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![]() ![]() This page contains direct quotes from the many interviews Roy Dupuis has made over the past 14 years.
Many, but not all of Roy's "words" quoted in this page are translations from the original French into English.
Quotes are in Chronological Order, From 1990 until 2004
![]() ![]() 1990
![]() ![]() ![]() "Even today it doesn’t really amuse me to play just for fun; there needs to be a goal, a challenge that I can surmount to prove ….to prove that I’m alive!"
![]() "Oh yes, I’m a wolf. It’s in my nature. It’s just the way I am." 7 Jours April 6th 1991
![]() ![]() ![]() "I am fascinated by both Woman and women. I’m convinced that the very essence of life is feminine. But we could talk about this for hours and hours. I feel that the subject has been gone over so often. Yet the theme of the woman who gives and perpetuates life will always remain at the heart of many discussions. If we get started on this you will have to add pages to this interview. Yes, I love women. For their mystery, their complexity and for the opposite. Perhaps it’s I who complicates things too much. I’ll tell you this : we’re in danger of starting a discussion which will take us till sunrise … and then continue to the next one. In a word … I am under their spell, but at the same time it’s not always easy." 7 Jours May 30 1992
"I'm learning to live, I'm learning to find reasons... to live." L’heure juste May 1992
"Everything. Everything is interesting. I was destined for the pure sciences before I decided to go into the theatre. I have always been drawn towards astrophysics. It’s pure science which manages to ask the real questions. I’m fascinated by the mysteries of life." 7 Jours May 30 1992
"…Life, its origin. Destiny, the great cosmic events which created the Universe. Everything can be explained. At least we are now beginning to find the answers to things which used to appear inexplicable. I find these hypotheses addictive." 7 Jours May 30 1992
"Life gets better and better. It feeds on mistakes, wrongs and suffering, but also on the joy of pleasure and beauty." 7 Jours May 30 1992
![]() ![]() ![]() "But really in life, like elsewhere, simplicity is the most difficult thing to achieve." TV Hebdo 17 July 23rd 1993
"I live my life to broaden my horizons and to enjoy myself. But enjoyment is something to be taken seriously. Like hockey. You have to suffer and learn how to overcome your fears before you can appreciate it. It’s as crazy as throwing yourself out of an aeroplane." TV Hebdo 17 July 23rd 1993
"When you’ve spent 18 hours on a film set and given all you have, you get home completely empty, with an enormous, insatiable need for tenderness."
Elle Quebec Nov 1993
![]() ![]() "The feeling ten minutes before jumping is inexplicable. It’s like being in the theatre. But it’s a double edged sensation because when you return to earth it’s tough. When you get back home still with all the adrenaline of the extreme excitement, you are never so alone in your apartment. You have to learn to live with that, to accept ephemeral things." La Presse Jan 8th 1994
"I like the beauty in things because there are creators in every sphere, material, spiritual, philosophical or scientific. I appreciate quality, the beauty of simplicity, originality." 7 Jours Sept 3 1994
"The more I take to heart what I am doing, the harder I am on myself. But you must learn not to be too exacting. You must find a balance, and that’s something you learn with time and experience. You need to be demanding, while allowing enough time to do things. In any situation it doesn’t pay to rush things." 7 Jours Sept 3 1994
![]() ![]() ![]() "I'm waiting for the world to begin to dream." Le Devoir Oct 21st 1995
"At 32, I would like to work with someone who dreams, and who would like to explore his imagination with daring. I need to go and see other places, smell other things, taste other things. I’ve had enough of realism. That leads nowhere." Le Devoir Oct 21st 1995
"I have the desire to play something which has never been done before. People don’t dream any more - it’s very serious." Le Devoir Oct 21st 1995
"I have the impression - although it’s very difficult to explain because it’s still abstract in my head - that there’s something very important to understand and to do here, but which completely escapes us. It’s a very strong feeling that I have, the impression that life is something else. What exactly? I don’t know. I would like to meet God and ask him!" Le Devoir Oct 21st 1995
![]() ![]() ![]() This tendency,to ridicule existence, to turn everything into a joke, annoys me deeply. I have the feeling that people don’t take themselves seriously any more. In fact, one is so used to saying that it’s a failing that many have ended up believing they are worth nothing. I don’t agree: we are all important. Just because one has lost certain illusions one doesn’t have the right to wash one’s hands of everything that happens. No-one wants to take responsibility. Nothing is sacred any more. Everything is trite. It’s serious." Elle Quebec Feb 1996
"I tried to say that it’s essential for each of us to be aware that we are interdependent. I believe that each of our actions has repercussions on the other which in turn affects the mood and emotions of our neighbour. Like a game of dominoes. This prompts me to be more responsible towards people. To act with more integrity and gentleness too. If someone strikes your right cheek, offer him the other, said Christ; I’m beginning to be sympathetic to this type of message." Elle Quebec Feb 1996
