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BY: Kyara Caledonii
![]() NC-17 in certain parts.
![]() ![]() Angel drives her jeep while trying to read the map. She hears her sister’s voice from the backseat telling her to watch the road but she ignored her trying to find the turn to Mont Tremblant.
Suddenly there is a thud and Angel looks up to see the deer fly above the jeep leaving a trail of blood on the windshield. She swerves almost hitting the red car comming her way. She hits the side of the road and the jeep speeds into a flying dive twisting as Angel turns to grab Kara she feels the impact of the jeep hitting a rock and spinning uncontrolably. Her eyes lock with Kara’s. She watches as Kara hits her head on the window and passes out.
Angel turns to see the haystack rushing at her and crosses her arms over her face and head to protect herself from the impact. her head hits the steering wheel with such force that renders Angel unconsciouss. Blood slowly dripping from a cut on her forehead and another under her ribs.
Roy sits in the livingroom, reading to Hasard. “ Hasard some of these girl would be great writers if they tried. “ he watches Hasard stand and whine as he rushes to the door.
Roy stands and follows Hasard, looking out the door he sees a flash of lights and then a crashing sound. “ Boy I think someone just crashed into the haystack. “ he takes the flashlight and the cell phone and rushes out the door making sure Hasard stays inside the farm house. Angel feels soft fingers running down her face shaking her, a soft voice screeches in her ear to wake up.
Angel jerks awake and pushes Kara’s hands away from her face. “ I’m ok Kara, how are you?”
Kara looks around, smelling the gasoline dripping from the tank. “ I’ll live but we got to get out of here now” she runs her fingers down the door trying to open it.
Suddenly the door flies open and Kara gasps. Angel turns her head toward the door and her eyes widen for in front of them is the most gorgeous man she has ever seen in her life. Pale green eyes reflect the light of the flashlight as he aims it between the girls. His hair which is softly curling to his shoulders is the most amazing color, soft cinnamon with some soft gray at his temples. Angel closes her eyes as the man reaches his hand to touch her face.
“ Where are you injured Mademoiselle? “ he questions in the most alluring french accent Angel has ever heard.
Kara shakes her shoulder trying to get her attention but Angel is riveted by those pale green eyes of his. “ I’m not sure, my head hurts and my right side. “ Angel takes a deep breath and grimaces as the pain increases.
Roy stretches his hand to Kara who takes it and slowly steps out of the overturned jeep. Then slowly he gathers Angel in his arms and gently pulls her out. Kara takes their purses and slowly follows Roy toward the farm house.
Angel lays her head on his chest delighting at his smell. Woods, leather and that unique scent of him. She smiles sleepily up at him and he tightens his hold.
“ Don’t close your eyes “ he whispers into her ear as he looks back making sure Kara is following. He smiles as Angel nuzzles her face against his neck and sighs.
Roy slowly climbs the steps of the farm and watches Kara open the door. Hasard immediately jumps on Kara making her screech with surprise and delight.
Carefully he rushes to the guest bedroom and lays Angel on the bed. Kara walks in and looks at him. “ Make sure she doesn’t fall asleep, I’ll be right back.”
As Roy leaves the bedroom the lights flash and go out. “ Merde another power outage!” he whispers as he turns the flashlight on and rushes to the kitchen for the first aid kit.
Kara carefully sits down next to Angel on the bed, pushing some curls off Angel’s forehead she sighs. “ well Angel you did it this time. Mom and dad will kill you for crashing the jeep. Didn’t i tell you to watch the road?”
Angel nods and tries to keep her eyes open, but her lids drift closed slowly.
“ Angel stay awake “ Kara shakes her sister trying to think of something interesting enough to keep her awake. she smiles and shakes Angel more. “ What do you think of our knight in shining armor huh? He sure is handsome, those eyes make you wheep.” She takes a deep breath and smiles as Angel shakes her head.
“ No not just the eyes, the smile, and body. But what do you care? You’ve got Matthew. Now HE will kill me for crashing the jeep with you in it.” She laughs and grimaces as the pain increases.
Roy rushes back to the bedroom carrying the first aid kit, blankets and a couple of candles. He nears the door and finds the girls softly laughing. As he enters the laughter stops and they both look at him somberly.
