The Pictures added here are special to me.   They are a collection of images from my life that I share with each person who visits and I am glad to share them.     To know that someone else will know me, remember me and I will not be forgotten or forsaken.    That no matter what happens in my life,    Someone will share a smile with me and share the happiness and joy i've lived along with the sadness.

      Boarding School in Texas.      1988

    Houston, Tx.     1989

  Cape Breton Island,  Canada.      1989

    Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.     1989

   Xmas in Canada.    1989

  At a church in a small town in Quebec,  Canada.      1990

    Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.      1990

      Cape Breton Island,  Nova Scotia, Canada.      1990

   Montreal, PQ. Canada.    1990

    New York City      1990

 Montreal, PQ.  Canada    1990

    Woods outside Montreal, Quebec, Canada.        1990

  Stretching before Gymnastics Practice.     Canada.     1990

     North Carolina Beach.       1991

   Abitibi,  Quebec,  Canada.      1991

      17th.  birthday Picture.      Sept.   12,  1991

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