"Everyone has fears. I used to say that our fears helped us to go forward, but I was wrong. It’s rather that combating and understanding these fears help us move forward. Everyone is a bit afraid of becoming nothing, afraid of death (that’s why we invent gods and the after-life), of being mediocre, useless, not irreplaceable." 7 Jours 13 Jan 1996
“I do other things to get high. When things aren’t going well, instead of taking a drink I confront the problem. That’s what I mean by living in clarity. In a way it makes things less complicated. You think that your problems will disappear if you seek oblivion when things are going badly, but they just keep coming back. Better to face them head on.” 7 Jours 13 Jan 1996
“To kill something of yourself is always painful. When I moved from the town to the country it was to go to my first home of my own. I wanted to do my own packing. I hadn’t done that in ten years. As I was putting my belongings into boxes I watched the last ten years of my life pass before me. I threw out a lot of things and that felt bad. My immature, instinctual side is in check now, but taking the leap from operating on this basic level to becoming a more aware human being is a melancholy experience.” 7 Jours 13 Jan 1996
“I always said I was going to die at the age of 33. This year I was 33 and in a way the child in me died then. I realised this while doing my packing and it was a distressing lesson. I have finally decided to become a man. But then, like most men of my age, I’m trying to discover what being a man really is. These days it’s not that clear.” 7 Jours 13 Jan 1996
“Before becoming an actor I was in the pure sciences. I loved chemistry, physics, studying a subject, finding the reasons why. And these days I’m coming back to that. I’m interested in astronomy, the stars, computers, the Internet. I would love to know what happens to the soul before life, after death, in the hereafter.” 7 Jours 13 Jan 1996
![]() ![]() "I’m kind of a shy person. It made me more shy to be so observed." Single Living 1997
"I like to look at stars, and I like to read about philosophers..." Single Living 1997
"I go walking in the mountains and free-fall parachuting. I like to push my body to the limit, to feel alive. At night I like to look through my telescope and commune with the stars. I’m interested in astrophysics. I’ve always been fascinated in why things are."
"While waiting for darkness to fall I jump on my bike and go for a ride. Once I went off to the American desert. Not a single word for ten days. Riding in harmony with the countryside rolling by like a film on the screen. Just me, the silence, and my camera. And a desire to move forward.
...to become freer so that the desire was no longer a necessity. I try to do things out of enjoyment rather than need. I used to say that I believed I would die at the age of thirty three …. that was a time when craziness fascinated me, was a goal to be achieved. Whereas today I find more value in simplicity and serenity. I have bought myself a place in the country."
"With time I have learned to invest myself in pleasures that are long term, not small pleasures that can hurt... we are the other person. I think we are part of one thing, which is human kind...love is it’s own contract. I don’t want to bring my relationship down to an economic level or to the law. It’s between me and her." Single Living 1997
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() "...a major goal is to go to Nepal for a three-week walk in the mountains." Time Out New York 1998
" I like to listen to music, read, have some friends over. And I like to cook. And I feed birds. I like to watch them. Watch over my dogs. Work on my house." AOL Transcript 1998
![]() ![]() ![]() "I bought a land and a house, and I realized I need all that. It took 6 years for me to find that special place. Now I have it, it's one of my great passions, it's an inspiration. I do renovations, I take good care of it.
I can see myself with kids, I want kids - that's part of the reason I bought the house - I want it to be a family house. It gives me "roots", and something clicked in my head when I realized that house was "my place".
That land is my planet, I decide what I do with it. It gives me responsibilities, another way to look at trees, nature, and people. I want this house to belong to my kids after I die - so they can remember where I came from, where they came from. I want to give them the same feeling of "belonging" that I feel right now." Echo Vedettes March 20th 1999
"I want to raise a family. I want to see my kids grow in that environment. I want that land to be my legacy to my kids - a place for them to go back to after I die. A place for them to build their own future." 7Jours March 1999
![]() ![]() ![]() "For me, what makes a woman sexy, at first, of course, is the exterior appearance; for me, her eyes mostly, her hands. And what really makes a woman sexy is originality and intelligence. That turns me on." National Post 4/8/00
"I think that our characters are miles apart. Like Michael I'm more of a thinker then a talker, but next to that we're not exactly alike. I can understand Michael myself. You have to understand that his only goal is to survive in Section One. And it's easier if he keeps his emotions inside. And concentrates. So he is always sharp and does or says nothing that's not absolutely necessary. He is very intelligent and that's what I like about him. And also the mystery."
