforcement due to the gun he carried, he knew he was poisoned by someone who wanted him dead, but desired to make him suffer before death claimed him, the poison was too slow acting , and the bruises were too exact for a robbery, he tried to force his brain to think, to make sense of the few things he was sure of.
Michael was so entranced in his thoughts that he did not notice when Kyra awoke, she opened her eyes and felt Michael's hand softly caressing her hair, she turned and watched his eyes, they had a far away look to them, his brow was furrowed and she thought that maybe he was remembering, she tried to move away without bothering him but the moment he felt her move he gazed at her, his gaze was intense and it made her uncomfortable, she moved away from his hand and lowered her gaze, she felt him touch her shoulder as she turned and tried to leave the bed.
" Kyra show me what I was carrying when you found me?" Kyra stared at him, she had thrown out the bloody shirt and jacket, the jeans had been also thrown out, she smiled and told him that she had destroyed most of what he had on that night, she brought the gun to him, she placed it in his lap.
" I'll take a shower, will be out in 10 minutes shout if you need me" He nodded and turned his gaze to the object on his lap, he took the gun in his good hand and tried to aim, his hand shook some but was controllable, he wondered why he did not carry any ID or money on him, he put the gun on the bedside table and resumed his prior line of thought.
Michael looked out the window his thoughts miles away, he felt that he was supposed to be somewhere else but no amount of force would open the flood gates to his lost memories, he sighed in defeat and laid down on the pillows, he brought Kyra's pillow to his face and inhaled her sweet scent he smiled at the special scent of her ** flowers and vanilla ** He knew he would always think of Kyra when this specific combination of scents assailed his nose, he closed his eyes and thought back to the prior afternoon and smiled, he had been trying to get Kyra to help him take a real bath, she would not allow it, Stefan had left strict instructions to not let Michael out of bed for 1 more week, he was dying on this bed, it was comfortable and soft but he had to start to regain his strength in his legs sometime, Kyra had gone to get the coffee and Michael had taken the opportunity to try and stand, Kyra had seen him and ran to him as she watched him sway and his knees buckle, she had gotten to him a few seconds before he hit the ground and his superior weight had brought Kyra to her knees, he had landed on top of her, he was about to apologise when he heard the soft laughter assail his ears and he started laughing too, she gently helped him back in bed and kissed him till they were breathless, he had cupped one full breast and she gasped, and moved away, he apologised profusely for taking such liberties but she had told him it was ok, she had not taken offense at his roaming hand, she had gotten the coffee and offered him a cup, they had sat in companionable silence for several minutes, slowly he had clasped her hand and kissed it, he pulled her close to lie on his chest and she had put her head over his heart, she had felt it skip a beat as her lips grazed his male nipple, she had just settled her cheek over his heart when a sharp pain had shot through his head and made him moan and grab his temples, Kyra had felt him shake at the increasing amount of pain in his head and had lifted his head and placed it gently on her breast, she had started to slowly and methodically massage the painful area until he fell asleep.
Michael was startled out of his reverie by Kyra's soft voice asking if he was all right, he lifted his eyes to gaze into the ocean blue of hers and he saw her smile.
Michael smiled as his eyes followed the curve of her neck and the pounding pulse there, He lifted his gaze again to hers and smiled. "I'm fine just thinking" he shrugged his shoulders and she smiled back, he sat there watching her comb her hair, he ached to touch her hair and whispered " Come here let me do it please"
Kyra lowered herself beside him and gave Michael the brush she was using, he tenderly started to comb her hair, his fingers caressing the silky strands until her hair dried, Kyra took the brush from him and stood, she walked to her walk-in closet and disappeared inside, a few minutes later she emerged dressed in a pair of black leggings and a pink shirt, she turned to smile at him and then walked to the kitchen to prepare breakfast, Michael's mind was reeling at the effects this girl had on him, he yawned and felt tired suddenly, he lifted his hand to his head and felt the slight warmth of a fever start to color his cheeks red, he laid his head on the pillow and closed his eyes, the pain was starting to throb intensely in his head, he tried to breathe deeply to control the pain but it did no good, he knew that he would either suffer the pain or ask for some relief, he chose to suffer.
Kirsten walked into the kitchen to watch Kyra fumbling with the can opener " Kyra let me, you go check on Michael OK" Kyra smiled and walked toward the bedroom, she rushed back to the kitchen with a frightened expression on her face.
" Kirsten I can't wake him up, he's burning up with fever and his muscles are so slack, get some ice and I'll call Stefan"
Kirsten took the soup off the stove and proceeded to grab a couple of ice bags, she walked toward the bedroom and saw Kyra shaking Michael to wake him but nothing worked, the shaking made his neck snap from one side to the other sickeningly, she took the blanket off and put the 3 ice bags she had on him, one on his forehead and the other two on either side of his chest.
She looked up and saw Kyra's face covered in tears as she explained to Stefan that Michael was not responding, she sighed and looked at Kirsten " he's coming, 15 minutes, we need to keep him elevated in case he throws up or convulses"
Kirsten walked to the kitchen and brought the remaining 4 ice bags and covered his burning body with them, Kyra was terrified that he had finally been lost.
20 Minutes later Stefan walked through the door and checked Michael out, his fever was very high, his skin was cold and clammy and his breathing was becoming ragged and shallow, he took a syringe and drew some blood to send for testing, Stefan watched Kyra sitting Beside a unresponsive Michael and his heart clenched, he saw the tear stains on her cheeks and tried to comfort her.
" Kyra this might not be related to his poisoning, I'm not sure, but we must think positive ok?"
Kyra gazed at Stefan and he saw the pain and fear in her ocean blue eyes, he took her hand and squeezed tightly, she was so fragile and loved this man so much that if he was lost now she would never be the same.
Stefan took a syringe and filled it with a liquid, Kyra asked him what was it, he responded that it was some antibiotic and fever reducer.
" Girls, you must keep him alive until I can return with the tests results, keep the ice on him and if he convulses make sure he does not hurt himself all right, I will return in 30 minutes and then we will know what's wrong "
Stefan walked out of the flat and prayed that this was not the last time he saw Michael alive, he had become friends with the unfortunate man and he had a nice rapport with him.
Kirsten took Kyra's hand and squeezed, " He'll be fine I'm sure, now let's get some more ice in the bags "
Kyra pulled her hand from Kirsten " you go ahead I won't leave him alone"
Kirsten sighed and went to the kitchen to fill the bags with ice, Kirsten knew that Kyra had fallen madly in love with the strange man, he was sort of cute, but Kirsten liked her men younger and with glasses, she sat on the window seat and thought of the last few weeks.
2 hours later Stefan returned and explained what was wrong, Michael had developed a secondary infection and they had to attack it with antibiotics, he was sure that as the fever was reduced Michael would respond to all outside stimuli.
12 hours later
Kyra had finally fallen asleep beside Michael, Stefan had taken the sofa and had spent some time speaking to Kirsten before they both succumbed to sleep.
Michael slowly opened his eyes, he tried to lift his head but was still too weak, he could feel the fever still ragging inside him, he felt the weight of her head on his chest and lifted his hand to touch her hair.
Kyra awoke suddenly at his soft touch, she looked into his fever bright Jade eyes and smiled " you're awake" she saw Michael licking his dry lips and took the pitcher of water and served some in a glass, she brought the glass to his lips "slowly "
Michael drinked a few sips of the life giving liquid and sighed, his throat felt better, smiled at Kyra and asked her " what happened? "
Kyra took his hand and caressed softly while explaining to him what had happened.
" Michael you had a secondary Infection, you did not respond to anything, I was worried, your fever was quite high"
Michael looked at kyra and tried to focus his eyes, the pain was returning and he closed his eyes tightly, the pain was increasing as he tried to remember, he shook with the effort of controlling the pain, Kyra watched him shake lightly and cried out for Stefan, the doctor ran to the bedroom and saw Michael's eyes tightly shut and his slight shaking and walked to the bed.
" Michael are you in pain?"
Michael nodded slightly at the question and tightened his hold on Kyra's hand as the pain increased a notch.
Stefan took the pain killers out of his bag and proceeded to draw the necessary amount, he took Michael's arm and injected the pain killers into his blood stream, 5 minutes later Michael's features relaxed and his grip on Kyra's hand was more tolerable, Michael's eyes became clouded with the effects of the medication and soon he had fallen into a light sleep.
Michael's mind was a jumble of emotions, there was pain but also he was very confused, he could not remember, he did not know who he was or what his life was like, he tried to force himself to remember anything, but there was nothing, a wall had been erected and he could not find his memories.
He felt lost, he opened his eyes to the brightness of a new day, he winced as the light hit his eyes and he tried to cover his eyes with his hand, his hand felt heavy and numb but it moved on command and settled over his eyes, he sat there trying to figure out where he was, he looked around but did not find anything familiar about the place, he moved and felt pain cursing through his body, slowly centering on his head, he put the heels of his hands against his throbbing temples and that is how Kyra found him a few minutes later.
" are you in pain? " he was startled by her soft voice, he gazed at her intently trying to place a name with her face it slowly came to him **Kyra** that was her name.
" yes some Kyra, may I have some water please"
Kyra knew that the fever had broken the day before and he had been sleeping peacefully for several hours now, she took the pitcher that was beside the bed and served some water in a glass, she sat and brought the glass to Michael's lips, he sipped slowly, he smiled once he finished and attempted to sit up, but Kyra's hand on his chest stopped him.
" you just went through a couple of rough days combined with the ordeal you went through for 5 weeks it left you very weak, you need to rest, Stefan will be arriving soon and he will check you and make sure you are well on your way to mending ok"
Michael lifted his green gaze to lock on hers and he saw concern and love in her blue-gray eyes, he nodded slowly and laid back on the pillows, Kyra closed the blinds and put another pillow under his head so he could watch the flat.
He watched as Kyra cleaned the bathroom humming to a sweet tune ** over the rainbow** he thought the tune was named, her sweet tender voice making the music calm him and lull him into a light sleep.
Kyra walked out of the bathroom 20 minutes later and gasped at the perfect view, Michael had fallen asleep once again, his face bathed softly by the light filtering through the blinds made her wish to cry, his lips were slightly opened, his lashes softly resting on his stubbled cheeks, his left hand was raised above his head half closed, like a baby's in sleep, his right hand rested over his heart, Kyra felt something stir in her chest and realized that she had again fallen completely in love with this man, he was so sweet awake and looked angelic when he slept, she smiled and softly walked out of the bedroom closing the door behind her.
Kirsten and Stefan stood in her kitchen, Kirsten ran toward Kyra when she saw the strange expression on her friend's face.
" what is it? Is he worse?"
Kyra laughed softly, a sweet, gentle laugh " no he's fine, sleeping right now" she smiled broadly at Stefan and took a seat on the couch.
" Then why the sad expression?" Stefan had felt his heart soar as he saw her smile gently at him.
" because he looks so angelic and perfect when he sleeps, it breaks my heart to think of the pain he must have gone through in his life"
Stefan's heart crumbled into a million pieces in his chest, he thought she Had started to care for him but she was just happy that he had saved the intriguing man in black.
Stefan excused himself and walked out of the flat leaving Kyra and Kirsten staring after him.
" what is wrong Kirsten?"
" nothing Kyra, listen I'm going out for milk and ice cream stay beside Michael and I'll take the cell phone in case there's an emergency, will be down at Mama's market ok"
Kyra nodded and Kirsten walked out to follow a broken hearted man and try to mend his heart.
Kirsten saw Stefan standing by the big picture window at the end of the hall and she walked to him, she surrounded his chest with her arms and held him while he sobbed quietly, she maneuvered him toward her own flat and soon she ws sitting on her couch holding a still crying Stefan.
Nikita had been trying to find a way to return to Toronto before any trail that Michael might have left grew too cold, she walked into Operations aerie and screamed at him.
"you freaking imperious bastard, you are deliberately keeping me inside this place why?"
Operations had been standing at the window watching his operatives working when he heard Nikita's footsteps, he did not acknowledge her until she had finished screaming her hate at him, he slowly turned with a smile on his face.
" we need you here Nikita, Michael is gone, we have Davenport and Simon looking for him, nothing has come of it, it has been 7 weeks, let it go, he is lost to us now"
Operations turned back to the window dismissing Nikita effectively, or so he thought, suddenly he found his face smashed against the glass, Nikita's breath on his neck.
Nikita took the remote and darkened the window.
" why won't you let me go? I saved Stephen for you, let me find him Paul"
At hearing his given name pronounced like that he shivered, the pain in Nikita's voice was too strong to fight, he had been like that when Stephen had died, he had to do something before she broke, and took half of section with her.
With his face splattered against the glass he saw Madeleine walking toward the aerie, he had to think fast, Nikita was becoming their best operative, she would not be able to function well without Michael, they had been the perfect team and could be again, once her programming had been destroyed he knew they would again be the best team they had, and he needed every team he had to fight George and Adrian, he did not wish to cancel her and a few others who would fight her cancelation, he slowly said the words he knew would make her let go.
" fine you're on the next flight out, you'll have 4 weeks"
Nikita sighed in relief and let go of the older man, she stood at attention as he wiped the blood from his nose on his sleeve, he turned as Madeleine walked into the aerie and Watched the man standing with his back to her and then turned to gaze into Nikita's icy blue gaze, Nikita gazed back unflinchingly, Madeleine turned to Operations and asked
" what is going on here?"
Operations turned and gazed intently at Madeleine, blue eyes locked on brown, a shiver ran through Nikita's body as she watched Operations and Madeleine have a duel of wills in front of her, she slowly and silently walked out of the aerie and locked the door, she turned and smiled as she made her way to wardrobe to gather the necessay clothing for the trip.
Kirsten woke to find herself in a warm embrace, she lifted her head to watch Stefan's brown wavy head rest gently on her breast, the man was alseep and she took advantage to truly enjoy this man's features, Stefan was young late 20's, he was tall over 5'10 slim build, But with nice defined muscles, his skin was pale but not ghostly, his lashes rested softly on his cheeks, his eyes were chocolate brown, warm and soft, behind his glasses, she lifted a hand and caressed his barely stubbled cheek, she smiled at the baby soft feel of that stubble, she was startled when he opened his eyes and gazed directly at her, he blinked his eyes several times to get the sleep out of them, then he looked at her and smiled, she returned his warm smile, he sat up without his eyes leaving hers, he stood and offered her his hand, she put her small hand in his and he lifted her up off the couch, he took his finger and rubbed gently at her lower lip, slowly his eyes shifted from her eyes to her lips and back again, he suddenly pulled her flush against him and bent his head to kiss her.
The door bell rang and they jumped apart guiltily, they both looked at each other and smiled, Kirsten walked to the door and opened it to find a police officer standing there.
Kirsten called Stefan immediately and he took her hand and asked the officer to enter, the man stepped in and asked if she was Kirsten Ambruglia, she nodded and he told her to sit down.
50 Minutes later Kirsten was sobbing loudly in Stefan's arms, Stefan had been trying for the past 30 minutes to calm the girl down, he had listened to the officer tell Kirsten that her parents had died in a car accident that morning, Kirsten had taken a deep breath and thanked the officer, she stood and walked to the kitchen served herself a glass of water and waited for him to leave, as soon as Stefan surrounded her with his arms she broke, the tears falling unheeded down her pink cheeks.
Michael had slept for several hours, the deep satisfying sleep had done him good, he felt stronger and more awake than before, he slid his hands under him and slowly lifted himself into a seating position, he groaned under his breath at the pain and dizziness the new position gave him but he bore it silently, he moved his heavy legs to the side of the bed and slowly stood, holding on to the bed post, he finally was able to stand, the powerful dizziness assailed him again and he almost lost his grip on the bedpost as he doubled over in pain, he sat down again and took deep breaths, trying to control the pain and dizziness he felt.
Slowly the pain passed but the dizziness stayed, he lifted himself into a standing position again and he took slow careful steps, his legs shook severely as he took each step, but he had to do this, he walked to the bathroom and did his ablutions, after that he walked slowly to the door and opened it, he tried to see in the darkness of the room, he touched the wall beside him and found a switch, he turned it and soft light flooded the room, he looked around as he walked to the livingroom, each step came easier than the last and soon he was no longer holding onto the wall for support, he had walked toward the kitchen when he saw a few strands of firegold hair peeking from the side of the couch, he walked to the sofa and gasped at the view he found there, Kyra was sleeping peacefully, her face softly bathed by the moonlight filtering through the window, her lashes touched her cheek softly, her skin was pale and milky and his eyes strayed toward her red lips, he was tempted to taste those lips, he imagined they tasted of honey, his breathing quickened as he saw her stir, her hands were gathered under her chin, he felt a tenderness for this girl that he did not know he possesed, he slowly turned and walked back to the bedroom, he laid down and tried to think about his life once again, but all he could see were firegold hair and soft red lips.
Kyra woke as the door to the bedroom closed, her eyelashes fluttering open and her hand going to cover her sleep sensitive eyes.
" why is the light on? I did not leave a light on did I?"
Kyra stood and walked to the window, she opened the blinds and let the full rays of the moon come into her flat, she turned and walked to the bedroom, she carefully opened the door and gazed inside, she saw Michael lying in bed with his eyes closed, but as she approached the bed his eyes flew open and they locked with her blue-gray ones, she felt a shiver go down her spine at the intensity of that jade green gaze, he smiled and lifted his hand for her to join him in bed, she took the proffered hand and slowly took a seat beside him.
" Kyra what do you know about me?"
Kyra stared at him for several minutes before she felt him squeeze her hand and ask again.
She smiled " nothing, Not even your name, the day i found you, you were wounded and in tremendous pain, you could not remember your name only a initial **M** so to make us both more comfortable I called you Michael, it stuck, that is all I know, you carried no I.D. no passport, nothing, only this gun" Kyra stood and walked to the closet, she disappeared inside and returned a few minutes later with a Glock on her hands.
Michael stared at the gun in her hands and slowly shook his head.
" why was i carrying such a powerful weapon?" Michael took the gun from her and examined it, it still had blood on it **my blood** he thought.
" I don't know Michael, that was all you carried, and the clothes you wore which I had to burn they were too dirty and blood stained to clean" Michael nodded his head and lifted his gaze to look at Kyra, she felt frozen as that gaze had turned from cold to warm in a few seconds, she smiled at him and he slowly let the biggest smile brighten his features.
She held out her hand and he placed the gun in it, tracing her fingers gently as he moved his hand away.
Kyra stood and returned the weapon to it's hidding place, then she returned to the bed and asked Michael if he was hungry, he said no just thirsty so she stood and went to the kitchen filled a glass with orange juice and returned to the bedroom, she offered the glass to Michael and he accepted it quickly.
" sip sowly, don't gulp it all down"
Michael obeyed taking slow sips of the tangy liquid, it soothed his dry throat and helped his voice sound better, as he finished the last of the juice he looked at her and smiled as he gave her the glass.
Kyra took the glass and set it on the night table, she then proceeded to sit down and talk to him about anything he wanted, he asked her where he was, how he got there, she tried to jog his memory with phrases or images but nothing worked, they stayed awake till late, she had seen his eyelids start to get heavy and she helped him lay down, she tenderly caressed his face and hair until his features went lax and the sound of his soft breathing was the only sound heard in the flat.
Nikita had been sent on 2 missions before being allowed to travel to Toronto, she arrived that morning and had found her accomodations much better, she would be staying at a nice little cottage outside the city, she gathered her belongings and proceeded to find Baxter and interrogate him, since the man had disappeared after her last visit she imagined the man knew more than he had told her and she was determined to find him and through him find Michael.
Meanwhile in a seedy part of the city
Edward Baxter was walking down the street when a black limo parked beside him and a couple of men grabbed him and threw him inside the limo, the limo sped away and Baxter had been sedated.
Conciousness returned to Baxter swiftly and painfully, he lifted his head and saw Tarlinsky sitting in front of him, Baxter realized he was hanging from the ceiling by his wrists and he tried to move to get the circulation going, but that caused more pain, He looked to his right and saw the body Of Gregorovich hanging beside him, his stomach lurched and he barely contained the desire to retch.
Tarlinsky laughed as the puny Baxter grimaced in pain and horror.
" Mr. Baxter you never delivered the package we paid you so generously for, we need to know what you did with our property, where it is and when can we expect it delivered to us?"
Baxter was shaking he did not know what the man was speaking about, with a confused expression on his face he asked " who are you? What are you talking about?"
Tarlinsky lifted his hand and a huge man entered the cell, he proceeded to beat Baxter senseless, after seeing that Baxter had lost consciousness they left the cell and waited until the man woke again to continue their fun.
Nikita had been working at the cottage for 3 days, nothing had come up, Baxter had disappeared and Michael's trail had long since grown cold, she sat at her Kitchen table munching on an apple while chatting with Birkoff about any new intel he could have found.
Nikita: < I can't find anything here Birky, Michael's trail has disappeared and Baxter is nowhere to be found>
Birkoff: < Nikita we got some intel that Gregorovich disappeared too, this has to be related to Michael's disappearance, have you tried Baxter's flat?>
Nikita:< Birky i tried his flat, game room where he hangs out and his mother's no one has seen him since Wednesday, do you know of anyone else who can help here?>
Birkoff lifted his brown eyes and rubbed his hand over his hair, he turned and gazed at Walter and the older man immediately understood, he walked to Comm and stood behind the young man "tell her to try Stefan he lives in the city and knows everything that is happening"
"But Stefan is section 4, we are not supposed to mingle with them, Operations has it forbbiden, and Stefan was not trained for this, he is strictly Biohazard, he has no cold op training"
Walter took hold of Birkoff's shoulder's and squeezed painfully " kid Stefan lives there, he is the only one who can help her find Michael, Operations will forgive her for using section 4's top Biohazard Operative, tell her how to find him"
Birkoff turned to the screen and told Nikita about Stefan and how to find him.
Nikita was taken back by Birkoff's suggestion of using another section's operative to find Michael, she did not wish to use him but Walter and Birkoff said he was good, if Michael was in the city Stefan would find him.
Nikita gathered her things and proceeded to go find this Stefan guy, she stood in front of his bldg. All night and the next day and finally she saw him arrive, the man was tall, maybe an inch shorter than Michael, thin but muscled, his brown hair was short and wavy and his glasses made him look like a student instead of the lethal Operative he was.
Nikita did not trust Section one's file on Stefan, she had been able to tunnel into Section 4's mainframe and read his File, it was impressive, he was level 4, a bioweapons expert, she realized that the other section's had more freedom and a better life, she watched as the man entered his bldg. And she followed him in, she stood waiting for the elevator that would take her to the 4 th. Floor where Stefan lived, while he took the mail out and proceeded to the elevator, they stood waiting for the elevator together, Nikita knew she was recognizable in all the sections for the simple reason that she was Michael's partner, She maintained her head lowered and her hair in her face.
Stefan thought that it was weird that this girl did not take the stairs everyone knew that the elevator was malfunctioning and all in the bldg. Would tell their friends and visitors that the elevators did not work, so he walked toward the elevator and stood there studying the girl, after 10 minutes he had realized she was section and he slowly sighed and turned toward the stairs, he climbed the stairs quickly and exited through the 3rd. Floor, he took the fire escape and left the area, he had to contact his station and find out what was going on.
Tarlinsky was getting tired of Baxter, he had used every technique in the book to break him but the man seemed to either have been trained to survive torture or he truly had forgotten who he was and what he did.
Tarlinsky stepped up to the beaten and bleeding Baxter and asked him one last time
" tell me where Michael is, I know he is dead, the poison was too strong for even him to survive, tell me where Michael's body is and I will keep you safe" Tarlinsky took hold of Baxter's hair and pulled while speaking to the puny little man.
Baxter was gasping for air as the man grabbed his hair and pulled, he started at the cold brown eyes of Tarlinsky and tried to remember what the man wanted to know but he did not remember anything.
Tarlinsky got tired and left the room, the man continued to beat him until he heard Baxter grunt one last time before passing out, what the man did not realize was that The soft grunt Baxter made was caused by the man's fist penetrating and bursting his liver, Baxter would never regain conscioussness.
Nikita had taken the stairs after being told that the elevator was not working, she realized that Stefan had made her and she mentally beat herself for being so stupid as to not taking the time to find out if the elevator worked.
She walked toward Stefan's apt. door and softly opened it, she found the place empty, she read the mail, checked everywhere but she found nothing that could tell her where he would go, she was about to leave when she noticed a quickly scribbled note under the kitchen table ** Stefan we need to talk, Kirsten**
Nikita took the note and returned to her cottage, there she sent Birkoff the note and he processed it.
24 hours later
Nikita stood at the entrance of a Biohazard lab in Mississauga, this place was supposed to be Stefan's place of employment, she had been told by Birkoff that section 4 was stricktly a Biohazard containment facility and it's employees were given jobs outside the organization so they could be useful to society while working for section.
Nikita walked inside and a tall, brunnette welcomed her, Nikita asked to speak to Stefan Liesky and she was told Mr. Liesky had taken a sabbatical and would not be avilable for 1 year. Nikita tried to gain any intel about his whereabouts but the Brunnette who was appropriately named **Barbie** told her that Stefan had taken a sabbatical in Nepal, Nikita thanked the girl and left the bldg. She was fumming by the time she arrived at her cottage and she contacted Birkoff and screamed at him for not telling her that Stefan's bldg.'s elevator was out of order.
Birkoff sat there listening to the blonde's soliloqui for a good 45 minutes before he interrupted her.
" Nikita the elevator was working when i gave you the intel, it broke down during the night and you were nowhere to be found so I could upate you on it, you know you are supposed to stay in real time contact with me at all times"
Nikita wanted to put her hands through the laptop and strangle the computer geek but she knew he was right, she should have stayed in real time contact with him but her mind had been worried about Michael since she found out of his disappearance and she had not been able to concentrate since.
She begged forgiveness from Birkoff and he smiled at her slowly, he accepted and provided the address for Stefan's mentor a dr. Closter, he did advice Nikita that dr. Closter was not in anyway, shape or form involved with section and to be careful of what she said.
Nikita knocked on Dr. Closter's door and heard a very soft voice asking her to wait, the door opened and she found herself staring into a soft pair of gray eyes, he asked her what she needed and she proceeded to explain the situation.
"Dr. Closter my name is Nicole I am a friend of Stefan's and I have not been able to find him, I need urgently to speak to him, he once told me that if I needed to contact him i could come to you and ask for your help, i don't mean to bother you but I must speak to Stefan it's a matter of life or death" Nikita lowered her lashes to cover her deep blue eyes and trying to act coy and sweet, she begged God to not strike her down for what she was about to do.
Dr. Closter watched the blonde girl standing at his door wearily, Stefan had never spoken of a Nicole or told him about anyone else who would come to him for assistance in Finding Stefan, he told the girl that he did not know anything about Stefan but he offered her to tell Stefan she was looking for him if he saw him.
Nikita had nothing else to do but accept, she smiled brightly at the old man and thanked him giving him a card for Stefan, the old man closed the door and walked to his kitchen, he took the card's information down on a piece of paper and burned the card, he then called Stefan and told him about the strange girl.
Stefan was taken back by the amount of information that the girl had on him, so he decided to speak to her.
Kyra woke up to find herself alone in bed, she jumped and looked all over the flat, she did not find Michael anywhere, but as she had started to panic the bathroom door squeaked open and she turned to watch a puff of steam escape the bathroom as the door opened and then Michael walked out with a towel wrapped around his waist, his skin glistening in the soft light of the room, his hair curling softly around his face and neck, she gazed lovingly at his chest, drops of water slowly making their way down and getting lost below the towel, she gazed at how beautiful his body was and how slim his hips were compared to the expanse of his shoulders. she felt her heart pounding against her breast and her breathing quicken, her blood rushed rapidly making her deaf to anything but that sound.
Michael had opened the door and walked out expecting to find Kyra still asleep but the bed was empty, he looked around the room and locked his green gaze with Kyra's he could see the quickening of her pulse on her pale neck as she admired his body, he saw her breath become faster and ragged, he was mesmerized by her, she was so young and beautiful, he saw her eyes flicker lovingly on his chest and lips and he smiled.
Suddenly Kyra snapped out of her reverie by that sweet smile of his, she flushed bright red and turned to the closet, she rumaged through a box of clothing she had and found a soft blue and black checker shirt and a pair of jeans, she knew Tony would not mind Michael using his clothes.
Kyra walked to Michael and offered him the clothing, he smiled and thanked her, she turned and left him alone to change.
Kyra went to the kitchen to prepare coffee and also started to make breakfast, she looked at her watch and saw it was 10 am, **nice sleep you had Kyra, you could have woken up earlier girl** she examined the measly breakfast of buttered toast, scrambled eggs and coffee she had prepared **I rarely eat breakfast it's a miracle there's food in here** she laughed softly and was startled by Michael's voice.
" what's so funny kyra?"
Kyra turned and found Michael standing at the door, she looked at Michael and smiled to herself, the man did fill those jeans perfectly, and the shirt clung to his chest like a lover. "nothing much, was thinking that it's a miracle I've got food in here, I rarely eat here anyway" Kyra swept her arm toward the table and invited Michael to eat.
Michael smiled at her and accepted the invitation, they sat down to enjoy the first breakfast he had eaten in a long time.
They ate silently, once in a while he would make a soft sound of appreciation for the food and she would smile shyly at him.
They were both startled by the ringing of the phone, Kyra stood and answered calmly " Allo"
" kyra how is our patient this morning?" Kyra smiled at hearing Stefan's voice
" he's better, eating now, where are you? You should have been here a while ago?"
Stefan sighed heavily and proceeded to explain to Kyra that he had some things to take care of, and he would come by late at night, Kyra was worried about this sudden change of mind that he had.
" Stefan is everything alright?" Kyra had been joined By Michael who stood in front of her watching her face intently.
" yes everything is fine, just got some bussiness to take care of, nothing to worry about, will be there by 11 ok"
Kyra was not satisfied with his answer but she would give him the inquisition when he arrived. " yea fine, hey can you find me a few changes of clothes for Michael? now that he is up and about I can't keep him in shorts and t-shirts right?"
Stefan knew what she was asking, **buy underwear for the guy** " Yes Kyra will take a few clothes with me when I come, take care ok"
Kyra said her goodbyes and hung up, she smiled at Michael and proceeded to wash the breakfast dishes. " Michael why don't you sit down and rest some, watch t.v. or listen to the radio if you wish, I'll wash the dishes ok"
Michael had been watching her speak to Stefan about the visit and clothing and he felt ashamed to bother them, he knew he had to go soon, but he still felt weak and disoriented and did not want to pass out on the streets again, so he walked to the stereo and put on soft jazz, he sat on the couch listening as his eyes slowly fluttered closed.
Nikita was asleep dreaming about Michael when the cell phone rang, she turned on her stomach and ignored the shrill ringing of the phone, but finally after 12 rings she answered.
" May I speak to Nicole please"
Nikita immediately stood and ran to her laptop, thankful for the silent key pad on her laptop she started the tracking program and answered softly.
" this is Nicole who is this?"
" Nicole this is Stefan, you left me a message with a friend of mine?" Stefan saw that she had started the tracking program and and smiled at seeing It was a section program designed by Birkoff.
" Yes I left a message I need to speak to you about some lost property which I need returned soon"
Stefan laughed softly at her choice of words. " is this what your boss ordered or are you freelancing?"
Nikita became exasperated by this man's callousness. " I need to find a friend, he came to visit your city and was lost, meet me at..."
"No we will not meet, send me the information about your friend and I will try and ask around"
Nikita was now enfuriated by this man "listen I need to meet you, identify you and make sure you are the correct individual I need"
Stefan smiled, he knew that this girl was trouble and he would not meet her, too much at risk " ask walter about Ramona, he will tell you that Ramona is a beautiful woman with big breasts and shiny black hair past her waist, ask him what I did for her, then send the necessary information to this acct. Berliotz@Can-e-mail.canada The acct. Will be active for 24 hours if within this time limit I do not receive the information it will deactivate and I will disappear."
Nikita accepted and the call was terminated, she thought about sending false intel to that acct. But decided to speak to walter about it first.
Nikita dialed walter's nbr. And soon they were deep in conversation.
Not too far from there Stefan was taking the necessary precautions for the intel and the meeting, he would meet her soon, this woman intrigued him, but he had better things to do right now, he had to check on Michael who was now mobile enough to leave if he felt threatened, he needed to find out everything about this intriguing man.
He smiled to himself as he hung up the phone, Kyra was ok and Michael was there, eating, good he needed nutrition and had to walk more, he had suffered through a terrible ordeal and Stefan was amazed Michael had survived. **he must have great genes ** he mused as he prepared the dose of Limbic Suppresors he would administer to Michael tonight, it was the only way to find out more about this man.
Nikita was getting ready to send as much intel to Stefan as she could, Walter had vouched for him, he had explained that Ramona was not just a buxom beauty but was also Stefan's mother, Walter had met her a few months after Stefan was recruited into section.
Nikita smiled as she sent the information about Michael to Stefan she had been instructed to not send a picture, just vital intel about where he had been and what he was doing there, this was not a sanctioned cooperation between them if their respective heads of operations found out they would both be in abeyance enjoying the visit of section one's twins of terror, she was not looking forward to working THAT close with the twins, they creeped her out, even when she was programmed she did not like working with them.
The computer beeped letting her know that the intel had been sent and she logged off, she decided to take a tour of the city, she had to do something to distract herself while Stefan worked.
Michael sat on the window seat of Kyra's flat, he watched the city and tried to remember, but the effort gave him a tremendous head ache, he sighed wearily and rested his head on the wall behind him, the pain increasing slowly as he forced himself to remember, he heard Kyra coming out of the bathroom and stood to go to her but suddenly a sharp pain shot through his head, he doubled over and collapsed against the couch, his hands holding his head tightly as he tried to understand why he hurt.
His grip on consciousness was slowly fading, he felt dizzy and cold, the pain increased a notch as he tried to stand again, he felt the room rush at him and everything went black, he collapsed in a heap beside the couch, his body shaking.
Kyra had heard Michael's moan and rushed to him, she saw him try to stand and then his eyes rolled back, his lashes fluttering wildly, she watched him collapse and she kneeled beside him, taking his face between her hands she tried to rouse him, his breathing was labored and she saw a tear escape from under his lashes, she checked his neck and sighed in relief that his heart was still beating, he was so pale, she slowly pulled him up on the couch and ran to the bedroom to get a pillow, she sat beside the couch and gently lifted his head to push the pillow under, as she laid his head on the pillow a few drops of blood slipped from his nose, she took a kleenex and cleaned his nose as best as she could, she was worried about this collapse, he had been alright for the past 2 days since he finally woke, he had been slow and in pain but he was getting much better.
Still he had no memory of who he was or what had happened, Kyra did not wish to speculate about any of this so she just sat back and enjoyed his company, she watched the soft rise and fall of his chest with each breath he took, she took the phone and dialed Stefan's number but there was no response, then suddenly the door opened and Kirsten stood there.
" Hiya Kyra what's up" Kirsten stopped when she realized something was wrong.
" Kyra what happened?"
Kyra stood and laid Michael's hand on his chest, she walked toward the kitchen motioning for Kirsten to follow.
" Kirsten he collapsed, I don't know what happened, I was walking out of the bathroom and saw him holding his head and trying to stand, then he collapsed" Kyra wiped her tearful face with a napkin and sat on the counter.
Kirsten watched Kyra's face and finally realized how much the girl cared for Michael. " Have you called Stefan?"
Kyra nodded curtly. " he did not answer, will try later"
Kirsten walked to the fridge and took the ice cream out " so how is he doing apart from this?" she took a spoon and proceeded to sit beside Kyra and eat the delicious raspberry and vanilla ice cream.
" he has been in pain, moves slowly like his bones hurt, but he's been eating more and is not as dizzy" Kyra stood and took another spoon out, she moved to the window seat and Kirsten followed, they sat like that, eating the ice cream and looking out the window until Kirsten spoke.