Angel softly whispers as he kneels beside the bed. “ what damage did I cause to your field Monsieur?” she slowly sits up wincing at the pain in her side.
Roy shakes his head and smiles “ nothing petit, don’t worry “ he watches Kara stand and light the candles then walk to the table and take her purse, opening a bottle of pills and another of water she offers the water to Angel, then extends her hand with 2 pills in it.
Angel smiles and shakes her head. “ Kara I can’t take anything just in case I’ve got a concussion remember?” Kara nods and smiles.
Roy cleans Angel’s forehead and covers the cut with a small bandage. “ your head will be ok, just stay awake and you’ll be fine. Now your side we’ll have to take your shirt off” he raises his eyes to her and smiles once again.
Angel reads the question in his eyes and smiles. “ By the way I’m Angel MacAllis and this is my sister Kara. “ she looks at Roy as he unbuttons her shirt. “ and you are?”
Roy looks at her and smiles shaking his head. “ Pardón my manners my name is Roy, Roy Dupuis. “ he takes Angel’s hand and kisses it gently before turning to smile at Kara.
Kara walks around the bed and settles beside Angel. Roy looks at the cut just under her ribs and winces. “ this is a deep cut, it will need stitches, let me get the cell phone to call an ambulance.” He takes his phone and dials, frowning he closes the phone once again. “ it looks like you’re staying the night, the cell phone line is dead and the ground line also, and without electricity there is not much we could do.” He softly begins to clan the jagged cut trying to stop the bleeding. He sighs and covers the cut with a large bandage wrapping the pressure bandage around her midriff.
Roy blushes as he stands and watches Angel lay back down, his manhood stirs as he sees the girl stretch out seductively before him. her breasts point staight up as she raises her arms above her ehad. His eyes roam slowly down her body, the taught belly and long legs. He closes his eyes and shales his head forcing himself to stop looking at the girl. Kara’s eyes widen and she turns toward Angel as Roy steps out of the room. “ I will return soon.”
Kara is barely able to stiffle the giggles bubbling up as she watches Roy rush out of the room after Angel stretched out on her back. “ you are so shameless Angel! Did you see what you did to the poor guy? He was barely able to walk”
Angel gazes at Kara and smiles. “ what did I do?” then she notices her state of near undress and the position she lays in and closes her eyes as she groans. “ Awwwwww poor man I must have sent him straight to the bathroom and a cold shower” she thinks as she looks at her sister.
Kara shakes her head. “ if i didn’t know you better I’d say you are trying to seduce him.”
Angel shakes her head as her eyelids get heavy. “ No Kara, why would I do that?”
Kara sighs. “ You would not, that’s why it’s so funny. You’ve never tried to seduce any man. They normally seduce you.” She giggles as she turns toward the door.
Angel’s eyes drift closed, sighing she turns on her right side and snuggles closer to the pillow. Kara shakes her trying to keep her awake. “ Angel, Angel......Roy said to stay awake.” she kneels on the bed and leans over Angel to watch her passed out.
Kara sighs and sits back down. “ well so much for me being able to take care of you huh?” she whispers as she lays her head down next to Angel’s and closes her eyes.
“ I’ll just close my eyes for a few seconds Angel” she whispers as she wraps her arm around Angel’s waist making her whimper softly.
Roy steps out of the shower and sighs. Looking at himself in the mirror he smiles.
“ Such a beautiful girl don’t you think? “ he hears a scratching sound and opens the door laughing as Hasard enters the bathroom and lays at his feet.
Roy dries his body and grabs his T-shirt and shorts. Slowly walking back to the downstairs bedroom he stops at the door and frowns. Roy looks at Angel laying so still on the bed. Her skin glistens with sweat making the alabaster color all the more pronounced. Her breathing is audibly ragged, short gasps accompanied by a shudder that shake her entire frame. Glassy dark brown eyes meet briefly with his and then shift toward the door. There within their depths he sees a mixture of pain and fear.
Roy rushes to her side. " what can i do petit?" he whispers as the girl shakes uncontrolably.
When he sees Angel’s eyes flutter with impending unconsciousness. He cradles Angel’s inanimate form and worries that she might be bleeding internally.