Hitkrant 2000
"I used to spend most part of my time building tree houses. Now I recently bought an old nineteenth century house in Quebec and all my spare time I spend rebuilding it. I searched for a house like this for six years. I'm not leaving this place. It is really a passion. It gives you a different look at the world if you live in the middle of nature". Veronica 2000
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() "I like to thank them (my fans) for seeing the invisible." USA Interview 7/14/01
"I love Quebec. It’s home. When I’m away for a long time I clearly miss it.(I miss) My friends, my land, my house. But I also miss everything that makes us what we are. We are very distinctive. It’s not just that we speak the way we do. Only we talk about things the way we talk about things. So, it’s only people from around here that can really communicate with me … only locals can really ‘talk’ to me, in our words, with our humour, our thoughts, our culture. I can’t find any of that anywhere else." 7 Jours 6/30/01
"I think it’s very good to go away in order to be able to appreciate where you come from. You have to travel to do that. I think it’s also very good to get to know the world, to see, smell and taste other things. I love to travel, and I would like to do more. At the moment the Himalayas appeal to me for the culture and the mountains. I would also like to go to Nepal and Vietnam before it’s too late. Some day I might go and work elsewhere, but one thing is certain – I’ll return to Quebec." 7 Jours 6/30/01
"I can tell you that psychoanalysis is the best journey I’ve made. It’s a journey through my whole life. It’s fascinating ….There are important events that have happened that you have completely forgotten, and that you discover through psychoanalysis. It allows you to remember them, and that’s remarkable. It’s one of the best presents I’ve given myself. Thanks to it you learn to know yourself, to really know what you like and not what you think you should like. You also learn to understand human mechanisms in general, and that’s no bad thing in my line of work. You have to be inquisitive to do psychoanalysis, you have to want to do it. You have to love life, and to love humanity. All to be more alert, more uninhibited." 7 Jours 6/30/01
"Marc asked what attracted Roy to a woman and Roy said that it was her eyes and the way the sun hits her"
interview with Marc Lebreche for "Le Grand Blond "- October 3, 2001.
The following quotes are all from the Nuvo Magazine
Autumn 2001 Vol. 04 Issue No. 03.
”There is entertaining and then there is art, and then there is both. I appreciate coming out of a movie and taking a long walk and
not even talking –I’ve felt something.”
“What have I been doing, well, just before Christmas my grand-aunt of 104 died. She gave me a lot in life. Then on the 26th of December my father died. This was a big surprise. It is the first time in my life that I've lost someone so intimately close to me.” ...“In a way death is full of life. What used to be outside of you is now inside of you.”
“All the time I was shooting Nikita, I did the exterior of the house and now I’ve moved inside. I now have time to look at myself, inside myself, as I am inside the house. I had a lot of cleanup. I had to go through all the piles of stuff, all the things I’ve left behind or not completed – people or things I’ve let go. Now I’m cleaning up.”
“I heard somewhere that the major discoveries in human history were language, the control of fire, and cinema. Yes, I wish to make a film one day.”
“Maybe I’m positive because I’m curious and it’s constant learning. We are that kind of animal that can figure out things.”
“Romantics like to build themselves a story, they like to provoke situations. Me, I’m simple gestures and truth, that’s all.”
“I love life. Nature fascinates me. I try to accept reality for what it is and if I can make it better, make myself better, that’s evolution.”
![]() ![]() ![]() The following quotes are from L’Actualité February 2002:
“What scares me most in all the world is talking about myself."
"I am indestructible…The resounding fame of Filles de Caleb wrecked me. I was caught in a spiral of self-destruction. In fact I wanted to fade into the background, and no doubt unconsciously, make myself ugly."
"Today it’s important to me to be lucid, to try to understand who I am, without the support of religion or any such expedient."
"Becoming famous has given me a sense of propriety, has brought pressure and responsibilities, which have made me begin to look at myself and want to take pride in myself."
"I like solitude and peace... Being bored doesn’t bother me".