" so what are you going to do with him once he is well? Keep him? Return him to the streets where you found him?"
Kyra gazed at Michael's prone form on the couch, she smiled softly and spoke without thinking " I wish I could keep him **sigh** But he is not a dog, if he wants to stay once he recovers fully he can, but I've got a feeling he will want to leave, he doesn't belong here Kirsten" Kyra lowered her face and allowed a few tears to escape her eyes. " he is too perfect, even if he wanted to stay how could he, he must have a family somewhere, maybe a wife and kids, as soon as he recovers some more I will find a way to make him remember."
Kirsten embraced Kyra and allowed her to cry for all she would suffer once Michael left.
A soft moan alerted them that Michael was regaining conscioussness and Kyra jumped out of Kirsten's arms and kneeled beside the couch.
Michael's first thought was pain, it was intense and all encompassing, it radiated through out his body and settled behind his eyes, he raised his hand to cover his eyes and felt a soft breath stir beside him, he slowly opened his eyes and squinted the blurry image became clearer, he blinked his lashes a few times and finally his vision cleared, he looked at kyra's tear ravaged face and looked around the room, his eyes settled on kirsten's smile as she stood and walked toward the kitchen, he returned his Jade gaze to Kyra's and sighed, he raised his left hand to touch the bridge of his nose with index and thumb, he tried to remember what had happened but nothing came to mind, he again looked at kyra and he cupped her face with his hand " what happened?" his voice coarse and scratchy, Kirsten offered a glass of water and Kyra helped him sit up to drink.
" i'm not sure, you passed out a couple of hours ago, you were holding your head so I imagine it hurt badly" Kyra took the empty glass and laid it on the table.
Michael sighed and laid his head on the back of the couch " yes it hurt badly, I tried to stand and suddenly all went black" he opened his eyes and Jade locked with blue, Kirsten looked at both of them and smirked ** they look good together, he is darkness and she is light, they compliment each other** Kirsten turned and left the flat leaving Michael and Kyra gazing at each other intensely.
Stefan checked the email acct. And saw that the intel he needed was there, he opened the file and laughed at reading the note attached from walter, he then proceeded to read the whole file.
This was impressive, he had heard of the **magnificent Michael** of section one, he was their best, and the heir to the throne, he did not envy the man.
He was puzzled by why the file did not have an actual photograph of the man in question, Nikita had included the facts, plain and simple.
Stefan read the file again
***Michael had arrived In Toronto over 2 months ago, he had a meeting with one of his contacts about Tarlinsky and he disappeared from surveillance once he arrived at the meeting place.
There were some vitals on the man; French, 5'11, 170 lbs. Slim but muscled, hair auburn, curly, eyes green, speaks several languages fluently. ***
Stefan stopped as a thought assailed his mind, an image of the man kyra rescued appeared, Stefan checked the vitals again and decided to make sure, this description could be of any number of men, not necessarily the man at Kyra's.
He checked his bag and made sure he had the sedatives for Kyra, Kirsten and Michael, and the Limbic Suppresors to interrogate this man, he grabbed his coat and walked out of the room he had rented, he took the long way around to his car and proceeded to drive toward Kyra's. ****
Nikita sat at the stairs of the Royal Ontario Museum, she had spent a good 4 hours enjoying the art housed there, but she kept thinking about how much Michael would have enjoyed the museum, she remembered the time they had spent in Rome, they had gone to the museum there and Michael had been mesmerized by everything, she knew he loved art and was probably greatly influenced by it as he grew up, she smiled as she imagined Michael as a child, a somber quiet boy with the most alluring red curls and brightest emerald green eyes, then the face of another little boy, this one with Dark brown hair and the most expressive brown eyes came to mind and she shivered ** I wonder if Adam is ok? Does he cry for Michael at night?** Nikita shook herself and stood, ** better not think about this now or I'll make myself miserable** she grabbed the souvenirs she bought for Birkoff and Walter and started to walk, she was so immersed in her thoughts that she did not notice the man watching her intently.
Stefan had hacked his way into section's mainframe and read all the intel available on Nikita, he tried to find any intel on Michael but none was available.
He had been amazed to read that this woman had survived the reprogramming that section 4 had been developing for years now, he knew that the first subject had been wiped clean, no memory of anything, but this was new, Madeleine had used a deviation of the original methods, using less drugs and more negative influences made the subject more suceptible to being returned to their original state of mind, so she had used the help of drugs being administered to Nikita at home to keep her under the regime. he read that Michael had been able to return Nikita to a semblance of what she used to be, but she still had many atributes left over from the reprogramming.
For one she was less prone to care about innocents except children, if any child was involved she would die to protect it **that is amazing! She is perfect for section 4, why didn't they ever send her to us?** then he read Michael's deviation after his wife had died and he understood, ** Nikita was meant to keep him in line and it worked until they realized the duo was powerful and they had used the reprogramming to separate them** he smiled at seeing that Michael and Nikita had become even closer after she was deprogrammed.
Stefan read her whole file and logged out, not realizing that Birkoff had tracked him and had been shadowing behind Stefan to hide any signs of him ever being there.
Nikita arrived at the cottage and checked her email, she found 2 messages one from Birkoff advising her Stefan had read her file and one from Stefan, asking to meet her in 3 days at Queen's park, Nikita replied she would be there and closed the computer, she took a long satisfying bath and laid in bed to sleep.
Michael took Kyra's hand in his and kissed each finger tenderly, savoring her sweet taste, he slowly lifted his eyes to gaze into her blue ones and gasped at the emotions filling her eyes, He pulled her closer to him and lifted a finger to caress her mouth, his finger gently rubbing her lower lip seductively, she closed her eyes and pulled his finger into her mouth, laving it with her tongue, she heard him gasp at the feelings she created in him, slowly Michael pulled his finger out of her mouth and lowered his mouth to hers, taking her mouth softly, gently his tongue Lapping at her lips, His hot tongue slipped between her lips, mating with her mouth, Kyra settled her hands on his hips, pressing him closer. She ground against his rapidly hardening arousal, hiking one leg up and around his waist.
His eager hands stroked the fabric of her dress from her thighs to her breasts stopping there for a few achingly pleasurable minutes. He caressed her through the silk. Finding her erect nipples easily without a bra to hide them, he groaned appreciatively.
Michael stood Bringing Kyra along, he let her slide down his body and gasped at the sheer sensations she brought forth, Kyra felt his arousal jump as she reached the floor, she lifted her gaze to Michael's and their eyes shimmered with passion for each other, Michael took her hand and pulled toward the bedroom, once beside the bed, Michael lifted Kyra's dress off caressing her breasts tenderly first with his eyes and then with his hands, His fingers trailed gently down her arms, the sides of her breasts, stopping on the soft skin of her rear.
He lifted her into his arms and gently laid her on the bed, Michael kneeling beside her, Kyra lay quiescent and entranced into stillness on the bed. She closed her eyes, and felt herself quiver as Michael lifted her hand in his and she felt soft kisses pressed to her palm, then her fingers. Then her arm was gently turned outward, Michael's warm mouth came down on the inside of her wrist, nibbling gently.
It was erotic; it was..... enchanting. Kyra let her self relax back against the pillows, her fear dissipating, to be replaced with a haze of erotic languor, and something like awe, that she should be the center of such intense, focused desire, and reverent worship.
She could hear Michael's breathing quicken as his mouth slid up her forearm and licked the sensitive spot on the inside of her elbow.
Kyra moaned and arched her back on the bed. She hadn't expected these careful, gentle caresses to arouse her so. To be with Michael, to feel his touch, was exciting, Michael responded to her soft moan by slipping his hand to her breast and he caressed one perfect, firm breast .
Kyra's breasts were beautiful, large but perfect, thrusting up, the pert pink nipples taut and beckoning to be touched.
Michael's hand stole up to touch her breast and then leaned forward to claim her lips in a kiss. She tangled her fingers in his silky hair and pulled him close, The kiss deepened, and Michael pressed his hips hard against hers, the feel of the hard length of his arousal inflaming her. She pulled him closer, arms wrapped tightly around his waist. Each could feel the outline of the other's need pressed against their own.
Michael placed a soft, almost reverent kiss on the top of one breast, he caressed the hardening peak of the other breast, feeling her response instantly against his fingers.
Kyra threw her head back and let out a low moan. "Oh, Michael, yes..." she gasped.
She held perfectly still, entranced by the feel of Michael's lips on her skin. Eagerly he moved lower, taking her breast in his mouth and suckling her nipple hard, while his hand relentlessly continued to tease the other hard peak, stroking firmly.
Kyra moved her hand slowly down his chest toward his arousal, her hand grasping the zipper of his jeans, He pulled away, she made a mewling sound of protest and opened her eyes to gaze at him, Kyra watched mesmerized as Michael kicked off the last item of clothing, and stood naked before her.
He was breathing heavily, soft lips parted, broad chest heaving. There was a slight sheen of sweat on the taut muscles of his ridged abdomen, and the sight of this evidence of his vulnerability aroused her more, touching her somehow.
She stared in raw need at the long, upright shaft of his manhood, captivated by its size. It rose from between the muscular thighs, thick and wide as well as long, the head of it reaching nearly to his navel.
She couldn't control the shudder of desire that shook her whole body, or the gasp that escaped her lips. "Oh, Michael..."
He stared back at her, eyes dark with passion, as he took in her naked beauty as well. She looked like something out of a dream, or a fairy-tale, her fire gold hair streaming down over beautiful curves of pale skin. The rosy tips of her breasts thrust up as if reaching toward him, and the soft triangle of slightly darker reddish hair called him to explore it mysteries.
He uttered a groan and went to her, closing the short distance between them in a few quick steps.
His arms came around her, fingers running up and down her back. He pressed his lips to her neck, nipping her sensitive skin, nuzzling the tender spots, biting lightly, sending shivers of delight up and down her spine.
Kyra wanted him closer. Putting her arms around him, she placed her hands on the firm, round curves of his rear and pulled him against her. She thrust her hips against his, moving side to side. They both moaned at the pleasure this friction of their bodies gave them.
Michael gave her another hard kiss and then put his hands on her shoulders and gently pushed her back on the bed, then lay down beside her. He paused to reach out for the light-switch of the lamp near the bed, intending to plunge the room into intimate darkness.
Kyra stopped him with a hand on his forearm. "Don't," she pleaded.
Michael looked down into her face, a question in his eyes.
"I want to see you," she told him in a husky voice. She moved her hand down between their bodies to caress him.
"No, not yet," Michael warned softly, pulling back before Kyra could touch his hardened manhood
"Michael, please..." she begged in a passion-drugged haze, holding out her arms to him.
Michael smiled at her, his green eyes glowing, and leaned toward her to give her another gentle, light kiss. "Shhhh, Kyra," he soothed softly against her mouth.
He began to trail his fingers lightly over her belly in soft, feathery strokes. Kyra quivered under his touch.
Michael bent his head and engulfed the taut pink nipple in his mouth.
Kyra arched her back and gasped at feeling Michael latch onto her breast, He swirled his tongue around the aching, hard peak, lavishing the sensitive tip with soft licks and gentle bites. Then his mouth slid off the hard nub, down the underside of her breast to lick the tender skin there, and back again, to once more capture her nipple between his lips. She threw her head back and closed her eyes, lost in passion.
Michael slid his hand down slowly, sensuously gliding it down the length of her thigh to her knee, and then traveled up, fingernails gently scratching the tender flesh.
Kyra moaned as the sweet passion flooded her at his gentle caress. Whimpering, she bucked her hips, urging the arousing fingers to go higher.
Michael gently pushed Kyra's knees apart and moved his hand higher until his fingers touched the red curls covering the soft mound of her womanly center.
Kyra's breath caught in her throat as his fingers gently traced the line of her opening, and then she felt his skilled fingers part the soft curls. He carefully teased the outer lips of her womanhood back, revealing the intricate pink folds within to his gaze.
Michael moaned softly and then knelt between her invitingly open legs and lowered his face to Kyra's softness. He inhaled deeply, savoring her fragrance, and then closed his eyes and dipped his tongue into her moist depths.
"Ahhh... ohhh.... yes.... yes...." Kyra cried out, arching her hips against her lover's hot mouth and digging her hands into the coverlet as her whole body quivered and tensed under his devoted caresses.
His tongue darting and swirling inside her enchanting mysteries. He was intoxicated by her, her womanhood filling his senses and overwhelming him, her taste, her feel, her smell, her warmth, her sweetness....
He had never felt this way -- he was burning, he was flying, he was spinning, spiraling out of control.... He was going to explode...
Her raw femininity touched him, reaching a place deep in his maleness. She... completed him.
"Ahh, Michael..." Kyra cried out her release as she quivered beneath him. Her senses seemed heightened, as if she could taste him, hear him, through her skin. It was if every cell in her body responded to his nearness.
His eyes locked with hers, and he gasped again as he read the invitation in their dark blue depths. His body ached for her, his manhood throbbing in response to their anticipated joining.
She reached out to him, wrapping her arms around his shoulders to pull him close. With a soft moan, Michael swung his body over hers and positioned himself between her knees, his arms slipping around and under her to hold her tightly to him.
He bent his head to kiss her, and then, ever so gently, he lowered his hips to hers and slid his swollen member into her wet depths and entered her.
He slowly eased his entire length into the woman beneath him, until now her womanhood engulfed him completely, their bodies joined as close as it was possible to be.
Kyra closed her eyes and savored the feel of him in her depths, feeling somehow whole again, as if the missing piece of her soul was now returned to her.
All her thoughts fled, however, when he began to move inside her, his hardness intimately caressing every inch of her yielding softness.
She moaned aloud and clutched him to her, fingers pressing deeply into his shoulders. His broad back undulated beneath her hands, even as his lean hips moved sinuously against hers, his whole body moving over hers in an exquisite, ancient dance.
Michael lowered his hand to part the tender petals of her womanhood and finding the sensitive bud inside. Making small circles, he rubbed her firmly. Kyra moaned in pleasure.
"Ahh, oui..." Michael moaned, as eyes closed, he quickened and varied his pace. He used full, long strokes, then short, then long again. He moved his hips in a circle, thrusts fast and shallow alternating with ones slow and deep. It was as if he didn't want to miss caressing any part of her from the inside.
Lying under him, Kyra lost all power to think, react, or even move, the feel of his body moving over hers swamping her senses. She could only lie quivering helplessly beneath him, mindlessly clutching his shoulders as he pleasured her.
The sensations were building in Michael, too, as he felt himself building ever closer to a climatic release.
"Kyra," he gasped, lips nuzzling her neck. Gooseflesh covered her as she felt his breath hot against her ear. "Get ready," he warned as his thrusts became more rapid and deep.
He lifted his head up from her shoulder so she could look into his eyes.
"Watch me," he whispered.
Kyra looked up at him tenderly. His face was flushed and his hair hung in wild disarray about his face. Sweat lay beaded on his forehead and glistened on his shoulders and chest. The soft, full lips were parted as he took in rapid, audible breaths, and the compelling green eyes shone brightly with his love for her.
To Kyra, he was breathtakingly beautiful. He was magnificent.
"Watch me come for you," he said hoarsely.
Kyra's breath caught, and she gasped loudly. She knew instinctively that Michael intended to bring them to fulfillment together, to take her over the edge with him. She felt herself close to losing control again, thrilled that he was pushing them toward the moment of magic.
He shifted his position slightly so that he could enter her more deeply, riding her body higher so all her most sensitive places would have more contact with the powerful, thrusting pressure of his cock as it glided in her.
Her eyes widened as the pleasure became even more intense than before. She hadn't imagined it was possible for it to feel any more wonderful, but it did.
Michael went on, straining and groaning above her, leading her higher, moving faster and faster, over and over his lean hips parting and meeting hers.
Their eyes were still locked, and Kyra felt his gaze like a caress, sending her spiraling into ever-increasing heights and intensities of passion.
"Michael, now," she urged him.
"Oui, " he answered. They were completely in accord,. bodies, hearts, spirits.
He pulled back, almost moving all the way out of her, and paused. Kyra whimpered. Then with fierce, powerful thrusts he plunged back into her again and again, strokes faster than any that had come before.
She watched as his jaw clenched and his face contorted in passion as his orgasm took him. His body arched in a tense bow and she felt his manhood swell and throb inside her as he called out her name and collapsed against her shoulder.
His shudders of ecstasy had not ceased when she felt her own begin. Her whole body convulsed violently as she came; she cried out. Michael held her as they trembled together, the waves of pleasure engulfing them both.
They clung together, bodies still joined, as they floated down from the heights. Kyra sighed, feeling Michael's breathing slow and his body relax against her.
She felt a great peace, and a vast sense of completion overtake her, and she knew Michael shared this moment of deep satisfaction with her.
She watched as the green eyes drifted closed, and she knew for certain that no anguished thoughts would awaken Michael this night.
Kyra wasn't certain what woke her up at first, she'd thought it was a nightmare, an echo of a scream heard only in her own head. Then, coming completely awake instantly, she realized it hadn't even been a scream, it had only been a soft, almost inaudible cry from Michael as he slept. She squinted at him intently and saw his face tormented, his mouth turned down. His jaws were obviously clenched. What moved Kyra to his side was not his expression, but the tears coursing down his cheeks. She touched his face very lightly, hesitantly, whispering almost fearfully.
He didn't wake up - didn't even stir, except to flinch slightly, a troubled crease crossing his brow, Kyra was worried.
Kyra gripped his arm and shook him gently, her voice a little more urgent. "Michael, wake up "
Kyra's voice cut through to him; he came instantly and startlingly alive, gripping her forearm painfully hard before he knew it was she. When his instinct kicked in and he recognized her face a second later his expression gentled and he relaxed his hold, praying he hadn't broken her wrist. He hadn't known he'd been so exposed to her gaze earlier, and she wouldn't tell him yet. She treasured the intimate glimpse into his troubled psyche, and it gave her an insight she hadn't possessed earlier. She hid her pain from him, he wouldn't want to know he'd wounded her.
She softly said, "You must have needed the sleep, you were in a state of oblivion for several minutes before I woke you" She smiled then, not even asking about what he'd been dreaming because she knew he wouldn't tell her, even if he ever remembered he would never tell her anything about himself.
Michael smiled at her and pulled her close, they laid there holding each other, he felt her breathing change and knew she had fallen asleep, he started to think about the nightmare, he'd been completely unconscious, **she had said it took her several minutes to wake me, what was I dreaming about? ** Michael drifted off to sleep with that question in his mind.
The next Morning Kyra woke up to find herself alone, she left the bed and followed the sounds to her Kitchen, she found Michael cooking breakfast, she watched him standing at the stove, in jeans and nothing more, he looked so at home, she smiled and went to shower.
After her shower Kyra walked into the bedroom and found Michael standing at the window, she watched him for quite a while, he seemed miles away she finally decided to speak "Michael, is something wrong? I haven't been able to stop worrying about you. You're scaring me, do you remember something?"
Michael turned to look at kyra and she saw tears in his eyes, she walked toward him as he sat on the edge of the bed and stared past her, a touch uneasily he didn't know what was wrong with him, he had been trying to force himself to remember his past, his life, but nothing worked.
Kyra knelt before him and lifted her hand to his chin, she lifted his face.
She took his hand in hers and Her eyes locked onto his, he found he couldn't look away from her. Finally, he whispered, "You always know, don't you?" At her bewildered frown, he went on. "You look so deeply into me, you see things I don't even know are there." He lowered his head and looked at the floor.
He was startled and surprised when she leaned forward and timidly pressed a soft, lingering kiss to his cheek. His heart skipped a beat and his eyes closed for a moment while he savored the almost painful sweetness of her touch. When she slowly drew back from him, he felt another pain, that of disappointment and a sense of loss. Without giving himself time to think, he pulled her close again and this time, the surprise was hers. He kissed her very tenderly, almost carefully, fully expecting her to jerk away from him in outrage or complete mistrust and wipe her hand across her mouth in astonishment. When she didn't, he took a chance and released her hands to slide his arms around her, still kissing her. He felt her mouth yield against his and he opened his eyes to slits to see if she was as abandoned to emotion as he was. Her eyes were closed, she seemed relaxed, and he slipped his tongue inside her mouth, barely, testing her response to him.
She couldn't possibly have felt his heart pounding as if unanchored behind his ribs yet she reached up between them and pressed her palm against his bare chest, near his heart. He caught his breath inaudibly as a fire shot through him from the point of contact straight to his groin. He closed his eyes then, knowing he should stop what was happening between them; knowing it would complicate not only the present, but their future lives; knowing it put them both in a dangerous situation if he should ever regain his memory... but Kyra's soft hands on his skin, her lips warm and ready on his mouth, his aching, bone-deep need for her closeness, everything together worked against him until finally, with a faint sigh of something like relief, he gave up the fight.
A soft groan escaped him, and the sound sparked something inside Kyra as she sensed Michael's capitulation and relaxed into his arms.
It was as if nothing else existed except the two of them. As his hands slid inside her robe and up her back, He whispered, his voice husky, "Everything about you makes me burn..."
Kyra sighed, surrendering to Michael's hands, lips, and body. He smelled like a forest after the rain, she inhaled his fragrance as his lips slid from her mouth to her jawline, then down to her throat. Her breath left her body then and she felt like she was flying. His arms tightened around her and his wet kisses traveled back up to her lips. He whispered against her mouth, "Tell me what you want..."
She responded by gently biting his bottom lip, then licking it softly to heal it. "I want you to do whatever you want," she breathed.
Michael felt every sensation as if he were high on cocaine, but this high was much more powerful because it was caused by desire.
He slid his hands up under the robe and pushed it off her shoulders, then lifted Kyra in his arms, lowered her onto the bed and joined her there, pulling the blankets over them both, his eyes never leaving her, although he wanted to take in every detail of her lithe body. He wanted nothing more in life than to cover her with his own body and use up the rest of the day in pure pleasure, but he couldn't be selfish, they had spent hours making love the night before and he knew she must be sore, he pulled away from her and moved to the side of the bed, Kyra whimpered softly as his warmth left her and she opened her eyes, she saw the dejected set of his shoulders and she kneeled behind him.
" what's wrong Michael?" she tenderly kneaded his shoulder muscles under her fingers, massaging the stress from them.
Michael closed his eyes, he moved his arm behind him and held her close, clamped down on his rising desire and said, "Most of the time, I lay awake in bed wondering what, who I am, why I carry a gun, what have I done to obtain the scars I have on my body" he shuddered and Kyra held him close.
Kyra was mute, overcome by emotion. She felt herself blushing furiously, and was grateful he couldn't see her color. She braved his dark cravings and put her hand on his chest, feeling the trip-hammer beat of his heart. She heard him suck in a breath quietly between clenched teeth and she longed to throw sensibility away and do everything possible to unhinge his body and mind and bring him to a release he'd never felt before.
"No…you shouldn't." he whispered.
"Shh…let me touch you."
He relented then, unable to control the need to have her hands on him. She slid her hand up and down his chest, As the fire began licking at him, he endured the contact until she lightly raked her fingernails across his chest. He inhaled sharply and pulled her hand away from his skin.
Michael turned and kneeled beside the bed, She gave him a teasing look that disappeared as he began pressing kisses on the sensitive flesh of her inner arm. He nipped the skin at the crook of her elbow, and she felt the results of that gentle touch spread throughout the rest of her body. Her breaths came faster and her head drifted to the side, tempting him with the clean, swanlike curve of her neck. He quickly succumbed to the temptation and brushed away the hair lying over her shoulders, clearing a path for his lips to trace. Her arm…her shoulder…her neck…her earlobe…His lips finally reached her own, and she reached for his mouth hungrily. He teased her for a moment with quick, light kisses and then covered her mouth completely, shifting his hands up to cup her head, touch her hair. She sighed languorously, her breath warm on his lips, and pushed her tongue into his mouth. He let her take the lead, enjoying her aggressiveness. Her tongue danced in his mouth, now sliding against his, now pulling out to lick at his lips, now sweeping around his mouth in an effort to taste all of him.
When she began sucking on his tongue, pulling it into her mouth, he decided it was time to retake control. His hands began wandering, placing light touches on her meant to arouse rather than satisfy. At the feel of his talented fingers skimming down the sides of her breasts, she quickly became distracted from her pursuit of his tongue. Instead, she began kissing the column of his throat, pausing occasionally to moan her approval into his skin. His fingers reached her hips and began kneading the flesh there.
"Mmmm…more. Please…."
"What do you want?" He punctuated the question with another squeeze of his hands.
"You know what I want. You always know."
"Show me."
He leaned into her then, still rubbing against her, pressing himself into the cleft between her legs. She smiled at him…a knowing, smoky invitation. This time, when he began easing her panties down her hips, she made no move to stop him. Instead, she concentrated her attention on freeing him from his pants.
Michael and Kyra jumped apart as if electrocuted, they both stood beside the bed, breathing hard as Kirsten watched them with a glimmer of amuzement in her eyes.
" so I Imagine I interrupted something right?" Kirsten could barely contain the laugh bubbling up in her chest, she moved away from the door and took a seat on the couch as Kyra ran to dress and Michael grabbed a shirt.
Kirsten was about to stand and return to the bedroom when she saw Michael walking to the kitchen and serve 3 plates of food.
" Kirsten are you joining us for breakfast?"
Kirsten stood and nodded her head, he finished fixing the food and placed the plates on the table, Kyra walked out of the room wearing a Purple sweater and black leggings, she took a seat at the table and ate with Gusto, Michael did the same, Kirsten sat there watching them act as if Kirsten had not interrupted them, Kirsten smiled and started to dig in to the food, the eggs were delicious, and the bacon devine, just perfect, when they finished Kyra stood and took a seat at the window, kirsten followed her as Michael proceeded to wash the dishes.
" Kyra what's going on? " Kirsten flopped before Kyra, crosslegged on the floor.
Kyra's eyes never left the view, she sighed and started softly " Kirsten There is something wrong with Michael, this morning I found him standing at the window crying, when I asked him what was wrong he did not answer, he simply said **You always know, don't you? You look so deeply into me, you see things I don't even know are there.** What did he mean by that?"
Kirsten did not understand that cryptic response, suddenly Michael stood behind her and answered, his voice whisper soft.
Michael stared out the window, not really seeing what was in front of him. He closed his eyes briefly a flash of pain written all over his face. " Kyra I don't remember who or what I am, the scars my skin bears are too many for a simple explanation, Kyra you look at me and see deep inside, it scares me to know you can see my soul, that you can read me so well" Michael moved to kneel before Kyra and proceeded " Kyra i cannot offer you anything, what if I am a criminal? What if I hurt you? I couldn't stand it if I did" he stood and walked to the bedroom.
Kirsten watched Kyra, tears running down her face " Kyra whatever happens now, you two must understand something, he loves you as much as you love him, if you let him go now you might never find another man like him"
Kirsten saw kyra shake her head and cover her face with her hands, then suddenly they heard a crash and Kyra ran to the bedroom.
Entering the room They saw Michael face down, a syringe in his outstretched hand.
Kyra stood frozen to the spot . **Oh, my God…he's dead** kept invading her thoughts in a constant reverie and the anguish that wrapped around her heart was more than she could bear.
Kyra ran to him while kirsten grabbed the phone and called Stefan.
" Michael " She turned Michael on his back, there was a trail of blood coming out of his nose, she took the syringe and looked around for the vial, she saw it on the bathroom counter.
" Kirsten the vial in the bathroom get it now"
Kirsten took the vial and her yes widened at reading the label. She looked at kyra and kneeled beside her, she opened her hand and the vial fell out, Kyra took it and read it " Morphine" Kyra pressed her fingers into Michael's neck, his heartbeat was slow, too slow, his breathing shallow, Kyra took the syringe and held it against the light, she saw that it had ben filled, she looked at Kirsten, tears falling down her cheeks, they both understood that Michael would die, his body could not fight the amount of Morphine cursing through it.
Kirsten heard the door and ran to open it, Stefan ran in and grabbed Michael's wrist, his pulse was barely discernible, he took the vial from kyra's hand and then looked at her.
" How much did he take?" Stefan had to ask Kyra three times before she answered.
" he filled the syringe" Kyra pulled Michael's dying body tighter into her embrace as Stefan took the bag from kirsten.
" kirsten help Kyra put Michael on the bed" Kirsten took Michael's feet and Kyra looked at her, she nodded and kneeled, she wrapped her arms lovingly around Michael's chest and stood, they laid him on the bed, Kyra caressed his cheek, feeling his skin growing cold, his lips slowly turning blue.
Suddenly Stefan was there, injecting something into Michael's arm.
" Kyra I need you to stimulate him, touch him, kiss him, get his circulation going, we need his heart to accelerate so the serum i injected can take effect quickly."
Kyra knew what he meant, she laid beside Michael and kissed him gently, his lips had started to turn purple, his skin became pale and dark shadows had appeared under his eyes, she could feel the coldness of his skin as his body laid dying, she proceeded to touch him everywhere, her hands forcing the blood to circulate faster, making his heart pound in his chest.
It felt like hours before Michael started to react, first a twitch of his arm, then a soft sigh exhaled, his head tossing side to side as he fought the effects of the drugs.
Kyra had fallen asleep while Stefan kept vigil, she opened her eyes and gazed at Michael. His eyes were open but they were glazed and she knew he was in shock. His beautiful face was ashen and he struggled with every breath he took.
Kyra climbed on the bed and pulled Michael into her arms, she started rocking him slowly, an occasional "please…. Please Michael…. Please come back." emitted unknowingly in an almost mantra-like fashion. She held him close, his head to her breast, and her eyes never left his face.
She took note of the dark hollows beneath his eyes…eyes that shone with the glassy signs of death. His heart raced visibly as she watched the pulse in his neck push rapidly against skin that was much too pale.
Kyra watched as his eyelids shut off the glistening green wells of despair.
Stefan walked toward them, taking Michael's wrist he checked his pulse, it was now racing as the drugs to stimulate his system forced his heart to work overtime.
Michael opened his eyes to look at her, his own dark and dazed, blinking as he brought her into focus, his eyes fluttered closed again, his whole body going slack as the drugs battled each other.
Kyra held him tighter as Stefan checked his vital signs " kyra he will sleep now, he will live, but he might be weak for a few days while his body regains the strength it lost fighting the drugs, you must be ready if he tries this again"
Kyra watched Stefan take Michael's arm and inject another dose of the stimulant, it was designed to allow sleep while keeping the heart accelerated.
" Can you tell me why he tried to kill himself?"
Kyra held on to Michael's inert form as she spoke " Stefan we were intimate, this morning I think he remembered something, he told me that I always knew, that i could read his soul, I didn't understand what that meant, he later explained, he is afraid that he is a criminal, that he could hurt me, i guess this was his way of keeping me safe, he was willing to give his life to keep me safe Stefan, what does that mean?"
Stefan pondered her words, he understsood perfectly what it felt like to choose someone's life over your own, he had done the same when he was a student and decided to give Lyza her wish, she had been suffering from bone cancer for years and she had finally gotten to the critical state, he had given her the mortal dose of Morphine and held her till she died, her perfect face forever kept young, he had been too distraught to keep what he did a secret he told her parents that he had freed her and they had called the police, he had gone to trial for murder and 6 months later woke up in section 4 , he had used his expertise with drugs to survive, he had been trained in all types of drugs and given a semblance of a life, he understood what Michael wished to do, spare the girl the pain of his rebuff once he regained his memory.
Kyra sat beside Michael, she had been keeping vigil over his inert form for hours now, he had barely stirred since the drugs had finally left his system 2 days before, it had been a battle to keep him alive, his heart going into tachycardia twice before finally steadying it's beat to a more normal rhythm.
Kyra was so engrossed in her memories of the last 2 days, she did not notice Michael waking until she heard a soft moan, she looked down and saw his brow furrowing as his head moved on the pillow. He muttered something under his breath and a sigh escaped him as he went still once more, whatever nightmare had gripped him seeming to fade. Silent for a long moment, only the sound of his breathing in the room, and then he gave an anguished moan, twisting on the bed and whispering the same word over and over: "Non..."
She laid her hand on his arm but he pulled away, muttering something in French, feet kicking at the blankets covering his legs as he moved restlessly on the bed, eyelids fluttering. Pulling back the blankets, Kyra managed to wriggle into the bed beside him and gathered him into her arms, a hand stroking his hair soothingly as he struggled weakly against her. "It's okay, it's okay, you're safe."
Bit by bit he relaxed in her arms, the trembling easing and his breathing slowing, and as she started to extricate herself from Michael, his arms went around her waist and his head laid against her breast. With a sigh, she settled back, her hand still stroking his hair, pressing a kiss against the top of his head.
Despite the awkwardness of the position Kyra managed to doze off, awaking hours later from a light sleep as Michael shifted against her. Rubbing her eyes she lifted her head a little and smiled at seeing Michael still lying against her, arms wrapped around her waist.
A footstep drew her head around and she blinked at seeing Stefan at the foot of the bed. "Comfortable?" he asked with a slight teasing note to his voice.
"One of us is." said Kyra ruefully.
Stefan smiled at her " if you need anything holler and I'll come running ok," Kyra nodded and thanked him, he turned and left Kyra and Michael alone, he settled on the couch falling alseep almost instantly.
Kyra tenderly caressed Michael's curls and slowly her eyes drifted closed and she fell asleep once more.
In his dream he was somewhere dark and cold, shivering and hugging arms to himself as he moved through the darkness, looking for some way out. And with the darkness was an anxiety, a knowledge that *they* were out there somewhere, taunting him with the promise of freedom, of release. As he walked the feeling of being watched grew so that he imagined he saw the red flash of their eyes every time he turned his head, his movements becoming slower and slower as the darkness enfolded him. Cold seeped into his bones, making him shiver spasmodically, and every step was like pushing through some unseen barrier.
All through it he could hear their voice calling his name, a soft, seductive whisper with the false promise of warmth and peace. He had only to surrender to them, let them in--he shook his head violently at the thought and felt their anger in his mind, cold and chilling, their will reaching out to drag him in. Struggle though he did against them, he could feel his strength draining away, the will to fight fading...
And just as he felt himself start to fall a hand caught his, a golden prescence providing light in the darkness, arms wrapping around him to shelter him from their siren call, exuding a warmth that drove the chill from him. A voice whispered nonsense words, drowning out their voice, drawing him up out of the nightmare and into consciousness.
Michael awoke to find himself on a bed, his head resting against a soft breast, arms around a slim waist, and slowly lifted his head to see Kyra looking down at him.
"Hi there..." she said with a weary smile.
"Where...?" He grimaced at the soreness of a dry throat, the word little more than a croak.
"Here--" Gently she nudged him and he released his hold on her waist, Kyra slipping off the bed to find cup and water. She had some straws and she stuck that in the glass, taking it back over to Michael. "Drink."
He forced himself to drink slowly, stopping when the glass was half empty, and Kyra placed it on the table, going back to the bed to take his hand. "How do you feel?"
"Tired..." he whispered, closing his eyes and feeling himself start to shake with relief.
He remembered the voices, so loud and insistent, he tired to rise but Kyra stopped him " you're very weak, rest I'll watch over you"
Michael Lifted Silver-green eyes to lock with her blue-gray ones "I'm...scared." It hurt to make that admission, to allow her to see his weakness, but he was so tired.
A chill went through Kyra at seeing the fear in Michael's eyes.
" you're safe, Rest...I'll be right here. I'm not going anywhere." With her hand clasping his, he let himself fall back into sleep, his slumber dreamless this time.
Several days later
Michael had started to regain his lost strength, he had attempted to take small steps 4 days after his attempted suicide, Kyra was glad she had been there or he would have fallen over on the glass table, she had held him as his body shook severely with the withdrawal of the drugs and fatigue.
Michael reached out for her then, pulling her close to him and resting his head against her stomach. Her hands came around and cupped his head tangling in his hair and massaging his scalp.