Several hours later Angel’s eyes flutter open, she turns her head to the side and watches Kara sleeping beside her. Then feeling a soft breath stirring her hair she turns to the left and finds herself facing a sleeping Roy, his head pillowed on his arms beside her. Angel smiles and raises her hand to touch his cheek softly.
Soft gentle hands roam over his face.......passing smoothly to shoulders and chest. Roy moans in response to the sensuality of the touch brings him up from the depths of slumber. He opens his eyes, locking his eyes with Angel's he sighs.
"How are you feeling?" His lips curve into a smile, concern written all over his face.
"I've been better." Angel whispers as she begins to sit up.
Roy sat down beside her and smiles as he watches her. " Her eyes are faceted jewels full of bright refelctions. A man could lose his soul in eyes like that. " he wistfully thinks
He closes his eyes and leans in to kiss her. He feels her thin, lithe body against his. He senses her response to him and smiles. a tremor flows through her and into him. In his memory's eye he sees her sparkling eyes and pale skin and that soft mouth that he couldn't see without wanting to kiss.
Roy softly pushes her back down onto the matress and climbs in bed ebside her. His eyes searching her face, he leans in and claims her lips again. Like a starving man he clings to those honeyed lips. Then he feels and hears her groan of pain and sits back.
Angel frowns and opens her eys, watching Roy slide down next to her and pulls her into his arms. " Sleep Mon petit" he whispers as he kisses her temple and drifts off to sleep.
The next morning Roy wakes to find himself alone in bed. rubbing his eyes with his hands in a childish manner he can still not get rid off he sits up. Angel stands in the doorway watching him sleep when his eyes opened and searched for her. she was about to walk to him when she sees him sit up and begin to rub his eyes the way a child would. Her heart contracted with the pure tenderness of his gesture.
Roy feels her prescense and looks up, locking his Deep green eyes with her dark brown ones, he smiles. " good morning, how are you feeling?" he moves to get out of bed and hears her giggle. he looks up and finds her covering her mouth with her hand. wondering why she laughs he begins to stand and feels the covers grace his bare skin. " when did i undress?" he asks himself as he wraps the sheet over his hips before standing.
Angel turns and leaves the room lightly limping to the kitchen. Kara smiles as Angel enters. “ is your prince charming awake?”
Angel looks at her and nods. “ yes he just woke up, Ohhhhh Kara when he woke up he rubbed his eyes like a child. He looked so cute”
Kara smiles and nods. “ yeah he is very cute, and the kiss he gave you last night was-“
“ You saw us?” Angel stands and winces as a sharp pain runs down her side.
Kara nods. “ Hey don’t be so modest the man is a veritable God!”
Angel smiles. “ yes he is”
Roy stands under the hot spray of the shower wondering why his emotions are so out of control. " you almost took her last night! she is injured and you almost ravished her! And with her sister beside you! what a help you are." he berates himself as he washes his body. " God but how beautiful she is, her name fits her perfectly *Angel* her hair is so bright red and those dark eyes? god the porcelain skin felt so soft beneath his fingers." Roy shakes his head and turns the water off. taking a towel he dries himself and proceeds to change into his jeans and sweater.
Walking to the kitchen he smells the delicious aroma of breakfast been made and flushes. " They are injured and you don't even offer them food? Maman would beat you for showing such ungentlemantly characteristics." he quickens his step toward the kitchen and enters slowly. Watching her he remembers the words Don had said over a year ago as he watched a young girl fixing breakfast for them at the reservation. "You must always treat a woman with gentleness and care, remember that the perfect woman is out there waiting for you. watch her cook and clean and you'll find out if she is right for you." he shakes his head as he smiles wondering how Don had gotten so smart.
Angel hears him walk in and looks up smiling at him. she finds that he has a far away look in his eyes and wonders why, she walks toward him with a plate of freshly cooked food and gently takes his hand.
Roy jumps as Angel touches his hand, flushing in embarrasment he lowers his eyes and accepts the plate she offers. walking to the table he takes a seat and waits for her and Kara to sit down.
Angel takes her plate and sits down opposite him on the large kitchen table. Kara sits beside Angel, watching him as he slowly eats, Angel wondered who he is and why he lives so isolated from the world. she knows he is not married or lived with anyone. she and Kara had looked around the farm house while he still slept and had found nothing that showed a woman's influence in the decor.