"I had a complicated relationship with my father that I don’t want to talk about. But we planted trees together on my land. He is there, near to me. His death clarified my approach to life, I’ve always been a ‘doer’, I’m always getting my hands dirty."
"I would like to die like a tree falling in the forest."
The following quotes are from 7 Jours November 30, 2002:
(on love)
“In general, whoever gives themselves to you is attractive; it’s not just sexual. It’s a mark of trust. Unfortunately, in today’s society, letting yourself go is often perceived as a sign of weakness. However, as far as I’m concerned, it’s quite the opposite, because to give yourself to somebody, to trust them, you first have to have confidence in yourself. It’s the same for love; in order to love you first have to love yourself.”
(on the rivalry between men and women)
“Personally I try to be less and less competitive with others because I find there’s too much competition in the world. Can’t we have relationships that aren’t competitive, that are just an exchange? I think that generally power is maybe just as dangerous for a man as for a woman. In the end, what’s important is the balance. Balance between the social and the spiritual, between creativity, economy and all the other facets that make up our lives.”
(on being an actor)
“It does make you isolated. Actually, it depends. For me, walking down the street and being looked at isolates me. That’s how I am. I’m shy, an introvert turned actor oddly enough. Fortunately, now, I have my own place, my land, where I feel free. If you were to come and see me at home I probably wouldn’t be the same guy you would meet in the street …. But what’s important when you have a position of power is not to exploit it. To act according to your conscience. Yes, I’ve done things for the money. But it was while doing these jobs that I suddenly understood that it didn’t satisfy me. This money allows me to have a measure of freedom. Actually, the power doesn’t really exist. You have power over someone only as long as they really want you to.”
(on what moves him)
“Life itself. Its variability. Its mysterious side. Life is beautiful. A tree … I love trees. The Earth, everything around us … we have to make the time to socialise, to be more spiritual.”
(how he defines himself)
“I don’t know (laughs). I can’t define Roy Dupuis in a sentence. OK I’ll try to play the game. I’m someone who likes to touch, taste, feel, learn as much as possible. I want to immerse myself in life with what I have. In a sentence: I’m someone who has difficulty going to bed for fear of missing something.”
![]() ![]() ![]() "I’m at home here. This is where I feel at my best. I love to travel, but for the moment I would like to work in an auteur film, in this part of the world."
" Auteur cinema is really what does it for me …." Info culture dec. 2003
"I’m much more interested in auteur films: and I want to travel. I have plans, but they’re mostly documentaries I would like to direct. At the moment they’re on ice. Direction is the obvious way for me; I directed one episode of Nikita and I enjoyed it. I took a break this year because I started sailing; I’m learning navigation. I spent the summer mostly sailing and I get along well. It’s very exhilarating. I’m thinking about taking off one day, for at least one and a half to two years, and going round the world. I still haven’t set a date. We’ll see. But it won’t be too long either." 7 Jours Sept. 6, 2003
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() "Memoires Affectives: It’s unusual, and I’m sort of in that place at the moment."
About his " Little Territory." It’s coming along. (he smiles) It’s not finished, I have enough left for … a lifetime. That’s the whole point of it. But for the moment I’m caught up in sailing. I’m looking for a boat to sail round the world in, which I’ll do maybe with a view to making a documentary. I’ve several ideas. We’ll see. (he smiles) 7 Jours January 30, 2004
“I came into this profession by chance, and I progress through it at random. The job is all in the detail and in the surprises. I don’t regret my choices because I always know why I’ve accepted at the outset. I can on the other hand regret the result. These days the game becomes dull when I start to ask myself if I’m on a project because I’m the ideal person for the part, or if I’m the ideal person … to ensure the film gets funded. I always ask the author of a screenplay that I like, “Why me?”
ICI - 2nd February 2004
"You feel the most alive when you're creating," Dupuis said. "Of course, it's possible to balance your personal life and art. In fact, for an actor, you have to live and do other things than acting in order to better express yourself as an actor."
The Montreal Gazette - February 07, 2004
"I must say that I miss the theatre, particularly rehearsals. Because that’s an incredibly enlightening creative process. Stage acting allows an actor to explore different avenues, to fly off in several directions, to see the different facets of a character. In the cinema there’s not enough time to establish those particular ties. Not forgetting that, in the theatre, there’s a pressure that I find healthy and full of energy. On the other hand, in the cinema there’s a greater appreciation of the immediacy of filmmaking. In the theatre, this is almost impossible to convey onstage." Séquences - January-February 2004
Quotes Of Unknown Date.