The sweating and muscle tremors which he'd previously experienced were exacerbated and he was occasionally confronted with more violent chest and abdominal cramps, she sat on the bed holding him and feeling his body spasm and tremble against her.
Stefan had relayed to her regarding what symptoms to expect during the withdrawal phase he had also explained the type of drugs he had been administered to battle the Morphine, so Michael was totally prepared for the physical discomfort that assaulted him.
However, the worst part of the side effects seemed to be the overwhelming depression that he was experiencing, the Morphine was known to increase this feeling when overdosed and the special brew Stefan had created to battle the Morphine's effects also made this a critical situation. At some point, Kyra realized that Michael's mood had changed radically, becoming more and more despondent as time went on. She tried to talk to him, to help him pull himself out of the darkness that threatened to engulf him.
Initially, he seemed to respond but eventually he fell silent again, not reacting to her voice or her caresses at all.
" Michael you need to speak to me, tell me what's wrong, why did you try to take your life?"
Kyra watched Michael sitting on the bed, his knees raised and his head lowered to his knees, he was still shaking some and she was worried.
Stefan pulled kyra away and sat down to explain what was happening to Michael.
" Kyra he took a rather large overdose of Morphine, it should have killed him but it did not, the drugs I introduced into his system to keep him alive have a unique side effect, they make the subject extremelly despondent and depressed, he will not speak to you or respond to you until he is ready, we must understand that we do not know him, his past or what he used to be like, all we have is the last 3 months he's been here, and most of that time he has been ill"
Kyra stood and walked to the door, watching Michael hug his knees and burry his head in them trying to control the shivering it broke her heart.
Kyra turned and spoke to Stefan " Listen i don't know his past or what has happened to him, all i know is that he needs love and affection which obviously he has not had in years, I will give him this and may god help him recover"
Kyra walked to the bed and sat behind Michael, she surrounded him with her arms and rocked with him, after several hours he finally broke and leaned against her, he slowly fell asleep thinking that her arms made him feel secure.
Stefan walked into the room and spoke.
"Kyra I have to go, I need to meet someone, if for any reason I do not call you tonight at 1 am I want you to take Michael and Kirsten and run" Kyra wanted to ask him to explain but he stopped her and kept speaking " this is the address of a farm house I have, it is safe, no one knows I have this, if you do not hear from me by 1 am you go there and hide ok, PROMISE ME YOU WILL" the last was punctuated by Stefan grabbing Kyra's arms and squeezing hard.
" Yes Stefan I promise but what is wrong?"
" just do as I say ok" Stefan bent over her and kissed her forehead.
She watched him walk out of the flat and had a feeling she would never see him again.
That evening
Nikita had been waiting for Stefan to appear but he had called her to cancel the meet due to a personal emergency, they had agreed to meet again 6 days later and then she would give him a picture of this man she looked for, she now sat on a bench in queens park waiting for the man who would help her find her beloved.
Stefan walked toward Nikita, he was weary of this place it was too open and too dark, as he turned the corner and saw Nikita stand a shot rang out and Stefan crumpled to the ground.
Nikita pulled her gun and searched for the shooter but she found no one, she ran to Stefan and found he was dead, a single shot through the heart at close range, she looked around trying to see in the shadows of the night who had killed him but did not find anyone, she stood and left the park, she had to contact section to advice them of her situation.
Kyra sat on the window seat, Kirsten had packed all their belongings and had an explorer ready just in case, Michael laid on the bed blissfully unaware of the rapidly deteriorating situation around him, Kyra checked the clock again 1:05 am she had to do as he asked, Kyra stood and nodded to Kirsten who ran out the door and started the truck, Tony had been called to help kyra move Michael to the truck, Now Kyra sat in the back seat of the black explorer holding Michael in her arms as they left the city toward Quebec, kirsten drove carefully while trying to get there as fast as Possible, they had 48 hours to reach the farm house, Kyra had tried calling Stefan but there had been no answer, Kirsten had cried for hours while driving along the Canadian highway.
Kyra slowly was lulled to sleep by the sound of the engine, she settled back against the door and pulled the pillow up, she cradled Michael against her, his head resting on her breast, she had started to run her fingers through his hair and slowly she drifted off to sleep.
Kirsten watched through the rear view mirror Michael's inanimate form resting on Kyra's, she saw that his breathing was labored, his chest rising and falling in an uneven staccato, she watched his eyes open briefly, a flutter of visible awareness.
She whispered Michael's name softly and he responded by opening heavy lidded eyes. His gaze shifted to the side to seek out Kirsten's briefly and then closed, the effort of something so small proving taxing.
**He's not going to make it** The voice in Kirsten's head shouted.
She looked at the pale and pain filled features of the young man in Kyra's arms and cried.
Kirsten had been driving for 7 hours straight, she was exhausted and hungry, she had already eaten the whole bag of chips, the 3 sandwiches and the 12 cans of soda they had brought, she looked at the rear view mirror and watched as the two occupants in the back seat slept. ** I guess a small pit stop to refresh myself and grab some goodies won't hurt** Kirsten saw the gas station and stopped, she was about to get out of the truck when Kyra spoke " get me some Advil and some water, also try and find me something to keep him awake, he is sleeping too much."
" Kyra you have been sleeping too much too will you drive now? Or you want
me to find a motel close by?"
" a motel is best, we should not stop at all but well we need to rest, and then we can drive all the way there tomorrow don't you think?"
Michael had been roused by the girl's talk and whispered softly " we can't stop at a motel, we need to get to the farm, Kirsten how long can you drive?"
Kirsten and Kyra looked at each other, they thought he was dead to the world.
" I guess I can drive 5 more hours, maybe longer, I am used to driving long and hard, but it's been already 8 hours and we still got at least 15 more hours to go before arriving at St. Donat"
Michael tried to sit up but he was still very weak and fell back against Kyra " sorry can you help me?"
Kyra smiled sweetly at him and slowly helped him up to a sitting position, Kyra had just let him go and turned to Kirsten when she gasped, kyra turned swiftly and caught Michael as he slumped unconsciouss to the floor " I guess it's a bad time to ask you to drive Kyra?"
Kyra looked at kirsten and the slightly younger girl ran to the store and quickly bought all the necessary items for them, food, drinks, gas for the car, Advil and some amphetamine variant to try and keep Michael awake. She paid and returned to the explorer, she found that Kyra had laid back down on the back seat and had a still passed out Michael cradled in her arms.
** Boy Kyra is sure in love with him to take such good care of him, I wonder God when will it be my turn? When will i find my true love huh?** Kirsten got into the truck and started the engine again, she turned the truck back on the highway and toward St. Donat where Stefan Had his farm.
9 hours later
Kirsten and Kyra had decided to stop at a motel, on the outskirts of Vanier, it
was a small country inn and they both needed to sleep, Kyra had kept a nice conversation going with Kirsten for the last 9 hours, they had talked about everything imaginable, from food and drinks to the state of the Russian Government, Michael had stirred and woken up for a few minutes half way through the conversation, he had drinked some water and taken a few bites
of the sandwich and had promptly fallen back asleep, leaving the girls to talk
the rest of the way.
Kirsten had gotten the back room, on the first floor, that way if there was any problem they could just jump out the window and get into the truck in 2 minutes.
Kirsten had registered them as patricia Smithson and John and Jenny Graven, Kirsten and Kyra barely managed to take a semi-consciouss Michael to the room and deposit him in one of the beds before he again passed out.
Kirsten took a change of clothes and their purses out of the truck and parked it just outside their window, Kyra had started her shower leaving the door open to listen in case Michael woke up.
Kirsten took the food the inn keeper had offered and made a nice picknik on the rug in front of the T.V. It had been a long time since she was able to be this young again.
Kyra walked out and saw the food spread out on the floor, she took a T-shirt and shorts and walked to Michael, she caressed his cheek and watched him snuggle deeper into the bed, she smiled and pressed a soft kiss on his temple, and proceeded to sit and enjoy their dinner.
" Kirsten how far are we from St. Donat?"
" about 8 more hours approximately, we still got to cross the Ontario-Quebec Border, and then drive to Montreal and from there to St. Donat, I wonder if Stefan might meet us there?"
" Kyra was about to answer when she looked at the T.V. and cried out, on the news was the picture of Stefan, Kirsten raised the volume and they heard the announcer speaking about the drive by shooting in Queens park the night before, Kirsten stood and ran out, Kyra looked at the food and pushed it aside, she was startled by Michael's soft voice.
" what's wrong?" Michael was trying unsuccessfully to sit up and Kyra walked to him and sat beside him, taking his hand she started to caress his hair.
" Michael what can you remember about your life? If you remember anything tell me please"
Michael attempted to sit up again but he was too weak, he held Kyra's hand tightly and brought it to his heart, he asked again. " what's wrong Kyra"
Kyra looked at him and decided to explain " remember Stefan? The dr. Who helped you?" he slightly nodded and she continued " he was killed last night,
we just saw it on the news"
Michael pulled Kyra to him and held her while she cried. " where are we going Kyra?"
Kyra sat up and looked at his changeable green-gray eyes and sighed " Stefan told me that if he did not contact me by 1 am last night I had to leave and take you and Kirsten with me, we are going to his farm, in Quebec" Kyra saw that Michael was squirming some and knew he needed to go to the bathroom, she helped him sit up and carefully walked with him to the bathroom, she left him do his ablutions and stood by the door waiting for him to call her.
Kirsten walked into the room as Kyra was struggling to drag a Limp Michael to the bed " kyra why didn't you call me? Here let me help you" she moved her shoulder under Michael's left side and they dragged him to the bed.
He was breathing heavy and sweat had broken out on his brow, Kyra took a tissue and wiped his face clean, Kirsten got the bottle of water and helped him
sit up enough to drink the water.
Michael finally fell asleep as they helped him out of his clothes, he turned and pulled Kyra into the bed and Kirsten laughed, she took the other bed and soon all of them were asleep.
The next morning.
Kirsten woke up and stretched, she turned her head and saw the most beautifully sweet sight in her life, Kyra was lying on her back, left arm stretched above her head, her right hand was caressing Michael's nape as his head rested on her abdomen, his arms were circling her and Kirsten could see a soft smile on his face, Kirsten looked at Kyra and found herself gazing into shiny dark blue eyes, Kyra smiled softly and looked back down at Michael.
Kirsten decided to get up and leave the couple alone for a while, she dressed in jeans and sweater and grabbed her jacket, she waved at Kyra and Kyra smiled and waved back lifting 3 fingers in the air signaling Kirsten to return in 30 minutes, Kirsten shook her head and laughed, she took a long walk down to the horse stalls and watched a nice looking man riding a palfrey, she had just started to relax when she checked her watch and saw it had already been 1 hour since she left, she turned and ran to the inn, barreling through the door Michael jerked awake and Kyra ran out of the bathroom, Kirsten watched Kyra helping Michael sit up and she decided to take the bags to the truck, she returned to the room and helped Kyra drag Michael into the truck, she was very worried about this weakness he was experiencing, Stefan had said it would be a few days, but it had already been a week and he still could not manage to walk on his own.
Michael fell asleep during the long drive up to St. Donat and unfortunately this was the time for his mind to start torturing him yet again, he had not dreamed in a very long time and this dream would turn out to be the first in a long line of conflicting dreams and recovered memories.
"Papa! Papa!" The child's voice was shrill with giddy laughter, and the boy threw himself at his father's knees, to be lifted up, high off the ground. He screamed with laughter as they spin around and then land in a tangle in the sweet grass.
"Oui, Jaron?"
"Why do you go, papa?"
"I am not going."
"Maman said you go--why do you go?"
"But I am not going, Jaron."
"I want you to stay. Oui, papa? Reste-ici avec moi--reste-ici, papa." Small, soft child's hands pat his cheeks, smooth his hair, light green eyes wide with innocence inches from his own.
"Oui," he buries his face in the boy's dark hair--black as a raven's wing, and soft. So soft. "Oui, si tu le desires, mon mignon. Si tu le desires. Je veux..."
"Qu'est-ce que tu veux, papa?"
"Je veux rester..."
"Mais--tu es parti. Et donc je suis mort, papa."
" JARON!" Michael screamed, Kyra sat up and jumped over the seat to get to him and held him tightly.
" Michael it's ok, it's me Kyra, Michael look at me"
Michael sat there enveloped in Kyra's arms shaking, his skin sweat drenched and his breathing labored as he tried to understand what the dream meant.
Kyra looked at his face, his eyes were tightly closed and his arms surrounding her shook severely " Michael look at me" she took his face between her hands and gently stroked the tears and sweat away from his cheeks.
Michael shook his head and buried his face in Kyra's chest, he tightened his arms around her and she started to rock him realizing this was not just another dream, this had shaken him badly, so she started to hum softly rocking him back and forth.
" Is he ok Kyra?" Kirsten had stopped the truck as she heard Michael screaming, she had barely missed the big ditch on the side of the road.
" He'll be fine, just needs to calm down that's all, keep driving we need to get to the farm soon"
Kirsten turned around and started the truck again, she was worried to see Michael so affected by a dream, she kept stealing small glances through the
rear view mirror at the couple rocking softly in the back seat.
Back in section one
Nikita walked through ingress and was assaulted by Birkoff.
" Hey Birkoff what's up? Why in such a hurry?"
Birkoff stopped and slowly turned around at hearing Nikita's voice.
" you're back?"
Nikita smiled and wondered where Birkoff had been for the last 8 hours, he seemed way too distracted for his own good.
" yea called in 9 hours ago, you answered remember?"
Birkoff looked at Nikta with his huge Chocolate brown eyes hidden by his new pair of glases and tried to comprehend what she was talking about, he had not spoken to her since she left almost a month ago.
" Uhmm.... Nikita we haven't talked in weeks, what did you mean we spoke 9 hours ago?" Birkoff was fidgetting as he stood watching Nikita's face, he saw her eyes widen as he mentioned the non comunication.
" Birkoff what's happening? We spoke 9 hours ago, you told me that I should take a public transport remember?" Nikita started wondering if Mad Maddy had not been experimenting with the rest of section.
Birkoff stood still and looked at her with a serious expression on his face.
" Nikita we have not talked in 3 weeks, I don't know what you are talking about" with that he turned around and left Nikita standing there, wondering what was happening.
She decided to go to Walter, section's own grape vine of intel, she arrived at the gates of the armory but they were closed. " walter where are you?" Nothing, she again called out to him, but there was no answer.
Nikita turned and almost collided with a wisp of a girl, honey gold hair and the biggest dark eyes she had ever seen " i'm sorry, hey do you know where Walter is?"
The girl stood looking at Nikita, her eyes wide, her hands clutching a PDA.
" Excuse me ....."
" Dori"
" well Dori do you know where Walter is?"
Dori looked into the armory and shrugged " Home I guess, " she turned and left.
Nikita started to feel a cold shiver run down her spine, she started to walk toward Madeleine's when the object of her search called her name.
" Nikita"
Nikita pivoted at hearing Madeleine speak and slowly turned to face her.
" Madeleine I was on my way to speak to you I...." she was silenced by Madeleine's hand slowly lifting to push a lock of her hair away from her face.
" come with me" Madeleine turned and walked away, Nikita stood rooted to the ground **Madeleine touched me, what is going on?**
Nikita followed Madeleine not to her office but to the white room, Nikita felt quite apprehensive every time she went there, she watched the door open and a man sitting in the chair, dark hair, blue eyes, shaking.
Madeleine stood aside and allowed Nikita to enter the room, the door locked and Nikita had the distinct feeling of Deja-Vu.
" Madeleine what are we doing here, we need to talk"
Madeleine slapped her across the face sharply " we must be productive and talk as we interrogate, he will have nothing to say after we finish him, tell me what is the news, did you find Michael"
Nikita put her hand to her cheek, it was red and hot, she was furious that this woman had chastised her in front of a terrorist, she stood on the side and decided to answer Madeleine only when she asked a question, not offering any intel besides the most necessary.
" Mr. Fredenburg we need to know the location of Grunder's warehouse, now we can make it slow and painful or swift and with very little pain you choose"
Madeleine stood at one end of the room looking at Nikita.
" Nikita I'm waiting, what did you learn?" Madeleine started to walk around the man again and slowly lifted her hand, she started to caress his cheek and suddenly she pulled down leaving a long and deep cut on his cheek, Madeleine turned her ring around and slowly cleaned the skin and blood from it.
" The contact died before giving me any intel, I will return and try to find Michael another way"
Nikita watched as Madeleine stopped her pacing and turned to look at her, dark chocolate eyes penetrated Nikita's blue ones and made her fidget, she had never seen Madeleine like this it was like.... Nikita gasped and gazed at Madeleine intently, she closed her eyes and remembered Birkoff's behavior and shivered. ** could Oversight have used the reprogramming on section? That would be too difficult unless it had been started long ago**
" Anything else?" Madeleine was pacing around the man, trying to make him even more scared than he already was, Nikita watched as Madeleine nodded at the camera and the door opened, the twins entered and Madeleine stood by the door waiting for Nikita to walk by.
To the Twins " whatever it takes" she turned and walked out, Nikita followed her to the office and walked in, she stood at attention while Madeleine took her seat.
" Nikita we need you back here, Michael is gone, most likely dead, it is time you got over your need for him and perform" Madeleine took the PDA on her desk and slid it toward Nikita.
Nikita looked at Madeleine surprised " It has only been 3 months, he could be in some hospital, we can't rule him out like that?
Madeleine smiled at Nikita and stood, walking toward her display of flowers she started to snip at one particularly dry leaf " the new assignment is on your PDA report to Davenport, for now he will be your teamleader"
Nikita took a deep breath and was about to speak when Madeleine looked ta her " Anything else Nikita?"
" Nothing when will this mission depart?"
" 6 hours you may do as you wish till then" Madeleine returned to her snipping and Nikita turned and left.
Nikita walked toward her quarters, she bumped into someone and almost fell, but was grabbed by big burly hands, she lifted her tearful eyes and encountered Davenport.
" what are you doing here Nikita?"
" Chris? What is happening to everyone?" Davenport took her by the arm and pulled her toward Michael's office, once inside he pushed her into a chair and activated the surveillance blocker, he turned to gaze at Nikita's hunched over form, her shoulders shaking softly, her hair hiding her face.
He stood watching her for a while until her sobs subsided and she took a deep cleansing breath.
" Chris what is wrong with everyone? Birkoff was acting strange and Madeleine too, I can't find Walter" she looked at Davenport and realized he was watching her intently.
Davenport knew what was going on and he had to tell her, she would find out soon and then.....
He took a deep breath, sat on the edge of the desk and proceeded to tell Nikita what had been happening since she left.
" Nikita remember that George was coming the day you left for Canada?"
Nikita nodded and Davenport sat down and proceeded to explain.
"George had a small army with him, he had found out about what Madeleine and Operations did to Adrian, he forced them to be reprogrammed, but not the way they did it to you, Madeleine was programmed to obey and be productive, without any feelings what so ever."
Nikita smiled at those words **the woman deserved what she got** she looked at Davenport and listened intently to what he said.
" Operations was not programmed, he was left alone to watch as Madeleine desintegrated slowly, there is no way to bring Madeleine back, and now everyone knows that Operations loved her and suffers every time he looks at her, kind of a good revenge for what he did to you and Michael right?"
Davenport smiled at Nikita and she knew that she had an ally in him.
" yes they deserve everything they get, but this does not explain what is happening"
Davenport walked around the desk and took a seat, Nikita felt a little uncomfortable at watching someone else in Michael's chair but had to
reign in her memories or she would never get through this.
" Nikita George tried to protect Birkoff but Madeleine thought it was necessary for everyone to be liberated, she used the reprogramming on many operatives, Dori, Birkoff, Taylor, Nuñez, Pontriargan, and Walter.... " Davenport shook his head and lowered his eyes to his hands.
Nikita knew that something had happened to Walter, but until that moment she had never imagined that he could be dead. " is Walter dead Chris?"
Davenport's head snapped up " No he is alive but..... he is not the same, he... he is in level 12 ...... research, Walter snapped after the programming, tried to blow section up, Operations is trying to return him to his former self, but it is difficult" Davenport could not go on, he felt sorry for the old man, Walter had helped him and he felt that he should have done something before they screwed with the man's mind.
Nikita stood and paced around the room "how bad is it? Does he remember?"
Davenport shook his head " Nikita he was wiped clean, he does not remember anything of the last 20 years, he thinks that Adrian is still running this place, he tried to take the bomb and kill her but I found him before Operations did and was able to take him to Dr. Traversy she is working on trying to bring him back to his former self, it is difficult, Operations found out and we had to lie about Walter's reactions, Operations thinks the man freaked and tried to kill himself"
Nikita was making herself sick trying to deal with the whole mess.
" what about Birkoff? "
Davenport shook his head again and Nikita sat down hard.
" Birkoff was programmed by Madeleine we were able to decrease the level of programming but he does forget many things now, he is experiencing a short term memory and it is difficult for him sometimes"
Nikita sighed with relief that Birkoff had not been more damaged, she knew Birkoff could live with Short term memory, even if he would not like it, thank god he was not damaged.
Nikita asked Davenport this last question with trepidation " chris what is Michael's situation?"
Chris Davenport's eyes flashed with what Nikita could only imagine was simpathy " Nikita he has been dwongraded to acceptable collateral, he
has been left for dead, the file says MIA"
Nikita looked at Davenport her eyes filling with tears, she stood and thanked him and swiftly left toward her hidding place deep in the bowels of section.
Kirsten had stopped to fill the gas tank and get some food, she had left the couple snuggled together in the back of the explorer, she walked into the restroom and as she was washing her hands she looked at her image in the mirror and everything rushed at her, **Stefan is dead** Kirsten slipped to the floor and moved to the corner, she pulled her legs to her chest and rocked back and forth.
** god what has my life become? 2 days ago i had been ready to take that great job in Saskatoon and now I am running for my life **
Kirsten surrounded her knees tighter and felt her world crash all around her, she sobbed for the loss of the man she loved, he had treated her well, he had loved her, in his own way, Kirsten could not keep the pain hidden any longer she doubled over and sobbed until a knock at the door roused her from her pain
and misery.
" Miss are you alright?" it was the store clerk, he was worried about her and had walked to the restroom to check on her.
Kirsten stood on shaky legs and responded with what she hoped was a carefree voice " everything's ok just washing my hands thank you for your concern"
" are you sure miss"
" yes all is well, I'll be out in a second" Kirsten splashed cold water on her face, she saw the bleary red eyes and the flushed color of her skin and cursed her heritage for such pale skin.
" God help me control my pain until I can be alone, I can't worry kyra or Michael, our first priority is Michael's health after we reach the farm I can desintegrate"
She grabbed her purse and proceeded to buy all that they needed for the last 4 hours of the trip.
Kirsten climbed back into the explorer and proceeded to start the engine when she heard kyra's voice " what took you so long Kirsten? You were in there for 2 hours"
Kisten turned in her seat and offered Kyra a bag of chips, she took it and started to eat, being careful not to wake Michael, Kyra looked at Kirsten's pale amber green eyes and realized that she had been crying " kirsten it's ok to grieve his death, Stefan was special, you don't have to be strong for me"
Kirsten turned around and looked out the window " Kyra I loved him, but he did not love me, he loved you, but still I loved him, how can I go on?"
Kyra sighed heavily, moving Michael's head a little to the right she lifted her hand and touched the back of Kirsten's head, fingers caresing the girl's silky golden hair.
" Kirsten you will go on, I understand how you feel i cared for him too, you want me to drive?" Kyra was starting to disentangle herself from Michael's embrace when kirsten started the engine and drove toward the highway.
** I guess not** Kyra settled back on the seat and held Michael tighter to her, she soon found herself falling asleep with the soft murmur of the radio.
Kirsten was too proud to let her emotions get the best of her, she had never let anyone inside her heart since her friends had all abandoned her when she moved, Kirsten looked at the couple in the back seat and decided to be stronger, not show them what she felt, Kyra would understand.
4 hours later Kirsten woke Kyra with a soft whisper, as Kyra lifted her head she saw the most glorious sight ever.
In front of them was a stone gate and beyond that there was a huge house, Kyra moved and woke Michael, she helped Michael sit up and drink some water as she watched Kirsten walk to the panel and enter the code, the gate opened and Kirsten returned to the truck.
" kirsten are you sure this is the place? It looks like a fortress"
" Kyra this is the address Stefan gave you, but yea it looks like nothing can penetrate without us knowing."
She drove through the gate and parked in front of the chateau, it was old, maybe 200 years, she looked at the exquisite garden to the right and admired the intricacy of the front door, she left the truck and entered the code, the door opened and the lights came on, she turned to the truck and smiled at kyra, Kirsten walked to the truck and helped Kyra get Michael to the bedroom, they decided to put him in the master bedroom upstairs, the huge bed sat in the middle of the room, surrounded by plants and furniture, all looked like antiques and Kirsten was afraid to touch anything, they settled Michael on the bed and she left kyra to undress him while she went to get the suitcases and park the explorer in the garage.
In the bedroom Kyra had started to undress Michael when he jerked away from her, Kyra looked at him and started to speak softly to him.
" Michael it's ok we're safe, nothing will hurt you now, calm down, i'm here" saying this she had climbed on the bed, she was about to surround Michael with her arms when he sprinted away from her and ran into the bathroom, he locked the door, Kyra tried to follow him but she heard the shower start and decided to leave him be for a few minutes, she took his clothes and hung them in the closet.
In the bathroom Michael disrobed and stepped into the shower, the tiles cold against his bare feet. He turned the hot water on as far as it would go and held his face up to the spray, the sting, feeling it rip the tears from his eyes. He ran his shaking hands through his hair, pushing it back, then pressed them to the wall and rested his forehead against them, enduring the icy hot needles of water piercing his back.
He took a deep breath and exhaled a sob. He wrapped his arms around himself, shivering in the heat, in the coldness inside that nothing could touch. He slid to the ground and stayed there, holding his trembling hands to his face, catching the tears so he could throw them down the drain and dismiss them as water.
He sat in the shower for a long time until he felt the water running cold.
Michael reached up and turned off the water. He got shakily to his feet and pushed the curtain back. He pulled a towel from the shelf and pressed it to his face, then with a shaky arm he held himself upright as he stared at his reflection clouded in the mirror.
" who are you" he looked at the image reflected and tried to find a name or a reason for the man starring at him, he remembered nothing, his mind was completely blank, he looked into the green eyes gazing back at him and was startled to see fear and pain reflected, he felt such a deep hate for the man looking at him and he lifted his fist and slammed it time after time into the
mirror until there was nothing but shards of glass everywhere.
his knees buckled and Slowly Michael slipped to the floor, he wrapped his arms around his knees and sobbed his misery.
" why can't i remember God! WHO AM I?"
Michael laid in a fetal position on the cool wood floor in the middle of the bathroom.
Kyra heard the mirror breaking and tried to open the door, she was frightened for what Michael could do , she knew he was frustrated and in pain, she heard his sobbing and started to cry herself, she slowly slipped to the floor listening to the man's cries getting louder suddenly she heard a scream that made her shiver.
Kirsten had heard the scream and came running, she saw Kyra sitting on the ground by the door and ran toward her. " is he alive?"
Kyra raised her head and nodded " I tried to hold him but he ran, he broke the mirror, I'm afraid he could have done something to himself, do you have the master key?"
" Yes I'll go get it, try to get him to talk."
Kyra nodded and Kirsten ran to the livingroom where she had left the bags.
In the bathroom Michael had slowly stopped crying and had started to force his mind to remember anything, but all he got was a huge head ache, he felt tired, weak and helpless, his chest hurt, and he tried to make himself smaller pulling his legs as far as he could against his chest, he felt cold and empty inside, he heard Kirsten speaking to Kyra and realized that he had scared them.
He tried to stand but his legs could not hold his weight, As he fell back to the floor he felt the glass prick his hand, he lifted the sharp shard of glass and examined it, A small voice in his head spoke to him ** if you cut your veins all will be well, no more pain**
Michael lifted the glass to his wrist and took a deep breath, closing his eyes he started to push the edge of the glass against his wrist, he felt the sharp pain and saw the blood bubbling from the cut, he pressed harder until he saw the amount of blood on the floor, he let go of the glass and stood, he opened the door and walked to the bed and sat against the back board, he raised his knees to his chest his left arm held across his middle, hidden by the robe he wore.
Kyra watched him sit on the bed and lower his head to his knees, she slowly approached him, she saw him tremble and she climbed on the bed and asked him " Michael what's wrong?" her hands cupping his cheeks. Kyra was stunned to discover that his face was damp with tears.
"I'm here," she whispered "I'm here, Michael." Tears filled her own eyes at the pain she saw shimmering in his.
He tried to pull away from her touch, but she wouldn't let him go, so Michael lifted his eyes and absorbed the beauty that was Kyra. "I'm....sorry," he whispered, his voice almost too soft to hear. They were words that he had said to her often, and Michael wondered if they would mean anything to her any more.
"Sorry for what?" Kyra beseeched, as she brushed away his tears with her thumbs.
"I want you to know..." MIchael broke off and shook his head.
Kyra wouldn't let him stop. Not now. "To know what?" she prompted. "Michael...please...tell me."
He closed his eyes for a minute and was hit by flashes of memories. None of them made any sense to him, he saw pale blonde hair, flashing blue eyes, soft skin, he saw a small dark haired boy. He shuddered and tried to move away again but Kyra held him firmly.
" I can't remember who I am but I do love you, I'm sorry" he lowered his head as Kyra slid her fingers into Michael's hair in a soothing caress. The way he trembled frightened her.
Michael felt pain wash over him, yet he felt strangely detached. It hurt more to see the tears that shimmered in Kyra's eyes. To know that she wept for him when he was unworthy of her tears. Michael lifted his hands to cup Kyra's face, then he leaned forward to brush a kiss against her lips.
Kyra lifted her hands to grip Michael's wrists and she felt something warm and slick. Looking down she saw blood pouring from a gash on his left wrist, and his right hand was also covered in blood. Suddenly she understood, Michael had sliced open his wrist. "My god!" Kyra hissed.
Kyra tried to move and call for Kirsten but Michael stopped her.
"No Kyra!" he beseeched her.
"I'm sorry, Michael," she whispered, pulling away she screamed for Kirsten to get the first aid kit.
He allowed it because he knew it was too late. He smiled at Kyra.
She glared at him. "You're not going to die, Michael!" Kyra yelled at him.
"I won't let you."
"It's too late," Michael whispered. "I died a long time ago." He closed his eyes and let himself slide into sweet oblivion.
Kirsten entered the room and saw all the blood and ran toward Kyra.
" what did he do?" she saw Michael's sliced wrist and gasped.
" kirsten get me some hot water and a needle and thread, we need to stop the bleeding" Kirsten sat stunned by what was happening, she remembered Stefan's words ** you must watch him at all times he will attempt this again** Kirsten was roused from her memories by kyra's strangled sob.
Kirsten looked at the man, he was so pale and his breathing was erratic, she looked around and saw the amount of blood he lost and wondered if he would survive.
She stood and left the room, leaving Kyra to attempt to stop the bleeding in Michael's wrist, she lifted his limp arm above his head and cleaned the wound, she applied some alcohol. a while later she heard Kirsten walk back into the room and saw her hand taking over for Kyra's, she took the needle and thread and proceeded to stitch his wrist back together, she wished she could just take him to a doctor but it would be too much to explain and she had stitched up wounds before.
Kyra knew that he would be in pain when he woke up and his weakness would be doubled, she made sure he was resting comfortably before leaving him to clean the bathroom, kirsten had decided to go and get supplies and when she returned Kyra had most of their belongings in their respective bedrooms, Kyra had decided to stay with Michael until he was better, she had to watch him and make him want to live, It would be a long and difficult task but she was willing to save him and give him a semblance of a normal life.
Kirsten had started dinner by the time Kyra had taken her shower and walked downstairs.
" is he ok now?" Kirsten watched Kyra sit heavily on one of the kitchen chairs and put her face in her hands.
" If he survives the blood loss he should be fine, but he worries me Kirsten, he wants to die, how can I keep him alive?"
Kirsten took the soup off the burner and sat beside Kyra " Kyra you can't make him want to live, all you can do is give him a reason to live, that's all" Kirsten took Kyra's hand and squeezed it gently, Kyra looked at her best friend and pulled her into a tight hug.
Michael had been in hell way too many times to not realize he was now there again, he could feel his skin crawling, the cold made him shiver, he was so tired, he just wanted to sleep, to go home, to rest finally.
His mind kept bringing the pain back, he tried to push it away but he could not The pain was too intense, he slowly fell deeper into the dark oblivion he resided in.
He was in hell.
Still. Or was it...again?
Hell was a hideously familiar place to him. He knew how it worked. He knew, too, how he was honor bound to deal with it.
He would not beg.
He would not break.
He would not die.
The battle to survive seemed to be getting harder and harder and he wasn't sure why. Perhaps, after nearly sixteen years, he had finally reached the limits of his endurance.
Every man did, eventually. He understood that. And he accepted it, too...up to a point.
It *had* been nearly sixteen years, hadn't it? he asked himself, shutting his mind to the spasming pains shooting through his arms and shoulders. It was getting more and more difficult for him to keep track. Time seemed tangled up. Seconds stretched into agonized eternities. Hours contracted to a single terrified heartbeat. Minutes doubled back on themselves, then twisted inside out.
It was as though the present had somehow passed him by and the future had melted into the here and now.
He was still in hell.
But was it the *same* hell--?
He'd been given something, he thought dizzily, his stomach roiling. Some...drug. Something to make him doubt his own sanity.
How else to explain the bizarre sights and sounds flashing through his brain? How else to explain that he seemed to be remembering tomorrows that had never occurred?
Images of grey concrete corridors filled with black-clad people, seemingly bent on doing his bidding, streaked through his consciousness.
*He had command.*
He had...
An elegant blonde, with ivory skin and Light, mesmerizing Blue eyes.
She was his.
As he was hers.
Two people, intimately bound by blood and betrayal, by passion and purpose.
Michael felt the pain shooting through his arms and arched his body, a silent scream hanging on his lips.
The moment Michael regained consciousness, he knew where he was and that he was not alone. He turned his head and opened his eyes. Kyra smiled at him from a chair beside the bed. Michael wasn't surprised to still be alive, only sorry.
Kyra stood up and went to Michael, one hand reaching out to smooth a lock of hair off his forehead. "How do you feel?" she asked.
" does it matter?" his eyes shimmering from green to silver. Michael felt only regret that he had failed, it was his second failure and the most painful.
" of course it matters, I won't let you die, you survived the poisoning to try
and kill yourself why? What can I do to help you want to live?" Kyra's eyes shimmered with unshed tears and Michael knew that he was falling in love
with her, he shifted in bed.
" how long have i been unconsciouss?"
" 2 days Michael" Kirsten answered from the door.
Michael looked from Kirsten to Kyra, and saw that they both looked exhausted.
** they must have not slept since I attempted to kill myself, why do they care?**
He tried to sit up but Kyra stopped him with one hand on his chest.
" you lost alot of blood and need to rest, lay back I will be here beside you I promise" she sat beside Michael and took his hand in hers, he felt her warmth and experienced a feeling of comfort and happiness he had never felt before, he smiled at Kyra and felt his body relaxing, her touch was soothing to his damaged soul, he did not remember his life but he knew that there was too much pain and damage in him, he would take advantage of this new chance at life to enjoy it to it's fullest, he felt his eyelids starting to get heavy and he sighed as he closed his eyes and allowed Kyra to take care of him.
Kirsten slowly made her way toward the woods behind the chateau, she had been trying to control her grief about loosing Stefan but watching Michael attempt suicide again made her feel worthless, she had taken the path and suddenly found herself in what looked like a park, she had not realized she had walked over 20 miles and was now in the edge of the Mont Tremblant provincial park, she saw a bench and decided to sit down, there was a soft rain coming down and the night had already fallen. Kirsten pulled her knees up to her chest and wrapped her arms around them, she started to shudder with the pain and memories of her few days of happiness with Stefan.