Roy looks up as Angel stands and walks to the sink to wash her plate, Kara follows her slowly. he stands and takes their hands. " Please take a seat allow me to wash the dishes, you've done so much today." he caresses Angel’s cheek and softly forces her to sit down at the table. taking his plate he begins to wash the breakfast dishes, once in a while turning and smiling at them.
As Roy looks up he sees that the snow storm had arrived during the night and gasps. the ground is covered by at least 12 inches of snow. he looks at them and sighs. walking toward them he takes a seat beside Angel and explains. " Angel, Kara we won't be able to leave the house today, the storm arrived last night and we are snowed in for now"
Angel smiles and nods, standing up she and Kara walk to the door and sigh.
" could you get our suitcases from the jeep? " he smiles and nods. opening a door to the side of the kitchen Angel watches Roy don a heavy jacket and gloves. he opens the door and tells them to stay inside as he rushes to their jeep.
Kara turns and leaves the kitchen toward the livingroom and takes a seat on the couch. a few minutes later Angel watches Roy walking back to the house with a backpack and two suitcases.
He deposits the suitcases and backpack beside her and takes the jacket and gloves off.
Three days later Roy decides to go and see if his neighbor's CB radio is working. he walks about a mile down the snow covered road when he hears the screeching of tires behind him. he turns in time to see the truck slam against the pole and then swerve directly at him. he jumps away and into the ditch just in time to see the truck fly over his head. he feels the pain and dizziness as his head hit a rock and darkness surrounds him.
Angel paces the livingroom worried that Roy hasn’t returned yet. “ kara it has been 4 hours since he left. What if something happened to him?”
“ Angel he will be fine, he must have had to walk farther, just sit down and don’t worry so much ok.” Kara pulls Angel into the couch and they both begin to talk about their improptu adventure and how they will explain to Kara’s fiancé about this.
Roy enters his house several hours later.....walking through the darkened rooms, Each step brings sharp pain vibrating through his head. His whole body glistens with sweat, soaking the hair at the nape of his neck. It is impossible to breathe......each effort causing a resonating gurgle. Navigating the few steps to his bedroom have proven to be a feat not easily accomplished. He stumbles and falls. He lays there unable to stop himself from moaning with the added agony.
Dragging himself up he leans heavily against the wall, sliding his body along its smooth support to rise up. Making it into the room he stumbles to the bed. Sitting gingerly knowing that any movement will make his pain worst. He lays back onto the soft pillows. He sighs and looks up knowing he must check his injuries and not fall asleep. He lifts himself up slowly until he is leaning against the headboard. Still fully clothed he reaches into his jacket, taking his keys out. He raises his hand to touch his tender temple and then lets his arm fall back to the mattress. He feels his strength abandon him and fights with everything he has the darkness which seduces his senses.
He opens his eyes searching for Angel. finding her standing at the door watching him with terror shining in her eyes. She slowly takes a step toward him and flinches as Roy moves, moaning loudly he tries to pull himself up higher on the bed.
Roy hears Angel approaching him and his eyes shift in her direction. His strength fading further still. He knows there isn’t much time he can feel that he will succumb to his injuries soon.
" Angel.....I was Injured, need......a doctor please. " he whispers as Angel stands beside the bed. His hand noticeably trembling. she takes his hand and gently kisses his bleeding knuckles. Kara rushes into the room and gasps.
Angel looks at her. “ Kara the phone! Your cell phone. Check if it still works and dial 911.”
Angel can see that he is in alot of pain, but she also sees fear and resignation. Seeing these intense emotions in Roy's eyes touch her deeply. "Don't worry Roy.....you're safe now."
Before sliding into oblivion he whispers back. “ Call Maman.”
Angel sits there, staring frozen at him as his eyelashes flutter closed and his body goes completely limp. turning she stares wild eyed at her sister as the lights flicker off.
"Welcome Back"....Bleary eyes focus on the source of the voice. Angel simply smiles.
Roy's only response is to close his eyes briefly, open them again and stare back. Angel is actually quite pleased to see that despite all that has happened, he is still a bit shy.
Roy closes his eyes once again. He has to think. His mind goes over in detail the events of that night...*which night?... he hasn't asked how long he has been unconsciouss* He remembers the truck rushing at him and himself landing hard and painfully on his side and head......keeping himself alive. Why? He can’t be sure whether he sensed the impending need Angel has for him. It doesn't matter now. He shifts his weight in the bed and feels the searing pain of his injuries.