**I have nothing to learn, I have things to do**
On love scenes:
Love scenes are always touchy, it is always hard to do. The woman is pretty,
it makes it easier. You take your clothes off, and you are shy, and then three
hours later, you are going around naked on the set.
On marriage:
Marriage comes from religion, so you can make love to a woman under the eyes of God. Today it's like a contract,
politically and economically. I do not feel the need to bring a relationship down to a piece of paper. I mean,
I can be faithful; I am faithful when I love. Love is more important than marriage for me.
I stay with the person I love.
Typical work day:
I'm on the set 14 to 16 hours. When I worked in Nikita, I didn't even live in my house during the week, because we were shooting in Toronto.
I used to take the plane home every weekend; it's a one-hour flight.
On LFN fan fiction:
I haven't had the chance to look a lot at it. I've seen a couple things. I find it very interesting.
I find the things said there very intelligent.
What Roy enjoys about Peta Wilson:
Her originality, her energy, her talent and her beauty.
What he does to relax:
Going back to my farmhouse. I like to listen to music, read, have some friends over. And I like to cook.
And I feed birds. I like to watch them. Watch over my dogs. Work on my house.
On his farmhouse:
It's an old 1840 - actually two small farmhouses hooked together - the second was built in 1870. It's all-wood with a stone basement.
It was built by the Loyalists when they came up; it was an area mostly colonized by The Loyalists in the states.
The area looks like England. The English had this way of taking the stones out of the fields and using for foundations.
It's pretty romantic . . . It's a nice place, but the ice storm we just had was terrible. It's a rich region, one of the richest
soils in the province of Quebec. It has lovely old trees -- oaks and maples. There's no tourists there. It's mostly
farmers who live there. The neighbors live far from each other. Because of the ice storms, I lost about 80%
of my forest. They say it'll take sixty years to grow back -- I'm a tree lover. For four days,
all I could hear was branches cracking and trees falling.
On his trip to Turkey:
It was in all the meaning of the word - surprising. The nature was not just beautiful, I saw things I'd never seen.
The people were so generous. The people were wonderful. I saw an early Christian village, ancient drawings
on the church. It's a very surprising country, and very rich, it gave me alot. Of course,
you have to leave the tourist areas. You must go further east, the more you'll
encounter the real Turkey.
Favorite LFN Episode:
'THE SEASON 4 ARC' was fun for me since I could throw in a little bit
more emotion.
The actor he admires:
Of course my first one would go to Marlon Brando. Michele Simone, a French actor.
On Marlon Brando:
I met him during the making of Free Money and he is very generous. A funny man. He's a god . . . a father for everyone.
On working with Peta Wison:
It's fun. We're friends now, we know each other well, but it clicked from the beginning.
That was one point I wanted to clear up, meeting her helped me to accept the series.
On his hair:
I think there are red strands, but it's not all red. There's some brown, some red, some blond, some white . . .
On pets:
I have a small dog that I bought when I was living with one of my girlfriends.
I found a young German shephard, about a year and a half old. He was beat up,
I took care of him and he stayed. I've had him almost six years. He's amazing.
He's not agressive at all. His name is Hasard - it means something between
accident and chance. He has also recently aquired a cat.
Favorite meal:
Lamb is my favorite meat. I like lobsters, good French fries, sushi. I like alot of things,
I like diversity . . .in everything, even in music.
On cello playing:
I played cello for 7 years. When I was 11 years old, my parents moved to another town.
There was no teacher there, those sever years were almost forgotten.
On TV shows:
I don't have time to watch much TV right now. I mostly look at Discovery or TLC sometimes - I like documentaries.
I'm not addicted to ER yet . . .
If his acting career was over tomorrow, Roy would . . .
If I had enough money right now, I'd have children right now and stay around the house.
![]() ![]() Disclaimer: LFN, the images from LFN belong to WB, Fireworks, USA and Oxygen and are used without permission.
All Images of RD in All Movies and T.V. series belong to their respective owners.
This site is in no way affiliated with or sanctioned by Warner Brothers, USA Network, CTV, Oxygen or Fireworks.
All Information was copied from Articles, Interviews and other sources not to be disclosed.
No copyright infringement is intended, as this is a fan tribute and nonprofit endeavor.
All other images are my personal property and Copyrighted to : Kyara Caledonii
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