Matthew had come to the Park to get away from the emptiness he felt at his apartment. He had always prided himself on his restraint, his ability to mask, if not bury his emotions. The emotions were always there, but he controlled them. Not the other way around. But since his loss, he had completely shut down.
Living alone in the house, their house had become unbearable. He put the house up for sale and sold it almost immediately. The buyers were surprised that he had included almost all of the furnishings. All but a few treasured keepsakes. Everything else had to go. The first apartment he had looked at became his new home. Home. He really couldn't describe where he was living as a "home". His apartment was just somewhere he could sleep, eat, and keep what few belongings he had left.
So after another empty night at "home", he made himself go out. As usual he arrived at the entrance to the park and took the bench close to the roses, it offered him a view of the whole park. He spent many hours here just people watching. This allowed him to focus on something else, something other than what was left of his life.
He hadn't really been paying attention to anyone in particular, he lifted his gaze and He noticed her then. She was sitting on a bench, her knees pulled against her chest. Her head was down. He could see her hair, a beautiful blond - almost silver under the light from the street lamp.
He realized it had started to rain, but the old oak protected him from the rain, He expected that she would get up and run for cover, but she remained on the bench in the same position.
Neither moved for quite awhile. He could not understand what caused her to stay where she was. He could make out a slight shaking of her shoulders; she must have been crying. What was causing her such pain? He glanced away for a moment at hearing a child cry . By the time he turned back, she was gone.
He even stood and walked to the bench but there was no one.
Gathering his coat around him, he made his way back home. As he lay in bed, he thoughts kept returning to the woman he had seen earlier. And those thoughts followed him into his dreams.
Kirsten walked into the chateau and was assaulted by the smell of dinner cooking, she walked to her room and showered, she dressed in pants and sweatshirt and returned to the kitchen, she found Kyra over the stove, making what smelled like cheese sandwiches and some kind of soup, Kirsten stood in the doorway watching kyra's shoulders shaking slightly, she knew Kyra was crying and she knew perfectly why.
Kirsten turned around and walked to the master bedroom and stood watching Michael, he was asleep, his chest rising and falling softly, he looked so peaceful and young, she shook her head to make the tenderness she felt for him disapper and slowly brought her hand up, she had locked the door before attempting to make him pay for making Kyra cry.
Kirsten raised her hand gwetting ready to slap Michael awake when she noticed him shaking his head softly side to side, his lips moving, she leaned in to listen to To him and was startled by his words.
** No please no! No more, please stop! NO!!!!!! No Rick please stop raping me!!!!** she heard his sobs grow more desperate as he tossed his head side to side.
Kirsten gasped and retreated to a corner, **Raped? He was raped? Ohhhh God!** She turned and left the room, her tears falling down her face, she ran into her bedroom and locked her door, Kirsten sat on her bed for hours before she succumbed to a restless sleep.
Matthew went about his day as if on remote control. He did his work but was just getting by. Thankfully no one really seemed to notice that he was distracted. He had caught himself on several occasions thinking about the woman he had seen the previous night. "Just shake it off," he told himself. "You probably won't even see her again, so stop wasting your time."
And for the second night he made his way to the park, his usual bench was empty and he sat under the old oak for what seemed hours.
Almost an hour had passed and he had seen no sign of his mysterious woman. Not that it really mattered. After all, he hadn't come to just see her. Or so he told himself.
He noted it had started to rain again and was getting ready to leave, when he glanced up. She was back. Sitting on the same bench, but this time with her head in her hands. Just sitting there in the rain.
He sat back down at the bench and watched her for a few moments. He still can't be sure what caused him to do what he did, but he grabbed his umbrella and made his way toward her, Before he reached her though, he stopped and studied her more closely. Pale blond hair and nicely dressed. She certainly wasn't homeless. As he moved closer to her, he noticed she was crying.
Moving to sit beside her, he placed his umbrella over both of them. He was afraid to say anything. He wasn't even sure she knew he was there. They sat that way for quite a long time. She must have realized that she was no longer getting wet and looked up. She looked at him as if she didn't even see him. Clouded pale green eyes met his Brown. She didn't bother to wipe the tears that continued to fall.
"Why are you here?"
Her accented voice was husky and deep. He caught the faint smell of Vanilla.
"I wanted to give you some shelter from the rain."
Her ears barely caught the softly spoken words. Words spoken with a rich accent.
"It's not necessary." She wiped her eyes with the backs of her hands and moved to get up. He grabbed her hand before she could leave. "Everyone needs shelter from a storm at some point. Consider me yours." He kissed her hand gently and started his walk back to this home. Before he left the gates, he turned back. Again Pale green eyes met Brown and he realized he had forgotten how to breathe.
"Bloody hell," she thought to herself, "Just who did he think he was, invading her privacy like that." Mr. English accent and his umbrella. At least she thought his accent was English. Oh well, it didn't matter anyway.
She was grieving. She really hadn't considered that anyone would notice her.
She knew that she was alone now, but somewhere in her mind she thought that maybe, just maybe, she would feel his presence there. But she didn't.
She really hadn't realized it had started to rain, just like the night before. The rain mixing with her tears was almost cleansing. There was so much hurt and anger inside of her.
She didn't know what to do with herself as night approached. Because the night brought dreams and dreams were the enemy. During the day she went through the motions at the chateau, hidding from kyra her pain.
Kirsten had watched Kyra taking care of a very weak Michael all day, he had not eaten and barely slept, he had tossed and turned screaming out all the pain in his nightmares.
Kirsten had finally had it with Michael's suicidal tendencies and left the chateau and returned to the park.
She was drowning in her sorrow, her grief. She didn't want to live with the burden anymore. She almost wished, as she sat in the rain, that she would be carried away somehow. "Just make me disappear," she would pray. But another day would approach and she continued on.
And then tonight, someone had invaded her grief, her privacy. Softly spoken words. Eyes that almost looked Black by the moonlight. She had sensed he was there long before she said anything.
What had he said, something about offering shelter in a storm? Why would a complete stranger offer those words to her? There was something in his tone, though. Understanding? Compassion?
Kirsten walked into the chateau to hear the screams coming from Michael's room, she walked upstairs and saw Kyra siting outside the door, head bent over her raised knees and sobbing.
" What did he do now Kyra?" Kirsten took Kyra's hands in hers and felt her trembling, she knew Kyra was now suffering from a slight case of desperation.
" He wants me to let him die Kirsten, he wants me to give him the gun and let him die" Kyra buried her face against Kirsten's shoulder and sobbed once again, Kirsten was frustrated wih this man, if he wanted to die she would oblidge him.
" Kyra if he wants to die, let him, throw him outside and let him disappear, we don't need this aggravation"
Kyra looked up shocked at what Kirsten had said, she did not know who she was. This was not the compassionate, caring girl she knew, then they heard a crash and Kyra jumped up, pushing the door open they saw Michael trying to extricate a piece of glass from the broken window and Kyra ran to him, he turned and threw her against the wall, with a thud, Kyra slipped lifeless to the floor.
Kirsten grabbed a vase and was about to break it over Michael's head when he jerked, his whole body shaking severely he fell to his knees, covering his face with his hands, Kirsten ran to Kyra and touched her neck, she was alive, breathing but knocked out by the blow.
" you could have killed her you bastard!!!!" Kirsten cradled Kyra's head in her lap, softly whispering words of comfort to her.
She looked up and found her pale green eyes locked in Michael's Emerald green gaze, he was starring at Kyra's pale face, his eyes wide and filled with tears, he was shaking so badly his teeth rattled.
He slowly lifted his hand to touch Kyra's cheek but Kirsten pushed it away, she was now protecting her sister from this man.
Michael slowly crawled toward the bed, trying to stop the spinning in his head, he was dizzy, groggy and freightened of what he had done.
He pulled himself into the bed and sat against the head board watching Kirsten Crooning to Kyra, tears slipped from his heavy lidded eyes and he felt a sharp pain making it's way across his head, from temple to temple, he brought his hands up to massage his temple and that is when he heard Kyra moaning softly, he lifted his weary head toward the sound and saw her head tossing side to side, he stood and walked unsteadily toward them, Kirsten lifted her gaze and wished him dead For the pain inflicted upon Kyra.
" Don't get close" Kirsten had pulled Kyra further into her arms, now cradling her head against her breast, she starred at Michael with hate in her eyes.
** no body hurts my sister nobody, not even the most gorgeous man I've seen in years!**
Michael stood there, weaving back and forth, his breathing becoming erratic as his chest started to hurt again, his vision tunneled and he collapsed on his knees beside the women.
Kyra heard Kirsten gasp and opened her eyes, the light hurt and she closed them tightly again, she slowly opened her eyes to watch Michael collapsing beside them.
Kyra sat up and felt Kirsten trying to pull her away from Michael.
" Kirsten he's hurt he didn't know what he was doing, let me take care of him" she looked at her best friend, who she called her sister and smiled " can you get me some water and some pain meds please" Kirsten watched kyra approach Michael, he was now lying on his side, shaking severely and moaning, speaking incoherently once again.
Kyra touched Michael's cheek and felt the fever ragging, she took his right wrist and checked his pulse, it was racing, his skin was clammy and sweaty, she imagined he was suffering from an infection due to the cut in his wrist, she tried to make him look at her, but as he Raised his Dark Jade eyes she saw he was blind to the world around him, again his eyes were glazed and unfocused and he shivered badly, she pulled him against her and took the blanket from the chair, she covered him with it as Kirsten walked into the room.
" Kyra he needs medical atention, maybe even a good loony doctor, he's insane, his attacking you prooved it, let's leave him at a hospital and leave this country, we can make it in the U.S. "
Kyra took the medication bag and fumbled around for the antibiotics, she lifted her gaze to meet with Kirsten's and Kirsten saw that she would never get Kyra to leave Michael, so she did the next best thing, she took the syringe and snatched the antibiotic vial from Kyra, drawing a large amount of the serum she proceeded to inject Michael " hold him tightly, or the needle can break"
Kyra lifted shiny Blue-gray eyes to Kirsten and smiled, they would be ok, they just needed to keep him alive and find a way to control his outbursts, and make him wish to live.
Conscioussness returned slowly, he felt his body on fire, pain shooting through every muscle suddenly A muscle spasm wracked his body and his head lolled to the side and back. He struggled to regain some control over his body.
" Michael don't move you're still very weak please" Kyra lifted Michael into her arms and held him crooning soothing words to him until she felt him fall alseep once again.
Michael woke several hours later to find himself alone, he slowly lifted his numb and aching body to a sitting position and tried to control the trembling of his limbs, he pulled his knees up to his chest and laid his head on them, he felt the darkness rush at him and he welcomed the blessed oblivion it offered.
Michael sat on the bed in the same position for a couple of hours. He couldn't be sure as he struggled up from his blessed lack of awareness. The shivers had slowed but not stopped, he was still cold. He knew he was still somewhat shocky. He looked at his left wrist, Judging by the amount of blood on his bandages, his blood loss could have been called life threatening. But still here he was. Alive... No, existing only and not in the best form either he thought grimly.
Somehow he had survived , why he didn't know. He tried to move but he was too weak. . He drew a ragged breath, A single tear fell from his eyes before he lowered his face to his knees. A single violent spasm racked his body and then he was still.
He heard the door open and lifted his red tear filled eyes toward it, Kirsten entered and wearily approached him.
Michael realized she was afraid of him, he frowned at that, wondering why she was afraid and wanting to ask her where was Kyra, his soleil.
" how are you feeling?" she put the bag on the table and proceeded to check his wrist, he sighed heavily and dropped his head to his chest once more, hiding the questions in his too expressive eyes.
Kirsten looked at him and knew she should not hate him, he had reacted not thought of what he did, but still he had knocked Kyra out and left her with a huge head ache and a nice bump on the back of her head, Kirsten loked at the man, he was still shaking and his breathing was still somewhat erratic, she re-bandaged his wrist and took the syringe filled with the antibiotics, she took his arm, he did not react, she found the vein and was about to prick his skin with the needle when he spoke.
" will you please let me die?"
Kirsten looked at him, her pale green eyes read the pain and desperation that still filled his eyes, she put the syringe own and proceeded to speak to him. " Michael why do you want to die? Is this because of your memory?"
Michael dropped his head in shame, he knew it was a weakness to wish to die but he could not help it, he wanted to die. the pain, nightmares and visions were destroying his control, and all that was left was an empty shell.
As the days had passed he had gradually regained some of his strength not in the quantity he wanted but it was at least a start.
Kyra had returned to caring for him, she had forced food down his throat more times than he cared to admit, he was now trying to handle walking alone, which was difficult due to the loss of blood he had suffered, he was still very weak and the dizziness and nausea assaulted him when he least expected.
He had asked her why she had left for 2 whole days but she did not respond to his questions.
6 weeks later
Slowly he was able to regain his balance and stamina, Kyra had started to take him out for walks after the second week at the chateau, he realized that he loved the country, and he was good with his hands, he had taken to repairing the furnace, the water heater and so many things that were in need of repair.
Michael sat in the back porch, watching the sun set, he still did not remember anything, except his name, he was so immersed in his thoughts he did not hear Kyra approaching him until she surrounded his chest with her arms and kissed his temple softly, he smiled at her and pulled her into his lap.
" What were you thinking about Michel " he preffered the French pronounciation of his name and Kyra obliged him.
Kyra quivered at his nearness. With their eyes locked, Michael gently pressed his mouth to hers, soft lips merging with soft lips.
Kyra succumbed to the magic of the kiss, he pulled away and lifted her hand to his lips and kissed it gently, rubbing his cheek against her knuckles he answered in a soft whisper.
" wondering about my past, if I'll ever regain my memory soleil" he stood taking kyra with him, they walked into the chateau and watched as Kirsten walked out the door and toward the town like she did every night, since he started to recover more fully 12 days ago.
" Kyra will she ever get over Stefan's death?"
Kyra looked at kirsten's retreating back and sighed " I don't know Michel, she loved him dearely, she might never recover"
Michael pulled her against him and kissed her forehead " let's go upstairs, take a bath and then I'll cook dinner " he dragged Kyra upstairs and drew the bath as she took the clothing they would wear to sleep that night.
Kirsten walked slowly, she did not want to arrive too early, she had not stopped thinking about the man with the umbrella since she had returned that night, so many things had happened since then, it had already been 6 weeks and she was worried he might not return to the park, she had been going there for the last 12 days since Michael had recoverd enough to be left alone with Kyra, she was still apprehensive about leaving Kyra with Michael, but she could not baby Kyra all the time, and Michael had not hurt Kyra since that first time.
She arrived at the park and walked slowly to the bench. Taking her place, she glanced across the park towards the hidden bench under the old oak tree, he was not there, she sighed and pulled her legs up towards her chest.
"Get a grip girl," she chided herself.
Gazing at the moon, her mind started drifting to Stefan, his smell, his smiles, how tender he was loving her, his sadness and how he cried in her arms, Tears started to sting her eyes.
She started to stand to return to the chateau when she sensed someone was there. Not just anyone, but him.
"Did you come to offer me the use of your umbrella?"
There was a long silence. She feared she had been mistaken. Maybe he wasn't there after all. As she was gathering her nerve to tell whoever it was to bugger off, she heard a voice. His voice.
"No. I wanted to see how your shelter was holding up."
She turned her head towards the sound of his voice and was startled to find him so close. He had kneeled down beside her. Beneath the intensity of his gaze, she felt as though he could see into her heart.
"Actually, my shelter is in need of repair. If I recall, you offered to be mine in a storm. Does that offer still stand?"
"The offer stands if you answer one question. What are you running from?"
Kirsten sat tghere looking at Matthew, she shook her head and tried to change the subject but he insisted until she broke and told him what had happened almost 2 months ago.
Michael's breath made stark white puffs in the frosty night air as he picked up another armful of wood for the fireplace. He trod upstairs with the load of wood and surveyed the bedroom, now lit only by firelight.
Kyra lay on her stomach on the bed, staring dreamy-eyed at the fire. When she heard his step, she turned to face him, her entire body seemingly alight with flickering reflections of the flames. "Michael...except for the convent...I think this is my favorite place in the whole world."
"Me, too."
He dropped the split logs into the woodbin next to the hearth. Bending over, he stirred the fire with the metal poker, then carefully replaced the screen.
Kyra liked to sit or sleep next to the fire, and Michael was always afraid that a spark would fly out and singe her beautiful skin or hair.
He shrugged out of his leather jacket, arranging it tidily on the back of a chair. Undressing slowly, he was very much aware of Kyra's warm blue-gray eyes upon him. "What?" he finally asked, wondering why she was looking at him as if she had never seen his body before.
Kyra blushed and lowered her eyes to her hands, a few second slater she lifted them to lock with Michael green gaze and gasped at the perfection she saw.
His face was Illuminated by the fire, making his peculiar features more magnificent to look at, she smiled and wondered how she got so lucky,
then shrugged and smiled at him.
" Nothing just admiring the view that's all"
He smiled and shook his head, always slightly disconcerted when she
referred to him that way. "I'm not..."
" Don't say it, yes you are"
" Kyra i'm not beautiful, men aren't beautiful"
He continued to undress, eventually standing before her, as naked as the day he was born. "You're the one who's beautiful," he whispered, never more certain of anything in his life.
He sat down on the bed, within reach of that satin-smooth skin, and his f ingers traced their way along the line of her back. Her shoulders rose like alabaster, falling as she pillowed her head on her arms, peering up at Michael.
"You always make me feel that way," she whispered back.
Leaning over her, he pulled her hair off her neck, exposing that delicate skin for his mouth. He moved so slowly, Kyra ached all over from anticipation.
When his lips touched her nape, she caught her breath in a tiny gasp. Threading his fingers through her hair, he pulled a long, reddish strand behind her ear and kissed her ear. His touch was so soft, so gentle. As if she were his own undiscovered treasure...and he would take his time learning what riches were contained within.
When she would have rolled over onto her back, Michael stopped her
with a gentle hand. Placing both hands on her shoulders, he rubbed and kneaded her skin until it flushed a pale rose color. She groaned and fell back onto her pillowed hands. "Mmm...are you trying to put me to sleep?"
He leaned down and kissed her shoulder. A moment later, his teeth
nipped at the same place, provoking a sharp ache in her lower body. "No," he whispered.
She smiled mysteriously, as if she knew she held all his secrets deep
within, but only he had the key to release them. He brushed her back with his teeth, causing a wave of sensation to crest over her entire body, pooling in her groin. Bit by bit, he edged closer to her, tantalizing her with agonizingly brief contact with his own body.
Finally succumbing to the fervent desire to possess her one more time, Michael gently lowered himself atop her back, his hands reaching around to cup her breasts. She arched within his embrace, and he kissed her nape again, his lips clinging this time. He licked the spot he had kissed, and his arousal hardened against her lower back.
His arousal nudging the cleft between her buttocks, he rocked teasingly against her, his hands slowly moving down her body to rest on her hips. Shifting lower, he pressed a kiss to one cheek, his hands finding the heart of her. With a loud moan, Kyra spread her legs, opening her center to his continued exploration. His fingers crept inside her, finding her warm and wet...and more than ready.
Her fingers tightened on the sheets as he touched her. "Please...."
With a shudder, Michael joined their bodies, guiding himself carefully
inside. It felt like they were one person. An extension of each other. He slid his hands under her, holding her in place for his sensual assault. Slowly stroking her, his fingers parting the curling tendrils that protected her femininity, he could feel his own arousal, lightly battering at that door, sliding past her last defenses.
"Ohh..." she groaned, her climax imminent.
He cupped his hands under her, making each new contact between them that much deeper, that much harder. She was so wet, he slipped in and out of her depths more and more quickly. More and more erratically.
"Michael!" she cried out, her body tightening before it could completely unravel. Her spasms took him over the edge, out into space, out into freefall. He spilled himself within her with a harsh sob.
He was safe.
She was his.
"Mine," he whispered possessively, as they drifted off to sleep, their
bodies still entwined.
"Mine," she echoed sleepily, pulling his arms around her breasts.
His arms slid lower, seemingly of their own volition, coming to rest upon her abdomen. He rested his chin on her shoulder, his lips nuzzling her ear.
"Ours," he breathed.
She smiled in her sleep.
Michael found himself in Section and being approached by Walter.
"I hear they brought in someone new for you to train," Walter said.
"Yes, I am to meet her now," Michael replied mechanically.
"A her, eh. Well, try to go easy on her, Michael," Walter said jokingly.
"This is Section. You do not perform, you are cancelled," Michael deadpanned and moved on down the corridor.
Michael approached the White Room and entered. He saw Nikita lying there, but she looked different. He heard himself speaking to her-welcoming her to Section. Telling her, "with looks like yours that can kill in cold blood." Nikita looked back upon him with contempt as he reiterated for her to perform or it would be "Row 8, Plot 30."
"We are convincing as two people in love."
"Let's see you kiss."
The dream shifts and Michael finds himself with Nikita in… Madeline's office. He is gazing down on Nikita as he reaches for a band of gold. Slipping it unto her finger, he hears Nikita ask, "Do I have to Love, Honor, and Obey?" "Just Obey." She kisses him mockingly once and the dream shifts yet again…
He is reaching for her, lifting her up and lightly licking her navel. They fall back onto the bed and he lands on top of her. He takes her mouth in a passionate kiss. "Get Ready," he purrs. Unable to resist temptation one more time he seals their lips again. His tongue mingled with her, tasting her sweetness and allowing himself to revel in her.
His dream shifts and Michael is again in Section. This time his eyes are swollen from tears as he stares at a PDA, "Nikita are you there?" --Connection Terminated-
"I thought I'd lost you."
"I came back for you."
The images flash again and he is with Nikita in her apartment. He stares at her somberly as she tells him, "It feels strange. We're really together now." "If we want to be." "Well…I want to be." "So do I."
"Whatever I do, I need to do it well. The best I can. That means something to me."
"When you lead missions, we survive."
Another flash shows Michael is speeding in on a motorcycle. A semi truck has been parked in his way so he flips the motorcycle on its side and slides under the truck all the while still shooting at Brevich's men…He hears Nikita as he nears the hut, "I told you…I don't even know who you are." Michael breaks in and shoots everybody except Brevich. He tells Brevich the man that killed his son is dead and then kills him. Michael goes over to Nikita and unties her. Her face is bruised from the pistol-whipping, but other than that she is fine.
"I don't love you anymore."
"I won't let them do this."
Michael flashes to a farmhouse and he is with… the mother of Section, but she is different. He wants her help, but Adrian is not sure it is possible… she is growing weaker and weaker. Michael sees to the care of the woman he will always admire and respect, but he has no answers. It flashes again to find him viewing a feed Adrian made before her collapse, "What you need to know is this. Nikita can be saved. Your primary focus will be stimulating obstructed emotions. Sympathy, fear and love. It may be too late for me but you might be able to return Nikita to the way she was."
"I don't care about you."
"Yes you do. You just need time to remember."
"There's still pain."
"It'll go away…. When you let it go, Nikita."
Images of intense passion invade Michael's subconscious. He is softly kissing Nikita as her declaration of love passes her lips. He is unrelenting in his quest to please her. Gently, ever so gently he prepared them for the ultimate joining. He removed her sweater and allowed his lips to roam her sweet skin, traveling along the length of her body. As he mated with her, he felt like he had found heaven.
~"I can't live with out you."~
The images fade and Madeline appears. Michael sees himself unconscious and the mistress of death approaches. She places a helmet device on his head. Michael's mind is screaming out, "No! You cannot let her do this…" He hears Nikita's voice whisper softly, "This is not who you are." Michael's mind screams again, "I remember. Nikita, please, help me !"
Michael awoke from his dream with a start. He was shivering, drenched with sweat, but he remembered… Michael remembered.
He looked beside him and watched Kyra sleeping, he smiled at her sweet, innocent face, her hair spread out like fire wings of an angel, he sighed and stood, he walked to the kitchen and sat looking out the bay window, he didn't know the date or year, he just knew he now remembered his life, and it was dangerous for him to stay, he did not wish to leave, this was a good life, they had money and he loved Kyra, but if section found them Kyra and Kirsten would be canceled, he slipped off the chair and huddled in the corner and brought his hands to his face.
" I must find a way to protect them and myself but how?" his head bowed and tears running down his face, that's how Kyra found him a few minutes later.
" Michael?" Kyra whispered softly as she approached him.
Michael's head snapped up and he looked directly at Kyra, he felt a shiver go through his body as he remembered the night, he lowered his lashes over his too expresive eyes and waited for her touch, when she did touch him it was like a fire was set inside of him, he stood and pulled Kyra to him, his body shaking with the need to make her his completely.
Kyra looked at the wild look in Michael's eyes and she realized he was almost out of control, she surrendered completely to him as he pushed her against the wall of the kitchen.
Michael was burning with an insane desire to feel and taste every inch of her. He let his hand roam lovingly at her hips and then moved them up, grabbing the end of her nightshirt along the way. Michael swiftly lifted the intrusive garment over her head, revealing Kyra's perfectly beautiful breasts to his heated gaze, enjoying the fact that they hardened before his eyes.
Michael dipped his head and captured a taut nipple between his teeth, applying just the amount of pressure that Kyra needed. She gasped lightly as he suckled her hungrily while his fingers played with her neglected mate. Michael could feel the tension in her body as he felt himself rapidly becoming constricted in his pants.
Michael raised his head from where he was feasting and kissed Kyra's lips long and passionately, nipping at her bottom lip. Michael was using every ounce of control he had not to take her right then.
"Michael, please," Kyra pleaded.
"But, Ky-ra," he panted, rapidly losing the grasp on his control. Michael wanted her so desperately he could taste it.
"Michael, I want you… inside me… now," she responded seductively, her eyes revealing just how desperately she wanted this to be so.
Michael groaned audibly. He needed no further urging from her. Pinning her closer to the wall Michael used his nimble fingers to rip away the small scrap of material passing as her panties baring her glorious nakedness to his gaze.
In response, Kyra dropped her hands to his Pants and let her palm graze over his burgeoning manhood. She smiled triumphantly as this one simple movement sprang Michael in to action.
After swiftly helping her lower his Pajama pants, Michael raised Kyra up slightly along the wall. Sliding a hand between her thighs, he felt her wet and ready for him. Parting her warm folds, Michael began his entrance. Kyra gasped at the overwhelming sensation of having Michael in her again. In her excited state, she threw her hands up against the wall. Michael grabbed her wrists and pinned her to the wall while pushing himself into her repeatedly - his desire to become one with her very apparent.
Michael could feel that Kyra was about to go over the edge. He released her wrist and brought his hand down to where their bodies were joined and began stroking her engorged flesh and slamming unmercifully into her.
The combination of sensations was too much for Kyra. She felt herself clench firmly around Michael as the explosion between her thighs overwhelmed her, "Oooh, God, Mi-c," was all she was able to pant out as he stroked her through her orgasm.
Michael pushed himself as far as he could go into her. He truly felt like he was a part of her and she of him. They were two halves that when joined together became whole. He knew he would go to the ends of the earth to please her because she was what life was about for him and he would spend the rest
of his days showing her exactly that.
As Michael continued his passionate assault, Kyra felt another explosion quickly approaching. This time she wouldn't go into oblivion alone. She leaned her head near Michael's ear and while taking his lobe between her teeth she whispered, "Come with me."
At this softly whispered command, Michael surged himself deeply into her and while feeling her clench around him once again, he exploded inside of her, spilling himself into her depths. "My God, Kyra! Oh God" was all he could express as he buried his head into her silken tresses.
Relaxing slightly against the wall and reveling in the feel of him still buried deep in her warm depths, Kyra said, "You're home, Michael. You're home."
Michael cradled her in his arms as he made his way to their bedroom, he laid down on the bed and let himself fall into blessed oblivion, hoping to again forget the horror of his life.
Kirsten sat on the stairs wondering how could they not notice her standing there at the door watching them make love.
She stood and returned to her bedroom, took the bottle of sleeping pills and took 2, she laid down in her bed hoping to sleep for hours without having to listen to their passionate cries again.
Michael woke suddenly, he looked around wondering what had woken him, he felt the length of Kyra's legs draped over his, her head resting on his shoulder, her hair soft and wild across his chest. The moonlight was beginning to fade as the night turned in on itself. He cast his eyes down to her dear face, listening to her quiet breathing.
His thoughts welled from deep within his psyche. So long... It had been so long that he had held his heart in check, cut himself off from feeling, from letting himself dare to believe that there was still love meant for him. he had imagined that he would never love another except Nikita, but as he looked at this wonderful woman beside him, he realized that he could not return to section, he was alive, finally his soul had been saved by an angel who took him in so many what? Months? Years ago? He sighed and shivered as his mind reminded him of his first love, his heart belonged to Adam first. But this..... this woman, this musicmagic being - this was a gift he had been totally unprepared for. She was like his alter-ego.
He thanked the gods for his fortune that night after he had been wounded, he knew he should have called in but he now remembered how much effort it took him to just stay consciouss.
Bidden by an impluse beyond his control, his hands began to caress her shoulders, roving over her arms, then feathering down her back and over the soft curves of her hips. His fingers strayed into the cleft between them, parting, sliding, exploring, testing, teasing. He felt her stir, her legs tangling with his, her hips pressing against his side, opening to his touch, the heat between them smoldering, waiting to be reignited into flame with a single kiss.
"Mmmm, Michael." Kyra, barely wakened, breathed the words into his mouth as her hand moved to find his body ready and waiting. Her fingers strayed lightly over the length of him, and she smiled as his breath quickened and his blood flowed. Already she was delighting in her newfound power. She lifted her hips and stretched herself over him until the tip of him lay at her gate, its delicate pressure seeking entrance with increasing insistence.
His hands moved everywhere, tension rising as her sensitized skin answered his desire. She slid down, allowing him entrance with a deliciously agonizing slow motion, savoring the exquisite sensations flowing through her as his body began to fill hers once again.
A push... another... silk against silk... more... deeper... slow... intense. Breathing suspended. Eyes connected. So close. There.
Time hung precariously. They played at the rim of the precipice, tempting their fate. "Waited so long..." Michael's breath came in gasps. "Never knew... could be... like this..." Kyra's matched his beat for beat. Words died. Their mouths and bodies joined, they tumbled over the edge together... finally floating down into the chasm of the restless sleep that new lovers sleep.
The early light was subdued and the world outside was silenced by its blanket of cold white. There was something wonderful about the peace of a Sunday morning. Kyra felt cozy and protected in the feather and flannel sanctuary of their bed.
Kyra lay quietly watching Michael sleeping next to her, the perilous and wonderful events of the previous night flooding her mind. Her muscles contracted as her body remembered every incredible detail of their love-making. She slowly stretched, moving carefully so as not to wake him just yet. She refrained from reaching out to touch his face, content instead with studying his untroubled features, admiring his full mouth - how it had possessed her! - and his long eyelashes, veiling those all-consuming eyes.
So few words... so many things said. Strength, courage, love... Was this love then? Entrusting your body and soul to another being for spiritual and physical caretaking? He loved her, so he had told her.
She shivered as she remembered how she found him, tears streaming down his face sitting on the kitchen floor, she looked up at him and slowly closed her eyes as her hyperactive brain managed to start a questions fest, **what happened? Did he remember? What did he remember? Was Stefan right about Michael? was he as dangerous as he seemed? ** she was startled as she felt Michael's mouth descend on her breast, she shivered again and arched up.
She raised her hand to the side of his face, stroking his cheek. she moved to kiss him, a long tender kiss. Michael's eyes closed, his breathing tightened, his blood rushed. He never wanted to be free of this overpowering reaction to her. His arms went around her, slowly drawing her to him, letting her feel his body's uncontrolled response, showing her again what her mere touch could do.
"Good morning," his throaty whisper soft and rough, "Kyra." His eyes engulfed hers.
Her voice dropped, dreamy with passion. "Good morning... Michael." The moment seemed even more intimate than all that had preceeded it.
They stretched against each other, smiling and groaning. Michael flung back the covers as he challenged her to leave the bed.
They quickly dressed and smiled at each other as Kirsten walked in, she smiled at them and turned around, snickering as she climbed the stairs once again.
It was a day of sharing. They walked down to the lake and sat on the edge, The water was a deep teal color, with little whitecaps ruffling the surface. The pale winter sun lit up the new snowfall, giving it a pristine aspect, and the bracing wind made them cling to each other for warmth. They talked of music, their likes and dislikes, their thoughts of the future.
Michael felt a tightness encompass his heart as Kyra spoke of what she dreamed of, he could never tell her the truth but wondered if she knew, suddenly he flashed on an image of a dark haired man, he grabbed his head as Kyra stood, she saw him and kneeled down beside him.
" Michael? are you ok? What's wrong?" she touched his pale cold cheek and he shivered, he brought his knees up to his chest and tried to rock, but she was now holding him, he slowly let his arms surround Kyra and he felt her kissing his brow softly.
Kyra was frightened by this reaction, he had not had a head ache or a nose bleed in almost 1 month, she slowly kept caressing his back and kissing his temple as he battled his demons.
Michael could remember the pain of betrayal by section as they took his infant son away, his little cold body wrapped in one of his colorful shirts, ever since that day he had never worn colors again, it had been his private mourning for the son who had only 3 weeks to live, he attempted to connect who the mother of that child was but all he could see was pale firegold hair and deep blue-gray eyes, he slowly Lifted his gaze to Kyra's and whispered " Help Me Please" Kyra pulled him against her and he allowed her to pull him into bed once again and cradled in her arms he slowly slipped into a deep restless sleep.
Kyra had tried for over 2 hours to calm Michael down, he had reacted so badly to the memory that she tought he was again suffering from the drugs and illness he had gone through while recovering.
Kirsten had listened to their love making for hours before Michael screamed in pain, she had left her room and walked quickly to the door, she was about to knock when she heard Kyra's voice soothing and calm trying to get Michael to calm down, she could hear the pain in Michael's voice as he asked her to help him.
Kirsten walked into her bedroom, took her jacket and left a note for Kyra, she had to think and headed toward the park like every night.
Back in section one Nikita was returning from a very painful mission where she had to cancel 2 of her comrades, she walked into Walter's area and deposited her weapons on the bench, she looked around but did not see the old man so she turned around and bumped into Birkoff.
" Birkoff sorry, where is Walter?" Birkoff watched as she sweayed some and grabbed her arm, his hand encountered sticky wet stuff and he pulled his hand away to see, her shirt sleeve was covered in blood, hers.
" Nikita are you bleeding? " Nikita tried to hide the truth from Birkoff but the loss of blood got the better of her and she collapsed into his arms.
" Medical Nikita is wounded" Birkoff lowered her limp body to the floor and attempted to stem the flow of blood with his hands, but it was too much. ** it must have hit an artery and she never said a word is she suicidal? Even after so long?** his thought were interrupted as the medical personnel and Madeleine arrived and took Nikita away.
" Birkoff why didn't you report she was injured?" Madeline followed Birkoff to his computer and watched as he tried to lie about this " she is still suicidal isn't she Seymour?" she punctuated the question not only by using his given name but by squeezing his shoulder painfully.
" I think so Madeleine, she lost a large amount of blood and did not report it, it seems she has not gotten over loosing Michael yet" Birkoff stood and walked away leaving a stunned and angry Madeleine behind.
She looked up and met Operations gaze and nodded, ** this will be good, again another problem he will want to fix by canceling her** she proceeded slowly toward Operations office regretting the day she had sent Michael out on that mission alone.
" Hello My dear, do we have a problem?" Operations stated as Madeleine entered his office
" Not for long Paul, she was badly hurt this time, lost a large amount of blood and did not report how severely she had been wounded she should be given...."
She was not allowed to continue as Operations turned around and glared at her.