Roy shakes his head. "How long have I been unconsciouss?"
Angel smiles as Kara enters the bedroom and leaves a glass of soda on the table. "Two days."
He sighs. " where you able to contact anyone?"
"No the phone lines are down still, our cell phone is dead and the snow keeps coming harder." She states softly.
Kara leaves the room and rushes to the kitchen to cook some food for them.
Angel helps him sit up and holds him tightly as he lowers his head to her shoulder. What he needs is there reflected in his eyes....a plea for something even he doesn't understand. He needs a friend.
No words are spoken. She cringes at the soft groan of pain escaping his lips as she gently pulls him down to lay his head on her breasts. His eyes close briefly in response to the sharp jabbing ache and Slowly his eyes open, green orbs that reflect defeat.
Angel feels as if her heart is being torn from her chest. With freely flowing tears she wraps her arms tighter around Roy’s back. She doesn't know what is happening. "I'm here for you Roy." She whispered.
She feels his hand engulf hers. She holds him tighter trying desperately to absorb some of the pain and anguish that tortures him. Laying back against the bed she closes her eyes and prays.
Angel wakes; arms wrapped around the pillow. Her gaze goes to the now unoccupied side of the bed, the impressions of his body still patterned in the sheets. Immediately the worry and the fear nag at her. She expected to wake up to find a sleeping Roy lying peacefully beside her.....thought that what she gave him last night was what he needed. Fearing she has been tragically mistaken cause a sudden surge of guilt.
Dressing frantically she shoves her hair into a haphazard ponytail and flies out the door.
“ God I hope Kara woke up early and is with him.” Angel whispers and she walks down the stairs.
Her uneasiness grows as she walks down the hall toward the livingroom. she enters the livingroom and finds him sitting beside the huge window looking out.
"Roy Please....tell me what's going on. You look like you're ready to crumble."
Roy looks at her and sighs. shaking his head he whispers. “ Angel I’m ok”
Kara enters the room and takes a seat on the couch. “ Tell us how you feel Roy, please”
Angel nods and takes his bruised hand. “ Roy please. Tell us, we both know some first aid. We could recognize some symptom and find a way to help you.”
Roy looks at her and nods.
Angel and Kara sit quietly, intently listening to Roy's description of his sudden and intense emotional and physical decline.
“When I woke up on the side of the road I felt lost, disoriented. I was so confused, i saw the house and walked straight toward it not going where I was going. Last night when I woke up the pain was so intense and this morning when I opened my eyes and saw you sleeping so peacefully I was afraid. I coughed up some blood." He sighs and lays his head back against the cushion of the chair. “ I‘m afraid I’ll never see my family again.”
Angel kisses his hand. “ Roy tells us about the pain, the injuries-”
Roy sighs and nods. “the pain is sharp. In my head and body, my chest hurts when i breathe, my eyesight gets blurry alot, when i woke up after the accident my nose was bleeding. I can barely walk and I think I might have a concussion.” He closes his eyes and rests his head back on the chair.
Kara stands and rushes to his side, kissing his cheek she rushes out the door and toward the bedroom wiping her tears away. “ I’ll get the book Angel.”
Angel never had realized that Roy was in such tremendous pain. Now, after seeing him last night, and then this morning sitting there like a lost man she begins to worry about his life.
Angel stands and walks to the door waiting for Kara to return. “ Roy why didn’t you tell us about this last night?”
Roy opens his eyes and shakes his head wincing as the pain gets worse. “ I don’t know, I guess I wanted to hold you before I d-died.”
Angel looks at his dejected posture and hugs him. taking his face between her hands she kisses his lips and softly asks " are you afraid for your life?"
"Yes" he closes his eyes and allows the darkness taunting him at the edge of his vision entrance into his soul.
Angel feels Roy's muscles go lax and realizes he has again passed out. she sits beside him holding him tightly in her embrace until Kara arrives.
Kara rushes into the livingroom only to come to a screeching halt at the sight of Roy’s limp body in Angel’s arms.
“ What happened?” Kara whispers as she drops the book and rushes to Angel’s side.