" Nikita has been suicidal for 6 months now Madeleine, she was supposed to be fixed now that Michael is gone but your sentimentalism would not allow it! Madeleine you have 24 hours to fix Nikita before i do it for you! "
Operations turned his back on her, bringing up a mission profile he was thinking of using Nikita on.
Madeleine took a deep breath and decided to just let him have his tantrum in private, she turned and left the aerie.
Birkoff watched as Madeleine walked hurriedly out of the aerie and decided to tell walter about their conversation. Ever since Michael disappeared he had taken upon himself the protection of Nikita, she was a hand full, he still did not know how Michael had managed her and his duties at the same time.
He entered Munitions and walked to the back, pulling down the gate he locked the place and went to speak to walter, who as usual was in the back with Monica, the newest addition to comm.
" walter we need to talk" Birkoff stood just around the corner from the passionate couple, he could hear how good Walter was as Monica whimpered in protest this new interruption.
" Kid can you come back in 15 minutes please" Walter's voice barely whispered as he panted with his release.
" Walter it's about Nikita, we need to talk! NOW!" Birkoff was about to walk around the corner when Monica rushed passed him, her dress unbuttoned and her shoes in her hand.
" Sorry Birkoff I'll return to my post now" Monica smiled sweetly at Birkoff and scampered away.
" Ok Kid what is so important about Nikita that you had to take my afternoon fun away?" Walter was standing beside the crates as Birkoff rounded the corner and took a seat on the bench.
" Nikita was injured in the mission, she did not report the injury and almost died" **sigh** " she has not recovered Walter" Birkoff put his head in his hands and attempted to control his fear.
Walter looked at Birkoff and shook his head " Listen little buddy is my sugar ok? Will she survive?" Walter was very worried about her, she had not taken a day off in the last 6 months!
" I heard a conversation about her future walter, Nikita is in unofficial abeyance, one more mistake and she is canceled, Operations told Madeleine to **fix** her"
Walter knew the type of fixes Section did and he would not allow his sugar to be **Fixed ** again.
" what can we do Walter?" Birkoff turned his sad puppy brown eyes toward Walter and sighed as they knew this would be difficult, they had to find a reason for Nikita to want to live, but what? They were at a loss when Birkoff was paged.
** Mr. Birkoff can you come to my office now?" Operations disembodied voice echoed through Munitions.
Birkoff stood shaking his tired body out " go to her walter please she listens to you" Birkoff turned and left the old munitions expert wondering what he could do to help Nikita.
11 months later
They had left the farm and enjoyed their first anniversary dinner in Montreal, it had been a treat to take the day off from work and stay at a nice hotel, Michael had made sure she did nothing at all, Kyra and Michael had decided to take a walk down to the park, they were walking toward the museum when someone ran toward them and took her purse, Michael took off after him and Kyra followed, she entered the alley as the shot rang out, she saw Michael slam against the wall and the man stand over him, she heard the man speak, the accent thick and German " this time you will stay dead Michael"
Kyra saw Michael kick the man and stand, he took the man's neck and snapped it like a twig, Kyra turned away shaking, she heard Michael standing and walking toward her.
Michael began to stumble through the dark alley, his gait beginning to weave. He could feel the blood oozing down his leg. He placed a tentative hand across his abdomen, not to stop the blood flow as he knew it would be a futile act, but more to support the pain that had gripped him like a vice. He looked around through the darkness, not sure if it was darker in this section of the alley or if his grasp at remaining conscious was weakening. He leaned with his back against a wall and let himself slide down slowly, knees drawn up tight against his chest; arm still tucked across his abdomen. Thoughts flooded into his head…An oriental woman with warm eyes, a beautiful blonde amazon smiling at him, a dark haired boy crying at a grave. They slammed into him with a force he was not ready for, surging forth in a tidal wave of despair. He reflected on his life…if that was what you could call it he thought with bitterness. How long…how long had it been since he was really alive. With a certain amount of self-loathing he realized he couldn't even remember.
"I'm so tired…"he said out loud in a whisper of a voice…"tired of being alone." He lay his head back against the wall and the tears began to fall. He hadn't cried in a long time. The heart that everyone thought was not there…that he himself thought was gone began to break, and for the first time in his life he cried for himself.
Kyra turned at hearing the soft sobs and walked to Michael, she saw the tracks of tears on Michael's face, saw pain in the red-rimmed green eyes. "You ok Michael?" she asked a sincere tone of concern in her voice. she waited for Michael to respond but got no reply.
Kyra grabbed Michael's arm wanting him to look at her and as she did so she heard a gasp. She stared at the man wanting to comprehend, her mind at first not registering what had happened, and saw him crumble to the ground. Michael's arm, finally released from it's long held position, fell away from his abdomen covered with blood.
" OMG! Michael!" Kyra pulled him into her arms, she knew he was dying, this time nothing could save him, she heard the car approach them and cried out for help, the police officer ran toward her and saw Michael bleeding and called for an ambulance.
Kyra held Michael's dying body as his blood slowly flowed out, his skin was pale as alabaster and getting colder as his breathing became more erratic.
Kyra pulled Michael's face tighter against her chest, her free hand caressing his soft curls trying to keep him alive as long as possible.
The police officer pressed his hand against Michael's wound, the bleeding was slowing some but he was still bleeding profuselly.
Finally the ambulance arrived and they took Michael's lifeless form away from her. She never let go of his hand as the medics administered first aid and put him on the gurney, Kyra could feel Michael's body shaking softly with the last few breaths he would ever take.
The medics finally put the I.V. in one arm and the pint of blood on the other, she was forced to let go of his hand as they lifted him into the ambulance.
She climbed in and took hold of his cold limp hand once again, whispering softly to him.
Kyra lifted her eyes toward Michael's face, The stubble of his beard stood out dark against the paleness of his skin. His eyes, usually alert and seeing things even she didn't catch most times, were dull and listless.
Michael's hand lifted to remove the oxygen mask from his face and whispered softly "Ma biche." The absolute unguarded look in his eyes made her heart melt.
Kyra wanted to cry as she processed what he had said ** he called me his doe**
Kyra looked at Michael once again as his eyes rolled into the back of his head and his body went completely limp.
Kyra looked quickly at the medic who put the oxygen mask back over Michael's mouth and nose " don't worry, he'll be fine he just passed out" the words died in his thorat as the heart monitor screeched it's protest of no heart beat.
" Damn! We're losing him hurry Brian" the medic grabbed Michael's tattered shirt and ripped it open as he pulled the electrodes for the machine to plaster them againt Michael's chest.
The high screech of the machine made Kyra cry harder as there was no pulse, Michael's skin was starting to turn a bright red, then the medic told her to move, she sat back and the medic pushed the button, suddenly Michael's limp body arched up as the electricity cursed through his heart and body.
" nothing! " The medic looked at her shaking his head, but Kyra would not allow him to let Michael die, she pushed him aside and grabbed the paddles beside the machine and shocked Michael's heart several times until it started once again.
The Medic looked at her with respect in his light eyes as he proceeded to keep Michael alive.
They arrived at the hospital and Michael was taken away to surgery as a nurse asked Kyra to register.
Several hours later
Kyra sat in the lounge waiting for any news from the doctors, she was terrified, Kirsten had not been at home when she called, and she had left a message telling her best friend to get her butt to the hospital as soon as she arrived.
The door slammed shut and Kyra jumped as the doctor entered.
" are you Mrs. Samuelle? " Kyra nodded her head and stood as the doctor approached.
" How is my husband?" the doctor looked at her with pity in his eyes, he had tried everything to save the young man inside that O.R. but he was not sure if he would survive and he told her exactly that.
" Your husband survived the surgery, he is still in critical condition, the bullet damaged his stomach and nicked his liver, his spleen had to be removed, he is now in recovery, we have to wait and see if he is strong enough to survive." The doctor stood and Kyra grabbed his hand.
" can I see him please" the doctor nodded and took her to the recovery room, Kyra stood looking at Michael's pale and sweaty face, his skin was so pale, he had a breathing tube in his throat and she looked at the doctor.
" the tube is to help him breathe, once he comes out of the anesthesia it will be removed" the doctor patted her hand and left her alone with Michael.
Kyra pulled a chair beside the gurney and took Michael's hand, It didn't matter to her if he was stone cold sober or drugged out of his mind, Michael oozed sensual allure from every pore of his body.
She reached out and brushed his hair back from his forehead, checking for any fever at the same time, remembering the many nights she had spent beside Michael as he recovered from his injuries when she met him.
He was a strong man, a survivor, he would not die, he couldn't.
Kyra looked up as she heard him moan, she was still stroking his hair and relishing the softness of his coppery curls. while Michael's head tossed from isde to side, he tried to lift his hand but it was so heavy.
His eyes were stuck shut and his head was heavy with a pounding that reminded him of a jackhammer working on a piece of concrete.
He struggled to force his eyes open but his eyelids continued to refuse to peel back from his eyes and offer him sight.
Finally his eyes obeyed his command and he stared up at the ceiling, Michael took a further inventory of his body and found that for the first time in a long while his stomach didn't feel like it was going to crawl up and out his throat. There was no burning pain and no undesirable need to throw up.
He could feel soft fingers caressing his hair and he slowly shifted his sight toward the side. Kyra, their eyes locked, It only took a second, but he could read all the flashes of emotion that flickered across her face. It was like watching a fast moving slide show. Surprise, concern, sympathy, anger, longing - all melted together and settled into something else. The look of unconditional love and acceptance stopped his breath for a moment.
Michael attempted to speak her name but he started to gag instead, coughs racked his healing body as Kyra stood and rushed to get the nurse, Michael swiftly raised his hand and extubated himself, as the nurse arrived.
Kyra ran toward Michael's shaking body, taking his hand in hers she waited for him to breathe on his own, he did, his body shaking severely as he took his first breath, he looked at Kyra and smiled softly.
" Hi Michael" she raised their interlocked hands and kissed his knuckles softly.
Michael's heart jumped at that familiar and gentle gesture of love from Kyra, He felt his heart sing with gladness that he had found her, She was part of his life. Michael wanted her, needed her like a drowning man needed air.
Michael studied her for a moment and under his intense scrutiny a flush of color rose and sprinkled across her cheeks.
Instead of speaking one of his hands encircled her wrist and slowly guided her hand to his mouth. Perfectly sculpted lips closed around her palm in a passionate prelude to what would come later, once he was out of danger.
" Michael " Kyra flushed bright red as the nurse entered the cubicle and giggled at Michael's tenderness.
Michael lifted his emerald green eyes toward her face and attempted to sit up, but the move made him wince as he felt the pain start in his abdomen, he looked at Kyra and she nodded.
" Michael you were shot you're still not out of danger, please don't move" she took his hand and softly ran her fingers around his palm.
Kyra's look of concern was not lost on him as his mind started to once again fog up, he could feel the strong anesthetic running through his system and he decided to allow it to take him into oblivion once again.
Kyra watched as Michael's eyes started to flutter and slowly closed, his hand clasped hers tightly to his heart as he drifted once again into Unconsciousness.
Several days later Kyra entered the hospital room. Kirsten was propped beside the window looking out and Matthew was seating in the chair, watching as Michael slept, he had been sleeping too much recently, but the doctors assured her he was now out of danger.
Kyra had spent 4 hours explaining to a hysterical Kirsten what had happened, Kirsten had not left her side since.
Kyra stood beside the bed watching as Michael's chest rose and fell with his even breaths, she slowly stretched her hand to touch his lips and he moaned, Kirsten moved toward the bed and watched as Michael once again regained conscioussness, this had been a hard 4 days as Michael had battled an infection and had suffered a very high fever just 12 hours after coming out of surgery.
Kyra and Kirsten had been told he would not make it, and Kyra had burst out in tears, holding her slightly swollen abdomen, this had confirmed to Kirsten that Kyra was pregnant.
Michael slowly opened his eyes and immediately seeked Kyra's eyes, they looked at each other and he smiled softly, Kyra squeezed his hand as she leaned over and Her lips brushed over his lightly, until he threaded his fingers through her silken tresses, cupped the back of her head and pulled her closer. Michael's tongue played with her lips, seeking entry and like the blossoming petals of a flower, she opened to him, allowed him to sweep inside her mouth and taste her, as she tasted him.
When she remembered they weren't alone and she started to pull away, Michael moaned. Desire flared, like the brilliant flash of a match being struck in the darkness, while tingling points of fire broke apart and skittered down her spine.
" Michael you're still recovering" Kyra lifted her hand to Brush away a curl which had fallen across his forehead.
Her voice cut through the fog in his head. He loved it when she said his name that way - her accent was thicker, the tone of her voice low and sluggish with passion.
"Don't go." His pleading whisper made her shiver.
"I won't." She released his hands and brushed her thumb across his bottom lip. "I promise. You rest now, 'kay?"
Michael lifted a perfect eyebrow at her as she sat beside him on the bed, he clasped her hand in his.
" How long was I out?" Kyra smiled at his question, it had been one of many he had repeated as he slowly recovered.
" A couple of hours love don't worry, you're doing fine" she lowered her eyes toward their clasped hands and sighed as she knew he wanted to leave the hospital, it was his silent way to beg her to help him leave, but he was still delicate, the wound had been serious and he had barely survived, she would not jeopardize his health for an unfounded fear of Hospitals.
Michael looked around and his gaze met Kirsten's " Hi Argent " he softly whispered his nickname for Kirsten, she blushed and walked away after sending him a softly blown kiss, Matthew following her closely.
" You know she is not used to your endearments Michael, you should not tease her like that" Kyra smiled as she watched Kirsten and Matthew argue and then she left a stunned Matthew standing at the door.
" Soleil will I die?" Michael's softly whispered question broke her heart. She pulled his hand toward her mouth and softly kissed his palm.
Lifting teard filled eyes toward her beloved she told him what the doctor had explained a few hours before. " No Michael you're out of danger you should be able to leave the hospital within the week"
Michael saw the twin tears escape her lowered eyes and he brought his thumb up to wipe them away. He knew he had been in mortal danger and was still in a very delicate condition, he slowly pulled Kyra toward him, she resisted at first but finally she gave up.
Kyra lowered her mouth to his and Michael devoured her mouth, speared her with his tongue, and branded her with his hands. Kyra pulled away as she fumbled to grasp both his hands with hers.
He looked up at her with hurt flashing in his emerald green eyes only for a second before he sighed in frustration " when can i go home?" he asked with barely controled desire in his husky voice.
They heard a chuckle from the door way and Kyra spun around, she watched as the doctor walked toward them and checked Michael's vital signs, he then looked at Kyra and smiled.
" You may go home today Mr. Samuelle if you promise to stay in bed, no fooling around for a couple of weeks"
Michael's eyes flashed with anger as the doctor rounded the bed and looked Kyra up and down " are you sure Mrs. Samuelle that you can handle your husband?"
Kyra felt Michael's hand squeeze hers and she looked at him, anger flashed in his eyes and she smiled " of course i can handle my husband doctor...."
The doctor swiftly stood straight as he heard the anger in her voice.
" Doctor Erickson, if you're sure he will behave you may take him home now,
I will let the nurse know" with that the young doctor fled the room.
Back at section
Birkoff looked up at the aerie as the routine sweep he made every week of hospitals and morgues brought up an incredible result.
** Michael is alive? Or someone using Michael's I.D. ** he looked around and saw Nikita speaking to walter, he stood and walked toward them.
Walter watched as Birkoff approached them, he gestured to Nikita to follow him to the back and they waited for Birkoff to enter.
" what is it Birkoff?" walter's hands shaking for he knew Birkoff had something major to tell them.
" Sit down you will not believe this" he watched as Nikita and walter sat and he promptly showed them the PDA.
Nikita jumped, tears flooding her eyes as she hugged Him tightly, Walter sat there stunned by the news ** Michael alive this long? Why didn't he contact them?**
Walter stood and locked Munitions " listen if Michael is alive why hasn't he contacted us? This could be a trick we have to be careful"
Birkoff and Nikita quickly quieted, Nikita wiped her eyes with her sleeve and looked at the PDA " if it is a trap why now? Why not before when he went missing? Walter I think this is Michael, I need to make sure" she turned and looked at Birkoff.
" No Nikita I can't do it again twice was enough, they will know if you suddenly disappear!" Birkoff stood, hands on his hips, trying to convey to Nikita that they ahd been lucky, twice she had gone on Mandatory Refusal during a mission only to go search for Michael, if she did it again they could get caught.
" Walter I need to know, please help me guys" her eyes again filled with tears and they broke " fine Nikita but If you get caught you're on your own" Birkoff walked toward Comm hoping this was the real Michael or all their butts would be fried for sure.
Meanwhile back at the farm
Michael walked slowly up the steps of the farmhouse he was still in a great deal of pain but he had to hide it from Kyra, she was already too sensitive to his feelings and emotions.
Kyra could feel Michael's body softly trembling as he attempted to climb the stairs, he would not stay in the down stairs bedroom, he wanted their bed and so here they were climbing a steep staircase 7 days after Michael had been shot and almost died.
They finally made it to their bedroom and Kyra gently lowered Michael to the bed.
Kyra turned to go get a glass of water to give him the pain medication when his hand shot out and grabbed her wrist.
Kyra looked at Him, her eyes shinning with love and devotion for him, she softly slipped her hand in his and squeezed, "Everything's going to be all right."
"I know." He said it so solemnly and with such confidence, every synapse inside her brain seemed to melt.
"Here, now, save that drippy stuff for when I'm gone." Kirsten chimed in as she entered the bedroom. Kyra smiled and looked at Kirsten "Come on, you get his pants off, I'll try to find some sweats for him to wear."
Kirsten's cheeks started to flame. "You do it. I'll find the sweats."
"Chicken." Kyra said tauntingly as Kirsten turned away to search through his dresser. "I know you've had his pants off before."
The sound of Michael's belt hitting the floor made her look harder through his clothing for the items she sought.
"Damn me if it ain't true." Kirsten's exclamation had her whirling to watch Kirsten clutching Michael's sweatshirt and pants to her chest.
"Wha . . ." Kyra smiled. Michael was standing there in nothing but his sleeveless tee shirt with his pants down around his ankles. She'd forgotten he didn't wear underwear.
"You're horrible, Kirsten " Kyra pulled on her arms taking the clothing from her and proceeded to finish undressing Michael.
" hey the man is FINE. Baby you are so lucky!" kirsten stood beside them as Kyra managed to pull the pants off of Michael without throwing him off balance.
"Stop it!"
"Okay, okay," Kirsten lifted her hands in mock surrender.
Michael remained unabashed by their banter. There was something to be said for oblivion, but then Michael had never been self-conscious about his body
Between the two of them, with little assistance from Michael, they got him dressed and settled in bed.
Sitting on the side of his bed, she reached out and brushed his hair back from his forehead "Are you warm enough?" she asked, still stroking his hair and relishing the softness of his coppery curls.
Nodding, Michael grasped her upper arm gently and pulled her down to him. His other hand reached up and pulled the knit cap from her head and her redgold hair fell free like a waterfall, curtaining their faces. His mouth sought hers .
Her lips brushed over his lightly, until he threaded his fingers through her silken tresses, cupped the back of her head and pulled her closer. Michael's tongue played with her lips, seeking entry and like the blossoming petals of a flower, she opened to him, allowed him to sweep inside her mouth and taste her, as she tasted him.
Kyra suddenly remembered he was still hurting and she pulled away, he moaned as her warmth was pulled from him and he attempted to pull her back.
The look of concern in Kyra's eyes made him remember. This last few days had exacted a great deal more from him than he'd been prepared to give, more than he'd been prepared to accept, more than he'd wanted to let go of. Rather than constantly shutting, sometimes slamming the doors on pieces of his life, he wanted to open up with her. He wanted to let her in, and finally he was beginning to feel he could.
He extended his hand to her and she stepped forward, without hesitation to take it. His desire for her was so strong it scared him, his need for her, frightening. But even more terrifying was the new ground they had yet to explore between them. The notion of trust, acceptance and understanding was going to be difficult to nurture, fragile at times but he would fight to give her all he was.
Michael spoke softly, "I'm sorry."
Kyra leaned back and searched his face. "For what?"
His left hand trailed up her arm to cup her jaw, "For the things I couldn't tell you, for the never ending revelations about my life. I don't want to hurt you."
"If I expected roses and candy, Michael, I wouldn't be here." She watched the corner of his mouth twitch. He almost smiled.
Michael nodded his agreement and drew her closer, the heat from his body penetrated her layer of clothing and Kyra desperately fought the urge to wrap him tightly in her arms, fearful he might still be in pain.
Michael kissed her nose, nuzzled her neck, and then said, "I won't break if you touch me."
She raised one feathery red gold brow, gently ran her fingers through his hair and brought his lips up to meet hers as she whispered, "Show me."
They came together in a firestorm.
Michael devoured her mouth, speared her with his tongue, and branded her with his hands. The barriers of her clothing were flung hastily to the floor as he pulled her on top of him.
Every rush of breath she took was met with the clean citrus smell of his freshly shaven face. Every taste was an explosion of all things that were her and all things that were him, co-mingled into one. Every touch was the white hot nebulous of hope that both of them had all but thought extinguished by the world they lived in.
As their bodies rushed to join, as he lifted her and brought himself into her very center, as they pushed for that same feeling of completeness, their eyes locked and held each other captive. If there was such a thing as freedom for either of them, it was defined by the moment her body tightened around his and he erupted, crying her name like no one ever had . . . and no one ever would.
They clung to each other for a long moment afterward, Michael's arms tight around her torso, her head resting in the crook of his neck.
As Kyra's ragged breath began to even out, when she could finally lift her face from his shoulder, she pressed a kiss to his jaw, her mouth trailing up to his ear where she whispered.
"Is this sometimes all you can think of? Us being together like this?"
Michael relaxed his hold on her, pulled back a moment and searched her face with a smoky green intensity.
"Non." The backs of his fingers trailed down her cheek. His other hand cupping the soft mound of her pregnancy "This, is what I dream about."
He wrapped her in his embrace and they both drifted off to sleep surrounded by the intensity of their love that still permeated their room.
3 months later
Michael was exhausted. Kyra had not been sleeping well the past week. And when his wife couldn't sleep, neither could he. They lay on their sides, spoon-fashion, Michael facing the window, Kyra resting her chin on Michael's shoulder. "Michael..." she whined.
"What?" he said sleepily. His eyes were dry and irritated, and he found himself unconsciously rubbing them.
"I can't sleep."
"I know, Kyra."
"Help me, Michael. I'm so tired."
Me too, he thought. "Want me to rub your back?"
"Yes," she replied enthusiastically. That often helped.
Michael sighed and rolled over in bed. Kyra kissed him. "Thank you,
By the time she awkwardly managed to shift herself onto her other side, she was almost breathless. She was big for five months pregnant, and the added weight was high on her body, making it hard to breathe at times.
Michael grasped her shoulders and kneaded her skin, yawning as he did so. "I wish Matthew would give me something to help me sleep, Michael."
"Me too."
"But he says it's no good for the baby."
Michael mumbled something that she couldn't hear. His hands started to falter, and she wondered if he was falling asleep. "Michael?"
She turned over with great difficulty, now facing Michael. He looked like he hadn't slept well in weeks. Well, he hadn't.
"Michael, I need to relax. So do you. It's been weeks since you've touched me."
"I just touched you, Kyra," he said, deliberately misunderstanding her.
"You know what I mean, Michael. Sex."
He blinked sleepily, his green eyes quietly reacting to the word and the subsequent mental picture it shot to his brain. Groaning low in his throat, he shook his head. "Soleil, you're five months pregnant, for God's sake."
Kyra looked at him like he was insane, she knew they could make love up to the last week of pregnancy if they desired.
"I don't want to disturb our son," he commented dryly.
Kyra laughed. "Ever since we got the ultrasound back, and it said the baby
was a boy, like I told you," she emphasized, "you don't want to touch me."
"I don't want to hurt you, Soleil."
"Michael...there are other ways of making love." She looked directly into his eyes, and he sighed.
"Do you really think it'll help you sleep?" he asked hopefully.
"Michael, you sound like you care more about sleeping than making love."
No comment. Michael refused to even look at her. It wasn't that he didn't want her. He did. He was probably more frustrated than she was. And he couldn't say he liked the idea of not making love to his wife for four more months. But he wasn't an animal. He wasn't bent on having his way with her no matter what.
Without a word, he slid out of bed and stood up. Stretching his arms over his head, he rubbed his bare chest. All he was wearing was a pair of cotton pajama bottoms, so worn they were nearly see-through, so low-slung, his pelvic bones were showing.
He helped Kyra arrange herself more comfortably on her back, placing pillows at strategic points to cushion her back and hips. After sliding her panties down her legs, Michael carefully spread her legs, gently bending her knees. Kyra started to giggle. "Michael, you act like you're prepping me for surgery instead of love."
Michael tried not to smile. "I want you to be comfortable, love."
He arranged the over-sized T-shirt she wore so that it covered her
burgeoning abdomen. "Michael, are you trying to forget I'm pregnant?"
"I don't think that's possible, Soleil." This time he did grin.
"Does it turn you off? Me being so big, I mean? I know I'm not as
attractive this way, but--"
"I've only told you a million times how much I love you being pregnant, Soleil."
Michael proceeded to make himself more comfortable between her legs. "I love to touch you. All of you. Even when you're this pregnant. You're so...responsive. So hot."
"I am hot, Michael, because I need you. Oh, please touch me."
He spread open the heart of her, finding the bundle of nerves at the top with his tongue, like a blind man seeking the light. He took the tiny nub in his mouth and suckled it, making it grow more and more swollen. Kyra panted. His tongue was so wet, such a wave of sweet heat overcame her, until she thought she would expire from sensation.
Again and again, he worked at the little nub until she was ready to climax. Then, as he felt her begin to tremble, he plunged his tongue inside the very heart of her, simulating the act of love he could not bring himself to perform with her. "Ohhh..." she groaned, on the verge of climax.
He nibbled lightly on her nub while pushing one, then two, fingers inside her core. As she finally lost control, grabbing at the bed covers, Michael eased another finger into the cleft between her buttocks, and he could feel the rhythmic throbbing of her climax on his tongue.
She sighed with deep relaxation, and Michael smiled. She would be able to sleep now. So would he. He hoped. He got up and went into the bathroom. Returning with a towel, he gently rubbed at her center until it was clean and dry.
He lay back on the bed, next to her, listening to her breathing even out as she drifted off to sleep. She was so beautiful, his Kyra. He slid a hand inside his pajama bottoms, covering his arousal. He needed to relax, too. What about me, he wanted to cry, but that would have been selfish. And Michael was not a selfish man.
He closed his eyes, but sleep eluded him. He couldn't remember the last time he'd been so frustrated, he'd been reduced to using his own hand. But making love to his wife without satisfying himself left him feeling almost desperate for release. He could still taste her on his tongue. Her sweetness.
Unwittingly, his hand continued to stroke and rub his arousal, and he grew impossibly hard. Maybe he would just masturbate until he came. He slid his pajama bottoms down over his hips and his arousal sprang free. He rubbed the silken tip of his arousal, slick with moisture now, and tried not to utter a sound. Suddenly embarrassed that he was behaving like an adolescent, Michael rolled over onto his side, facing away from his wife. God, he hurt so bad now. The ache
felt much worse than before.
He buried his face in his pillow and tried to deep-breathe his heightened state of arousal away. To no avail. Suddenly an arm, much softer than his own, wrapped itself around his waist. A hand slid down over his still-rigid arousal, and he gasped. "Kyra!"
"Michael, let me," she said, her voice still drowsy.
"You don't have to," he whispered, more embarrassed than ever to be caught that way.
"Michael...I love you. You helped me relax. Let me help you. That's all." Her voice, so loving now, broke him down.
"I didn't mean to wake you up. You need your sleep, Soleil."
"So do you. Why are we arguing about this? I want you to feel the way you made me feel. Loved."
He released his grip on her hand, and she stroked the length of his
arousal slowly. "So hot, Michael." She pushed his hair aside with her nose and her mouth, to kiss the nape of his neck. He wanted to protest what she was doing to him, but the truth was, he couldn't stop her to save his life. He turned, rolling onto his back, allowing her easier access to his increasingly hard arousal. He tried to stop from moving, but his hips kept arching forward, trying to force a faster rhythm.
"Please...just let me come."
Kyra pulled him closer, and he willingly turned onto his side, facing her. Because he wanted to kiss her. His lips met hers, his tongue nudging open her mouth, and for a moment, it seemed as though he would overpower her, his tongue seeking hers, to duel, to mate. But reason reasserted itself in Michael's brain, and he broke off the kiss, gasping for breath.
His hand grasping the side of her face, Michael brushed his mouth lightly across Kyra's lips, teasing, tantalizing both of them. Meanwhile, Kyra began stroking Michael's arousal, up and down, back and forth, faster and harder. A surprised gasp escaped Michael's lips, and she knew that his climax was approaching. Quickly.
Despite her awkward girth, she managed to close most of the distance between her body and Michael's. Just as he began to come, she hooked her leg over his hip, forcing him to ejaculate against the dark redblond curls protecting her femininity. If she could not have him inside her, she would still feel his hot life's essence dampening the thatch between her legs. The feel of that hot wetness between her legs brought Kyra to climax again, even more intensely than the
first time.
Michael panted against her neck, pressing a warm, wet kiss to the base of her throat. "Oh, Soleil." He couldn't form a more coherent thought than that, but he knew that she felt the same way. The bond between them strengthened everyday, sometimes in the most unexpected ways.
She touched herself, gasping at the way she still pulsed, little aftershocks betraying the significance of the main event. Her finger coated with Michael's essence, she licked her finger, then suckled it, as if it were his now-sated member. "Now I taste like you."
Michael watched her with hot green eyes, then grasped her wrist,
directing her finger into his own mouth. Suckling her finger, in the
same manner as she had, Michael replied, "Now we taste like each other."
Heaving a contented sigh, Kyra snuggled closer, her abdomen
preventing her from getting as close as she wanted. She kissed Michael's bare chest, palming one of his nipples. "I don't suppose we should mention this to Junior."
Michael smiled mysteriously. "Maybe he already knows."
"You think he approves?"
"I think he's got no choice. His parents are crazy about each other,
Kyra wrapped her arms around Michael's neck. "We are, aren't we?"
They snuggled tighter against each other and finally drifted off to sleep, sharing each other's breath.
Kyra woke enveloped in Michael's scent, she turned over and reached for him but his side of the bed was empty and cold. she looked around their bedroom but did not see him, she listened for the shower but there was no noise.
She got out of bed slowly, her 5 month pregnancy big and obstructive, she gently rubbed her abdomen talking to her unborn son ** I hope we didn't disturb you too much Luc but you must get used to how your parent's express their love, remember if you feel anything bumping you just know it's daddy and mommy loving each other ok? ** she felt a gentle movement below her hand she gasped and softly smiled knowing her son approved of his parent's love.
Michael stood in the doorway watching Kyra speak to their child, he felt his heart swell up with love for both of them, they had suffered through so much, this child was a blessing, not since Adam's Birth had he felt such pride in a child of his, he sighed at the memory of his first born thinking that maybe someday he would have his children meet, it was a fantasy and he admonished himself thoroughly, if he ever appeared at Elena's door Section would know he was
alive and then they would immediatelly come to cancel him and His beloved.
Michael lifted his gaze to watch his wife, she was so precious, a true gift from god, he had loved Nikita for so long that when he first started to love Kyra he felt like he was cheating Nikita of this life, he had even thought of contacting her and finding a way to bring her out of section, but then he had felt Kyra love him and all thoughts of Nikita and his previous life fluttered away with the breeze, he was free and he should enjoy his freedom, find a new love and become what he should have been if he had not met René.
A soft gasp brought him out of his reverie and he pivoted toward her, he then saw her smile and was about to retreat when Kyra stood, her massive abdomen making it difficult for her petite frame to gain any balance, he watched as Kyra tilted to the side and almost fell, he gently reached his hand and grabbed her elbow, she turned her face to his and smiled. " Thanks Michael I seem to be a clutz today "
Michael gently caressed her cheek as his other hand reached to touch his son, the moment his hand settled comfortably on Kyra's abdomen he felt his son Kick, he laughed wondering why he had never done this with Elena? He knew the answer, he had distanced himself from Elena during her whole pregnancy, it was his way to protect himself from the pain of the love he would feel for her and Adam.
Michael felt Kyra's tiny hand settle over his on her abdomen and he wrapped his arm around her, she nuzzled his neck and he sighed.
" Kyra we can't , you know I don't wish to hurt you or the baby "
![]() Kyra looked up at Him and smiled "as you well know there are other ways of making love, I love you Michael please allow me to pleasure you as much as you pleasure me" she gently moved her hand from her abdomen and Slowly she extended her hand to reverantly brush her fingertips gently along his chest.
She thought he must be the most beautiful creature she had ever seen, and
then almost on a whim she said it outloud, "You are beautiful." She blushed but bravely looked into his eyes, finding awe and desire in those green-gray depths.
Feeling more bold after that last outburst Kyra brought her hands up to his shoulders and gently pushed him down onto the soft bed. Straddling his hips she reached out and traced the outline of his lips with one finger lightly while the other felt the smooth silk/steal that was Michael's chest, stomach, arms, body.
Michael tried to stop her but she shook her head. " Michael let me love you please" Silently Michael watched Kyra pay homage to his body and he continued to be in awe of this remarkable woman.
Kyra leaned down and kissed him, softly at first, but slowly making him feel her demands, her desires. After what seemed like a lifetime Kyra pulled away and began to nip and kiss her way down his jawline. Licking a path down his neck, gently biting his collar-bone and along his shoulder before kissing every inch of his muscled chest.
Finding his left nipple she swirled her tongue around it, smiling a little as it tightened. Gently she nipped at it and then applied her tongue in a soothing gesture. Licking a path to the other nipple she pulled away for a moment to admire the glazed passionate look in Michaels eyes and then went to work on this other nerve center, giving it it's due.
Kyra took her time making her way down his rippled stomach, enjoying the effect her ministrations were having on Michael's still untouched manhood. By the time she found herself nestled between his legs, kissing his inner thighs it was obvious he was ready for her to finish him off. His obvious need pleased her more than any words he could say. He couldn't lie about this and Kyra knew that within her.
So slowly Michael thought she was purposely trying to torture him Kyra lowered her head and licked his throbbing shaft from base to tip, gently caressing his balls as she did so. Once she reached the top she swirled her tongue around his swollen head then pulled back and blew cool breath onto the wet path she had left.
Amused at the way he jumped in reaction. Looking into his eyes and satisfied with what she saw there Kyra proceded to take him completely into her mouth.
Automatically Michael's hands went to her head, running his fingers through her hair as she licked and sucked him to new heights.
Michael attempted to gain control of his body but her sweet ministrations were too much, he had not been loved like this in Months and soon he climaxed into her mouth, she swalloed every drop. Licking her lips like a sated cat she stretched her body beside Michael's and slowly drifted off to sleep.
3 months later
Kyra laid on Dr. Fergus' examining table, Michael beside her, his hand clasping hers tightly, she could feel a slight trembling as he tried to look non challant, but the truth was he was terrified.
Kyra was now 8 months pregnant and she had grown so big, she was unable to bend properly and had been unable to sleep or eat for over 3 weeks, that itself was bothering him most of all, for she was a great eater and slept very well.
And she had started to swell up more as time passed Michael was worried about so many things, the way she had suddenly gained those last 13 lbs. In the last 3 weeks was not good, he heard the door open and turned to look at Matthew.
Matthew entered and immediately realized Michael was freaking out, his normal calm demeanor was tranformed, his green eyes had turned a stormy gray, his hair was completely wild, He grasped Kyra's hand like it was a life line, maybe it was for him Kyra had become his life, Matthew knew some secrets about this enigmatic man that Kyra did not and that alone made him cautious of what he spoke about and how he related to him.