Angel looks at her and shakes her head. “ I’m not sure, I kissed and hugged him and he suddenly passed out.”
Kara ushers Angel to stand. “ We need to move him to the bed. Can you carry him?”
Angel nods and wraps her arms around his chest as Kara takes his legs. They slowly lift him up and carry him to the guest room and softly lay him on the bed.
Kara watches Angel grab her side and groans. “ did the cut open?”
Angel shakes her head. “ Just hurts, I’ll be fine. Get the book I think i know what’s wrong with him.”
Kara rushes to the livingroom and grabs the book, opening it as she runs she enters the bedroom and kneels beside the bed. “ tell me the symptoms Angel.”
Angel proceeds to explain to her sister Roy’s symptoms and they both shudder knowing he could be bleeding internally and there is nothing they can do for now. They are incomunicado and can’t get out of the house to go look for help.
Angel sits beside the bed, gazing down at the sleeping man, the lights of the oil lamps illuminating the dark hollows beneath his eyes. He lays perfectly still, deep slow breathing barely causing his chest to rise and fall.
Angel lifts his hand into hers. A soft moan is heard from the bed. she observes his slow rise to consciousness eyes struggling to open, succeeding for a moment and then closing again.
Angel gently caresses his cheek. "Roy, can you hear me?"
She waited with trepidation for his eyes to open, Reliving Roy's words stab at her heart. “ He thinks he’s going to die, and he could if we don’t find a way to get him to a hospital soon.” Angel thinks as she watches Roy.
His eyes open again, in response to her voice. She watches as he struggles for clarity. He meets her gaze; eyes at first filled with confusion then clearing with awareness. Still groggy he looks at her wondering what he had ever done to deserve such a perfect angel? he sighs and closes his eyes again as the darkness beckons him to return.
Roy forces his eyes open and softly speaks. " There is a farm about a mile away, the old man has a CB radio. go there and get help please."
Angel crosses her arms over her chest in defiance... "I'm not leaving you alone."
Roy sighs. " you must, I need Medical treatment. his name is Gerard. Please Angel go and call for help before it's too late." he coughs and shudders as a pain shoots through his entire body just before his eyes flutter closed and he once again floats into unconsicousness. Angel traces her fingers along his forehead.
Dressing in his heavy jacket and gloves, Angel opens the door when Kara grabs her hand. “ I’ll go Angel, stay with him ok”
Angel shakes her head. “ No I won’t endanger you anymore.” She turns and kara grabs her arm and spins her around.
“ Angel please allow me to go, he neds you not me.” She takes the jacket off Angel’s shoulders and puts it on.
Angel nods and takes her gloves off giving them to kara. “The farm is about a mile away, the old man has a CB radio. His name is Gerard.”
Kara nods and hugs Angel kissing her cheek she steps outside and runs toward the road.
Kara walks the mile down the lane toward Roy's neighbor's house. she finds that the old man is not there, she leaves a message begging for him to call 911 and send them to Roy's home for there had been an accident and Roy needs medical attention. She returns to the house and walks into the bedroom.
She smiles as her eyes fall on Angel beside Roy. She palpates the strong pulse in Roy's neck; the touch although slight brings him up from slumber. He opens his eyes. Kara is quite pleased at the clarity in his gaze.
"How are you feeling?" She asks softly trying not to wake Angel.
He thinks about the answer to her question and realizes he really can't say..... "Can I get some water?" His throat is parched and his voice croaks with hoarseness.
Kara smiles and rushes to get the glass of water. Angel slowly opens her eyes and watch Kara rush into the bedroom.
Kara returns to the bedroom and her eyes lock with Angel’s as she sits beside Roy, she gives Angel the glass and shakes her head at her unspoken question. Angel holds the glass to his lips as he takes several small sips.
2 days later
Angel glances at Roy sitting up in the bed, taking note of the return of color to his complexion and the bright green of his eyes. She walks over, saying nothing, she gathers his hand in hers and kisses it softly.
" Roy, Kara went to Gerard's again he Isn't there she again left a note begging him to call 911, if she can walk there maybe I can drive us to the clinic in St. Donat. why don't you let me try"
Roy mods his head. “ it’s dangerous to drive in this weather but....” he begins to cough hard once again gasping for breath.