" well what brings you both so urgently here today?" Matthew pulled the stool toward the couple on the table and sat waiting for one of them to speak, he didn't have to wait long.
" Matthew Kyra has gained 13 lbs. In 3 weeks, she is swollen and can barely move, she has barely eaten or slept and well neither have I, please we need to know if there is anything wrong" Michael was a jumble of nerves by this time, all he thought about was what was wrong, his mind had brought up dozens of reasons all that were not good for mother or child.
" Ok Michael, Kyra tell me about it, what do you feel? Why haven't you eaten?" Matthew got nearer to Kyra and watched as Michael moved to block his access to her, ** he is very protective of her **
Kyra sighed and looked at Michael, he nodded and smiled encouraging her to speak freely.
" Matthew i can't sleep, my stomach has become very irritable and well this swelling and the pounds I gained are actually making me miserable, why have i gained so much weight so fast?" Kyra felt Michael's hand squeeze hers tightly and she looked at Michael and saw the unshed tears in his emerald green eyes, she got lost in those deep green pools of his and realized how terrified he was.
" Michael everything will be alright, don't worry" Michael shuddered at hearing those words, he leaned down and burried his face in her hair, she could feel the tears streaming down his cheek and into her hair and neck, Kyra embraced her love.
Matthew looked at the couple and felt such a strange sensation, it was like being enveloped in a soft loving mist, their love and commitment for each other was plain to see. " listen we need to do a few tests before we can find out if there is anything wrong ok, but first Michael i need to speak to Kyra alone, will you wait in the next room please?"
He knew that Michael would not want to leave kyra, so he had to find a way to do it without causing them anymore pain, he slowly exited the room and called Kirsten.
Michael heard Matthew leave and he hugged Kyra closer, he needed to know she would be alright, he could not Imagine ever losing her. He shuddered once again in her embrace and Kyra began to worry, Michael had never been so expressive, this must be killing him if he can't control his emotions.
Kyra lifted Michael's face and caressed his cheeks, she lifted herself to a sitting position and pulled Michael into a tight hug, Michael pulled away gazing into her loving eyes and kneeled before Kyra, taking her hands in his he kissed each finger lovingly, his tear filled eyes gazed into hers, he felt his life slowly slipping away and he begged god to not take his love away. Kyra pulled him up, his hands shaking as his soul battled the fear that cursed inside.
Michael gently extricated one hand from hers and gently rubbed her abdomen, he felt his son kick him and he smiled, it felt like a lifetime ago since he had felt so carefree and happy. Kyra pulled him into a tight hug and that is how Kirsten found them when she entered the room.
She watched Michael's hands shaking as he held Kyra tightly against him, Kirsten knew Michael was a control freak so for him to be this out of control he must be on the verge of a nervous break down.
She sighed and returned to Matthew's office " Matthew Michael won't leave Kyra's side, we'll have to force him and you know that's not good for her, I suggest we sedate him and then Check Kyra out" Matthew looked at his pregnant wife and nodded, he knew that Kirsten and Kyra were extremely close and if Kirsten thought the best way to deal with this was by sedating Michael then she was right, he sighed and stood, taking the vial of sedative he withdrew a large amount and proceeded to walk to the examination room.
Entering the room he gave the Syringe to Kirsten and she walked to their side while Matthew got the tests ready to be done, Michael would not stay sedated for long, even with the highest dose he had given him in the past the older man had regained conscioussness within an hour of injection.
Michael and Kyra looked up as the door opened, Michael burried his face once again in Kyra's neck while Kyra watched Matthew give Kirsten the syringe, she nodded to Kirsten acknowledging what was about to happen, she cupped Michael's face betweeen her hands and proceeded to wipe his tears away.
" Michael all will be fine, please calm down, I need you to calm down please" she gently kissed his trembling lips as Kirsten approached.
Kirsten took Michael's hand and pulled him into a hug, Kyra smiled as Michael's hands left her body, he wrapped his arms around Kirsten's waist and allowed her to wrap him in her embrace, Kirsten raised her right hand to his neck while her left caressed his back, swiftly she plunged the needle into his neck and delivered the sedative straight into his vein.
Michael jerked away, bringing his hand up to cover the mark, he looked at Kirsten with hate shinning in his bright green eyes. His vision started to weaver and blurr, he attempted to control the effects of the drug but was unable to, his muscles began to go lax, and he reached his hand to Kyra, she took it and pulled him flush against her as his body collapsed " Kyra" Michael whispered as his head flopped against her chest and she watched his eyelashes flutter and close hiding the pain shinning in those green depths.
Kyra raised her tear filled eyes toward Matthew who had rushed to Michael as soon as he started to collapse, he smiled and nodded trying to calm her down.
Kyra kissed Michael's opened mouth as Matthew lifted him up and Kirsten helped carry him to the other room, depositing him on the bed, Kirsten kissed his cheek and whispered " sorry Mon cher but you need to rest" she ruffled his hair and returned to Kyra's side.
Matthew walked into the room and watched Kirsten calming Kyra, it was a wonderful sight to see, both friends hugging each other tightly.
" well shall we continue with the tests?" Kyra nodded and laid back down, Matthew took the blood samples and sent them to the lab, with a rush order for them, he would have them back within the hour.
He then commenced the rest of the exam and soon they had finished, Kirsten held Kyra's hand throughout the procedure, then he brought the sonogram out and proceeded to take the necessary video, what he found astounded him, but he would not reveal to anyone what he saw until the tests confirmed it. He smiled at Kirsten and wiped Kyra's abdomen clean. " you can now dress and go to Michael Kyra"
Kirsten helped Kyra off the table and helped her dress, then she walked toward the other room and sat beside Michael's bed, watching him sleep, she lifted his limp hand to her lips and kissed it, Kyra felt afraid for what he would do once he regained conscioussness, she laid her head on his chest and promptly drifted off to sleep listening to the steady beat of his heart.
Michael crawled his way out of the oblivion that surrounded him, he had not been able to control the effects of the sedative Kirsten gave him, he shifted his body and felt a heavyness on his chest, he lifted his hand to touch soft hair and his eyes snapped open. He tried to lift his head to look at Kyra but the movemnet made the room spin, he groaned and let his head fall limply to the pillow once again.
Kyra heard his moan and lifted her head to gaze into his unfocused Emerald green gaze, she smiled and leaned in to kiss his lips softly, he lifted his hand to run his fingers through her silky hair, it felt so good to kiss his wife, he pulled her tighter against him and felt her swollen abdomen poking his ribs, he immediately pulled away afraid of hurting her.
Kyra looked at him perplexed for a second before she realized why he had pulled away, she smiled and gently caressed his cheek.
" Michael it's ok, Matthew checked me and he said all is well, we're waiting for the blood tests to come back, but according to Matthew all should be fine" she lifted his hand to her mouth and kissed his calloused fingers, he sighed and attempted to sit up, Kyra took his hand and helped him up, but as he lifted his head to look around he felt the nausea attack him and he pushed Kyra aside and rushed to the waste basket where he heaved up his last meal.
Kyra rushed to hold him as his stomach lurched time and again until his body went slack, he collapsed back against her, he laid his head on her shoulder and tried to breathe normally, Kirsten entered the room and offered a bottle of water to him, he took it with shaky hands and took a sip, the cool water rushed down his throat cleansing his mouth of the bile taste, and refreshing his parched and soar throat.
Kirsten sat beside them until Michael could once again stand, Kirsten helped Kyra stand, Kyra took Michael's hand and helped him stand, he wrapped his arm around her shoulder and leaned heavily on her, Kyra looked at Kirsten as she tried to keep Michael's still weak body standing, Kirsten took Michael's left side and they walked him to the bed, Kyra gently seated Michael and ran her fingers through his desheeveled curls, she loved to run her fingers through those silky curls.
Matthew knocked and entered, he took a seat on the stool and proceeded to explain what the blood results showed.
" well the tests are back, there is absolutely nothing to worry about, the reason why Kyra has gained so much weight is due to a certain misjudgement on my part" he watched Michael's stiff body posture relax somewhat with the news, he then proceeded to tell the couple in front of him the good news.
" Michael the reason why Kyra has gained so much weight recently is because she will have twins" Kirsten jumped off the chair and hugged Kyra tighty as Michael's eyes grew wide.
" what do you mean twins? You checked her through out her pregnancy and you never said anything." Michael grasped Kyra's hand and pulled her to sit on his lap, he wrapped his arms around her portruding abdomen and burried his face in her neck.
Kyra was shocked at the news, ** Twins what a gift** she smiled and gently rubbed her hands over Michael's arms as he tightened his embrace.
Matthew noticed that Kyra and Kirsten had not spoken and he waited for either to say something before continuing with his explanation, but neither said anything, they just looked at each other and smiled.
" Michael there is no reason why i never saw the twins, I checked her completely and i never saw more than one baby, but of course the machines do make mistakes and the twin could have been hidding behind her spleen, it is common in multiples to hide until just before their birth. " he gazed at Michael's face and realized he had lost him somewhere along the way, for his eyes were glazed over and he was no longer paying attention, he was now rubbing his hands along Kyra's abdomen and sighing softly into her neck.
Matthew stood and took Kirsten's hand in his " Michael " Matthew whispered and watched the man snap his head around to look at him.
" yes?" Michael looked around and realized he had lost track of time, he smiled sheepishly at Kirsten and burried his flushed face in Kyra's neck once again.
" Michael you can take Kyra home now, we'll meet you at the farm tonight for dinner alright?" he watched the man nod and procedded to pull Kirsten to the door.
Kirsten pulled away and turned to watch the couple hold each other
" Kyra want me to come with you and help you?"
Kyra shook her head and smiled at her best friend " I can manage just come around 6 ok, all will be ready don't worry" she shifted her position in Michael's lap and held him more tightly as she burried her face in his soft curls.
Kirsten once again felt her husband grab her hand and pull her to the door, when the door closed she took Matthew's hands and asked " was that all? Is she really ok?" Matthew pulled his wife toward the office and locked the door.
"Kirsten everything is ok, Kyra must be ready to deliver for the baby to have come out of hiding i never saw her"
" Her?" Kirsten looked at him with shiny eyes, knowing Kyra was having a boy, then she looked at him once again as she realized, **twins a boy and a girl**
Matthew nodded as Kirsten sat on the couch " a boy and a girl they have their hands full now Kirsten" he smiled as he settled his tired head on Kirsten's lap.
Michael stood outside the shower watching Kyra wash her abdomen, she lifted her gaze and smiled " want to wash them?" Michael looked at her and smiled, taking the sponge he gently rubbed the soap ladden sponge over her expansive abdomen, thanking god silently for the miracle of his children, he lifted tear filled eyes to her and she wiped those tears away gently.
" Michael why are you crying? Matthew said all was well" she drew him against her and he dropped his face to her shoulder, gently rubbing his chin over her delicate skin he sighed " I never imagined i would be blessed with so much happiness, this is overwhelming." He lifted his face from her shoulder and
gazed into her eyes.
Michael stepped away and brought the towel to her, she got out of the shower and he wrapped her in it's warmth as he lifted her and took her to the bed, there he began to softly towel dry her body slowly.
" Kyra, i've done many bad things, hurt people, i didn't want to but i did" he stopped in his ministrations and sat back admiring his wife, his heart filled with such tenderness for her and their children, he felt like life could not get better, he smiled as he gently reached out his hand to touch her swollen abdomen and laughed as his daughter decided it was time to let herself be known, he felt a soft movemnet and lifted his tear filled gaze to Kyra's face, her eyes were closed, and her breathing was even, he knew she had fallen asleep, he gently leaned in and kissed her abdomen whispering softly to his children " Je les ame mes enfants"
he lowered himself to the bed and wrapped his arms around Kyra, nuzzling her neck he drifted off to sleep wrapped in happiness.
driving down a country road Nikita tried to calm her heart down, ** Michael alive? ** she smiled to herself but suddenly her smile faded, she still wondered why he had not contacted her, she understood why he would not contact section, he would be canceled immediately for he had been outside too long, she sighed as she turned the pathfinder onto the driveway of the big farm she had tracked Michael to.
She got out of the truck as another truck entered the driveway, she stood watching the truck pull up beside her .
Kirsten looked at the blonde amazon suspiciously, she squeezed Matthew's hand as he parked the truck beside the woman " Kirsten you know her? " Kirsten shook her head and Matthew got worried, ** could Michael's past finally have caught up with them?** he was almost sure he had seen this woman before, but he did not know where.
Matthew and Kirsten exited their blazer " excuse me miss " kirsten spoke before Matthew was able to.
Nikita smiled at them and Kirsten proceeded " how can we help you? Who are you looking for?" Matthew grasped her hand and squeezed tight, a sign for her to keep her mouth shut.
Nikita looked at them and saw no threat in them, she had not had time to research alot about Michael's new life, only where he lived and she took off.
" I'm looking for my cousin Michael Samuelle He lives here right?" Nikita tried to sound nonchallant as she tried to gain some time for Birkoff to research these people.
Kirsten looked at Matthew and he nodded " yes he lives here with his wife, who did you say you were?" Matthew pulled Kirsten back as she attempted to shake Nikita's hand.
" I'm Nikita, Michael's cousin I have been searching for him for over a year now, he disappeared after a small vacation and the family has been looking for him since" Nikita heard Birkoff's voice come throught the comm set and she smiled as he confirmed they were civilians and friend's of Michael.
The door opened and a very pregnant woman walked out " Kirsten, Matthew I'm so glad you made it, who is your friend?" Kyra waddled to the edge of the porch stairs and stood waiting for the couple to get near her.
Matthew and Kirsten spun into action as they saw Kyra walk out, they reached her and surrounded her as they spoke softly " This is Nikita she is Michael's cousin "
Kyra lifted freightened eyes to the blonde woman standing between the trucks, she knew the name, Michael had uttered it quite enough during his first months of illness.
She smiled at Nikita and nodded " yes Michael mentioned you, please come in " Kyra turned and told Matthew to stall her while she prepared Michael for this surprise, Matthew turned and started a conversation with Nikita while Kirsten and Kyra rushed into the house and to the kitchen where Michael was.
Michael was bent over the oven looking at the bread rising as Kirsten called for him, he spun around at the urgency in her voice and watched Kirsten help Kyra sit down, he saw Kyra panting and freaked, thinking Kyra was in labor he rushed to her side, kneeling he grabbed her hands, she was shaking and Michael feared the worst, then Kirsten pulled him away and told him the news.
" Michael Kyra will be ok, but....." she took a deep breath and let it slowly out " there is someone outside Michael, she says she is your cousin, that she has been searching for you since you disappeared over a year ago" Kirsten knew this woman was not his cousin, she was more.
She watched Michael pale visibly and gasp at the news, he walked to Kyra's side, kneeling beside her he took her face in his hands and gently caressed her cheeks. " Kyra listen we need to talk but not now, now i must go and speak to Nikita " the moment he mentioned Nikita's name Kyra started to shake harder, she grabbed his hands and held them tight against her chest, she shook her head swiftly and lifted tear filled eyes to his " please don't, you can't leave please Michael don't leave me" she burried her face in his neck and he wrapped his arms around her trying to soothe her with soft spoken words.
That is how Nikita found Michael, kneeling on the hardwood floor, holding Kyra in his arms, he lifted his gaze to hers and in that moment she knew he was not her Michael anymore.
" I'm sorry I seem to have been given the wrong address, forgive me, I'll show myself out" Nikita quickly turned and exited the house, leaving a very perplexed group of people behind, she got into the truck and drove away, watching in the rear view mirror as Michael ran outside and watched her leave.
Michael felt his heart do a flip as his eyes locked with Nikita's ** she had survived without him** that had always been his wish, to train her well enough for her to survive alone, he watched her leave and stood up, leaving Kirsten to hold Kyra he ran to the door and watched Nikita drive away, his soulmate had left him live his life in peace, he knew she would find a way to make sure he stayed dead to section, he sighed and walked back into the house, watching kyra's body shaking with sobs as she imagined he had left her alone, he took Kirsten's shoulders and pulled her away as he kneeled once again and cupped his wife's face in his hands, he lifted her face and kissed her lips.
Kyra jerked away from his touch like he had burned her " you stayed?" she whispered as she watched Michael's face crumble at her rejection of him, she took his hands and pulled him to her, she wrapped Michael in her embrace and allowed him to weep for the life he had left behind, soon he would explain that life to her, for now he needed to weep and let that life die within him.
Kirsten grasped Matthew's hand and pulled him to the door, he gently pulled her to him and kissed her before they exited the house and sat on the porch until Michael and Kyra called them in.
Nikita stood on the tarmac as she took one last look at Montreal, she would leave her heart here, she knew she would never again love another man and she sighed, knowing Michael was better off here, in this life he was allowed a family, something that he would lose if section found out about kyra and the baby, she entered the plane and settled in her seat, kissing her love goodbye as the plane took off toward section.
Nikita entered section with a new determination, she would be all that Michael would have wanted, she gazed toward Comm and nodded as Birkoff spotted her, she nodded again and walked to Munitions, Birkoff stood and left Nancy in charge as he followed Nikita, walter watched the interchange and drew the gate up, waiting for Nikita and Birkoff to enter the back before locking the gate and following them inside.
" Sugar did you find him? " Walter watched as Nikita stood against the back wall and with eyes closed shook her head.
" it wasn't him, this man was older, much older" Nikita wiped her tear away and pulled Birkoff toward her, wrapping her arms around the young computer genius she burried her face in his neck and whispered " it wasn't him"
Walter wrapped his arms around both of them and allowed his grief to surface for the man who had been the sign of all that was good in section.
Operations watched from his aerie the meeting of the small group, he turned and watched Madeleine enter the room and he darkened the window.
" Paul are you sure she didn't find him? she could be covering for him."
Operations locked his icy blue gaze to her cold brown eyes and sighed " Nikita is not that smart My dear, if she had found him alive she would not be able to hide it, she would have brought him back no matter what"
Madeleine shook her head at his explanation " Nikita is too smart for her own good, she can lie and deceive as well as Michael, she proved that when she brought Adrian in, I still don't believe Michael is dead, that is too convenient, he has to be alive, and there is something that is making Nikita pause and let him live outside, whatever it is I will find it" she gazed at the small group exiting Munitions sensing their pain, she watched Nikita walk toward her quarters and she turned as she realized Operations had spoken.
" sorry i didn't hear what did you say?"
Operations was exasperated by her callousness " I said that Nikita is not that good of an actress, either she did not find him or it was not him who she saw."
Madeleine smiled softly at those words and turned to look out the window " Paul what would you do if Michael was alive? Would you let him return that easily? Or would you cancel him on the spot?"
Operations felt every hair on the back of his neck stand on end, this was a Madeleine he had never seen, she was cold and calculating, she made his body desire her even more, but he reigned in his desire at her next words.
" Nikita knows he is alive, he must have a life outside and she is trying to protect him" she spun around and watched Operations evade her gaze.
" And what if that is true? If Michael is alive he could be either damaged or he could have complete amnesia, she is too soft hearted and would let him live his life in peace, she would make sure he never remembered section, what will you do? Take him out? If he is alive i want him returned he is too valuable for us to lose him"
" Paul that is not standard procedure, if he is alive he must be canceled immediately before he compromises section even more"
Operations grabbed her arm and spun her around " If he is alive I want him back, do not go and cancel Michael over petty jealousies Madeleine, find out if he is alive and if he is bring him back and all who he has lived with."
Madeleine glared at Operations but nodded her head, she spun around and exited the aerie leaving Operations wondering if Nikita could be that devious.
Nikita sat on the floor of the gym, panting as the exercise took all her energy away, she felt the tears run down her cheeks mingled with the sweat from her workout, she bent her head over her knees and allowed herself one last time to weep for Michael before she stood and left the room to become the next Michael Samuelle of section one.
Walter and Birkoff stood outside a café waiting for Mick shtopple to appear, they needed to make sure that Nikita was telling the truth and Michael was dead before they could rest, for if Michael was alive Birkoff would find a way to send a message to him and have him disappear before Madeleine and Ops found him and brought him back.
Birkoff had found the return order for Michael as he made the usual sweep of the system and had decided to protect him, but he needed Walter's help to get the message to Michael.
Mick walked in and took a seat before them and started chatting away. " hey mate good to see new faces around here, all i used to see was Michael or Nikita and now i get an old man and a kid, what is section doing these days?" walter grabbed Mick's shirt and pulled him toward them.
" we need information Mick, off the record, if you do this we'll let you live, if you don't. Well section will need a new snitch." Walter let go of the man and Mick fell back on his chair.
" well that is not the way to get me to talk man, i might as well leave" he stood and walter wipped out his 9 mm. " sit down" Mick saw the shiny gun and he sat and closed his mouth, waiting for the questions to begin.
" that's better Mick, now i need to know if Michael is alive and where he is, i know that you have the means to get me that information now, so get on your phone and get it"
Mick paled as Michael's name left walter's lips. "Man Michael has been dead for over a year mate, what do you want with a ghost, do i look like a medium to you?" he tried to stand again and Birkoff grabbed his arm, pulling hard he made Mick fall on his butt.
" now why did you go and do that kid? I was about to get that information for you" Mick picked himself off the floor and opened his phone, he dialed a number and waited until the line was picked up. " hey man i need a bit of intel if you know what i mean, a few friends of mine need to find a certain french man who
is supposed to be dead, yeah i know told them that but they seem to think i know if he is alive or not, yeah Michael Samuelle, french, ladies man, yeah nice ass, ok thx man." Mick hung up the phone and sat down.
" they will call me back soon, they need to make sure we are talking about the same man"
Walter grabbed Mick and slammed him against the wall " call them back and tell them you are dead unless they confirm now" he opened the phone and held it to Mick's ear watching him dial as the man shook like a leaf.
Walter let go of Mick and waited for the man to speak " hey mate i need that intel pronto, or I'm fish food, what?????? No way mate! really????? Thanks that is exactly what i needed " Mick turned to Walter and Birkoff with wide fear filled eyes.
" Michael is alive, living in Canada with some pregnant chick, want the address?"
Birkoff gasped as he realized that it was true, now to contact Michael and make sure he disappeared before section grabbed him.
Walter took Mick's hand and shook it, then he twisted it and slammed him face first against the wall and whispered into his ear " if anyone else hears this you're dead Mick"
Walter and Birkoff left the restaurant and returned to section to plan how to contact Michael.
Michael watched Kyra standing at the window watching the spring fill the farm with life, he walked toward her and wrapped his arms around her abdomen, nuzzling her neck he whispered to her.
" Tu es la seule amour de ma vie, la seule toujours!" Kyra turned in his embrace and gazed into Michael's eyes and felt his body tremble with the love he felt for her, she smiled and kissed his soft lips, Michael felt his children move around and smiled against her mouth " I think they want to come out and play Kyra"
Kyra kissed his lips once again and disentangled herself from his embrace, she walked to their bedroom and sat on the bed, she lifted her arms toward her husband and Michael kneeled before her, surrounding her with his arms and nuzzling her neck with his nose, he breathed in her scent.
Kyra giggled and wrapped her arms more tightly around his body and
whispered softly into his ear " Je T'ame Michael"
Michael lifted his gaze to lock with hers and in that moment his heart stopped, Kyra looked so angelic with her long redgold hair down and her deep blue eyes shining like twin sapphires, he gasped and let his heart speak for him " Je T'ame Kyra, tu es mon couer, mone ame, tu es la meilleur partie de moi " he burried his face against her abdomen wanting to crawl inside his wife and enjoy the warmth she gave his children.
Suddenly Kyra gasped as she grabbed her abdomen, Michael looked at her and knew it was time, he kissed her and grabbed the phone, calling Matthew he advised him that Kyra was in labor.
He stood and rushed to the closet to get the suitcase and that is when his cell phone rang, he stopped in mid stride and gazed at the phone, he looked at Kyra and then lowered his gaze to the ringing phone and sighed, he lifted the phone to his ear and answered " yes "
Birkoff's voice spoke softly "Michael Ops knows where you're at, get out now, and disappear, go to Charlevoix, the train station, locker 53 will have all you need to disappear, hurry Madeleine is on her way personally" the line went dead and Michael glared at the phone, this was not the time for this, he gazed at Kyra and called Matthew.
" Matthew change of plans, I need you to get Kirsten and everything you can pack within 10 minutes meet me at your front door, leave all you can't pack in 10 minutes." He took the suitcase and smiled at Kyra, she nodded knowing that one day this would happen.
" Michael the baby's things, our clothing, and the pictures, get the Videos and camera, we need to destroy everything else " she stood and proceeded to get what was needed for the long trip ahead.
Michael filled all their suitcases with everything that was important, he watched as Kyra filled the truck with water, blankets and other needed things for the birth of her children while on the road, he felt proud of Kyra for even if she did not understand what was happening she did not ask anything, he knew she would assault him with questions when the time was right.
He took the filled suitcases and loaded them into the truck, finally their whole life was inside that truck and they departed leaving the farm engulfed in flames, Michael drove carefully toward Matthew's house and entered the driveway, Matthew had packed his R.V. with everything they owned and Kirsten helped Kyra transfer to the R.V. while Michael hooked the Yukon, then as if by telepathy Kirsten took the wheel while Matthew and Michael climbed into the
R.V. and they departed for Charlevoix and a train station where they would disappear for ever.
Nikita stood inside her apt. waiting for Birkoff to confirm Michael had disappeared, Walter had told her this time a body would be found to confirm his death, she didn't understand his cryptic comment but trusted walter and Birkoff with her life.
Behind the burning farm a couple of men burried a body in the woods, leaving a special marker they disappeared as the section vans arrived.
Madeleine exited the van and ordered the operatives to search the area, she was sure Michael had disappeared once again, ** he must have moles inside section to have disappeared so swiftly** Madeleine huffed indelicatedly as she sat outside the farm house waiting for the men to contact her.
Soon one of the operatives called for her and she walked to the area where he was, she kneeled down and read the marker on the grave. ** Michael Samuelle born ??? Died on March 16, 2000 ** the marker beside it said ** Kyra Samuelle Born September 13, 1975 Died March 16, 2000 ** Madeleine looked at the men " dig the bodies up, we will make sure it is Michael and his whore " she stood and walked hurriedly to the van, she took a seat and proceeded to advise Operations of the findings.
Meanwhile Kirsten felt her life disappear as the miles went by, she had the radio which kept her informed of what was happening inside the R.V. but she wanted to be beside Kyra and hold her hand, instead she drove toward parts unknown to save their lives.
Kirsten lowered her hand to touch her unborn children, she was 8 months pregnant and should deliver within a few short weeks, she knew she would have twins just like Kyra, it was amazing how much alike they were, even now, they were the same height and weight, had both had the same color of blonde hair until Kyra colored hers back to her natural reddish blonde color, they both loved fiercely and would kill or die for each other.
She felt the babies move and smiled, rubbing her abdomen gently and whispered to her children " soon My Angels, soon you will meet your cousins, be patient " she laughed as one of her children kicked her roughly and thought about Matthew's dream of his son being a hockey player ** more like a soccer player by the kicks he gives**
Inside the R.V. Matthew took Kyra's blood pressure once again, it had been almost 6 hours since she started labor and was almost completely dialated ** so much for first time mother's taking their time** he mussed as he watched Michael soothe and croon to Kyra as another contraction consumed her body.
Matthew stood and made sure everything was ready for any complication, he spoke to Kirsten via the radio and explained that Kyra would give birth any moment, he made sure she knew that if there were any complications she would stop the truck and climb in the back to help him.
Kirsten sent a hug and kiss to Kyra and told Matthew she understood.
Matthew heard Kyra panting and sat beside her as Michael tried to soothe her pain with soft words, he smirked at the knowledge of what Kyra would be like in a very short time, cursing Michael to heaven and back with transition.
Another contraction cursed through Kyra's body and she grasped Michael's hand fiercely, she could feel his shaking as she started to go through transition, she felt like her body would burst open any moment, she wanted to cry out but her voice was almost gone, she had cried out so much the first 4 hours that she had lost her voice.
Several hours later Charlevoix.
Michael walked into the train station and to locker 53, he opened it and took the suitcase inside, he walked to the men's room and proceeded to destroy all the evidence of their lives, he then took the passports, and other papers and rushed back to the Hotel where Kyra laid in the middle of labor, he wanted to cry as he left the station, he was now officially dead, for all intents and purposes he was now Michel Vachon, an excentric art dealer who traveled with his family everywhere.
Michael took the bus and made sure he had not picked up a tail, several hours later he entered the hotel room and watched Kyra biting on a pillow, Matthew kneeled before Kyra as Kirsten held her hand in hers, Michael smiled at Kirsten and took his wife's hand as the contraction subsided, he took his jacket off and pulled Kyra up to lay on his chest, he wrapped his arms around her and wiped the sweat off her brow.
Kyra panted once again and proceeded to push with the next contraction, Michael looked at Matthew and felt relief for Matthews eyes showed calm and tranquility, he gazed at Kirsten as she stood by the window taking up watch, he suspected she knew alot more than she said and he promised to speak to her as soon as possible.
" Kyra I need you to push hard with the next contraction alright?" Matthew squeezed her hand lightly as Kyra nodded and proceeded to bare down as the next contraction took over her delicate body.
** I will kill him for this i swear** Kyra thought as the next contraction assaulted her now weak and tired body, she sighed as Michael stood and left her side to get some ice, she followed his every movement while trying to breathe.
Michael could not take her pain any longer, he moved her to rest on the pillow and stood walking to the fridge he took a cold bottle of water and opened it, taking a long drink he watched Kyra follow his every move.
** Mon dieu I never imagined this could take this long, how could Elena and Simone go through this alone? ** he mussed as he walked to the window and stood watching the dawn break, it had been over 18 hours since they arrived in the city he felt depleted and weary as he took Kirsten's hand and kissed her delicate brow " get some sleep Kirsten You will need it"
Kirsten looked at Michael and saw the dark circles under his own eyes, the exhaustion he could not longer hide shone bright in his now silver gaze, he was dead on his feet but would not sleep.
** Poor Michael he will collapse at any moment and then what will we do?** Kirsten thought as she cupped his face between her hands and leaned in to kiss his cheek.
Kirsten settled herself as best as her 8 month pregnant body could manage, she looked at Matthew and saw his exhaustion as well, she smiled and blew him a kiss just before her eyes drifted shut and she fell asleep.
"Michael " Kyra begged as another contraction cursed through her body, she lifted her hand to beg for his and he obliged, taking her sweat drenched hand in his cool one he lifted her and slipped behind her.
" Breathe Ma Chere just concentrate and breathe" he gently rubbed her tired shoulders and another contraction made her lurch forward.
Matthew sighed and stood " Michael i need to talk to you in the bathroom please" he gazed at Kyra and she nodded, lifting her body up so Michael could slip out from under her, she grasped his hand and whispered " be quick please"
Michael leaned in and kissed her lips as another contraction made her shudder, he straightened and followed Matthew into the small bathroom.
" Michael she is dialated but the babies are not moving, i need to help her along"
Michael's eyes widened considerably as Matthew said this " what do you mean help her along? You're not going to do a Cesarean here right? " Michael was terrified that Kyra would die, he had sworn that he would die before allowing his beautiful wife to be harmed, if the babies died so be it as long as Kyra lived.
Matthew smiled " NO, no Cesarean just a small dose of a drug to induce the contractions, it will be painful for her" he saw Michael open his mouth to speak and he lifted a hand to silence him. " The contractions will be doubled, there will be no rest for her, but it is the only way the babies will come sooner, she can't take much more, she should have delivered the first already, but they are not moving at all" he felt Michael's muscles bunch up under his hand and wanted to order him to sleep but he would not, not until Kyra had delivered his children and they were asleep themselves.
He then thought of something to help him relax and decided to do it, Matthew watched Michael leave the room and walk to kneel beside Kyra, he went to his medical bag and took the sedative out, drawing the right amount he deliverately called Michael over.
Michael stood kissing Kyra's hand and walked toward Matthew. " Michael i feel that you need to relax, why don't you take a shower while I prepare Kyra alright? " Matthew slowly lifted the syringe to Michael's neck waiting for him to look to Kyra, the moment Michael did he plunged the needle home and delivered the sedative.
Michael pushed him away, and grabbed his neck he looked at Matthew's hand and saw the syringe and glared at him "what did you give me Matthew?" Michael could feel the sedative cursing through his veins, it was not strong enough to snow him, but would incapacitate his mind and body for a while. He lifted his gaze to Kyra and saw her eyes fill with tears.
" Michael you need to rest or you will collapse, I need you to stay calm Kyra will still take a few hours until she delivers, lie down beside her and rest please" Matthew watched Michael sway a little and hoped the dosage would not put him under, he wanted Michael relaxed not passed out.
Michael turned and felt his body weaken, he took a careful step and watched Kyra as another contraction cursed through her delicate body ** I am a monster for getting her pregnant, she should never have gone ahead with the pregnancy, she is too small and delicate for barring children, if anything happens to her or the babies i don't know what I'll do, it would be my fault** he shuddered and felt his knees buckling, he took one more step and collapsed beside Kyra, his head flopping on the pillow beside her, he closed his eyes and willed his body to stay consciouss, he felt a soft caress and his eyes Fluttered open, Kyra laid beside him caressing his cheek while she tried to control her breathing, he felt her trembling with the effort to keep her body going after almost 26 hours without sleep. He looked at her and smiled giving her the comfort she needed.
Kyra felt Michael's muscles relaxing under her caress, she smiled and tenderly ran her fingers down his cheek, feeling the softness of his 3 day growth of beard " rest my love, close your eyes and sleep some i will wake you when it's time to meet your children alright" she kissed her fingers and gently placed them on his lips, he whimpered and burried his face in the crook of her neck, he wanted to stay awake so badly but the sedative was affecting him, the combination of stress, exhaustion and lack of sleep and the drug took every ounce of energy he had and he drifted off to a restless sleep while his wife pushed and grunted with the need to bring her children to this world.
Matthew watched Michael fall asleep and walked to Kyra, taking her hand he whispered in her ear " I will give you something to help the kids move along, this might cause you some pain, scream if you wish all will be well, if you start feeling lightheaded or nauseaus tell me and I will give you something to obliterate this drug" he felt Kyra squeeze his hand and nod and he proceeded to inject her.
Kirsten woke several hours later to the soft cries Kyra emmited, she saw Michael's face burried in her neck and Kirsten got worried. she stood and rushed to Kyra's side, taking her trembling hand in her cool one she asked.
" is he ok? What happened?"
Kyra smiled and proceeded to explain what Matthew had done between contractions. Kirsten stood to go get some water and felt a twinge curse through her body, and something pop inside of her abdomen, she rushed to the bathroom and checked, indeed her water had broken and she knew what this meant, she would give birth soon " god why can't anything be easy for us? " she whispered as she leaned on the sink, she heard Kyra crying harder and walked out, praying the babies would take their sweet time arriving.
Kirsten opened the door and saw Matthew rushing to Kyra's side.
" what's wrong Matt? Is she ok? Are the babies ok?" Kirsten walked as fast as she could to Kyra's side and took her hand. Kyra was trembling as she pushed and tried to get her babies out with the diminishing energy she possesed.
Kyra whimpered again and Michael woke, he lifted his head and gazed into the unfocused eyes of his wife, he winced as he moved slowly, his head ached, his muscles were sore and his brain felt ten times the normal size " Kyra are you ok? " He whispered softly as he kissed her neck.
She nodded and pushed harder as another contraction shook her body.
Matthew took a seat before Kyra and checked if there was any more progress, he felt the first baby's head and smiled " Kyra the baby is crowning i need you to slow down a bit alright? Don't push until i tell you please" he called Kirsten toward him and she waddled as fast as she could while hidding her own contractions from her husband.
Kirsten sat beside Matthew a soft blanket in her hands waiting for the arrival of her first niece or nephew, she smiled as a dark tatch of hair popped out of Kyra slowly, she lifted tear filled eyes toward her best friends and locked her gaze with Michael's, she smiled and formed the word **soon** while nodding her head.