Angel holds him while he coughs trying to offer him her strength and support.
Roy looks up as his breathing eases somewhat and continues. “ But I need help. Kara can drive right?” Angel and Kara nod. “ Angel just hold me please.”
Angel and Kara drag Roy to the truck and drive like a bat out of hell toward the hospital. Once there they find out that Roy’s head injury was very serious, he had 3 broken ribs, one of them had nicked his left lung causing some internal bleeding and his spleen almost bursted.
Angel and Kara finally called his family and theirs. Matthew, kara’s fiancé was pissed but happy that they were ok and took the first flight from Kingston to Montreal.
*****Two Weeks Later******
Roy sits at his desk reading the final draft for LFN. He saves the information on his screen and clicks off the monitor. he stands and limps toward his favorite chair. looking out toward the forest he sits and waits for Angel to return from Montreal.
Angel enters the office and watches him sitting by the window. She smiles, her brown eyes sparkling. "I spoke to Maman she said she would come by tonight and bring Roxane and the kids"
She meets his gaze, seeing gratitude in their shining depths, saying more than his words ever could.
"Thank you I really miss them."
She smiles brightly. "Any time Roy" and walks away with a lighthearted contentment.
Roy watches her leave and sighs. " God do I truly deserve Angel? or Am I deluding myself with this fantasy we share?" he closes his eyes and allowes the warmth of the sun to bathe him in it's gentle glow.
Angel walks to the kitchen and begins to fix dinner, forty-five minutes later she hears Roy scream and rushes to his side. Roy's muscular form lays on the chair. He's tossing and turning while yelling. "No! Stop!" Rushing towards the chair she gently shakes Roy by the shoulders.
Suddenly, his eyes pop open, and they stare deep into hers . His hands grasps her arms. Sweat lightly drips down his forehead. "You were dreaming Roy." Angel says as she silently brushes a stray curl from his forehead.
Roy takes a deep breath and flexes his tight hold on her arms but does not let go completely. "You wanna talk about it?" Angel asks.
"No. Just a nightmare." he says.
"You got me worried." she whispers grinning.
"Sorry." He returns the grin.
Angel tries to pull away, but his hands won't allow it. "Please. Don't leave." He whispers moving closer to her. His breath fans her cheek as he searches her face with his searing gaze. Tilting his head slightly, his lips part and his eyes lock with Angel's. She's breathing faster now, and he lets go of her arms to pull her into his lap. Angel can feel the heat radiating from his still slightly sweaty body.
His gaze locks on her lips, and he moves even closer. Softly, his lips brush against Angel's then the kiss turns passionate. Silently, he pulls her tighter against him.
Feverishly his mouth devours hers, sweet, hot, wild emotions tumble over Roy and Angel as they kiss almost desperately. Angel senses his desire and frustration mixing with his unleashed passion.
She trembles as the drawn-out kiss ends. And Roy looks into her eyes. The expression there is one she will never forget. Both a silent plea and simple gratitude, and her soft little sigh answers his unspoken question.
Angel lets her head fall back against his chest and he dips his own and nuzzles the proffered neck with restrainen yet eager passion, trailing fiery kisses from the delicate lines of her jaw down her throat. Until his lips come to rest on the swell of her breasts.
He stands and carries her to the sofa, laying her gently on it, making sure the cushions Are adequate for her comfort. He softly swirls his tongue on her silken flesh and Angel gasps. Arching upward. She feels the edge of his arousal pressing against her.
Angel quivers as Roy’s hand slides beneath her skirt, traveling slowly up her thigh, tracing spirals upon her skin while the other cups the back of her head and draws her mouth to his again.
Angel surrenders without a qualm to the ardent caresses of this man she can not deny. Who engenders such feelings in her as she has never felt before. Everything from fury to delight and passion, to the most exquisitively tender emotions she has ever felt for anyone.
Gently he releases her head against the cushions and his free hand travels down to her shirt buttons. Slowly unbuttoning them, Angel feels herself trembling as he tugs open her shirt and bares her breasts to his worshiping gaze.
Roy dips his head and laves her nipples with his warm tongue. Angel gasps as his lips encircle, seize and draw upon a little pink nipple. She arches again, this time the hand upon her thigh travels higher and seeks the secret of her womanhood. It is already dewed from the passion of their embrace and the sweet emotions tumbling in her breast.