Michael sighed with relief, he checked his watch and realized he had slept for over 6 hours, he must have been more tired than he thought, he took Kyra's hand in his and slipped under her to support her shaking body.
Kyra grasped Michael's hands and squeezed as hard as she could after Matthew told her to push, she pushed harder and harder until the baby's head slipped out.
" Kyra stop, i need you to take deep breaths the head is out but we still need to get the body out and remember we still got one more baby to deliver so rest up while i take the baby out alright?" he noticed her paleness and her agitated state and worried about her, she was very small and had spent over 30 hours delivering this baby the next would be faster but they still had a long time to go, he slowly turned the bay's shoulders and held it while the baby slipped slowy out of Kyra.
" Your son has arrived Kyra, Michael " he stated as the baby wailed loudly, Kyra smiled and tears fell out of her red eyes, Michael watched Kirsten clean and lay the baby boy on Kyra's abdomen while Matthew called Michael to cut the cord.
Michael took the scissors and gently squeezed until the cord was cut, he heard his son cry one more time before settling in to wait for his sister to arrive, Michael took the baby's hand and checked him completely, the boy had dark Golden hair and light gray eyes, he smiled as his son slowly yawned and closed his eyes.
" Luc Mon Pauvre Fils toi Devoir tre puisé! " ( Luc My Poor son you must be exhausted) Michael whispered as he caressed Kyra's cheek gently, her eyes were starting to close and he shook her gently.
" Kyra stay awake our daughter needs us" he softly said as Kyra tried to open her tired eyes, she nodded and gently caressed Luc's back.
Kyra tensed as another contraction cursed through her body, the drugs had left her body hours ago and she had lied about this, she had suffered through the most painful contractions she could imagine, she felt another contraction start and she gazed at kirsten, her face was pale and drawn, she knew something was wrong with Kirsten but could not ask for at this moment another contraction even stronger ripped through her body.
Kirsten took Luc off Kyra's abdomen and deposited him gently on his side, his basinet sat on the other bed under the direct rush of warm air of the heater. She felt another twinge and breathed through it as she straightened her body up, she kissed her fingers and gently touched Luc's cheek, she smiled as the baby yawned once again and settled deeper in the blankets that sorrounded his tiny body.
She turned as Kyra screamed for the first time in hours and she rushed to help her husband deliver the second baby, she sat beside Matthew and cleansed his brow of the sweat accumulating there as she watched Michael trying to soothe Kyra's pain.
Michael knew that the medication had finally left her body the moment she screamed, he shuddered as her body spasmed in pain, he lifted her higher and tried to calm her as another contraction shook her body.
Matthew could see the head crowning and told them, he smiled and Kyra eased on her pushing, the baby's head poped out and he asked Kyra to stop pushing, once again he gently turned the baby's face and noticed she was not breathing, Kirsten gasped at seeing the baby's face turning purple, Michael heard her gasp and moved to see what was wrong, he watched as Matthew tried to get his daughter to breathe.
Michael's body started to shake with fear, he closed his eyes and begged god to not take his daughter away, he started to hyperventilate and tried to control it for Kyra's benefit. He was frightened of losing his daughter before he even met her, he slipped from under Kyra's shaking body and rushed to Matthew's side " do something Matthew please" he watched as Kyra tried to push but Matthew stopped her, Kirsten stood and took kyra's hand while Michael tried to disentagle the cord from around his daughter's neck, the baby was turning purple by now, his hands shaking and his breathing as erratic as ever he took the scissors and cut the cord off, immediately her tiny body slipped out of her mother's womb and laid lifeless in his hands, Matthew took the baby out of Michael's shaking hands and proceeded to slap the baby's bottom, nothing, the baby did not react.
Michael heard Kyra scream as she saw her daughter's skin color and he snapped out of it, he stood and ran to Kyra's side and took her in his arms, he tried to comfort her as her shaking body spasmed with not only the pain she felt but fear for losing her daughter " give her to me Matthew please" Kyra begged but Matthew did not acknowledge, he kept breathing for the tiny infant forcing life into her tiny body, suddenly a soft whimper rose from her body and her color started to become pink again, her eyes opened and she gave a full blown scream that made her father proud.
Michael turned as he heard his daughter cry and laughed at Matthew's expression, for the baby had decided to scream right into his ear, Kyra held her arms out to hold her daughter and Matthew obliged, he cleaned the baby and placed her on Kyra's abdomen as Kirsten stood and walked to the bathroom.
Matthew watched his wife walk away wiping tears away and just as he was about to turn and take Skye from her mother he watched Kirsten grab the wall and at the same time grasp her abdomen, he walked to her and took her hand " Kirsten are you in labor? " he asked as he wiped his wife's sweaty face, she nodded and whimpered as another contraction cursed through her body.
Matthew felt his luck abandoning him as he realized Kirsten was not in the first stages of labor which would allow him some rest, but in full blown labor, he took her hands and guided her to the bed, he watched Michael and Kyra cooing at their daughter, he wanted to scream at the crazy moment his children decided to come into the world, they seemed to have heard their cousins arrive and wanted to meet them immediately.
Michael heard Kirsten whimper and turned to look at her, Matthew was laying Kirsten on the bed and placing the sheet over her body, he realized Kirsten was now in active labor and looked at Kyra, she had stopped playing with Skye and Her huge sapphire blue eyes gazed at her best friend. " Michael take Skye and place her in her basinet, then help me move so i can help Kirsten.
Michael took his daughter's tiny body in his hands and she seemed to be even smaller being held in his big hands, he gently placed Skye beside her brother and kissed both their heads before wrapping them in the blankets, he sighed and proceeded to drag his tired body toward Kyra once again.
Matthew heard Kyra wanted to be beside Kirsten and he stood, taking Kirsten's under clothes off he prepared her for the pain she would soon go through, he sighed and shook his head at Kyra " Kyra you and Michael need to rest, I'll be fine, just rest please, Kirsten will still take a long time to deliver and i want both of you to sleep some ok" Michael sat beside his wife, his face drawn and pale, dark circles surrounding his eyes as he tried to keep them open.
Kyra Looked at Michael and found him almost passed out, his eyelashes were fluttering wildly as he attempted to stay awake, she pulled him to her and he collapsed against her breast, he tried to move but was unable to. the sedative was still cursing through his system and once the adrenaline wore off he could not fight it any longer, his eyes gazed one last time at Kyra's before drifting closed. He swiftly slipped into uncosnciousness as he wrapped his arms around his wife.
Kyra watched Kirsten panting and tried to comfort her, she reached her hand as far as it would go and touched her trembling fingers, Kirsten wrapped her hand around Kyra's and that is how Kyra fell asleep, with Kirsten's hand in hers.
Matthew softly spoke to Kirsten as he prepared to get the afterbirth from Kyra " Kirsten i need to finish the birthing procedure on Kyra, keep breathing and try to concentrate, i won't take long" Kirsten nodded and panted as she held Kyra's hand in hers.
Matthew gently placed his hand on Kyra's abdomen and pushed until he felt the afterbirth come out, he wrapped it in a soft sheet and placed it beside the sink as he walked to the bathroom to get a pail of hot water. He returned to Kirsten's side and prepared himself to deliver his own children. ** what a crazy week this has been** he mussed as Kirsten started to push and he saw his firstborn's head crown ** so much for taking their time huh** he smiled at his wife and held her hand while she pushed her son out.
Back in section one
Madeleine stood outside the observation deck in level 27 waiting for the remains found in Canada to be identified, she was exasperated with the inability of the medical personel to do a simple DNA test.
She turned as the door slid open and Operations entered " any news?" Operations asked as he stood watching the medical personel do the necessary autopsy on the charred remains, he wanted confirmation of Michael's death so badly, he needed to recruit Adam soon and it would be difficult if Michael was alive, he turned and spoke to Madeleine again.
" page me when the tests are done, i need the confirmation for Adam's recruitment and Elena's disposal ASAP!" Madeleine looked at him and nodded, she heard the door close and pushed the button.
" How much longer Dr. Berliotz we need the DNA confirmation within the hour"
The doctor looked up toward the observation room and sighed, this was the 6 th. Time Madeleine asked the same question and the answer was the same, the remains were too disfigured and damaged for a normal DNA test they ad to do a new test which had a higher probability of success by scraping the heart, brain and spinal cord of the deepest cells and use those for testing, which created a unique problem. This test was designed to be done under strict controlled conditions and these conditions were less than perfect, he sighed once again as he walked to the door and proceeded to repeat himself again.
" Madeleine the test will still take several hours more, we could barely scrape enough cells from the heart and spinal cord, we need more for the tests if you wish them to be accurate, you know the probability of an error grows with each minute lost" he turned and stood beside the body's head, waiting for the nurse to start the saw and crack open the skull.
Madeleine looked at the man and signed him off for cancelation as soon as he was finished, she would not take such insubordination. Madeleine turned on her heels and rushed back to her office, once inside her office she took the shears and started to prune her plants.
Birkoff pulled the comm unit out of his ear and rushed to munitions to tell Nikita about operations plans.
He entered munitions and saw Nikita, he rushed toward her and pulled her to the back " Nikita we need to speak, I heard a conversation between Operations and Madeleine, he wants to recruit Adam into section and kill Elena"
Nikita gasped at the news, she knew Adam was invaluable to section but never imagined they would actually recruit him, but now that Michael was ** dead** they could do as they wished, she rushed to get her phone and call Michael before it was too late for Elena and Adam.
A Couple of hours later
Walter, Birkoff and Nikita sat inside munitions waiting for the news, but even knowing what they were going to be, they were still nervous, what if Birkoff made a mistake? Nikita kept asking herself while watching Birkoff win another game of quake, they heard the loud noise of Madeleine's high healed feet and they scattered, Nikita hid inside munitions while walter cleaned and restocked his guns, Birkoff rushed back to his station and waited for the show down to begin.
Nikita had tried to contact Michael for the past 3 hours without success, she was fruustrated for she could not leave section, she told Birkoff to try and send Michael an email with the intel and he agreed.
After several hours Dr. Berliotz walked to Madeleine's office and delivered the results himself, he walked out feeling his heart was going to explode, just as he turned the corner 2 guards approached him and dragged him to the white room where he was canceled.
Madeleine walked out of her office looking pissed, she glared at Nikita and Birkoff and then walked up the stairs to the aerie, she entered and the glass went dark, then suddenly there was a loud scream and the remote control flew through the glass, Birkoff and Nikita dived for cover as the glass landed all around them.
When they got out of their hiding places they watched Madeleine walk past them and to her office, he expression less than happy.
Walter walked out of munitions and smiled as he watched Nikita and Birkoff dusting the glass from their clothing and hair. " I need a shower Birkoff call
me if there is a briefing ok?" Nikita turned and left Comm toward her Stand by quarters to shower and change.
45 Minutes later Operations called Walter, Nikita, Birkoff and Davenport and waited as Madeleine made her way to the briefing room, her eyes flashed hate toward Operations as she took her usual seat.
" as all of you know, Madeleine went to canada to retreive and confirm Michael's demise, the tests have concluded that the body found was indeed Michael's" he looked directly at Nikita and she could not help but shed tears, but her tears were of joy not sadness, she had accomplished it, Michael was finally free of Section and soon Walter, Birkoff and herself would be free too.
Nikita stood and walked out of the room ignoring Operations summons, Walter and Birkoff lowered their heads and sent a special prayer for Michael to stay out of the limelight, Operations and Madeleine left, Walter and Birkoff looked at each other and set up a meeting time for 9 pm that night, Birkoff stood and went to send the good news to Michael.
Madeleine followed Operations into the aerie and stood at the door.
" you know I do not believe that the body was Michael's i am sure he is alive and we need to go find him Paul." Madeleine walked to the window and looked across Comm.
" Madeleine the tests were exhaustive, we did everything we could to confirm that the body you found is indeed Michael's the files show that the tests are 99.9% accurate and that means there is almost no chance that the body is anyone elses. Now please resume your duties as my second in command before i take action and replace you." He turned and entered his private
quarters leaving Madeleine seething at his rudeness.
Madeleine turned and left the aerie and swore she would Find Michael, she knew he was alive and she would proove it.
Back in Canada Michael sat at the hotel reading the message Birkoff had sent him ** Adam being recruited and Elena disposed of?** he stood and made a phone call, sending Elena and Adam into hiding for life, he entered the room and watched everyone sleeping, he laid his head beside Kyra and drifted off to sleep knowing his son and Elena were now safe and out of Operations hands.
Several weeks later
![]() "Besides your beautiful eyes, I think I like your hands the best," Kyra said with a smile of delight as those hands swirled bounteous lather over and around her breasts.
Michael stood behind her in the old fashioned bathtub, complete with a ringed shower curtain and long necked shower head. The bathroom's gas heater glittered with blue and yellow flames, and two, slender candles cast pale, wavering haloes of light upon the walls. The rest of the house was dark. It gave them both a feeling of total solitude, as if they were the only two people left on Earth.
"Do you?" He asked sounding faintly amused, as his hands washed further down.
"Hmmm," she sighed as he gently stroked her.
Kyra felt him, hot and hard against her buttocks and rubbed playfully against him. Michael responded by crossing one arm across her breasts and pulling her closer. She continued to entice him, lifting on her toes and lowering herself again until she felt his mood shift abruptly from playful to serious and he turned her in his arms to kiss.
"Michel . . ." Kyra's head fell back as his mouth came down against her throat, hot and hungry as the rest of his body. His mouth tugged gently at her breasts, then continued down, skimming across her belly, as he knelt before her.
"Oh, . . . yes . . ."
Yes, to the intimate kiss, the warmth of his tongue shattering her existence. Yes, to the security of his arms around her hips holding her up. Yes, as she fell off the edge of the world into his embrace.
Michael carried her and laid her tenderly on their bed.
Kyra clung to Michael like he was the only fixed point in the universe as he finally eased his body into hers. Advance and retreat, warmth into warmth, in the ageless ritual of lovers. Giving and taking in one exquisite final act. She wept as she felt him groan and spill his heat inside her.
'Oh more, please more! Hold me like this until I die . . .don't let tomorrow come when tonight is all we have.'
They clung to each other like this was the last night of their lives, Michael snuggled beside Kyra, while his shaft was still inside her, Kyra turned in his embrace and wrapped her arms arounfd him and the slowly drifted off to sleep listening to each other's ragged breathing.
The soft wailing of her son woke Kyra, she sighed and dragged herself from under Michael, she gently kissed his brow as he settled onto his stomach his favorite position to sleep in, she smiled and walked to the twins room, by this time Luc had woke Skye up and they were both wailing loudly while shaking their tiny fists in the air.
" Good Monring My Loves who will eat first today huh?" Kyra spoke as she checked the schedule for today, it was Luc's turn to feed first and she took her son in her arms while starting the rocking motion on Skye's cradle, Skye slowly stopped crying while she waited for her turn, Kyra could not believe how much her children had grown in the 5 short weeks since being born.
Michael turned over and stretched his arm to wrap it around Kyra but encountered nothing, he snapped his eyes open and looked around the room, Kyra was no where near, he slowly sat up and listened, he could hear the soft music in the nursery and got out of bed, wrapping the sheet around his elan hips he walked to the nursery and stood at the door watching as Kyra laid their daughter in her crib, he made his way to Kyra and wrapped his arms around her waist, Kyra jumped as his muscled arms surrounded her tiny waist she turned in his embrace and kissed his mouth fully as he pulled her against him, showing her his aroused state.
Kyra giggled as he pushed her slowly down to the floor and kissed her voraciously.
" Michel we can't do this here the babies" Kyra whispered as she tried to push him off her, but Michael took her hands in his and kissed them both.
" Soleil they are too young to understand, and we have complete privacy, I need you Soleil" Michael groaned as he kissed Kyra more fully while grinding his arousal on Kyra's entrance.
Kyra Moaned as Michael slowly kissed her while his hand traveled down to cup her mound, she was ready, he pushed her lace panties aside and slipped a finger inside her while his thumb played with her clit.
Kyra squirmed against his hand, Michael rubbed her clit until she came, her climax was explosive and he kissed her swalloing her sated screams.
Kyra laid in Michael's embrace after her climax, she could fell his need throbbing against her thigh and she slowly slipped her hand undeneath the sheet and wrapped her fingers around Michael's shaft, it felt like steel wrapped in silk, she started to caress him until his hand stopped hers.
Kyra looked up at him and gently nipped his lower lip " please let me love you like you deserve Michel" she kissed him passionately until he moaned and pulled flush against him, his shaft throbbed painfully between them and she gently took it in her hands and slipped it inside, he gave one soft push and sheated himself inside of her.
** it feels like coming home, i belong here** Michael mussed as he started to grind his hips to Kyra's, they made love slowly, passionately. Kyra played with Michael's scrotum as he flipped them over and he started to grind his hips harder and faster, she could feel his climax approaching swiftly and started to meet his thrusts until he arched his back and with a gasp of pleasure he emptied his seed inside Kyra and Kyra followed him into bliss a few seconds later. Later he laid on top of Kyra, both of them sated and content, Michael pulled out of Kyra and took her in his arms, making sure the twins were still sleeping he slowly made his way to their bedroom with Kyra in his arms. Michael deposited a sleeping Lyra in their bed and slid in beside her, wrapping his arms around his wife Michael drifted off to sleep once again.
Kirsten stood in the kitchen preparing the twins bottles, Matthew entered the kitchen and stood at the door watching her, they could hear the soft moans of pleasure Kyra and Michael emmited and he smiled softly. ** God it took them exactly 3 weeks to start making love and now listen God they will get pregnant again sooner than they should** Matthew mussed as he watched Kirsten.
Kirsten was frustrated, specially listening to those two up stairs making love like nothing had ever happened, she was still sore and was unable to make love to Matthew the way she wanted and needed to, she filled the second bottle and huffed as they heard the bedroom door close ** good they went back to sleep** Kirsten thought as she turned to go feed her children, she screamed as she saw her husband, the bottles falling from her hands.
Matthew's eyes widened and he rushed to her. " Kirsten what's wrong?" he wrapped her in his embrace and she pushed him away.
" You scared me Matt, God don't ever do that again!" she picked the bottles off the floor and cleaned them before rushing past Matthew and into her twin daughter's room.
Matthew stood there stunned, Kirsten had never pushed him away before and he tried to understand what was so wrong? He then smiled as he realized Kirsten was frustrated just like him, she had wanted to make love a week ago and they found out that she was still too sore from delivering the twins to be touched, he laughed and shook his head. ** I need to make love to her, might as well do it today or she will get worse** Matthew walked to the coffee maker and started the coffee brewing.
After what felt like years but was only 20 minutes Kirsten entered the kitchen and went to the dish washer, she emptied the bottles and placed them along side the other dishes to be washed later, she straightened and felt Matthew wrap his arms around her, his hands cupped her breasts and she moaned and arched against his hands.
" Matthew we can't do this, I'm still too sore" she protested as his right hand traveled down her abdomen toward her nether region.
" Don't worry Ange I won't hurt you" he kissed her neck while his hand slipped into her shorts and cupped her mound, she arched more and groaned with the sweet pleasure Matthew gave her with his fingers, she soon realized they were moving, he pulled her into the laundry room and lifted her onto the washer, slipped his hand into her shorts while his other hand caressed a breast, Kirsten wanted more but was afraid to ask, they looked at each other and he read her wishes in those pale eyes of hers, he withdrew his hand from her breast and replaced it with his mouth, hot and tender was he.
Kirsten made a strangled sound as his thumb gently rubbed her clit, he could feel her beggining to climax and he rubbed harder, slipping one and then two fingers into her he pushed and rubbed until Kirsten came apart in his arms as she climaxed.
Kirsten laid against his shoulder, her hair flowing down her back as she began to breathe normally again, Matthew pulled her shorts and t-shirt off and gently kissed her parted lips.
" Thank you Matthew" she whispered as her hand started to travel down
toward his pants, she raked her nails down his chest and around his flat male nipples until he hissed with pleasure, her hand traveled lower and she encountered him hot and ready for her, she slipped her hands inside his pants and wrapped one hand around his shaft while the other cupped and stroked his scrotum.
Matthew started to move his hips involuntarily as kirsten rubbed and played with him, he soon took her hands off his body and pushed his shorts down, his erection stood proud against her thigh and she smiled and licked her lips, Kirsten slowly slid off the washer and sheated him inside herself fully, she groaned as his massive size stretched her fully, Matthew gently rubbed her nipples while kissing her neck, soon Kirsten was moving slowly and he lifted her up on the washer again, he started to grind his hips slowly against her until a rhythm was established.
Matthew's hands played with his wife's small breasts while he made love slow and gently to Kirsten, then he felt her start to climax and he picked up his pace, grinding harder and faster until they claimed each other's mouths and climaxed instantly.
Several hours later, Kyra entered the Kitchen and found the laundry room door open, she peeked in and saw Matthew and Kirsten asleep on the bundle of clothing, they were still joined, she smiled and closed the door, making her way back upstairs.
Kyra stood inside the door of her bedroom watching Michael sleep, he started to twitch and moan softly and she rushed to his side, he was having another nightmare and she knew how bad they could get, she shook him softly but that only made his moan louder. Then she heard him speak.
" Simone No please Simone! God No!" he turned over and Kyra stared at him, she had heard him call Nikita and even Adam and Elena but he had never mentioned this Simone, she watched him, his brow furrowed and his hands clutching the sheet tightly, she again tried to shake him but just as her hand touched him he screamed.
" SIMONE!!!!!!!!!" he sat up and Kyra wrapped her arms around him, she could feel him shaking badly as he finally laid his head on her shoulder and surrounded her waist with his shaking arms.
After some time Kyra cupped his face in her hands and kissed his dry lips.
" Michel tell me about the dreams, the people you mention are they from your other life?" Kyra slowly rubbed her thumbs against his lips and cheeks.
Michael lifted his gaze to her's and felt a jolt of electricity pass through them as their eyes locked, she could see the sadness and pain Michael felt, she leaned in and kissed his lips, trying to find some way to get him to open up and tell her about the people he dreamed about, his past life, anything that would explain the nightmares and the resason why he dreamed constantly about them.
Michael felt the coldness in his body ease as Kyra gently kissed and caressed him, he wanted to explain so much to her, but he was afraid that she would push him away if she knew the monster that he was. He shook his head and burried his face in the crook of her neck and tried to control his trembling body.
Kyra gently pushed him back onto the pillow and wrapped her arms around him, trying to offer him comfort and love, she knew he would tell her soon, when the time was right, she kissed his temple and closed her eyes listening to the beat of his heart, she soon drifted off to sleep.
Micheal could not sleep, his body ached, he had not dreamed about Simone in a couple of years, not since he began his relationship with Nikita, he wondered what caused him to start dreaming about Simone once again.
Kirsten walked down the path toward the clearing where Matthew and Michael were working on building the new house, she watched the men working dilingently to finish the house before the winter began.
She smiled as she remembered the day they had found the farm.
Michael entered the hotel room 5 days after Kyra and Kirsten had delivered the babies, he sat beside Kyra and watched her sleep, Kirsten had been feeding her babies while Matthew took up watch at the window, Michael had opened the laptop and called them to the table.
" What's wrong Michael? what did you find?" Matthew sat beside him as Kirsten left her twins in their cradle, she sat in Matthew's lap and waited for Michael to go and wake up Kyra, it took him some time, for Kyra had still been under the heavy sedatives Matthew gave her after the delivery so she would rest.
Once Kyra woke and was comfortably sitting on Michael's lap, he pressed the button and proceeded to explain.
" I found the farm house this morning, it's in good shape, 45 minutes outside Quebec city, it has 100 acres of land surrounding it, and there is a small clearing here " he pointed to a cluster of trees and kept going " we can build your house there Matthew, the nearest neighbor is 10 minutes away by car, we will be as safe as ever there" he closed the laptop and kissed Kyra.
Matthew looked at the pictures wondering if Michael realized the similarity between this farm house and the one Stefan had gifted to them, they were both old, and a bit run down, and there was lots of land surrounding it. He smiled as Kirsten nodded her head and kissed his lips.
" when do we move Michael?" Kirsten wanted to get settled as soon as posible, this hotel was too small and open, they needed the safety of the land and anonimity.
" we can move in tomorrow, I signed the papers today" he smiled as Kyra nuzzled his neck and promptly fell asleep whispering ** as you wish** to him.
A scream pulled her out of her reverie and she watched as Michael fell off the second story roof and landed hard, his wind knocked out and a hard blow to the back of his head made him pass out
Kirsten rushed toward him, reaching Michael as Matthew exited the house and kneeled beside Michael, she took his hand in hers and grasped it tightly against her chest, Matthew checked Michael finding a small pool of blood spreading under his head. Michael was not breathing and Matthew spun into action, he lifted Michael's head and wrapped his discarded shirt around it, Kirsten started to breathe for Michael while Matthew checked for broken bones, there were none, but Michael was unconsciouss and not breathing.
Suddenly Kirsten felt Michael take a breath and she smiled, tears falling down her cheeks as she softly caressed his cheeks.
Matthew stood and rushed into the house bringing the blanket out and covering Michael he spoke to Kirsten. " we need to take Michael to the house, grab his upper body while I take his legs, Kirsten we need to hurry, he could have a Subdural Hematoma, and the equipment is at the house, come on" he lifted Michael's legs and Kirsten wrapped her arms around Michael's chest, settling his head gently on her breast they lifted him and rushed to the house.
Kyra sat beside the cradles watching the babies sleep, she smiled as Angely and Dyana slept peacefully, the twin girls were amazing, they were identcal in every way she could tell, their hair was pale blonde, almost white, wavy, their eyes were pale blue, their skin was extremely pale, paler than Kirsten's. She looked at her own twins, Luc was getting so big, his hair a golden blonde, curly and soft, his eyes were a pale gray, while Skye his sister was as different from him as she could be, Skye's hair was deep red, her hair straight and silky soft, her eyes were Michael's one moment gray the next green, she smiled and gently kissed the babies heads.
Kyra heard a noise and looked up to find Matthew and kirsten carrying Michael's inert form in their arms, she felt her world spin wildly as they neared the house, Matthw screamed at her to get the babies inside and come help and she snapped out of her shock, taking the cradles and pushing them inside she rushed out to help them carry Michael, Kirsten gave Michael's upper body to Kyra and rushed inside to take the children into the nursery, she pulled her bloody shirt off and grabbed Matthew's black t-shirt, and rushed to the medical office where Matthew settled Michael's lifeless body on the gurney, he took the oxygen and placed it Over Michael's mouth and nose, checking Michael's pupils they seemed reactive and normal, Kyra held Michael's hand in hers , her eyes wide with fright as Matthew Checked Michael's body inch by inch, he Pulled the x-ray equipment into the room and sent the women to stand outside the room, he took several x-rays of his neck, body and extremities, he called for Kyra to come back in, Kirsten left to care for the babies.
Kyra sat beside Michael caressing his hair and face trying to get him to wake up, in the next room Matthew started the C.T. Machine, he was glad that they had decided to buy all the necessary equipment to make sure they did not have to go to a hospital, he pushed the switch and the machine began the cycle, he walked to the door and told Kyra that she should bring Michael in, she stood and pushed the gurney toward the door, Kyra was frightened of Michael's Injuries, he already had a severe concussion which Matthew knew nothing about, she had to explain Michael's other injuries too, for the C.T. scan would show all of them.
Matthew pushed the gurney into the C.T. machine and pulled Kyra behind the screen, he pushed the button and the machine began, he paid close attention to the images coming up on the monitors.
Kirsten paced the room worried about what Michael's injuries were, she wanted to be beside him and Kyra so badly but someone had to watch the babies.
" God what if Michael never regains consciousness? What if he ends up catatonic or a vegetable? What will we do? " she sat down hard on the floor and cried herself to sleep.
Matthew checked the C.T. scan while Kyra pulled the gurney out of the machine, she kissed Michael's cold lips and burried her face in his neck.
Matthew found nothing wrong with Michael, he saw the old Concussion and sighed, Kirsten had been right, the injury was aggravated by the fall, Michael's old concussion had been increased due to this new accident, he sighed and went to Kyra.
" Kyra sit down here with me please, we need to speak" he patted the seat beside him and Kyra looked at him, turned and kissed Michael's lips and proceeded to sit down and listen to Matthew.
" How bad is it?" Kyra clasped her hands in her lap and waited for Matthew to speak.
" Kyra his old concussion was aggravated, it has increased in size and could be the reason why he is not waking up, i found nothing to cause his body or brain to not wake except for the concussion, he has a small break in his left arm, and the worst injury is a slipped disk in his spine that has caused the spine to swell up, he will be paralyzed for some time while the swelling goes down, we need to keep him inmovile while the injury heals, I will go to town and get the necessary supplies to keep him heavily sedated and in bed" Matthew knew Michael could end up paralyzed if he moved, they had already caused enough damage by transporting him back to the house, he stood and walked to Michael's side, he looked at Kyra and nodded, taking a syringe and drawing the necessary amount of sedative he left it beside the gurney for when Michael woke up, then took the jacket off the hook and left the farm.
Kyra sat beside Michael, her fingers running through his soft curls and praying for his recovery to be swift, she felt a soft, cold hand touch her shoulder and turned to see Kirsten beside her. " where is Matthew? " Kyra told her best friend where Matthew had gone and explained the findings to her, Kirsten cried for Michael, life was starting to become good for them, he didn't deserve this now, she stood and left the room and walked outside, she stood below the old willow tree and weeped for what Michael and Kyra could lose.
Then she remembered something that Stefan had told her ** If you need Help to save Michael's life, call this number, give the person who answers the code written on this and give the location you are in, within 6 hours someone will come to help** she wanted to do what Stefan had said but was afraid that if she did Kyra and Michael would be separated forever, so she stopped herself and instead walked to the twins bedroom and held her babies in her arms while she cried herself to sleep.
Meanwhile Michael's mind was forcing him to live out all his nightmares at once!
Michael stood at a park, the breeze ruffled his hair wildly as he stood watching a small girl fly a kite, suddenly the clouds darkened and the kite disappeard, he saw the flash of a bomb exploding and saw the child fall lifeless to the ground, he watched as dozens of people fell dead around him, as he turned he watched himself standing at the edge of the woods, watching the people die by the bomb he created for Rene and which should have exploded in the administration building of the shcool not the park.
Then everything went black, he turned to find some way to escape this nightmare and found himself standing before Marie Ange His sister, she stood watching him her face full of tears as he was dragged away to prison, he saw the showrer room where many times he had been raped by the other inmates until one night while he slept a man slipped into his cell and injected him with a sedative, darkness claimed him as the drug took effect, the only thing he remebered seeing was cold blue eyes peeking out from the ski mask the man wore.
He shivered as the darkness surrounded him, he could barely breathe, it hurt too much, he forced his lungs to expand and tried to look around, he was completely ensconed in darkness, he started to walk slowly, reaching his arms out as he too eak step, suddenly out of nowhere he found himself standing inside the white room being beaten by Jurgen as his training came to an end.
" You must learn to love the pain Michael it is the only way you can survive" Jurgen said as he punched and kicked a much younger Michael to a pulp, his face was bruised and bleeding, there were almost no space where there were not bruises on his entire body, he was shivering from cold and pain as he took the beating silently, Jurgen kept beating him unti, he realized Michael had passed out.
Michael watched the door open and Madeleine enter, her gaze riveted on the bruises his body wore as a badge of honor, she reached her hands out to take Michael's face and raised his bleeding face to look at the damage.
" Jurgen you need to be careful, he is too stubborn, he will never give you the satisfaction of breaking, we know that you must use a soubtle approach, give him to me for 2 weeks and I'll teach you how to break him." Madeleine ran her finger along his split lip and as the blood gathered on her fingernail she gently let go of his face and brought that finger to her mouth, sucking it thoroughly she turned and told the medics to clean and care for him, then take him to her alcove.
Michael wanted to protest as his limp body was released from the shackles and was taken to medlab. He tried to follow the gurney but as he crossed the door he found himself once again inside his Home, Simone screaming for him as he climbed the stair hurriedly, he entered the room and found Simone on the floor, their new born son in her amrs, he rushed to her side and took Little Ettienne's body from her and tried to get him to breathe, the child was so small, he tried to make his son live but nothing would ever return his son to him, he felt cold hands taking the child from his arms and he wrapped his own arms around his knees, crying and rocking, he stayed in that position until Madeleine walked in and injected him with a sedative, the last words he heard Simone speak before he collapsed into Madeliene's waiting arms were " how can you do his to our son Michael?"
Michael felt the air leave his lungs and he fell on his knees, gasping until his lungs were filled with oxygen once again, he heard a soft click and looked up. He found himself standing inside his office, a very angry Simone standing before him.
" Michael we need back up, Glass curtain suspects something and we should not go in without this back up, why are you being so stubborn?"
" Simone we can take Sparx without any back up, it is too dangerous, we can't expose section, we go in alone, no back up, now go and get the equipment from walter and meet me in 15 minutes at van access" he turned and elft the office, leaving Simone staring after him, a single tear fell down her cheek before she left the office and entered Munitions.
Michael felt the tears fill his eyes and he let them fall, he had been responsible for her capture and torture, he had been to angry at her for the death of Ettienne, he shivered as a cold wind passed over him, he turned at the feeling of a hand caressing his back, the world spun around and he found himself standing at the park once again, this time with a piece of meat inside his sleeves so Elena Vacek's dog Watson could come running to him.
He watched as Watson sniffed the air and dragged Elena toward a sitting Michael, Watson jumped on him and Elena screamed at the dog, Michael watched the scene like it was a movie, how Poor Elena had appologised and he would not let her, how he started the charming routine and made a date with her.
He felt his heart pound against his chest as the images blurred and he found himself once again inside of section. Standing in front of Madeleine's desk as she explained that the blood cover would be better if Elena and he had a child, he had fought the idea of bringing a child to the world who would end up being an orphan soon after his birth but Madeleine had won and he had been ordered to not only marry Elena Vacek but to Impregnate her.
He turned and left the office feeling his world Crash around him, he felt a sharp pain in his chest and leaned against the wall, his breath coming in shallow and rapid he felt the world go black once again.
When he opened his eyes he found himself at the door of a hospital room, he entered and watched as Elena slept with a small bundle beside her, he stood watching her sleep for a long time as he caressed his son's head, he gently lifted the tiny body of his new born son in his arms and shed tears of pain as he remembered another child that had died so this one could live.
Suddenly darkness enveloped him and he felt fear and agony as he laid on an operating table, his body dying from the multiple bullet wounds that he had received after the failed Argunteg Mission, he heard Madeleine order the medics to keep him alive, he had tried to so hard to end his life in the line of duty but nothing worked, he laughed as he remembered those 6 months when he had been forced to stay inside section on every mission while Madeleine tried to seduce him Into compliance and how it had completely back fired on her, she had failed.
He watched as the scene changed and he found himself standing at the white room door, ready to train another New section bimbo, but as he stepped into the room and watched his trainee sleeping his heart leapt into his throat, she was exquisite not like the others. he injected her and sat down to wait for her to wake up, the moment those blue eyes locked with his he had been lost, he drowned in those eyes and for the next 3 years tried everything he knew to disengage and not fall in love, but Nikita was unique and her perseverence finally won, after those 6 excrutiatingly painful months that she was free he did what his heart wanted and not his logic, he made Nikita completely his, he branded her and claimed her as the wife of his heart.
Suddenly the ground gave way below him and he fell landing hard he looked around, he was now in a small room, dark and musty, he tried to open the door but it was locked then as he had settled his body in a crouch to wait what was next he heard the door open and a light illuminate him, he felt hands taking him and dragging him.
He was thrown into another room and beaten severely, he then found himself walking down a alley, his only thought to find help before he collapsed and died out there, he saw the woman in front of him and dragged his bleeding body toward her, collapsing as he reached his hand out to touch her.