His fingers stroke her softly, while Angel whimpers a little entreaty without words. The tightness in her belly seems a bane destined to shatter her very being, and she surrenders to his caresses without shame. He teases the pearl of her femeninity with the tip of his finger, while his lips draw upon the taut berry of her nipple. With a little Whimper, Angel arches her back yet again. He slides the tormenting finger deep inside her welcoming warmth. Feeling the sweet waves of desire take over her body.
Roy moans as well, his mouth sliding against hers, hot and tasting faintly of strawberries. His tongue meets and fences with hers in a delicious dance. Each of them quivering and taut as a quarrel ready to fly from a crossbow.
If Angel ever has felt something so right, it was the sweet rapture she finds in Roy’s arms.
She shifts againt him, her desire clear in both action and silence. Roy gazes into her eyes for a long moment and then something shudders through him. He abruptly ceases his tormenting her with passionate caresses and fights with his belt trying to rip his pants open.
Angel pushes his hands aside and gently slips his pants down his hips. Roy balances himself on his arms, his body covering hers, his shaft pulsating at her entrance as he strained to control his desire for her and take her slowly, with a slow seduction of movement he impales her. She shudders and his eyes lock with hers and Roy smiles slightly. “ You have stolen my sanity Angel, when I am close to you all I desire is to love you and protect you.” He dips his head and his mouth covers her nipple once again making her writhe under him. Roy begins to move inside her. And it seems like she climbs and longs and reaches ever higher as his movements thunder into her mercilessly. Suddenly Angel explodes with the sweet ecstassy of her release screaming his name loudly and Roy joins her in the perfect oblivion of their passionate love as he climaxes.
Roy collapses against her shuddering wildly with his release. Angel tenderly clutches his head to her breast and runs her fingers through the dark waves of his hair while his shoulders shake with silent tears.
Embracing him tightly, Angel closes her eyes and drifts off to sleep, her beloved secure in her embrace.
Roy’s eyes slowly drift open he gazes about his surroundings, still a bit dazed, his eyes settling on Angel bring him to immediate awareness.
He slowly rises to a sitting position beside Angel’s sleeping form. Angel’s eyes flutter open and lock with his. Smiling she sits up and closes her shirt buttoning it. He rises from the couch, a tinge of embarrassment flushing his cheeks.
Angel follows him to the living room as the door bursts open and Roy’s family enters.
Roy laughs as his nieces and nephews clutter noisily around him asking him a million questions all at once.
Angel smiles softly and walks to the kitchen to finish preparing dinner. Roy’s sister Roxanne enters the kitchen and begins to help Angel with the food. “ you have made Roy happy again Angel.” Roxanne whispers as she sets the table.
Angel nods. “ he’s made me very happy. Roxanne why was he so sad?”
Roxanne takes a seat on the chair and pats the seat ebside her. Angel joins her and Roxanne begins to explain about Roy’s depression.
“ Angel, Roy was in a long and very commited relationship that was destroyed a couple of years ago, he loved this woman deeply and when she left him he suffered too much. I tried to set him up with friends but he is too serious and quiet for them. You have already noticed how shy he is right? “
Angel nods and smiles. “ quite shy actually, but he is getting over it slowly with me.”
Roxanne smiles. “ yes I see how happy you make him, promise me something ok.”
Angel nods. “ anything”
Roxanne smiles. “ promise me that you will not break his heart. If you ever decide that he isn’t the man for you just simply speak to him and let him know, he will understand and let you go.”
Angel gasps. “ I promise to never hurt him “ she whispers.
Roxanne hears Roy’s steps getting near and reaches out to squeeze Angel’s hand with gratitude. She stands and leaves the kitchen as Roy walks in.
“ What were you two talking about?” Roy asks as he wraps his arms around Angel.
Angel shrugs and smiles, turning her face up for a kiss. “ just woman’s stuff Love, nothing to worry about” she closes her eyes as Roy’s mouth covers hers posesively.
Several minutes later the kiss ends and they both smile at each other. Roy gently rubs her abdomen and whispers into her ear. “ I love you mon Ange.”
Angel tightens her hold on his hands and softly whispers against his lips. “ I love you more my Love”
The end.
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