As he opened his eyes once again he found himself walking down to a lake, Kyra was there, standing at the edge, watching the ducks play, he wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her neck, feeling finally complete he nuzzled her neck and burried his face against it, feeling his soul rejoice at finding kyra.
Michael felt hands pulling him away from Kyra and he cried out, not knowing that his damaged body had finally found it's voice making Kyra jump at his pain filled scream, she stood and burried her face against his neck and cry for she thought he was finally dying.
I t was several hours later that Michael started to react to her sobs as she kept her face burried in his neck. He started to slowly crawl his way out of the darkness he resided in for so many hours.
Michael's eyes fluttered open as he heard Kyra crying harder, he was in pain, worst than he had ever been in, it radiated through his entire body making him shake, he lifted one hand to her head and caressed her silky hair between his fingers.
" Ky-ra?" he barely managed to whisper as his body shook harder.
Kyra looked at Michael and locked her dark blue eyes with his Pale green, she gasped at the look of pain in Michael's face and grabbed the syringe, taking his limp arm in her hands she pushed the needle in and injected the Pain killer/sedative.
" Shhhhh Michel It's ok, calm down I'm here love" she leaned in and kissed his trembling lips, she gasped at the coldness of his lips and looked at him once again, his eyes were fluttering wildly as the drug started to take effect, she took his hand in hers and ran her fingers through his hair trying to keep him calm.
Michael felt the drug cursing through his body and fought it, he knew he should not sleep, he wondered what had happened to him that caused him so much pain, he tried to take stock of his body and that is when he noticed he could not feel his legs, panicked he turned his face toward kyra's touch and forced his voice to function, he barely whispered.
" Kyra I..... can't feel .....my legs, why?" he as now gasping for air and she placed the oxygen mask over his nose and mouth to help him breathe, she gazed into his shiny and somewhat glazed eyes and tried to force herself to explain he was temporarily paralyzed.
Fortunately Matthew had entered the room with the supplies and heard Michael ask Kyra, he cleared his throat and proceeded to explain while sending Kyra to the truck to get the rest of the supplies.
Kyra kissed Michael's lips once again and left to do as Matthew asked.
" Michael listen " Matthew said as he pulled the stool toward the bed where Michael laid, putting the neck brace on Michael neck he proceeded to explain " You fell off the roof, can you remember where you are? " Matthew started to Check Michael's vital signs and recovery while Michael fought to answer him.
" At the farm..... in...... Quebec " he barely managed to whisper as the drug started to take him under once again.
Matthew smiled and shook Michael's shoulder gently to keep him awake. " Michael I need you awake, tell me what date is today?" Matthew watched Kyra and Kirsten unload the truck and bring the boxes inside, he nodded at Kyra as she approached the bed with a glass of water taking a seat beside Michael.
Kyra saw Michael's eyes dart thirstily to the glass of water and lick his dry lips, she lookd at Matthew and Between them they lifted Michael's lax body to drink some water.
" Sip slowly Michael" kyra whispered as she held his head in her arm so he could drink.
Michael looked at Kyra and tried to smile but the pain and worry were excrutiating as he tried to keep his mind coherent a bit longer. " it is September 19, 2000 what happened to me? Why can't i feel my legs?" he finally managed to whisper as his ears started to ring and his body began to go lax, he fought the effects but sadly the darkness enveloped him and his eyes fluttered closed.
Kyra held his hand tightly in hers while Matthew made sure Michael was alright. " Kyra don't worry the sedative took effect finally, he is asleep." He said while patting her hand in a comforting way.
He smiled and turned to unpack the wheel chair and other necessary things, while Kyra rushed to feed the twins, he strapped Michael into the bed and made sure that he would be comfortable without moving.
Matthew Injected Michael with the medication that would slowly make the swelling in his spine go down, and then proceeded to start the inventory that would be needed to keep Michael inmovile for weeks even months until the swelling went down.
Kyra held Luc in her arms as she fed him, Skye laid in her cradle beside them, she could feel her eyes filling with tears as she watched her babies, Michael might not make it, she didn't even want to think of the posibility of loosing him, she gathered Luc tighter in her embrace and let the tears fall while her son slowly fed and drifted off to sleep.
Kirsten sat beside Matthew listening to his prognosis.
" Kirsten listen, Michael is going to be in severe pain for days, that is why he will be sedated almost all the time, to keep him from hurting himself while attempting to leave the house, he will be beligerent and angry, we both know him well enough to realize he is way too hard headed and stubborn, he will not let us know when he is in pain, so we must watch him at all times, slowly I will decrease the sedatives that he will be on until only the pain and swelling medications are being given. He will feel lost, dead inside, like a half man, but we must never allow him to feel this way, I will speak to Kyra about moving him to the bedroom tonight, he needs to be as close to Kyra and the children as possible, Kyra will have to feed the twins in bed, beside Michael so he will always feel part of their lives. " Matthew watched Kirsten gaze at Michael's inanimate form laying on the gurney, she sighed and shivered as she swallowed her pain and fear and nodded at Matthew.
" whatever needs to be done to make Michael more comfortable and feel better about this situation i will do, don't worry kyra will do as you say, But I know Michael better than you ever will, I have seen him hit bottom and slowly drag himself to the surface once again, he is strong and his will to live is even stronger, he should not have recovered as fast as he did 2 years ago when he was injured, but he did. He recovered fully except for his memory, which he slowly recoverd with time. " Kirsten sighed as she heard Michael moaning and stood, she walked toward the gurney and stood watching Michael's face furrow in pain, she gently caressed his brow until he calmed once again.
Matthew was amazed that kirsten knew more about Michael than she had ever told him. " kirsten tell me about that time, when he was injured, it might help me to understand his motives for recovery"
Kirsten took her husband's hand and pulled him into the next room, leaving Michael alone and explained to Matthew how she and Kyra had met and cared for Michael while he was on the edge of death almost 2 years ago.
27 days later
Kyra sat on the bed beside Michael Luc nestled between them as she fed Skye, she felt Luc starting to move around much more, he was a very active baby for his 3 months of age, she smiled as she watched Michael slowly turn his head as much as he could when Luc touched his face, she knew Michael was slowly coming out of the drug induced sleep Matthew had kept him in for the last 25 days since the accident, she had seen the swelling slowly start to go down around his spine, while the concussion began it's slow decrease, Michael had suffered from a few seizures since then, it was one of only 2 serious side effects that the fall had caused, the other was the swelling to his spine.
She had feared that Michael would die during one of those severe seizures, they had become more severe with time, starting to affect his breathing while he was seizing, she had spoken to Matthew and Matt had calmed her fears explaining about how the injury had become a brain injury which would cause Michael to suffer from these seizures for life.
Kyra had started to calm down some but after the last seizure when Matthew had been forced to intubate Michael so he could breathe it had hit home, if Michael recovered fully he would still suffer from seizures, she had to be careful and always be close.
At Matthew's insistance they had transfered Michael to the upstairs bedroom 2 days after the accident and she had been ordered to sleep and do almost everything as normal as possible, the few differences were that she had to feed the babies while laying beside Michael and try to keep one of the babies always touching him. it had started to work for when the babies were in bed with them Michael would not toss and turn so much, he was calmer and Matthew had finally decided to decrease the sedatives so Michael could slowly come out of the drug induced sleep, that had been 2 days ago and she had started to notice Michael reacting even more to her and the twins. That had made her happy until the severe seizure that morning, Michael was now in bed, but he now had an oxygen mask over his mouth and nose to help him breathe.
Matthew entered the room and watched as Michael turned his face toward his son's touch, that made him smile for he had barely been reacting to anything since he had been heavily sedated, this was a good sign, he cleared his throat and walked toward the bed.
" good Afternoon kyra, how is he doing?" Matthew took Michael's arm and checked his vital signs like every day, he smiled as he encountered that Michael's arm stiffened and tried to pull away, he looked at Kyra and found she had seen this reaction, she gently placed Skye on the bed and walked around the bed, she took Michael's arm and tried to lift it, this time he did not attempt to pull it away, Matthew smiled. Kyra placed Michael's arm down beside him and sat down to feed Luc, she gently placed Skye on Michael's abdomen and started to caress her back while Luc fed.
Matthew began the therapy like every day, he would lift Michael's arms and legs, keeping the muscle tone as he tried to get a response from Michael, this was the first day that Michael had put any resistance to his attempts.
He could feel Michael fighting the movements that Matthew did, suddenly Skye cried out for no apparent reason and Michael's hand lifted and settled gently on her back, caressing her back and head softly. Kyra's eyes filled with tears as she watched Michael make a consciouss movement to soothe his daughter.
Kirsten entered the room with the twins in her arms and watched as Michael soothed his daughter, she locked her gaze with her husband's and found Matthew's eyes were filled with tears.
She walked to the bed and sat beside Kyra, watching as Michael's hand slowly drifted up and down delicately over his daughter's back, meanwhile Matthew started the therapy on Michael's legs.
Late the next evening as Kyra took a long bath Michael started to regain consciousness, his arms felt like lead as his eyes slowly drifted open, he was enveloped in a soft languor as he tried to clear his sight, he turned his head to the side as much as he could with the neck brace and watched the twins sleeping in their crib. ** when did they grow that much?** Michael asked himself as he watched the babies sleeping, he heard a sound and turned to see who was there, the movement made his head spin and he flopped back on the pillow as his hand covered his eyes trying to stop the spinning.
He moved his hand toward his wife and found the space cold and empty, he slowly uncovered his eyes and blinked several times to clear his blurry Vision. He saw through a haze the empty room and wondered what time it was, he knew it had to be late for the room was almost immersed in darkness, the only light came from the bathroom, he tried to sit up again and felt nothing as he attempted to move his legs, he looked around trying to find a lever to pull his weak body into a seating position, he found nothing, he slowly drew his arms under him and tried to push himself up, but he had no strength and his arms swiftly collapsed under him throwing him back down on the bed. Michael cursed as his head hit the back board and a head ache started to develop.
Kyra heard a muffled noise and left the bath, wrapping her robe around her wet body she opened the bathroom door and watched Michael attempting to sit up again. She swiftly rushed to him and placed her hand on his chest.
" Michael no don't move, lay still please " she gently caressed his chest as his hand covered hers.
" kyra? What's wrong? " he heard the Coarseness of his voice and begged for some water.
Kyra stood and walked to the table, she served a glass of water and returned to Michael's side, she gently lifted his shoulders so he could drink the water.
" sip slowly Michael please" Kyra watched as Michael drinked slowly but greedily every drop in the glass, she laid him back down and stood to call Matthew, Michael softly called her back and she pressed the button on the table so Matthew would come.
Matthew saw the light flash as he laid down to sleep beside Kirsten, he stood and rushed to Michael's bedroom, Kirsten watched her husband leave and slowly sat up, she sighed as her plans had been postponed once again, laying back down and cursing into the pillow she bit her lip and started to count sheep, soon her eyes drifted closed and she fell into a restless sleep.
In the bedroom Michael was trying to get Kyra to answer him.
" Kyra what happened? Why can't I feel my legs? Please tell me what's wrong?" he grabbed Kyra's hand and pressed it against his heart, showing her how fast it was beating, she gently placed her other hand over his and leaned in to kiss her husband.
Matthew entered as Kyra straddled Michael, he cleared his throat and they both looked up, embarrased Kyra jumped off Michael and rushed to the bathroom saying something about him taking over till she returned.
Matthew looked at his friend and smiled. " so you finally decided to grace us with your prescense huh?" Matthew sat down and sighed.
" Michael you gave us quite a scare, we almost lost you this time buddy, couldn't we leave the questions for tomorrow? " he asked as he watched Michael struggling to sit up, he stood and placed his arm behind Michael's shoulders and helped him sit against the back board, Michael turned red with embarrasment that he could not manage the simple Act of sitting up, Kyra entered the bedroom once again dressed in a pair of black silk pajamas and took a seat beside Michael.
" did you explain? " she asked while combing her fingers through Michael's disheveled curls.
" Not yet" **Sigh** " Michael ask whatever you need, I will try to answer your questions " he took a seat on the chair beside the bed and waited for Michael to formulate his questions.
Michael looked at Kyra and squeezed her hand, pulling her against him he looked up at Matthew and asked. " what happened to me?"
Matthew looked sad as he cleared his throat and proceeded to explain to Michael the accident. " Michael you fell off the roof, you landed on your back, hitting your head hard on a rock, you have been unconsciouss since then, the first 2 days you Where in and out of conscioussness until i decided that your recovery would be easier if you were under heavy sedation, you have been in a drug induced sleep for exactly 27 days. Now the reason why you can't feel or move your legs is due to a swelling around your spine which was caused by a slipped disk when you landed." Matthew stood and paced the room slowly as he finished explaining the situation and what could be expected now that he was awake.
Michael listened carefully to everything that Matthew said, he could feel Kyra trembling softly as the details were explained to him.
He was expected to stay in bed, as immovile as possible for the next 2 months so the swelling around his spine could have time to go down, he started to feel his head throbbing as he tried to lay down.
" Michael listen, you must not force your body to function like normal yet, you need alot of physical therapy and long hours of painful excersises to recover fully, but the most important reason why you should not force your body to move is due to the brain injury you received when you fell" they heard the cry of Matt's babies and Matthew looked at Kyra " please explain the injury to him for me ok? Call me if you have any questions, if there are no questions that you can't answer Kyra then i will see you in the morning alright?" Matthew walked out of the bedroom as the twins started to cry louder, it was his turn to feed them, so Kirsten could sleep more.
Michael's body tensed as Matthew told him about the brain injury, he gazed at kyra as she settled deeper in the bed beside him, she softly laid her head on his shoulder as she explained the injury to him.
As time went by the therapy became a routine for Michael, slowly he regained the strength in his arms and within 6 weeks he was allowed to begin moving around, the swelling had gone down some, but still Michael could not feel or move his legs, Matthew had started Michael on a corticosteroid routine to help the swelling decrease even more and his muscles to stay in good shape.
Meanwhile Kirsten and Kyra took care of the babies, bringing them to see Michael as much as possible, it was a usual routine for Matthew to leave the house to go make sure the men he had hired to finish the house were doing as they were supposed, he would leave early in the morning, return for lunch and Michael's more strenous exercises and then leave again late in the afternoon.
One morning Michael sat in the tub, taking his customary bath when a seizure attacked, he was unable to do anything as his body lurched forward and he was immersed under water, Kyra settled the twins in bed and walked to the bedroom to help Michael finish his bath, as she entered the bathroom she saw the water splashing and realized Michael was seizing once again, she immediately screamed for Kirsten and rushed to pull Michael's shaking body out of the water, she pulled his head out and waited until the seizure passed before attempting to drag him out of the tub, Kirsten ran in and watched as Michael's limbs spasmed one last time before laying too still in the tub.
Kirsten rushed to call Matthew while Kyra realized Michael was not breathing, she could see his skin slowly turning purple from lack of oxygen, she wrapped her arms under his lax arms and pulled until his body slipped out of the water, Kirsten rushed in and helped Kyra carry Michael to the bedroom.
" Matt is on his way won't be more than a few minutes" kirsten explained as she covered Michael's nakedness with a towel. Kyra looked at Kirsten and sent her for the oxygen while she started to push the water out of Michael's lungs. Finally the last of the water slipped out of his mouth with some blood which caused Kyra to become even more worried, she began to breathe for Michael, it started to become more difficult for the air to enter his lungs as time passed but Kyra breathed in as best as she could, she was starting to feel lightheaded from the force she had to use to get the air into his depleted lungs.
Matthew rushed in with the ventilator as Kyra started to become pale. " Kirsten help Kyra, she is hyperventilating, she might pass out " he gave Kirsten a small oxygen canister and Kirsten surrounded Kyra's shaking body with her arms as she settled her best friend's head on her breast and gave Kyra the oxygen.
Matthew proceeded to intubate Michael and force the air into his lungs, soon Michael's lungs were reinflated and he called Kirsten to help him lay Michael back on the bed. As they settled Him in bed Kyra began to react more, she sat up and crawled to the bed, laying her head on Michael's chest as she drifted off to sleep.
Two weeks later; Michael sat in the living room, after his last severe seizure he had started to withdraw inside himself and not speak as much, he became difficult and would not cooperate with the necessary exercises to help him recover, Matthew noticing his decline became worried, for 7 weeks he had been responding well to the therapy but suddenly after his brush with death he had stopped responding and his cooperation was becoming less each day.
Kirsten sat on the porch watching the babies who were growing quickly, her twin girls were now 5 months old and they were starting to sit on their own, she watched as Dyana took Angely's hand and they both played, she had found out that Dyana had the strong leadership between her two daughter's, while Angely like her name dictated was happy to follow her sister's progress slowly, she smiled as she watched Luc sliding himself toward the twins, not far behind was Skye who had started to crawl before her brother and was showing him how fast she was.
Luc watched Skye pass him by and slowly seat up beside the twins, he started to pout as Skye looked back at him, she extended her hand and slowly he dragged his little body to them, it was amazing how the four kids were growing up, they were as united and loyal to each other as quadruplets would be, she laughed softly as Luc lost his balance and flopped down on Dyana's lap, she looked up at Skye and then at her mother as Kyra walked up the steps with the laundry basket and as she watched Luc laying so cute on Dyana's lap she smiled, but realizing he was trying to sit back up she put the basket down and helped him sit up. She kissed all their heads and went back into the house to get lunch ready.
Kyra set the basket beside the door and walked toward Michael, she gently ran her fingers through his hair and kissed his brow softly.
" did you see Luc and Skye Mon Amour? They are growing so fast, soon they'll be walking and then in no time they will be in school" she lifted his hand and took a seat on his lap, Michael never moved or acknowledged her prescense, he just sat there, looking out the window. Kyra sighed as she realized he was getting worse, this could not keep going, if he let himself get worse he would soon be completely catatonic and that would never do, he had made such great progress before the severe seizure that almost took his life happened, she gently caressed his cheeks and tried to get some response from him, she slowly let her hand travel down his chest and toward his lap, her hand slipped into his shorts and she was glad to find him aroused, she kissed his lips pasionately and slipped her hand up and down his shaft, she could feel his body trembling as he tried to not respond to her ministrations.
She lowered her head and started kissing his neck and jaw softly while her hand lifted his to her own lap and pushed it under her dress, his hand did not move, but it did tremble alot every time she moved against him.
The door slammed closed and Kyra jumped off Michael's lap, she tried to rearrange her clothing before whoever came inside found her, she looked up and watched Kirsten enter with all 4 babies in the carriage, she looked at Kyra and smiled as she realized that Kyra had been trying to make Michael respond to her love, she climbed the stairs and put the babies to sleep, once the babies were asleep she tip toed downstairs and offered to help Kyra take Michael up to their bedroom, she said no and walked to the back of the house to iron the clothing.
Kirsten sat before Michael, taking his chin in her hand she forced his face to meet her's. " now Michael I know you are in there, i know you can understand me, you must snap out of this, please Kyra loves you so much and this is hurting her badly, she needs you as much as you need her" kirsten softly caressed the evidence of his need as she looked at him " you can't hide your body's reaction to your own wife, please Michael respond to us, try to get better, we all need you please" kirsten lowered her face to his hands and kissed both softly, he started to tremble once again and she smiled, she knew the trembling was his consciouss mind telling his body to not react, she stood and ran her fingers down his cheek, she had one last ace up her and she decided that it was time to use it.
** sigh** kirsten turned away and started to softly speak. " fine Michael i didn't wish to do this, but Stefan gave me a number to call if your life was in serious danger, and i do believe you are now in mortal danger " she took the cell phone and started to dial, but was stopped by Michael's hand settling over hers. She looked down at him and encountered glazed bright green eyes.
" Please don't they will kill you if you call them" Kirsten squeezed his hand and let the phone drop, she sat beside him. " Michael why are you doing this? You know how much this hurts Kyra why would you intentionally hurt her?" Michael's eyes drifted closed and he shivered as Kirsten's hand started to caress his face.
Michael pulled away and slowly spoke " please don't touch me, I.... don't know why this is happening kirsten, I just know that i can't stop it when it happens, i try to respond but i can't, my body is rebeling against me" he covered his face with his hands and sobbed, Kyra heard the cries and rushed to the living room, she stopped as she heard the next words " I can't respond to her at will anymore, I don't know why but i feel dead, why don't you all just let me die?" Michael lowered his face to his chest and allowed the pain and sorrow to wash over him, the pain was so great that he started to shake even more as Kyra slowly walked in.
Kirsten looked up and saw kyra enter, she smiled and stood leaving them alone.
Kyra kneeled before Michael and took his chin in her hand, she forced him to look up and what she saw in his eyes made her afraid, they were dull and dead, almost like the time when she met him, no life or joy reflected in his emerald green eyes.
She gently lifted his hand to her lips and kissed each finger softly, his gaze never left hers as she slowly took one finger into her mouth, sucking it gently, she imitated the act of love with his finger, she could feel Michael's resolve start to break as she slowly raised her hand to cover his arousal, she softly smiled as he jerked with her touch, she took his face between her hands and drew him toward her, kissing his lips passionately, as they separated they were both breathless, she stood and slowly pushed the chair outside and to the barn, she knew that she would have complete privacy in there, she pushed the door open and entered the barn, she could feel Michael start to shake even harder as they neared the small room in the back, she stopped and left him just at the entrance to the room while she locked the barn door, she pulled her dress off and proceeded to walk to Michael in only her pink lace undies, she could see the effect this had on him as his breath became erratic and his body started to shake even harder, she could see the desire in his eyes, she pulled the chair inside and slowly crossed the room, she lighted the scented candles and then turned to Michael, he was fully erect as she pulled his body off the wheel chair and to the mattress, she laid him gently on his back and straddled him, her hands touching him everywhere, she took the ribbon binding her hair off and the soft silky curtain of redgold surrounded him fully, he lifted his hands to burry them in her hair and pulled her to him, he kissed Kyra with all the pent up love and frustration he had, his kiss becoming wild and free as he let go of the chains of helplessness he had lived under for almost 2 months.
Kyra smiled against his mouth and started to move slowly, making a soft friction against his erect shaft, she knew this drove him insane as he slowly and deliberately let his hand travel down her breast and to her nether region, she arched as his hand gently teased open her softness and plunged a finger into her, making her shiver with anticipation, she felt Michael trying to turn her over and wrapped her arms and legs around him and turned them both. He was now on top, his body still shaking with the force of his desire, she gently pulled his shorts off and wrapped her hand around his shaft as he slowly kissed and laved her aroused nipples with his hot tongue, she felt his fingers enter her and she arched even more into his hand, his thumb making lazy circles around her clit made her go mad with desire, she started to tremble slightly as the pressure of her orgasm built until she came apart in his hands shaking climaxing and screaming his name with love.
Michael settled beside kyra and allowed her to recover from her explosive orgasm, her hand still held his shaft firmly as her body became lax in his arms. He caressed her nipples with one hand while the other still pushed in and out of her, she opened her eyes to watch Michael's eyes fill with tears of love as he gazed at her, sated and happy in his arms.
" so long without you Mon cher, I need you so much" he whispered as she turned and straddled him, she covered his mouth with hers as her hand firmly placed his shaft at her entrance, she teased her clit with the head of his shaft until she was trembling with desire, he covered her hand with his and she slowly impaled herself on his member as she lowered her mouth to his, they moaned their pleasure as his entire member entered her to the hilt, she shuddered as he started to buck his hips slowly begging for more, she lowered her mouth to his male nipples and suckled there like a babe, she could feel his body shivering with the need he had for her and she smiled, she had rarely had him so out of control as he was now, she looked up at him between her golden lashes and smiled as she licked her lips, she pulled off of him and lowered her mouth to him, she took him into her mouth slowly licking every inch of his shaft while her other hand caressed his scrotum gently, she could feel and hear his moans as he started to lose complete control, she knew the moment he lost it for he grabbed her roughly and covered her mouth with his as he bucked his hips and entered her completely, she trembled as his hands spalyed against her breasts, his mouth laved at one erect nipple until she begged for mercy, he smiled at her and took her nipple into his mouth while his other hand traveled down her tummy to play with her clit, she jumped as his thumb made circles around her clit, completely aroused they made love until their orgasm took them over, they shuddered and screamed as they passed out in each other's arms with their explosive climax.
Minutes later Kyra began to wake, her eyelashes fluttered open and she smiled as she realized they had passed out, she kissed her way to his mouth softly arousing him once more, she knew the moment that he regained consciousness for his hands wrapped around her waist and pulled flush against him.
Kyra pushed away and settled her cheek over Michael's heart, he wrapped his arms more firmly around Kyra and smiled as his dazed brain began to assimilate the reason for their black out ** so this is what Le petit Morte is? Wonderful** he smiled and kissed her hair as they drifted off to sleep safe in each other's arms.
As the days passed, Michael began to respond better, he was still a bit withdrawn around Matthew and Kirsten but as soon as He and kyra were alone he would come out of his protective shell and would cooperate with all the exercises, she had to do them alone with him, and every therapy session became a love fest for them.
Several weeks later Matthew announced that their home was ready, they moved all their belongings to their new home, Matthew would laugh every time he came home to find Michael and kyra at their table or playing with the children, he realized that Kyra and Kirsten were more united than ever.
One afternoon he sat in front of the fire and started to speak to Michael while the girls as they had started to call them, for they were very young still, were out playing with the kids.
" Michael what happened to you? What made you withdraw so radically into yourself?" Michael looked at Matthew and sighed.
" I'm not sure Matt after i regained conscioussness from the near drowning, i felt dead, it hurt to live, my whole body ached every time I tried to move, I just wanted to die, to stop the pain inside me " Michael sighed and wheeled himself closer to the fire "i knew i was hurting Kyra and that more than anything made me realize that i was no good for her, Matthew do you know what i had done? What kind of monster i am?" Michael gazed at Matthew and saw the answer in his eyes.
" yes Michael i know about your past, I am not fully aware of the situation but I know you were trapped in a place that was hell for you, please let me help you, i know how difficult it is to start over again after a life changing situation" Matthew stood and walked to sit beside Michael
Michael could not allow anyone to know his past, he avoided Matthew's gaze and tried to find a good explanation for all that he had suffered.
" Matthew you could never understand the magnitude of my sins, i have killed and destroyed so many people, i can't understand how Kyra and the kids can be a reward for my actions, yes i have changed, but my sins are major and no matter how much good i do i will never erase all the evil i have done" Michael tried to wheel himself away but Matthew stopped him.
" do you think you are the only one who has suffered? I sat beside my wife while she slowly died from Bone cancer, she was only 22 years old and her body was completely invaded with the cancer, she could not move or sneeze without a bone breaking! So you have caused the death of hundreds, maybe thousands but was it your choice? Were you doing what you wanted or what you were ordered to do? you have turned around, you have changed, the way i have seen you treat kyra and Kirsten demonstrates that, you have a good soul and whatever you did is in the past, forget about it, let the pain go and you will see the love and goodness you have created here"
Michael looked at his friend, he felt that what Matthew said was true, he wondered if he did enough good deeds would his killing and destruction be forgiven? Could he be able to live a normal and happy life with Kyra and their children? He slowly shook his head knowing that no matter what he did, if section ever found out he was alive they would come for him, kill Kyra and the children and force him back into section, he would die first, he swore as he pushed himself away from the hearth and sat looking out the window.
Matthew stood and wiped a tear from his cheek, he could not make Michael want to live, only Michael could give himself that desire, even if he had become more open and less combative in therapy he was making little progress, Michael needed more than just therapy, he needed a miracle, and Matthew did not know if God had any more miracles to bestow upon them.
Kyra and kirsten entered the house and felt the thickness of the athmosphere, Kyra found Michael sitting dejectedly beside the window and no amount of coaxing would make him look at her, kirsten entered the kitchen to watch Matthew taking dinner out of the oven, she smiled at him and he pulled her closer, after a few minutes he told her what had happened between him and Michael and what could be the end of Michael's life if something was not done soon. She walked into the nursery and watched the two sets of twins asleep cradled beside each other.
Kyra walked in and hugged Kirsten tightly " kir i think we should go, Michael is not feeling well " she slowly disentangled her arms from around Kirsten's waist but kirsten stopped her. " why don't you leave the twins here tonight? They will be well cared for, you both need time for youselves, go home and love Michael Kyra, he really needs you now." She hugged Kyra and whispered one last thing into her ear.
" Kyra he is suicidal you must do something now or he might take his life, please Kyra take your time and love him before he wallows even more in his self pity and does a crazy thing" she left kyra standing there, watching the babies sleep as tears slipped slowly down her face, what Kirsten told her was true, Michael had been becoming suicidal quickly, and she did not know what to do; she leaned over and kissed the babies gently, she gazed one last time at her twins and turned to go try and save Michael's life.
As Michael unlocked the door to the house and wheeled himself in, Kyra slowly followed him in. He shed his coat and it fell to the floor. He slipped hers off her shoulders and it followed his. She felt him grab her arm and pull her around hard to sit on his lap.
The look on his face was anything but sweet. Oh no. He had destruction in his eyes. Their sea-green depths smoldered into her dark blue ones as he grabbed her hands and pushed them behind her, holding her wrists captive in one hand and possessively cradling the back of her head with the other. He moved so quickly that she didn't have time to resist.
Now his face was only inches from hers. Her lips parted as she drew in her breath, and his eyes lowered to fix on their inviting fullness. The wanting was excruciating. Kyra struggled to free her hands, but Michael held on tighter, and holding her head firmly so that she could not avoid his gaze, he pressed his forehead to hers, his breath mingling with hers. Michael's eyes searched hers, but beheld no fear. His heart rejoiced, as he was once again assured of her trust.
"Kyra..." Michael's voice broke as his desire escaped with her name. Then he was kissing her, fire flowing between them. As he broke the kiss, he heard her plea for release.
"Michael, please... I want to touch you." Kyra looked him full in the eyes, feeling his aroused body hard against hers, her own responding as she felt pleasure surging through her. Her nipples tightened as she pressed her breasts against his chest, and she felt the delicious ache between her legs begin to grow.
"Oh, you will, my love. In good time." He began slowly wheeling them both toward the bedroom, releasing her head to take both her hands into his, still grasping them firmly behind her as he continued to hold her captive. "But first, I want to touch you."
"But Michael..." He cut her off with another searing kiss as he pushed the wheel chair completely into the bedroom and locked the door. They tumbled onto the bed, undressing each other with urgent hands. Kyra lay stretched out on her back, her arms flung wide as Michael straddled her legs, his eyes drinking in the sight of her lithe body spread before him.
"You are so beautiful," came his whisper. "Every part... I want to get to know once again every part of you."
His hands and mouth began to explore every inch with uninhibited devotion. Kyra gave herself up. Never had she been touched so lovingly by a man before Michael. Never had she given so freely of her body, her soul, her spirit. She felt as if every pore, every sinew, every molecule was on fire, sensitized by passion.
Her entire being answered his as she moaned softly with pleasure. Kyra pressed her hips up as Michael's fingers sought the slick heat of her center, delving deeply. His tongue followed his fingers and she felt her inner muscles tighten as he played her with a rhythm that built steadily, increasing slowly in intensity with her breathing, arousing her without mercy until she cried out his name, her body convulsing in an orgasm that seemed to go on forever.
Michael moved to kiss her mouth, reveling in her breathlessness, her body still trembling from the pleasure he had just given her. He trailed his mouth over her breasts, his tongue and teeth grazing until she responded with an impassioned groan. He felt one of her hands reach down and caress him with teasing fingers, feathering over the length of his hardness, seeking and finding his most sensitive places. Her other hand played over his back, stroking downward over his hips, tantalizing between his legs with a touch so light that it brought agonizing pleasure. He inhaled sharply as his body refused to be separated from her any longer.
Kyra's eyes were an ocean to drown in as Michael began to enter her, pressing slowly, then more urgently as his entrance triggered renewed tremors deep within her. He delighted as she caught her breath when he filled her, then pulled out until he was just barely inside. Then his hands framed her face and his mouth covered hers as he sank back into her completely.
Michael wrapped his arms around Kyra and without breaking their connection, rolled onto his back, then sat up, pulling her legs around his hips. She gasped as he hit her most sensitive inner spot, deeper than he had ever been. Their eyes locked as they began to rock in each other's arms with a rhythm that was theirs alone. He held back until he felt her contract uncontrollably around him.
This time it was he who cried out as he shook and trembled into her body with a power that he had felt with no other. He held her close as their shudders quieted, her hands delicately caressing his back. They stretched their bodies side by side, hands joined. Drifting into sleep, Michael's heart stood still as Kyra's whisper floated over him.
"Have I loved you forever?"
"Forever, my heart."
Michael's recovery was slow, he had to relearn how to walk and move, but slowly as the weeks went by he started to regain the movement in his legs.
Now 10 months after the accident, Michael walked outside trying to catch Skye and Luc as they both had learned to walk a few weeks before, he laughed as Sky lost her balance and fell on her behind, looking up at him with those changeable eyes of hers filled to the rim with tears, she pouted prettily and raised her arms for Michael to hold her.
He smiled and wrapped her in his embrace as her brother walked around them both, soon Luc pulled on Michael's shirt and begged to be picked up too, Michael kneeled and gathered his son in his arms, taking a seat on the porch swing he pulled his children against his chest and they laid their heads comfortably there before slowly drifting off to sleep.
Kyra walked outside searching for her missing family and encountered the most perfect sight, Michael and the twins were fast asleep on the porch swing, she tiptoed slowly to them and placed a kiss on each of their brows before gathering the kids in her arms and taking them inside to bed, Michael never woke as she settled beside him and laid her head over his heart.
Michael woke due to the noise, it was morning now and he tried to move and get up but found himself trapped under His beautiful wife, her hands tangled in his unruly curls she slept like the angel she often resembled, her face turned up toward his he could not stop the desire he felt for his lovely wife, as he leaned over to kiss her pouting lips the noise made him react, it was the sound of two kids trying to make breakfast and he smiled, Kyra woke slowly as his lips pressed onto hers, she smiled and opened her lips to allow him farther entrance before she too heard the noise coming from inside, she opened her eyes and gazed lovingly at Michael, then shrugged and kissed him one last time before standing and going into the house to find the disaster inside her kitchen.
" Michael come inside please" Kyra stood watching Skye and Luc making flour and water pìes. Michael entered the house and watched Kyra standing at the kitchen door, he had a flashback of a similar incident some years before when Adam had started to walk, they had just moved into the new house and were still in bed when the smell and noise woke Elena and him, he immediately grabbed his gun while Elena laughing got out of bed and told him that it was Adam, she kissed him good morning and left to see what Her son was up to.
Michael had entered the kitchen and saw the mess one small boy had made and he laughed, his son was covered in flour the only dark part of him were his huge eyes, they had filled with tears as he saw his father enter the kitchen and covered his face with the flour covered hands, making the mess even worse.
Michael smiled as he guessed what kind of a mess his twins had made, he wrapped his arms around Kyra's waist and settled his chin on her shoulder, he gasped at seeing the kitchen, it was covered in flour and water, the twins sat in the middle of the room spreading the concoction all over each other, he laughed softly and the twins turned as one to look at their parent's, Skye stood and walked to them offering a pie, Kyra smiled and took it meanwhile kissing her daughter's head, Skye slowly lifted her gaze to her father and seeing his expression took a step back, Luc knowing his twin sister perfectly stood and rushed to her side, taking her hand he kissed her cheek and whispered something to her, Skye lifted tear filled eyes to her father and offered him another pie.
Michael kneeled before the kids and took the offering, spreading his arms wide the twins looked at each other and jumped happily into his waiting arms, he stood and looked at Kyra as she started to clean up the mess.
" Soleil leave it be, come to bathe with us" Kyra looked at Michael and she saw the mischief shine in his eyes, she smiled and followed her family up the stairs, waiting for the next disaster to strike.
The end.
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